Intern. J. Math. & Mh Sci. Vol. 3 No. 3 (1980) 583-589 583 THE HEEGAARD GENUS OF MANIFOLDS OBTAINED BY SURGERY ON LINKS ANO KNOTS BRADD CLARK Department of Mathematics University of Southwestern Louisiana Lafayette, Louisiana 70504 U.S.A. (Received January 15, 1979) ABSTRACT. Let L c S 3 be a fixed link. It is sbuwn that there exists an upper bound on the Heegaard genus of any manifold obtained by surgery on L. number of L, T(L), of the knot K, If K’ is defined and used as an upper bound. it is shuwn that T(K’) < T(K) + I. If M The tunnel is a double is a manifold obtained by surgery on a cable link about K which has n ccmponents, it is shown that the Heegaard genus of M is at most T(K) + n + i. 1980 ICS SLJECT CLASS IF ICATI( CODES. KEY 3RDS AND PHRASES. Lickorish in [5 Primary 57M25, 57NI0. Links, Krts, Heegaard genus, 3-manifold. demonstrated that all ccapact Oonnected orientable 3-manifolds without boundary could be represented as a result of surgery on a link in S 3. Since then, considerable wrk has been done on the so-called closed 3-manifolds by studying various knots and links in S 3. B. CLARK 584 Both in [3] and [8] a relationship between a knot and the Heegaard splitting of manifolds obtained by surgery on that knot was hinted at. 6] that the Mazur hcology sphere (see [i] to A similar process w-as used in [ 2 ], In Dibner has a genus-2 Heegaard splitting. show that n + 1 is an upper bound to the genus of a manifold obtained by surgery on a torus link with n ccmponents. The purpose of this paper is to extex these tec/miques to other knots and links and thereby obtain a bound on the Heegaard genus of manifolds obtained by surgery on those links and knots. If X is a point set, we shall use for the closure of X, and int(X) cl(X) for the interior of X, X for the boundary of X. The genus of a manifold is defined to be the minimal genus of a Heegaard splitting of the manifold. N(X) c M is called a X be a polyhedron oontained in the P.L. n-manifold M. regular neighborhood of X in M if X oN(X) Let is an n-manifold and N (X) which can be simplicially ollapsed to X. As such, all manifolds This paper deals with piecewise linear topology. are onsidered to be simplicial and maps to be piecewise linear. ass This will be as additional hypotheses throughout the paper. Let L be a link in o projection. P 3. Let P be any plane and p neither is a vertex of L. / if for every x e P, is regular for L onsists of at most tw points; and if R3 p-l(x) p the -I (x) L p L does ontain tw points, The crossing number for L, c(L), is the min number of double-points in any regular projection of any link L’ of the same is splittable if there exist disjoint 3-cells B I and 2 B2 with LI tint B I and L2 cint B 2. Thus if L is any link we can write A link L L L I L L where Lic int n unsplittable for i < i < n. L1 Bi, Bi Bj @ for i j and Li is 585 HEEGAARD GENUS OF MANIFOLDS ON LINKS AND KNOTS Let L be a link in S3 cl(S 3 We associate with L the manifold C DEFINITION. t cC a regular neighborhood of L in S 3. and N(L) t is a tunnel if N(L)). C is a pair of t is a 3-cell and disjoint 2-eells. THEOREM 2.1. L Ln, L 1 PNOOF: If M is a 3-manifold obtained by surgery on n then the genus of M is at most c(Li) + n. M can be written as M1 # obtained by surgery on the link Li. i=17 # By 4 we knc that the genus of a onnected sum is the sum of the genera of the cponents. to that the genus of If c(Li) double points. m, is the manifold where nus it will suffice c(Li) + i. is at most we can find a regular projection for Li which has m i"’" ’m We can find where is the straight line segment j between the points of Li which fozm the j-th double point of the projection. Let N(Li) manifold. be a regular neighborhood of Li For each neighborhood of m %i in S 3, we can find a tunnel C and such that ti ti tj and C such that @ for m its associated t.1 is a regulr i j. t N(Li) is a handlebody. Clearly U j U Li is a oore for j j=l this handlebody and this ore can be deformed into the plane of projection. H= j=l Therefore H’ cl(S 3 H) is also a handlebody. the ore of H has one zponent. a simple Euler characteristic After Since L.1 defor is unsplittable, this ore into the plane, . t that the genus of H , is m + i. We note that if N’ (Li) is a regular neighborPod of Li in then m U tj U N’ (Li) and H’ form a Heegaard splitting of j=l The above theorem gives a rather crude estimate of the max genus of a manifold obtained by surgery on a link. As we shall see, in specific situations we will be able to give a better estimate. We also see that if L is an unsplittable link, we can always find a set of pairwise disjoint tunnels which can oonvert the associated manifold to a lebody. B. CLARK 586 DEFINITION. T(L), is an unsplittable link, the tunnel number of L, L If number of disjoint tunnels needed to onvert the associated is the manifold into a handle/xx. In 7] clear from this description that any pretzel knot D1 and D2 points. cl(S 3 Also PNOPOSITION 3.1. H) K can be embedded in the K and D2 so that D1 for H It is in such a way that there are cutting boundary of a cube-with-)-handles H disks as pretzel knots. H.F. Trotter described a class of knots K each onsist of t is itself a cube-with-t%-handles. If M is obtained by surgery on a pretzel knot, then M has Heegaard genus at most 3. We assume that the pretzel knot K c H is as described above. PROOF. can find an arc eic Di with ei K Di for i 2. or i We Without loss of generality we my assume that a regular neighbo of the cutting disk Di in H is of the form D If N(K) H’ N(K) B cl(H- (K B) U iX ad that K I is a regular neighborhood of (D1 X I) (D2 I) [(mI I) (D2 I)]). {0,i}) (eI (e 2 0 (Di K in H, I) ei then obviously Let is a cube-with-three-handles. We ote that {0,1}) is a simple closed curve in Let D be the disk in B bounded by this simple closed curve. with the for cl(S 3 cutting disks of cl (S 3 H’). I. H) B Then S 2. D along will form a system of cutting disks Using the same reasoning as in Torem 2.1, we have found a genus 3 Heegaard splitting for any manifold obtained by surgery on a pretzel knot. PROPOSITION 3.2. knot KI # K2, PROOF. S then the genus of M is at most T(KI) + T(K 2) We can find a 2-sphere separates S 3 two points. If M is a manifold obtained by surgery on the If + 2. S c S 3 with the follcing properties. into t%D 3-cells B c S site 1 and B2. (K1 # K2) is an arc connecting these tD points, S consists of 587 HEEGAARD GENUS OF MANIFOLDS ON LINKS AND KNOTS [B1 . K2)] e (K1 # knot of type K2)] e (K # and [B 2 1 1 Without loss of generality we my assume that S I is a knot of type regular neighborhood of S in S3 K (S I) and that (K 1 # K2) is a is a I. 8 Since K’ [e {0}] is a knot of type KI, [(K1 # X2) 0 cl(B1 S I)] 1 it has tunnel number T(KI). We can find a Heegaard splitting of B 1 of genus T(KI) knot of type K 2 [(K1 # K2) 0 cl(B2 K + I. Likewise since it has tunnel number splitting of B2 of genus T(K2) by surgery on K’, I is a double of K and M is a manifold obtained is a double of the follcing properties. + 2. K we can find a singular disk D with A copy of K is contained in D. D and the only singularity in D is a single double arc U) be a regular neighborhood Let N(K’ D’ cl(D- N(K’ knot of type e)) K’ e K’ T(K) + i. is spanned by with in S 3. 8 c K’. We te that is a solid torus with a This means that if we add T(K) we can obtain a Heegaard splitting of genus from N(D) of is a real disk and that N(D) K for a core. This will yield I. in S T(KI) + T(K2) + 2. then M has genus at most T(K) Since K’ PROOF. is a + i. We can connect these splittings by adding a Heegaard splitting of M of genus If K’ {i}] and we can find a Heegaard T() the 3-cell which is a regular neighborhood of PROPOSITION 3.3. I)] S ttu%nels to N(D) When we rerme N(D’) T(K) + 2. we will obtain a Heegaard splitting of M of genus In addition to these specific knots, we can find a better estimate than Theorem 2.1 gives for the Heegaard genus of manifolds obtained by surgery on specific links. T3REM 4.1. If M is a 3-manifold obtained by surgery along a cable link about K with n nents, then M has genus at most T(K) PROOF. +n+ i. Let T be a solid torus in S 3 which has K for a core. T into 2n annuli {,BI,,B2,... ,,n} each follcing an (x,y) We split curve 588 B. CLARK on T. C cl(S 3 T I be a oollar attached to T with T Let (T (T such that ontained in C We my also assume that 1/2, I] where We can think of M as being obtained by surgery on Ai Ic T XI. Ai Let Di be a disk in Ai with the property that cl(Ai Let e i and is a disk. (cl(Ai- mi) ei (Di c M be M after surgery is performed on the cable link. I We that [0,1/2]) T (Di is a 3-cell and Ni are disks, we have that H1 is a cbe-with-n+l-handles. [1/2,1]) h(Aix Finally, we let Ni 8i" [i/2,1] in DiM [0,1/2] c T [0,1/2]) Di) 8 i be arcs in Ai with the property that the image of A Since Let Without loss of generality, we may assume the I))). existence of T (K) tunnels tl,..., (K) T(K) ti) is a cube-with-handles. cl(Ci=l ti Cc int(B1 X {l})c T I. Ai {0}. T T T(K) ti ni=l and [(Di [0,1/2]) Ni 2T(K) C is a set of i=l pairwise disjoint disks ontained in int(B1 we can extend ti to the 3-cell H T(K) t ti {I}). (di, 1 I) If ti C di, 1 di, 2 I). (di, 2 Then I t is a cube-with-n+T(K)+l-handles. i=l We note that since C is hcmecorphic to C H1 n cl[(C that H2 Since e. X I 1 contained in added to H2. I ni=l (Bi and T 8. I I, T(K) t5’ j=l are disks on H I)) we have that cl(Ai Thus M- int H H (Bi I), we must have i=l is a cube-with-T(K)+l-handles 2 where Di) ei x I Ic T I and 8i I are is a handle is also a cube-with-n+T(K)+l-handles. Clark, B. Surgery on Links Containing a Cable Sublink, Proc. Amer. Math. So_. (to appear). Dibner, S. Heegaard Splittings for an Infinite Family of Closed Orientable 3-manifolds, Ph.D. Thesis, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1977. Haken, W. Various Aspects of the Three-dimensional Poincare Problem, Topology of Manifolds, ed. J.C. Cantrell and C.H. Edwards, (Markham, HEEGAARD GENUS OF MANIFOLDS ON LINKS AND KNOTS 589 Chicago) (1969) 140-152. 4. Haken, W. 5. Lickorish, W.B.R. A Representation of Orientable Omnbinatorial 3-manifolds, Ann. of Math. 76 (1962), 531-540. 6. Mazur, B.C. 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