Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ministry of Finance Development Cooperation Report 2010 Foreword On behalf of the Ministry of Finance (MOF) of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoIRA), it is my pleasure to present the first Development Cooperation Report (DCR) to the international community and the people of our nation. The Development Cooperation Dialogue (DCD) process was initiated to stimulate policy dialogue on development and reconstruction between the GoIRA with its Development Partners (DPs) to help strengthen the relationship and cooperation between the GoIRA and its partners. This report, the outcome of a successful round of negotiations, will serve as a critical tool for GoIRA and our DPs to assess the development achievements of the country since 2002, identify the challenges to development in Afghanistan encountered both by the Government and the international community and will hopefully provide policy directions to further strengthen and accelerate the development process in Afghanistan. We greatly appreciate the sustained assistance to Afghanistan provided by the international community for development and gratefully acknowledge how such support helped bring positive changes to the lives of Afghans since 2002. We acknowledge the significant contributions made to our nation’s development, through provision of support to the financing of Afghanistan’s medium and long term strategies (Afghanistan National Development Strategy and the national priority programs- NPPs). This report makes a brief assessment of the utilization of development assistance to date and further analyzes the effectiveness of the delivery of development assistance as based on the principles of Aid Effectiveness, agreed upon by the international community and announced in Paris in 2005. DCR reviews the financial trends of Official Development Assistance (ODA) flows since 2002 multi-year projections of financing provided by DPs and the differences and disparities in financial support and development progress across sectors and geographic areas. Dissemination of information and overview analyses contained in reports of this nature contribute to transparency and accountability of development finance utilization for the benefit of all stakeholders - the GoIRA, DPs and most importantly, the Afghan public. The development dialogue process and the record of information collected, analyzed and shared widely have the best potential of strengthening mutual trust between GoIRA, the international community and the Afghan population. If appropriately used, these reports can provide decision making tools for the Government and the international community for better aid coordination promoting improved medium and long term planning of development interventions that can produce development results generating sustainable economic growth and development benefits for the people of Afghanistan. I express GoIRA’s commitment to serve the needs of the Afghan nation and its public and to this effect make best efforts to strengthen cooperation, based on mutual accountability, with its DPs. The current report, with its basic data and policy analysis, serves these objectives. Thus, our commitment is to make the DCDs an annual event and publish annual reports generated out of the process. Our DPs' continuous support to this process through provision of optimal information about their development financing to Afghanistan will ultimately maximize public information both in Afghanistan and in donor countries about the benefits of our DPs’ development interventions in Afghanistan. MOF, on behalf of GoIRA, takes this opportunity to extend its gratitude to the Afghan population and the international community for their continued support to GoIRA. We also thank UNDP for the technical and financial assistance in support of the DCDs. Dr. Omar Zakhilwal Minister of Finance DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | I Contents Foreword................................................................................................................................................................ I Contents...............................................................................................................................................................IV Acronyms ..............................................................................................................................................................V Executive Summary............................................................................................................................................... 1 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4 2. History of Foreign Assistance in Afghanistan ............................................................................................... 6 2.1. Pre-Cold War era (1919-50s)................................................................................................................ 6 3. 2.2. The Cold War era (1960s-1990s) .......................................................................................................... 6 2.3. Post 9/11 (2001- present) .................................................................................................................... 7 Landmark Conferences ................................................................................................................................. 9 3.1. Bonn Conference (2001) ...................................................................................................................... 9 3.2. Tokyo Conference (2002) ..................................................................................................................... 9 3.3. Berlin Conference (2004) ..................................................................................................................... 9 3.4. The London Conference ..................................................................................................................... 10 3.5. Rome Conference (2007) ................................................................................................................... 10 3.6. Paris Conference on Afghanistan (2008)............................................................................................ 11 3.7. Hague Conference (2009) .................................................................................................................. 11 3.8. London Conference (2010)................................................................................................................. 12 3.9. Kabul Conference (2010).................................................................................................................... 12 3.10. Lisbon Conference (2010) ...................................................................................................................... 12 Assessment ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 4. 5. Aid Dependency (Reality of Aid in Afghanistan) ......................................................................................... 15 Overview of External Assistance ................................................................................................................ 18 5.1. Synopsis.............................................................................................................................................. 18 5.2. Geographic Distribution of External Assistance ................................................................................. 21 5.3. Loans .................................................................................................................................................. 22 5.4. Aid Predictability ................................................................................................................................ 22 5.5. Main Delivery Channels of External Assistance ................................................................................. 23 5.5.1. External Assistance for Security Sector...................................................................................... 23 Analysis ........................................................................................................................................................... 25 5.5.2. 6. External Assistance for Development ............................................................................................ 27 Trust Funds ............................................................................................................................ 28 Assistance through Government Systems ............................................................................. 30 Support for Government Operating Budget .......................................................................... 31 Share of Aid as Percentage of Government Budget .............................................................. 31 Aid Effectiveness in Afghanistan ................................................................................................................ 34 DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | III 6.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 34 6.2. The Achievements in Brief ................................................................................................................. 34 6.3. The Lapses Preventing Optimization of Benefits of International Assistance in Afghanistan ........... 35 6.4. Absence of Strong Donor-Afghan Government Partnership ............................................................. 35 6.5. Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda for Action Addressing the Lapses............................................. 36 6.6. Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda Aid Effectiveness Principles in Action in Afghanistan .............. 37 6.6.1. Ownership.................................................................................................................................. 37 6.6.2. Alignment................................................................................................................................... 37 6.6.3. Harmonization ........................................................................................................................... 38 6.6.4. Mutual Accountability ............................................................................................................... 39 6.6.5. Managing for Development Results .......................................................................................... 40 6.7. Primary Challenges to Implementation of Aid Effectiveness Principles in Afghanistan .................... 41 6.7.1. 6.7.2. Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 41 Inadequate Capacity of National Institutions ............................................................................ 42 Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 43 6.7.3. Low National Budget Execution ................................................................................................. 44 6.7.4. Corruption.................................................................................................................................. 44 6.8. Annex-I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 31. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Continuing Insecurity ................................................................................................................. 41 Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 45 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................... 46 Introduction to Development Partners …………………………………………………………….………. …….48 ADB (ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK) ASSISTANCE TO AFGHANISTAN ......................................................... 49 THE AGA KHAN DEVELOPMENT NETWORK (AKDN) IN AFGHANISTAN ...................................................... 50 AUSTRALIA IN AFGHANISTAN ..................................................................................................................... 52 CHINA IN AFGHANISTAN - COMMITTED TO THE SPIRIT OF GIVING ........................................................... 54 Canada’s (CIDA) aid to Afghanistan ............................................................................................................ 55 Czech Official Development Assistance to Afghanistan ............................................................................. 57 Danish Development Assistance to Afghanistan ........................................................................................ 59 European Union IN AFGHANISTAN ............................................................................................................. 61 Finland’s Contribution to Afghanistan........................................................................................................ 63 France’s Assistance to Afghanistan ............................................................................................................ 64 Reconstruction and Development - German Cooperation with Afghanistan ............................................ 65 India’s Development Cooperation Program in Afghanistan ....................................................................... 68 Participation of Islamic Republic of Iran in the reconstruction of Afghanistan.......................................... 70 ITALY’S SUPPORT TO AFGHANISTAN .......................................................................................................... 72 Japan’s Assistance to Afghanistan .............................................................................................................. 73 LITHUANIAN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION IN THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF AFGHANISTAN..................... 75 THE NETHERLANDS IN AFGHANISTAN – A SMALL COUNTRY WITH A BIG FOOTPRINT .............................. 76 NEW ZEALAND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ................................................................................................ 77 Norway’s Development Assistance to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan............... 78 Poland’s Assistance to Afghanistan ............................................................................................................ 80 DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | III 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Spanish Cooperation concentrated in Badghis Province............................................................................ 81 The Swedish Development Assistance to Afghanistan 2002-2010 ............................................................ 83 Swiss Commitment to Afghanistan - a contribution to a better future ..................................................... 84 TURKEY’S CONTRIBUTION TO AFGHANISTAN ............................................................................................ 86 Afghanistan Development Co-operation Report - UK Input....................................................................... 88 USAID ASSISTANCE TO AFGHANISTAN ....................................................................................................... 90 WORLD BANK IN AFGHANISTAN ................................................................................................................ 92 Annex-II Tables and Graphs………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 95 DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | III Acronyms AAA AACA AC ACBAR AIA ANA ANCOP ANSF APPF APRP AREU ASFF ASNGP CDP CERP CIM CIMIC CNTF CPI CSR DAC DAD DCD DCR DFID DFR DMU DOD DODCN DOD-CN DP EPHS FY GDP GoIRA HIPC I-ANDS IFC IMF M&E Accra Agenda for Action Afghanistan Assistance Coordination Authority Afghanistan Compact Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief Afghan Interim Authority Afghan National Army Afghan National Civil Order Police Afghan National Security Forces Afghan Public Protection Forces Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund Afghan Research and Evaluation Unit Afghanistan Security Forces Fund Afghanistan Sub-national Governance Program Capacity Development Program Commander’s Emergency Response Program Centrum für Internationale Migration und Fachkräfte Civil Military Cooperation Counter Narcotics Trust Fund Corruption Perception Index Civil Service Reform Development Assistance Committee Donor Assistance Database Development Cooperation Dialogue Development Cooperation Report Department for International Development Donor Financial Review Debt Management Unit Department of Defense Department of Defense and Counternarcotics Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities Development Partner Essential Package of Hospital Services Fiscal Year Gross Domestic Product Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Interim Afghanistan National Development Strategy International Finance Corporation International Monetary Fund Monitoring and Evaluation DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT IV MCP MOF NIP NPPs NRAP NRVA OECD OEF OG PAR PD PDP PEFA PFEM PITF PRR PRSP PRT QIP SAF SDC SIGAR TA TF TIKA TVET UK UN UNHCR UNMAS UNOPS USA USAID USDoD USSR WB Management Capacity Program Ministry of Finance National Immunization Program National Priority Programs National Rural Access Program National Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Operation Enduring Freedom Operational Guide Public Administration Reform Paris Declaration Provincial Development Planning Public Expenditure Financial Assessment Public Finance and Expenditure Management Political Instability Task Force Priority Reform and Restructuring Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Provincial Reconstruction Team Quick Impact Project Securing Afghanistan’s Future Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction Technical Assistance Trust Fund Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency Technical and Vocation Education Training United Kingdom United Nations United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees United Nations Mine Action Service United Nations Office for Project Services United States of America United States Agency for International Development US Department of Defense Union Soviet Socialist Republic World Bank DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | V Executive Summary The Development Cooperation Report (DCR) 2010, prepared by the Aid Management Directorate (AMD) of the Ministry of Finance (MoF), is a living proof of the determination of Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoIRA) officials to make inflow of foreign assistance effective for Afghanistan and its people. The results of the Development Cooperation Dialogues (DCDs) between the MoF officials and their DPs (DPs), along with other measures introduced by MoF (e.g. organizational restructuring for aid management and an aid management policy; Donor Financial Review (DFR); reform of Development Assistance Database (DAD)), are expected to pave the way for effective development. Tracing the long history of foreign involvement in Afghanistan, the DCR advances the analysis to the 21st century and the complex aid scenario in this country, which, devastated by decades of war, was compelled to marginalize development of its people for decades. This DCR covers the years post-9/11, a period in which GoIRA and its DPs have worked to reconstruct the country from the ashes. The impediments on their way are all-embracing: threats to human security resulting from terrorist violence; weak rule of law and governance; inappropriate protection of human rights; lack of resources to educate and provide employment to millions of young people and to nurture a healthy population –men and women - who could serve as the main contributors to increasing the country’s productivity. Low capacity of human resources in a country where war has played havoc with the education system exacerbates the difficulties the Afghan leaders encounter. The DCR reflects the resolve of GoIRA to tackle these issues, both with its own limited revenue and effective financial and technical assistance from its DPs, as per the aid effectiveness principles announced in Paris (2005) and Accra (2008). The DCR is a call by GoIRA for the implementation of the principles of aid effectiveness, elimination of ineffective aid and a pledge to make itself accountable to its tax-paying public. The DCR outlines the international community and GoIRA’s progress from 2001 to 2010, starting in Bonn, followed by conferences in Tokyo, Berlin, London, Rome, Paris, Hague, London, Kabul and Lisbon, where we re-pledged to legitimize a state born out of decades of conflict. The DCR sounds an alert that many themes common to the previous conferences continue to dominate today’s agenda, as some basic problems related to the revitalization of Afghanistan, and to also make aid delivery and utilization more effective, have not been resolved. The DCR contends that while the inadequacies of the outcomes of the previous conferences should not deter the GoIRA and the DPs to take new actions, acknowledgement of the lack of progress and further resolve to take new and determined measures are essential for sustainable resolution of the problems. The Report contends that while the generous assistance of the international community produced some significant outcome results, in the absence of appropriate adherence to the aid effectiveness principles, full benefits of foreign aid have not been realized. On the DP side, deficiencies in aid delivery cover several spectrums that restrict appropriate implementation of aid effectiveness principles. Discrepancies in pledges, commitments and disbursements of aid finances, resulting in unpredictability in availability of financial resources, continue to hamper long term planning. The DCR also expresses concerns about the high aid dependency rate of Afghanistan, relying on external funding both for recurrent/operating costs and also development expenditure. DCR identifies the risks of aid dependent economies and proposes measures for GoIRA to take for mitigating the risks. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 1 The security scenario - a war on terror - pushes a large volume of external finances to address security requirements. Itemization by DCR of a long list of funds, solely devoted to security-related programming, vividly displays the dominance of security sector spending (representing 51% of total external assistance), which outweighs investments in other sectors combined. While security is a precondition for operation of development projects, inequity in distribution of funds between security and non-security development sectors often results in neglecting the country’s basic development needs prioritized by GoIRA, and aid becomes politicized and militarized. 82% of external assistance disbursed from 2002-2010 by-passed GoIRA’s national budget process, was invested in programs/projects parallel to those of GoIRA and managed directly by the implementing agencies of the DPs, without any accountability to the GoIRA. Such practices of tied and prescriptive donor-driven aid violates the Paris principle of ownership of development programs by the recipient government and alignment of donor programs with national priorities. DCR concludes that external ODA delivery by-passing Government budget channels results in a missed opportunity for GoIRA to learn by doing and thereby develop the required capacity to design, implement, monitor and report on development programs. In relation to parallel mechanisms for aid program delivery, the ill-conceived contracting and sub-contracting processes of the DPs and their negative impact on the Afghan economy has been raised in the DCR. According to DCR’s assessment, donor coordination in Afghanistan is less than satisfactory and harmonized actions are few. Program Based Approaches (PBAs) and Sector Wide Approaches (SWAPs) have hardly gained ground. The result is fragmentation of aid, duplication of programs in the absence of well shared information amongst DPs and unbalanced and inequitable development resulting from overcrowding of certain sectors or geographic areas by too much funds invested by too many DPs. Meanwhile, other areas with greater needs are left with little investment. These problems emanate from inadequate attention by the DPs to accountability needs. GoIRA has limited knowledge about one third of the total external assistance investment in the country since 2001, as many DPs do not disclose information on project activities and results, while others do not have information readily available . Under such circumstances, when results to be attained by the donorfunded programs are not clearly recorded and communicated, managing for development results becomes rather rhetorical. Other than accountability for development results, mutual accountability needs demand further actions. DPs demand accountability from GoIRA in areas such as faster project/program execution, increasing absorptive capacity, improved public performance management and greater transparency to control corruption. The DCR outlines the measures undertaken by GoIRA to address these accountability requirements, as demanded by the DPs. The expectations are that transparent and regular DCDs would help build up mutual accountability and trust. The DCR provides a lengthy list of actions to be taken to address the lapses (as identified above), to which a lack of attention will lead to failure in effective aid delivery and utilization, which, in turn, will have huge impact on Afghanistan’s reconstruction and development. Other than those actions directly related to promoting aid effectiveness, critical points integral to balanced development and reduced aid dependency include increased revenue generation and implementation of the related reforms in tax and customs administration, and engendering an enabling DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 2 environment for private sector development through implementation of business investment and banking laws and control of corrupt practices. Actions for promotion of equalitarian practices in development investment will include emphasis on women’s development, which will help utilize the productive capacity of 50% of the Afghan population. Urban-rural disparities should be countered with transfer of more aid resources to, and better development programming for, the rural areas through Provincial Development Planning that would facilitate balanced allocation of funds. The DCR concludes with a summary of the GoIRA-DP commitments at the Kabul Conference (2010). The highlights of these commitments included: greater proportion (at least 50%, within the next two years) of aid delivery through the Afghan budget (or on-budget support), along with measures taken to maximize aid effectiveness benefits from off-budget assistance (as per the guidance outlined in the Operational Guide for Off–Budget Development Financing). Both are expected to help reduce Afghanistan’s aid dependency and enable the Government to utilize aid resources identified in needsbased development, in priority sectors. The DCR confirms that the international community’s commitments were matched at the Kabul conference by GoIRA’s commitments for reforms to strengthen public finance management systems, reduce corruption, improve budget execution and increase revenue collection. GoIRA is determined to take further measures to make aid utilization more effective. GoIRA’s expectation is that timely delivery on its own commitments, translated into concrete monitorable actions, shall elicit concomitant delivery from the international community. Future DCRs will report on the progress in the planning and implementation of the commitments made by both GoIRA and the DPs. (Hard data on donor profiles and aid flow and distribution are available in the main text) DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 3 1. Introduction Overall, this report aims to provide an analysis of aid flows to Afghanistan and their effectiveness. Following this first DCR, similar future reports will provide more comprehensive information on foreign assistance and improve public awareness on its role in the stabilization and development of Afghanistan. After the establishment of the Interim Administration in 2001, following the Bonn Conference, the international community committed to support the new transitional Government in Afghanistan by providing both development and military assistance. Since then, billions of dollars of development assistance have been provided in different forms: financial grants, loans, and in-kind and technical assistance. The need for oversight of the high and intensive volume of international assistance to track the inflow of aid and ensure aid coordination and management was acknowledged as a priority by GoIRA. The GoIRA thus established the Afghanistan Assistance Coordination Authority (AACA) in April 2002 through a presidential decree. In August 2003, the AACA was dissolved and the functions of aid coordination and management were incorporated into the General Budget Directorate of MOF. In 2006, MoF initiated the semi-annual Donor Financial Review (DFR) process, with the aim to: (a) obtain and analyze data on donor assistance to Afghanistan and (b) support preparation of the National Budget. Such a process helped build cooperative ties between GoIRA and its DPs and promoted mutual accountability and transparent exchange of information. These outcomes assisted GoIRA in planning spending priorities and appropriation of development finances through tracking the inflow of donor finances. In 2008, MoF published the first DFR report on development assistance to Afghanistan. The 2008 and the subsequent reports have, to date, serve as useful digests providing information on foreign assistance to Afghanistan. Initially presented as priorities by H.E. President Hamid Karzai during his inaugural speech of his secondterm appointment as president, and later officially introduced in the Kabul Conference (July 20, 2010), GoIRA and the international community endorsed the Kabul Process, an Afghan-led action plan to improve governance, social and economic development, and security, prioritized from the Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS). GoIRA prioritized the needs in the form of National Priority Programs (NPPs). For promotion of effective cooperation between the GoIRA and its DPs, significant resolutions were adopted at the Kabul Conference, which are highlighted below: In line with the London Conference Communiqué, the international community restated its strong support for channeling at least 50% of development aid through GoIRA’s core budget within two years. Concomitantly, GoIRA resolved to undertake the necessary reforms to strengthen its public financial management systems, reduce corruption, improve budget execution, and increase revenue collection to finance key NPPs and progressively achieve fiscal sustainability. The international community expressed its readiness to progressively align donor development assistance with the NPPs, with the GoIRA achieving 80% of alignment within the next two years. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 4 The international community committed to work with GoIRA to take concrete steps necessary to address GoiRA’s current limited capacity for absorption of funds. The international community expressed its intent to begin work with GoIRA to practically implement the principles outlined in the 2030 “Operational Guide: Criteria for Effective OffBudget Development Finance”. The DPs expressed their intent to work with GoIRA to improve procurement procedures and pursue due diligence in international contracting process over the course of a year; endeavor to reduce sub-contracting unless a clear evidence of added value for adoption of such an approach was provided; and take responsibility for ensuring transparency and accountability of all subcontracting networks. The Kabul Process, the commitments made by all parties to improve partnership, and the interest generated in addressing the issues that would help implement these commitments, created a heightened sense of need for comprehensive and regular dialogues with DPs on aid and development effectiveness. In view of this, AMD of MoF started the first series of direct bilateral dialogues in late November 2010 with individual DPs, the process called the Development Cooperation Dialogues (DCDs). It is believed that comprehensive discussions between the GoIRA and the DPs, promoted by DCDs, would better attend to the need for compliance with development effectiveness principles and devise measures to improve effective and efficient delivery and utilization of aid. Successful dialogues would certainly help advance the implementation of the aid effectiveness principles of the Paris Declaration (2005) and Accra Agenda (2008). The DCD meetings provide the opportunity to the international community and GoIRA to discuss and internalize the importance of the commitments made and the challenges ahead. There are clear signals that a process of this nature helps both the GoIRA and its DPs to work in close collaboration to maximize the impact of development assistance. The success of the first set of DCDs is best evidenced in DPs’ transparent release of information of their assistance provided to Afghanistan and joint Afghan Government and DPs’ review of the obstacles and solutions to effective aid delivery and utilization. This report, which presents quantitative and qualitative analysis of foreign assistance to Afghanistan, is mainly developed based on DCDs and other complementary studies such as PD Evaluation 2010, PD Monitoring Surveys and Principles of Good International Engagement in Fragile States and Situations. The expectation is that regular reports of this nature will further promote accountability and transparency of ODA to both the Afghan and donor country publics. Notably, this DCR marks a departure from the former DFR Reports as it includes inputs from all DPs engaged in Afghanistan and contributing to its development. The report begins by setting out the history of ODA since 2002 (including international conferences on Afghanistan), followed by presentation of significant trends in the flow of development assistance, Afghanistan’s aid dependency, an analysis of the relationship between the military and development aid and aid distribution. The report subsequently analyzes ODA’s impact in Afghanistan and explores the remaining critical challenges to be addressed. Finally, it focuses on the implementation of aid effectiveness principles of the Paris Declaration (2005) and the Accra Agenda for Action (AAA-2008) in the Afghanistan-specific context, along with recommendations for the way forward. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 5 2. History of Foreign Assistance in Afghanistan Foreign assistance has played an important role in Afghanistan’s history, with Afghanistan receiving its first monetary assistance from the East India Company during the British rule in South Asia. Although the mentioned financial assistance did not necessarily put Afghanistan in the category of aid dependent nations, the country has rarely achieved fiscal sustainability even after it gained de jure and de facto status of state. The degree of its aid dependency changed from time to time, with changes in economic and political situations in the country. The history of the influx of foreign assistance to Afghanistan can be divided into the following three periods, each of which was characterized by factors influencing the country’s aid dependency: 1. Pre-Cold War (1919-1950s) 2. The Cold War era (1960s-1991) 3. Post 9/11 (2001-present) 2.1. Pre-Cold War era (1919-50s) In order to modernize the centralized economy, several attempts were made to scale up economic growth during King Amanullah’s regime. These included widening the revenue base such as tax collection. The basics of domestic revenue mobilization came from the tax on agricultural products, which accounted for 60% of domestic revenues. The amount of revenue from this category declined to 18% in 1953, and 7% in 1958, respectively. As a result, the domestic revenues were not enough to finance the needs of the country, which, in turn, made the economy run a fiscal deficit. In order to fill the deficit, the then Government sought foreign assistance from major donor countries of the time. The major sectors receiving support in this period were infrastructure and education. Selected results of such assistance can be cited in the construction of schools; the most ancient ones, Malalai and Estiqlal, were built with the help of the French Government, Germany constructed Amani and the USA built Habibia High School. Due to a lack of information, however, it is difficult to track the exact volumes of foreign assistance, their type and the results achieved. 2.2. The Cold War era (1960s-1990s) Even before 1960s, the economy was heavily influenced by factors associated with the Cold War. In order for the country to survive the pressures of the superpowers during the Cold War period, the then Prime Minister, Mohammad Daud Khan, sought foreign assistance from both USA and the Soviet Union. From the late 1950s to 1970s, Afghanistan received 50% of its foreign assistance from the former USSR, and 30% from the USA, which included approximately USD 160 million commitments in the form of loans (DMU, MoF). Assistance was also received from multilateral DPs such as the World Bank and ADB. Foreign assistance mainly focused on infrastructure and agricultural sectors. The major outputs were the Salang Tunnel and 1200 km of paved roads, which played an active role in economic growth. The 1970s was marked by an economic downturn characterized by severe droughts, low agricultural production, consequent famine and a centralized economy, which hampered private investment. In DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 6 such a difficult period, western aid assistance also declined, which pushed the country into further economic turmoil. The deteriorating scenario made the country rely mostly on former USSR assistance. During the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, the inflow of former USSR assistance to the country got further momentum, which helped develop infrastructure and boost trade opportunities. In the decade of 1970s, the amount of loans Afghanistan received from the USSR stood at USD 11 billion (DMU, MoF). Notably, although the enormous flow of financial assistance from the former USSR helped Afghanistan cover its fiscal deficits, it had an adverse impact on potential influx of assistance from other countries and multilateral agencies. During the Soviet occupation, illicit (informal) components were introduced into the licit (formal) economic structure. The illicit economy was promoted with case and in-kind assistance from neighboring countries, and from the USA to the Mujahidin and refugees. During this period, NGOs led the humanitarian response and provision of assistance. In the absence of proper records, it is not possible to report the exact amount of foreign assistance in support of the Mujahidin. However, available data confirms that USSR’s aid to GoIRA contributing to the licit pie of the economy in 1980 alone was USD 1 billion, which further grew in subsequent years (Steve Coll, 2004). The official inflow of assistance to Afghanistan stopped after the downfall of Dr. Najeebullah’s regime, which also marked the end of the Cold War in 1992. However, small scale humanitarian assistance from a few countries via NGOs and UN agencies continued between 1992 and 2000. Due to unavailability of information, it is not possible to present the exact amount of assistance during this period. 2.3. Post 9/11 (2001- present) The post-Taliban era was a turning point in the economic history of Afghanistan as it was the first time since the end of the Cold War that Afghanistan moved to the top of the ODA 1agenda. Acknowledging the mistakes made, and the resulting negative impact of withdrawal from substantive engagement in Afghanistan, the international community recognized the need to help Afghanistan become a stable state for global security reasons. The international community therefore re-entered Afghanistan, a country with war-torn infrastructure, a feeble economy and weak governance incapable of delivering basic services to its people. The re-intervention process began with the establishment of the Interim Government in late 2001. In response to a large number of needs and challenges in the country, a remarkable volume of development assistance has been provided. For further details on distribution of aid, refer to the overview section below. External assistance provided to date, has enormously contributed towards achieving some significant results in various sectors of the economy. Building, reconstructing and rehabilitating physical infrastructure, amongst other major achievements of foreign assistance, played a key role in economic development in Afghanistan. For the first time in history, more than 4000 kilometers of paved highways, secondary and tertiary roads have been built with aid money. The investment in the energy sector 1 Official Development Assistance in the form of grand or loan from a sovereign Government to a developing country or multilateral agency for the promotion of economic development and welfare. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 7 provided 30% of the people with access to electricity. The increasing GDP rate since 2001 is a highlight. These are just a few examples of the impacts of external assistance, the detailed account of which can be found in Chapter 3. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 8 3. Landmark Conferences 3.1. Bonn Conference (2001) Representatives of Afghanistan, under the initiative of Mr. Lakhdar Brahimi, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General for Afghanistan, met in December 2001, and agreed to bring an end to the coalition war against the Taliban and build a new Government in cooperation with the international community. From the Bonn conference emerged the Afghan Interim Authority (AIA), made up of 30 members, headed by a chairman. AIA was inaugurated December 22, 2001 with a six-month mandate, followed by a two-year Transitional Authority (TA), after which democratic elections were to be held for formation of a permanent Government. The Bonn Agreement authorized the establishment of the NATO-led International Security Assistance (ISAF) Force for oversight of security in Afghanistan. The Afghan Constitution Commission also established in Bonn to draft a new constitution in consultation with the public. A judicial commission was established to rebuild the justice system in accordance with Islamic principles and international standards of the rule of law, Afghan legal traditions and inauguration of a Supreme Court. In the Bonn Conference, the international community did not pledge any financial assistance, but they expressed determined political commitments to support a prosperous and peaceful Afghanistan. 3.2. Tokyo Conference (2002) The International Conference on Reconstruction Assistance to Afghanistan was held on January 21-22, 2002 in Tokyo, with ministerial level participation, co-chaired by H.E. Hamid Karzai of the Afghanistan Interim Administration, Japan, the US, the EU and Saudi Arabia. The conference provided the AIA an opportunity to reaffirm its determination to pursue the process of reconstruction and development of Afghanistan according to the Bonn Agreement principles and provided the international community the opportunity to express its political support for this process with pledges of concrete assistance. The international community strongly emphasized the importance of rapidly establishing a comprehensive macroeconomic and monetary framework. Thus the focus was placed on sound economic reforms to achieve sustainable economic development. A cumulative total pledge of more than USD 5.1 billion of assistance was announced to support the implementation of the commitments of the conference. 3.3. Berlin Conference (2004) The Berlin conference was held on March 31, 2004 in Berlin, Germany. The conference was co-chaired by the UN and the Government of Afghanistan, Federal Government of Germany and Government of Japan. This Conference had three major aims: (1) Renewal of commitments for reconstruction funds; (2) longterm commitments from the International Community for continued support to Afghanistan; and (3) DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 9 concrete planning for the post-Bonn phase of reconstruction. The conference reaffirmed the need to boost Afghanistan's fragile reconstruction efforts, improve security conditions to promote peaceful presidential election in 2004 and the parliamentary and provincial elections of 2005, and furthermore to clamp down on the burgeoning opium trade. The following were the major outcomes of the conference: (a) GoIRA agreed on a development framework entitled “Securing Afghanistan’s Future (SAF)”, (b) NATO committed to expand ISAF's mission by establishing five additional Provincial Reconstruction Teams by the of Summer 2004 and further PRTs thereafter; and c) ISAF agreed to assist in securing the conduct of elections. At the end of the conference, multiyear pledges were made for the reconstruction and development of Afghanistan totaling USD 8.2 billion for the three years from March 2004 to March 2007. But this amount included earlier commitments and thus new confirmed commitments amounted only to USD 5.6 billion 3.4. The London Conference The London Conference was held on January 31 and February 1, 2006, in the capital city of UK where 66 states and 15 international organizations participated. The conference was co-chaired by British Prime Minister H.E. Tony Blair, The President of Afghanistan H.E. Hamid Karzai and UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. In this conference GoIRA presented the Interim Afghanistan National Development Strategy (IANDS), through which the future development framework was envisaged. The delegates adopted the Afghanistan Compact, a political agreement between the international community and the GoIRA, and agreed to establish a Joint Coordination and Monitoring Board (JCMB) for overall strategic coordination of the implementation of the Afghanistan Compact. This identified three critical and interdependent areas or pillars of activity for the next five years: Security, Governance, Rule of Law and Human Rights, and Economic and Social Development. An additional focus was on a critical issue cross-cutting across all pillars: elimination of the narcotics industry, a formidable threat to the people and state of Afghanistan, the region and globally. The Afghanistan Compact marked the formal conclusion of the Bonn process The compact served as a basis for the next phase of reconstruction, with commitments to rely more on the country's own institutions and support the Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS) development process. At the end of the conference the donor countries and development agencies pledged to provide a total of USD 10.5 billion for a period of five years to support the implementation of ANDS. After the confirmation of pledges and exclusion of the reiterated pledges, the actual new pledge was confirmed to be USD 8.7 billion. 3.5. Rome Conference (2007) The Rome conference was held on July 2, 2007 in Rome, Italy. The conference was co-chaired by Government of Afghanistan, Government of Italy and the United Nations and focused on strengthening the rule of law and justice sector in Afghanistan. The framework for the rule of law and justice reform DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 10 was provided by the Afghanistan Compact and its benchmarks, based on the vision of “Justice for All” and within the overall conceptual framework of the Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS). In this conference, GoIRA committed itself to finalize a national justice sector strategy and to implement comprehensive rule of law reform with the assistance of the International Community, through a national justice program. The DPs promised to support Afghanistan on its path towards the rule of law and justice, based on the GoIRA proposed national justice program and pledged a total of USD 360 million. However, after the confirmation and exclusion of reiterated pledges, the new pledge was verified to be USD 40 million. 3.6. Paris Conference on Afghanistan (2008) The International Conference in Support of Afghanistan was held on June 12, 2008 in Paris, the capital of France, under the chairmanship of the three co-chairs: H.E Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France, H.E Hamid Karzai, President of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and H.E Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General. This conference marked a new commitment of the international community to work in closer cooperation under the Afghan leadership to support Afghanistan’s first five year National Development Strategy (ANDS). GoIRA and the international community agreed to retain the Afghanistan Compact as the foundation of future activities. The agreed priority was to strengthen institutions and economic growth, particularly in agriculture and energy sectors. The other key elements identified in the Declaration of this conference were the importance of holding free, fair and secure elections in 2009 and 2010; ensuring protection of human rights and the provision of humanitarian assistance; and the need to improve effective utilization of aid in order to ensure concrete and tangible development benefits for all Afghans. At the end of the conference the international community announced a generous financial pledge of USD 20 billion, of which only USD 14 billion was confirmed to be new pledges. 3.7. Hague Conference (2009) The Hague conference was held on March 3, 2009 based on the initiative of the Government of the Netherlands. The conference was hosted by the Government of Netherlands and co-chaired by the Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Netherlands and the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Afghanistan. The conference agreed on the urgent need for a clear direction for provision of strengthened support to the people of Afghanistan, for enhanced security, improved life conditions and protection of their democratic and human rights. The U.S Government unveiled a new strategy, which committed additional funds and troops for Afghanistan, and a renewed focus on targeting al Qaeda militants on the Afghanistan/Pakistan border. In this conference the GoIRA presented a new policy to promote reconciliation with the Taliban. Overall, the conference participants agreed to pursue the following priority for promotion of good governance and stronger institutions in Afghanistan; generation of economic growth; strengthening security and enhancing regional cooperation. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 11 3.8. London Conference (2010) The second international conference on Afghanistan in London was held in January 2010 where the prime focus was to set a timetable for advancing security operations tied to a political process in Afghanistan. The conference was organized by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and co-chaired by the President of Afghanistan H.E. Hamid Karzai and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. This Conference represented a decisive step towards greater Afghan leadership to secure, stabilize and develop Afghanistan. The aim of the 2010 London Conference was to draft plans to hand over security responsibilities from ISAF to Afghan forces and to encourage Taliban members to renounce violence. The conference laid out a plan for what was hoped to be a new phase addressing the conflict of Afghanistan. One of the major outcomes of the conference was the agreement on the transition of security to Afghan Security Forces in a gradual fashion where Afghan security forces to take the responsibility of security province by province until 2014. Together, the GoIRA and the international community committed to make intensive efforts to ensure that GoIRA would be prepared to increasingly meet the needs of its people through developing its own institutions and resources. 3.9. Kabul Conference (2010) The landmark Kabul Conference was held on July 20, 2030 in Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul. Hosted by GoIRA and co-chaired by the United Nations, the conference agreements followed up on the London communiqué of January 2010 and reaffirmed renewed commitment to the Afghan people. It was historic as it was the first time that a conference of this kind was held in Afghanistan and by Afghans. GoIRA presented an Afghan-led plan for improving development, governance and security, including the NPPs and Public Financial Management Roadmap. An Operational Guide was introduced for promoting alignment of off-budget development financing with GoIRA development priorities and, thereby, improving the effectiveness of aid. In order to enable GoIRA to implement its prioritized agenda, renewed emphasis was placed on the need for sustained and coherent capacity-building support at national and sub-national levels. The Kabul Conference was a critical stepping stone to the Kabul Process of transition to full Afghan leadership and responsibility for the country’s security, development and reconstruction in all spheres, building on previous international commitments including the London Conference of 2010 and the GoIRA-led Consultative Peace Jirga of June 2-4, 2010. 3.10. Lisbon Conference (2010) The NATO Conference was held in November 2010 in Lisbon and chaired by the NATO Secretary-General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen. This was the third major international conference of 2010 for Afghanistan. NATO’s mission in Afghanistan was the main topic of discussion. At Lisbon, 28 heads of states of NATO elaborated the policy statement related to special training (to be started in the beginning of 2011) for capacity building of Afghan security forces to make them able to DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 12 assume the security responsibilities for Afghanistan by the end of 2014. The assumption of responsibility by Afghans will help pave the way for withdrawal of NATO and its allies from Afghanistan. Other agreements included the allies’ agreement with Russia to jointly expand support for Afghanistan, including by broadening transit arrangements, extending training of counter narcotics officials and providing equipment to Afghan security forces. Table 1: Summary of major outcomes of the international conferences on Afghanistan Conference Major Outcomes 1. Bonn Conference (2001) 2. 3. 4. 1. Tokyo Conference (2002) 2. 1. Berlin Conference (2004) London Conference (2006) Rome Conference (2007) 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 1. 2. Paris Conference (2008) 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Hague Conference (2009) 3. 4. The Afghan Interim Authority (AIA) was inaugurated with a six-month mandate to be followed by a two-year Transitional Authority (TA), after which elections were to be held. Establishment of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force mission for Afghanistan. Establishment of the Afghan Constitution Commission to draft a new constitution in consultation with the public. The establishment of a national justice sector strategy, and a judicial commission to rebuild the justice system GoIRA and International Community reaffirmed commitment to pursue the process of reconciliation, reconstruction and development, according to the Bonn Agreement. GoIRA and International Community reaffirmed the commitment to establish a comprehensive macroeconomic and monetary framework. The final publication of Securing Afghanistan’s Future (SAF) document was produced by the World Bank, the UN and GoIRA. NATO committed to expand ISAF's mission by establishing five additional Provincial Reconstruction Teams by summer 2004 and further PRTs thereafter, as well as the readiness of ISAF and OEF to assist in securing the conduct of elections. Adoption of Afghan Compact. Establishment of a Joint Coordination and Monitoring Board (JCMB) for overall strategic coordination of the implementation of the Afghanistan Compact. Commitment to Afghan National Development Strategy. Eliminating the narcotics industry. Finalization of a national justice sector strategy. The implementation of a comprehensive rule of law reform through a national justice program. New commitment of International Community to work more closely together under Afghan leadership to support Afghanistan’s first five-year National Development Strategy (ANDS). Commitment to strengthen institutions and economic growth, particularly in agriculture and energy sectors. Commitment to hold free, fair and secure elections in 2009 and 2010. Commitment to ensure respect for human rights and the provision of humanitarian assistance. Commitment to improve aid effectiveness Commitment to promote good governance and stronger institutions; to generate economic growth; to strengthen security and to enhance regional cooperation Pledged a stronger military offensive against the Taliban insurgency, to invest in civil reconstruction, to tackle the drug trade and to stabilize neighboring Pakistan. The U.S Government unveiled a new strategy, which combined extra funds and troops for Afghanistan, and a renewed focus on targeting al-Qaeda militants on the Afghan/Pakistan border. GoIRA presented a new policy to reconcile with Taliban and give opportunities to reintegrate into Afghan society. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | Pledges US$5.1 billion US$5.6 billion US$8.7 billion US$0.04 billion US$14 billion 13 1. London Conference (2010) 2. 3. 1. Kabul Conference (2010) 2. 3. 1. Lisbon Conference (2010) 2. 3. Drafted a plan to hand over security responsibilities from ISAF to Afghan forces and to encourage Taliban members to renounce violence. A Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund mooted to offer economic alternatives to those who renounce violence. Commitment to making intensive efforts to ensure that GoIRA is increasingly able to meet the needs of its people through developing its own institutions and resources. An Afghan-led plan for improving development, governance and security, including National Priority Programs, was presented by GoIRA to enhance service delivery. Commitment to sustained and coherent capacity-building support at national and at sub-national levels. Commitment to support Afghan ownership and leadership, strengthening international partnership. Special training of capacity building of Afghan forces would be resumed in 2011 to make them able to assume the security responsibility of all Afghanistan by the end of 2014. Commitment to broaden transit arrangements, extending training of counter narcotics officials and providing equipment to Afghan security forces. Signed an agreement with the NATO Secretary General on a long-term partnership between the Alliance and Afghanistan that will endure beyond the combat mission. Assessment The international community and GoIRA have marched from Bonn in 2001 to Tokyo, Berlin, London, Rome, Paris, Hague, London, Kabul and Lisbon in 10 years, re-pledging delivery of development and reconstruction, security, governance and rule of law, and helping to legitimize a Government and a state born out of decades of conflict. At the base of all conferences lay the intent to revitalize Afghanistan and bring new hope for the future. While much optimism must boost our activities, it is unwise to avoid a realistic assessment of how much of what was planned, agreed upon and promised in the past costly conferences have been delivered to Afghans. It is important that we do not repeat the mistakes of the past. The issue of accountability, in fact, has been raised repeatedly at national and international levels, regrettably with no real impact in producing better results. Indeed, with generous support from the international community, some results are seen on the ground. But given that we started at ground zero in 2001, any improvement is bound to be seen as a sign of progress. Many of the themes common to the previous conferences continue to dominate the joint agenda of the international community and Afghans, as some basic problems have not been resolved. Full resolution of these issues could not have been expected, but the lack of improvement on issues significantly important for Afghanistan's survival, development and eventual exit from aid dependency must be noted. Not that the inadequacies of the results of the past should deter us from taking new actions and continue the previous resolve, but acknowledgement of the inadequacies and probing their causes are essential for future success. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 14 4. Aid Dependency (Reality of Aid in Afghanistan) A country is truly aid dependent when it relies on external funding to cover its day-to-day operating (recurrent) costs and development expenditures. Afghanistan has been aid dependent for over 60 years, with the roots of dependency going back to the middle of the 20th century, which has been explained under the previous section “History of External Aid”. As stated earlier, Afghanistan has become one of the largest recipients of external aid since 2002. After the fall of the Taliban, external aid has accounted for a substantial portion of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The following graph shows the trend of the contribution of ODA as a percentage of GDP over the past few years. Figure 1: Aid as Percentage of GDP At the level of 71%, the aid dependency ratio in Afghanistan is one of the highest in the world. Similarly, dependency in Afghanistan is high compared to its neighboring countries like Pakistan, where the aid to GDP ratio is 1.1%, Iran, with a ratio of 0.1%, and Uzbekistan, with a ratio of 2.4% (Nation Master 2010). Since 2002, the entire Development Budget, and on average up to approximately 45% (44% for 20102011) of the Operating Budget, has been financed by external aid. It is worth acknowledging that this assistance has helped the country achieve a lot in terms of development over the past years. External assistance has helped build infrastructure, increase primary school enrolment, increase access to basic health for almost the entire population and has helped to generate revenues from nationally conducted economic activities. The following graph shows the trends of national revenue versus operating expenditures: DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 15 Figure 2: Domestic Revenue vs. Operating Budget Despite an increasing trend in domestic revenue, it still accounts for less than 10% of total GDP (MoF 2011). The argument that Afghanistan is heavily dependent on external assistance continues to be valid and is supported by the fact that the entire development budget and a significant portion of the operating budget of Afghanistan are financed by external assistance. Similarly, the above graph shows that there is also an increasing trend in operating expenditures of the country which puts a heavy burden on the Government and increases the reliance of the country on external financing. It is anticipated that this burden and the gap between the national revenue versus operating expenditure will increase even further, given the new fiscal pressures such as the transition process and strengthening of ANA and ANP. It is anticipated that aid dependency will remain a reality for Afghanistan for a number of years. Therefore, efficient aid delivery and effective coordination among DPs and between DPs and the Government is important to ensure that the aid money is spent on revenue generating sectors that guarantee maximum return on investment and sustainable development. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 16 Section I Overview of External Assistance 5. Overview of External Assistance 5.1. Synopsis Figure 1: Overview of External Assistance (2002-2010) This section presents an overview of external assistance to Afghanistan since late 2001. Since the establishment of the interim Government, a total of USD 90 billion in aid has been pledged for Afghanistan (for the period of 2002-2013) by the international community through a series of pledging conferences and supplementary means. From the total ODA pledged, USD 69 billion has been formally committed to be disbursed from 2002 to 2010. Of the total ODA committed, USD 57 billion forms the actual amount of ODA disbursed to finance a wide range of programs and projects as part of the reconstruction and development process. [See figure 1] Since 2002, the volume of total annual development assistance increased from a total of USD 3.2 billion in commitment in 2002 to USD 16.8 billion in 2010. [See figure 2] The reason for a two-fold rise in the amount of assistance in 2007 was due to an increase from the United States (2007 Supplementary Budget). In 2008 and 2009, similar levels of development assistance were retained. However, 2010 marked the peak of assistance committed to funding development and security-related activities in Afghanistan. Despite this large increase in the volume of ODA committed, the total volume of assistance disbursed has only been USD 10.9 billion, indicating a 65% execution rate by DPs. Figure 2: Classification of ODA by Year (2002-2010) DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 18 Not all commitments made from 2002 to 2010, have been translated into 100% disbursements. The reasons for slow disbursement are manifold. Amongst all, security deterioration is considered to be a major obstacle hampering project implementation across the country. Security cannot be accepted as the sole excuse, however, because other DPs such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, and the Netherlands fully disbursed the amount of development assistance they committed from 2002 to 2010. The European Union comes fifth with a 90% disbursement rate, followed by the United States with 84%, and the World Bank with 81%. In terms of the volume of ODA disbursed, however, the USA is by far the largest donor, followed by Japan, EU, UK, WB and Canada. [See figure 3] Figure 3: Classification of ODA by Donor (2002-2010 – in US$ billions) For the bulk of external assistance disbursed from 2002 to 2010 for both security and development, two main channels of delivery have been used: a) Off-budget, and b) On-budget. Off-budget support consists of assistance that bypasses the Government’s Public Finances Management System with little or no Government involvement in planning, implementation or monitoring of the programs/projects. Onbudget support consists of assistance that either has been given to the Government as bilateral support or provided through the Trust Funds. Most such on-budget programs are Government designed, implemented and monitored. Administered by multilateral agencies, Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF), Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan (LOTFA) and Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund (APRTF) provided the largest sources of on-budget support to the Government. However, an analysis of ODA disbursement for financing security, reconstruction and development related development activities reflect the ratio of on-budget to off-budget support as 18:82. In other words, only 18% of external assistance disbursed in the period 2002 to 2010 has been provided through the Government’s Core Budget. The remaining 82% of assistance has been managed by the DPs alone through projects/programs implemented parallel to those of the Government. [See figure 4] DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 19 Figure 4: Ratio of On-budget versus Off-budget Support (2002-2010) Notably, from year to year, the percentage of ODA channeled through the Government’s budget might fluctuate, with the on-budget amount slightly higher in some years while lower in others. For the sake of simplicity, the ratio of on-budget assistance has been calculated from the cumulative volume of external assistance disbursed since 2002. Despite the fact that only a fraction of external assistance has passed through Government’s treasury, the trend of DP’s on-budget contributions, in terms of volume, has experienced an upward trend. [See figure 5] However, after the commitments made at London and Kabul Conferences, in January and July 2010 respectively, GoIRA expects an increase in the volume of on-budget assistance by its DPs. Figure 5: DPs’ Contribution through the Government’s Budget DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 20 5.2. Geographic Distribution of External Assistance Since the start of reconstruction and development in Afghanistan, data collection based on geographical distribution of external assistance has always been a challenge for GoIRA. Despite a number of initiatives taken by MoF since 2003, such as the establishment of the DAD and carrying out portfolio reviews with the individual DPs and/or DFR processes, the Government has not been able to collect accurate and reliable data on distribution of aid across different provinces. However, according to [Figure 6], which only reflects data for the top 10 provinces and is the only data available at MoF, the highest amount of external aid - USD 2.8 billion - which includes both security and development spending, has been disbursed in the capital Kabul, followed by Helmand, Kandahar, and Nangarhar provinces. On average, the provinces of Herat, Kunar, Ghazni, Paktika, Paktya and Balkh have received USD 476 million each. For further details of provincial distribution of external assistance, please refer to [Graph 2] in Annex-II of this report. In addition to the assistance provided for reconstruction and development purposes by our DPs, the bulk of disbursements made in all these provinces include spending through military means such as the PRTs and CERP. The GoIRA underscores that sustainable development requires a more equitable distribution of investment across sectors and geographical areas, and therefore the DPs are encouraged to make use of the current systems in place to provide maximum information about aid distribution and to use the information made available through these systems for better coordination and planning of aid flows in the future. Figure 6: Top 10 Recipient of External Assistance (2002-2010) DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 21 5.3. Loans Since the late 1960s, Afghanistan, in addition to receiving external assistance in grants, has received foreign assistance in the form of loans from bilateral and multilateral creditors. Total loans committed between 1966 and 2008 stand at USD 13 billion, of which USD 11 billion or the largest proportion has been provided by the former Soviet Union during the Soviet era in Afghanistan. While a large portion of ODA provided to Afghanistan since 2002 is in the form of grants, a fraction of it, which is around USD 1.5 billion, has been provided in the form of loans. [Table 5] in Annex-ii shows that Asian Development Bank (ADB) is the second largest provider of loans to Afghanistan, followed by the World Bank (WB). Afghanistan is obliged to repay the loans it has received from every bilateral and multilateral creditor. Although the country has received a total amount of USD 10.5 billion as debt relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) 2Debt Initiative, its total debt stock or outstanding loans to be repaid stand at USD 2.3 billion. It is envisaged that Afghanistan will receive a sum of USD 225 million as debt relief under the HIPC over the next 20 years. 5.4. Figure 7: Aid Predictability Predictability of Aid As committed in the Accra Agenda for Action, providing full and timely information on annual commitments and actual disbursements will allow recipient countries to record the actual amount of aid flows in their budget estimates and their accounting systems. It was agreed that, “DPs will provide developing countries with regular and timely information on their rolling three-to-five-year forward expenditure and/or implementation plans, with at least indicative resource allocations that developing countries can integrate in their medium-term planning and macroeconomic frameworks.” (AAA, 2008) In the context of Afghanistan, aid predictability has been a challenging problem where most DPs have not been providing GoIRA with information on their rolling three-to-five-year onward level of assistance and/or indicative resource allocations for projects/programs that are implemented in the country. [Figure 7] shows predictability of external assistance for 2011-2013. According to available information at MoF, USD 4.4 billion is estimated to be spent during 2011. However, the trend is declining to USD 1.2 billion in 2012 and USD 0.7 billion in 2013, respectively. It is worth noting that these figures are best estimates only, and may change overtime. 2 The HIPC program was initiated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the WB in 1996, following extensive lobbying by NGOs and other bodies. It provides debt relief and low-interest loans to cancel or reduce external debt repayments to sustainable levels. To be considered for the initiative, countries must face an unsustainable debt burden which cannot be managed with traditional means. Assistance is conditional on the national Governments of these countries meeting a range of economic management and performance target. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 22 5.5. Main Delivery Channels of External Assistance Figure 7: Main Delivery Channels Assistance (2002-2010) of External With respect to sectoral distribution of external assistance in Afghanistan, the security sector carries a slightly heavier weight compared to the rest of the sectors combined. As indicated in [Figure 7], 51% of external assistance disbursed to date has been invested in security, whilst the remaining 49% supported development activities across different sectors. The overview is divided into two main sections: a) Security, and b) Reconstruction and Development, which are discussed below: 5.5.1. External Assistance for Security Sector After the ousting of the Taliban regime and with the establishment of the Afghan Interim Government in late 2001, building of the Afghanistan National Security Forces was one of the first priorities of the Government and DPs. To serve this purpose, the international security forces started to actively support the establishment of Afghanistan National Police (ANP) and Afghan National Army (ANA). As far as involvement of international security forces in the reconstruction and development is concerned, in 2002 the U.S. Department of Defense (USDoD) began providing funds to small scale reconstruction and development projects in support of their counter-insurgency activities in provinces. Until 2004, the U.S. forces were the only international security forces, under the International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) mandate, to provide reconstruction and development funding to Afghanistan. After the transfer of ISAF command to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 2004 and expansion of NATO peacekeeping to the provinces, more donor countries with military presence began providing development funding through PRTs with civil-military mandates to respond to the immediate reconstruction and development needs of the provinces. Although there was no initial plan to rely on the PRTs for delivering assistance in the long term, these channels continue to deliver assistance in the provinces. U.S. Department of Defense (USDoD) The United States is by far the largest provider of security assistance for Afghanistan. According to the SIGAR report of January 2011, from 2002 to 2011, the USDoD has appropriated a total amount of USD 31.98 billion in support of the Afghanistan National Security Forces, of which USD 28.85 has been committed, and USD 26.05 billion has been disbursed. Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF), Commander’s Emergency Response Program (CERP), and Drug Interdiction and Counter-Narcotics DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 23 Activities (DOD-CN) are the three main military programs financed by the United States in support of the Afghanistan National Security Forces, and reconstruction and development efforts in Afghanistan. Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (ASFF) The Afghanistan Security Forces Fund U.S. Military Funding (2002-2010) was created by the United States to In US$ billions provide the Afghan National Security Agency Pledge Commitment Disbursement Forces with equipment, supplies, services and training in addition to building ASFF 27.83 25.43 23.08 infrastructure facilities. Since 2005, total CERP 2.64 1.99 1.54 funding appropriated for ASFF stands at DoD-CN 1.51 1.43 1.43 USD 27.83 billion, of which USD 25.43 Total 31.98 28.85 26.05 has been committed. The total amount disbursed stands at USD 23.08 billion, of Source: SIGAR Report – Jan, 2011 which USD 14.80 is for ANA, and USD 8.16 is for the ANP (SIGAR, Jan 2011). [See Figures 8 and 9] Figure 8: ASFF Disbursements for the ANA (2005-2010) Figure 9: ASFF Disbursements for the ANP (2005-2010) Commander’s Emergency Response Program (CERP) The Commander’s Emergency Response Program (CERP) is solely focused on the provision of humanitarian relief and reconstruction assistance in an emergency response mode, providing urgent assistance to the local population in the areas where U.S. security forces are positioned. This program is providing funding for small projects that are estimated to cost less than USD 500,000 each. According to the SIGAR report of Jan 2011, total cumulative funding appropriated for CERP stands at USD 2.64 billion. The total amount committed is USD 1.99 billion, of which USD 1.54 billion has been disbursed. For detailed geographical distribution of CERP funding please refer to Annex-II [Graph 1]. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 24 Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities (DOD-CN) The DoD-CN provides support to the counter-narcotics effort by supporting military operations against drug traffickers, expanding Afghan interdiction operations and building the capacity of Afghan law enforcement—including Afghan Border Police—with specialized training, equipment, and facilities. According to the SIGAR report of Jan 2011, total cumulative funding appropriated for DOD-CN stands at USD 1.5 billion. The total amount committed is USD 1.4 billion, which has been fully disbursed. Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) After the transfer of command from ISAF to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 2004, expansion of the international security forces to the provinces was planned. The first PRT was established in Kunduz Province. The initial objective behind the establishment of the PRTs was to extend the authority of the central Government and improve security, thereby facilitating the reconstruction process at the provincial level. In 2004, the PRTs were further expanded to the North and West of the country. Currently, there are 27 operational PRTs, comprised of 14 different nations. PRTs are not development agencies, as such, but are engaged in development projects through their reconstruction groups such as Civil Military Cooperation (CIMIC) and Quick Impact Project (QIP). In general, the total PRT contribution towards reconstruction and development in all provinces of Afghanistan stands at around USD 900 million. For further details, refer to [Table 3] in the Annex-II. Law and Order Trust Fund Administered by UNDP, LOTFA was established in 2002 to mobilize resources for the support of Afghanistan National Police (ANP). It is a Multi-Donor Trust Fund which is jointly funded by several DPs. LOTFA is delivered through a series of sequenced phases. The combined phases of the Trust Fund provided a mechanism for coordinating contributions from DPs to cover police salaries, as well as to pursue other police reform activities. In addition, LOTFA has contributed to strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Interior (MoI) through a range of projects. Approximately 23 DPs contributed to LOTFA from 2002-2011. As at February 2011, USD 1.8 billion has been invested in LOTFA by the DPs. The largest DPs of the trust fund are the U.S.A with USD 694.64 million contributions, and the European Commission (EC) and Japan with USD 422,722,490 and USD 324.62, respectively. [Table 4 in Annex-II includes further details]. Analysis It is estimated that overall, to date, military spending exceeds 50% of the total assistance provided to Afghanistan. In most cases, security spending, including the contribution of military agencies for reconstruction and development, are not appropriately reported to GoIRA or even their relevant countries’ diplomatic missions (embassies, development agencies) because the funding for the military assistance comes from the donor country’s Ministry of Defense, while the development funds come through the countries’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the development agency with ODA responsibility. Despite the contribution that military aid has made to the reconstruction process, during the earlier years when there was little or no Government infrastructure, their modality of delivery and spending have been criticized for a variety of reasons. The aid provided by these agencies is essentially DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 25 “militarized”, and is an often critiqued approach of aid provision, serving the military or political agenda of the donor country. Humanitarian assistance provided through PRTs and other military means are considered militarized for winning the hearts and minds of the people, mainly for the protection of the foreign troops. Such aid provision not only undermines the neutrality and impartiality principles of aid principles but they undermine development needs-based programming. To resolve the problems associated with militarized aid, a gradual shift to successful Afghan national programs like the NSP, EQUIP and other national programs are being pursued, under the clusters approach. Moreover, a strategy is being considered for a gradual phase out of PRT-provided and other militarized forms of aid; and for promoting military institutions’ sole focus on direct security related activities and building capacity of security forces in the provinces. Translation into action of such plans and strategies will help pave the way for the Government to acquire some control over planning of external resources to serve GoIRA priorities. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 26 5.5.2. External Assistance for Development Pure commitment for reconstruction and development purposes for the period (2002-2010) stands at USD 37.6 billion, out of which USD 28.1 billion has been disbursed so far. In terms of sectoral allocation of finances, infrastructure has received the largest amount of assistance followed by agriculture & rural development, governance, social protection, education, private sector and health. [Graph 2] shows both commitment and disbursement figures for each sector. Infrastructure, which is the second largest sector in terms of foreign assistance investment, has received a total of USD 9.20 billion in commitment, of which USD 6.02 billion, or 65% of the commitment, has been disbursed. [See Figure 10] For the volume of external assistance disbursed from 2002 to 2010 solely for reconstruction and development, again two main delivery channels have been used: a) Off-budget, and b) On-budget. MoF’s analysis shows that 10% of the disbursed assistance has been provided through the Government’s core budget. The remaining 70% of assistance has been managed by the DPs (DPs) for financing projects/programs implemented parallel to those of the Government. [See figures 11 and 12] Figure 10: External Assistance for Reconstruction and Development (2002-2010) 3 3 Unclassified sector consists of assistance provided for cross-cutting activities such as gender, anti corruption etc, and/or outside of ANDS classification. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 27 Figure 11: Disbursement only to the Development Sector Figure 12 Trust Funds External Assistance only for Development As stated above, resources that are provided to the Government through Trust Funds such as ARTF, LOTFA, CNTF and PITF are all considered as on-budget support. After the formation of the Interim Government in late 2001, Afghanistan was rising from the ashes of three decades of war and unrest, when the institutional capacities were very low. The existing rules and procedures, especially the Public Financial Management System, could hardly meet international standards. In order to respond to the capacity inadequacies, the international community, in consultation with GoIRA, decided to establish the Trust Funds mechanisms, managed by multilateral agencies such as the World Bank and UNDP with an aim to mobilize more onbudget resources to finance Government’s priority programs across Afghanistan. Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) The Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF), which is a multi-donor pooled funding mechanism, was established in 2002. It is composed of two windows, recurrent window for partially supporting the Government’s operational costs and the investment window to support Government’s development budgets. Administered by the World Bank, ARTF has been successful in meeting the Government’s priorities in both areas, thanks to the generous contributions of ARTF DPs. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 28 To date, entire DPs’ contributions to ARTF, the largest trust fund, stand at USD 4.1 billion. Contributions to ARTF have increased on an annual basis from a total of USD 185 million in 2002 to USD 657 million in 2009. DPs’ assistance in 2030 may exceed those of 2009, provided that all pledges, which stand at around USD 1 billion, are translated into firm commitments. Contributions made to ARTF are of two kinds: (i) Preferenced investment allowing DPs to invest up to 50% of their contribution to ARTF for a specific program in the Trust Fund; and (ii) Non-Preferenced contribution, whereby the remaining 50% of a donor’s contribution will remain at the discretion of the ARTF Management Committee to decide where the funds should be allocated. The volume of Preferenced allocation has increased from USD 21 million in 2003 to USD 325 million in 2010, limiting the volume of funds for the Non-Preferenced portion, reducing discretionary power of GoIRA in funds investments in priorities it identifies. [See figure 13] Figure 13: Summary of DPs’ Contribution to ARTF (2002-2010) Source: ARTF Report, January 2011 Counter-Narcotics Trust Fund Formed in 2005, the Counter Narcotics Trust Fund (CNTF) received a sum of USD 0.04 billion from different DPs until late 2007. This program was aiming to counter narcotics cultivation and trafficking in Afghanistan. Resources out of this basket of funds have been invested in the agriculture and rural development sectors to find other crop alternatives for Afghan farmers to cultivate, rather than poppy. This trust fund’s operation was unsuccessful and it was closed in 2007. Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund Finally, the Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund (APRTF) came into existence after the consultative Peace Jirga in June 2010 in Kabul with a mandate to support the Peace and Integration Program. This trust fund consists of three windows, which are managed by MoF, UNDP and UK, DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 29 respectively. Until date, a total of USD 85 million has been received in support this important initiative, of which USD 6 million has been preferenced for community recovery through the National Solidarity Program (NSP). [Figure 14] shows DPs’ contribution to all Trust Funds since 2002. Figure 14: Summary of DPs’ Contribution to Trust Funds (2002-2010) Source: Trust Funds Reports, January 2011 Assistance through Government Systems From 2002 to 2010, out of USD 57 billion total aid disbursed, actual on-budget external assistance provided through the Government systems stands at USD 10.15 billion, of which USD 8.5 billion has been invested in the reconstruction and development sectors, and USD 1.65 billion has financed security related activities. [Figure 15] shows DPs’ contribution to both development and operating budgets of the Government. Further breakdown of the total on-budget assistance for operations is given below: Figure 15: ODA through Government Systems DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 30 Support for Government Operating Budget As stated above a sizable proportion of the total ODA, disbursed through the Government systems, has financed the operating costs. In addition to Government’s own revenues, support to the Government’s operating budget is made out of funding from a wide range of other sources. As stated earlier, ARTF and LOTFA have been two of the largest sources of support for the Government’s operating budget since 2002. The next largest sources are funding from the USDoD with a total contribution of USD 592 million from 2007 and 2030. ADB’s commitment of USD 4.9 million in 2010 will fund the security cost of the Qaisar-Balamurghab road in the North-West of the country through Afghan Public Protection Forces (APPF). [See Figure 16] Figure 16: Support for Government Operating Budget Note: though the total pledge for ARTF in the year 2010 is around USD 1 billion, the actual disbursement is USD 523 as of February 2011. Some DPs have withheld their contribution to ARTF because of the lack of an IMF program. Share of Aid as Percentage of Government Budget Since 2002, Afghanistan’s national budget has been highly dependent on foreign aid, with 300% of its development budget, and, on average, around 45% of its operating budget financed externally. [Figure 17] shows the share of aid as a percentage of the Government national budget, inclusive of development and operating, since 2003. For further details on DPs and Government’s contribution please refer to [Table 8] in Annex-II of this report. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 31 Figure 17: Share of Aid as Percentage of Government National Budget DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 32 Section II Aid Effectiveness in Afghanistan 6. Aid Effectiveness in Afghanistan 6.1. Introduction The data presented in the overview section helps provide a basis for us to make an assessment of the effectiveness of aid delivery and utilization, which is the focus of this concluding chapter of the DCR. Since 2001, a total of USD 57 billion of foreign assistance funds has been infused into Afghanistan. Of this total, USD 28.14 billion was allocated for development and poverty reduction and the remaining expended on security-related programs. Foreign funding has resulted in some gains. Yet, a number of challenges remain to be met to make Afghanistan stable, economically self sustainable and improve the conditions of its people. Currently, aid to GDP ratio is 71%. Close to 100% of the development budget and approximately 45% of the operating (recurrent) budget is financed by donor assistance (MoF 2011). These indicators make Afghanistan one of the most heavily aid dependent countries in the world. To move the country out of such high aid dependency and optimize the economic impact of foreign assistance, efficient and effective utilization of foreign assistance is a high priority. This chapter analyzes the issues related to not only effective utilization but also effective delivery of international assistance and discusses the associated challenges. Issues analyzed include the achievements resulting from foreign assistance, the weaknesses in the delivery of international assistance that prevent optimization of benefits, the means of redressing these through operationalization of the aid effectiveness principles of Paris and Accra Declarations and the related challenges in an Afghanistan-specific context. Initiatives already undertaken and further planned to improve effectiveness of aid delivery and utilization will be briefly reviewed. Most of these issues have been discussed during the DCD meetings. By presenting detailed discussions on the challenges of aid effectiveness in Afghanistan we aim to provide comprehensive analysis of all factors to develop directions for future course of actions. 6.2. The Achievements in Brief Some of the major achievements have been also mentioned in the following chapter under the “introduction to our DPs”. In this section we aim to provide a summary of major achievements since 2002 with the assistance of international community. In the education sector, today nearly 7 million children (one third of whom are girls) attend schools. More than 3,500 schools have been built and new curriculum and textbooks developed for primary education and the number of teachers increased seven-fold (Tanin 2008). National Programs such as Education Quality Improvement Program (EQUIP) played a key role in these achievements. The health sector achievements include access for 85% of the Afghan population to basic health services. Access to diagnostic and curative services increased from zero in 2002 to more than 40% in 2008. Infant and maternal mortality reduced by 85,000 and 40,000 per annum, respectively (Tanin 2008). National Programs such as Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS), Essential Package of Hospital Services (EPHS) and National Immunization Program have mainly contributed to these achievements. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 34 Infrastructure has improved, with more than 4,000 km of roads paved, provision of access to telecommunication services provided to more than 73% of the population and increased energy supply from 430 MWs in 2001 to 1029 MWs in 2009 (SIGAR 2010). National Programs such as Resource Corridor, Rural Access (NRAP), and Energy have made a major contribution to these achievements. However, quality of infrastructure still remains a concern. A process of rural community development, involving participation of the local community members in determining and investing in local development priorities is a major development achievement gained through the operation of the National Solidarity Program (NSP), which has gained international recognition as a community development model. Other achievements include two rounds of democratic presidential and parliamentary elections since 2002, albeit with indications that the elections require strengthened regulatory processes. Improved protection of human rights and reduction of violence against women and children are cited as achievements. The Government is cognizant that in these areas, significant challenges remain to be overcome. Improved scores in raising GDP and revenue mobilization as a result of multiple rounds of reforms of the Public Finance and Expenditure Management (PFEM) systems and rollout of centralized Afghan Financial Management Information System to all provinces are some of the other significant achievements. The GoIRA is aware of the contribution and role of external assistance in relation to the abovementioned achievements. It is obvious that without the generous support of our DPs the GoIRA would have not been able to produce these results. 6.3. The Lapses Preventing Optimization of Benefits of International Assistance in Afghanistan GoIRA and its international partners have several times attempted to take stock of concrete progress attained in development effectiveness since 2001 - in Tokyo, Berlin, London, Rome and Paris. In London (2006), the international community agreed through the Afghanistan Compact to GoIRA’s leadership in setting the country’s development priorities based on needs, mutual accountability, and transparency and to coordinate their assistance with Afghans. In Accra (2008), the international community and the developing country partners attempted to accelerate the pace of change required for better aid. The principles agreed upon in various aid effectiveness declarations are, however, still not always practiced by our DPs and aid, as well as development cooperation effectiveness, thus, has had faltering progress. 6.4. Absence of Strong Donor-Afghan Government Partnership It is evident that the process of providing development assistance requires close cooperation and dialogue between two major parties: the DP and the recipient partner. While the DPs obviously have their own areas of interest in which they want to focus their development investments, GoIRA must also underscore the country’s key areas of development priorities, where development assistance can provide maximum benefit for the well-being of the people of Afghanistan. This recognition of each other’s needs, which would result in aid resources complementing and supplementing Government budget resources, is not yet given a priority. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 35 6.5. Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda for Action Addressing the Lapses in International Assistance The OECD-DAC members have long recognized the core problems that reduce the effectiveness of aid in most developing countries. The problems related to aid that Afghanistan encounters reflect these. The Paris Declaration of 2005 and the Accra Agenda for Action of 2008 provide general directives to DPs and recipient partners to address these core problems to make aid more effective. The Paris Declaration (PD) endorsed (March 2005) an international agreement to which over one hundred Ministers, Heads of Agencies and other senior officials committed their countries and organizations to increase efforts in alignment and Government ownership, harmonization, mutual accountability and managing aid for development results, with a set of monitorable actions and indicators . Afghanistan became a signatory to the PD in 2006 and since then, GoIRA and the donor community have taken multiple initiatives to comply with the monitoring requirements of PD implementation. Afghanistan participated in the voluntary survey on monitoring the PD both in 2006 and 2008 rounds as well as the second phase of the Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration - 2010. The purpose of the declaration and the subsequent rounds of surveys were to ensure better compliance and measure progress towards achieving the five PD principles. To further strengthen the PD principles through international consultations, the 3rd High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness was held in Accra in 2008. The three main themes discussed in the AAA included strengthening the use of country designed and devised systems, improving predictability of aid and decreasing conditionality. The objective behind the agenda was to strengthen the recipient country’s ownership, alignment of development programs to the recipient country’s national priorities and to allow the recipient country to plan for medium and long term development programs. The OECD-DAC efforts to address the basic needs for effective delivery through aid effectiveness principles of PD and the AAA are depicted in the box below. The subsequent section is devoted to a review of the primary challenges encountered in Afghanistan in implementing the aid effectiveness principles. Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness Ownership - Developing countries set their own strategies for poverty reduction, improve their institutions and tackle corruption. Alignment - Donor countries align behind national development objectives and use local systems. Harmonization - Donor countries coordinate, simplify procedures and share information to avoid duplication. Managing for Results - Developing countries and DPs shift focus to development results and results get measured. Mutual Accountability - DPs and partners are accountable for development results. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 36 Accra Agenda for Action (AAA) was drawn up in 2008 and builds on the commitments agreed in the Paris Declaration. An Agenda to Accelerate Progress Predictability – DPs will provide 3-5 year forward information on their planned aid to partner countries. Country systems – partner country systems will be used to deliver aid as the first option, rather than DP systems Conditionality– DPs will switch from reliance on prescriptive conditions about how and when aid money is spent to conditions based on the developing country’s own development objectives. Untying – DPs will relax restrictions that prevent developing countries from buying the goods and services they need from whomever and wherever they can get the best quality at the lowest price. 6.6. Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda Aid Effectiveness Principles in Action in Afghanistan The purpose of this section is to analyze the operation of the PD principles, in light of the findings of the two rounds of PD Monitoring survey and the Evaluation of the PD implementation, in the Afghanistan specific context. 6.6.1. Ownership The PD 2005 defines ownership as the recipient country’s ability to exercise leadership over its development objectives and needs. To this effect, Afghanistan developed the five year Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) entitled the Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS), endorsed in Paris conference of 2008 by the international community. At the Kabul International Conference, GoIRA committed to translate the ANDS into 22 National Priority Programs (NPPs). The work on the development of NPPs is underway and will hopefully be completed soon. As mentioned in the previous section, around 80% percent of the total external assistance to Afghanistan is not channeled through GoIRA’s system; it is channeled through parallel systems set up by the donor countries. Parallel mechanisms operating outside of the Government’s system, undermine the ownership principle, disabling GoIRA to finance its development priorities with limited resources of its own while DPs invest on programs that are identified, designed and implemented directly by the donor country through their contracted agencies, sometimes without appropriate consultation with GoIRA. 6.6.2. Alignment According to the PD it is necessary to align aid with the national development strategies, priorities and systems of the recipient country. The alignment principle of PD is also violated because such donordriven programs neglect to address the country’s priority development needs, thus failing to contribute to the Government designed and implemented programs. GoIRA has no discretionary power or accountability over development expenditure of such parallel programs. Foreign aid, bypassing the GoIRA national systems and delivered through parallel mechanisms, ultimately increases the operational costs of development projects through an increase in DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 37 administration costs (ACBAR 2008). Some projects operate with five layers of contractors and subcontractors, with 10-20% profit margin cut at each level. This not only is increasing the total operational cost, but also resulting in fewer dollars spent in achieving the project objectives and poverty reduction. Most off-budget projects delivered through parallel mechanisms require mandatory procurement from the donor countries, particularly the procurement of project consultants. According to Oxfam’s calculations, close to 40% of aid to Afghanistan flows back to donor countries. Such operations not only result in the loss of opportunities to generate income for the Afghan service providers and local producers, but also make the results less cost-beneficial because costs of both services and labor, and of goods, are lower in Afghanistan compared to the donor countries. One of the key commitments of DPs under the Alignment Principle of PD is to “provide reliable indicative commitments of aid over a multi-year framework and disburse aid in a timely and predictable fashion”. In the DFR (3188) and the DCD meetings of 2010, DPs mostly failed to provide multi-year projections of their ODA. In certain instances, DPs appear unwilling or unable to disclose project information. Provision of reliable indicative commitments of aid over a multi-year framework and disbursement of aid in a timely and predictable fashion according to agreed schedules help the Government’s development planning process and forecasting of investments in priority programs. The scorecard on timely sharing of information on finance availability and timely commitments in both on and off budget has been less than satisfactory in Afghanistan, with bilateral financing, in particular. They slow down the Government’s budget appropriation and planning, making multi-year planning close to impossible. With investment plans unclear, results formulation remains unrealistic. Lack of predictability from DPs is often the result of complexities of approval processes in donor capitals. Parliamentary approvals are time consuming and are often given on an annual basis. Problems also arise when the donor fiscal year is different from that of the Afghanistan Government which leads to unmatched budget cycles and difficulties of projection or allocation for the Afghan Fiscal Year. 6.6.3. Harmonization The harmonization principle asks DPs to coordinate their activities with country systems (PFM, Results Based Management, and Procurement Systems) and take harmonized actions in undertaking aid financed program related activities. A large number of DPs active in Afghanistan follow their own aid strategies, program design methods, implementation and monitoring and evaluation procedures, along with their own procurement policies. Such uncoordinated actions result in high transaction costs for both DPs and GoIRA. And not working together on priority issues results in missed opportunities to produce the best results through learning from each other and sharing of information. Un-harmonized and uncoordinated actions result in fragmentation of aid preventing concentrated impact on a single sector or a priority issue, within a sector and, often lead to duplication of efforts. Working together and sharing costs reduces the cost burden to a single donor and thus has the potential of freeing up aid dollars for use in other areas that are under-funded and require more support. Lack of sharing of information also results in duplication of efforts and overcrowding of certain sectors and geographic regions with donor financing, reflecting an unbalanced use of aid funds. Better coordination and sharing of information among DPs have better potential of avoiding duplication and DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 38 spreading aid dollars more equitably. This has also resulted in inequality in the distribution of aid, both at the geographic and sectoral levels. Though much information is unavailable on the geographical distribution of aid, it has been noticed that the bilateral DPs are mainly diverting their development assistance to areas where their troops are based. Preferencing funding for the support of troops undermines equality in the distribution of aid and undermines development activities in the more peaceful and secured areas. An indicator of harmonization is also the degree of the use of common program planning, implementation and monitoring and reporting arrangements, following program-based (or sector wide) approaches among the DPs. Unfortunately, however, in Afghanistan, multiple donor agendas (development, commercial, military and political) make it difficult for DPs to coordinate among themselves in a way to maximize the efficiency of programming and delivery through adoption of common approaches. Common arrangements such as ARTF area useful mechanism to improve harmonization and alignment with Afghan priorities. Despite some increases in the DPs contribution to ARTF a majority of DPs still use a large portion of their assistance outside such common arrangements. 6.6.4. Mutual Accountability In a country where 100% of development expenditures are financed from external assistance, transparency and mutual accountability are critical for medium term budget planning, coordinated implementation, balanced development and performance measurement to ensure effective development cooperation. GoIRA has limited knowledge about one-third of the total external assistance investments in the country since 2001 (ACBAR 2008), as some DPs do not disclose project information while others do not have accurate and full information readily available in their disbursement records. These problems continue to persist and, as a result, the Development Assistance Database (DAD), created in 2003, remains incomplete and inaccurate. GoIRA has not been able to verify the development expenditure of its DPs over the past 9 years due to lack of accurate and complete information. DPs’ reporting is not satisfactory. This issue is more serious in the security sector. The GoIRA does not have a complete picture of security spending of our DPs for the Afghan Security Forces. As stated in the previous section, more than 50% of external assistance is provided for the security sector while the flow of information and consultation on the uses of these large funds with GoIRA is a major issue. Despite several attempts MoF has not been able to get information on security sector assistance and therefore we have used the SIGAR report as a reference for such information. Transparency and accountability are at the base of the Paris Aid Effectiveness Principles of mutual accountability and managing for results. Accountancy and financial audits are not equivalent to accountability for results of development interventions. GoIRA, hardly ever provided with reports on the results of the DPs’ development investments in off-budget projects, is unable to verify the effectiveness and productivity of the 80% off-budget spending. Overall, problems resulting from lack of Afghan Government’s control of development resources for investment in priority needs and programs, DPs failing to align their programs to sector specific needs identified by the Government and uncoordinated actions and procedures of DPs all combine to undermine accountability of external assistance to GoIRA. Government programs financed by DPs cannot escape accountability although such accountability might often boil down to activities completed and the related expenditure, without reference to development results. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 39 Government, DPs, UN agencies, international and national NGOs, the PRTs, civil society, and the general public are the numerous development actors who need to participate in the multi-dimensional accountability processes, ensuring mutual accountability. 6.6.5. Managing for Development Results Managing for Development Results is one of the key principles of PD which calls on both DPs and recipient country to focus resources on the achievement of desired results. The ANDS has laid out the desired development results of the GoIRA and has introduced the principles of results based management but attention to managing for results by line ministries has made less than desirable progress. Implementation and completion of activities, without monitoring the outcome results achieved, fail to measure development effectiveness. Effective utilization of aid must be rooted in development results that impact on people’s lives. DPs are not in the practice of sharing their results or monitoring and evaluation reports with GoIRA, as reflected in past DFR reports and the PD evaluation of 2010. For the latter, the evaluation team received no results reports despite several requests to the DPs. Given the fact that around 80% of aid is managed directly by DPs in Afghanistan, where each of them has different mechanisms for managing for results, establishment of common arrangements for managing for results is very important. GoIRA has introduced in the Paris Conference on Afghanistan the idea of “Joint Audits of Programs” which was meant to assess the value for money and results of aid investment in Afghanistan. Despite the agreement of all DPs at the Paris Conference, GoIRA has undertaken detailed work on the implementation of this commitment, but unfortunately the DPs have not agreed to the plan and thus far there is no common arrangement for managing for results. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 40 6.7. Primary Challenges to Implementation of Aid Effectiveness Principles in Afghanistan As mentioned earlier, despite remarkable achievements, there are several challenges that have undermined the effective utilization of external assistance in Afghanistan. During the recent Development Cooperation Dialogue (DCD), bilateral meetings held between the MoF and DPs, major challenges that impede development progress and implementation of PD principles of aid effectiveness in Afghanistan were identified and discussed. In this section we discuss some of these challenges. 6.7.1. Continuing Insecurity Both GoIRA and its DPs are highly concerned with the ongoing insecurity in the country that reduces confidence in the potential for peace, limits access to volatile areas, and delays implementation of program/project activities, along with increasing implementation costs. It generates fear and mistrust in the public, including anti-Government attitudes and dislike of foreign presence in Afghanistan. To create a stable and peaceful Afghanistan, large scale military and development assistance has been provided by the International Community over the past 9 years, a major amount of which has been utilized in pursuing military objective of counter-insurgency. Despite supporting the establishment and expansion of Afghan National Security Forces (ANA and ANP) in the past 9 years, a lack of attention has been given to the developing, equipping and improving the quality of ANA and ANP. It is envisaged that with the transition of the responsibility of national security to Afghan Security Forces, GoIRA is empowered and thus national security improves. Because of insecurity, the foreign security forces present in Afghanistan have been also engaged in the development activities. Therefore, the militarization of aid has proved to be detrimental to implementation of PD principles and appropriate needs-based utilization of aid. As mentioned in the previous section, billions of dollars worth of assistance have been provided through military agencies in Afghanistan, where most of these agencies have little or no information on the principles of aid effectiveness. Analysis If we refer to the statistics mentioned in the previous section, it is clear that most foreign aid provided to Afghanistan in the past 9 years is heavily influenced by military objectives, as clearly reflected in the prescriptive and self serving nature of aid of the troop contributing countries. This directs a disproportionate amount of aid, without consultation with GoIRA, to the province where their PRTs are housed, and where their own troops have been fighting the insurgency. Development investment concentration in the PRT provinces for winning hearts and minds for the troops have had little impact on poverty reduction as they have subordinated humanitarian and development programming interests to military interests (Foreign Policy 2011). In general, PRTs’ impacts on both security and reconstruction have been rather disappointing. Researchers have found little evidence that military reconstruction projects have been effective for DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 41 reducing conflict and violence or having other significant counterinsurgency benefits. In fact, it has had adverse security effects on safer areas because it generates the perception that increased insecurity would attract increased attention and thus more funding (AREU 2009). As well, since the hearts and minds aspects of reconstruction programs undertaken by the military in PRT provinces blur the line between military and human development agendas, civilian aid workers’ safety is often endangered. This results in missed opportunities to utilize civil society organizations that are more successful in connecting with the grass roots and rural population. The quality of development interventions is known to be compromised, especially in the insecure areas of the south. Insecurity does not allow the respective GoIRA counterparts or the foreign funding agencies to visit the intervention sites and monitor progress. Thus, local contractors are hired to serve the purpose and the Government and the funding agencies have no alternative but to accept with trust any information provided about the progress and quality of the ongoing projects. Thus insecurity undermines monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and affects the implementation of the principle of Managing for Results of aid effectiveness. One doubts if the DPs set any clear objectives for their investments in the provinces based on development needs. Without clear short term, not to speak of long term, objectives planned, quick and visible fixes have become the order of the day for the troops of most troop contributing countries (Oxfam 2011). Quick and visible fixes, especially when they are not planned and delivered by GoIRA but by foreign troops, might win the hearts and minds of the people temporarily for foreign forces’ protection. But sustainability and long term benefits of such quick and visible projects are questionable. Sustainability would require the participation of Afghans in determining the priorities and needs in which development investments are made. The GoIRA believes that hearts and minds of Afghan people can be won only if assistance is diverted to the priority needs of the Afghans through support of projects that can bring job opportunities and facilitate economic growth. It is widely believed by economists that investment in infrastructure creates more job opportunities and facilitates economic growth. Therefore, GoIRA recommends investment in infrastructure in the provinces that will not only win the hearts and minds of this generation, but given the life span of such projects, even the next generation will remember the contribution and will feel its effectiveness. 6.7.2. Inadequate Capacity of National Institutions One of the major concerns of the international community related to the development process in Afghanistan is the inadequate capacity of state institutions. This has been one of the common challenges raised by DPs during the DCD meetings. The Government is mindful of this issue and is struggling to improve the capacity of state institutions. This is a common problem in all countries that are in conflict or a post conflict state. Over three decades of war, deaths, brain drain, and inadequate development of education and lack of public service administration have resulted in inadequate capacity in state institutions. Comparatively speaking, the capacity of state institutions has improved significantly compared to the immediate years of the Interim Government of Afghanistan. Several programs of civil service reform such as, PRR, Civil Service Reform, Public Administration Reform, Management Capacity Program, Capacity Development Program, Afghanistan Sub-national Governance Program and many more have been implemented either through Government systems or directly by our DPs to improve the capacity DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 42 of state institutions. Beside these programs, hundreds of foreign Technical Assistants have been provided by our DPs to support state institutions in the capacity development. Analysis Parallel mechanisms and delivery through contracted agencies are also detrimental to capacity building of GoIRA. Bypassing GoIRA, using the excuse that the Government’s capacity is low, will never allow building of the required skills and capacities and spirit of accountability on the Afghan side. Commitment to partner Government’s capacity building permeates all principles of development effectiveness of the PD and the Principles of Good International Engagement in Fragile States and Situation. But in reality, ODA delivery, by passing the Government channels, is resulting in missed opportunity of the Government to learn by doing and developing the required capacity. Faced with inadequate local capacity, the DPs have heavily relied on foreign technical assistance (TA) to develop the capacity of Afghan National Institutions. Most TAs have been used as substitutes for civil servants and have been engaged in daily operations rather than on institution building. On the other hand, there is a criticism that foreign TAs are too expensive. Though GoIRA does not have sufficient information on the total number of TAs and their cost, according to World Bank, a total of US$ 1.6 billion was spent on TAs between 2002 and 2006. As per the Principles for Good International Engagement in Fragile States and Situations, DPs should focus on state building as the central objective, but state building has not been the central objective in the past 9 years and the focus has been on substituting for state building through such parallel mechanisms. TAs provided for strengthening capacity of civil servants and institutions are under much criticism. Service delivery institutions have hardly been strengthened as a result of TAs, with clear signs of inadequate service delivery ranging from basic needs services and income, to justice and human security. The major criticism is that the TAs have not been able to transfer the required knowledge and skills to Afghan institutions. Therefore with the exit of TAs, the vacuum will exist as it was before the deployment of TA. The other criticism is that mostTAs have been supply driven rather than demand driven. Considering all these challenges, GoIRA has recently developed the Civilian Technical Assistance Program (CTAP) which is a national program and is in line with principles of Technical Cooperation of PD. The program, which is managed by GoIRA, is designed to address the needs of state institutions by providing needs-based TAs. Therefore, GoIRA prefers support through CTAP rather than fragmented TAs through different mechanisms. One of the major factors of low capacity at the national institutions is the lack of ability of GoIRA to attract and retain qualified civil servants. The Government cannot compete with international organizations and the private sector in the labor market because the Government cannot afford such high salary and benefits. According to MoF survey, DP-funded contracted staff, working in the state institutions, receive 3 to 8 times higher salary than the civil servants under the Government Pay and Grading Scheme. This is even higher if we compare Afghans working in international organizations. The favorable market outside of Government attracts high capacity while the Government has to rely on civil servants who have less competencies and skills. Thus this ultimately affects the quality of service delivery. As mentioned earlier, the focus of international engagement in a post conflict or fragile state should be on building the state’s capacity and peace building. This can be achieved only if we work in a real partnership to learn from the experiences of each other. Avoiding state institutions and relying on DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 43 parallel mechanisms is not the remedy for inadequate state instructions. The other benefit of working with the state institutions of the recipient country, which is in conflict or post conflict, strengthens the trust of citizens on the Government and not working in partnership with the Government will have the reverse effect. If the Afghan citizens do not see state institutions acting to respond to their needs, they do not see the presence of state institutions in the delivery of services (rather non-Governmental organizations are fill this gap). This ultimately results in mistrust between citizens and the Government and can lead to insecurity or collapse of Governments. Based on these premises, the primary objective of Afghanistan’s international partners should be to build and strengthen Afghan state machinery and institutions for service delivery and, thereby, lay the foundations of state stability. 6.7.3. Low National Budget Execution One of the commonly raised concerns by DPs is the low execution of the national development budget, which is deeply interlinked with the issue of inadequate capacity at national institutions. The average budget execution rate in the past few years stands at approximately 50%. There are several factors that contribute to this problem, among them: insecurity, inadequate capacity in some state institutions, unrealistic budget planning by budgetary units, inadequate capacity of contractors, high turnover rate in technical staff, difference in fiscal year and of DPs calendar year, unpredictable changes in the commitment of some DPs, different conditionalities and requirements of DPs and lack of on time information from DPs for the preparation of national budget. Recently this has been one of the top agendas of the Government, particularly for the council of ministers. Recently the Minister of Finance initiated a regular review of spending of line ministries at a senior level. To continue this process, the Minister has assigned a commission led by Deputy Minister for Finance to review the spending of Line Ministries on regular basis. On the other hand, MoF has been very mindful in the allocation of budget for the year 1390. Strict ceilings have been given by MoF considering the past performance of budgetary entities. By doing so we aim to improve budget planning which plays a key role in the implementation of the budget. The most serious impediment to implementation of many of the aid effectiveness principles is the low budget execution rate in GoIRA Line Ministries, which is also linked to low capacity of line ministries and to insecurity. Despite high demand for development and reconstruction, the line ministries’ budgets are consistently under-spent. DPs are unlikely to consider larger budget disbursement through the Government’s budget process or focus on predictable and multi-year funding when the Government’s spending capacity is low. 6.7.4. Corruption In the recent DCD meetings, DPs raised concerns over growing corruption and its effects on DPs’ assistance. There is a general perception that corruption has undermined the effective utilization of foreign assistance in Afghanistan. This perception has been mainly reinforced by the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) of Transparency International. According to 2010 CPI, Afghanistan is ranked after Somalia the second most corrupt country in the world. The President of Afghanistan has declared corruption as national shame and GoIRA is fully committed to tackle this problem. However, we should be mindful that corruption cannot be eradicated or reduced in a short period of time. This requires long term remedy and huge investments, for which GoIRA is committed. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 44 Analysis The recent NRVA has identified four major causes of Afghanistan’s vulnerability to corruption: a) the thirty years of conflict, which weakened state institutions and rule of law; b) illicit drugs production and trafficking, destined for international markets for large financial gains that enable trans-national criminals to and corrupt the structures of Governments, legitimate commercial and financial business and society; c) the vertical layers of contracting and sub-contracting, with loss of appropriate accountability and control of corruption; and d) the enormous inflow of foreign funds from various sources. While GoIRA acknowledges the existence of corruption in Afghanistan, the Government questions the CPI ranking of Afghanistan. The CPI survey is based on different surveys conducted by third party organizations whose methodologies vary. There is no consistent methodology on different kind of surveys used. All the surveys are based on subjective opinions of business people. Methodologies of surveys can change over the time and therefore Afghanistan’s ranking can be influenced not exactly by change in level of corruption but by a change in the survey methodology or subjective perception of respondents. Meanwhile, there is no standard definition of corruption. The perception of corruption could differ from culture to culture, e.g. in one culture a tip can be perceived as bribe in another. Therefore, GoIRA criticizes the CPI ranking of Afghanistan and does not consider it as a reliable source of information on measurement of the level of corruption in Afghanistan. The concern of DPs on the existence of corruption in Afghanistan is valid, and most of the time existence of corruption is used as an excuse for not using Government national systems in the delivery of their assistance. It is important that we understand the correlation of perception to corruption and the flow of funds through national systems. First of all, corruption is a common problem in Afghanistan and it should not be only labeled as a government practice. There is no empirical evidence to show that there is no corruption in the flow of aid outside of Government systems. This is an epidemic disease which is mainly associated with the inflow of high influx of aid and can be spread everywhere if the aid is not provided in an effective and transparent manner. If we refer to recent SIGAR reports, there are several empirical evidences that corruption exists in the projects funded by aid money and managed outside of Government system. Therefore, only GoIRA should not be blamed for corruption. Secondly, there is no empirical evidence or any claim by the DPs in the past 9 years that the aid money that has been channeled through Government system has been corrupted or wasted. Has there been any major case of corruption in the Government that is concerned with the DPs’ money in the past 9 years? The answer would be no. It is mainly because of the checks and balances that are in place that monitor the flow of money. If we look at the Government financial control systems which are verified by International Financial Institutions, there are several under scrutiny such as: Parliamentary oversight, Internal Audit of MoF, Control and Audit Office, monitoring from Attorney General’s office, monitoring by National Directorate of Security, monitoring and oversight by High Office of Oversight and external oversight and audit by DPs. While the control systems outside Government do exist, they are not as rigorous. This has been also identified by SIGAR’s investigations of the off-budget funding. Given the executive power of Government the system for prosecution and punishment is very high in the Government systems than in non-Governmental systems. Therefore vulnerability to corruption of DPs’ funds through Government systems is less than the off-budget mechanisms. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 45 Finally, lack of proper systems and low capacity also increases vulnerability to corruption. If our DPs work in a real partnership with GoIRA and use national systems then it is beneficial for both parties to jointly identify vulnerabilities of national systems to corruption and to support the Government in the development of capacity and systems to reduce vulnerability. If we work together we can double our strength of monitoring and control and can prevent corruption. GoIRA will not be able to tackle corruption alone and needs the support of DPs. If forces such as skills, knowledge and resources join together the GoIRA and DPs will be able to tackle corruption and will make a difference. GoIRA sees the solution of the problem in such partnership. 6.8. Conclusion Based on Donor-Afghan Government Commitments at the Kabul Conference (Kabul Communiqué 2010) The PD on Aid Effectiveness provides a foundation for aid effectiveness and advocates worthy principles but is insufficient for achieving aid effectiveness in Afghanistan, as it does not take into account the interplay of political and military elements, the conundrums generated from the post conflict and inconflict context and Afghanistan-specific contextual challenges. Not paying adequate attention to these issues undermines some of the main outcomes that are expected of effective aid delivery: stabilization, institution and state legitimacy building and freedom from aid dependency. At the Kabul Conference, participants acknowledged that aid delivered through the Afghan budget is one of the most effective means of reducing aid dependency and strengthening GoiRA’s capacity to promote needs-based development in the priority sectors of security, governance and rule of law, and basic service delivery utilizing technical assistance from DPs. Along with the increase in on-budget support, a plan to maximize aid effectiveness benefits from off-budget assistance was also agreed upon to promote alignment of off-budget assistance with Afghanistan’s development needs reflected in the Afghanistan National Development Strategy. The three main commitments of the DPs comprise: Strong support for channeling at least 50% of development aid through GoIRA’s core budget within two years; Readiness to progressively align development assistance behind the National Priority Programs (NPPs), with the GoIRA achieving 80% alignment within the next two years; Intentions to cooperate with GoIRA in making a practical plan to implement the principles outlined in the 2010 “Operational Guide -Criteria for Effective Off-Budget Development Financing”. The international community’s commitments were matched at the Kabul Conference by GoIRA’s commitments to reforms to strengthen public finance management system, reduce corruption, improve budget execution and increase revenue collection. Admittedly, some weaknesses in Afghanistan’s management and development systems have deterred DPs from addressing some of the aid effectiveness principles. Under GoIRA’s future plans, the Government has made reform commitments. Performance improvements of GoIRA have already been recorded in several areas that provide opportunities to modify donor assumptions and change their methods of aid delivery. A sample list of reforms undertaken by GoIRA should enable DPs to change their attitudes and adopt principles of aid delivery that would improve their own and GoIRA’s development performance: DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 46 Improved Public Finance Management (PFM) Laws and systems; good scorecards on Public Expenditure Financial Assessment system (PEFA); improved budget, aid and treasury capacity; a comprehensive results-based Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS), with monitoring and evaluation plans and complimentary results-based program budgeting; strengthened financing mechanisms, such as the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF), national programs - all of which have had external scrutiny and endorsement by International Financial Institutions (2009) and bilateral DPs, such as DFID and USAID. GoIRA’s expectation is that timely delivery on its own commitments translated into concrete monitorable actions shall elicit delivery from the international community. Consultations between the international community and GoIRA have been launched and are ongoing for development of detailed implementation plans to address both the DP and GoIRA commitments. Future DCRs will report on the progress and results obtained from those already at the implementation phase. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 47 Annex-I Introduction to Development Partners Disclaimer: the write up of this section has been done by our DPs in their own words and does not necessarily reflect the position of GoIRA. The purpose of this section is to provide an opportunity for our DPs to showcase their assistance for Afghanistan in the way they want. 1. ADB (ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK) ASSISTANCE TO AFGHANISTAN Founded in 1966, ADB is a multilateral development bank owned by 67 members, 48 from the region and 19 from other parts of the world. ADB’s main instruments for helping its developing member countries are policy dialogue, loans, equity investments, guarantees, grants, and TA (technical assistance) Afghanistan was one of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) founding member countries in 3966. However, because of intensive ongoing civil conflict in Afghanistan, ADB operations in the country were suspended from 1989 to 2002. Upon resumption of its assistance to Afghanistan in 2002, ADB provided Afghanistan with $2.1 billion in loans, grants, guarantees, technical assistance, ADB-administered co-financing, and private sector investments. In terms of overall donor pledges from 2002–2031, ADB ranks as Afghanistan’s fourth largest donor in terms of overall pledges from all DPs. The country is ADB’s 38th largest borrower. As required by ADB Strategy 2020 (Country Partnership Strategy- 2009-13) supports ANDS and its related national priority programs, with sectoral focus on energy, road and rail transport, and irrigation and agriculture sectors. Transport Sector ADB as one of the key DPs for the transport sector, focuses on the rehabilitation of several regional airports, with a financial contribution of $31 million and rebuilding of 1100 km regional and national roads with finances amounting to $1 billion (as of December 2010). Key interventions include the $400 million Multitranche Financing Facility (MFF) for the Road Network Development Investment Program, to improve about 400 km of national roads, as well as to maintain some 1,500 km of the country’s paved roads for 5 years. About 665 km roads were newly built as a result of four completed projects within the MFF. In 2009, ADB approved a $165 million grant for the construction of a new 75-km railway line between Hairatan at the border with Uzbekistan and Mazar-e-Sharif in Afghanistan. The project is part of the Transport Strategy and Action Plan agreed under the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program. Energy Sector ADB, as Afghanistan’s largest development partner in the energy sector committed $700 million in loans, grants and TA. The $35 million Regional Power Transmission Interconnection Project is an ADB funded project. The project interconnected power grids in Tajikistan and Afghanistan, allowing Tajikistan to export surplus electrical power to Afghanistan. $570 million for the Energy Sector Development Investment Program focuses on transmission and distribution, rehabilitation and further extensions of the main North East Power System (NEPS). The first $164 million tranche financed a number of subprojects, including a 60km Kunduz–Taloqan transmission line, NEPS distribution in Kunduz and Baghlan municipalities and rehabilitation of Shibarghan Gas Fields. The second tranche of $81.5 million rehabilitated and expanded power distribution network in Kabul. Other Sectors ADB invested a total of $513 million in Natural Resource Management sector; $55 million in Fiscal Management and Public Administration Reform; $60 million in Private Sector and Financial markets Development Program; a total of $206.1 million in Private Sector Development; and $67 million in TA to support the national capacity development. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 49 2. THE AGA KHAN DEVELOPMENT NETWORK (AKDN) IN AFGHANISTAN The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is engaged in nearly 40 countries around the world through its nine agencies, which work to improve the quality of life and opportunities for people in some of the poorest parts of the developing world. With its partners, AKDN has channeled more than US$850 million for Afghanistan’s reconstruction and development since 2002. AKDN’s commitment to Afghanistan is long-term. It uses a multi-input area development (MIAD) approach, which seeks to build a critical mass of interventions in poor and isolated areas, connecting them to wider national and regional investments. This entails responding to a spectrum of livelihood requirements. AKDN also seeks to support the creation of an enabling environment for civil society and private initiative, essential for the development of dynamic, prosperous, stable and pluralistic nations. Social Development AKDN implements social development programs in 53 districts across 7 provinces, reaching nearly 3 million people in Afghanistan. The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) undertakes rural development programs in agriculture, natural resource management, governance, civil society development, infrastructure creation, market development, and health and education. AKF introduced 1500 community-based savings groups (69% women), which have provide flexible loans and increased financial management education. The aggregate savings of the 21,331 members (70% women) spread across 21 districts rose significantly during 2010, reaching a cumulative total of Afghani 20.12m. AKF continues to improve food security in villages in 18 districts including implementing participatory management of irrigation systems and supporting integrated crop management research. In 2010, in Takhar, a research laboratory was successfully handed over to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. Education programs provide support to more than 216 Government schools and community primary classes in more than 220 remote villages, increasing access to quality education for more than 332,000 pupils. Special attention is paid to improving girls’ access to education. Nonformal education programs provide classes in Early Childhood Development and adult literacy in remote rural communities. The Aga Khan Health Services help provide the Ministry of Public Health’s (MOPH) Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) in Badakhshan, Baghlan and Bamyan provinces and operates provincial hospitals in Faizabad and Bamyan. The Aga Khan University (AKU) manages the French Medical Institute for Children (FMIC), an ISO-certified tertiary pediatric hospital in Kabul. AKU supports national nursing and midwifery training and plays a lead role in developing the national nursing and community nursing curricula. It s a mental health program that conducts research and provides technical support to the Ministry of Public Health. The First Microfinance Bank (FMFB), Afghanistan’s largest provider of microfinance services to small businesses and households, disbursed 160,000 loans worth USD 270 million. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 50 FOCUS Humanitarian Assistance, an AKDN affiliate, implements disaster risk reduction programs. (a) Culture: The Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) helps preserve and develop Afghanistan’s cultural heritage, particularly in the historic quarters of Kabul and Herat. In Kabul, AKTC has rehabilitated Bagh-e-Babur, a Mughal-era garden, the Timur Shah mausoleum, and restored war-damaged quarters of the old city. In Herat, AKTC has helped to preserve surviving sections of the old city and an important Timurid shrine complex. The Aga Khan Music Initiative in Central Asia (AKMICA) supports masters of classical Afghan music in two schools in Kabul and Herat. Cultural development and achievements contribute to heightening of Afghans’ self esteem and pride in its history, an important as aspect of building nationhood. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 51 3. AUSTRALIA IN AFGHANISTAN Donor Profile Australia’s assistance to Afghanistan is helping to build a stable, accountable and functional Afghan state that can provide health, education and employment opportunities to its people. Australia provides assistance to stabilise conflict-affected communities and strengthen the capacity of GoIRA to deliver basic services, infrastructure and economic growth. Australia works along with the Government of Afghanistan to identify priorities and aligns its support with the Afghanistan National Development Strategy. The overarching GoIRAl of Australia’s two year public strategy, released in December 2030, guiding the delivery of the Australian development assistance in Afghanistan, is to build GoIRA’s capacity to deliver basic services and provide economic opportunities to its people. Australia’s support is based on four pillars: Enhancing basic service delivery in health and education Supporting rural development and livelihoods Improving governance and the effectiveness of GoIRA Supporting vulnerable populations. In 2011 Australia will develop a formal Development Partnership Agreement with the Government of Afghanistan to set out jointly agreed priorities, key commitments and deliverables for both countries. Proposed annual, high-level consultations will add to transparency and mutual exchange between the Governments. Australia is committed to the principles of aid effectiveness as articulated in the Paris Declaration, Accra Agenda for Action and the Deli Declaration on Peace Building and State Building. In delivering assistance to Afghanistan, Australia seeks to work through Afghan Government systems, with intents to support the National Priority Programs, consistent with the international community’s commitments at the 2030 London and Kabul Conferences. In 2009-10 Australia provided 46 per cent of AusAid assistance through Afghan systems and will meet the commitment to deliver 50 per cent of assistance through Afghan Government systems within two years. Australia delivers its aid program to Afghanistan through trusted partners such as the World Bank’s ARTF, the United Nations and international non-Government organizations. The majority of Australia’s assistance is provided at the national level, primarily through the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF). Australia has been in the list of top 10 contributors to the ARTF. To date, Australia committed AUD 743.5 million (USD 735.3 million) of development assistance. In 2010/11 AUD 106 million (USD 104.8 million) will be delivered. Promotion of security, stability and transition to Afghan leadership in Uruzgan Province, one of the poorest and least developed areas of Afghanistan. Australia has recently taken on increased responsibilities in Uruzgan, including civilian leadership of the Multinational Provincial Reconstruction Team. Supporting the priorities of the Provincial Government and building its capacity to deliver basic services to its people. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 52 Australia delivers innovative bilateral programs in niche areas. The Malaysia-Australia Education Project for Afghanistan Development is a unique trilateral capacity building activity for the Teachers Education Directorate of the Ministry of Education. To date, it has trained 60 master teacher trainers and a further 120 are planned through 2011-12. The Development Assistance Facility for Afghanistan provides a program of capacity building assistance, including scholarships, to four key national Ministries - Health, Education, Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, and Rural Rehabilitation and Development. From 2012, 25 scholarships per year will be provided to these ministries and the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Mines. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 53 4. CHINA IN AFGHANISTAN - COMMITTED TO THE SPIRIT OF GIVING China as a large developing nation remains firm in providing aid to other financially-constrained developing countries and undertaking within its capacity its share of international obligations. The core principles of China aid are equality and mutual benefit without conditions. Through building projects, providing debt relief, conducting technical cooperation, providing equipment supplies, capacity building programs and other forms of aid, China tries her best to help aid recipient to establish and develop their own national economy, improve people's livelihood status and promote social progress. China began its small scale aid program for the developing countries in 1950. Since 60s, China provided assistance to 168 countries and made contributions to 30 international and regional organizations. Up to 2009: China sent 600,000 people to assist with programs associated with local production and livelihood; provided concessional loans to 77 countries in support of 325 projects; held 4,000 sessions of various types of training on human resources development for 120,000 people from 173 countries; provided scholarship programs to 70,627 students from 119 developing countries; supplied over 2,000 teachers and trained 10,000 instructors and headmasters; signed debt relief protocols with 50 least developed countries and heavily indebted poor countries; cancelled 380 mature debts amounting to 25.6 billion RMB Yuan; sent 21,000 medical professionals to 69 developing countries and treated 260 million patients; dispatched about 200 missions in emergency disaster relief; deployed over 8,000 volunteer teachers to 70 countries and 405 volunteers in 19 developing countries. More than 700 aid workers lost their lives in serving foreign aid missions. China’s first aid to Afghanistan dates back to 3965. From 3965 to 3979, China provided 374.29 million RMB Yuan of aid, built 19 projects, including Parwan Irrigation project, Baghlan textile mill and Kandahar Hospital project. From 1980 to 2001, China provided 350.75 million RMB Yuan of aid through international channels such as UNHCR. Since 2002, China provided 1,030 million RMB Yuan of grant to Afghanistan; undertaken 7 complete plant projects (including the Jamhuriat Hospital and Parwan Irrigation Project); 15 batches of materials and equipment; 4 bunches of emergency humanitarian donations; trained over 600 Afghan officials & professionals; wrote off the debt of £9.6 million; and provided zero tariff treatment of about 60%, 4762 categories of products originated in Afghanistan for exporting to China since July 1, 2010. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 54 5. Canada’s (CIDA) aid to Afghanistan Thematic Focus CIDA’s programming in Afghanistan between 2008 and 2033 is aligned with Canada’s whole-ofGovernment approach, focusing on six priorities and three signature projects to help rebuild the country through reconstruction and development. CIDA support in Afghanistan focuses on: Children and Youth: Improving access to education, especially for women and girls, through repairing, and constructing schools in Kandahar province (signature project); Training teachers in line with the Afghan Ministry of Education’s National Education Strategic Plan; Providing literacy, vocational, and life-skills training, especially for women; Supporting UNICEF with nine national polio vaccination campaigns to vaccinate approximately seven million Afghan children (signature project); Improving access to pre-natal, post-natal and obstetric care, and improving the skills of health care workers. Sustainable Economic Growth: Supporting microfinance and alternative livelihoods programs to improve access to employment and income opportunities for women and men, particularly in Kandahar province; Rehabilitate Dahla Dam’s irrigation system (signature project) in the Arghandab Valley. Protection of Vulnerable Populations: Providing food supplies to vulnerable populations; Providing non-food aid and winterization packages to people in Kandahar province. Safety and Security: Releasing more than 500 square kilometers of previously hazardous land as a result of demining activities; Increasing public awareness through mine risk education. Supporting Democratic Governance and National Institutions: Helping develop local governance through development of Community Development Councils that plan and implement projects at the village level to improve access to water, sanitation, and roads; DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 55 Help Afghan adults, particularly women, participate in the electoral process in 2009 and in the 2010 elections. KEY PROJECTS: Dahla Dam Signature Project (Arghandab Irrigation Rehabilitation Project) Education Signature Project Polio Signature Project Education Quality Improvement Project (EQUIP) National Solidarity Program Technical Assistance HIGHLIGHTS of Afghan Development Achievements to which CIDA support contributed: Increased school enrolment to 6.2 million, with one third of the total students enrolled being girls- an increase from 700,000 students in 2001, all of whom were boys; Completed more than 770 infrastructure projects through the National Solidarity Program; Improved access to primary health care services within two hours’ walking distance, an increase to 65% of the population from 9% in 2000; Helped reduce the number of mine victims in 2009 to its lowest level since 2001, by offering mine-risk education programs to girls, boys, and adults; Improved economic opportunities through skills development and micro finance loansnationally 430,000 Afghans have received micro loans, two-thirds of whom are women; Provided expert technical support to Afghan ministries in key areas through 13 technical advisors who work as part of the Canadian Governance Support Office MOVING FORWARD: ANTICIPATED RESULTS: CIDA will continue to focus its development support in Afghanistan on improving education, providing humanitarian assistance, increasing food security, and supporting democratic governance. CIDA is on track to achieving its benchmarks in 2011. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 56 6. Czech Official Development Assistance to Afghanistan Czech Republic’s launched the official development assistance to Afghanistan in 2002. In 2006 the Czech Republic started to contribute on annual basis to different Afghan trust funds that significantly increased the overall amount of the Czech ODA. Since 2008 the flagship contribution of Czech ODA has been the Provincial Reconstruction Team in the province of Logar. By the end of 2010 the PRT completed 77 development projects and 67 quick impact projects (in total 144). It currently operates 20 projects and more than 10 are at different stages of development. The Czech contribution to the development/reconstruction effort in Afghanistan is not limited exclusively to the PRT or contributions to trust funds. Czech Republic’s development assistance is also delivered by its non-Governmental organisations, active mainly in Kabul and Northern Afghanistan. Their budgets are co-funded by the Czech Republic’s development cooperation budgets or humanitarian aid budgets. PROVINCIAL RECONSTRUCTION TEAM IN LOGAR: Strategy and achievements In 2010 Czech PRT completed 42 development and 31 quick impact projects (in total 73) for approximately 1.5 million USD. Total sum spent on PRT’s development projects and humanitarian activities since 2008 amounts to more than 10 million USD. All projects of Czech PRT are prepared and implemented in close cooperation with provincial authorities, local communities and other active partners in the province. Czech PRT projects are focused on priorities and sectors that correspond with Afghan National Development Strategy, Logar Provincial Development Plan and other relevant documents. All projects funded by the PRT are implemented by Afghan contractors through open tendering. Strategy of the Czech PRT is based on three priorities: 1. Support of Provincial Government - Security (construction of police checkpoints, infrastructure and equipment of ANSF, their training, mentoring etc.) Good Governance (mainly infrastructural projects: construction of provincial prison, court, capacity building – mentoring, trainings and internships - for provincial officials) 2. Support of activities leading to economic development - Agriculture (milk collection centres, support of silkworm industry, Secondary Agricultural and Mechanical School in Pol-e Alam, trainings, information campaigns, capacity building) - Water Management (construction and reconstruction of irrigation systems, weirs, retention walls, capacity building, information activities) DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 57 3. Media - Support of local radio stations - Enlightenment, educational and information campaigns. Other activities of Czech PRT The Czech PRT is also involved in other sectors which are not its niche sectors but which are critical for successful and sustainable development of the province. It supports development of infrastructure and capacity building in sectors of Education: Construction or reconstruction of 13 schools for 12 thousands children (both boys and girls). 29 projects have been implemented at an expenditure of $3,085,000. Public Health: Equipment and material supplies, vaccination, trainings, reconstructions and construction of new facilities- 17 projects implemented with a total cost of $404,000. Small Infrastructural Projects (bridges, roads etc): 12 projects implemented at a value of $328,000. Other activities Czech Republic also financially supports activities of major Czech non-Governmental organisations (mainly People in Need) as well as private actors. Between 2006 and 2010 the Czech Republic supported development projects of such organizations with $3.6 million (in 2010 alone, more than S300, 000 was provided). The major portion of this support was directed to development of secondary agricultural education and income stabilisation of local population in the provinces of Baghlan, Badakhshan, and others in northern Afghanistan. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 58 7. Danish Development Assistance to Afghanistan With a comprehensive strategy integrating all Danish support to Afghanistan – development, military and humanitarian assistance – Denmark is one of the largest bilateral contributors. For the strategy period (2008-2032), Denmark’s development assistance is to reach approximately USD 80 million per year. The Danish assistance focuses mainly on education, state building and improvement of living conditions of people. Education: Denmark is one of the key partners to the Ministry of Education, supporting the implementation of the National Education Strategic Plan (NESP) and more specifically the implementation of the more operational education Interim Plan (IP) 2011-2013. Denmark has been supporting the education sector in Afghanistan since 2003 focusing mainly on primary education. The support targeted service delivery and capacity development in curriculum development, teacher education, printing and distribution of textbooks, construction of educational infrastructure as well as institutional restructuring and administrative reform. The Danish support is aligned with the National Education Strategic Plan and is mainly provided as sector budget support to the core budget of the Ministry of Education (MoE). Specific Danish Support to education in the Helmand Province was initiated in 2008. This support is now fully integrated in the Danish program support to education. Funds are coordinated and administered by the Ministry in Kabul in support to the Provincial Education Directorate (PED) in Helmand. Denmark, through ESPA, supports MoE to achieve the objectives of NESP/IP through provision of financial and technical assistance in a two-tier approach; (i) direct support to MoE budgets and plans and (ii) technical assistance and capacity building. State Building: In support of state building, assistance is geared towards democratic processes, the protection of human rights and the promotion of good governance. Anti-corruption and gender equality are priorities to be pursued in order to render Afghanistan’s sustainable development. In supporting the UNDP ELECT program, Denmark has been a consistent supporter of reform of Afghan institutions to plan and operate national elections. Other key areas of interest for financial support include strengthening the rule of law in Afghanistan through its contribution to Law & Order Trust Fund (LOTFA), TAs, and training facilities for Afghan policemen and improving the judicial infrastructure. Denmark is among the core group of DPs to support of governance at the sub-national level and provided funds to the District Delivery Program, focusing on Helmand, to empower local communities to prioritize projects for development and to enhance district development capacity. Denmark was one of first DPs to support the Afghan Peace and Reintegration Program and this support continues. A special priority is also the reform of the Afghan National Police for which Denmark supports the efforts of the EU’s police mission in Afghanistan (EUPOL), being one of the mission’s largest personnel contributors. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 59 Living Conditions: The Danish development assistance to Afghanistan concerning improvement of people’s living conditions includes National Solidarity Program (NSP), National Area Based Development Program (NABDP) and Afghanistan Rural Enterprise Development Program (AREDP). Microfinance Investment Support Facilities for Afghanistan (MISFA) has also been financed by Denmark from the start. Danish contributions in the past few years included support to specific counter-narcotics programs to promote alternative livelihoods. Provincial counter-narcotics plans in Helmand and Herat operated by UNODC have been supported by Denmark. Denmark also cooperates with the Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) with setting up of a natural recourse management program for protection and rehabilitation of forests in eastern provinces and continued implementation of the program over a five-year period. In addition to that, Denmark is supporting renovation of a hydro-power plant in Gereshk - Helmand. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 60 8. European Union IN AFGHANISTAN Introduction The European Union (EU) is one of the major DPs to Afghanistan. All EU assistance is aligned with the Government of Afghanistan's priorities as set out in the ANDS. The EU strongly supports the Kabul Process and is committed to further aligning its programs with evolving Government priorities as identified in the National Priority Programs. Assistance from the EU Budget is managed by the European Commission (EC), through the EU Delegation to Afghanistan in Kabul. Bilateral cooperation is implemented on the basis of multiannual programming documents and annual action programs. The current Country Strategy Paper (2007-2013) and Multiannual Indicative Program (2011-2013) outline support strategies for three focal areas and one non-focal area. The focal areas are Rural Development (including mine action), Governance & Rule of Law, and Health & Social Protection; the non-focal area is Regional Cooperation. The EU's budget for bilateral development cooperation for 2007-2030 was €645 million, including an additional allocation of €15 million in 2009 for election support. For 2033-2013, the indicative budget is €600, an increase of 10% compared to the previous period. A significant part of these funds is channeled through national programs and through multi-donor trust funds that contribute to the Government's Core Budget. Afghanistan also receives support through regional EU programs for Asia, in particular for refugees, as well as through thematic EU programs on food security, civil society development, and democracy and human rights, and the EU's Instrument for Stability (IfS). EU humanitarian assistance is provided by the European Commission's Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) which has an autonomous office in Kabul. Assistance Summary For the period 2002-2031, the EU has pledged more than €2.6 billion to Afghanistan (including humanitarian aid). Up to the end of 2030, €2,055 million had been contracted, of which €3,828 million had been disbursed. More than 38% of aid from the EU Budget provided between 2002 and the end of 2010 was channeled through multi-donor trust funds such as the Afghan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF - €293.95 million) and the Law and Order Trust fund for Afghanistan (LOTFA - €273.75 million). Overall, the EU has contributed €578.7 million to trust funds to date. Key Objectives The EU provides development aid across the world. More than half the finances invested in underprivileged countries come from the EU and its Member States, making it the world's major aid donor. Its development cooperation objectives are poverty reduction, sustainable economic and social development, integration into the world economy, consolidation of democracy and of the rule of law, and respect for human rights. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 61 Division of Labour and Coordination The quality of aid is important for the EU. National ownership and alignment, donor coordination and harmonization with recipient-country systems, and a focus on results are core principles. In order to ensure coordination and coherence in the implementation of external assistance programs worldwide, the European Commission works in close collaboration with EU Member States, civil society, international organizations and Governments to make aid more effective. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 62 9. Finland’s Contribution to Afghanistan Close to 50% of Finnish ODA is channeled through trust funds and 25% of Finland’s aid is channeled to northern Afghanistan. Finnish support is directed to two main sectors: 1) promoting good governance, rule of law and human rights, including security sector reform, and 2) promoting rural development and alternative livelihoods to drug cultivation. Special attention is given to promoting gender equality. Finland supports, inter alia, the multilateral Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF); the Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan (LOTFA); the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC); UNODC’s (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) provincial drug control program; reproductive health program of Marie Stopes International; and Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) projects within the security sector in the region of Mazar-e-Sharif. Finland also supports a UNICEF-led program to improve water and sanitation conditions at schools in the region. Finland supports the development of the Afghan national police and criminal justice system through the EU Police Mission in Afghanistan (EUPOL). Finland supports EUPOL with approximately 35 experts. Finland's humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan is channeled through the UN system and the Red Cross movement. The aid is allocated on the basis of needs assessments, the estimated level of aid being EUR 1-2 million per year. For 2010 the amount was EUR 2.1 million. Finland supported humanitarian mine clearance in Afghanistan since the beginning of 1990's through the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS). With a significant increase in funding since 2008- a total of EUR 1.6 million was earmarked for 2010 and channeled through UNMAS and the HALO Trust. The support to Afghan civil society is important to Finland. The support for Afghan organizations directly and through Finnish NGO's working in Afghanistan is approximately EUR 1.5 million annually. Finland’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) to Afghanistan in 2011 totaled EUR 17, 2 million. This includes Civilian Crisis Management, which is EUR 3.8 million. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 63 10. France’s Assistance to Afghanistan France has been a very close cultural partner for Afghanistan for almost a century. As early as 1922, The French Archaeological Delegation (DAFA) was created, even before an Embassy was installed. The relationship between our two countries had hence been initiated as a strong cultural and educational partnership, undertaking actions primarily in educational and cultural fields, before it was expanded to in depth cooperation in the field of rule of Law. The DAFA has a long history in rehabilitating the richness of the Afghan culture since the Antiquity. The exceptional searches underway in Mes Aynak are yet another proof of the wealth of the Afghan history. The DAFA is involved in very important partnerships with the Ministry of Culture. Education is also one of France’s main fields of involvement. The Esteqlal and Malalay high schools of Kabul are the two emblems of excellence, of teaching “à la française”. More recently, France has developed active partnerships in the field of Higher Education. These have been developed for instance within the French Department of Kabul University, the Law Faculties (Kabul and Herat), or the Polytechnic University. Strengthening ties between universities are now allowing a greater number of Afghan students to obtain high-level diplomas as part of capacity building within Afghanistan. France also offers the best students 70 scholarships to study one degree (Licence, Master, and Doctorate) in one of the best French universities. After one year of refurbishment, the very unique venue that is the French Institute, offers multiple cultural events- exhibitions, movies, concerts, theatre plays- and educational programs such as language classes. It is now the sole institution for such activities in Afghanistan, coupling a classic cultural diffusion with a unique place of meetings and exchange between people. With an auditorium of 450 seats, equipped with a very advanced sound and video system, the French Institute is the largest conference centre in Afghanistan. France has moreover developed a program designed to participate in security systems reform. Throughout its project at the Parliament and the faculty of Law, France also shows its strong commitment to reinforcing the rule of Law in Afghanistan and more broadly the Afghan state. Training of Afghan key actors is core in France’s cooperation strategy. The French Medical Institute for Children (FMIC), partly funded by the French Development Agency (FDA), with great equipments and highly qualified and trained staff, offers a unique medical assistance to indigent children. France’s agricultural collaboration through the FCO-MAIL contributes to the rural development of Afghanistan. French NGOs, supported by the FDA, are also key actors of Afghanistan development, their activities covering a widespread array of interventions from emergency food assistance to longterm rural development, from rehabilitation of shelters and water infrastructures to the setting up of innovative passive solar houses. For 2033, France’s will is to pursue its unconditional support to Afghanistan, in education, governance, cultural activities and development sectors, with the constant eagerness to reinforce afghan local capacities in order to help building the future of its old friend, Afghanistan. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 64 11. Reconstruction and Development - German Cooperation with Afghanistan In light of the strategic decisions taken at the London and Kabul Conferences and NATO’s Lisbon Summit, the importance of civilian reconstruction and development assistance will grow more in the future. The German Government has nearly doubled its funding for reconstruction and development to up to 430 million Euro annually 2010-2013, making Germany the third largest donor to Afghanistan, complemented by humanitarian aid (approx. 10 million Euro annually) and development oriented emergency and transitional aid (approx. 10 million Euro annually). In the period 2002-2010 Germany provided a total of 3.6 billion Euros for Afghanistan’s reconstruction and development. German sector-wise achievements in Afghanistan since 2002 are as follows: Education: Through the national education program (EQUIP) Germany has funded school infrastructure for about 279,000 pupils as well as trainings for 32,000 teachers. Beyond this multilateral contribution, the German Federal Government started a bilateral basic education program in 2005 for the provinces of Badakhshan, Kunduz, Takhar and Paktya, adding Balkh province in 2007 and Sar-e-Pul province in 2009. The GoIRAl is to provide schools and to train teachers for 500,000 pupils in northern Afghanistan by the 2013-end. Furthermore, the Kabul Mechanical Institute is designed to train up to 2,300 young people. With respect to higher education, more than 600 Afghan university teachers have participated in trainings in Germany, while more than 300 courses have been offered by German scientists at universities in Kabul, Herat and Mazar-e Sharif. Peace and Security: Between 2002 and 2009, the German Government contributed more than 150 million Euros to police reform in Afghanistan for training, equipment, infrastructure and police salaries (including through LOTFA). In 2010 alone, the German Police Project Team GPPT trained around 3,900 Afghan trainees. 4,200 trainees are currently enrolled in training programs at Police Training Centers in Mazar-i Sharif, Kunduz and Faizabad and at the National Police Academy in Kabul mentored by GPPT. Major infrastructure projects completed in 2010 include: ANCOP Headquarters, the Police Training Center Kunduz, the Border Police Faculty Kabul, the Traffic Police Headquarter Kabul and the Police Headquarters in Faizabad. In addition to the engagement in the area of police reform, Germany is also one of the main contributors to the Afghan Peace and Reintegration Program (10 million Euros annually). Sustainable Economic Development: Since 2002 Germany has provided more than 300 million Euro to improve the business environment and income generation. Financial institutions such as the First Micro Finance Banks were established for credit provision. Since 2002, over 600 kilometers of roads and numerous bridges have been built in DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 65 North. The recently established Regional Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) provides flexible funding for critical infrastructure projects in Northern Afghanistan. In cooperation with Australia, Germany supports the Afghan civil aviation sector through establishment of a country-wide air surveillance system. At the national level, German experts advise the Ministry of Commerce and Industry support the Export Promotion Agency of Afghanistan (EPAA) and assist the Afghan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI). In north, Germany provides small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The New Baghlan Sugar Company has been rehabilitated with German assistance. Infrastructure - Water: Germany is supporting the improvement of water supply and sanitation in Afghanistan. Almost 300.000 people in the cities of Herat and Kunduz have gained access to clean drinking water. In Kabul, 500,000 people have been reached so far. As planned, a total of 1.4 million inhabitants of Kabul will benefit from access to clean drinking water in the next few years. In Faizabad, Imam Sahib and Balkh City, about 135,000 inhabitants will gain reliable access to drinking water and basic sanitation by the end of 2012. Infrastructure – Energy: Since 2002, Germany provided more than 120 million Euros for improving energy supply in Afghanistan. In addition to investments in the North Eastern Power System, German assistance focuses on renewable energies such as hydropower. The hydropower plants Mahipar and Sarubi were rehabilitated. These power plants are now supplying about 800,000 people in the Kabul region with electricity. The commissioning of two substations in Mazar-e Sharif and in Pol-e Khumri improved power supply for further 300,000 people. Health: Since 2005, over 1,000,000 patients have been treated in basic healthcare projects in northeastern Afghanistan funded by Germany. Jointly with Japan, Norway and Sweden, Germany finances the rehabilitation of the regional hospital in Kunduz, the provincial as well as selected district hospitals of Balkh, Takhar and Badakhshan. Germany also supports the training of hospital staff. Governance: Germany supports key Afghan investment programs and the recurrent costs of the Afghan state through its regular contributions to the ARTF-203 million Euros since 2002. Germany also actively participates in the ARTF’s Incentive Program. Whilst the newly established Regional Capacity Development Fund (RCDF) aims at strengthening political and administrative structures at the province and district level in north, the Open Policy Advisory Fund’s (OPAF) objective is to strengthen the Afghan administrations’ capacity at the national level in designing and realizing structural reforms. Capacity in Afghan ministries is also enhanced by providing German-Afghan experts through CIM (Centrum für Internationale Migration und Fachkräfte) and through German contribution to the CTAP. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 66 Since 2004, Germany supported trainings to bolster the Afghan judicial and public administration systems. Support to improving the political, social and economic conditions of women is part of the ongoing gender mainstreaming project. Germany provided funding for elections in Afghanistan. Culture: German funds have so far facilitated the promotion of 57 individual projects, including restoration works, small donations in kind but also complex projects such as the restoration of the Babur Garden (Bagh-e Babur) in Kabul, excavations in the city area of Herat or safeguarding works at the Buddha’s of Bamyan. Media: Germany has supported a number of projects for training journalists. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 67 12. India’s Development Cooperation Program in Afghanistan While it is not a traditional donor country, India is making a significant contribution to the reconstruction of Afghanistan by sharing its own development experience with the Government and people of Afghanistan. This south-south cooperation is based on centuries-old ties of history and civilization between the two countries. It also reflects India's belief that democracy and development are keys to stabilize Afghanistan and thereby contribute to regional stability and dynamic economic development in the south Asian region. Current Indian development assistance commitment to Afghanistan amounts to about US $ 1.3 billion. Indian development projects in Afghanistan are marked by lower overhead costs, and faster disbursements, than those of other traditional donor partners. As a matter of policy, India offers assistance only in the areas where it is requested, by GoIRA. Infrastructure: India helped construct the 218 km highway from Zaranj to Delaram, facilitating movement between Afghanistan and Iran. It built a 220kV DC transmission line from Pul-e-Khumri to Kabul and a 220/110/20 kV sub-station at Chimtala to bring power from the northern border countries to Kabul. Ongoing projects include the reconstruction of Salma Dam in Herat province; the construction of the new Afghan Parliament building; and setting-up of two electric sub-stations in Doshi and Charikar. Humanitarian and medical assistance: Apart from its reconstruction of Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, India has been providing free medical services through 5 Indian Medical Missions in Kabul, Mazar-e-Sharif, Jalalabad, Herat and Kandahar. It provided 1 million tons of wheat to Afghanistan as food aid; and with the assistance of WFP distributed high-protein biscuits to 1.5 million Afghan schoolchildren daily. An additional 250,000 tons of wheat as food assistance was provided recently, to address the current food shortage. Education and capacity development: India provides scholarships to about 675 Afghan students every year to pursue university studies in India, and also an equal number of scholarships for short-term vocational training. Because of the excellent quality of university instruction in India, and the cultural proximity, the Indian scholarships have proven to be extremely popular among Afghan students. Recently, India started a new program of scholarships for Afghan scholars to pursue Master’s and Doctoral level degrees in Agricultural Sciences. India had been the major contributor to UNDP's Capacity for Afghan Public Administration (CAP) Program, through secondment of 30 Indian civil servants in various Afghan Ministries to build the Government of Afghanistan’s capacity, Towards this end, India continues to be the major contributor to UNDP's 'National Institution Building Programme'. Further, India established a vocational training centre for training 3,000 Afghans in carpentry, plumbing, welding, masonry and tailoring; with a project in Bagh-e-Zanana for providing training to women in garment-making, nursery plantation, food processing and marketing. The newest facet of India's development portfolio comprises a special program for sponsoring community-based, small development projects in vulnerable border areas. This extremely successful program supported more than a hundred projects in the fields of agriculture, rural development, education, health, vocational training, etc. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 68 In terms of the way forward, a major focus of Indian assistance is to help Afghanistan’s progressive transition from the present aid-centric economic model to one based on trade and investment. In this context, India, as a fast growing neighboring economy offers one of the best potentials to serve Afghanistan’s needs. Indian efforts would increasingly focus on leveraging these latent complementarities, to ensure that Afghanistan becomes an integral part of a wider South Asian successstory of economic dynamism and democratic social cohesion. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 69 13. Participation of Islamic Republic of Iran in the reconstruction of Afghanistan Islamic Republic of Iran, as a neighboring country, from the start of new situation and beginning the work of Interim Administration of Afghanistan in 2001 has been playing an active role, by undertaking a good policy, in building long lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan. Effective participation of our country in the international conferences such as Tokyo, Berlin, and Paris and exchange of delegations and also extensive dialogue of political and non-political authorities are the vivid signs of our policy to support Interim Administration, Transitional Government, and elected government of President Karzai. Mutual summits of heads of both countries and also mutual trips of officials of both countries at different levels shows the high will of official of both countries to expand and deepen the relations between the two countries. Assistance of Islamic Republic of Iran to the people of Afghanistan and reconstruction of economic and social infrastructure is defined in the following three parts: Assistance through its operating budget: In the first part, Islamic Republic of Iran by allocating the biggest part of its recurrent budget has embarked to expand roads ending to the borders with Afghanistan, expand water, power, and telecommunication networks up to the border, increase Chabahar sea port capacity, which is one of the nearest sea port to Afghanistan, construct customs facilities, and improve border based in the joint border with Afghanistan, provide facilities in custom tariffs and taxes and to establish air network between the two countries and so on…. Cost of presence of Afghan refugees living in Iran: In the past three decades, Islamic Republic of Iran has been the host of more than three million Afghan refugees out of which only one million have been registered legally in Iran, while the remaining two million have been living in Iran illegally and without any official permission. During this period, Iran has paid a big cost for the presence of Afghan refugees including government subsidies for their education, health and other services. The costs include the following: Study of thousands of Afghan students in different universities of Iran in the past 30 years; More than five thousand Afghans are studying in different faculties of Iran; Currently, more than 300,000 Afghans are studying in the Iranian schools; In the past three decades, more than one million Afghans have studied in the Iranian schools at the different levels; Around 600,000 Afghan adults have studies in literacy classes in the past three decades; and Providing 600 scholarships for Afghan students in the Islamic Republic of Iran from the development budget. Granting banking credits and facilities: In the recent years, the policy or Islamic Republic of Iran has been to encourage private sector to invest in Afghanistan. Providing necessary facilities for Iranian companies and their presence in Afghan markets and, providing insurance coverage for Afghan importers, on the other hand, has been in the focus and working agenda of the Iranian government. Also, in Paris Conference in 2008, Islamic Republic of Iran announced granting new banking facilities to private sector with the total amount of USD 300 million for three years; the mechanism of implementation of this credit is also to be negotiated with Afghan side. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 70 Grants: In part three which belongs to grants, Islamic Republic of Iran, so far, has invested more than USD 370million to take part in the reconstruction of Afghanistan. Iranian aid to Afghanistan reconstruction has been focusing on three parts, namely, infrastructure facilities, educational and vocational services( taking part in the training and capacity building of ministries, granting scholarships, construction of vocational and technical education centers, teacher training center in Kabul, Communication Training Center in Kabul, and …), and cash assistance to government and in-kind assistance to needy Afghans. The biggest chunk of Iranian aid is aimed at construction of infrastructure facilities such as roads, bridges, and also power network which are effective and key for the expansion of infrastructure facilities of Afghanistan. In the area of power transmission, the project of power transmission to two provinces of Herat and Nimroz bordering with Iran has been completed and now is under use. In the area of roads, construction of transit highway of Dugharoon-Hirat which has already been opened, and construction of part of ring road between Herat and Maimana in the North of Afghanistan which connects Afghanistan with central Asian countries is of major importance for Afghanistan. Also, connecting South to Center and North of Afghanistan through Chabahar sea port and border bridge of Milak( Abrisham bridge which has already been opened) will have important and key role in connecting Afghanistan to sea and ports in Oman sea and Persian Gulf. The big project of construction of railway of Khawaf- Herat which is underway at present will bring a big change in transit and connecting Afghanistan with regional countries and Europe. Connecting to central Asian railway network, Turkey and Europe through Iran and also connecting to national railway network of Iran will provide more facilities for transportation of goods and passengers for Afghanistan. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 71 14. ITALY’S SUPPORT TO AFGHANISTAN Italian Cooperation aims to contribute to the sustainable improvement of the living conditions of Afghan people as well as to the stabilization of the country and its social, economic and institutional development. From the end of 2001 to date, more than 500 million Euros have been committed for multilateral and bilateral initiatives (managed and implemented by various agencies- executed by the Government of Afghanistan, managed by Italian Cooperation or implemented by Afghan NGOs, Italian universities and other institutions). Currently, 56 ongoing cooperation projects for a total amount of more than 200 million Euros are funded. 71% of funding is channeled through GoIRA core budget. The Aid Strategy of the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGCS) emphasizes a partnership approach at national and sub-national levels, institutional and capacity development, alignment to ANDS and the National Priority Programs and Provincial Development Plans, with the spirit of promoting Afghan ownership of the development process, all with the motive of making programs sustainable. Italy’s geographical focus is increasingly on Herat and the Western Region where most of ongoing projects are located. The objective is to work side-by-side with the Afghan sub-national administrations in the process of institutional growth and development of the Province. In this area Italian NGOs are active in carrying out emergency and development interventions directed to most vulnerable population through Italian Cooperation funds. The Italian-led PRT (Provincial Reconstruction Team) is also based in Herat. From 2002, more than 80 million Euros have been committed to the Province. The Italian Cooperation focus is mainly on sub-national governance, justice, public health, infrastructure, agriculture and rural development all with a cross-cutting attention to the protection of the most vulnerable and the promotion of gender equity. Italy is also fully committed to support the reintegration strategy as well as regional co-operation efforts. The main achievements of the Italian Cooperation include: the establishment of the INLTC; the construction of the Juvenile Rehabilitation and Female Detention Centers in Kabul; support to the justice sector and criminal law reform; the ongoing construction of the 136 KM Maidanshar-Bamyan road; the rehabilitation of ERTV, the rehabilitation and support to Baghlan and Estiqlal Hospital (including the construction of the Burnt Department); construction of Herat Pediatric Hospital and TB Regional Laboratory (the latter through the WHO); support to Herat Regional Hospital (including the Emergency Department and Operation Theatre); support of Afghan women through professional training and female entrepreneurship projects that led to the birth of four small independent companies which represent an authentic example of economic emancipation and social development of women. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 72 15. Japan’s Assistance to Afghanistan ◆Political Support 5 conferences in Tokyo ・Tokyo Conference (2002.1) (Start of reconstruction process) ・DDR conference (2003.2) ・DIAG conference Ⅰ (2006.7) ・DIAG conference Ⅱ (2007.6) ・JCMB meeting (2008.2) ◆Support for CounterTerrorism Maritime Interdiction activities ・Replenishment support to vessels engaged in the counter-terrorism Maritime Interdiction activities in the Indian Ocean (till January 2010) ◆ About 30 members of the Japanese Embassy and about 55 members of the JICA based in Afghanistan (as of November 2010) ・124 Japanese experts dispatched each year and 291 Afghan trainees received yearly 1. Political process (1) Bonn Process (2001-2005) ・Election support, election observation teams (2) Presidential election in 2009 ・Assistance to Independent Election Committee (US$ 36 million), election observation team (3) Parliamentary election in 2010 Assistance to Independent Election Committee (US$ 35.6 million) 2. Security (1) DDR (Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration) ・G8 lead country. DDR of 60,000 ex-combatants completed in June 2006. ・50,000 weapons and 100,000 heavy weapons collected (2) DIAG (Disbandment of Illegal Armed Groups), Reintegration ・G8 lead country. 737 illegal armed groups out of 2,000 groups disbanded ・126,000 weapons brought under GOA control ・105development projects in DIAG support area ・Cooperation with NATO to empower ANA on ammunition stockpile (NATO Trust Fund) ・Assistance for reintegration through UNDP(US $50 million) (3) Police Reform, Counter-Narcotics and Demining ・Construction of Border Police Center in Nimruz (Afghan-Pakistan-Iran border) (ongoing) ・Construction of Border Custom Facilities in Tahar (Afghan-Tajikistan Border) (ongoing) ・Assistance equivalent to salary of all 96,000 policemen for 6 month ・Police training in Japan ・Custom and border control assistance in Afghanistan and Central Asia through OSCE ・Mine-clearing of 90 ㎢, Anti-landmine education for 0.87 million people ◆Implemented $ 2.49billion of Assistance ・Covers democratic process, security improvement, human resources development, economic infrastructure and humanitarian assistance. 3. Infrastructure (1) Trunk Roads ・661 km roads (Ring Road and others)(implemented or decided) (2) Development of Kabul city ・Construction of Kabul International Airport Terminal ・Rehabilitation of Airfield Pavements of Kabul International Airport ・Provision of 115 public buses ・Master Plan of Kabul Metropolitan City Development 4. Basic Human Needs (1) Education, Vocational Training ・650 schools constructed or repaired ・10,000 teachers trained by JICA ・Literacy education for 10,000 adults by JICA ・Literacy education for 600,000 adults in cooperation with UNESCO (ongoing) ・14 vocational training centers (2) Health, Medical Care and Water ・Vaccination to 47 million people (polio, BCG etc) ・70 clinics constructed ・Tuberculosis Control Project, Reproductive health ・Equipment to 100 clinics constructed by US ・20 water supply vehicles, 1,000 wells constructed (3) Humanitarian Assistance ・9,114 tons of wheat and pulses in 2009 ・Provision of 2,500 shelters and lump sum cash assistance to 45,000 people in 2008 ・Large scale reintegration project to receive 2 million returnees in Mazar-e-Sharif, Kandahar and Jalalabad : housings, education, health and vocational training (since 2002) 5. Agriculture and Rural Development (1) Agriculture ・Technical assistance to rice-farmers in Nangarhar ・3 Agricultural Experiment Stations ・Improvement of Agricultural Production and Productivity, Improvement of Irrigation Systems and Construction of Micro-hydro Power facilities in Kabul and Bamiyan Provinces through FAO (2) Rural Development ・2,000 community-based projects across the country : schools, clinics, vocational training centers, bridges, canals etc. ・Of which 97 projects in cooperation with PRTs. 1 Japanese liaison officer to the NATO SCR ・4 MOFA staffs to Chaghcharan PRT ・One-Village-One-Product (carpets, potatoes, dairy products, garlic etc) 6. Culture (1)Bamiyan ruins ・Preservation of Bamiyan ruins in cooperation with UNESCO (2) Istalif Pottery ・Support to maintain traditional Istalif pottery skills DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 73 Japan will provide assistance of approximately 80 billion yen urgently needed in Afghanistan. Shifting up from the existing pledge of a total of approximately two billion US dollars, Japan will provide assistance up to an amount in the region of five billion US dollars in about five years from 2009, based on the future situation of Afghanistan (Japan has implemented approximately 1 billion US dollars of assistance, based on the assistance package (as of November 2010)). Three main areas of Japan’s assistance (1) Support in enhancing Afghanistan’s capability to maintain security. Japan will pave the way for the Afghans to take their own security responsibilities by such assistance as supporting the National Police. (2) Assistance for reintegration of grass root level soldiers For reintegration and long-term reconciliation with insurgents, it is important to begin by working on assistance for reintegration of grass root level soldiers. Japan will provide financial assistance to programs such as vocational training and small scale rural development programs for job creation. (3) Assistance for Afghanistan’s sustainable and self-reliant development For Afghanistan’s sustainable and self-reliant development, Japan will provide assistance in areas such as agriculture and rural development, infrastructure development (including energy), education, health and other basic human needs based on the Afghanistan’s needs Total of approximately $2.49billioTotal 2.49billion (2001.10 – 2010.11) ●Humanitarian Assistance Total of $401 million ●Reconstruction ●Political Process, Governance $299 million ・Budget Support to Afghan Government $164 million ・Media Support ・Election Support ・National Census $26 million $103 million $6 million ●Security Improvement $679 million ・ DDR , DIAG & Reintegration ・ De-mining ・ Counter- Narcotics / Border Management $ 267 million $ 57 million $32 million ・ Police Reform ・ Ammunition Management $ 319 million $ 4 million 1109 million ・ Infrastructure $309 million ・ Health, Medical Care $90 million ・ Education $84 million ・ Refugees and IDPs $129 million ・ Agriculture, Rural Development $181 million ・Assistance through NGOs $99 million ・ JICA Technical Assistance $ $183 million ・ Others $34 million DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 74 16. LITHUANIAN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION IN THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF AFGHANISTAN Afghan-Lithuanian relations have a long and positive history, reaching back to the start of the 20th century. Lithuania established diplomatic relations with Afghanistan in December 1930 by signing an Agreement on Foundation of Friendly Relations. After a gap during the decades of war, diplomatic relations with Afghanistan were reestablished in March 2005. In June 2005, Lithuania undertook obligation to lead ISAF Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in the Province of Ghor. Special Mission in Kabul coordinates implementation of PRT civilian tasks and performs other functions related to diplomatic representation. Afghanistan is one of the priority countries for Lithuanian development activities. Lithuania’s total contribution to development cooperation projects in Afghanistan, mainly focused in the Province of Ghor, is $5.4 million. In 2006-2010, Lithuania implemented a total of 132 development and reconstruction projects with 62 projects in the sectors of health, social protection and sustainable development; 22 projects in good governance and rule of law; 22 projects in education; 14 projects in cultural development and 12 other miscellaneous projects. Main long-term projects include the reconstruction of Chagcharan city roads; construction of Chagcharan Children Care Center; and reconstruction of Ghor provincial hospital. A number of small scale and quick-response activities have been carried out in Ghor province by the Lithuanian Special Mission to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Main needs of local institutions and population in areas such as infrastructure development, support for education, good governance and rule of law have been addressed. Majority of the activities are fully owned by local communities. Lithuania, as a leading country of PRT in Ghor province, is actively involved in attracting international DPs and partners to the Province. Continuous collaboration with the United States of America and fruitful partnership with Japan and Greece are the results of Lithuania’s diplomatic efforts and successful development cooperation activities. In 2010, Lithuania reassessed development cooperation activities in Ghor province in the light of upcoming transition process. As a result, the following priority sectors for Lithuanian development assistance were identified for 2011: capacity building of local governance and local NGO’s; Rural development in Ghor province and improvement of agricultural productivity.. Lithuania’s experience shows that seemingly secure and calm situation of provinces such as Ghor is presented as a reason to provide less funding for their development. Yet these areas require development assistance. Lithuania, therefore, seeks to highlight a clear need for more even distribution of financial aid across the country. Balanced and equal development of all provinces is a key to efficient and sustainable development action in Afghanistan. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 75 17. THE NETHERLANDS IN AFGHANISTAN – A SMALL COUNTRY WITH A BIG FOOTPRINT The Netherlands has been a partner of Afghanistan for many years. We have been with Afghanistan during the difficult times of the 1990s when we provided crucial humanitarian assistance. Since then, the Netherlands’ engagement in Afghanistan has intensified enormously. Our GoIRAl has always been to assist the Afghans in building a stable, more prosperous and democratic state. To this end, the Netherlands has contributed over $ 1 billion dollars. This level of support stems from our strong belief that all people deserve a decent life. The 3D approach – a best practice that yields tangible results We managed to bring positive change to Uruzgan through our comprehensive ‘1D’ approach (development, diplomacy and defense), emphasizing development where possible, using forceful interventions where necessary. We built the capacity of Afghan National Security Forces; engaged key community leaders; and supported a broad spectrum of development projects. The basic philosophy of the 3Ds has been the guiding principle in the period between 2006 and 2010, when the Netherlands was the lead nation in Uruzgan. Over time, this approach became a best practice within ISAF and inspired the current COIN strategy. The results of this approach: Today, life in Uruzgan is markedly different from four years ago. Security around the three major towns improved; over one million trees have been planted; micro-dams and water wells constructed; bazaars increased in number and are increasingly offering locally grown fruits and vegetables. Employment has gone up. Access to health care and education has tremendously improved. Cell phone coverage has been established. This has all been made possible through a handful of strategic interventions. The construction of the Tarin Koot – Chora road has opened up the province. The three times a week air service between Kabul and Tarin Kowt has connected the province to Kabul. Finally, the number of NGOs active in Uruzgan has grown from a handful to over fifty. Belief in Afghan ownership The Netherlands works hard to make sure that our efforts are in line with Afghan priorities and enjoy the support of local leaders and population. That is why the Netherlands works closely with the Government in Kabul. Through our support to the ‘Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund’ (ARTF) and the ‘Law and Order Trust Fund’ (LOTFA), we assist the Government in taking responsibility for delivering the most essential services, such as health care, education and security. The Netherlands not only provides financial support to the Government, but also assists in building its capacity. The best example is our ongoing support to the modernization of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL). Through our support, and thanks to the capable Afghan leadership team, the Ministry has transformed from a dysfunctional institution into one of the best-run ministries. Bringing about a more democratic Afghanistan, in which all men and women enjoy their human rights, is as much a matter of the Government as of civil society. We therefore support the emergence of a vibrant civil society by assisting the media, human rights organizations and research groups. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 76 18. NEW ZEALAND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM New Zealand’s involvement in Bamyan began in 2001 when it took over the lead of the Bamyan Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT). The initial deployment consisted of New Zealand Defense Force personnel, with some limited funding provided to the NZDF for development projects. The New Zealand Aid Program formally commenced in 2005 with a three year, NZ$15 million program (approx US$11 million). Prior to this, funds were dispersed through UN organizations, NGOs and Consolidated Appeals. In 2010 the New Zealand Government increased its civilian and development assistance contributions to Afghanistan. An Ambassador resident position was established in Kabul and in Bamyan two civilian posts were established: PRT Director and a Development Adviser. Recognizing further investments were needed to support the development of Afghanistan; New Zealand’s Aid Program was increased to NZ$10-12 million/year (US$7.5-9m). The NZ Aid Program is primarily focused in Bamyan Province and in three sectors: Rural Economic Development (agriculture, energy, and tourism); Social Sector Delivery (education and health); and Community Safety and Access to Justice (ANP development and human rights). Significant programs to date include: - Support to UNFAO to implement initiatives focused on women in the agriculture sector; - Infrastructure projects in health, education and agriculture sectors; - In-service winter teacher training programs for teachers without Y12 qualifications; - Support to Bamyan University; - Support to implementation of Basic and Essential Packages of Health in Bamyan; - Development of tourism infrastructure in Bamyan; - Support to AIHRC and capacity building training for GoIRA officials and local civil society; - Support to ANP mentors (as part of EUPOL mission). Major new initiatives under development include: an agriculture program aimed to increase productivity of farmers and access to markets; a renewable energy program to bring power to Bamyan province; a health package focusing on the development of health care personnel and managers; and an expanded teacher training program. New Zealand works closely with other partners in the Bamyan PRT, such as the US, Malaysia and Japan, ensuring programs are complementary and coordinated with GoIRA. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 77 19. Norway’s Development Assistance to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Norway has been a development cooperation partner to Afghanistan for the past thirty years. Until 2001 support was channeled through the UN, Afghanistan Support Group, and non-Governmental organizations. The Norwegian Embassy was established in Kabul in 2001. Since then the Norwegian engagement in humanitarian assistance and development cooperation has grown substantially. The framework for the Norwegian cooperation is Afghanistan’s plans and strategies, and the current focus is to follow up on the Kabul Conference. The overall objective for Norwegian development co-operation with Afghanistan is to support stability and sustainable development. In order to ensure such development it is necessary to support the strengthening of state institutions and a strong and legitimate Government. In line with ANDS, Norway is primarily concentrating on three sectors; i) good governance, ii) education and iii) rural development. In addition, priority is given to cross cutting issues such as anti-corruption, gender and health. Underlining the importance of national ownership and leadership in building the Afghan state, Norway was among the first DPs to contribute with budget support to the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF). In order to follow up on the Kabul commitments of giving GoIRA more ownership, 100% of Norway’s current funding to ARTF (about USD 50 mill. annually) is not tied to any specific program. Norway is leading the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Faryab province. PRT is part of the ISAFmandate to Afghanistan and consists of military and civilian engagement. The PRT does not implement development projects of its own. Instead the Norwegian Embassy in Kabul channels funds to projects and programs in Faryab which are implemented by local Government, the United Nations and NGOs. Approximately 20% of Norway’s assistance is channeled to Faryab. Good governance: Over the past years Norway has financed Afghan stakeholders, the international community and the United Nations (UNAMA) who are engaged in various efforts to improve the justice system and strengthen rule of law in Afghanistan. Under UNDP, Afghanistan Sub National Governance Project (ASGP) aims at moving the Public Administrative Reform process out to the subnational level. Norway is supportive of this venture. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 78 Education: Norway is one of the lead DPs in the area of education and was the first bilateral donor to ARTF’s special program supporting basic education (EQUIP) through the Ministry of Education (MOE). UNESCO/IIEP, with funding from Norway, supported MOE’s development of two National Education Strategic Plans. Over many years, the NGOs have received funding for their good contributions in education. Through the ARTF/NIMA program, significant and strategic support has been provided to establish a modern TVET sector in Afghanistan. Rural Development is supported via ARTF’s National Solidarity Program; UNDP’s NABDP-program under MRRD; the NGO’s integrated Rural Development Programs (with a particular focus on Faryab); and through FAO’s program to promote sustainable and environmentally safe agricultural production, with introduction of integrated pest management practices. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 79 20. Poland’s Assistance to Afghanistan Poland has been involved in the field of development co-operation in Afghanistan since 2002. Polish aid, administrated by its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is mainly channeled bilaterally. During the period 20022009 over 100 projects were implemented with a total estimated support of 14 million USD through Polish Component in PRT Ghazni; NGOs; and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Kabul. In 2010 Poland implemented approx 40 projects worth 6.8 million USD mainly through Polish Component in PRT Ghazni. Poland also provides assistance to Afghanistan through contributions to international institutions and organizations such as World Bank (ARTF), UNODC and WFP. In 2011 Polish assistance to Afghanistan will reach 12 million USD (PRT Ghazni 8 million USD; study visits and other Ministry of Foreign Affairs projects 700,000 USD; and multilateral aid 2.25 million USD). In Afghanistan, Poland supports processes aimed at building stability and national reconciliation and a sustainable improvement of the quality of life of Afghan citizens. We undertake actions aimed at addressing the objectives of the Afghanistan National Development Strategy. Development co-operation is of critical significance for the peaceful future of Afghanistan. The main sectors of Polish aid to Afghanistan include: Good governance, specifically, strengthening the national administration, including the judiciary system, the development of independent media, and education; Development of the city and province of Ghazni, specifically, developing public infrastructure (roads, schools, access to water and electricity), job creation and aid for refugees; Rural and agricultural development, specifically, promoting alternatives to poppy cultivation; health protection (including the creation and development of health care centers) Small and medium enterprises, specifically, developing the private sector, professional activation of women. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 80 21. Spanish Cooperation concentrated in Badghis Province A synopsis The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (or AECID, in its Spanish abbreviation) has been working in Afghanistan since 2006 using bilateral and multilateral instruments. Through bilateral channels, AECID has developed its activities as part of the civil component of the Badghis PRT, within the civilian-military model implemented in Afghanistan by NATO. Under the name ¨Reconstruction and Development Program in Badghis Province´´, AECID has developed seven sectoral programs in the following areas: 1) Infrastructure, 2) Health, 3) Education, 4) Water & Sanitation, 5) Agriculture & Rural Development, 6) Gender and 7) Good Governance. Through multilateral channels, it has supported different funds managed jointly between international organizations (Word Bank, UNDP) and Departments of GoIRA (e.g. Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, Ministry of Public Works). In these cases, AECID has sought with the different stakeholders to link formally the bulk of the multilateral contribution to specific interventions in Badghis province. The financial commitment of the Spanish Government for reconstruction and development activities in Afghanistan was formally established in the International Donor Conferences for Afghanistan in London (2006) and The Hague (2009), for a yearly 30m Euro appropriation for development activities during the 2006-2012 periods. For the first half of this period, 2006-2009, overall Spanish development assistance to Afghanistan effectively amounted to over 132 million Euros. This overall amount comprised both bilateral and multilateral funds, following approximately a 1:2 ratio. Since the very beginning AECID has always followed a strategy of comprehensive “Afghanization” based on the following principles: 1) alignment, 2) ownership, 3) legitimacy and 4) capacity building. The common element which coordinates these principles is the political, institutional and social leadership of the Afghan institutions. Furthermore, with respect to the definition of the different programs, AECID has always included in its interventions the principles and objectives of the Afghan National Development Strategy (ANDS). On the other hand, the Provincial Development Plan (PDP) has remained, through permanent dialogue with the Governor of Badghis province and the directors of the Provincial Departments, the essential element for the planning of the development activities during the period 2006-2010. During the first two years of AECID intervention in Badghis, activities related to infrastructure programs took up a substantial part of the budget executed through the bilateral channel, specifically those related to the rehabilitation of the road network. Since then, however, the focus has been to participate in areas prioritized by the local and provincial authorities, i.e. agriculture, water & sanitation, gender and good governance. SECTOR Infrastructures Health Water and Sanitation Agriculture Education Gender BUDGET 2006-2009 20.044.084 € 7.294.852 € 4.009.236 € 3.251.198 € 3.711.456 € 1.139.341 € DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 81 Good Governance 458.304 € With respect to the interventions funded through multilateral channels, the main national programs benefited are the National Area-Based Development Program (NABDP), the National Solidarity Program (NSP) and the National Rural Access Program (NRAP) implemented by the MRRD, MPW and the respective Provincial Departments. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 82 22. The Swedish Development Assistance to Afghanistan 2002-2010 The Swedish commitment to the Afghan people is long term. Its aid dates back to 1982. From the mid90s to 2000 Sweden was one of the largest DPs of humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan. From 2002, there has been a shift from providing predominantly humanitarian assistance to focussing on development assistance. From 2002 to 2010, approximately 445 million EURO (4 billion SEK) was channelled to long term development projects/programmes and of these funds approximately 71 million EURO (640 million SEK) was for humanitarian support. Over the years, Sweden supported sectors such as road and transport, democracy and human rights, education, health, agriculture and rehabilitation. In the on-going Swedish Strategy for Development Cooperation with Afghanistan (July 2009 –December 2013) Sweden focuses on three main sectors; Democracy and Human Rights (including women’s rights, and strengthening of sexual reproductive health and rights;, Education; and Private Sector Development, including infrastructure development. The objective is for people living in poverty, particularly women and girls, to enjoy better living conditions in a peaceful and democratic society. Increased gender equality in all sectors and focus on anti-corruption are the main issues of dialogue for Sweden. Sweden supports GoIRA with an eye to ensure Afghan ownership, sustainability and transparency but also recognizes the need for improving the access to basic services. Sweden does not implement its own programs but works through partners. In 2010, Sweden contributed 526 million SEK (approximately 58 million EURO) of which 27% was allocated to the provinces where the Swedish/Finnish-led Provincial Reconstruction Teams are housedSar-e Pul, Samangan and Balkh. The 27% is partly earmarked to finance national programs, partly reserved for direct funding of NGOs in the area, and partly used to finance smaller interventions. 42% of the total Swedish funding goes to support of national systems, through the ARTF, NSP, AREDP and EQUIP; 22 % through the UN system- UNIFEM, UNICEF, UNDP and UNOPS; and 30% for support to a number of non-Governmental organizations, for instance, SCA. An example of the Swedish Contribution is provided below: Basic Education, supported since 1984 with a total of approximately 820 million SEK (91 million EURO). The support has gone through different stages starting from pure service delivery through supply of salary, equipment and materials support aiming at provision of access to education for boys and girls in remote and underserved areas, to recently well defined development approaches including service delivery, quality improvement and capacity development interventions. Selected interventions of Sweden in the education sector include: 400 Government schools supporting in average 270 000 students. Sweden has supported more than 5, 200 Community based schools covering 180, 000 students (more than 50% girls). More than 106 000 teachers (21% female) have been trained. Girls’ annexes have been established in south-eastern provinces where no girls’ schools functioned over the past decades. Currently 71 girls’ annexes serving a total of 35,000 students from grade one to nine are supported. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 83 23. Swiss Commitment to Afghanistan - a contribution to a better future Switzerland’s engagement in Afghanistan is purely civilian and focuses on long-term development activities. The program managed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) relies on a need- and result-based approach. Therefore, SDC has built close links between its partner organisations and its own field missions to ensure its areas of intervention are effectively coordinated. This enables SDC to understand and encompass Afghanistan’s reality at various levels, which is a prerequisite for promoting sustainable development. Furthermore, because SDC works both locally and nationwide, it can use is broad range of field experiences to contribute to the overall policy dialogue in the country. Encouraging results in a challenging environment SDC’s program focuses on promoting good governance and respect for human rights throughout the country, as well as improving livelihoods in Bamyan, Baghlan, Samangan, Takhar and Badakhshan provinces. In view of the difficult context, the results are remarkable. The following list of achievements is not exhaustive: Switzerland was one of the driving forces behind the establishment of a humans right support unit in the Ministry of Justice inaugurated in 2010. As the lead donor for the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC), last year Switzerland witnessed considerable achievements, such as the impact of an enhanced dialogue between AIHRC and religious leaders. As a consequence, ulema councils have issued decrees to prevent practices that violate human rights, such as pre-age marriages and restrictions on women’s freedom of movement. As for institutional capacity building, the main focus is on local governance and its support to relevant UNDP-implemented programs. So far, 5,000 civil servants have been trained, leading to improved administrative practices, which in turn have brought economic and social benefits. In the area of livelihood, SDC plays a pioneer role by supporting the establishment of a sustainable land management institute in Bamyan. The institute is meeting the pressing need for training and knowledge sharing in natural resource management and, in its initial stage, has already drawn the interest of various stakeholders and builds on field experience of a wide range of Governmental and NGO stakeholders. By 2014, about 1'600 farmers, professionals and students would be trained. Food gap reduction has been reported for an estimated 5,000 families, namely through the consolidation of honey production and improved crop management. In education, support to the Government school program led to a 0 drop-out rate for 42,000 girls in 9 SDC-supported districts. The importance of this result is highlighted by the fact that in 50% of the schools countrywide no girls at all are enrolled in grades 10 to 12. In the humanitarian portfolio, Switzerland supports the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) by protecting detainees, preventing violations of International Humanitarian Law, assisting the wounded and disabled, and providing humanitarian aid. ICRC’s principles of independence and neutrality give it a unique standing, along with ensuring broad acceptance by all parties and beneficiaries. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 84 SDC is committed to stay engaged In 2002, SDC re-opened its cooperation office in Kabul and focused its activities on meeting the enormous needs of the most vulnerable, such as internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees to Afghanistan and refugees in Iran and Pakistan. Since 2004, the Swiss program has gradually shifted from humanitarian aid to a longer-term engagement for development. In 2012, SDC will be celebrating its 10th anniversary in Afghanistan and Switzerland will continue its engagement to supporting the Afghan people’s striving for dignified and enhanced living conditions. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 85 24. TURKEY’S CONTRIBUTION TO AFGHANISTAN The Republic of Turkey is committed to contributing to realization of a secure, stable and prosperous Afghanistan. To this end, Turkey has been providing the most substantial foreign development assistance program in its recent history to Afghanistan. While allocating considerable personnel resources to its program in Afghanistan, Turkey delivers its major contributions to Afghanistan through projects funded by the Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA). A breakdown of Turkish assistance to Afghanistan through TIKA in the period 2004-2010 is listed below: Social Infrastructure and Services Economic Infrastructure and Services Production Sectors Multi and Convergent Sectors Emergency Aid Subtotal: 79.992.588 USD 37.250.718 USD 1.508.056 USD 1.791.795 USD 1.317.811 USD 121.860.968 USD Additionally, Turkey donated 5.000.000 USD to UNDP/ELECT project for the presidential elections in 2009 and parliamentary elections of 2010. Turkey aims to realize two primary goals through its assistance in Afghanistan. The first is to bring peace and stability to the country. The second goal is to ultimately entrust the Afghans for its own socioeconomic development and security. In pursuit of these objectives, Turkey focuses on capacity building projects that support Afghan ownership. Turkey’s sectoral priorities are: education, healthcare, reconstruction and security. Turkey also provides emergency and humanitarian assistance programs for Afghanistan. Turkey reaches out to almost 100,000 students through its projects in education sector. To date, 65 schools and training sites have either been constructed or rehabilitated; and 62 schools were furnished. Improvement of healthcare services in Afghanistan is the focus of Turkish efforts in Afghanistan. To date, Turkey constructed 1 hospital and 17 clinics and rehabilitated 2 hospitals in various provinces/districts. Three hospitals, three clinics and one midwife training center are being operated by Turkish medical doctors in partnership with their Afghan colleagues. Turkish mobile medical teams also provide medical screenings in remote regions of the country, where healthcare services are barely delivered. Turkish contributions in other sectors include: 83 deep and shallow water wells have been drilled. 1 water refinery system has been provided. 1 water tank with a capacity of storing 400 tons of water along with its transmission lines. 273 tons of food has been provided to 6.300 families in 7 provinces. Construction of Pol-e Sokhta Bridge in Kabul Province. Construction of 2 cold storages in Wardak Province. Construction of one stadium and children park in Wardak Province. Asphalting of De-Afghanan – Baraki- Nadiry High school Road Construction of Water Supply Department’s Building in Wardak Province. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 86 Rehabilitation of a number of mosques. Putting together the central street lightening system in Wardak Province. Capacity Building Programs in a variety of fields. Ongoing Projects and Programs in 2011 Construction of 18 new school buildings, Construction of Continuous Training Center for Teachers, Construction of Kabul University, Turcology Department’s service building, Operation and administration of Turcology Department in Kabul University, Furnishing of 28 schools, Operation and administration Jawzjan Province, Habibi Qaderi Girls High school. Construction of two clinics and one polyclinic, Construction of one midwifery training center, Construction of 3 lodging buildings for clinics, Operation and administration of 2 hospitals, 3 clinics and one midwifery training center. Asphalting the roads and construction of an overpass in Kabul city, Asphalting of Taimani Road in Kabul Province, Construction of Kokcha Bridge in Takhar Province, Construction of Afghan-Turk Friendship Recreation Park in Mazar-e Sharif Province, DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 87 25. Afghanistan Development Co-operation Report - UK Input Afghanistan is the UK’s top foreign policy priority country. To help accelerate progress towards a more stable and prosperous Afghanistan, in June 2010 the UK announced a 40% increase in the Department for International Development’s (DFID) country program. DFID’s program is fully in line with GoIRA’s National Development Strategy, and the UK is committed to spend at least half of its Official Development Assistance (ODA) through Government systems. Since 2001 the UK has invested over £1.2 billion of ODA in Afghanistan which has helped maintain macroeconomic stability, stimulate economic growth, encourage private sector development, create jobs, and achieve progress in Helmand. The UK has been the largest contributor to the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF), committing over £500m since 2001/2002. The UK’s global Conflict Pool provides additional funds to Afghanistan focused on improving governance and the rule of law, security, counter narcotics, reconciliation and reintegration, and stabilization in Helmand. In 2010/11 the Conflict Pool expects to spend around £70m in Afghanistan. Through its close partnership with GoIRA and others, UK Aid has helped: Finance the salaries of 320,000 public servants, such as teachers and health workers; 15 public bodies to develop anti-corruption plans to simplify procedures and reduce opportunities for corruption; Increase tax revenue from $200m in 2004 to almost $1.3bn in 2009/10; Provide 800,000 Afghan entrepreneurs with small loans; Build or repair over 80km of road in Helmand, improving access to markets and transport for 70,000 people; Improve over 4,000 water sources, benefitting over 500,000 people; Support over 50,000 locally-generated projects to improve water, roads, schools and clinics. Support the Consultative Peace Jirga, which led to the creation of a new High Peace Council and a comprehensive peace plan; Support the development of the Afghan National Police by posting officers to the NATO Training Mission / Combined Security Transition Command, and EU Police Mission. Establish an anti-corruption unit within the Office of the Inspector General of Police, and provided UK police support to help develop a long term National Police Strategy and Plan. DFID has committed to invest over £700m in Afghanistan over the next four years to support the Government to achieve sustained progress towards poverty reduction, with a rigorous focus on impact and results. In getting behind Afghan priorities and national priority programs, future UK Aid will focus on the following areas: Peace, security and political stability Help stabilize key districts and offer improved basic services to the local population. Support the Ministry of Interior’s efforts to improve the performance of the police. Ensure elections are better planned, with reduced fraud and greater voter participation. Improve mechanisms for citizens to hold the Government to account by strengthening civil society. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 88 Economic stability growth and jobs Support sustained economic growth and help the Government to meet its targets on revenue generation. Continue to support infrastructure development and stimulate the economy in Helmand. Accelerate job creation through further growth in small and medium enterprises. Support the Government’s National Solidarity Program, to reach more communities in insecure areas. Contribute to getting 200,000 people into technical and vocational training. Getting the state to deliver improved services Help to reduce corruption in key spending ministries and improve public financial management. Support the development of a more professional and effective civil service. Accelerate progress towards getting 6 million children in school, with an increasing proportion being girls. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 89 26. USAID ASSISTANCE TO AFGHANISTAN The US Agency for International Development (USAID) has been supporting the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoIRA) as part of U.S. Government’s efforts to secure and rebuild Afghanistan. USAID has assisted GoIRA to provide services and security and to take the lead in the development and reconstruction of their country. USAID’s strategy focuses on developing the capacity of Afghan institutions to withstand and diminish the threat posed by extremism and to lay the foundation for a working civil society and high impact economic development. USAID supports the development of effective governance through Afghan-led programs that boost confidence in the law; expand Government capacity and responsiveness; extend municipal services; target corruption; support credible elections and representative institutions; and strengthen civil society and independent media. The key Afghan democracy and governance developments included the Kabul Conference, National Peace Jirga, and the first Afghan-led parliamentary election. In accordance with the Kabul Process, the U.S. Government intends to shift more responsibility to GoIRA and to channel at least 50 percent of its assistance funds through GoIRA’s budget within two years, depending on GoIRA’s adopting necessary reforms to: 3) strengthen its public financial management systems; 2) reduce corruption; 3) improve budget execution; 4) and increase revenue collection to finance key national priority programs. USAID initiatives helped Afghans meet key governance objectives in 2010. These include training over 16,000 civil servants in core skills; strengthening independent electoral institutions to support the historic parliamentary elections in September 2010 and enhancing assistance to a more independent Parliament. Important civil society results included development of a national network of 10 Civil Society Support Centers for 247 Afghan civil society organizations, creation of three regional media training centers, and nationwide network of 43 community radio stations. In the rule of law and anti-corruption arena, USAID piloted a new program that strengthens linkages between the formal justice sector and community dispute resolution mechanisms. The program established elder networks and helped communities resolve disputes in four kinetic districts. In concert, USAID also launched major new initiatives to strengthen the formal justice system and oversight institutions. Two million of seven million school going children are supported by USAID and 37 percent of them are girls. USAID has trained 52,000 educators and printed 97 million textbooks. In areas with no Government schools, USAID established 3,695 classes serving 52,504 students, 65 percent of them girls. To strengthen higher education institutions, USAID sponsored Afghan professors for master’s degree and short-term study-abroad programs and raised the quality of university-level instruction by training professors in modern teaching. USAID support for midwife training increased midwives’ numbers from 468 to more than 2,700 in eight years. With USAID’s support, Afghanistan achieved a 90 percent vaccination rate, including polio, for children less than age five since 2002. USAID assistance resulted in a 22 percent reduction in infant DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 90 mortality rate while approximately 60 percent of the population now has access to some form of healthcare. Afghanistan’s economy has been steadily growing at approximately 32 percent per year during the past six years. USAID’s rehabilitation of more than 2,000 kilometers of roads – including regional and national highways - is increasing mobility and strengthening trade. The U.S. Government and other DPs increased power to two billion kilowatt hours through 2009; and aim to double power further by 2014. USAID built the Kabul Power Plant that provides backup power for 600,000 Afghans in Kabul, and is expanding energy infrastructure to provide reliable power to populations in the south and east. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 91 27. WORLD BANK IN AFGHANISTAN Since April 2002, the World Bank committed over $2 billion for development and emergency reconstruction projects and four budget support operations in Afghanistan. All World Bank operations work through the Afghan budgetary systems. Currently, the Bank has 25 active IDA projects in Afghanistan with commitments of over $1 billion. IDA also administers the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) which raised $4.1 billion to date from 30 international DPs. The ARTF has developed into the largest source of on-budget financing for the Government and has also developed a policy platform to drive momentum in key economic governance reforms across Government. ARTF has 19 active grants with a total of $1 billion in active commitments. In addition, the ARTF recurrent cost window has committed $2.2 billion for the Government’s operational/recurrent costs over the last eight years. The main areas of IDA and ARTF intervention in Afghanistan include: Building the capacity of the state and its accountability to citizens Promoting the growth of the rural economy Supporting growth of the formal private sector The Bank also administers the Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) which has a special window for Afghanistan. The JSDF has committed $81 million in total since early 2002, of which around half has been in support of NSP. Most recently JSDF committed $10 million to support the piloting of clustering for Community Development Councils (CDCs). JSDF is also supporting access to a basic package of health services in three provinces. The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank Group’s private sector development arm, continues to work with its investment partners in Afghanistan. IFC now has an investment portfolio totaling more than $90 million in six companies. This includes commitments in the financial (First Microfinance Bank of Afghanistan, BRAC Afghanistan Bank, Afghanistan International Bank), telecom (MTN Afghanistan), hospitality (Serena Kabul Hotel) and healthcare (Acomet Family Hospital) sectors. Highlights of Achievements of World Bank & ARTF Financing Education: Since 2002, more than 6.3 million students and teachers have returned to school. The World Bank is helping to rehabilitate primary schools and train teachers, while giving technical assistance to strengthen the Ministries of Education and Higher Education. The Bank’s Education Quality Improvement Program (EQUIP) fund communities to rehabilitate or construct school buildings and access teaching and learning materials. Funds are directed through School Shuras, now functioning in over 30,372 of the country’s 32,000 schools. It is envisaged that by the close of the project in 2012, some 3,592 schools would be built, with a priority on girls’ schools; 8622 School Shuras would be operational, with 1999 more Shuras to be formed; over 110,000 teachers and around 9000 school administrators would be trained; 2750 girls in 25 provinces would receive scholarships to complete their two-year studies at TTC; and 750 qualified lecturers recruited in 38 provinces. Under the World Bank’s Strengthening Higher Education Program (SHEP), eleven overseas universities partnerships have been formed with participating Afghan universities to restore basic operations at these universities. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 92 Health: With the World Bank support in 18 provinces from 2003 to 2008, the number of health facilities nearly tripled from 148 to 432. The National Risk and Vulnerability Assessment 2007/08 indicate progress in reducing infant and under-five mortality. Infant and under five mortality in 2008 declined to 111 (13 percent reduction) and 161 per thousand live births (15 percent reduction) from 129 and 191 per 1000 live births respectively in 2006. Health service utilization increased among project area populations from a rate of 0.3 consultations per capita annually at the outset to 1.44 per capita by the mid 2009. Health care for expectant mothers expanded, with the number of deliveries assisted in facility by trained health workers jumping from 6 percent to 24 percent. The number of pregnant women who received at least one prenatal care visit rose from 11 percent in 2004 to 36 percent in 2008. Child immunization full rates in rural areas are still low but have improved from 12 percent in 2005 to 33 percent in 2008. Around 20,000 community health workers—half of them women—have been trained and deployed throughout the country, increasing access to family planning and boosting childhood vaccinations. The number of facilities with trained female health workers rose from 25 percent before the project to 74 percent today. Rural and Community Development: National Solidarity Program (NSP): The World Bank is the largest international source of funds for the NSP. The program has financed over 50,000 community projects in more than 22,000 villages in all 34 provinces. The National Emergency Rural Access Project (NERAP) is working to provide year-round access to the rural areas of Afghanistan. Since launching of this project in 2007, over 1037 km of secondary and tertiary roads and around 8,200 meters of cross drainage structures have been completed. Customs and Revenue: Since the implementation of an Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA), the collection of transit fees in major transit corridors in Afghanistan has improved and customs revenues increased by more than 700 percent in Solar Year 1387 (2008/09). This was largely attributable to computerized control over transit shipments, tighter control over the clearance of goods, and the enhanced capacity of the Afghan Customs Department (ACD) staff. To date customs processes have been automated at major Inland Customs Depots (ICD), including at the Kabul Airport which receives approximately 55 percent of all the country's customs declarations. Similarly, ASYCUDA is now functional at four major transit axes which receive some 65 percent of Afghanistan’s transit trade by value. Electrification and Power Generation: The Power Rehabilitation Project has helped to provide improved and more reliable supply of electricity to the residents of Kabul. This has been facilitated by the rehabilitation of several facilities: 110 kV link between Kabul and the North East Power Transmission System (NEPS) with rehabilitation of Kabul North and Kabul North-West sub-station; the 110 kV line that brings power from the Naghlu and Mahipar Hydropower Plants into the city grid; completion of high capacity optical fiber ground wire system (Chimtala and Pul-e-Khumri) to control and operate the NEPS facilities; and rehabilitation of the part of Medium Voltage system of Kabul. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 93 Irrigation and Energy: The Irrigation Rehabilitation Project helped rehabilitate 632 medium and large size traditional irrigation schemes serving more than 660,000 ha of land in various parts of the country. As a result of the rehabilitation, an additional 132,000 ha of land area are now receiving irrigation supplies. Installation of 105 of the 174 hydrology stations in different parts of the country has been completed. Work on installation of 40 Cableways has commenced. Annual IDA Commitments ($m) $450.0 $400.0 Private sector development $350.0 $300.0 $250.0 Infrastructure & natural resource development $200.0 Human Development $150.0 Agriculture, Rural Development & Irrigation $100.0 $50.0 PFM/PAR (including budget support) $0.0 Fy02 Fy03 Fy04 Fy05 Fy06 Fy07 Fy08 Fy09 Fy10 Fy11 est Annual $500.0 ARTF Investment Window Commitments ($m) $450.0 $400.0 Private sector development $350.0 $300.0 $250.0 Infrastructure & natural resource development $200.0 Human Development $150.0 $100.0 $50.0 $0.0 Agriculture, Rural Development & Irrigation PFM/PAR DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 94 Annex-II Tables & Graphs Table 1: External Assistance to Afghanistan Figures in US$ Millions Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Donor United States of America Japan European Union/European Commission Asian Development Bank United Kingdom World Bank Germany India Canada Netherlands Norway Australia Italy Sweden United Nations Denmark Iran France Spain Turkey Finland Russian Fed. Agha Khan Development Network Saudi Arabia China United Arab Emirates Switzerland South Korea Czech Republic Islamic Development Bank Belgium New Zealand Ireland Poland Kuwait Luxembourg Lithuania Hungary Austria Pakistan Brunei Greece Singapore Estonia Portugal Brazil Croatia Egypt Malta Oman Qatar Slovakia Taiwan Vietnam Total 2002-2013 Pledge 2002-2011 Com 2002-2010 Disb 56,100 7,200 3,068 2,200 2,897 2,800 5,029 1,200 1,769 864 938 369 753 515 305 533 673 134 308 143 152 239 190 268 252 97 197 85 0 87 60 28 29 7 70 12 1 14 289 15 2 3 2 1 1 11 30 5 33 3.46 44,356 3,152 2,883 2,269 2,222 2,137 2,130 1,516 1,256 1,015 775 744 645 635 446 438 399 323 220 213 160 151 140 140 139 134 118 116 108 70 61 34 22 22 19 12 6 6 5 5 4 2 2 1 1 - 37,118 3,152 2,594 1,005 2,222 1,700 762 759 1,256 1,015 636 656 540 635 182 438 377 174 194 180 160 147 140 103 58 117 102 83 102 17 57 34 21 20 19 11 5 5 5 0 1 2 1 0 - 89,982 69,248 56,803 DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 96 Table 2: Commitments and Disbursements to Afghanistan (2002-2011) Figures in US$ Million Rank Development Partner 2002 Comit. 2003 Disb. Comit. 2004 Disb. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Comit. Total Disb. - 44,356 37,118 - 3,152 3,152 264 2,883 2,594 313 290 2,269 1,005 310 383 383 130 2,222 2,222 222 174 216 192 - 2,137 1,700 99 355 140 594 205 - - 2,130 762 143 80 231 93 313 77 45 - 1,516 759 261 216 216 201 201 78 78 - - 1,256 1,256 98 98 134 134 184 184 91 91 80 90 125 125 125 125 125 77 140 140 156 156 130 130 123 36 44 40 50 74 126 96 79 65 87 37 51 52 52 60 60 71 71 94 94 100 100 13 14 146 10 26 3 55 44 67 34 35 0 34 34 34 40 40 49 49 55 55 70 70 70 70 - 64 54 51 53 45 52 45 49 26 23 31 30 1 1 56 20 9 12 31 12 26 25 36 19 91 33 40 38 - 45 17 45 51 45 76 45 50 20 Comit. Disb. Comit. Disb. Comit. Disb. Comit. Disb. Comit. Disb. Comit. Disb. Comit. Disb. Comit. 1 United States 866 866 953 953 2,255 2,255 4,518 4,518 3,277 3,104 9,623 9,458 5,292 4,458 4,505 3,382 13,069 8,126 2 Japan 366 366 229 229 249 249 198 198 147 147 91 91 505 505 615 615 752 752 3 European Union 318 190 324 360 365 258 287 303 354 283 357 350 188 264 429 322 259 4 Asian Development Bank 205 100 203 71 241 65 236 45 306 89 193 151 278 87 295 108 5 UK 85 85 178 178 237 237 146 146 247 247 246 246 260 260 310 6 WB 100 23 215 108 293 265 285 250 240 171 316 328 250 189 7 Germany 196 66 125 71 169 73 137 44 124 21 165 41 265 8 India 55 18 80 46 122 84 177 128 171 116 180 118 9 Canada 109 109 71 71 79 79 83 83 158 158 261 10 Netherlands 181 181 81 81 77 77 64 64 105 105 11 Norway 60 69 60 48 60 52 60 57 80 105 12 Australia 50 50 24 24 23 23 21 21 77 13 Italy 88 82 63 59 63 49 44 39 14 Sweden 74 74 53 53 63 63 51 15 United Nations 31 20 44 37 28 20 16 Denmark 43 43 43 43 34 17 Iran 69 37 69 68 18 France 8 8 7 6 19 Spain - 20 Turkey 5 21 Finland 22 - - - - - 5 21 22 18 18 8 8 18 18 17 17 77 60 10 10 38 21 21 21 11 11 11 11 11 11 13 13 18 18 23 23 25 25 27 27 Russian Fed. 30 30 109 - - 74 - 35 - - - - 5 5 5 3 23 AKDN 11 11 22 22 41 41 12 12 9 9 5 5 13 13 16 16 12 12 24 Saudi Arabia 82 82 6 6 5 5 6 5 25 5 17 - - - - - - - 25 China 34 26 20 0 10 1 0.40 33 1 28 15 19 2 1 - 26 UAE 10 4 35 1 13 4 11 6 7 4 8 1 47 8 2 4 0 56 27 Switzerland 3 3 10 7 16 13 26 13 15 13 18 14 7 12 13 13 9 14 28 South Korea 24 1 15 18 17 3 10 4 5 - 1 - - 63 35 2 1 29 Czech Republic 6 6 6 6 2 2 4 4 11 11 42 42 26 26 10 4 30 IDB 50 31 Belgium 20 12 3 4 1 1 10 12 3 1 15 17 4 4 3 3 3 32 Newzeland 10 10 4 4 4 4 5 5 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 33 Ireland 7 6 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 34 Poland - 1 1 1 5 3 8 7 8 7 35 Kuwait 9 9 5 5 5 5 - - - 36 Luxembourg 3 1 2 3 0.19 0.08 37 Lithuania 38 Hungary 39 Austria 40 Pakistan 41 Brunei 0.44 42 Greece 1 43 Singapore 2 44 45 - 1 1 20 - - 2 - 1 5 - - - 0.37 - 0.06 - 1 - 1 - - - 1 1 - 4 1 2 0 - - 5 - - 1,015 1,015 - 775 672 - - 744 656 645 540 635 635 446 182 - 438 438 - 10 399 377 17 2 323 174 20 - 220 194 - - 213 180 - 160 160 151 147 140 140 140 103 17 17 2 - 139 58 29 134 117 - 118 102 116 83 108 102 5 70 17 3 61 57 34 34 22 21 22 20 - 19 19 12 11 6 5 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - - 0.40 0.40 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 0.18 0.37 - 0.18 0.18 0.14 1.74 0.03 3 3 - 1 - - 6 1 1 1 0 0.05 2 2 - 5 5 0.44 - - 1 - - 2 - - - Portugal - - 1 Estonia - - - 3,102 2,615 2,614 - - - - - 3,229 - 2 130 - - Total - - Disb. 1 5 - - - - - 0.05 4,628 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - - 3 - - - - - - - - - 4 0 - - - - - - - - - - - 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 2 0.20 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 0 - - - - - 0.04 - 0.40 0.42 0.25 0.05 - - 1 0 4,170 6,513 6,182 8,471 7,133 8,259 6,319 69,248 56,839 5,827 4,931 12,196 11,789 16,792 10,899 231 188 DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 97 Table 3: Breakdown of External Assistance to Afghanistan by ANDS Sectors (2002-2011) Rank Figures in US$ Million Development Partner Infrastructure COMT 1 United States 2 Japan 3 European Union 4 Asian Dev. Bank Governance DISB 3,615 371 149 COMT 2,558 371 141 Education DISB COMT 2,345 303 1,172 303 518 493 Health DISB COMT Agri/Rural Dev. DISB 734 522 675 134 13 134 12 201 225 COMT 538 225 169 DISB 4,452 202 513 Private Sector Dev/Econ Dev Social Protect. COMT 3,377 418 202 417 DISB 559 826 COMT 390 666 353 339 - - - - - - - - 5 United Kingdom 6 World Bank 479 479 476 476 186 186 183 183 275 275 228 742 584 382 355 160 114 207 151 489 423 8 7 Germany 8 India 494 224 378 38 224 55 45 21 205 85 734 503 4 4 173 91 39 29 7 136 420 136 420 92 92 96 96 30 30 9 9 10 Netherlands 11 Norway 5 5 37 37 Unclassified DISB 820 512 28,850 66 55 486 954 COMT 26,050 954 482 Total Disbursement Total Commitment DISB 2,447 404 111 2,000 44,357 37,118 404 3,152 3,152 2,882 2,594 104 - - - - - - 2,269 1,005 228 35 35 358 358 - - 2,221 2,221 2 149 71 - - - - 2,137 1,700 40 16 426 63 318 247 14 2,130 762 3 551 124 3 3 4 3 1,516 759 185 185 162 162 217 217 72 72 204 204 13 13 117 205 117 205 246 246 1,256 1,256 26 26 1,015 1,015 34 4 18 93 51 24 1 20 36 10 13 10 119 15 59 14 86 416 22 411 1 1 18 334 92 521 84 636 1 18 18 776 4 96 162 2 12 Australia 13 Italy 743 656 146 86 225 223 7 7 29 14 63 43 132 133 9 9 29 21 5 3 645 540 14 Sweden 27 27 256 256 137 137 34 34 2 2 149 149 9 9 21 21 - - 635 635 15 United Nations 16 Denmark 37 9 36 23 106 51 171 58 29 6 43 15 3 0.25 16 16 4 1 446 179 61 61 92 74 10 10 70 70 20 20 9 5 15 13 161 185 438 438 111 111 399 377 17 Iran - COMT 559 721 1,916 9 Canada Security DISB 202 180 10 10 33 33 6 6 11 10 16 16 3 3 8 8 18 France 19 Spain 17 11 36 29 55 42 50 34 94 44 41 13 10 1 20 16 - - 323 174 36 36 26 26 8 8 11 11 54 54 9 9 - - 1 1 76 50 220 194 20 Turkey 21 Finland 39 30 1 1 54 43 54 52 2 2 4 4 1 1 53 43 5 5 213 181 - - 49 49 - - 8 8 5 5 31 31 - - 18 18 49 49 160 160 147 - - - - 2 1 - - - - 40 37 - - 109 109 - - 151 30 - 45 45 17 0.29 2 2 - - 51 51 - - 0.01 0.01 - - 145 98 25 25 - - 16 16 20 20 33 33 17 17 30 30 - - - - 140 140 25 United Arab Em. 26 China 7 5 2 - 0.40 0.05 1 1 104 104 10 10 - - 134 126 - - 23 2 - - 6 1 39 14 - - 21 2 42 40 130 59 27 Switzerland 1 1 27 23 15 11 12 12 33 24 25 25 4 4 3 2 118 102 28 South Korea 29 Czech Republic 4 4 14 11 18 17 54 29 5 5 2 - 5 5 14 14 116 85 4 4 1 1 4 4 1 1 2 2 8 8 5 5 78 78 102 102 66 12 0.12 22 Russia 23 Saudi Arabia 24 AKDN 30 Islamic Dev. Bank 2 3 3 6 - - 0.12 5 5 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 72 17 31 Belgium 32 Newzeland 1 15 12 1 1 6 6 13 8 21 20 5 4 1 6 63 58 7 7 6 6 5 5 2 2 3 3 - - - - 3 3 7 7 34 34 33 Ireland 34 Poland - - 18 16 0.35 0.09 0.25 0.25 1 1 6 5 - - 2 2 - - 28 25 12 11 1 0.07 4 4 1 0.22 1 0.42 2 2 0.03 - - - 2 2 22 19 35 Kuwait 0.20 0.20 15 15 - - 4 4 - - 0.45 0.45 - - - - - - 19 19 - - 9 8 1 1 - - - - 2 2 - - 0 0 - - 13 11 1 1 0.06 0.06 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 36 Luxembourg 37 Austria 39 Hungary 40 Lithuania 41 Pakistan - - 1 0.20 2 2 1 0.43 1 1 0.07 0.07 - - 1 1 - - 6 5 0.37 0.37 1 1 1 1 3 3 - - - - - - - - - - 5 5 - - - - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 0 0.44 0.44 4 0 - - - - - - - - - 2 1 3 42 Brunei 43 Portugal 1 0.10 1.00 1 0 0.10 44 Greece - - - - 0.05 - - - - - 1 1 1 - - - - - 2 1 45 Singapore - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - 2 2 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 1 0.38 0 0.26 6,452 4,669 2,415 1,724 2,220 1,750 31,670 28,735 46 Estonia Total 9,241 6,020 - - - 6,998 5,442 4,122 3,399 1,911 1,133 1 4,221 3,955 69,250 1 56,812 1) Social protection includes humanitarian assistance. 2) Reason for discrepancy between total commitment and disbursement by year, and total committeemen and disbursement by sector is mainly due to: a) Lack of data by sectors b) By year commitment includes data of FY 2011, but by sector includes only upto end of 2010 DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 98 Graph 1: The figures only represent the projects costs, not the actual disbursements made DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 99 Table 4: Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan Figures in US$ Millions No Province 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 1 Badakhshan 3 3 0 1 8 2 Badghis 9 13 18 2 42 3 Baghlan 0 5 1 0 6 4 Balkh 6 79 0 0 85 5 Bamyan 1 1 0 0 2 6 Day Kundi 0 0 0 0 0 7 Farah 1 2 4 0 7 8 Faryab 0 6 0 0 6 9 Ghazni 0 1 2 0 3 10 Ghowr 0 4 1 0 5 11 Helmand 1 5 5 1 12 12 Hirat 4 10 4 96 114 13 Jowzjan 1 0 0 0 1 14 Kabul 84 181 4 2 271 15 Kandahar 19 6 2 0 28 16 Kapisa 1 1 23 0 25 17 Khost 2 3 3 0 8 18 Kunar 1 2 46 0 48 19 Kunduz 1 0 0 0 2 20 Laghman 0 0 0 0 1 21 Lowgar 1 0 0 0 1 22 Nanagrahar 0 3 0 0 3 23 Nimroz 0 0 0 0 0 24 Nuristan 0 0 0 0 1 25 Paktika 0 3 2 0 5 26 Paktya 1 66 0 0 67 27 Panjsher 11 11 20 0 42 28 Parwan 3 39 14 2 58 29 Samangan 1 0 0 0 1 30 Sar-e-Pul 0 0 0 0 0 31 Takhar 0 0 0 0 0 32 Uruzgan 2 4 2 1 9 33 Wardag 1 0 0 0 1 34 Zabul 3 2 1 0 5 35 Central Total 3 0 0 0 3 159 450 152 106 867 DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 100 Table 5: DPs' Contribution to LOTFA (2002 - 2011) Figures in US$ Millions Rank Donor Contributions 1 United States 2 EC 3 Japan 4 Canada 5 Germany 6 Netherlands 7 United Kingdom 8 Norway 9 ARTF 10 Finland 11 Denmark 12 Italy Grand Total of all Contributions Rank 694.64 422.72 324.62 90.77 88.96 68.54 33.69 28.53 21.64 10.29 6.38 5.06 Donor 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Contributions Australia Switzerland UNDP DFID CIDA Belgium Ireland Czech Hungary Iceland Latvia 3.47 3.37 1.73 1.58 0.82 0.71 0.54 0.15 0.13 0.10 0.02 1,808 Source: LOTFA report, February 2011 Table 6: Afghanistan Debt Historical (1966-2008) Figures in US$ Millions Creditors Russia (RU) Asian Development Bank (ADB) International Development Association (IDA) - WORLD BANK International Monetary Fund (IMF) Government of United States (GOUS) Government of Deutch Republic (GODE)- Germany Saudi Fund for Development (SFD) Islamic Development Bank (ISDB) Bulgaria (BG) Kuwait Fund for Economic Development (KFED) Slovak Republic (SK) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) Peoples Republic of China (PRC) Iran (IR) Iraq OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) Kingdom of Denmark (KDEN) Government of Croatia (GOC) TOTAL Committed 11,034.39 820.28 542.14 122.68 107.34 89.83 81.07 56.97 56.58 29.86 29.34 19.75 14.81 10.75 9.50 1.76 0.87 0.44 Debt Stock (Outstanding) 987.00 595.85 434.52 114.13 18.16 46.61 11.02 51.42 21.72 10.03 1.76 - 13,028 2,292 Source: Debt Management Unit - MoF Zero Debt Stock means that debt has either been fully repaid or forgiven DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 101 Graph 2: Provincial Distribution of External Assistance (2002-2010) Figures in US$ Millions Note: Multiple Provinces include information on projects/programs that have nation-wide impact, such as the National Solidarity Program, National Rural Access Program, and other big infrastructure projects in the area of irrigation, energy, and transport. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 102 Table 7: Modalities of External Assistance Disbursed (2002-2010) Figures in US$ Millions Modality Amount Percentage 1. Assistance Managed Directly by DPs 46,544 82% 2. Assistance Provided through Government: a Bilateral Support for Development b Support through Trust Funds for Development c Support for Operating Budget Total 10,286 4,865 1,268 4,152 56,830 18% 9% 2% 7% 100% Table 8: DP’s Support through Government Budget (2002-2010) Figures in US$ Millions 2003 1. Total Development Budget 723 2004 2005 228 2006 570 762 1.1. Donors' Contribution 723 100% 228 100% 570 100% 1.2. Government's Contribution - - 2. Total Operating Budget - 0% 2007 743 0% 774 18 2008 1153 2009 1342 940 98% 1053 91% 1342 100% 2% 884 100 9% 1096 - 2010 0% 897 636 2.1. Donors' Contribution 515 57% 331 52% 348 45% 366 41% 481 44% 1477 558 38% 2.2. Government's Contribution 382 43% 305 48% 426 55% 518 59% 615 56% 919 797 940 100% - 726 91% 0% 72 1791 2469 723 40% 1074 44% 62% 1069 60% 1395 56% Table 9: Support to Government's Operating Budget (2002-2010) Figures in US$ Millions Funding Source ARTF LOTFA USDOD ADB Grand Total 9% 2002 111 6 2003 213 66 2004 235 65 2005 253 81 2006 300 107 2007 290 136 64 2008 310 229 91 2009 250 230 115 2010 225 447 322.5 4.9 117 279 300 334 407 490 630 595 999 DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | Total 2,187 1,367 593 5 4152 103 Table 10: Delivery Channels of External Assistance (2002-2010) Rank Figures in US$ Millions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Total Breakdown of Disbursment Development Partner United Sates Japan European Union/Comission United Kingdom World Bank Canada Netherlands Asian Development Bank Germany India Australia Norway Sweden Italy Denmark Iran Spain United Nations Turkey France Finland Russian Fed. Agha Khan Development Network United Arab Emirates Switzerland Czech Republic Saudi Arabia Korea China Belgium Newzeland Ireland Poland Kuwait Islamic Development Bank Luxembourg Austria Lithuania Hungary Kazakhistan Singapore Portugal Estonia Greece Brunei Brazil Pakistan On-budget Support 2,455 900 774 861 1,700 491 425.7 955 287 112 232 171 212 252 84 2 62 48 4 0.40 7 3 25 6 9 16 4 15 17 8 2 1 1 10,142 Off-budget Support 34,664 2,252 1,820 1,360 Total Disbursement 1 1 0 - 37,118 3,152 2,594 2,222 1,700 1,256 1,015 1,005 761 759 656 636 635 540 438 376 194 182 180 174 160 147 140 126 102 102 98 83 58 52 34 21 20 19 17 10 6 5 5 2 2 1 1 1 0 - 46,664 56,805 764 590 50 474 759 544 404 464 327 186 376 110 180 180 113 112 143 140 126 95 100 73 77 58 43 34 5 16 4 2 4 4 5 2 2 DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 104 Table 11: Summary of DPs’ Contribution to Trust Funds (2002-2010) Figures in US$ Millions Trust Funds ARTF 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 185 286 380 404 454 635 627 657 523 4,151 6 45 65 81 107 136 203 448 555 1,647 16 24 4 0 - - LOTFA CNTF - - - APRTF Total by Year 191 332 446 501 585 775 830 1,105 Total 44 86 86 1,078 5,843 DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION REPORT | 105