MEI Conference 2015 Recent reports into mathematics education Stephen Lee External Report Recent reports (and letters) relating to mathematics education (see 2015 Making maths and English work for all - The review of what employers and learners need from the maths and English qualifications taken by young people and adults, ETF (2015) Developing Great Teaching: Lessons from the international reviews into effective professional development, TDT (2015) The earnings and employment returns to A levels, London Economics (2015) The Gender Agenda: STEMing the gap, Adecco (2015) A vision for education – beyond five-year policy cycles, SSAT (2015) 2014 Mathematics after 16: the state of play, challenges and ways ahead, Josh Hillman, Nuffield Foundation (2014) Vision for science and mathematics education, Royal Society, (2014) Research and the Teaching Profession, BERA and RSA, (2014) Mathematical transitions - a report on the mathematical and statistical needs of students undertaking undergraduate studies in various disciplines, Higher Education Academy, (2014) A blueprint for mathematics education – maths snapshots, ACME (2014) PISA 2012 Results: Creative Problem Solving: Students’ skills in tackling reallife problems (Volume V), OECD (2014) PISA 2012 Results: England-specific overview, OECD (2014) Engineering our future - Stepping up the urgency on STEM, CBI (2014) Cost of outcomes associated with low levels of adult numeracy in the UK, Pro Bono Economics, National Numeracy (2014) 2013 Empowering teachers: success for learners, ACME (2013) Closing Doors: Exploring gender and subject choice in schools, IoP (2013). Report from the expert panel on core mathematics (2013) Fit for Purpose? The view of the higher education sector, teachers and employers on the suitability of A levels, Ofqual (2013) Independent Chair's report on the review of current GCE 'specification content' within subject criteria: A report to Ofqual, Smith, M. (2013) A world full of data: Statistics opportunities across A-level subjects, Royal Statistical Society and the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (2013) Evaluation of the Mathematics Specialist Teacher (MaST) Programme, NFER (2013) The Employment Equation: Why our young people need more maths for today's jobs, Sutton Trust. (2013) Financial education in schools, Gillie (2013) Schools' use of early entry to GCSE examinations, Ofsted (2013). A level reform: Position statement, ACME (2013) ACME's response to the consultation on the draft programmes of study for the National Curriculum, ACME (2013) The mathematics skills of school children : How does England compare to the high performing East Asian jurisdictions?, Institute of Education (2013) Towards universal participation in post-16 mathematics : lessons from highperforming countries, Nuffield Foundation (2013) 2012 Post-16 Mathematics: increasing provision and participation, ACME (2012) Planning for success, ACME (2012) Raising the bar: developing able young mathematicians, ACME (2012) Third evaluation report for the Mathematics Linked Pair GCSEs (2012) Jobs and growth: the importance of engineering skills to the UK economy, Royal Academy of Engineering (2012) Higher Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects, Lords Science and Technology Select Committee (2012) Using Realistic Mathematics Education in UK Classrooms, Dickinson and Hough (2012) Evaluation Report on the RME Pilot Project at Manchester Metropolitan University, CEM - Durham University (2012) The administration of examinations for 15-19 year olds in England, Education Select Committee (2012) MEI Review of Mathematics in Other Subjects at Level 3, MEI (2012) Finance Baccalaureate research project, King Edward VI College Stourbridge [with input from MEI] (2012) Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research: National Student Survey Discipline Report, Higher Education Academy (2012) Mathematics: Made to measure, Ofsted (2012) International Comparisons in Senior Secondary Assessment, Ofqual (2012) Mathematics in A level assessments: A report on the mathematical content of A level assessments in Business Studies, Computing, Economics, Geography, Psychology and Sociology , Nuffield Foundation (2012) Mathematics within A-level science 2010 examinations, SCORE (2012) The independent evaluation of the pilot of the linked pair of GCSEs in mathematics (MLP): Second Interim Report, DfE (2012) ACME response to the report by the Expert Panel for the National Curriculum Review, ACME (2012) The Future of Statistics in our Schools and Colleges, Royal Statistical Society and The Actuarial Profession - authored by Roger Porkess (2012) Solving the maths problem: international perspectives on mathematics education, Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA)- authored by Emma Norris (2012) MEI Staff Publications (See: In Press/submitted Button, T, Lee, S & Stripp, C MEI Insights II: The use of technology in Mathematics Education. Mathematics in School, Mathematical Association. Lee, S & Knights, C Continuous Professional Development – enriching and engaging classroom teachers via a ‘paired days’ approach. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics. 2015 Lee, S & Stripp, C (2015) MEI Insights I: About MEI. Mathematics in School, Mathematical Association. Vol. 44 Issue 3, p17-20 (Print only) Butler, R, Button, T & Lee, S (2015) Enabling access to A level Further Mathematics across England via blended learning - ‘LIL FM’. IMA International Conference on Barriers and Enablers to Learning Maths. Dawson, T & Lee, S (2015) Developing an innovative curriculum and teacher pedagogy for nurturing a positive disposition towards learning and using mathematics in post 16 students in England – ‘Critical Maths’. IMA International Conference on Barriers and Enablers to Learning Maths. Lord, K & Stripp, C (2015) Improving Access for State-School Students. The Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (IMA) Mathematics TODAY, Vol. 51 Issue 2, p80-82 2014 Baldwin, C & Lee, S (2014) Transition to STEM degrees - the growth of Further Mathematics A level. The Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (IMA) Mathematics TODAY, Vol. 50 Issue 6, p302-304 Dudzic, S (2014) What’s the use of statistics? The Scottish Mathematical Council Journal 44 p42-43 Stripp, C (2014) How is post-16 mathematics education changing? Mathematics in Schools, Mathematical Association. Vol. 43 Issue 4, p2-3 (Print only) Button, T (2014) Programming in Mathematics A level. Mathematics in Schools, Mathematical Association. Vol. 43 Issue 4, p4-5 (Print only) Lee, S & Peters, M (2014) Supporting Engineering students at the start of their university course: an industry-university collaboration to provide tailored online mathematics resources. Proceedings of the Annual SEFI Conference Dawson, T (2014) Critical Maths: A mathematically-based thinking curriculum for post-16. Mathematics in Schools, Mathematical Association. Vol. 43 Issue 4, p2021 (Print only) Lee, S & Dudzic, S (2014), Understanding the UK Mathematics Curriculum PreHigher Education - Where are we now? MSOR Connections. Lee, S (2014) From the physical classroom to the online classroom – providing tuition, revision and professional development in 16-19 education Proceedings of British Congress on Mathematics Education. Stripp, C (2014) Mathematics is not just about utility; it nurtures fundamental human characteristics TES Opinion, TES Connect. March 2014. Dudzic, S (2014) North Americans - one third of the world's weight?: Obesity and the comma Significance, Royal Statistical Society, Vol. 11, Issue 1. 2013 Lee, S, Tripconey, S & de Pomerai, S (2013) Extended teacher professional development courses - feedback on the impact of undertaking MEI's Teaching Advanced Mathematics (TAM) and Teaching Further Mathematics (TFM) courses. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 33(3). November 2013. Lee, S & Button, T (2013) Moving with the Times - A New A level Further Mathematics Unit: Further Pure Mathematics with Technology (FPT) MSOR Connections, Higher Education Academy. Volume 13, Issue 2. Tripconey, S, de Pomerai, S & Lee, S (2013) The impact of training courses on mathematics teachers' use of ICT in their classroom practice Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, Bari, Italy, July 2013. Button, T & Lee, S (2013) Further pure mathematics with technology: A post-16 unit of study that uses technology in the teaching, learning and assessment. Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, Bari, Italy, July 2013. Dudzic, S (2013) Keeping the Coffee Warm - The Mathematics of Cooling Mathematics in School, Mathematical Association. Vol. 42 Issue 3, p9. Button, T (2013) Further pure mathematics with technology: Developing a new ALevel mathematics unit that uses technology in the teaching, the learning, and the assessment Mathematics Teaching (235), Association of Teachers of Mathematics. Lee, S & Lord, K (2013) Student progression to STEM degrees - who has studied A level Further Mathematics? Proceedings of the Higher Education Academy STEM Conference, Birmingham, April 2013. Lee, S & Button, T (2013) Developing the A level curriculum - a new A2 Further Mathematics Unit: Further Pure Mathematics with Technology (FPT).Mathematics in School, Mathematical Association. Vol. 42 Issue 1, p18 (Print only) 2012 Lee, S & Searle, J (2012) Stimulating an increase in the uptake of Further Mathematics through a multifaceted approach: Evaluation of the Further Mathematics Support Programme Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 32(3) November 2012 pg 121 Dudzic, S (2012) Thank you for Choosing to Travel with us Mathematics in School, Mathematical Association. Vol. 41 Issue 5 (Print only) Lee, S & Morgan, K (2012) Construction and student feedback of a 'transition to university' online support course in mathematics for STEM students. Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation, Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education 2012. Lee, S & Richards, J (2012) Connecting Industry and Education The Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (IMA) Mathematics TODAY, 48(5), pg204. (Print only) Lee, S (2012) Pre-university online mathematics course for STEM undergraduates HESTEM National Newsletter Spring/Summer 2012. pg 26 Dudzic, S (2012) Would you like to take a later flight? Mathematics in School, Mathematical Association. Vol. 41 Issue 3 (Print only) 2011 Vorderman, C, Porkess, R, Budd, C, Dunne, R & Rahman-hart, P (2011) A worldclass mathematics education for all our young people. Independent report. Murphy, B (2011) In-Service Professional Development for Teachers of PreUniversity Mathematics. In International Approaches to Professional Development for Mathematics Teachers (Book), Chapter 7, pages 108-116. Browne, R, Lee, S & Robbins, C (2011) Motivating learning in engineering mathematics through online exemplars. Proceedings of the Seventh IMA conference on The Mathematical Education of Engineers 2011. Lee, S & Browne, R (2011) Supporting and enhancing learning with a virtual learning environment: Mathematics in the Level 3 Engineering Diploma and beyond. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Education, Ulster, 2011. Kuntze, S, Lerman, S, Murphy, B, Kurz-Milcke, E, Siller, H-S & Winbourne, P (2011). Development of pre-service teachers' knowledge related to big ideas in mathematics. In B. Ubuz (Ed.), Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 3 (pp. 105112). Ankara, Turkey: PME. (Print only) Lee, S & Browne, (2011). Mathematics in Work: Exemplars Competition The Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (IMA) Mathematics TODAY, 47(5), pp217. (Print only) Button, T & Lissaman, R, (2011) Using live online tutoring to provide access to higher level Mathematics for pre- university students. Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, University of Portsmouth 5-8th July 2011 , pg 94. de Pomerai, S & Tripconey, S (2011) Live Online Professional Development for Mathematics Teachers. Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, University of Portsmouth 5-8th July 2011 , pg 98. 2010 Lee, S., Browne, R., Dudzic, S. & Stripp, C. (2010) Understanding the UK Mathematics Curriculum Pre-Higher Education - A guide for Academic Members of Staff Higher Education Academy, ISBN 978-1-907632-08-2 Stripp, C (2010) The end of the Further Mathematics Network and the start of the new Further Mathematics Support Programme MSOR Connections Vol 10 No 2 Kuntze, S, Lerman, S, Murphy, B, Siller, H-S, Kurz-Milcke, E, Winbourne, P, Fuchs, K-J, Wagner, A, Worn, C, Vogl, C & Schneider, M (2010). Supporting teachers' awareness of big ideas in mathematics classrooms. In Pinto, F.M. & Kawasaki, T.F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 4 (p. 360) Belo Horizonte, Brazil: PME. (Print only)