I nternat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 3 No. 4 (1980) 761-771 761 PROBABILISTIC DERIVATION OF A BILINEAR SUMMATION FORMULA FOR THE MEIXNER-POLLACZEK POLYNOMIALS ABSTRACT. __ P. A. LEE Department of Mathematics University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur 22-! Malaysia (Received August 24, 1978) Using the technique of canonical expansion in probability theory, a bilinear summation formula is derived for the special case of the Meixner- Pollaczek polynomials Z n=0 {%(k) (x)} n %(k)(x)zn/n n which are defined by the generating function z)(x-k)/(l (I + z) (x+k) JzJ < I. These polynomials satisfy the orthogonality condition (k)(ix)dx (-l)nn.’(k)nBm n’ Pk(X)(k)(ix) m n with respect to the weight function P l(X) =sech x Pk(X) F_ sech (x- sech x! Xl sech x 2 Xk_l)dXldX 2 dXk_ , k 2, 3, 762 P.A. LEE oo ly KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Mixnr-Pollaczek polynomials, COD. 1980 MATHEMATICS SJECT CLASSIFICATION 62H20. 1. Pr 42A60, S_ondarg 33A70 INTRODUCTION Let U be a Cauchy random variable with the probability density function (p.d.f.) _ f(u) U Consider the transformation p(v) < u < m. 2 +u sinh V. The p.d.f, of < v < sech v, V is () (R). This is the hyperbolic secant distribution considered by Baten [2], and is a special case of the generalizdd hyperbolic secant distribution treated by Harkness and Harkness Let X and in comnon [6], i.e. where V. (i X 2 I0]. be two random variables having additive random elements I, 2, 3) X X p(x l, x 2) V 2 + V 3 -x x X P(Xl, x 2) The joint p.d.f. sech z sech w(x sech The marginal p.d.f.’s for 2 2 are mutually independent random variables each having the p.d.f, given in (I). easily shown to be + V V sech and X 2 2 sech z) sech w(x 2 (x x 2 I) 2 are respectively of x X and X 2 is + z)dz < Xl -<x2 < (R)’ < =. (2) _. . _ PROBABILISTIC DERIVATION OF A BILINEAR SUMMATION FORMULA g(xl) -o P(xI’ x2)dx2 2xl cosech 763 Xl, () h(x 2) P(Xl, x2)dx 2x 2 cosech x 2. The orthogonal polynomials with the above marginals as weight function are related to the Euler nt,bers and have been discussed by Carlitz in [4]. Specifically, for the weight function Pk(X) P l(X) the polynomials Z nffi0 sech Xl sech x2 )dx ldx 2 ’’’sech (x k dXk_ I, x2 Xl 2, 3, (4) sech x, In(k) (x)} with generating function (k)(x)zn/n’. n (l + z)(x-k)/(l- z) (x+k), (-, ) are the orthogonal polynomials in the interval [z[ < (5) and satisfy the or thogonality condition (ix)X n Pk(X) x(k) m where i /Z and m,n (k) (ix)dx (-l)nn (k) n m,n denotes the Kronecker delta. The explicit form of the orthogonal polynomial is given by Carlitz x(k) (x) n (6) n Z r--O 2rI(x k))in r + k n r [4] as ) (-l) n(k) n 2 F [-n, (x + k); k; 2]. (7) The last result follows easily from the following well-known generating function for the Gaussian hypergeometric function 2 Fl [7, p. 82] 764 P.A. LEE x) z] -b (I +z) b-C[l + (l I-n, 7. b; c; x]z n n=0 A related system of polynomials has been discussed by Bateman who It happens that both the referred to them as the Mittag-Leffler polynomials. polynomials discussed by Bateman and Carlitz are but special cases of the system of orthogonal polynomials first discussed by Meixner Ill] and later Following the notation of [8, p. 219] (See independently by Pollaczek [12]. [5, p. 184]), the Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials also P(a)(X;n where a > 0, 0 < ) < (2a,)nn,. ein 2Fl[-n, < x < and are given explicitly by e -2i a + ix; 2a; (8) (R). These polynomials are orthogonal with respect to the weight function o (a) (xl ) (2 sin ) 2a- 11" e-(-2)r( al + i) 12 The orthogonality relation is given by co(a) (x; )p(a) (x; )p(a) (x; n m A generating function for tnp (a)(x; ) n 7. n--O p(a) (x; n (l ) )dx r(2a / n’. n) cosec m,n" is tell) -a+ix (l te -i)-a-ix, it < I. (9) It is clear when comparing (7) with (8) or (5) with (9) that (-i)nl(nk)(ix) and thus 1 (k) n polynomials. (x) nl P(k/2)(x/2; /2), n k l, 2, ...; n 0, I, 2, may be regarded as a special case of the Meixner-Pollaczek PROBABILISTIC DERIVATION OF A BILINEAR SUMMATION FORMULA 2. 765 A BILINEAR SUMMATION FORMULA From the generating function in (5) it is innediately clear that %(k) n (x) satisfies the following so-called Runge-type identity (kl +k2) (x n . I)x(kl) (Xl) (k2) (x2) n + x2" n-r r r=O k I’ k 2 2 3 (I0) n. and all It has been shown that the result in (I0) is both necessary and suffic’ient for the joint p.d.f, in (2) to possess a bilinear expansion (also called a canonical expansion in statistical literature) of the form [6] g(Xl)h(x 2) P(Xl, x 2) Z r--O Pn0n(Xl)n(X 2) {en(X) } ({n(X) }) where the canonical variables orthonormal polynomials with weight function are a complete set of g(x) (h(x)). The canonical correlation is E Pn where E [0n(Xl) n(X2) denotes the expectation operation. For the joint p.d.f, in (2) with the equal marginal p.d.f.’s given in (3), we note that the canonical variable in this case is .-n 8 On(X) (x) n (2) (ix). /n’.(2) n n i The canonical correlation is 0n E[On(Xl)On(X 2) (-l) -n n’. (2) n n E{X(2)n [i(Vl 2) n r. r. + V2) ]X(2)n [i(V2 E[X r )(iv)] + V3) ]} P.A. LEE 766 )] 2)]E[I(1)(iV3 E[I(1)(iV2)I(I)(iV n-s s n-r ]2 E[l(1).(iV2) n n’. (2) n (II) n+ We therefore have the following interesting bilinear sunmation formula for the Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials (_l)n Z nffiO [(n + 1):] 2 A(2) (ix n )(2)(ix2) n sinh Xl < x 3. A GENERALIZATION x2 sinh < r(x < and x 2 sech 1) 2 x2 / /( 2Xl x2) (12) < oo. Consider the following more general scheme of additive random variables as in [9]. Let and be {i } {i } (n for i l, 2, n for i l, 2, n + n 2 -m) m, m 2 {n i} for i .< where l, 2, m < min(n l, n m 2) mutually independent random variables each having the p.d.f. given in (1). Define nl-m U Z i=l n2"m m _E i, V X Z i=l n-, W 7. i=l . =U+V X2=V+W. It is clear that the joint characteristic function X 2 is (l’ 2 E[exp(iIXl + i2X2) (l’ 2 of X and PROBABILISTIC DERIVATION OF A BILINEAR SUMMATION FORMULA E{exp[iiU + i2W 2)V]} + + i( m _ 2 EEe i%] EeiqJ] since 2 sech sech sech 767 sech v dv sech() < for i .< n -m, .< j .<m, .<k.< n2-m. The joint p.d.f, in question is therefore P(X x 2) 42 f=of and the marginal p.d.f.’s for g(x -it X lXl-it2x2 sech and X 2 sec sech mI 2 2)d are respectively dm sech e + nl-I 7 h(x 2) 2 n on using the fact that I)’. (n (n 2 [3, p. 31] e F -im2x2 n2-1 1) + ix sech n21 d 2 d 2 (13) 768 - P.A. LEE e -ivx [sech(Sx + y) 2u ]U+ldx The respective canonical variables are .-n x On(X l) /n I n(X2) IF[ _ X + r(u + 1) (n 1) n (n2) -n n’-(n2) n iv/8) 12 eiVy/8 + P n (ix (14) l) (ix2) By a repeated application of the Runge-type identity in (I0) analogous to the derivation leading to the result in (l|), it may be shown that the canonical correlation in this case is (m) n n l(nl) n(n2 .< n On the other hand, note that from (14) 1"-!-4 -o -=o 2 eitlXl-i2x2 m-1 2 2 m m-1 2 m ,,,( ,): It( 7 where (S(x) m seth / m < min(n I, n2). + [ t2)dt2 dr2 2 exp[- i2(x2 Xl)]d2 ix)l 2 (x 2 -xz) denotes the Dirac delta rune=ion. A double convolution operation applied to (13) then yields the following expression for p(x I, x 2) n P(Xl’ x2) 3(m- l):(n r 2 + iv +n2m-3 I’ -m- l):(n 2 -m- 1)’ Ir( + i(xl (x2 2 PROBABILISTIC DERIVATION OF A BILINEAR SUMMATION FORMULA nl +n2+m-3 n l)’.(n (m r m u) + i(x m F + i(x 2’ 2 )’. l)’.(n 2 + u) x 2 2 m F 769 (15) du. Finally, the result in (15) may be rewritten into the following Barnes type contour integral P(Xl’ x2) 2 2 l_J_ 2wi ’.(nl-m-l) ’.(n2-m-l) (m-l) n2-m nl +n2+m-2 +s F F ixl+s _i m +i(x2-xl)+S F Inl; )I +ixl-s -s F which my be evaluated in terms of a sum of 3F2 -i(x2-xl)-S F functions [13, p. 133] or, perhaps more conveniently, in terms of Meijer’s G-function as follows [7, See. 5.3] P(Xl x2) 2 2 (m nl +n2-m-2 l)’.(n m n -m l)’.(n 2 m + 2 3 3,3 G3, n m m m + 2 2 l): n2-m iXl, 2 n ixl’ i (x2 -x) 2 Xl) m 2 2 i(x The existence of a diagonal expansion then implies the following summation formula E n=O (-I) n(m) n (nl)n n2)nn’. (n 2m(m l,):(n k(n n (n 2) (x) kn (x2) l)’.(n 2 m l): l):(n 2 m 1). ds 770 P.A. LEE n 3,3 G3, 3 . m m 2 m n| m 2 for .< m < min(n I, n2), < x n + x 1, < (x2 Xl) 2 (16) n + m 2 xl’ , m 2 (x2 2 < x 2 < Xl . It is perhaps interesting to note in passing that a comparison of the two results in (12) and (16) allows us to deduce the following special case of the G-function, viz. 3,3 -sec 1/2, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. + x 1, + x x 2 (x sec sec 2 x The author is grateful to the referee for his helpful comments, in particular regarding the connection of the system of orthogonal polynomials discussed by Carlitz with that of the Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials. REFERENCES 1. Bateman, H. The Polynomials of Mittag-Leffler, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (U.S.A. 26 (|940) 49|-496. 2. Baten, W.D. The Probability Law for the Sum of n Independent Variables, each subject to the Law (!/(2h)) sech(x/(2h)), Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 40 (!934) 284-290. 3. Buchholz, H. The Confluente Hypergeometric Functions, Springer Verlag, New York, !969. 4. Carlitz, L. 5. Chihara, T.S. An Introduction to Ortho$onal Polynomials, Gordon and Breach, New York, |978. 6. Eagleson, G.K. and H.O. Lancaster. 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