Muenster | Germany The Muenster School of Business Administration

Muenster | Germany
The Muenster School of
Business Administration
and Economics
University of Muenster
The Muenster School of Business
Administration and Economics offers a
modern yet personal atmosphere and
distinguishes itself with top programs.
Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vossen
Dean, The Muenster School of Business
Administration and Economics
Table of Content
Letter from the Dean
Letter from the Dean
The Muenster School of Business Admin-
cation that creates such high demand
cal business or economics field of study
istration and Economics in Muenster
for our alumni. What really character-
such as marketing, human resources,
Studying Business Administration
stands for tradition, top research and
izes the school´s superior education is
accounting, and institutional economics.
and Economics in Muenster
superior practical degree programs
its internationally-focused research, its
Our school’s personal and friendly atmo-
which open doors and create excel-
cooperation with numerous universi-
sphere, shaped by the enthusiasm and
Undergraduate and
lent career opportunities for graduates.
ties abroad, the opportunities it offers to
commitment of faculty, staff and stu-
Graduate Programs
With 5,000+ students studying business
specialize, and the integration of busi-
dents, is revealed in German univer-
administration, economics and infor-
ness administration, economics and
sity rankings. The Muenster School of
Postgraduate and
mation systems, the school, is in addi-
information systems in a single school.
Business Administration and Econom-
Executive Programs
tion to being one of the most prestigious
Research Areas
International Focus
ics has continued to be ranked in first
schools in Germany, also one of the larg-
Our theoretically-based, practice-ori-
places time and time again. We are
est. Graduates enjoy the excellent repu-
ented programs alone would not nec-
happy to be able to provide informa-
tation of their degree worldwide in both,
essarily prepare alumni to shine, but
tion about our school in this brochure.
the business and academic communities.
through workshops, supervised teamwork and project-oriented intern-
Student Life
The City of Muenster
Organization and Contacts
See you in Muenster!
Large and medium-sized businesses
ships incorporated into the existing
cooperate with individual departments
programs, students also develop out-
and institutes, guaranteeing an ideal edu-
standing communication and interper-
cation made up of both theory and prac-
sonal skills. Thanks to the wide range
Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vossen
tice. However, it is not only the strong
of courses offered, students may also
Dean, The Muenster School of Busi-
practice- and application-oriented edu-
choose a specialization within a classi-
ness Administration and Economics
Graduates of the School of Business Administration
and Economics from the University of Muenster
working in our company set themselves apart with
specialized knowledge, a sense of independence,
Because of their excellent
by being goal-oriented, and having good social
teaching, international
skills. Because of our positive experience,
mindedness and practical
GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft offers career
orientation, the School of
opportunities to Muenster graduates.
Business Administration
Dr. Rüdiger Kapitza, Chairman of GILDEMEISTER
and Economics in Muenster
is an important partner
Business Administration
and Economics in Muenster
in our recruitment of
management trainees.
Dr. Hans-Joachim Körber,
Chairman of the Board of
Excellence in Management
and Economic Education
The University of Muenster
The Muenster School of
Business Administration
and Economics
With 5,000+ students and 33 professors,
The Muenster School of Business Admin-
The Muenster School of Business Admin-
For those interested in earning an
Through strategic internal and exter-
Case studies and guest lectures by prac-
The Muenster School of Business Admin-
istration and Economics is part of the
istration and Economics integrates the
advanced degree, our school offers a vari-
nal evaluation processes, our faculty
titioners are also an important part of
istration and Economics is in addition
University of Muenster, one of the most
fields of business administration, eco-
ety of postgraduate programs. These pro-
are constantly updating and improv-
our degree programs. We place high pri-
to being one of the largest in Germany,
renowned universities in Germany.
nomics, and information systems. As
grams are specifically designed for junior
ing the school and its degree pro-
ority on teaching practical skills needed
also one of the most respected. We have
This university was one of the first to
one of the university’s most distin-
and senior staff working in management,
grams. These efforts have not gone
every day on the job. Trekking sem-
a tradition of conducting top research,
engage in research, in teaching and in
guished schools, we offer students a
sales, banking, consultancies and the
unnoticed. We are consistently ranked
inars, sailing seminars, and ski
being practice-oriented and engaging
continuing education in Germany.
wide spectrum of all relevant areas of
public sector. The modular structure, aca-
at the top by all of the most respected
seminars, for example, are a school tra-
university-ranking institutions.
dition during which participants physi-
in cutting-edge activities. Our school is
business administration and econom-
demic content and course times cater to
known for the integration of business
Students have a wide portfolio of 120
ics. Our 33 professors help students
experienced and working professionals.
administration, economics and informa-
degree programs from which to choose
gain knowledge and develop skills
Graduates of The Muenster School of
they discuss highly specialized subject
tion systems, collaboration with deci-
within the university. The increasing
in their subject areas as well as skills
The Muenster School of Business
Business Administration and Economics
matters in small-sized learning groups,
sion-makers in the business community,
internationalization of the degree pro-
needed to succeed in the marketplace.
Administration and Economics is well-
have an excellent reputation in national
and develop presentation skills.
political consulting, and delivering of an
grams and the use of modern technol-
respected far beyond Muenster’s city
and international business circles and do
excellent practice-oriented education.
ogy in the classroom prepare 5,000
Unlike many other universities, The
limits. Politicians and business leaders
very well when entering the labor mar-
graduates for the global marketplace
Muenster School of Business Adminis-
often seek the advice of our professors
ket. Our practical and future-oriented
each year. Muenster´s students also ben-
tration and Economics offers students
and refer to their research because of
focus and close contact to business
efit from the research conducted at the
a wide variety of degree programs
its excellent reputation in the academic,
leaders and politicians prepare gradu-
university. Basic and applied research
as well as a general education. We
business and political communities.
ates for leadership positions. In addition
is conducted by a total of 580 profes-
value integrated and practice-ori-
Muenster’s professors are internation-
to learning business theory, students
sors and more than 3,000 researchers.
ented management skills in the clas-
ally recognized for their research and
learn practical problem-solving skills.
sical fields of business, finance and
publications in academic journals.
cally challenge themselves. Furthermore
accounting. While students gain fieldspecific skills and learn theory during their degree programs, they also
have the opportunity to specialize in
information management, marketing, international management, entrepreneurship or industrial economics.
One of the best decisions I ever made was to
do my undergraduate study and earn my Ph.D.
at the School of Business Administration and
Economics at the University of Muenster.
Frederike Daniel
It paved the way for my career as well as
I especially like the
providing me an opportunity to meet people
integration of Business
with whom I am still friends today. I have
Administration, Econom-
very fond memories of my time there.
ics and Information Systems
Dr. Klaus Zumwinkel, Chairman of
in one department because
Deutsche Post AG
I have gained multiple perspectives on the field and
have been exposed to dif-
Undergraduate and
Graduate Programs
ferent ways of thinking.
Recognized Degrees
Strong Practice-Orientation,
Internationalization and
Shorter Degree Programs
Clear Structures through
Among the first in Germany, and in accor-
We have taken advantage of the Bolo-
Bachelors and masters degree programs
statistics and econometric methods as
dents to gain first-hand experience in the
knowledge and skills in the area of busi-
dance with the European Bologna
gna Process´s mandate by creating a
are structured into modules. In addi-
well as to have strong knowledge of Eng-
practical academic world. Students also
ness administration, informatics and
Process, The Muenster School of Busi-
shorter practice-orientated bachelors
tion, students may specialize by choos-
lish. In addition, students learn the basics
broaden and deepen their knowledge
information systems. The program pre-
ness Administration and Economics will
program and a masters program focused
ing elective courses concentrating on
of business administration as well as the
and skills through further independent
pares graduates for a career in research
begin offering bachelors and masters
on advancing academic excellence in
a specific group of related subjects.
basics of public and private law. In the
project work and the final master’s thesis.
and teaching in information systems
programs starting in the Winter Semes-
business administration, economics and
ter of 2005/2006. The new programs in
information systems. The bachelors and
Business Administration
basic skills in data research and analysis.
Information Systems
it prepares graduates to advise software
Muenster give students a comprehensive
masters programs offer more flexibility,
The Business Administration Program
The bachelors program’s required mod-
The Bachelors Degree in Information Sys-
manufacturers and application users
education within a shorter time frame.
but they also require students to take
at the University of Muenster encom-
ules encompass all core areas of econom-
tems includes core topics in business in-
that require a theoretical background.
The bachelors degree is designed for stu-
more responsibility for their programs.
passes three parts. The first three semes-
ics, including areas such as game theory
formatics and prepares graduates to use
The required modules include informa-
dents interested in a career in industry,
Courses have a strong practical focus
ters promote general education and
and institutional economics. Despite the
their knowledge to evaluate and design
tion management, process management,
politics or administration, while the mas-
supported by guest lecturers from the
offer students introductory courses in
large number of students in the program,
applications of information technology
internet economics, business intel-
ters degree is recommended for those
business community, a variety of course
business, economics, maths, and statis-
the wide variety of elective courses gives
for the private and public sector. The pro-
ligence, and a seminar module. Prob-
who prefer to pursue an academic career.
offerings, and assigned project work.
tics, as well as in public and private law.
students the opportunity to take smaller
gram prepares graduates to consult on
lem-solving skills are practiced in small
Beginning with the fourth semester, stu-
seminars and work in project groups. In-
the use of information technology in the
group assignments in project seminars.
core economics courses, students gain
Our school strives to educate students
As a typical example, students are often
dents can specialize by taking elective
tensive and interactive teaching meth-
daily workflow of business. Other career
to be generalists in business admin-
required to work on case studies in small
courses in a particular concentration.
ods such as excursions and block courses,
possibilities include supporting software
istration, economics and informa-
teams. As additional preparation for the
For example, students may choose two
also held abroad, are an important part
manufacturing and branch-specific soft-
tion systems. Therefore, our faculty
ever-increasing demands of the interna-
courses from a broad variety of courses
of the Economics Program in Muenster.
ware applications, including those used in
closely follow the current challenges
tional business world, we offer lectures
such as auditing, international manage-
The Masters Program in Economics moves
sales, banking and insurance. Interperson-
The faculty are committed to training
of the ever-increasing global econ-
and seminars in English, invite visiting
ment, finance, or marketing in addition
even further away from the traditional
al and professional skills such as presen-
young academics. All of our professors
omy. Our students gain broad, inter-
scholars, and encourage students to take
to their required courses introduc-
lecture format, offering seminars and
tation techniques and business english
offer qualified graduates the opportunity
nationally-oriented and practical skills
advantage of international exchange
tory business, accounting and audit-
project groups. In the masters program,
are integrated into individual modules.
to earn a Ph.D. This commitment is clearly
and learn to apply their knowledge.
programs. This new structure offers stu-
ing, and introductory economics.
required courses are specifically designed
In addition, an intensive seminar offers
seen in the success of our Ph.D. gradu-
Doctoral Program
to deepen theoretical and methodologi-
students the opportunity to practice
ates, who have moved on to top positions
cal knowledge through mathematical
problem-solving skills in small groups.
in national and international compa-
In the Bachelor of the Economics Pro-
economic theory and empirical economic
The Masters Program in Information
nies in Germany and abroad or have be-
gram, students are expected to master
research. A research internship allows stu-
Systems gives students comprehensive
come professors at other universities.
dents a broader variety of options.
and/or for a Ph.D. program. In addition,
There are many connections between The Muenster School of Business Administration and
Economics at the University of Muenster and the business consult firm McKinsey. Muenster’s
alumni are consistently among the top graduates each year, who we hire as entry-level consultants;
therefore, we profit directly from Muenster’s top-notch research, excellent teaching and practiceoriented education. In addition, we have collaborated with Professor Meffert, Professor Backhaus
and Professor Krafft from the
Marketing Center Muenster for many years to produce market-
relevant models and books such as “Mega-Macht Marke” (Superpower Brand). We also have
published the monograph, “Supply Chain Champions”, with Professor Thonemann. It is no coincidence
that four of our directors are alumni of the third largest German university and that McKinsey’s
own Professor Axel Born is also a much-welcomed lecturer at the University of Muenster.
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kluge, Director - Office Manager McKinsey & Company
Postgraduate and Executive Programs
Realize your Master Plan
The MCM-Marketing
Executive Program
The Interdisciplinary
Program in Tax Studies
Our postgraduate programs fulfill the
This program, offered in seminar for-
The goal of this program is to give law-
increasing need for high-quality continu-
mat, is especially designed for upper
yers and economists a background in tax
ing education that emphasizes manage-
management interested in learn-
law related to finance and management.
ment in a global market. Our programs
ing the newest marketing techniques.
This interdisciplinary, three-year Mas-
are especially designed for managers
Renowned faculty teach the most cur-
and professional staff working in indus-
rent developments in marketing. Gradu-
try, sales, banking, healthcare manage-
ates earn the title Executive Master
ment, public service, and international
of Business Administration in Mar-
organizations who want to prepare them-
keting in only three semesters.
selves for the challenges of international
business. In each of the program´s course
content, schedule, and the modular
Postgraduate Mergers &
Acquisitions Program
structure are geared toward working pro-
MBA in International
Health Care and Hospital
Modern Infrastructure
ter of Laws (LL.M.) program prepares
Participants in the two-semester execu-
This 14-month program is specifically
Being equipped with the newest tech-
participants for a career as a tax advi-
tive program learn auditing and account-
designed for physicians, lawyers and
nology is clearly an important part of
sor, legal advisor, or economic advisor.
ing methods and gain hands-on practical
managers from the health care world.
a modern computer science and man-
experience. Practitioners, managers
Participants use case studies to practice
agement education. The Muenster
and academics teach highly special-
teamwork skills. They also become famil-
School of Business Administration and
ized professionals to become generalists
iar with innovative management funda-
Economics offers students and fac-
in order to enable them to use special-
mentals during international excursions
ulty access to modern communica-
The Executive Program in Informa-
ized software packages to solve diffi-
(USA, Japan, Singapore and Europe)
tion technology, including high-speed
tion Management prepares partici-
cult business challenges. Participants in
and receive insights into the everyday
wireless networks and software-based
The WI Executive Program
in Information Management
fessionals. Graduates of MBA Programs
Participants in this program become
pants to advise clients on the efficient
this degree program earn an Execu-
decision-making processes of top man-
telecommunications. Students can
earn an official, state-recognized degree
certified M&A-Advisors in just three
uses of modern information technol-
tive MBA in Accounting & Controlling.
agers working in the healthcare man-
view syllabi, lecture notes, the sched-
which also allows for the possibility of
semesters. Well-known lecturers teach
ogy and communication technol-
agement field. The degree awarded
ule of courses, and their exam results
continuing on for a doctoral program.
the theory and practice of mergers and
ogy. Course content deals with the
is an MBA in International Health
through web-based communication
acquisitions at the highest level. Because
structure of application systems and
Care and Hospital Management.
platforms. Computer labs with modern
this program is offered as a coopera-
the newest trends in system develop-
We offer a two-year masters programs for
PC workstations are available for stu-
tion between The Faculty of Law and
ment processes and technology such
working professionals from various fields
dents’ educational and personal use
The Muenster School of Business Admin-
as data warehouses, data mining and
(e.g. law, engineering, etc.). The curricu-
24 hours a day, seven days a week. A
istration and Economics, students gain
workflow management systems.
lum includes both general and specific
personal e-mail address, broadband
two different perspectives. Those com-
Successful participants earn the title
courses in business administration such
internet connections, a variety of soft-
as economics, statistics and law. Students
ware packages, and low-cost digital
Management or Executive Mas-
may choose to concentrate in market-
printing are also generally available.
ter of Business Administration.
ing, accounting, or information manage-
pleting this program earn either a
Master of Laws (LL.M.) or Executive Master of Business Administration
The CUR Executive Program
in Accounting & Controlling
Executive MBA in Information
MBA General Management
degree, depending on their job special-
ment. The program degree awarded is
ization and their previous education.
an MBA in General Management.
The School of Business Administration and
Economics at the University of Muenster bridges
theory taught in the classroom with practice. The
faculty inspire students to learn important business
values like drive-for-success, flexibility, skill building
and, above all, personal responsibility. Henkel has
collaborated with the University for many years
and can attest to the excellent skills and knowledge
base of the School’s graduates and the high quality
of the education they receive in Muenster.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Lehner, Chairman of the Board of
Henkel KGaA
Research Areas
Interdisciplinary Research
The Muenster School of Business Adminis-
and the research results of this area are
Globalized Factor Markets. Microgover-
tration and Economics has always been
published in top German and international
nance deals with understanding the be-
nomics research at the University of Muen-
Information Systems
chief of scientific journals such as Infor-
research-oriented. Our faculty collaborate
journals such as Critical Perspectives on
haviour of agents on markets and analyzes
ster have been published in highly ranked
Research areas in information systems
mation Systems – an International Jour-
with other researchers in Germany and
Accounting and Journal of Risk.
efficient organizational structures and in-
journals such as International Economic
combine methodological aspects and
nal, International Journal on Semantic
abroad, participate in joint projects with
The third research area, which comprises
centive schemes. Our research in micro-
Review, Review of Economics and Sta-
domain-specific research. They also include
Web and Information Systems, Interna-
industrial and academic partners, publish
three chairs, focuses on banking and fi-
governance aims at understanding and
tistics, Economics Letters, Journal of
information modelling, reference model-
tional Journal of Knowledge and Learn-
in international journals and present their
nance, and the results are published in
improving regulatory decision-making.
International Money and Finance, Jour-
ling, process management, inter-organiza-
ing, and Information Systems and e-
results at conferences world-wide.
prominent refereed journals such as the
Topics researched include industrial eco-
nal of Institutional and Theoretical Eco-
tional systems, retail information systems,
Business Management. The faculty are
nomics, the theory of the firm, contract
nomics, Public Choice, Journal of
controlling systems, service-oriented com-
also members of the editorial boards of
Business Administration
of Economic Theory, and Journal of Eco-
theory, and institutional economics as well
Econometrics and Empirical Economics.
puting, semantic web, and e-society (gov-
various journals and of program commit-
Business Administration research is or-
nomic Behaviour and Organization.
as managerial economics. Research is ap-
In addition, the research results have been
ernment, commerce, learning). Graduate
tees for international conferences. Our doc-
ganized into four areas:
The fourth research area focuses on gener-
plied to specific markets such as energy
used by political and business decision-
students are involved in research projects.
toral projects enjoy an excellent reputation
The first area, the Marketing Center Muen-
al management science including organi-
markets, transport markets, financial mar-
Our faculty serve as editors and editors-in-
within the research community.
ster, with its three chairs of marketing,
zation, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
kets, and health markets.
focuses its research on customer-rela-
Research results are related to different
The second focus, Globalized Factor Mar-
tionship management, business-to-busi-
situational contexts such as health man-
kets, deals with the economic integration
ness marketing and neuromarketing. In
agement, franchise systems and sports
of countries and regions, the increasing
addition, sales management, direct mar-
management, and they are published in
mobility of capital, labour and information
The ERCIS – European Research Cen-
within an institutional framework.
keting, international marketing and mar-
such renowned journals as Management
and the impact of these developments on
ter for Information Systems – is
Thus, a holistic view of information
objective is to undertake joint research
keting in networks are also included to
Science, Operations Research Spec-
welfare, wages and employment. As a re-
a network of scientists who con-
systems development and organiza-
projects that span different disci-
this research area. The results of mar-
trum, European Journal of Operational
sult of this research, appropriate economic
duct cooperative research in the
tional design issues can be achieved.
plines and countries, thereby foster-
keting research are published in highly
Research, and IIE Transactions.
policy instruments are developed to tackle
field of integrated information sys-
The University of Muenster was
ing research at a level that cannot be
economic challenges.
tems development and organiza-
selected by the federal state of North
achieved through individual projects.
Journal of Public Economics, Journal
respected journals such as Journal
ERCIS – European Research Center for Information Systems
of Marketing, Journal of Marketing
The research is organized by a modern
tional design. For the first time,
Rhine-Westphalia to found the Euro-
The exchange of researchers, such as
Research, Journal of Retailing,
Economics research at the University of
matrix structure. Both research focuses,
core competencies in the discipline
pean Research Center for Information
Ph.D. students, lecturers, or associate
keting Science, and International
Muenster emphasizes the interplay of
Microgovernance and Globalized Factor
of information systems are inter-
Systems, because of its outstanding
professors, is encouraged and cooper-
Journal of Research in Marketing.
solid theoretical analysis and its empirical
Markets, are dealt with in the Center of
related with issues in the field of
reputation in both research and teach-
ative masters and doctoral programs
The second important research area deals
evaluation and application. This research
Applied Economics and the Center of
computer science, business admin-
ing within the field of information sys-
are also part of the overall objective.
with accounting, auditing, and controlling,
focuses on both Microgovernance and
Theoretical Economics. The results of eco-
istration and specific legal issues
tems and business administration. Its
The Marketing Centrum Muenster at
the University of Muenster is a great
place for students to study Marketing.
The faculty are world-renowned and
the international student body is
excellent. Muenster is also a beautiful
medieval city that provides a wonderful
setting for a top-notch education.”
Prof. Dr. Wayne D. Hoyer (Chairman,
Department of Marketing, University of
International Focus
Worldwide Network of
Partner Universities
Muenster’s Academic
Economists Abroad
International contacts are a trade-
Our commitment to an International
Spending a semester abroad is an impor-
mark of The Muenster School of Busi-
Focus on Research and Teaching means
tant part of many students’ degree pro-
ness Administration and Economics. Our
that The Muenster School of Business
grams. A semester abroad not only
school is connected to many universi-
Administration and Economics is part of a
exposes students to foreign research
The presence of many international stu-
picked up from the airport or train sta-
International Office advisors help
ties and academic institutions abroad
cooperative network of more than 70 uni-
approaches and teaching methods, but
dents and scholars clearly reflects a cul-
tion when they arrive. In addition, the
new visiting scholars and their fami-
through official partnerships and coop-
versities from five continents. From the
is also an opportunity to perfect foreign
ture of openness and tolerance. The
student body organizes city tours, get-
lies quickly settle into Muenster by giv-
erative agreements. Many visiting schol-
University of Alabama to the University of
language skills and gain international
Muenster School of Business Admin-
togethers and theater outings. Orienta-
ing advice about daily necessities such
ars research and teach in Muenster,
Zaragoza, faculty actively keep in contact
internship experience. These experiences
istration and Economics places great
tion events such as faculty-organized
as schools, day-care, finding a doctor or
and more than 400 foreign students
with one another. Mandatory lectures in
abroad help students develop their inter-
importance on providing comprehen-
spend a year or more at our school.
English, guest lecturers from abroad, and
personal, intellectual, and intercultural
sive support for our guests from abroad.
national students settle into their new
ulty also take it upon themselves to per-
dual degree programs with renowned
skills. Living with students from different
Our faculty, our dean, and the universi-
home. A favorite meeting place for stu-
sonally assist our guests from abroad.
universities abroad such as the Univer-
cultures expands horizons and encour-
ty’s International Office are available
dents of all nationalities is the interna-
sité Panthéon Assas Paris and the École
ages tolerance and openness to differ-
to answer questions and help interna-
tional advisory center, Die Brücke,
Supérieure de Commerce in Montpellier
ent ways of thinking and value systems.
tional visitors throughout their stay.
which offers advice as well as interna-
International Life
at the School
are an important part of our offerings.
All degree programs offer the oppor-
The student body mentoring program,
tunity to study abroad and complete
Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Abroad,
International Evenings also help inter-
renting a car. Of course, our school´s fac-
tional educational and cultural programs.
Learning Languages
In order to enable former exchange stu-
The language center is located next
dents to stay in contact with Muenster,
to the main building of The Muen-
an internship abroad. It is also possible
which was organized by the Interna-
to transfer credits taken at other Ger-
tional Students Service, is a unique sup-
man universities or universities abroad.
port program for students from abroad.
national. This program encourages
tion and Economics. Business English,
International students are individu-
international students to stay in con-
French and Spanish are offered, as
ally matched with local students from
tact with other alumni, the university,
well as German as a second language.
the same degree program and year for
and the city after leaving Muenster.
Other languages such as Estonian, Ital-
Die Brücke sponsors Alumni Inter-
ster School of Business Administra-
the entire duration of their stay. Men-
ian, Portuguese, Arabic, Turkish, Rus-
tors and mentees are matched before
sian, and Czech can also be chosen.
international students arrive so that
they can ask questions by e-mail or telephone about finding housing or being
“The MBA Program offers an excellent education in all
aspects of marketing. Our staff who earned MBAs from
The Muenster School of Business Administration and
Economics consistently report that the program exceeded
their expectations. Internationalizing strategies are
especially emphasized through the courses offered with
MBA students from the U.S. The University of Muenster
re-earns first prize for Business and Economics.”
Klaus Peter Löbbe, Member of the Board of the BASF
Student Life
Beyond the Classroom
Getting Involved –
Active Student Body
Student Initiatives
Our students are involved in a variety
Our school offers comprehensive sup-
Business Administration and economics
ness forum in the baroque ambiance of
Many student organizations are dedi-
of student organizations and extra-
port and advising services throughout
students in Muenster have many choices
the Muenster Castle. Prominent speakers
cated to the field of marketing. MTP
curricular activities. We strongly
a student´s entire degree program. The
when it comes to joining student orga-
from the German and international busi-
Muenster gives its members and inter-
encourage and support student
student representatives are involved
nizations and benefit from the diverse
ness communities, academia, and politics
ested students an opportunity to connect
initiatives, creativity, entrepreneurship,
in university-wide comittees. They also
opportunities to gain practical expe-
come together in small groups to dis-
theory and practice. MTP Muen-
and a sense of responsibility.
assist students from abroad by the men-
rience. Students participate in every-
cuss current economic challenges with
ster organizes lectures by practitioners
Many of our alumni feel a strong bond
Friendships that develop from
toring program for international stu-
thing from management consulting
more than 500 student participants. A
who work in marketing-related fields.
with their alma mater after graduation
activities outside the classroom often
dents. In New Students´ Orientation
projects, lectures by prominent speak-
board of 13 professors supports the stu-
In addition, through seminars and proj-
and stay involved with the Muenster
last long beyond graduation.
Weeks student mentors enthusiasti-
ers, and applying theory learned in the
dents´ planning committee. This program
ect-work in companies, students get an
Alumni Association, AlumniUM,
cally help international business admin-
classroom to real project work. In addi-
strengthens the important link between
inside look into the world of marketing.
one of the most active of such organi-
istration students, economics students
tion, students achieve the ability to work
the academic and business communities.
and information systems students to
in a team. Throughout the process, stu-
settle into student life in Muenster.
dents gain communication skills and a
Daimler Chrysler, Deutsche Bank, and
Finally, departmental get-togethers and
sense of responsibility. A few examples of
Volkswagen Consulting are all happy
legendary parties are regulary orga-
the projects initiated and carried out by
customers of the student consulting
integration at the university-student level
program is designed to support recent
nized for the whole student body.
our student initiatives are listed below.
group move. Students put theory
and AIESEC is a worldwide program
graduates at the beginning of their
learned in the classroom into practice
that promotes better understanding of
career planning. In addition, compa-
Network of Excellence
zations in Germany. The association
We have two student organizations that
offers career networking opportunities
foster international student exchange.
worldwide to recent graduates and
AEGEE works to promote European
current students. A special mentoring
Our school is proud of the Symposium
while working on real consulting proj-
different cultures through internships
nies sponsor scholarships for espe-
Oeconomicum Muenster which is well-
ects at real companies. As a member of
abroad. These organizations sponsor
cially talented students each semester.
known outside the region. Founded in
both German and international busi-
various programs such as conferences,
Finally, more than 1,000 alumni return
1987 and carried out annually ever since,
ness associations, move achieves
international seminars, exchange pro-
from all over the world to participate
35 students organize a one-day busi-
highest professional standards.
grams, case studies, and company visits.
in a Homecoming-Event each year.
Both organizations bring together stu-
They also meet regularly in cities
dents from diverse countries, thereby
abroad in which they now work such as
exposing participants to new cultures.
New York, Shanghai, Sydney, and Sao
My management-consulting company recruits graduates
for international companies. Alumni of The Muenster
School of Business Administration and Economics have
the best chances of getting the most interesting entrylevel positions. Muenster’s graduates are able to hit the
ground running in an international context because of their
well-rounded education in various disciplines of business
and economics and specialized practical experience.
Dr. Susanne Ribbert, Owner of the Consulting Company profiLs
The City of Muenster
An Ideal Place to Study
A Truly European Place
There are three things that first-time
Students who have matriculated within
Treaty of Westphalia, as well as the Cathe-
visitors to Muenster notice right away:
the walls of the dignified old baroque
dral and the Market Square, are just a few
the beautiful city center, the large num-
castle, have attended a lecture on the
of the internationally significant archi-
ber of bicycles, and how many young
ultra-modern Leonardo Campus, or have
tectural monuments from the last 800
Today’s Westphalian city of Muenster is
free time. Last but not least, students are
people there are. More than 47,000 stu-
sat in one of the many student pubs, can-
years. The city center, with its histori-
internationally renowned for its universi-
to be thanked for the legendary reputa-
dents shape the face of this traditional,
not deny the charm of the university and
cal buildings, modern architecture, and
ties and as a center for innovative coop-
tion of Muenster’s nightlife. Not far from
– Center of baroque beauty
yet modern, university city. However, it
the flair of the city. More than 1,200 years
contemporary sculpture is a lively hub.
erative research and development. As
the trendy bars at the Dortmund-Ems-
– History and charm
is not just teaching and research that
of history can be seen in the medieval
In addition, the beautiful green space
a result, Muenster plays an important
Canal-Harbor lies near the historical city
– Europe’s bicycle city
have a long-standing tradition in Muen-
layout of the city center and in the his-
throughout the city includes the Prom-
role in economic and business develop-
center with its traditional student pubs
– Westphalian cuisine
ster; the city plays an important func-
toric buildings. Our city center is an excel-
enade, a landscaped ring around the
ment. The unique atmosphere of the city
and popular nightclubs where nightlife
– Germany’s green city of peace
tion for the 1.5 million inhabitants of the
lent example of a traditional European
city center. Many parks add to the high
is formed by its many young people, its
continues into the early morning hours.
Westphalian region as the center for ser-
city and of high quality urban planning.
quality of life in the Muenster region.
academic institutions, and its diverse and
vice, commerce, and administration.
The Prinzipalmarkt with the Lamberti
exciting cultural offerings where bicy-
All these factors make Muenster one of
Church and the City Hall housing the
cles are the main mode of transporta-
the most liveable cities in the world,
tion. Cultural programs such as open-air
and as a result Muenster was offi-
The Most Liveable City
in the World
movies, concerts, theater, and museums
cially given this title and the inter-
offer a variety of options for spending
national LivCom-Award in 2004.
Muenster at a Glance
Organization and Contacts
Organization and Contacts
The Muenster School of
Business Administration and Economics
Dean´s Office
Universitätsstr. 14-16
48143 Münster / Germany
+49 2 51 / 83 - 2 29 10
+49 2 51 / 83 - 2 83 99
International Relations
+49 2 51 / 83 - 2 29 06
The Muenster School of
Business Administration and Economics
Editorial Staff
Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vossen, Dean
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus Backhaus
Stephanie Schröder M. A.
Anja Luchtefeld
Directions to The Muenster School of
Business Administration and Economics by
public transportation: from the Main Train
Rae Ann Bories-Easley, Washington D. C.
Roland Artur Berg,
Stephanie Schröder, Anja Luchtefeld
Station (Muenster Hauptbahnhof ) take
bus no. 11, 14, or 21 to Krummer Timpen.
Livingpage® MediaAgentur,
Presseamt Stadt Münster (p. 16, 17)
Special thanks to
Zweirad-Civak Muenster, UNISHOP MÜNSTER
Edition 2006
University of Muenster
The Muenster School of
Business Administration and Economics
Universitätsstraße 14-16 | 48 143 Muenster
Phone +49 2 51 / 83-2 29 10
Fax +49 2 51 / 83-2 83 99