LECTURE . EXACT ∞-CATEGORIES We now introduce the higher categorical analogue of uillen’s theory of exact categories. .. Definition. A triple of ∞-categories, or just a triple (C , C† , C † ) consists of an ∞-category C , a pair structure (C , C† ) on C , and a pair structure (C , C † ) on C op . e morphisms of C† will be called ingressive morphisms or cofibrations, whereas the morphisms of C † will be called egressive morphisms or fibrations. We write Trip∞ := Pair∞ ×Cat∞ Pair∞ . .. It is obvious from this definition that Trip∞ is compactly generated. .. Definition. (..) Suppose (C , C† , C † ) a triple of ∞-categories. A pullback (respectively, pushout) square X : Δ1 × Δ1 . C , denoted X00 . X01 . . X10 . X11 ., is said to be ambigressive if X10 . X11 is ingressive and X01 . X11 is egressive (resp., if X00 . X01 is ingressive and X00 . X10 is egressive). (..) An exact ∞-category (C , C† , C † ) is a triple of ∞-categories satisfying the following conditions. (...) e pair (C , C† ) is a Waldhausen ∞-category. (...) e pair (C , C † ) is a coWaldhausen ∞-category. (...) A square in C is an ambigressive pullback if and only if it is an ambigressive pushout. (..) If C and D are exact ∞-categories, then a functor C . D is exact just in case it is exact both as a functor of Waldhausen ∞-categories and as a functor of coWaldhausen ∞-categories. ough there may seem to be a chance of ambiguity here, in fact there is none. .. Example. (..) e nerve NC of an ordinary category C can be endowed with a triple structure yielding an exact ∞-category if and only if C is an ordinary exact category, in the sense of uillen, wherein the admissible monomorphisms are exactly the cofibrations, and the admissible epimorphisms are exactly the fibrations. (..) At the other extreme, any stable ∞-category is an exact ∞-category in which all morphisms are both egressive and ingressive, and, conversely, any ∞-category that can be regarded as an exact category with the maximal triple structure (in which all maps are bigressive) is a stable ∞-category. (..) omason–Trobaugh called a triple (C, C† , C† ) of ordinary categories satisfying the first two of the conditions above a category with bifibrations. When a class of weak equivalences is included, omason–Trobaugh use the term biWaldhausen category. However, their notion does not require that ambigressive pushout squares coincide with ambigressive pullback squares. (..) For a less trivial example, suppose A a stable ∞-category equipped with a t-structure. In A≥0 , every pushout square is a pullback square, but not conversely. Consequently, we can define an exact ∞-category structure on A≥0 in which every morphism is ingressive, but the egressive morphisms are precisely those morphisms Y . Z such that for any object W ∈ A ♡ , the map [Z, W] . [Y, W] is injective. Dually, we can define an exact ∞-category structure on A≤0 in which every morphism is egressive, but the ingressive morphisms are precisely those morphisms X . Y such that for any object W ∈ A ♡ , the map [W, X] . [W, Y] is injective. .. Lemma. In an exact ∞-category, a pushout (respectively, pullback) square X00 . X01 . . X10 . in which the morphism X00 . (resp., pushout) square. X11 . X01 is ingressive (resp., in which the morphism X01 . .. Lemma. In an exact ∞-category, a morphism X . X11 is egressive) is also a pullback Y is ingressive just in case there is a fiber sequence X. Y. . 0. in which Y . Z is egressive. Dually, a morphism Y . Z. Z is egressive just in case there is a cofiber sequence X. Y. . 0. in which X . Z. Y is ingressive. Consequently, one of these classes in an exact ∞-category determines the other. .. Exercise. Convince yourself that for an exact ∞-category C , the “co-K-theory” — i.e., the universal functor on coWaldhausen ∞-categories that splits fiber sequences, i.e., the K-theory of C op — agrees with the K-theory. .. Notation. Write Exact∞ for the subcategory of Trip∞ consisting of exact ∞-categories and exact functors. .. Lemma. e opposite inolution on Trip∞ restricts to an autoequivalence of Exact∞ . .. Proposition. e ∞-category Exact∞ admits all small limits, and the inclusion functor Exact∞ . preserves them. Proof. e only nontrivial point is to note that, for any small ∞-category A and any functor A . the assignment a . Ca , if C is the limit of the composite functor A. Exact∞ . Trip∞ Exact∞ given by Trip∞ , then a square is an ambigressive pushout if and only if it is an ambigressive pullback. □ .. Proposition. e ∞-category Exact∞ admits all small filtered colimits, and the inclusion functor Exact∞ . preserves them. Trip∞ Proof. Again, the only nontrivial point is to show that, for any small filtered ∞-category A and any functor A . given by the assignment a . Ca , if C is the colimit of the composite functor Exact∞ A. Exact∞ . Trip∞ , then a square is an ambigressive pushout if and only if it is an ambigressive pullback. For this, suppose that Y′ . Y a cofibration of C , and suppose Y′ . X′ a fibration of C . Without loss of generality, one may assume that there exists an object a of A and a cofibration Y′a . canonical functor of triples Ca . C are Y′ . Ya of Ca and a fibration Y′a . X′a of Ca whose images under the Y and Y′ . X′ , respectively. One may form the pushout square Y.′a Y.a . X.′a X.a in Ca , which is also a pullback square. e image under the canonical functor of triples Ca . gressive pullback Y.′ C is then an ambi- Y. . X.′ X.. us any ambigressive pushout is also an ambigressive pullback. e same argument for the functor a . that any ambigressive pullback is also an ambigressive pushout. op Ca shows □ .. Proposition. e ∞-category Exact∞ admits finite direct sums. Proof. is follows immediately from the analogous assertions for Wald∞ and coWald∞ . ... Corollary. e ∞-category Exact∞ admits all tiny coproducts. In fact, we have the following. .. Proposition. e ∞-category Exact∞ is compactly generated. □