189 Inat. J. Math Mh. Si. (1980) 189-192 Vol. 3 No. A COVERING THEOREM FOR ODD TYPICALLY-REAL FUNCTIONS E.P. MERKES Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Cincinnati 45221 U.S.A. Cincinnati, Ohio (Received July 20, 1979) ABSTRACT. if An analytic function f(z) Im f(z)Im z > 0. z + aoz 2 +... in Izl < I is typically-real The largest domain G in which each odd typically-real function is univalent (one-to-one) and the domain (G) for all odd typically real functions f are obtained. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Typicy-real funtns, dmain of threms 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 1. univalence, coving 30C25. INTRODUCTION. An analytic function f(z) z + amZ2 +... in the unit disk E (Izl < i) is in the class T of typically-real functions if and only if there exists a nondecreas- ing function y on [0,7] such that y() f(z) I 0 1 i, y(0) 0, and gay(t) 2z cos t + z The function y when normalized on (0,7) by y(t) uniquely determined by f. (y(t+) + y(t-))/2 is E.P. MARKES 190 The domain of unlvalence of the class T is known [23 to be (1.2) Brannon and Krwan [3] proved that the largest domain contained in f(G) for [w every function in T is < 1/4. In this paper we obtain the corresponding results for the class T O of odd Recently Goodman [4] determined the largest domain typlcally-real functions. The analog of this result for the that is contained in f(E) for every f e T. class T 2. O is an open problem. The domain of unlvalence of T THEOREM 2.1. PROOF. O the domain G of (1.2). O is is univalent in G. The theorem is estab- The domain of unlvalence for T Since T O c T, each f e T O lished, therefore, if we can show that there is a function f e T O that is not Let f(z) univalent in any domain D that properly contains G. 2 z(l + z )/(I z 2 2 i z/(l since T is a linear class. maps G onto II < i. z) 2 i + z/(l - + z) 2 This function is clearly in T O The function 2z l+z (2.1) 2 By the change of variables (2.1), the function f has the form f(z) =Iz/(l 1 : 1 (1 Since /(I- 2) 2z + :) + z 1 2) + ;I(1 1/2z/(l + 2z + z 2 + ) 1 /(I 2 ) is not univalent in any domain that properly contains II < i, we conclude that f is not univalent in any domain that properly contains G. 3. A covering theorem for T O The largest domain U contained in f(G) for every f e T O is the 18 pe domain that includes the origin, is bounded in the right half-plane by w THEOREM 3.1. 191 COVERING THEOREM FOR REAL FUNCTIONS where 0 f o (cs 0)/2 < 1el < T/4, and is symmetric relative to the imaginary axis. By, (i. I) we have PROOF. _f(_z) I 0 1 + 2z + cos t z 2 zd[l 0 >( 2z cos 1 T)] T + z2 1/2. In particular, y(/2) [0,]. For f e T O /2 f(z) I I zdT(t) I 0 2z cos t + z2 +I 2 t) for therefore, i- 2z cos t /2 y( I -f(-z), then by the uniqueness of y we have y(t) If f(z) t e I zdy(t) + z ; 0 i 0 2z zd(t). cos t + z 2 + zdy( -t)_ 2 cos (- t) + z I2z /2 /2 z I- 0 2z cos t + z 2 z 2z cos t + i + + z 2.]dy (t) By the change of variables (2.1), we obtain /2 f(z) I i 0 Let z e G. II i. 2 COS 2 By (2.1) we have that the corresponding For fixed e i8 - , 0 < < l, the point le < 8 io (3.z) 0 t , + (1 is on the unit circle the function 2f(z) is by (3.1) in the closed convex hull H of the circular arc w(s) each 1/2, y(0) y(/2) dT(t) e iO / (1 se 2iO) s [0,1]. %)i/sin O is on the linear portion of H. Let D(%) denote the square of the distance from such a point to the origin. O # 0,, we have For If E.P. MERKES 192 D(-I) xe ie / 1 (1 X)i/sin el 2 i- 2 This function of I has a minimum at Isin el < than [D(I 8 e /2. 1 + (1-X2)/(4 sln2e) sin28 and 0 < A < i provided Thus, the distance from any point of H to the origin is not less sln28)] 1/2 Icos 81 when 0 < 181 <_ /4 or 3/4 <_ 181 < w. For other (-,] the distance from any point of H to the origin is minfl,1/(21sin el)} 1/(21sin el) for /4 < iel < 3/4 and 1 for 8 Since the convex hull H contains for each z e aG the values of 0 or . 2f(z) for all f e T and since every point of H is the value of 2f(z) for some f e T O O conclude that U is the exact domain covered by all f e T O when z we G. REFERENCES i. Robertson, M. S., On the coefficients of a typically-real function, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 41 (1935), 565-572. 2. Merkes, E. P., On typically-real functions in a cut plane, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., i0 (1959), 863-868. 3. Brannan, D. A. and Kirwan, W. E., A covering theorem for typically-real functions, Glasgow Math. J., i0 (1969), 153-155. 4. Goodman, A. W., The domain covered by a typically-real function, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.., 64 (1977), 233-237.