675 I nternat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. No. 4 (1980) 675-694 Vol. TRANSLATION PLANES OF EVEN ORDER IN WHICH THE DIMENSION HAS ONLY ONE ODD FACTOR T. G. OSTROM Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics Washington State University 99164 U.S.A. Pullman, Washington (Received January 2, 1980) Let ABSTRACT. G be an irreducible subgroup of the linear translation complement of a finite translation plane of order in the kernel and must divide s 2 r d d (qd +i) H where q d q where is an odd prime. r is a power of 2. GF(q) A prime factor of is GI (qi _i). i=l One possibility (there are no known examples) is that group W has a normal sub- which is a w-group for some prime w. The maximal normal subgroup i. G Cyclic. elements in 2. 0(G) 0(G) satisfies one of the following: Normal cyclic subgroup of index have order KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. r. 3. 0(G) r and the nonfixed-point-free contains a group W Translation planes, collineation groups, 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. as above. finite geometries. 50D35, 05B25, 20B25. T. G. OSTROM 676 order 3 r If 2. W W r 3, s If S/0(S) w =3 exists then 2 W is elementary abelian and of is nonsolvable and contains no affine G and if or be the subgroup generated by the 2-elements. S elations, let or and PSL(2,u) for u--5, Ii, 13, or 19 0(S) and Then S =SL(2,2 b) is trivial unless u--5. We include some corrections to our paper "Translation planes of odd order and odd dimension". 1. INTRODUCTION. For definitions of "spread", "translation complement", and other special [9]. terminology with respect to translation planes, see The reader is reminded that if the spread is defined on a vector space of dimension components of the spread have dimension d so that the then it is customary to say that the d (over its kernel). translation plane has dimension 2d The class of known finite translation planes is very large but they tend to fall into a few classes and the members of each class are very much like each other. The class of linear groups which are known to act as subgroups of the translation complement is very limited. For translation planes of order index which are subgroups of Desarguesian planes). p r (p is prime) many have subgroups of small rL(2,p r) (the translation complement for In a few cases, they are direct products of such groups. In This is the case in the irregular nearfield planes and some related to them. the semifield planes of order of order pr p r there are normal elementary abelian subgroups (affine elations-or shears). The Suzuki groups come in when The only other cases which come to the and d =2. and SL(2,13). The question arises: 2 SL(2,7) Which groups can act as subgroups of linear translation complements of translation planes? a complete answer to this question. author’s mind are p It may be unrealistic to expect Nevertheless either there must be some more translation planes around that are quite different from the known ones and that 677 TRANSLATION PLANES OF EVEN ORDER admit different kinds of groups or there must be undiscovered restrictions on translation complements. Let G be a subgroup of the linear translation complement of a finite translation plane. A reasonable strategy would seem to be to identify certain key normal subgroups (and how they act on the plane): solvable subgroups if IGI is even. G the minimal normal non- is nonsolvable, the group generated by 2-elements if Group theoretic arguments often give us factor groups of these subgroups with respect to normal subgroups of G which are maximal in some sense. To understand the action of the minimal normal nonsolvable subgroup or the sub- group generated by the 2-elements, we must determine what the subgroups at this second stage are like. For instance, we may need to know something about the maximal normal subgroup of odd order. In general, what happens is one of the following: (2) normal subgroup is cyclic elementary abelian group (3) G G (I) The "Second-level" is imprimitive and has a normal noncycllc has a normal extra-special group. Theorems that certain classes of groups cannot act on any finite translation plane are hard to come by. read: In practice we shall have to reword our question to For a given class of values of translation plane of dimension d over q d, which groups can act on a and of GF(q)? a long way towards answering this question when (For instance, we can go quite and q d are both odd.) we end up with is a set of theorems which screen out certain groups. What We should like then to have results which say that the survivors, if they do act on certain planes, must act in specified ways which are well enough defined for us to specify explicit representations which may enable us to construct the planes or, perhaps, to show that a plane admitting a particular group acting in a particular way cannot, in fact, exist. In this paper we investigate the case where q is a power of 2, G is T. G. OSTROM 678 irreducible, and d =2Sr r. for some odd prime We do not claim to have any spectacular results. We believe that we use methods which can be developed and used to investigate other cases. We do have results as to how the groups act on the (possible) planes. We need more knowledge of representations to carry out the last phase of the program. Indeed the representation theory we need is probably quite different from that included in standard representation theory. Section II deals with the nonsolvable case without restriction on the Much of it is just a summary of previous results except that the dimension. connection with extra-special groups is clarified. In Section III we do restrict the dimension (and characteristic of the field) as mentioned above. Our main result in this section is Theorem (3.7) which gives the possibilities for the maximal normal subgroup of odd order in terms of 0(G) (I), (2), and (3) above. In Section IV we look at planes still more explicitly, especially for the case r =3. With respect to the general question as to which subgroups of GL(2d,p) can be subgroups of the translation complement for a translation plane of order pd, Theorem (4.8) says that certain primes cannot divide the order of IGL(2d),P) I- the translation complement even if they divide [5] some results of Herlng and Ho GF(q), where r is odd and q for translation planes of dimension is even. S Let S/0(S). about the possible nature of exist admitting a group S With 0(S) r over Herlng and Ho restricted to be prime we can say more and how in Hering and 2r be the subgroup of the linear translation complement which is generated by the 2-elements. determine the nature of We also make use of S Ho’s acts on the plane if a plane does list. We have not been able to construct new planes furnishing examples but we can narrow down the possibilities. Some, but not all, of the other papers in the same spirit and the cases with 679 TRANSLATION PLANES OF EVEN ORDER odd order, odd dimension which they deal are: [7]; istic 2 with all involutions Baer SL(m,q) admitting [15], [14], [8]. [12]; dimension 2 and character- [Ii]; odd order, dimension 2 GF(q) kernel We hope that these results are explicit enough to suggest to someone either how other types of planes may be constructed or how to obtain stronger nonexistence theorems. This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation. The rest of this Introduction consists of preliminary definitions and results, as well as some matters of notation. (i.I) DEFINITION. on a vector space Let V. G Let be a group of nonsingular linear transformations G V. G minimal subspace G-space if V I G, V With G leaves is a homogeneous of the minimal G-spaces in V G if properly contained in (1.3) DEFINITION. G Then a normal subgroup G non-f.p.f, with respect to G (f.p.f.) if no is said to be fixed-point-free fixes any nonzero vector. acting on a vector space of G Then nontrivial member of (1.2) DEFINITION. be a group of nonsingular linear transformation acting G 1 O O is said to be minimal is not f.p.f, but every normal subgroup is f.p.f. O V as (1.2) a subspace V 0 0 of V is called a invariant and acts irreducibly on it. G-space if V I is invariant under are isomorphic as G-modules. doubt as to which group is being referred to, the G G A and all (When there is no may be omitted.) REMARK. An f.p.f, group is a Frobenius complement. It is well known that the Sylow subgroups of odd order in a Frobenius complement are cyclic and the Sylow 2-groups are kit.her cyclic or generalized quaternion. Notation: We shall be looking at vector spaces over the field power of the prime p. GF(q) where q is a T. G. OSTROM 680 The order of the group 0(G) We use H If (H) by G o If G If GI. is denoted by to denote the maximal normal subgroup of odd order. GI, is a subgroup of G. group G 1 (H) (2.1) G will be denoted 1 1 V, V(o) denotes is a linear transformation acting on a vector space G . G. is the Fitting subgroup of LEMMA. Let G be a nonsolvable group of linear transformations acting on a finite dimensional vector space V G of included in Z(G0) (2.2) LEMMA. G Z(G0). is in G O PROOF. (2.3) LEMMA. G O Then G0/H O is equal to H=Fit G See the proof of Theorem (2.3) in be a normal subgroup be maximal with respect O =Z(G0). [12]. In the notation of the previous Lemmas, suppose that Fit Then G O includes a subgroup G, where is a maximal normal subgroup of W0 H and let O H is a direct product of isomorphic simple groups. non-f.p.f, group with respect to 0 G but not equal to is fixed point free then not fixed point free. then G [12]. In the notation of the previous Lemma, let included in Fit W Then every normal cyclic subgroup The Fitting subgroup of See Lemmas (2.1) and (2.2) in to this property. If O and let if it is fixed point free. PROOF. of G F--GF(q) over a finite field be a minimal nonsolvable normal subgroup. O If in in the full THE NONSOLVABLE CASE. 2. G H is a subgroup, the centralizer of the subspace consisting of all fixed points of Fit H is the centralizer of _c Z(G0) and W/W0 G W W G O which is minimal is a w-group for some prime included in is elementary abelian. is W but not equal to w. W, 681 TRANSLATION PLANES OF EVEN ORDER (2.4) LEMMA. 0 If W is nonabelian W 0 w W is a fixed-point-free w-group. 0 We already have that must be cyclic. If W Then 0 is Z(W). Note that PROOF. of the previous Lemma is nonabelian. W Suppose that cyclic and equal to W [12]. See Lemma (2.8) in PROOF. Z(W)c_ W is even, then W W 0 ! Z(G0) W must be included in Thus if by (2.1) so so W --Z(W) if 0 0 W 0 c__ Z(W). w is odd. If is either cyclic or generalized quaternion. 0 is cyclic we can use the same argument that we used for odd W generalized quaternion, then group of automorphisms on is odd, w W 0 i Z(G0) 0 G and w. If W is 0 must induce a nonsolvable O contrary to the fact that the automorphism group of a generalized quaternion group is nonsolvable. (2.5) LEMMA. W If W/W (a) (b) is a symplectic space; W (c) 3 and PROOF. (2.6) W W.I G by w Suppose that W abelian of order w 0, 1 2 W w WI, W2,... Wm, be a subgroup of order Let W =< 0 > Since W 1 Let W G [6]. w can, without loss of generality, assume 0 W where W =< 0,> W is nonabelian but -i IWI =w 2m+l w-1 =v(o) G0 =o. v(o) m w 1 is elementary 1 let 0, be pre- Without loss of generality, is elementary abelian we Then oi pointwise and v(o) + v() +...+ v() Then is irreducible. < 0,o, >. 1 where 2 is nonabelian and that respectively so that is nontrivial. 2m+l is a subgroup of Sp(2m,w). is elementary abelian of order Let PROOF. V() IWI if w. has order 0 is a central product of subgroups divides the dimension of the vector space if images of W This is essentially Satz 13.7 in Huppert LEMMA. Furthermore: is extra-special. has square order; 0 the automorphism group induced on ..IWil =w W is nonabelian then ...e v(o)w-i fixes i T.G. OSTROM 682 Thus we have a vector space of dimension W V Call this vector space 1 each of V() ,V()0, etc. invariant. subspace of dimension divisible by WIW2 W Now I. dim V() w which is invariant under W centralizes 2 V(), In fact, each of w multiple of W m. If In [12] w REMARK. W which is invariant under w Thus I. 2 has invariant subspace whose dimension is a =WIW2...Wm G leaves etc. contains a has invariant subspace whose dimension is a multiple of By induction ence and m V, then w divides the dimension V. is irreducible on we obtained results similar to (2.5) and (2.6) by a more complicated argument. In Lemmas (2.1)- (2.6) we assumed that G was nonsolvable. requires no assumption as to whether or not G is solvable. (2.7) Let LEMMA. on a vector space G V normal subgroup of be an irreducible group of linear transformations acting of dimension ’G. V=V 1 [4] V LEMMA. w-group () G in and C ( G Then is prime. V I, V 2,.. such that each Each homogeneous are isomorphic as W-modules. if V as a direct sum leaves V V and the stabil- I invariant. 1 divides dim V By Hering I. is irreducible and has a normal abelian non-f.p.f. G is imprimitive with subspaces of Vi pointwise fixed by some nontrivial subgroup PROOF. n divides n--k dim V where in the stabilizer of Suppose that W, where w imprimitivity k has index the index of (2.8) M-spaces, of homogeneous k G be a cyclic 1-spaces. By Clifford’s Theorem, we can write ...@ V izer of in Let F. over the field n Then the index of C () is faithful on the homogeneous PROOF. The next Lemma is a homogeneous W(V i) of W-space and is W. W-space is a direct sum of minimal W-spaces that If W is elementary abelian is not f.p.f, on any of its invariant subspace. If W (not cyclic) then and V(o) N V 1 is W TRANSLATION PLANES OF EVEN ORDER nontrivial then V() W is invariant under and includes a minimal W-space. Thus @ fixes pointwise all minimal W-spaces in V and hence fixes V [12]. Here we would like to make certain corrections to (2.9) in [12], normal in G where W pointwise. 1 In the proof of was a non-f.p.f, w-group was the maximal fixed point free normal subgroup of 0 We wished to show that, under the hypotheses, We disposed of the case where the subgroup of trivial. W W and W. included in G/C(W) by we denoted 683 G O . W had to be 0 which centralizes was nonsolvable but did not include the argument where this group might be solvable. i Let 0 be the subgroup of 0/I then which centralizes 0 must be nonsolvable since I If must be nonsolvable. is GL(2,w). hence to a nonsolvabie subgroup of G/Z(G) and By hypotheses, the Sylow 2-groups 0/HI are dihedral and this implies that the Sylow 2-groups of GL(2,w) do But the nonsolvable subgroups of are cyclic or dihedral. This disposes of the case where cyclic or dihedral Sylow 2-groups. solvable, 0/i Then is isomorphic to a nonsolvable subgroup of the automorphism group of of G not have 1 is solvable. LEMMA (3.3) and Theorem (3.4) of appear to be correct. THEOREM. where and q complement. d a translation plane of order Let are odd. Suppose that G either G Let 0--SL(2,u) G O G q d with kernel GF(q), be a subgroup of the linear translation is irreducible and is faithful on its subspaces of imprimitivity or is primitive. distinct primes. should be deleted-the proofs do not The statement of (3.5) should be altered to read: H be Let [12] Suppose also that d is the product of be a minimal nonsolvable normal subgroup of for some odd u or G O A6 or A 7. Here G O G. Then G0/Z(G0). T. G. OSTROM 684 3. ORDER; GROUPS OF ODD In this section space V (3.1) Definition. DIMENSION HAS ONLY ONE ODD PRIME FACTOR. G is again assumed to be acting irreducibly on a vector of dimension over n GF(q) =F. The dimension will be assumed to be a power of 2 times an odd number Specifically the dimension integer and r t t>= I. (3.2) LEMMA. then C (I) q =2 IGI If is odd and G has index in I. which divides r V is an where G, is faithful on as a direct sum of homogeneous must divide both As in the proof of (2.7), the index of r. the stabilizer of a homogeneous 1-space must also divide remainder of the proof is also similar to the proof of is cyclic if C () provided W-spaces The number of homogeneous LEMMA. F =GF(q) Also s -spaces. and hence must divide (3.3) where is a maximal cyclic normal subgroup of Use Clifford’s theorem to write PROOF. s 2 r is equal to is an odd prime or is equal to the homogeneous 1-spaces. n IG] Suppose that G is f.p.f. G f.p.f, elements in G is odd and that If Fit G have order is f.p.f, but (n, n GI and C(G) GI). in The (2.7). is irreducible. G G Then is not, then the non- r and Fit G H is fixed point free and thus is a is a cyclic normal subgroup of r. index PROOF. Let H =Fit G. Frobenius complement. cyclic. Let H The Sylow subgroups of odd order in a Frobenius comple- H ment are cyclic and is the direct product of its Sylow subgroups so C(H). I Then Then Fit H =H. I contradiction so index in G H I Z(H I) if is cyclic and which divides r H This would were not cyclic. H =H. I is The Fitting subgroup of a solvable nonabelian group is strictly greater than its center. is strictly greater than H imply, that This would be a Hence (3.2) implies that H has H TRANSLATION PLANES OF EVEN ORDER G Thus if order is non-f.p.f., the non-f.p.f, elements in G If r. 685 IGI f.p.f, and is G is odd, then G must have is a Z-group-i.e., all of its Sylow subgroups are cyclic. G Thus, < > is generated by two elements G is normal in be an element of order G is cyclic. Passman centralize (3.4) if LEMMA. If G then prime c_ > IGI <0 >. <> < 0> W IWI (a) Either =r then <> p. 106. < G in this case. But We conclude that G is odd, if 3 eassman [13], Let T G=<T, H> and so By the argument on the top of p. 197 in G W, where w=r, W/Z(W) G is elementary abelian and < > must also is cyclic if G is irreducible and Fit has a minimal non- f.p.f, group w. or (b) < See <T> c < o> c__ <T> must centralize O II01" If r. Otherwise <T> GI and of relatively prime order, and O W G is f.p.f. is not f.p.f., is a w-group for some is elementary abelian of order is imprimitive with r homogeneous r W-spaces as subspaces of imprimitivity.. PROOF. Let W W if G is irreducible. W Note that is nonabelian. C (W0) If C(W0) C (W0) W wm. Then W in G C (W0) C(W0) Note that if must divide then is a minimal non -f.p.f. W q r. in G If IWI divides m +I =w and is not f.p.f. 0) W= C(W W, i.e. If W 0 included in is a power of 2 and W is faithful on the homogeneous C(W0) < G f.p.f, with respect to must be odd if w follows from (2.7) that the index of index of G be the maximal f.p.f, normal subgroup of 0 W 0 2Sr so the then is min. non- ! Z(W). is not f.p.f., then it is equal to W, since W In this case we again have G. group with respect to spaces, it w0 ! z(w). If C(W0) W is f.p.f., we must have is faithful on the minimal W 0 (W0) Q W has index r W0-spaces in W. C(W0) W =W 0. Then C(W0) Q W so we can apply (2.7) to conclude that Suppose that W 0 is cyclic of order b w 2 T. G. OSTROM 686 . generated by i =a o a mod w a=l. and and an element r =b = -w and #i b a We must have w w a so W That is, w a in b -=I mod w such that This implies W must centralize W 0 and we again have w0 ! z (w). The rest of the proof is essentially the same as for the nonsolvable case. See (2.3)-(2.6) and (2.8). (3.5) COROLLARY. If the is a power of 2 and n irreducible then G is cyclic. PROOF. r i in (3.3) and G then (3.6) Put (3.4). If IGI G is odd and is in conclusion (b) of (3.4) r i G generated by its 2-elements is reducible, contrary to hypothesis. Let DEFINITION. 0(S), 0(G) and let S be the subgroup of the maximal normal subgroups of odd order in S, G respectively. (3.7) THEOREM. Let be an irreducible group of linear transformations acting G 2Sr on a vector space of dimension r either (a) in G 1 If divides (b) If or is an odd prime. r 0(S) unless C [0(S)] order r is a power of 2 and q C [0(S)] is cyclic and the index of 0(S)-spaces. is not faithful on the minimal is f.p.f, then 0(S) has and the non-f.p.f, elements in 0(S) have is not f.p.f, but Fit a normal cyclic subgroup of index GF(q), where Then the following hold: 0(S) is f.p.f., then 2Sr 0(S) over 0(S)--Fit G r. (c) If Fit 0(S) is not f.p.f, then G has a normal subgroup W sat- isfying the conditions of (3.4). (d) S 1 If 0(S) S is f.p.f, and is nontrivial then S contains a subgroup which is generated by its 2-elements and is a minimal (normal) non-f.p.f. is nonsolvable then SI/0(S) direct product of isomorphic simple nonabelian groups and 0(S) S subgroup with respect to G. If S 1 S is a =Z(Sl). 687 TRANSLATION PLANES OF EVEN ORDER 0(S) In each of the above PROOF. G If is irreducible then the dimension of a minimal invariant 2Sr, subspace for any normal subgroup must divide the Lemmas apply to S G pointwise if and so that (a)- (c) 0(S) so that the previous are direct results of the Note that a normal subgroup of previous Lemmas. 0(G). can be replaced by G does not fix any subspace is irreducible. In case (d) note that no group of even order is f.p.f, when the charF acteristic of to G, then Hence if S is a non-f.p.f, group with respect must be a minimal nonsolvable normal subgroup of I G so that (2.2) TRANSLATION PLTqES (4.1) DEFINITION. In this section G complement of a translation plane and minimal The details are left to the reader. applies. 4. S is 2. 2 d s-I is a subgroup of the linear translation G s >=2. is an odd prime and r, r q of order d where is a power of 2 q is irreducible and no component has an orbit of length 2; no proper subplane has an of the spread defining orbit of length 2. REMARK. 2Sr 2d The dimension of the vector space on which so that (3.7) applies to G. G is defined is 2 Translation planes of order frequent possible exceptions to theorems, so the case q =s =2, r =3 6 are has special interest. (4.2) LEMMA. Then W then V() Suppose that G has a normal subgroup has at least three invariant components; if W W, where W is a 3-group. is non-f.p.f., is a subplane; the partial spread consisting of those elements of the spread fixed by W is invariant under PROOF. q is a power of If of the spread is d q +i least two components. 2, then so that, if If W G. d is normal, q 2 -1 mod 3. The number of components is even, a 3-group in G G must fix at must permute the components fixed T. G. OSTROM 688 by W. is lft By (4.1), W LEMMA. (3.4) for some prime If r 3 w then W has a normal nonabelian group w-group G and w=3 and W as in satisfies the conclusions of (4.2). See (3.4)and (4.2). PROOF. W The rest of the proof to the reader. (4.3) LEMMA. (4.4) has at least three fixed components. If 2 s =q in (4. i) and if is an elementary abelian w-group of order G W has a normal subgroup > w, then w where 3 or 5 and the dimension of a homogeneous W-space is 2 or 4. PROOF. minimal W-space has dimension 1,2,4,r,2r, or 4r. W-space pointwise, then has dimension divides 2 4 i, then G w If could not be reducible. must divide 4r, so a is defined has dimension The vector space on which 2 i- i. Thus W should.fix a minimal Thus if a minimal W-space i 1 -I =3.5 if’i =2 or 4. If a minimal W-space has dimension which is a multiple of r then a homogeneous W-space must also have dimension which is a multiple of W w is impossible and is not faithful on homogeneous W-spaces the case 4r r. Since does not happen (the whole vector has dimension 4r). A subplane in this context is a vector space of even dimension. Thus a homogeneous W-space is either an r-dimensional subspace of a component or has dimension 2r. In the latter case there will be just two homogeneous W-spaces, contrary to the assumptions in (4.1) that no component or subplane has an orbit of length two. We are left with the possibility that W-spaces and that they the.re are precisely 4 homogeneous are r-dimensional subspaces of four distinct lines. Furthermore, Clifford’s theorem implies that every minimal W-space is in one of these 4 homogeneous W-spaces. 689 TRANSLATION PLANES OF EVEN ORDER o Let be any element of must be a Baer subplane. of the r 2 +i (2r+1)-4. W V(o) W are invariant under 2r-I But also we must have mod w. and must divide w =2 This implies The only possibilities left are w which is a w=3 or 5. We conclude that each homogeneous W-space has dimension 2 or 4. must be faithful and hence (4.5) LEMMA. w is an elementary abelian 24-I must divide d =6 in (4.1) and if If V(o) Then is nontrivial. If there are precisely 4 minimal W-spaces then four components of contradiction. V(o) such that G IWI then W 5. 3 W has a normal subgroup >w w-group of order But =w 2 IWI or W where 3 m with m-<4. By (4.4), either w=3 PROOF. or w=5 w=5 and if homogeneous W-spaces (each of dimension 4 in this case). there are just 3 VI, V2, Let three homogeneous W-spaces whose direct sum is invariant under of W which is non -f.p.f. hence fix V be f.p.f. Hence if Suppose w m-2 m 3. 0(G) IWI =wTM, V V 1 and V 2 q .) order If w=3 An element 0(G). W-space pointwise and m w m >i cannot m-I pointwise. V pointwise has a subgroup of order A similar phenomenon works for each space; the result is that there is a subgroup of order whose fixed point space has dimension greater than d be 3 is pointwise fixed by a subgroup of order w l Then the subgroup fixing which fixes minimal must fix a minimal 1 elementary abelian group of order pointwise. 1 V on V This cannot happen so m-2 w (Recall that d. has must be the identity. and there are 6 homogeneous W-spaces, again take reasoning to the above there is a subgroup of order four homogeneous W-spaces pointwise. m-2 w m-4 w IWI =wTM. (if m >4) By which fixes But the pointwise fixed subspace of a non- trivial element cannot have dimension exceeding 6 if d =6. Hence m-<_4. T. G. OSTROM 690 LEMMA. (4.6) W Suppose that (3.4). as described in r and 3 Let o W s 2 V(o) and let has a normal subgroup G and that Then be nontrivial. is a subplane. PROOF. W If IWl implies that is nonabelian apply =w 2. W O V(o) and included in some component 6 4 4 -q =q (q i or 2, q 2 2 (4.5) W which does not fix a homogeneous W-space pointwise -i) -0 mod w q nents of the nents so that REMARK. 2 sprehd. V() If Hering and Ho 2 -I mod w. has dimension 4. Likewise if V(o) is Then has dimension 6 +i E2 mod w, so W W fixes at least two compofixes at least three compo- must be a subplane. 2 q +i 0 mod w [5] we cannot guarantee that any components of the W. have investigated the case where s =2 and r is odd In their Theorem (5.7), they have given information They come up with the following cases when all involutions are Baer involutions. G; the q V(o) As in the proof of (4.2), but not necessarily prime. S. Suppose that and --i mod w, then q spread are invariant under about . V(o) is nontrivial but not a subplane then --I mod w. But if in is abelian then -I --0 rood w. If q W The dimension of a homogeneous W-space must divide 4, so must be f.p.f, on it. 4 If Furthermore, the number of homogeneous W-spaces is equal to 3 and each element of q (4.3). They also include the situation where there are affine elations nature of the group generated by affine elations is known from earlier work [3]. We shall leave this case out, although there is more informa- tion than what is implied immediately by no assumptions of Hering’s irreducibility; we take if we assume (4.1). Hering’s work on elations. They make state these results in the form that they 691 TRANSLATION PLANES OF EVEN ORDER The Hering and Ho cases (with the restrictions mentioned above): I. S/0(S) 2. S/0(S) 3. ISI 4. (S is elementary abelian. 5. S SL(2,2 b) 4; C is elementary abelian of order u- PSL(2,u) [0(S)] O S Z[0(S)]. +3 nod 8. is not divisible by 4. for some is irreducible.) b. We would know more about the action of if we knew more about 0(S). G This case is void if G on the plane in the first three cases Here (3.7) of this paper is some help. These results are sharpened by (4.3), (4.5) and (4.6) if (The order of the plane 6 q .) is s =2. and We also have the following: (4.7) LEMMA. Assume (4.1) and that where u =u Then +3 nod 8. r =3 u =3, S/0(S) =PSL(2,u), Suppose that r=3, s=2. 5, II, 13 or 19. 0(S) Furthermore is trivial unless u =3 or 5. PROOF. If It follows from Harris and Hering u-+-3 nod 8, and Note that S/0(S) is simple unless u =3. 0(S) has order 2 so 0(S) 0(S) W SL(2,3) Thus if is f.p.f., then u #3, S 0(S) Z(S) is a minimal by (3.7)(d). 0(S) is f.p.f. Suppose that 0(S) has a normal cyclic subgroup S/ C(/) S Then G; by (2.7) is solvable. C (/) If has index in S/0(S) G which is simple this implies This is a contradiction. 0(S) is nonabelian then abelian of order 9. + 1 =25. (3.7). Hence If 12 and divides 12. Suppose that 2 u #3 But / is normal in S =S. =< must be trivial if of index 3. C (/) u is a subgroup of the Schur multiplier; the Schur multiplier satisfies case (b) of that 0(S) If that u=3, 5, II, or 13, or 19. is a prime power then u normal nonsolvable subgroup. Furthermore [2] Then satisfies case (c) of (3.7) so that (4.3) implies that S w =3 induces a subgroup of is solvable, so the centralizer of and W/W0 W of (3.4) exists. is elementary SL(2,3) on W/W0. W/W0 must be nonsolvable. But T. G. OSTROM 692 S Since W/W0. that S W/W0 if and only if it centralizes so S in S. centralizes W. must centralize W If G, this implies must be a minimal nonsolvable normal subgroup of The reader may verify that a 2-element centralizes W. But S is generated by its 2-elements W This is a contradiction since (4.5) and (4.6) apply. is elementary abelian then has exactly 3 homogeneous subspaces, each of dimension 4. be V V 2, V I The normal subgroup of 3. must have index dividing V I, V 2, V 3. S Then 6, since H has G dimension at most 4. Hence u (4.8) THEOREM. W Furthermore Let these subspaces H, which fixes all three G, call it induces a transitive permutation group on S/H index dividing 6 so is a nonsolvable normal subgroup of is nonabelian and G. Hence S Applying Harris and Hering c__ H. [2] S Thus V fixes of I 4 + 1 =9. u _-<2 again, H0S Hence is solvable. 5. Let be a translation plane of order subfield of the kernel. lation complement with d-i d Let d GF(q) where is be an element of the intersection of the trans- GL(2d,q) such that II u. is a prime (qd-i_ q(q + i) q H I). In particular if q is a prime i=0 factor of the translation complement, then u divides p and p(pd +i) Then divides u u is a prime d-I (pd-i-l) H i=0 and u PROOF. dimension We may think of 2d GF(q). over z If of the spread. V(o) wise Then u o divides If o fixes for q 2d_ I does not divxde u o In particular Z pointwise, then must act regularly on the i qd-i_l ). But u d q -q i is prime, so establishes the first point of the theorem. has fixed then fixes some component qd-l. must divide u is a vector space of some dimension q d <e <2d. as being represented on a vector space of points other than the zero vector. so pe-i cannot be a p-primitive divisor of i, where points of u divides Other- 0 < i < d. not in q V(O), (qd-i_ i). The specialization to q =p This is 693 TRANSLATION PLANES OF EVEN ORDER [I] It follows from obvious. u pa-I for e so that e- 1 then u does not divide b p -i then b is a multiple of p is a prime p-primitlve divisor of that if a < 0 < e u Furthermore if does not divide p2d divides u 1 if d< e<2d. (4.9) COROLLARY. PROOF. If q--2 in (4.7), then u=3, 5, or 13. The reader may verify that neither (26 + I) 5 II nor 19 divides (26_i_ I). i=0 REFERENCES n i. Birkhoff, G. D. and Vandiver, H. S. On the integral divisors of Ann. Math. (second series) 5(1904) 173-180. 2. Harris, M. E. and Hering, C. 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