I ntnat. J. Mh. Vol. 3 No. 2 (7980| M. Si. 305 305-310 BILATERAL GENERATING FUNCTIONS FOR A NEW CLASS OF GENERALIZED LEGENDRE POLYNOMIALS A.N. SRIVASTAVA, S.D. $1NGH and S.N. SlNGH Department of Mathematics Banaras Hindu University Varanasi-221005, India (Received June 16, 1978 and in Revised form August 29, 1978) ABSTRACT. Recently Chatterjea (i) has proved a theorem to deduce a bilateral generating function for the Ultraspherical polynomials. In the present paper an attempt has been made to give a general version of Chatterjea’s theorem. Finally, the theorem has been specialized to obtain a bilateral generating function for a class of polynomials {P n (x; u,B )} introduced by Bhattacharjya (2). Bilateral genng function, Ultaphrical polyKEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Legendre polynomials, Orthogonal polynomials, Weight function, Rodrigue s nom formula. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT C LASSI FI CATI ON CODES. 42A52. Primary 33A45, 33A65; Secondary 306 A. N. SRIVASTAVA, S. D. SINGH AND S. N. SINGH I. INTRODUCTION. - Using the following differential formula for the Ultraspherlcal polynomials Pn (x) due to Tricomi, n (x2- I + n Dn (x2-1) (I I) Chatterjea (I) has recently obtained a bilateral generating function for the Ultraspherical polynomials in the form of following theorem. THEOREM I. If am F(x, t) then p -21 x-t F(--p . ty p tm PIm (x) tr r=o b (y) r pl r (x) (1.2) where b (y) r m=o mr a m m y and p (l-2xt+t 2)I/2 A closer look at the above relation (1.2) suggests the following interesting general version of Chatterjea’s theorem: 2. Let F o G be used to denote the composition F o F(G(x)). G(x) In terms of this notation, we state THEOREM 2. Suppose that there exist functions f, g, h and X and a sequence of constants {c n} such that the sequence of functions by the formula {Qn } is generated BILATERAL GENERATING FUNCTIONS FOR LEGENDRE POLYNOMIALS where D - Cn d/dx. f gn Qn n D h, X 307 (2.1) n= 0,1,2, Define the generating function (xt) (2.2) t n--o Then fF( X gtz) [x+t f n k=o c n--o n (gt) n %0 X bn (z), where k PROOF. c k (n-k) By Taylor’s theorem fF(X,gtz) e ]x+t tD (2.3) fF (X, gtz). To evaluate the right hand side of (2.3), we shall use as our starting point the relations (2.1) and (2.2), and the series expansion for e tD Thus tD tD n e e fF(X,gtz) a (gtz) Qno x f n--o n a n n tD n e (tz) D h L n--o n .. (anlcn) n=o m=o " m=o f c n--o where bn" (z) n (gt) n f(x) c n g(x)= (x2-1) -1/2 X (x)= z x(x2-1) X n bn z c(n-k) n’. /(-i) n then Theorem 2 would correspond APPLICATIONS: Qno ak k=o It is worthwhile to remark here that if we choose (x2-1) -x n+m n+m D hlm’. (anlcn) (gtln+m Cn+m f Qn+m [ n=o t (x) -1/2 Xlm’. (z) k pX n (x) h(x)-- (x2-1) X and to Chatterjea’s theorem. Earlier, lattacharJya (2) introduced a new class of generalized Legendre polynomials {P (x" n , )} which are orthogonal wlth the 308 A.N. SRIVASTAVA, S. D. SINGH AND S. N. SINGH (6.6) and (6.8))" 2 are The Rodrlgue’s formulae for these polynomials ) 12" (i (l_x2) P2m (x-I/2 +I)/2 (-2m-( a-l)12 xm+( ,8 (.I_X)( Dm (i_x)m-( 8- )/2 )m 8- )/2 +1)/2 (2.4) -m-( +3)/2 (2.5) x--( and P2m+l (x-12 x,m+l+ /2 a,8 (l-x) 8- )/2 (+I)/2)m )/2 Dm [ (l_x)m-(8 (-2m-( Here we note that the sequences {P2n (x-I/2 X s-2n, 8) } and P 2+l(X- I/2 s -2n, 8) } are amenable to a method of Theorem 2 for finding bilateral generating ;functions. (x) Let (x;s-2n, 8) P2n -( s+l)/2 y g(x) --(l-x) by t x-t -I, Y (--X-) X (x)ffi x-12 and z -t and 6 and by (x). For simplicity of notation, set y (u-8)/2. Then (2.1) holds with f(x) x (l-x) P2n (n) Cn (-n-( -l)/2)n. Upon replacing -y, we get 1- (x-t) -x _t) I/2 (. I- (x-t)) r=o P2r (x-I/2) -t _.x b r r (r). (_y),(2.6) where I I/2 t l-x III=O and a b Now replacing -1/2 x r [ (-y) m t m I--T) e2m (x 1/2 (_y)m #(m) t=O by s and t/(l-x) by t am in (r-m) (2.6), we are led (2 7) to the following bilateral generating function for gernerallzed even Legendre polynomials: COROLLARY. i: If F(x,t) [. ----O a m P2m (x) BILATERAL GENERATING FUNCTIONS FOR LEGENDRE POLYNOMIALS 309 then [ l-(x2-1)t ]Y F (l+t) i x (l_t (x2_l)) 1/2 l+t r--o P2r(X) where b r m+2)/2, -I (l-x) g(x) z -y by r (-y) (-y) is given by (2.7). In the same way, let = b (x) Qn -8 )/2. -1/2 X (x) (x; m-2n, 8) P2n+l (x), and set (l-x) Then (2.1) holds with f(x) and c x P2n+l (-n-(+l)/2) n. Replacing (n) n t by-t and. and making the same substitution as before in (2.7), we are led to the following bilateral generating function for generalized odd Legendre polynomials. CCROL LARY 2 If am P2m+l F (x,t) m--o (x), then l-(x2-1)t] Y F (l-t) ( __t_[__) x i-t (x 2- i) 1/2 1 . (_t)r P2r+l where a c r m [ (-y) (r) r=o (x) c r (-y), (_y)m Y(m) (r-m) m=o 8 in Corollary 1 and 2, we can obtain bilateral generating functions Taking for generalized Legendre polynomials due to Dutta and More (3). Next, we note that (2), (-i) (x;o,o) P2m m m: P2m (x) (-2m +" 1/2) m (2.8) and (_)m (x;o,o) where P 2m (x) P2m and P2m+l m. P2m+l (x) (2.9) (-2m- 1/2) m (x) are (2.8), (2.9) and the above even and odd Legendre polynomials Therefore, by two corollories we can obtain bilateral generating functions for Legendre polynomials. A. N. SRIVASTAVA, S. D. SINGH AND S. N. SINGH 310 Acknowledgements The authors wish to express their thanks to the referee for his valuable suggestions for the improvement of this paper. REFERENCES I. CHATTERJEA, S.K.,A Bilateral generating Function for the Ultraspherlcal Polynomlals,Paclflc J. Math. 29 (1969) 73-76. 2. BHATTACHARJYA, M. ,On Some Generalisation of Legendre Polynomials, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc. 66 (1974) 77-85. 3. DUTTA, M. and MORE, K.L., A New Class of Generallsed Legendre Polynomials, Mathematlca (Cluj) 7(30) (1965) 33-41.