Graphs and Networks Königsberg bridges The Königsberg bridges is a famous mathematics problem inspired by an actual place and situation. The city of Königsberg on the River Pregel in Prussia includes two large islands which were connected to each other and the mainland by seven bridges. The citizens of Königsberg allegedly walked about on Sundays trying to find a route that crossed each bridge exactly once, and returned to the starting point. Königsberg bridges Simplify the problem Model it as a graph where the edges represent the bridges and the vertices represent the islands. Image from wiki commons Königsberg bridges Königsberg bridges Königsberg bridges Königsberg bridges In 1736 Leonhard Euler proved that it was not possible because all the vertices of the graph are odd. Update: Kaliningrad Two of the seven original bridges were destroyed during World War II. Two others were later demolished and replaced by a modern motorway. The three other bridges remain, although only two of them are from Euler's time (one was rebuilt in 1935). Hence there are now only 5 bridges in Konigsberg. Activity: The Icosian Game (a.k.a. A Voyage Round the World) Find a closed cycle that visits every vertex exactly once. A G E M L F R K H S Q P T N O J D I C B Graphs Understand notation and terminology. • Nodes/vertices; arcs/edges; node order; • simple, complete, connected and bipartite graphs; • walks, trails, paths, cycles and Hamilton cycles; • trees; digraphs; planarity. Be able to model appropriate problems by using graphs. • e.g. Königsberg bridges; • various river crossing problems; • the tower of cubes problem; • filing systems. MEI D1 January 2010 question 3 Link to the examination paper Link to FMSP revision recordings for MEI D1 Graph Theory Definitions Puzzle Minimum Spanning Tree Networks Be able to model and solve problems using networks Minimum Connector (minimum spanning tree) • Kruskal’s algorithm (on a network) • Prim’s algorithm (on a network and on a table) What sort of network is a ‘tree’? Image from wiki commons A problem A cable TV company based in Plymouth wants to link all the towns on the map. To keep costs to a minimum they want to use as little cable as possible. What strategy should they use to solve the problem? Spanning tree of minimum length Minimum connector minimum connector algorithms Kruskal’s algorithm 1. Select the shortest edge in a network 2. Select the next shortest edge which does not create a cycle 3. Repeat step 2 until all vertices have been connected Prim’s algorithm 1. Select any vertex 2. Select the shortest edge connected to that vertex 3. Select the shortest edge connected to any vertex already connected 4. Repeat step 3 until all vertices have been connected A cable company want to connect five villages to their network which currently extends to the market town of Avonford. What is the minimum length of cable needed? 5 Brinleigh Cornwell 3 4 6 8 8 Avonford 7 Donster Fingley 5 4 2 Edan We model the situation as a network, then the problem is to find the minimum connector for the network 5 B C 3 4 6 8 8 A D F 7 5 4 2 E Kruskal’s Algorithm B List the edges in order of size: 5 C 3 4 6 8 8 A D F 7 5 4 2 E ED AB AE CD BC EF CF AF BF CF 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 Kruskal’s Algorithm B Select the shortest edge in the network 5 C ED 2 3 4 6 8 8 A D F 7 5 4 2 E Kruskal’s Algorithm B 5 Select the next shortest edge which does not create a cycle C 3 4 6 8 ED 2 AB 3 8 A D F 7 5 4 2 E Kruskal’s Algorithm B 5 Select the next shortest edge which does not create a cycle C 3 4 6 8 ED 2 AB 3 CD 4 (or AE 4) 8 A D F 7 5 4 2 E Kruskal’s Algorithm B 5 Select the next shortest edge which does not create a cycle C 3 4 6 8 ED AB CD AE 8 A D F 7 5 4 2 E 2 3 4 4 Kruskal’s Algorithm B 5 Select the next shortest edge which does not create a cycle C 3 4 6 8 8 A D F 7 5 4 2 E ED AB CD AE BC EF 2 3 4 4 5 – forms a cycle 5 Kruskal’s Algorithm B All vertices have been connected. 5 C 3 4 6 8 The solution is 8 A D F 7 5 4 2 E ED AB CD AE EF 2 3 4 4 5 Total weight of tree: 18 Prim’s Algorithm B Select any vertex 5 A C 3 4 6 8 Select the shortest edge connected to that vertex 8 A D F 7 5 4 2 E AB 3 Prim’s Algorithm B 5 Select the shortest edge connected to any vertex already connected. C 3 6 8 AE 4 4 8 A D F 7 5 4 2 E Prim’s Algorithm B 5 Select the shortest edge connected to any vertex already connected. C 3 6 8 ED 2 4 8 A D F 7 5 4 2 E Prim’s Algorithm B 5 Select the shortest edge connected to any vertex already connected. C 3 6 8 DC 4 4 8 A D F 7 5 4 2 E Prim’s Algorithm B 5 Select the shortest edge connected to any vertex already connected. C 3 6 8 CB 5 – forms a cycle 4 EF 5 8 A D F 7 5 4 2 E Prim’s Algorithm B All vertices have been connected. 5 C 3 4 6 8 The solution is 8 A D F 7 5 4 2 E AB AE ED CD EF 3 4 2 4 5 Total weight of tree: 18 Minimum Spanning Tree B 5 3 6 8 8 A C F 5 7 4 2 E Kruskal’s 4 ED AB D CD AE EF 2 3 4 4 5 Prim’s AB AE ED CD EF 3 4 2 4 5 Total weight of tree: 18 Prim’s Algorithm on a Table First put the information from the network into a distance matrix A B C D E F A - 3 - - 4 7 B 3 - 5 - - 8 C - 5 - 4 - 6 D - - 4 - 2 8 E 4 - - 2 - 5 F 7 8 6 8 5 - 1 A B C D E F A - 3 - - 4 7 •Select the smallest entry in column A (AB, B length 3) C 3 - 5 - - 8 - 5 - 4 - 6 D - - 4 - 2 8 E 4 - - 2 - 5 F 7 8 6 8 5 - •Start at vertex A. Label column A “1” . •Delete row A Brinleigh 3 Avenford •Label column B “2” 1 2 •Delete row B A B C D E F A - 3 - - 4 7 B 3 - 5 - - 8 C - 5 - 4 - 6 D - - 4 - 2 8 E 4 - - 2 - 5 F 7 8 6 8 5 - •Select the smallest uncovered entry in either column A or column B (AE, length 4) Brinleigh 3 Avenford 4 Edan 1 •Label column E “3” •Delete row E •Select the smallest uncovered entry in either column A, B or E (ED, length 2) Brinleigh 3 B C D E F A - 3 - - 4 7 B 3 - 5 - - 8 C - 5 - 4 - 6 D - - 4 - 2 8 E 4 - - 2 - 5 F 7 8 6 8 5 - Donster 2 Edan 3 A Avenford 4 2 •Label column D “4” 1 2 4 3 A B C D E F •Delete row D A - 3 - - 4 7 •Select the smallest uncovered entry in either column A, B, D or E (DC, length 4) Cornwell Brinleigh B 3 - 5 - - 8 C - 5 - 4 - 6 D - - 4 - 2 8 E 4 - - 2 - 5 F 7 8 6 8 5 - 3 4 Avenford Donster 4 2 Edan •Label column C “5” 1 2 5 4 3 •Delete row C A B C D E F A - 3 - - 4 7 B 3 - 5 - - 8 C - 5 - 4 - 6 D - - 4 - 2 8 E 4 - - 2 - 5 F 7 8 6 8 5 - •Select the smallest uncovered entry in either column A, B, D, E or C (EF, length 5) Cornwell Brinleigh 3 4 Fingley Avenford Donster 5 4 2 Edan FINALLY 1 2 5 4 •Label column F “6” A B C D E F A - 3 - - 4 7 B 3 - 5 - - 8 C - 5 - 4 - 6 D - - 4 - 2 8 E 4 - - 2 - 5 F 7 8 6 8 5 - •Delete row F 3 6 Cornwell Brinleigh 3 4 Fingley Avenford Donster 5 4 2 Edan The spanning tree is shown in the diagram Length 3 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 5 = 18Km Some points to note •Both algorithms will always give solutions with the same length. •They will usually select edges in a different order – you must show this in your workings. •Occasionally they will use different edges – this may happen when you have to choose between edges with the same length. In this case there is more than one minimum connector for the network. Shortest Path Problems Networks Be able to model and solve problems using networks Shortest Path – Dijkstra’s algorithm Dijkstra’s Algorithm finds the shortest path from the start vertex to every other vertex in the network. Find the shortest path from A to G B 4 F 4 1 2 7 A 4 D 7 3 3 2 G C 5 E 2 Order in which vertices are labelled. Dijkstra’s Algorithm B 1 Working 4 4 0 F 1 2 7 A Distance from A to vertex 4 D 7 Label vertex A 1 as it is the first vertex labelled 3 3 2 G C 5 E 2 Dijkstra’s Algorithm Update each vertex adjacent to A with a ‘working value’ for its distance from A. 4 B 1 4 4 0 1 F 2 7 7 A 4 D 7 3 3 2 G C 3 5 E 2 Dijkstra’s Algorithm 4 B 1 4 4 0 1 F 2 7 7 A 4 D 7 3 3 Vertex C is closest to A so we give it a permanent label 3. C is the 2nd vertex to be permanently labelled. 2 G 5 C 2 3 3 E 2 Dijkstra’s Algorithm 4 B 1 4 4 0 1 6 < 7 so replace the t-label here 2 7 6 7 A F 4 D 7 3 3 2 G 5 C 2 3 E 3 8 2 3 4 The vertex with the smallest temporary label is B, so make this label permanent. B is the 3rd vertex to be permanently labelled. 4 B 1 4 4 0 1 F 2 7 6 7 A 4 D 7 3 3 2 G 5 C 2 3 E 3 8 2 Dijkstra’s Algorithm 3 4 4 B 1 4 0 5 < 6 so replace the t-label here 4 1 2 7 6 5 7 A F 8 4 D 7 3 3 2 G 5 C 2 3 E 3 8 2 Dijkstra’s Algorithm 3 4 4 B 1 4 4 0 F 4 5 7 6 5 1 7 A 2 8 4 D 7 3 3 2 G 5 C 2 3 E 3 8 2 Dijkstra’s Algorithm 3 4 4 B 1 4 4 0 F 4 5 7 6 5 1 7 A 8 7 7 < 8 so replace the 4t-label here 2 D 7 3 3 2 G 5 C 2 3 E 3 8 7 2 12 7 < 8 so replace the t-label here Dijkstra’s Algorithm 3 4 4 B 1 4 4 0 F 4 5 7 6 5 1 7 A 2 8 7 4 D 7 3 3 2 G 5 C 2 3 3 2 E 5 8 7 7 12 Dijkstra’s Algorithm 3 4 4 B 1 4 4 0 F 4 5 7 6 5 1 7 A 2 8 7 4 D 7 3 3 2 G 5 C 2 3 3 2 E 5 8 7 7 12 9 9 < 12 so replace the t-label here Dijkstra’s Algorithm 3 4 4 B 1 4 4 0 F 4 5 7 6 5 1 7 A 2 6 7 8 7 4 D 7 3 3 2 G 5 C 2 3 3 2 E 5 8 7 7 12 9 Dijkstra’s Algorithm 3 4 4 B 1 4 4 0 F 4 5 7 6 5 1 7 A 2 6 7 8 7 4 D 7 3 3 2 G 5 C 2 3 3 2 E 5 8 7 7 12 9 11 > 9 so do not replace the t-label here Dijkstra’s Algorithm 3 4 4 B 1 4 4 0 F 4 5 7 6 5 1 7 A 2 6 7 8 7 4 D 7 3 3 2 G 5 C 2 3 3 2 E 5 8 7 7 7 9 12 9 Dijkstra’s Algorithm 3 4 4 B 1 4 4 0 F 4 5 7 6 5 1 7 A 2 6 7 8 7 4 D 7 3 3 2 G 5 C 2 3 3 2 E 5 8 7 7 The shortest path is ABDEG, with length 9. 7 9 12 9 Networks 1. Understand that a network is a graph with weighted arcs 2. Be able to model appropriate problems by using networks • Use in modelling ‘geographical’ problems and other problems • e.g. translating a book, e.g. the knapsack problem. 3. The minimum connector problem • Know and be able to use Kruskal's and Prim's algorithms • Kruskal’s algorithm in graphical form only • Prim’s algorithm in graphical or tabular form. 4. The shortest path from a given node to other nodes. • Know and be able to apply Dijkstra's algorithm MEI D1 January 2010 question 5 Link to the examination paper Link to FMSP revision recording MEI D1 January 2010 question 5 MEI D1 January 2010 question 5 22 13 12 11 10 6 26 5 MEI D1 January 2010 question 5 22 13 12 11 10 6 26 5 MEI D1 January 2010 question 5 22 13 12 11 10 6 26 5 Jeff Trim Central Coordinator & Area Coordinator, SE Region Further Mathematics Support Programme