I ntrn. J. Mah. Math. Sci. Vol. 3 No. 4 (1980) 719-730 719 EXTENSIONS OF GROUP RETRACTIONS RICHARD D. BYRD, JUSTIN T. LLOYD ROBERTO A. MENA, AND J. ROGER TELLER Department of Mathematics University of Houston 77004 U.S.A. Houston, Texas (Received June 18, 1979 and in revised form February 29, 1980) ABSTRACT. In this paper a condition, which is necessary and sufficient, is determined when a retraction of a subgroup extended to a retraction of G. H of a torsion-free group G can be It is also shown that each retraction of a torslon-free abelian group can be uniquely extended to a retraction of its divisible closure. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Group retraction, extending group rrations, torsionfr--ee abelian group, divisible closure.. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. Secondary, 20K15, 20K20. i. Primary, 06A75, 20E99 INTRODUCTION. The concept of a retractable group was introduced in [ 2] and there it was shown that the class of lattice-ordered groups is a proper subclass of the class of retractable groups. It was shown in [4 that group retractions induce "non- standard" automorphisms of the semigroup of finite complexes of a torsion-free 720 R. D. BYRD, J. T. LLOYD, R.A. MENA AND J.R. TELLER In this paper we consider the following question: abelian group. torison-free abelian group, H, then when can H is a subgroup of G, and be extended to a retraction of T G? T G if is a is a retraction of In Theorem 5.7 we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of such an extension. key to proving this theorem is Theorem 3.2 where it is shown that if normal subgroup of a group is a retraction of set G. A such that g -i (AT)g, then is a G/H can be linearly ordered and such that for each (g-lAg) T H, of H G H g T G The T and each finite nonempty sub- can be extended to a retraction of This theorem is a generalization of a corresponding theorem in the theory of lattlce-ordered groups (see [1],[7], or [I0]). If G is a torsion-free abelian group and D is a divisible closure of then, in Theorem 4.7, we show that each retraction of to a retraction of D. G G, has a unique extension Again this theorem generalizes a well-known result in the theory of lattlce-ordered groups. The key in the proof of Theorem 4.7 is Corol- lary 4.4 where it is shown that each retraction of an abellan group satisfies condition (6). (Definitions will be given in Section 2.) obtain a partial converse of Theorem 4.7. In Corollary 4.8, we An immediate consequence of Corollary 5.8 is that each torsion-free abellan group admits an infinite number or retractions. 2. PRELIMINARIES. In this section we give some definitions and results from [2] that will be used in this paper. Throughout this paper, plicatively and with identity F(G) will denote the collection of all Then F(G) is a join monoid, that is, G. a join semilattice in which A v B {abla homomorphism A @ and of b F(G) be called a retraction of A u B, B}, A(B v C) into G. will denote a group,written multi- I, and finite, nonempty subsets of AB G G F(G) is a monoid in which AB v AC, and such that {g} F(G) (A v B)C g AC v BC. for every g G A will We will denote by Ret G the collection of all is EXTENSIONS OF GROUP RETRACTIONS If Ret G is nonempty, then G. retractions of G 721 is said to be a retractable The class of retractable groups is a proper subclass of the class of group. torslon-free groups [2, Theorem 2.2 and Example 2.7]. G If A E F(G), then o Ret G [2,Theorem 2.1] and E induced by the lattice-ordering of Let o is a lattice-ordered group and o Ret G. F(G) G. of G orderings of Ker o If F(G), then semilattice) of traction) }. o o G o, denoted by Ker o, is the set (resp., convex sub- is a convex subset -re- (resp., is said to be a convex retraction There is a one-to-one correspondence between the latticeand the A subgroup F(H). A every for each is called the retraction of -retractions of G H G of In [2, Theorem [2, Corollary 3.3]. 3.2] six conditions are given, each of which is equivalent to traction. v A Ao G. Then the kernel of AO and is given by is said to be a o being an Ao G-subgroup if H -re- for In this paper retractions that satisfy the following condition are of prime importance: (6) n if o E {gl Ret G, gm } F(G) and is a natural number, then {g’’’’’gmn}O ({gl’’’’’gm }O)n" If G o is a lattice-ordered group and ordering of o G, then satisfies (6) is the retraction induced by the lattice- if and only if the lattice-ordering is (This can be proven by [5, Theorem 1.8].) representable. given of groups that admit retractions satisfying In (6), but do [3] examples were not admit lattice- orderings. Let O Ret G 0-G-subgroup_. of G H(AO) H({hlg I 4.10] and is a H and if A hngn}O). be a subgroup of gl Every gn } G. F(G) Then and 0-G-subgroup of h H is said to be a I,...,hn H G [2, Corollary is pure implies that G-subgroup [2, Theorem 4.2]. The natural numbers will be denoted by N, the integers by Z, and the 722 BYRD R.D. Q. rationals by J.T. A_c If G LLOD R.A. INA AI J.R. TELLF and N, then n An= {al...anla I’ A} .,a and A (n) 3. {anla A}. LEXICOGRAPHIC EXTENSIONS. In 1942, F. W. Levi [10, p. 260] (or see [I, p. 289] or [7, p. 20]) gave a necessary and sufficient conditi.on that a partial order of a subgroup of a group may be extended to a partial order of the group. The main result of this section gives a sufficient condition for the extension of a retraction of a subgroup to a retraction of the group. THEOREM 3.1: (1) If (ll) h I h H o Ret G is a H and Ret H, then o T H n Let The proof of Theorem 3.1 is immediate and will be omltted. be a subgroup of extends 0-G-subgroup of G if and only if T G, then the mapping o* THEOREM 3.2: T Ret H G/H Let such that for every g (G/H,<) o that extends (1) of H G is a < of H G (ill) T is an {gl,...,gn} Hg I < o* G/H o H is a normal o). A F(H), G, and (g-lAg) T g -i (AT)g. Then there is a re- is a convex G/H induced o-subgroup of is convex; if and only if F(G) < H induced by is the retraction of G/H; and hence, is convex if and only if A and be a normal subgroup of G, T Let and Moreover, T. E-retractlon e Ker O ,gn}O) I and every (ll) PROOF: Ret G is a linearly ordered group. 0-O-subgroup of by the linear ordering H({g be a group, Suppose further that traction o (called the retraction of G o. given by {Hgl,...,Hgn}O* is a retraction of er T c H. It was shown in [2, Theorem 4.3 (1)] that if 0-G-subgroup of Ker {gl,...,gn } if and only if {hlg I ’’"’hngn }O imply that G. o is an where Hgp_ 1 < Hgp Hg n. E-retractlon. G; EXTENSIONS OF GROUP RETRACTIONS p < i < n, Then for glgn We must show that o -1 gpgn Since dgp Thus every Hx I n G. g {gpg 1, ...,gngn-1 }T h Suppose that is well-defined. u and it follows that A be as above, Let HXq_l < HXq _< Lt H. E and define Ao hg n. (gPg]r ,...,gngp-1}T. d H, E hg I 723 {Xl’’’’’Xm } d x-i {Xqm B HXm, and {g}o Clearly, is a function. for g F(G), where -1 XmmX }T. BO Then dXm, and if {gpXq gn c, ’’’’’gn (AB)O CgnXm. Now, 1 {gn-1 gpXqXm-i gn cg. {g cg Therefore, hgnd n and so -i -1 ’gn gnXmXm }’t" "’’’gn gn }T{Xq xm ’’" .,xmxm-I}T -i igp (AB)O -i CgnXm hgndxm (Ao)(Bo). Hence e RetG. If -i h h {_h ,h } I t. E n Thus hl {hlhl Ker T, then = Ker T Ker o 1 ,...,hnh- }T n and, by Theorem 3 i, G and so { hl ,...,hn extends The verification of (i) is immediate from Theorem 3.1 and [2, Theorem 4.3 (ii)], the verification of (ii) is straightforward, and (iii) is well-known from the theory of lattlce-ordered groups. COROLLARY 3.3: subgroup of G, and If G T E Ret H, then is a torsion-free abelian group, T H is a proper pure can be extended to a retraction of G in at least two ways. PROOF: If H is a pure subgroup of G, then G/H is torslon-free. torsion-free abelian group can be linearly ordered [5, p. 0.4]. proper subgroup of Hence T G, G/H admits Since H at least two distinct linear orderlngs. can be extended in at least two ways to a retraction of G. Each is a R. D 72 BYRD, J T. LLOYD, R.A. MENA AND J.R. TELLER 4. DIVISIBLE EXTENTIONS. The main result of this section is that each retraction of a torslon-free abelfan group can be uniquely extended to a retraction of its divisible closure. Similar results for partially ordered groups may be found in [8],[6], or [5, Chap. 4]. If G is a lattlce-ordered group, for all i and j, and such that mn (gl v...vgm)n N, then n G gl’’’’’gm glv...vg n glgj gjgl [5, p. 0.17]. In Theorem 4.3 we show that this identity generalizes to retractable groups. this end, we state two lemmas. To (A proof of Lemma 4.1 can be given by induction and Lemma 4.1 can be used to prove Lemma 4.2.) LEMMA 4.1: gg for all G If and i j, and An= {glk I "’’ginkm LEMMA 4.2: for all i If and .N, n i for all i and PROOF: 4.2, (Ao) If j, and Since An(m+l) nm({g, A < m, then Ret G, A N, then n k r > 0 p n N Anm{gl,...,gmn} gmn} )O" Hence, n} p > gig ggi (m-1)(n-1), Ap+n. ,gm } {gl,...,gm} F(G) {g?,...,gmn}o n n }o {gl,...,g m Z k r such that such that (AO) such that (AO) (AO) n(m+l) Therefore, (AO) n(m+l) n and F(G) is a homomorphism, O gigj r=l {gl,...,gm } N, then for each n O such that then -< r AP{g THEOREM 4.3: F(G) m if G is a group, j, and {gl,...,gm } A is a group, n. n. gi gJ ggij (An(m+l))o, and by Lemma n n}) O (Anm{gl,...,g m We state the following three corollaries which will be used numerous times in the sequel. COROLLARY 4.4: If G is an abelian group and If G is an abelian group, o Ret G, then o satisfies condition (6). COROLLARY 4.5: and Ret G, then G(n) is a o-subgroup of n G. N, G(n) {gn g G}, Thus, the largest divisible 725 EXTENSIONS OF GROUP RETRACTIONS G subgroup of o-subgroup. is a Let COROLLARY 4.6: H, G n H for some n o e Ret G and H If G, o-subgroup of is a G. be a divisible closure of D be a torslon-free abelian group and D n whose Then {d n D, is a subgroup of D DmDn DI. c.m d e D If g e G, we write n-th power is g. For o G If g I/n D onto e G}. D n D D m n from G into and g.c.d. (re,n)’ D for that unique element in n D gl/n" g@n by n is an abellan group, o Ret G, then G n u D nN n D n e N, define is an isomorphism of n d and n D neN n G (re,n)" THEOREM 4.7: and g N, let n Then G. in and G, and a subgroup of H,. then so is For G g H H be an abellan group, g be the pure closure of Let G D G, is a divisible closure of can be uniquely extended to a retraction of T D. Moreover, for each (i) D i/n T-subgroup of gm }In N and D; {gl,...,gm } Ker } if and only if Ker T and F(G) s Ker T; Ker Ker (ill) is a convex subset of Ker o (iv) T PROOF: A is, for s an F(D); hence o E-retraction of For each e n Ret D n Let T is an if and only if -retraction of F Ker n n ({gl@ I u n nN is T if and -ioe n n where n is given above. F(Dn)’ AO c is a convex D. c N, let n ’gm } {gl F(G) is a convex subsemilattice of a convex subsemilattice of only if F(G) F(D) subset of Then is a n i/n {{gl Ker (ii) N, n ’gmn-l}c) n The verification that T is the unique That R. D. BYRD, J. T. LLOYD, R.A. MENA AND J R 726 extension of D, and the remainde of the theorem is rou- to a retraction of O TELLER tine. COROLLARY 4.8: group of G. G, then G/H sure of H). PROOF: H, Ret H T H denotes the pure closure of If G Hence, G. H, T in 5. T G. to a retraction of H, If o- is a H,. extends uniquely to a retraction of Thus, by G. is a divisible closure of D G, to a retraction of D, then it o is the unique extension of T is easy to show that the collection of phic to the has a unique extension to T G, then by Corollary 4.6, is a torsion-free abelian group, Ret G, and be a sub- is contained in a divisible clo- G o be the unique extension of Let Corollary 3.3, such that (or equivalently, is torsion H be a torsion-free abelian group and G If there exists subgroup of o Let 0-o-subgroups of G is lattice isomor- D. 0-T-subgroups of EXTENDING RETRACTIONS. In this section we prove the main result (Theorem 5.7) of this paper, namely, if is a torsion-free ableian group and G H a necessary and sufficient condition that a retraction of Let THEOREM 5.1: be a subgroup of D G K can be extended to G, and o o G, a divisible closure of Ret G. if and only if for each Moreover, if G. D be an abelian group, that contains tended to a retraction of o-subgroup of H G. a retraction of K G, then we give is a subgroup of n o can be ex(n) n G is a K Then N, K, then it is extends to a retraction of unique. PROOF: O of Let T can be extended to a retraction 9 to a retraction of -subgroup of K to a retraction of be the unique extension of D. and hence, a If of n K, then T D. If is the unique extension N, then by Corollary 4.5, T-subgroup of D. Therefore, K K (n) (n) n G is a is a 727 EXTENSIONS OF GROUP RETRACTIONS D. Y-subgroup of IF(G) Since K(n) it follows that 0 G is a G for each u-subgroup G. of K Conversely, suppose that {h Let F(K) ,hm ,hmn} I {h n I that F(G). Now, K(n) n n n G K n Then there exists a. G D Since and hence, { and o such n m hi’’" hn}o. n {hi,..., hmn} F(K(n) h n}. m N n N. n (6), satisfies {h n G. o-subgroup of is a hm }T Since (n) D T-subgroup of is a n G G-subgroup of is a hn}o m =-hi’’" (n) {h I, and a a o, K. a is torsion-free, n G). Hence, K Therefore, K. can be extended to a retraction of The uniqueness is immediate from Theorem 4.7. From the proof of Theorem 5.1, we have Let COROLLARY 5.2: G, G D that contains G and be a subgroup of K K(n) such that c K(n) unique extension to a retraction of be a divisible closure of D be an abel+/-an group, G, and Ret G. O e u-subgroup of is a If there exists o G, then has a K. In the following considerations (up to Corollary 5.6), for obvious reasons, we use additive notation for the binary operations on groups. Q group of H and define easily verified that H +/- +/- {rlr e Q rh and is a subring of Q H containing from the theory of abel+/-an groups of rank i that if taining H and H + {0}, then In [2, Example 5.7] {Or[r Ret Q all and e Q}, H i is a subring of all of the retractions of where Or is defined by for every AOr H Let be a sub- H}. h It is z. Moreover, it follows Q is a subgroup of K con- K+/-. were exhibited, namely, Q (r + l)max A r min A, for A e F(Q). COROLLARY 5 3: If H is a nonzero subgroup of COROLLARY 5.4: If H and o Ret H, then o K are subgroups of {o Ret H Q then Q such that can be uniquely extended to a retraction of H r r ! K, H K. The preceding corollary is not true for abel+/-an groups of rank 2, as we +/- H } + {0}, 728 R.D. BYRD, J.T. LLOYD, R.A. MENA AND J.R. TELLER illustrate with the following example. EXAMPLE 5.5: Let Z K by the cardinal ordering of (I,-I) and 2H n K. (I,0) ever, 2H. K. Q the cyclic subgroup of Z Q and let Let (1/2,-1/2). generated by 2H n K Then K <(1/2,-1/2)> 2H v (i,-i) 2K induced denotes + <(I,-i)> (I,0) K u-subgroup of is not a can not be extended to a retraction of 5.1, -retractlon of K + <(,-1/2)>, where H {(0,0),(i,-i)}-- (0,0) Now Thus, be the K. How- and so by Theorem H. The next corollary is an immediate consequence of Corollary 5.2. COROLLARY 5.6: (n) Ret G G If then is a torslon-free abelian group, N, and n has a unique extension to a retraction on G We next turn our attention to the problem of extending a retraction of a H subgroup of a torison-free abelian group THEOREM 5.7: and Ret H. T Let G G be a torsion-free abellan group, H a subgroup of Then a necessary and sufficient condition that tended to a retraction of G is that G (n) G. to a retraction of n H is a G, can be ex- T T-subgroup of H for each n N. Suppose that PROOF: G(n) s H is a T-subgroup of We first show that there is a pure subgroup T can be extended to a retraction of H, that contains for each (MI,9 I) N}. n < (M2,92) 9 IF(H) Ret M, ( Then (H,T) closure of of {c and p C. N I Let G. M I c__ 2 (M,9) of if and only if M in Let X c m} such that D D. . T, and M G G(n) and M 9 and let m c G np) o M. Since such that -subgroup of M define By Zorn’s Lemma, . M is a pure sub- C be the divisible can be extended to a retraction C). Then, we assert that (n) F(G n C), then G (n) a (G n C) c p} N. G 21F(MI) 91" G H n is a subgroup of is a We show that IF( G {cp,- containing (MI,91),(M2,9 2) be a divisible closure of Then, by Theorem 4.7, for each = , of {(M, vIM Let and for there exists a maximal element group of M. M H (G C,X) (n) G If n N C, and there exists satslfles () and 729 EXTENSIONS OF GROUP RETRACTIONS G(nP) Hence, M. {Cl,...,Cm} X {Cl,...,Cm} i, we have shown that n G 0 (n) C 0 3.3, X-subgroup of is a (M,9), mality of X G 0 M. C Ret(G G n C. a retraction of (n) C), and for 0 n n C. In particular, when arbitrary Therefore, (G n C,X) Consequently, can be extended to a retraction of 9 G and by the maxi- G and hence, By Corollary G. is pure in M (n > 0), T can be extended to G. The converse is immediate by Corollary 4.5. By Corollary 5 3, H group that if of G Z and each r { r G +/- Ir {Orlr Z } Ret Z, is a torsion-free abelian the cyclic subgroup of G. Ret Z H g Thus, for each sub- u-subgroup of is a group and generated by Z}. It follows Z. G, then each retraction of g can be extended to a retraction of (Hence, each torsion-free abelian group has at least a countably infinite number of retractions.) Combining Corollary 5.4 and Theorem 5.7, we have a stronger result than this. COROLLARY 5.8: cyclic subgroup of traction of Let G. G be a torsion-free abelian group and Then every retraction of H H be a locally can be extended to a re- G. REFERENCES i. G. Birkhoff, Lattice Theory, 3rd. ed., Amer. Math. Soc. Colloq. Publ. vol. 25, Providence, 1967. 2. R. D. Byrd, J. T. Lloyd, R. A. Mena, and J. R. Teller, Retractable groups, Acta. Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar.29(1977), 219-233. 3. R. D. Byrd, J. T. Lloyd, R. A. Mena, On the retractability of some one-relator groups, Pacific J__. Math. 72(1977), 351-359. 4. R. D. Byrd, J. T. Lloyd, F. D. Pedersen, and J. W. 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