LECTURE . EXCISION AND WALDHAUSEN’S FIBRATION THEOREM By analyzing the Goodwillie derivative of the Yoneda embedding, we now find that a every distributive virtual Waldhausen ∞-category one step away from being an infinite loop object. is implies that the ∞-category Vadd Wald∞ can be said to admit a much stronger form of the Blakers–Massey excision theorem than the ∞-category of spaces. Armed with this, we give an easy necessary and sufficient criterion for a morphism of virtual Waldhausen ∞-categories to induce an equivalence on every additive theory. ω P(Wald∞ ) carries finite products to finite products; hence .. Notation. e Yoneda embedding y : Wald∞ . it factors through a pre-additive theory ω P∗ (Wald∞ ) y : Wald∞ . ω and its le derived functor Y : VWald∞ . P∗ (Wald∞ ), which is simply the canonical inclusion. Consequently, thanks to Cor. ??, the additivization of y is now given by the formula Dy ≃ Ω ◦ Y ◦ S ◦ j. Let us give some equivalent descriptions of the functor Dy. First, for any Waldhausen ∞-category C , the object ω,op Dy(C ) is naturally equivalent to ΩS C , where S (C ) is regarded as a functor Wald∞ . Kan∗ . Since F (C ) is contractible, a model for this loop object can be obtained as the fiber product Dy(C ) ≃ F (C ) ×S (C ) F (C ). ω,op Alternately, since suspension in Vadd Wald∞ is given by S , the functor Dy(C ) : Wald∞ . scribed by the formula Kan∗ can be de- Dy(C )(D) ≃ MapVWald∞ (S D, S C ). ω Lastly, since Vadd Wald∞ ⊂ P∗ (Wald∞ ) is stable under limits, we may describe Dy as the composite functor Wald∞ . S Vadd Wald∞ . Ω Vadd Wald∞ . ω P∗ (Wald∞ ) Ω Vadd Wald∞ . ω P∗ (Wald∞ ) From this discussion, we record the following. .. Proposition. e composite functor Wald∞ . S Vadd Wald∞ . is an additive theory. ω ), it follows that ΩΣVadd Wald∞ is an excisive Since Ω preserves sied colimits of connected objects of P∗ (Wald∞ ω functor Vadd Wald∞ . P∗ (Wald∞ ). In particular, ΩΣVadd Wald∞ ≃ Ω∞ Σ∞ Vadd Wald∞ . We may regard this as a very strong form of Blakers–Massey excision. More generally, we can attempt to study the circumstances under which a sequence of virtual Waldhausen ∞-categories gives rise to a fiber sequence under any additive functor. In this direction we have Pr. . below, which is an analogue of Waldhausen’s fibration theorem. .. Notation. Suppose ψ : B . A an exact functor of Waldhausen ∞-categories. Write K (ψ) for the realization of the Waldhausen cocartesian fibration F A ×S A S B . NΔop . .. Proposition (Fibration eorem I). Suppose ψ : B . A an exact functor of Waldhausen ∞-categories. en for any additive theory φ : Wald∞ . E∗ with le derived functor Φ, there is a diagram φ(B) . φ(A . ) 0. . 0. Φ(K. (ψ)) Φ(S (B)). . of E∗ in which each square is a pullback. Proof. For any vertex m ∈ NΔop , there exist functors s := (Em ⊕ Sm (ψ), pr2 ) : F0 (A ) ⊕ Sm (B) . Fm (A ) ×Sm (A ) Sm (B) and p := (Im,0 ◦ pr1 ) ⊕ pr2 : Fm (A ) ×Sm (A ) Sm (B) . F0 (A ) ⊕ Sm (B). Clearly p ◦ s ≃ id; we claim that φ(s ◦ p) ≃ φ(id) in E∗ . is follows from additivity applied to the functor Fm (A ) ×Sm (A ) Sm (B) . F1 (Fm (A ) ×Sm (A ) Sm (B)) given by the cofibration of functors (Em ◦ Im,0 ◦ pr1 , 0) . id. us φ(Fm (A ) ×Sm (A ) Sm (B)) is exhibited as the product φ(F0 (A )) × φ(Sm (B)). us we may consider the following commutative diagram of E∗ : φ(F0.(B)) F0 (ψ) φ(F0 (A . )) F0 Em φ(Fm.(B)) . (0, Fm ) φ(Fm (A ) ×S.m (A ) Sm (B)) pr2 . φ(Fm.(A )) Fm Im,0 . φ(F0 (A . )) F0 φ(S0.(B)) pr1 E′m φ(Sm.(B)) Sm (ψ) φ(Sm.(A )) I′m,0 φ(S0 (A . )). e lower right-hand square is a pullback square by additivity; hence, in light of the identification above, all the squares on the right hand side are pullbacks as well. Again by additivity the wide rectangle of the top row is carried to a pullback square under φ, whence all the squares of this diagram are carried to pullback squares. Since φ is additive, so is Φ ◦ S . Hence we obtain a commutative diagram in E∗ : Φ(S F. 0 (B)) Φ(S F. 0 (A )) Φ(S S. 0 (B)) Φ(S F.m (B)) . (A ) Sm (B)) Φ(S Fm (A ) ×.S m Φ(S S.m (B)) . Φ(S F.m (A )) Φ(S S.m (A )), in which every square is a pullback. All the squares in this diagram are functorial in m, and since the objects that appear are all connected, it followsthat the squares of the colimi t diagram Φ(S F. 0 (B)) Φ(S F. 0 (A )) Φ(S S. 0 (B)) Φ(S F . B) .. (ψ)) Φ(S K Φ(S S . B) . Φ(S F . A) Φ(S S . C ), are all pullbacks. Applying the loopspace functor ΩE to this diagram now produces a diagram equivalent to the diagram φ(F0.(B)) φ(F0 (A . )) φ(S0.(B)) Φ(F. B) Φ(K.. (ψ)) Φ(S. B) . Φ(F. A ) Φ(S. A ), □ in which every square again is a pullback. .. Given an exact functor ψ : B . A , the virtual Waldhausen ∞-category K (ψ) is the geometric realization of the simplicial Waldhausen ∞-category whose m-simplices consist of a totally filtered object 0. U1 . U2 . ... . Um X2 . ... . Xm of B, a filtered object X0 . X1 . of A , and a diagram X.0 X.1 X.2 . . ... X.m 0. ψ(U. 1 ) ψ(U. 2 ) . .. . ψ(U. m ) of A in which every square is a pushout. e object K (ψ) is not itself the corresponding fiber product of virtual Waldhausen ∞-categories; however, for any additive functor φ : Wald∞ . E∗ with le derived functor Φ, the proof of the proposition above shows that Φ(K (ψ)) is the fiber of Φ(S A ) . Φ(S B). is observation yields the following characterization of those exact functors that are inverted by all additive theories. .. Proposition. e following are equivalent for an exact functor ψ : B . A of Waldhausen ∞-categories. (..) For any ∞-topos E and any φ ∈ Add(E ) with le derived functor Φ : VWald∞ . E∗ , the induced morphism Φ(ψ) : Φ(B) . Φ(A ) is an equivalence of E∗ . (..) For any ∞-topos E and any φ ∈ Add(E ) with le derived functor Φ : VWald∞ . E∗ , the object Φ(K (ψ)) is contractible. (..) e virtual Waldhausen ∞-category S K (ψ) is contractible. Proof. In light of Pr. ., if (..) holds, then the induced morphism ΩS (ψ) : ΩS (B) . ΩS (A ) is an ω ), equivalence of virtual Waldhausen ∞-categories. Since S (B) and S (A ) are connected objects of P∗ (Wald∞ this in turn implies (using, say, [?, Cor. ...]) that the induced morphism S (ψ) : S (B) . S (A ) is an equivalence and therefore by Pr. . that (..) holds. Now if (..) holds, then in particular, ΩS K (ψ) is contractible. Since S K (ψ) is connected, it is contractible, yielding (..). at the last condition implies the first now follows immediately from Pr. .. □