MEI CONFERENCE 2012 MEI’S CURRENT WORK 20/08/2012 Strands of Work

Charlie Stripp, MEI Chief executive
Strands of Work
Major current contracts/projects
MEI’s work is organised in four strands:
• Curriculum
• Industry
• Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving
• Professional development
• Student support
Influencing education policy and
responding to consultations
Level 3 Mathematics
• Position papers
• Discussions
• Consultation responses
• A level
– Mathematics for all post-16 position paper
– How might A level Mathematics be
improved? discussion paper
– Development groups
Level 3 Mathematics
Key stage 4 mathematics
• Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving
– Review of level 3 maths in other subjects
– Resources using level 3 Maths in other
subjects [mei-imps, imps]
– Maths in the Extended Project Qualification
– Finance Baccalaureate
– KS4 position paper
– RME project
– ‘Mature’ GCSE
– Linked Pair
– Financial Maths
• New level 3 Mathematics course
• KS4 Extension/enrichment
• Mathematics in context resources
• Work with Further Education
• Work with businesses
Professional Development
NCETM role
Teaching Advanced Mathematics [TAM]
Teaching Further Mathematics [TFM]
Departmental reviews
Teaching GCSE Mathematics [TGM]
Theoretical underpinnings of A level
• Enrichment and extension at KS4
• Other MEI CPD
Student Support
• Online resources
• Further Mathematics tuition
• STEP/AEA tuition
• Enrichment and extension – including the
Senior Team Mathematics Challenge
Key achievements of the
Further Mathematics Support Programme
Studying AS/A level Further Mathematics makes the transition to a mathematics-rich university
course easier. These prestigious qualifications offer transferable skills across all science,
technology, engineering and mathematics subjects and enable students to distinguish themselves
as able mathematicians in the university and employment market.
We are increasing the numbers of students taking AS/A level Further Mathematics
The number of students taking A level Further Mathematics has more than doubled since the programme
went national in 2005. The number taking AS Further Mathematics has risen even more sharply.
In 2004/5 less than 40% of the state-funded A level Mathematics providers in England had students taking
A level Further Mathematics. In 2010/11 this proportion had grown to well over 60%.
How we do it
We bring together schools, colleges, local authorities and universities to improve opportunities for students.
To promote uptake of Further Mathematics, we
stimulate students to study more mathematics, by providing mathematics
enrichment events and competitions - over 1000 schools enter our annual
Senior Team Mathematics Challenge*
raise awareness of the benefits of studying of mathematics beyond GCSE by
providing information and guidance to students and their parents
encourage universities to include Further Mathematics qualifications in their
offers for places on relevant courses
To help schools and colleges to offer Further Mathematics, we
 engage with them - over 2500 schools and colleges in England are
registered with the FMSP and receive free newsletters, online revision
sessions and teaching resources. Our online revision sessions receive
around 10 000 viewings each year
 help them find ways to offer Further Mathematics
 deliver over 1000 teacher days of professional development each year
through a range of innovative and flexible courses
 establish independent local networks of teachers
Where there is a need for tuition we provide flexible solutions to meet the needs of students and their
schools and colleges. The FMSP has provided direct tuition to thousands of students and is tutoring over
400 students in academic year 2011/12.
Schools and colleges in England and Wales can register free with the FMSP to enjoy the support and
benefits described above. For details please see our website at
* A competition for teams of sixth-form students, developed in partnership with the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust.
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