Iernat. J. Math. Mah. Si. (1980) 575-581 Vol. 3 No. 575 RESEARCH NOTES A POINTWISE GROWTH ESTIMATE FOR ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS IN TUBES RICHARD D. CARMICHAEL and ELMER K. HAYASHI Department of Mathematics Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27109 U.S.A. (Received October 4, 1979) ABSTRACT. A class of analytic functions in tube domains T C n + n dimensional complex space, where C is an open connected cone in 1t been defined by V. S. Vladimirov is studied. L 2 iC in n- which has We show that a previously obtained growth estimate concerning these functions can be replaced by a pointwise growth estimate, and we obtain further new properties of these functions. shows that these functions of Vladimirov are exactly the Hardy H functions corresponding to the tube T 2 Our analysis class of C. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Analytic Function in Tubes, Hardy H 2 Space, Cauchy Kernel and Integral, Foi- Laplace Integral. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES: i. 32A07, 32A10, 32A25, 2A5. INTRODUCTION. All notation in this note is that of Vladimirov connected cone in I n i, p. i]. Let C be an open and let C’ be an arbitrary compact subcone of C [i, p. 218]. R. D. CARMICHAEL AND E. K. HAYASHI 576 Let f(z) be analytic in T I(x+i)l g C’ C. 25.4]. ]R n C’ + iC and for any }f(x+iy)I 2 dx) 1/2 > 0 where the constant for every y n IL2 C M,f(C’) < C C let f(z) satisfy M,f (c’) e 11 ,xsc’c, depends one, Vladimirov has studied these analytic functions in %n this note we show that the L 2 growth estimate C’ f, and [i, but not on sections 25.3- [i, p. 227, (74)] can be replaced by a pointwise growth estimate on the function with exactly the same growth on the right of the estimate and obtain further new information concerning Our analysis also shows that the analytic functions of Vladimirov these functions. defined above are in fact exactly the Hardy H pp. 90-91];) for tubes T thus the growth of Bochner C [2, (13)] 2 < Mf which defines the Hardy H 4-5], p. 227, lines space, the Hardy H 2 y S 2 space (2) C (i), contrary to is not a more restrictive condition than 2. functi6ns ([2, section 3] or [3, namely L [i, 2 in the sense that both (i) space corresponding to tubes T and the statement made in (2) characterize the same C RESULTS. To obtain our results we need three lemmas. that of [i, p. 223, Lemma 2] and is omitted. Let C be an open (not necessarily connected) cone. LEMMA I. the convex envelope of C. There exists a yt {t for all t e C cone of 0(C) for all y g yt > 0, y there exists a 6 C’ LEMMA 2. The proof of Lemma 1 is like and all t _> 6 Y Let y e 0(C), > 0 depending on y such that lyl Itl C}. 6(C’) > Further, if C’ is an arbitrary compact sub- 0 depending only on C*. Let C be an open connected cone. We have C’ such that (3) holds GROWTH ESTIMATE FOR ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS IN TUBES (Ic.(t) e izt]" e L p I for all p ! P ! n for arbitrary z TO(C) n + i as a function of t e 577 O(C), where Ic.(t) denotes the characteristic function of C* Let z PROOF. O(C) T x+iy Using Lemma 1 we have llc* (t) e iztl= Ic,(t) 8 for some (5) proves (4) 32], > 0 y and and integration by parts n ! Ic, (t) exp(-lyl tl) Now let i < p < r n-i Using (n-l) times, lc* (t) e iztlp n where -yt n holds for all t e ]R since (5) for p n e dt ! ! exp(-plylr) () Ic.(t) 0 if t (5), [4, p. 39, Theorem we have exp(-plyl tl) dt n (6) f2 dr ’0 is the volume of the unit sphere in IR n (n-l)! n (PlYl)-n (6) proves (4) for i < p < For any open connected cone C the Cauchy kernel corresponding to T p. 201] or [1, p. 223, (61)]) !, K(z-t) LEMMA 3. K(z-t) where (3); n exp(i(z-t)N) dN < ]R n T z n. (n-l)’. 6-n yl-n I < p < 2, (l/p) + (l/q) IK(z-e)II < (f L where the L q q- n O(C) K(z-t) n and y then t IR n () > 0 is the number of i, we have z norm is with respect to the variable t e ]R O(C) n is an analytic function O (C) x+iy g T z (n-l)!)i/P (p6)-r/p [yI-n/p arbitrary compact subcone of t e R We have is the volume of the unit sphere in IR and for 0(C) ([5, is Let C be an open connected cone. O(C) for fixed t of z g T @ C* (7) and (8) O(C) x+iy g T n. Further, if hold for z (8) C’ is an C’ and x+iy g T 578 t _ n with follows by 2 and (i/p) + (i/q) [5, P. 202, Inequality (8) O(C) ILq IIc* < (9) (5) obtain and and not on y holding for z (6) C’ for z g T C’C O(C). C’ T x+iy The result [1, for fixed t ]R for p I. For t] in the L (6) e iz 0(C) Lp (6) for i < p now depends only on where This fact and the above analysis yields p. 223, depending only on (62)] n _ sense (9) 2. If we use the second part of Lemma 1 to C’ 0(C), with q O (C) z g T and a computation as in is an arbitrary compact subcone of = 0(C). hence by the Parseval inequality eizl D O(C) --I[Ic,() proof of Theorem i] now follows from T the analysis of K(z-t) i, C’ and not on y is analytic in z (7) follows by [1, p. 223]. IK(z-t) C’ K(z-t) The fact that as noted in C’ depending only on PROOF. i < p K. HAYASHI R. C. CARMICHAEL AND E C’ (7) C’ C O(C) (8) and O(C). is a special case of Lemma 3 for p 2. We now obtain our result which adds information to [I, p. 227, Corollary] [i, and hence to the analytic functions considered in note a misprint in the statement of [i, p. 227, line 2 of the THEOREM. satisfy (i). Then f(z) O(C) PROOF. First (64)". Let f(z) be analytic in T H2(T O(C)) F(z) to T C and 0(C) such O(C) C’ IL2 !1 -n/2 z is a constant which depends at most on sup yC and if read "inequality has an analytic extension boundary value of F(x+iy) as y 25.3-25.4]. Corollary]; "equality (63)" in Let C be an open connected cone. I(z)l <_ (c’) lhl M(C’) p. 227, Corollary] should that for any compact subcone where [I, sections 0, y / I.If(x+iy)ll L 2 0(C). sup C’ x+iy g T C’ 0(C) C and h (o) L 2 is the L 2 Further, IF(x+iy)ll yO(C) contains an entire straight line then L F(z) (--) 2 0. From [i, pp. 225-226] we have the existence of a function g L 2 579 GROWTH ESTIMATE FOR ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS IN TUBES with support in C* almost everwhere such that f f(z) R g(t) e izt C z g T dt (12) and the Fourier-Laplace integral on the right of the properties of g(t) (4). and The fact that I L (13) y g g(t) e izt is analytic in T 0(C) dt 0(C) z g T (13) follows as a special case of [6, Theorem Because of (4) and the properties on g(t), we have that (g(t) exp(-yt)) 2.1]. L F(z) is well defined because of Now put nI F(z) (12) n 2 n as a function of t g ]R for y g can be interpreted to be the L 0(C). 2 0(C); g hence the integral on the right of Fourier transform of (g(t) exp(-yt)), The Parseval equality and the fact that the support of g is in C almost everywhere now yield IF(x+iy)II L and we conclude that Theorem 3.1].) We F(z) g e-Ytll L2 < lg(t) 2 H2(T0(C)). lgll L (This fact also follows by [3, p. i01, [i, p. 227, Bochner’s formula] now apply the proof of 103, Theorem 3.6] to obtain the existence of a function h Fourier transform of g and is the L 2 (i) 2 g L 2 or [3, which is the L boundary value of F(x+iy) as y / 0, y p. 2 0(C), such that F(z) Using (15), z s T C’ C’ (2w)-n I h(t) K(z-t) dt, z the Hider inequality, and the estimate being an arbitrary compact subcone of lF(z)l ! (2)-n x+iy e T C’ which proves T0(C) (8) O(C), for p (5) 2 valid for we have llhllL2 ! (2w)-n llhl[ for z g (I0) L with 2 (an (n-l)!)i/2 (26)-n/2 M(C’) lYl-n/2 ((2) -n (n (n-l)!) I/2 (26) -n/2) R. D. CARMICHAEL AND E. K. HAYASHI 580 depending only on C’ C 0(C) since now yields (ii). If 0(C) of [i, p. 222, Lemma I] [3, p. 93, Corollary contains an entire straight line then g(t) and the fact that the support of F(z) 0 because C* is in 2.4] almost The proof is complete. everywhere. H2(T C) Since any almost everywhere satisfies The proof of does. (15) ([6, (12) function satisfies 4.1] Corollary for z E T C or with g E L [3, P. 2 H2(T C) 3.1]) i01, Theorem 2 and some h g L by the proof of proof of our Theorem shows that any having support in and hence [i, p. 227, (72)], function satisfies C* (i0). the As another consequence of the proof of our Theorem, any function f(z) which is analytic in T C and satisfies hence is an H 2 TC (I), i.e. [1, p. 224, (64)], functions. and (2) to tubes T [i, The statement made in more restrictive condition than (I) (14). function because of analysis as in functions considered by Vladimirov in H2(T C) has the representation sections lines (i) is thus not correct in and Thus the analytic 25.3-25.4] [i, p. 227, (12) are exactly the 4-5] that (2) is a the sense that both characterize exactly the same space, the Hardy H 2 space corresponding C However, the growth (i) of Vladimirov has suggested to us a way to define analytic functions in tubes which do generalize the Hardy spaces. The definitions of these new spaces and our representations and analysis concerning them will appear in [6]. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. The research on this paper began while one of us, R.D.C., was Visiting Associate Professor at lowa State University. This author thanks the Department of Mathematics of lowa State University for its support during 1978- 1979. GROWTH ESTIMATE FOR ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS IN TUBES 581 REFERENCES Methods of the Theory of Functions of Many Complex Variables, M. I. T. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1966. i. VLADIMIROV, V. S. 2. BOCHNER, S. Group Invariance of Cauchy’s Formula in Several Variables, Ann. of Math. 45 (1944) 686-707. 3. STEIN, E. M. and G. WEISS. Introduction to Fourier Analysis on Euclidean Spaces, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N. J., 1971. 4. SCHWARTZ, L. Mass., Mathematics for the Physical Sciences, Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1966. 5. CARMICHAEL, Richard D. 6. CARMICHAEL, Richard D. and Elmer K. HAYASHI. Analytic Functions in Tubes Which Are Representable by Fourier-Laplace Integrals, Pacific J. Math. Generalized Cauchy and Poisson Integrals and Distributional Boundary Values, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 4 (1973) 198-219. (to appear).