I ntnat. J. Math. & Math. Si. (190) 79-102 NO. Vol. 79 EXISTENCE AND DECAY OF SOLUTIONS OF SOME NONLINEAR PARABOLIC VARIATIONAL INEQUALITIES MITSUHIRO NAKAO Department of Mathematics College of General Education Kyushu University Fukuoka, Japan TAKASHI NARAZAKI Department of Mathematical Sciences Tokai University Kanagawa, Japan (Received January 23, 1979) ABSTRACT. This paper discusses the existence and decay of solutions u(t) of the variational inequality of parabolic type: <u’(t) + Au(t) + Bu(t) for v e L P([O,=);V (p>2) f(t), v(t) with v(t) e K a.e. u(t)> >_ 0 in [0,=), where K is a closed convex set of a separable uniformly convex Banach space V, A is a nonlinear monotone operator from V to V* and B is a nonlinear operator from Banach space W to W*. V and W are related as V W c H for a Hilbert space H. No monotonicity assumption is made on B. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Existence, Decay, Nonlinear pabolic variational nequaliti 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 35K55. 80 M. NAKAO AND T. NARAZAKI Introduction V be a real separable uniformly convex Banach space with norm I Iv be a real Hilbert space with norm H Let H densely imbedded in of V containing II I W norm V V <W <H. into W H* V W <v*,v> will be denoted by W are compact H into We identify VW<HW* V*). (i.e., be a Banach space with We suppose that the natural and from and continuous, respectively. space be a closed convex subset K let Moreover, let 0. such that injections from and H with its dual V* Pairing between v* 6 V* for and and v e V. Consider the following variational inequality of parabolic type < u’ (t) + Au(t) + Bu(t) (i) for v(t) LP A solution u(t) u(t) 6 K (p>2) [0 ,=) ;V) u(t) a.e. t 6 u 06 is a monotone operator from bounded operator from K a.e. in (0,=) W following assumptions on to 6 L 2 loc([0, ) ;H) and the initial condition u(0) A u’ (t) C([0,=);H) [0,=) (2) Here v(t) with of (i) should satisfy the conditions Loc([0,=);V) for u(t)> > 0 f(t), v(t) W*. them. K. V to V* and B is a More precisely we make the 81 NONLINEAR PARABOLIC VARIATIONAL INEOUAIITIES A I. on V, hemicontinuous on with some A 2. V C B k0 > 0 0(-) and and satisfies the inequalities u 011 u II vp =< (3) where p=> 2, <__ <u,u> and is a monotone increasing function on is %ke Frchet derivative of a W continuous on function’al F B (u) on W, +i with some k I,>0. Regarding the forcing term (t) [0,). and satisfies (5) A 3. FA(U) is the Frchet derivative of a convex functional A f L oc ([0,) max { t+l | < const. < f (t) 2 ;V*)Lloc([0,) ;H) I f(s) a II, as we assume with ’t+l I i/q If(s) 12 and as)/} . Note that no monotonicity condition on B is assumed. The problem (I) is said ’unperturbed’ if ’perturbed’ if q=p/(p-l) B(t) 0. B(t)=0, and said The unperturbed problem (i) with the initial condition (2) is familiar, and the existence and unique- 82 M. NAKAO AND T. NARAZAKI ness theorems are known in more general situations than ours (see Lions [5], Brezis [2], Biroli [i], Kenmochi [4], Yamada [13], etc. ). However the asymptotic behaviors of solutions as seem to be known little. In this note we first prove a decay property of solutions of the unperturbed problem (1)-(2) B(t)--0). t---> (with This result is derivea by combining the penalty method with the argument in our previous paper [i0], where the nonlinear evolution equations (not inequalities) were treated. Next we consider the perturbed problem (1)-(2) 0). u’ (t) +Au (t) +Bu (t) =f (t) For the equation the existence of bounded solutions on was proved in [8] (see also [7]). variational inequality (i)- (2) [0,) (i.e., B(t) (not inequality) "in the norm II I V We extend this result to the Recently, similar problems were treated by Otani [12] and Ishii [3] in the framework of the theory of subdifferential operators. f(t)-0 or 0 If(s) the smallness of IH2 ds In their works it is assumed that is small, while here we require only M_=sup 6(t). Ishii [3] discussed the decay or t blowing up properties of solutions. We also prove a decay pro- perty of solutions of the perturbed problem. Our result is much better than the corresponding result of [3]. We employ the so-called penalty method introduced by Lions [5], and the argument is related to the one used in our previous paper [iI ], where the nonlinear wave equations in noncylindrical domains were considered. NONLINEAR PARABOLIC VARIATIONAL INEOUALITIES i. 83 Preliminaries We prepare some lemmas concerning a penalty functioanl 8(u). Let K be a closed convex set in V J:V --gV* and let be the duality mapping such that Then the penalty functional (7) PK & K) for is defined by pK u) J(u is the projection of K to V K. Recall that pK u is determined by .I (8) pK u 8 (u) 8(u) where II UIlv2 llUllv, ll (u) llv, (6) u ..IIV pKu min w&K I u w II V is also characterized as the unique element of K satis- fying (9) <J(u- pKu) w- For a proof see Lions [5]. PKU> < 0 for w & K. The following two lemmas are well known. Lemma i. 8(u) Lemma 2. Th.__e (Lions [5] is a monotone hemicontinuous mapping from (see, e.g., [6]) projection PK i__s continuous. V t_o V*. 84 M. NAKAO AND T. NARAZAKI The next lemma plays an essential role in our arguments. Lemma 3. u(t) Le___t 6_ ferentiable on d 1 (i0) d--{ I CI([0,) ;V). I u(t)-PKU(t) II V2 Then [0,) and it holds that u(t) PKU(t)II v2 is dif- u’ (t)> <8 (u(t)) Proof. The proof can be given by a [i, lemma 6]. variant of the way in Biroli By a standard argument (see Liohs [5, Chap II, Prof 8.1]) we know I (ii) w pKw w,v V. for 1 I IIV2 1 v Then, if t,t+h>0 u(t+h) pK u(t+h) _i 2h It2t2 +h II u(s) pK u(s) t (13) > <8(v), w- v> we have llV2 h>0, we have from (12) If IIV2 pKv 1 I u(t) pK u(t) I V2 > < 8(u(t)), u(t+h) -u(t)> (12) < 8(u(s)) > tl for I I v2 ds 1 u(s+h)-u(s) h t 2>tl__>0, and hence, letting jftl+h t 1 > ds h%0, I u(s)(s) u -PK 2 llv ds NONLINEAR PARABOLIC VARIATIONAL INEOUALITIES 1 I Y u(t 2 i V- g II PK u (t)II 2 2 1 2h It2t2+h [I u(s)-PK u(s) t t for llV2 i ds u(s+h)-u(s) h < 8(u(s)), < - h<0, we have Similarly, if 1 (15) g tl+h__> 0 with II u(t 2 -PKu (t) 2 pK u(t I) ilV2 Itltl+h 2 ds > ds 1 t2>t I I) u’ (s) > ds < 8(u(s)) (14) u(t 85 and I12V 1 g I u(t l)-pK u (t I) I12V < 8(u(s)),u’ (s) > ds for t>0. where we have used the continuity of t2>tl>0, pK u(t) at The inequalities (14) and (15) are equiavlent to (i0). We conclude this section by stating a lemma concerning a difference inequality, which will be used for the proof of decay of solutions. Lemma 4. Let ([9]) (t) be a nonnegative function on sup t<s<t+l (t) l+r < C 0((t) [0,) (t+l)) + g(t) such that 86 M. NAKAO AND T. NARAZAKI C0 > 0 with some (i) if (t)<c r=0 r> 0. and Then g(t)<C 1 exp(-It) and exp(-’t) with some I>0, Cl>O then CI, I ’>0 for some and / (ii) and r>0 if (t) 2. <= lim g (t) tl+llr=0, c (l+t) 1/r then for some C 1 > 0 Unperturbed problem As is mentioned in the introduction we prove here a decay property of solutions of the unperturbed problem (i)- (2) Theorem i. Le__t u 0 an___d K 6(t)<C exp(-It) B(t)-0 let (I>0) lim (t) t (p-l) / (p-2) =0 i__f p>2 and t+ i__f p=2. Then the problem (1)-(2) with admits a unique solution (16) I u(t) II v <__ C(II u0 u(t), satisfying II v) (l+t) -1/(p-2) if p>2 and (16)’ I with some I’>0. u(t) II V <__ C(II u0 llV) exp(-l’t) i__f p=2 NONLINEAR PARABOLIC VARIATIONAL INEQUALITIES Proof. - Recall that the solution {u (t)} of as e modified equation u is given by a limit function u (t) 0, where 87 is the solution of the u’ (t) + Au(t) + 1 8(u) f(t) (e>0) (17) u(0) u 0 are monotone hemicontinuous operators from Since A V V*, the problem (16) has a unique solution to and 8 u (t) such that u (t) G L ;V) oc ([0,) and u (t) e e L2loc([0, ) ;H). (Cf. Lions [5, Chap. 2, Th. 1.2., see also Biroli [i] where more general result is given.) Let {wj}j= 1 be a basis of Then, it is known that V. u (t) is given by the limit function of where u m (18) m,e (t)= =i . 3, m (t)w. 3 (t) } is the solution of <u’ (t) ,w > + <Au (t),Wo> m,e m,e j 3 (j=l, 2, {um <f(t) ,w > J ,m) with the initial condition (19) u (0) m ,e u0 m,e 9 u0 in V. as m--9 88 M. NAKAO AND T. NARAZAKI The problem (17)-(18) is a system of ordinary differential equa- tions with respect to 3,m (t) nicity and hemicontinuity of j=l,2,...,m, and by the monotoA 8 and it is easy to see that this problem admits unique solution such that Um, e (t)6 CI([0, ) ;Vm) V m where CI([0, ) ;V) is the m-dimensional subspace of ...,}. V spanned by {w I, For the proof of Theorem I, it suffices to show that the estimate (16) or (16)’ with independent of m u=u holds with the constants m,e e. and By Lemma 3 we have (20) Ee (um ,e (t2))- Ee (um ,e (t)) 1 + tl 2 lu’m,e (s) ds t <f (s) tl for t m,e (s) >ds 2 >tl>0, where E (u(t)) e FA(U(t)) + Also we have easily by (18) t AUm, e(s) ,um {< t (21) (s) > + 1 _I I PK u (t) u(t) <8(um (s),um 112V (s) >}ds I I t t 2 {<f(s) ,um ,e (s) > <u’m,e (s) ,um (s) >}ds. 1 Using the similar argument as in [10], the equalities (20)-(21) NONLINEAR PARABOLIC VARIATIONAL INEQUALITIES imply the estimate (16) or (16)’ with u=u 89 For completeness, m,e however, we sketch the proof briefly. By (20) we have 2 ds < 2{E m,e t e (Um, e (t) Ee (Um, e (t+l))} + C6 (t) (22) 2 --D (t) constant) (C>0 On the other hand, using the ineqaulity + 1 <8(um ,e (t)) <AUm, e(t),um, e(t)> Um, e (t) > > E e (um ,e (t)) (see (3) and (9)), we have from (21) It+l llf(s) IlV, t+l Jt E (um e e(s))ds ds) 1/2 2 < t t+l + t lu’m,e (s) 2 sup se[t,t+l] ds) 1/2 II Um, e(s) ii v sup t%s=t+l m,e (23) < C(D (t) + 6(t) e where hearafter and C E (um " t* 6[t,t+l] (t*)) < C{D (t) + 6(t)) } and hence by (20) I/p denotes various constants independent of From (23) there exists e. E( e (s)) t.s %t+l ,L, sup sup t<s<t+ such that e (s))/P m 90 M. NAKAO AND T. NAATAKI E sup t< s< t+l e (um ,e (s)) < C{ (D (t) + 6 (t)) e <s t< s< t+l + D (t) 2 + D (t)6 (t)} and by Young’ s inequality, E (um e (s)) < C{ (D e (t) + 6 sup t< s< t+ 1 e (24) (t))P/(P-1) + D (t) 2 + 6 (t) From (24) we can easily see that [0,) E by a constant depending on (um E (um e assume, without loss of generality, that (t)) C(-) where quantity. (26) m,e (0) u u 0 eK and IIV By (20) and (25) we have sup C(II where we set result. Since we may denotes various constants depending on the indicated E t<s<t+l < is bounded on (0)). Ee(Um,e(t)) =< C(Ee(Um,e(O))) =< C(li (25) 2} u 0 e (um ,e (s)) Iv M) {E 2 (p-l)/p (Um, 2 M--sup 6(t) t (t+l)) E (Um, (t)) + 6 (t) 2} Applying Lemma 4 we obtain the desired NONLINEAR PARABOLIC VARIATIONAL INEQUALITIES 3. 91 Perturbed problem In this section we investigate the existence and decay of solutions of the problem (1)-(2) with tion A 2. For this consider the approximate equations <Um, e (t) (27) satisfying the assump- B + Aum,e (t) + Bum,e (t) + 1 8(um ,e (t)) j=l,2,...,m, where we set again . f(t), w. > 3 m Um, e (t) e j=l m,j (t)w. 3 and we impose u for We also give a rather brief discussion. (eK) (0) G K and u u in V m,e m,e (0) --9 0 Using a similar argument as in [7] we derive a priori estimates u mtE we assume (t). p>e+2. By (27) we have Se,0(U’m,e(tl)) Ge,0(Um, e(t2)) (28) First + t1 lU’m’e(s) 2 as t <f (s) u’ >ds m, e (s) where Ge,0(u(t)) FA(U(t)) + FB(U(t)) + and hence, in particular, (29) G e,0 (um ,e (t)) < G e,0 (um ,e (0)) 1 flu(t) + 1 8(0) pK u(t) if 112v 0<t<l 0, 92 M. NAKAO AND T. NARAZAKI p>+2 which together with the assumption I Um,e (t) I V=< c<ll (30) if 0<t<l. u m Thus (t) If we assume < [0,tm] Ge,0(Um,e (t))<G e,0(um,e (t+l)) tm>l. some t>0, we have from (28) t+l lu’m,e (s) t I v’a 0 exists on an interval, say with (31) u0 implies for 2 ds < 6 (t) 2 < 2 M Using (27) and (31)we have it+l G t e,l (urn, (t))ds < M 2 + C it+l II (s)II v2 um t ds where we set (32) G e,l (u) <Au + Bu + 1 8(u), u> Since G,<u> and since __> a+2 koll u IIv kll u IIw p>e+2, theexists a point I1 Um,t* IIv + 1 II Um, From this and (28) (t*) + i 11 u pKu t* [t,t+l] PKUm e (t*) II v2 IIv2 such that < C(M) INEOUALITIES NONLINEAR PARABOLIC VARIATIONAL Ge,0(Um,e(t+l)) < Ge,0(um 93 (t*)) + C6(t) 2 < C(M) Thus we conclude that G e,0 Um, e (t)) and therefore (32)’ II Um e u (t) m (t) Iv + 1 < max(C(M) max G 0<s<l e,0 exists on I Us, (t) ds __< C(M, [0,) (um ,e (s))) satisfying i[ V2 (t) PKUm < C(M I u 0 II V) Of course we know .t+l I () t lu’m,e (s) II u0 II v) for t>0. We have now derived a priori estimate for u m,e (t). Using standard compactness and monotonicity arguments (see Lions [5] Biroli [i] etc.) we can suppose without loss of generality that as (34) m , L ([0, ) V) u m, (t) u (t) weakly* in u’m,e (t) u’ (t) weakly in L 2loc - weakly** in AUm, e(t) BUm, e(t) + i 8(Um, e(t)) Bue(t) Xe(t) strongly in 0, ) ;v). Lr ([0,=) ;W*) L ([0,=);V*) (r>l) 94 M. NAKAO AND T. NARAZAKI and (35) Au (t) + I xe(t) ? S(u(t)). Moreover, with the aid of the inequality < s(u) s(v) u,v V, we know for (36) lim m-oo u- v > II Um, e (t) Z (llu- pullv- llv- PkUm(t) II v I u e(t) "- PKUe(t) in The limit function u (t) E vll v) 2 IV L 2loc([0’) ). satisfies U’ (t) + Au (t) + Bu (t) + 1 8(u(t)) e e e f(t) a e (37) u (0) u 0 Furthermore, it holds from (32) and (33) that (t) (t) ;I < c(, and ’ t+l t lu’s s < c u0 llv I uo ;Iv) on [0, =) -- NONLINEAR PARABOLIC VARIATIONAL INEOUALITIES for t>0. u’e(t) u e(t) (38) suppose as Then we may -- 2 e’ weakly in Lloc([0,=) ;V), u(t) weakly* in L ([0, ) ;V), Au e(t) Bue(t) 0 u (t) Clo c([0,) ;H), and in and 95 (t) Bu(t) ----) L([0, ) ;V*) weakly** in Lr([0,);W *) (r>l) strongly in Moreover from (32) u e(t) PKUe(t) in 0 L=([0, =) ;V), which implies easily u(t) e K (39) a.e. on [0,) By a standard monotonicity argument (see Biroli [I]) we see x(t)=Au(t) a.e. on [0,), and by (37) we have < u’ (t) + Au(t) + Bu(t) for v(t) eLP([0, ) ;V) with f(t) v(t) eK u(t) > > 0 v(t) a.e. on [0, ) We summarize above result in the following Theorem 2. Let p>e+2. Then under the assumptions AI,A 2 and A 3, th__e M. NAKA0 AND T. NARAZAKI 96 problem (i)- (2) admits a solution t+l I u(t llv t>0, wher e four + t we u(t) - such that lu’ (sl s <=c(,llu 011 v .se___t M-- sup (t) t Next, we assume 2<p<e+2. As is already seen, for the existence of solution it suffices to show the boundedness of Um, e (t) by a constant independent of m and e. For this we set further x Se+2 I i, ou olI u llv and ,x (u) where ,o (u) + is a constant such tat S Note that (40) and x 0>0 (41) GE, 0(u) G e,l and (u)>G max x>O e ,0 D0>0 (k0xP > e,0(u) (u)-2k u 1 + 1 I for u II2 u llu- p<ull v2 I u llw<=sll u llv Ge, l(u) II[ u I we+2 llv+2 >__ e,l(U) u 6V. __> for u@V. GE, 0(u) Let us determine as follows. k3Se+2x e+2) Then ’the stable set’ k0x is defined by k3Se+2x e+2 D O NONLINEAR PARABOLIC VARIATIONAL INEQUALITIES {uV (42) Ge,l(U) < u0e K, Let us assume the initial value 2/D0-Ge,0(u 0) M0>0 such tht m (>0). if G if u IIV < x0 and let M < M 6 We shall show that there exists a constant M<M0’ Um,e (t) is sufficiently large. (43) I and D0 97 e,0 (um ,e 6 for t<__tm provided that First, by (29), (t)) < G e,0 + (u) 0 41- 0<t<min(l,tm), for sufficiently small < D 0 M + >0 and large m. t >i Thus, if ohr assertion were m false, there would exist a time >i such that The inequality (43) implies G (44) < D e,0(Um, e(t)) O if (um ,e ()) D0 0<t<t and G (45) e,0 t2= tl=t---i By (28) with we have easily t (46) -l lUm e (s) 12 2 ds < M and hence (47) G -I ,i (um , (s)) ds< -i < 2MS l-U’m,e (s)+f(s) flUm,e (S) ix0 98 M. NAKA0 AND T. NARAZAKI where S 1 is a constant such that u for Therefore, if we assume 6 [t-l,t] (48) where M<M--D0/2SIX 0, e V. there exists a time t* such that Ge,l (Um,e (t*)) x(M) (<x0) 2MSlX 0 II Um, e (t*) II v and < x (M) is the smaller root of the numerical equation k0xP (49) _<_ Se+2 xe+2 kI 2MSlX 0 (<Do) We use again (28) to obtain GE, 0(um, e()) < (50) < G < Now we determine (51) and set (52) GE, 0(um, e(t*)) e,l M’">0 "’0 + 1 M2 + 2klS e+2 klSe+2 I (t*) u m ;I ve+2 x (M) +2 as the largest number such that 2klSe+2 x (S"’) ’ 1_ M 2 + 2 (um (t*)) + ,e 2MSIX 0 M0--min(M6,M M2 + ). + 2M"’ SIX 0 + 1 M"’ 2 Then, assuming Ge,0 (Um, e ()) < M<M0, DO DO (M’ < ’ we have by (51) NONLINEAR PARABOLIC VARIATIONAL INEQUALITIES which contradicts to (45). [0,) exists on m for large llUm ,e (t) I V < 53 Consequently, if M<M0, Um, e (t) and it holds that t+l x0 99 t u’m e (s)l 2 < ds < const and Ge,0(Um,e (t)) < t &[0, ) for D0 Thus, applying the monotonicity and compactness arguments, we obtain the following Theorem 3. Le___t 2<p<u+2 u_ a solution u(t) and M<M .Then th__e problem 0. (1)-(2) admits satisfying IV< x0 ad I t+l t lug-m (s) 2 ds < const. < Moreover, we note that the approximate solutions u mI (t) (m: large) satisfy (54) G ,0 (um , (t)) > G ,0 Um, (t)) klSe+2Xo(e+2)-P) II um,e(t) - >- (ko 1 with (k0_klSe+2 x +2)-p )>0. the section u- I vP exUllv2 Therefore the same argument as in yields the following M. NAKAO AND T. NARAZAKI i00 Theorem 4. Le___t 2<__p<+2 an___d M <M 0. Then the solution in Theorem 3 satisfies the decay property If (i) and p>-2 (t) t (p-l) / (p-2) =0, then lim t/ or I__f p=2 (ii) 6 (t)<C exp{-%t} and I for some Remark. and p>2 IIV <-- C’ u<t) (C,%>0) .then exp{-%’t} C’ %’>0 lu(t) l<C(l+t) -I/(p-2) [3], Ishii proved that In lu(t) I<C exp{-%t} (C,%>0) if for the case p=2 if f-0. It is clear that our result is much better, because the norm II" 4. is essentially stronger than the norm v An example in R V with w’P(), 0<e < pn/(n-l) +2 A; V ---) V* by if H L 2() n>p+l W L e+2() 0<e< if n<p. and and be a bounded domain Let Here we give an typical example. n and set We define NONLINEAR PARABOLIC VARIATIONAL INEQUALITIES n u p- 2 x%-x-Tl < u,v >= u,v 6W 0l,p(), and for d(x) Bu d (x) where W* B:W luleu I01 u u ax by ue L e+2() for . is a bounded measurable function on Moreover we set {ueW K where a, b 01’p() b(x) =< u(x) =< a(x) are measurable function on Then all the assumptions AI-A 2 a.e. -(2) is equivalent in this case to the n} a (x) >0>b (x) with are satisfied. on The problem (i) problem f(x,t) a.e. on [0,) where b (x) <u (x t) <a (x) Lu(x,t) < f(x,t) a.e. on [0,) where u (x t) =a (x) Lu(x,t) > f(x,t) a.e. on x [0,) where u (x t) =b (x) Lu(x,t) with the conditions u =0 a.e. [0,) on and u(x,0)=u 0(x) (eK) where Lu B__u t n Z j=l B 8x. m U) + d(x) uIu a.e. on , M. NAKAO AND T. NARAZAKI i02 REFERENCES i. Sur les inquations paraboliques avec convexe d@pendan du temps: solution forte et solution faible, Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma (3)3(1974), Biroli, M. 33-72. Problemes unilateraux, J. Math. Pures appl., 5I (1972), 1-168. 2. Brezis, H. 3. Ishii, H. 4. Kenmochl, N. Some nonlinear parabolic variational inequatities, Israel J Math. 22 (1975), 304-331. 5. Lions, J. L. Quelques Mthodes de R@solution des Problemes aux Limies Non Linearies, Dunod, Paris, 1969. 6. Martin, Jr., R. H. Nonlinear Operators and Differential Equations in Banach Spaces, J. Wiley & sons, Inc. New York, 1976. 7. Nakao, M. 8. Nakao, M. Asymptotic stability and blowing up of solutions of some nonlinear equation, J. Differential Euations, Vol. 26, No. 2 (1977), 291-319. On boundedness, periodicity and almost periodicity of solutions of some nonlinear parabolic equations, J. 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