Effective Fall 2011 Attachment A HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE MATHEMATICS A.S. DEGREE TOWSON UNIVERSITY PURE MATHEMATICS CONCENTRATION B.S. DEGREE First year HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE TOWSON UNIVERSITY CRS. TU EQUIVALENCY English Composition Calculus I Intro. Information Sciences Arts/Humanities Elective Behavioral/Social Science Elective General Physics: Vib., Waves, Heat, Elec. General Physics: Mech., Part. Dynamics 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 ENGL 102 MATH 273 COSC 111*** Depends on choice. Depends on choice. PHYS 242 PHYS 241 (GH)** (GB)** GB/GH** Arts/Humanities Elective Behavioral/Social Science Elective General Education Elective 3 3 3 Depends on choice. Depends on Choice Depends on choice. MATH 204 Calculus II 4 MATH 274 4408 MATH 210 MATH 206 MATH 217 MATH 208 CIS 115 CIS 111 CSI 131 PE PE Discrete Structures Calculus III Linear Algebra Elementary Differential Equations Fundamentals of Programming C Programming Language Computer Science I Physical Education Elective Physical Fitness Elective 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 1 1 MATH 263 MATH 275 MATH 265 MATH 374 COSC 175 COSC TLL COSC 236 PHEA TLL PHEA TLL 4401 4409 4403 10493 1335 10186 1344 10564 10564 COURSE # COURSE TITLE ENG 101 MATH 203 CIS 102 (GH)** (GB)** PHYS 204 PHYS 203 Total CORE in Transfer CORE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. COMMENTS Towson Seminar English Composition Mathematics Creativity & Creative Development Arts & Humanities Social & Behavioral Sciences Biological & Physical Science w/Lab Biological & Physical Science Advanced Writing Seminar Metropolitan Perspectives The United States as a Nation Global Perspectives Diversity & Difference Ethical Issues & Perspectives COURSE ID# 2348 4407 1328*** 6806 6805 32 Program Requirements at Harford 31 Total Harford Program Requirements at Harford 63 Total Credits in Transfer 63 Content Equivalent – transfers as lower level credit. Equivalency exception for this program. * 64 credit transfer maximum. 12 Core Curriculum units must be completed at Towson University: 1, 9, 10 and 14 **HCC students must complete one 3 credit Diversity course. It is recommended students select a course from the approved list on Diversity Courses found in the HCC catalog. GB and GH must be in different disciplines. ***Requires “course directive/exception” for Core placement. Effective Fall 2011 Attachment A HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE MATHEMATICS A.S. DEGREE TOWSON UNIVERSITY PURE MATHEMATICS CONCENTRATION B.S. DEGREE Major Requirements to be completed at Towson (38 Credits) MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH 267 Introduction to Abstract Mathematics 331 Probability 369 Introduction to Abstract Algebra 463 Linear Algebra 467 Algebraic Structures 473 Introduction to Real Analysis 475 Complex Analysis 490 Senior Seminar in Mathematics Upper Level Mathematics Electives TOTAL CREDITS TO B.S. DEGREE (120) Harford Mathematics A.S. Degree Completion of Core Curriculum at TU Major Requirements at TU Electives at TU 63 12 38 7 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 15 (ENGL 317 Writing for Business & Industry is recommended for the Core 9 Requirement.)