An environment for What does MEI do ? mathematics

An environment for
What does MEI do ?
• Create an environment in which
mathematics can flourish
• Curriculum development
• Industry
• Further Mathematics Network
Position papers
• C1 numbers survey
• Mathematics and multiple-unit awards
• Submission to House of Commons Select
Committee on National Curriculum
• Response to government consultations
Invitation seminars
The views put to us by MEI members are really
important. We try to make sure they are heard.
MEI is now a Participating Society of the JMC
MEI staff are members of many committees etc
Position papers
Curriculum development
• Invitation seminars
• Textbooks
• Electronic materials
• Syllabuses
Working with others
• Computer Algebra Systems (with Texas
• MEI acts in partnership with many other
• “Attracting the best students of mathematics
into engineering” (with the IET)
• Recently we have been working with the Royal
Statistical Society Centre for Statistics
Education on materials for CPD courses
• “Mathematics to Key Stage 4: Meeting the
needs of all abilities” (with the Nuffield
Curriculum Centre)
• We are also working with a number of
universities on materials for undergraduates
• Companion to Advanced Mathematics
and Statistics
• Revision Guides
• Mechanics for Engineers
• Interactive resources for AS
• Statistics posters
Electronic materials
• An ever-growing bank of on-line
resources, over 20 000 pages, covering all
specifications post-16
• Establishing a balance between electronic
and hard-copy materials
There are 4 MEI syllabuses
• AS/A Level Mathematics and Further
• AS Statistics
• Foundations of Advanced Mathematics
- major developments planned
• Teaching Advanced Mathematics (TAM)
Much of MEI’s work in the industry
strand is still at the development stage,
working with
Existing vocational courses
New courses, eg diplomas
Continued collaboration with the IET
Teaching Advanced Mathematics
Contact Bernard
“The TAM course gave me the confidence and
preparation I needed to get into A Level teaching
and I haven’t looked back …”
• Teaching Further Mathematics (TFM)
• Now seeking national roll-out
• 2-day courses
• Report just published, jointly with NCETM, on
the effects of participants; it covers 100 out of
103 ex-TAM teachers, every one fully
• School/college visits
Teaching Further Mathematics
Contact Sue
“I have found the whole course excellent,
interesting and helpful. It has been well
organised and all tutors and administrators have
been exceptionally good”
• Covers almost all the pure mathematics in the
various specifications
• About 30 teachers in the coming year
Further Mathematics Network
• The Network now covers the whole of
England and every suitable student has
access to Further Mathematics – for the
first time ever
• There have been large rises in Further
Mathematics numbers: 89% at AS over
the last 3 years, 39% at A Level
Other FMN activities
• Senior Team Mathematics Challenge
(with UKMT) 350 schools/colleges this
• Online tuition for STEP/AEA
Mathematics using Elluminate
• A pilot Further Mathematics course for
gap year students with the Year in
Industry scheme
Other CPD courses
• MEI runs 2-day courses on various
strands; the days are typically separated
by about 6 weeks
Contact Bernard
• We are also experimenting with
providing remote subject-based
professional development, using
Contact Sue
Creating an environment for
Further Mathematics
• Helping FM Centres to establish their
presence locally
- Study days
- E & E activities with younger students
• Helping teachers, including via TFM and
also via remote tuition, using Elluminate
Dark clouds and silver linings
Two pieces of advice
• Do what you do do well
• Be prepared to stand up for what you
believe in