Information Sheet 2015-2016 B.B.A. Program Mailing address HEC Montréal Interna onal Student Affairs 3000, chemin de la Cote Ste‐Catherine Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3T 2A7 Websites External Recognition Main Website: Incoming exchange students & Information for partners Website: Contacts for Partners AmericaEconomia Expansion Forbes Jacqueline Lemay Geneviève Benoit The Economist Program Manager Partnerships and Agreements Coordinator Incoming & Outgoing Exchange Phone: +1-514-340-6840 Phone +1-514-340-6327 Carmen Brodeur Caroline Therrien HEC Montréal was the first school in North America to be awarded the accreditations AMBA AACSB International EQUIS Student Advisor Incoming & Outgoing Exchange Phone +1-514-340-7138 Contact for Students Student Advisor Incoming & Outgoing Exchange Phone: +1-514-340-6000 ext. 2422 This threefold recogni on of the quality of the school’s study programs, the calibre of its students and faculty, and the excellence of the guidance provided to students, confirms HEC Montréal’s status as one of the world’s business schools. 1 HEC Montreal’s Academic Calendar in a nutshell Fall 2015 (August – December) Winter 2016 (January – April) Nomina on period (partners) March 1—May 1 March 1—October 1 Applica on period (nominated students) April 4—May 15 September 1—October 15 Course registra on (Business and Language) June 4—16 October 23—November 3 Orienta on program August 26—29 January 3 Classes begin August 31st January 4 Holiday Thanksgiving: October 12 Easter break: March 25—2 BBA mid‐term exams October 21—2 February 22—2 BBA mid‐term break October 2 —November 3 February 2 —March 6 Final exams—no resit allowed December —22 April 1 —30 Detailed Academic Calendar available online: International Fair, Fall 2014 2 Exchange Related Information Nominations Nomina on period: Term 1 (Fall): March 1—May 1, 2015 Term 2 (Winter): March 1—October 1, 2015 Should you have difficul es respec ng our deadline, please advise us as soon as possible. All nomina ons must be submi ed online at: h ps:// Partner user ID and password, previously sent to contact by email Exchange period: nomina ons may be for one semester or one full year. Students and partner ins tu ons will receive a confirma on by HEC of student nomina on. Partner institutions will receive the letters of acceptance for their students in June for the Fall nominations and in September for the winter nominations Please be advised, no extensions will be possible at er one semester. Student Application Applica on period: Term 1 (Fall): April 1 —May 15, 2015 Term 2 (Winter): September 1—October 15, 2015 Students are required to fill in the On‐line Exchange Student Applica on (user ID and password will be provided). Supporting application procedure: h p:// onal_student/interna onal_exchange/ prospec ve_exchange/index.html Located in the heart of Montreal It is worth poin ng out that HEC Montréal is located right in the heart of Montreal, a cosmopolitan city with a popu‐ la on of almost 2 million people made up of more than 100 different ethnic communi‐ es. Vibrant, fast‐paced and yet historical, with a mix of impres‐ sive fes vals and an incredible nightlife… interna onal stu‐ dents will turn their excellent educa onal experience into an exci ng adventure. New York, Boston, Toronto, Ottawa and other great North American ci es are all within a couple of hours away. Canada is an officially bilingual country: its two official lan‐ guages are English and French. Quebec is one of the 10 pro‐ vinces of the Canadian fede‐ Immigration Requirements Please note that procedures vary according to the dura on of stay and your country of residence, see: h p:// onal_student/interna onal_exchange/pre‐ arrival_guide/immigra on_documents/index.html STUDENTS MUST START THEIR IMMIGRATION PROCEDURES AS SOON AS THEY RECEIVE THE ADMISSION LETTER. ra on. In Quebec, French is the only official language, and it is spoken by the majority of the popula on. However, Montreal is an inter‐ na onal mul lingual city, where English and French speakers live side by side. Do not hesitate to contact us should the student require assistance. 3 Health & Medical Insurance Compulsory insurance for all students Students are required to purchase their health Insurance from HEC Montreal. Health Insurance purchased elsewhere will not be accepted by HEC Montreal. The medical insurance plan covers medical and hospital expenses and prescription drugs for the student alone. The cost is $ 636.00 CDN for two semesters or $ 371.00 CDN per semester. Payment is required upon arrival, during orientation by debit or credit card only. Fees are subject to change without prior noUJce. Bilateral social security agreements A bilateral social security agreement exists between Quebec and the following countries: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Sweden. If covered by the social security plan of their country (listed above), ci zens are covered free of charge by the Régie de l’assurance‐maladie du Québec. Students need to contact the social security of their country to obtain the required documents to be presented upon arrival. Additional information index.html Workload Requirements Workload A semester in the BBA pro‐ gram consists of 15 weeks. 3 credits course = 45 contact hours (15 X 3). For each credit, students need to contribute about 30 hours of addi onal personal work. Therefore the required workload for each course is : 45 contact hours + 90 hours of personal work = 135 hours per course for a semester. Minimum 4 courses required To be considered a full time student and to comply with HEC Montreal regula ons, a minimum of 12 credits (4 courses) is required for the B.B.A program. The workload requirement for HEC students in a regular program is 15 credits (5 courses) per term for the B.B.A. program. Language Requirements Languages of instruc on at HEC Montreal: French, English and Spanish Students are not required to pass any language proficiency test. As an indica on only, the following scores are desirable : English: TOEFL: minimum score of 560 (paper version), 220 (computer version), 83 (Internet version – iBT) or IELTS: 6.5 French: TFI: minimum score of 750 4 Course Registration & Academic Information Semester Dates Term 1 (Fall) August 31 —December 22, 2015 Term 2 (Winter) January 4—April 30, 2016 Study Program Bachelor of Business Administraton (B.B.A.) (4 years) The business courses are offered in 3 languages: French, English & Spanish. Please note that courses given in French may some mes require the use of English text books. Under certain condi ons it is possible to write exams in English. Language courses Only one language course (3 credits) per term allowed. Online placement test required. French Business Communica on— Level 1 to 5, English Business Communica on— Level 1 to 5, Spanish Business Communica on—Level intermediate to advanced. Addi onal informa on about language courses: pre-arrival_guide/course_registration/index.html#Language Courses Course Registration Business Administration Specialisations Applied Economics Entrepreneurship Finance Human Resources Management Logis cs & Opera ons Management Interna onal Business Course registration dates: Term 1 (Fall) June 4—June 16, 2015 Term 2 (Winter) October 23—November 3, 2015 Informa on Technology We recommend that students register as soon as the system opens as registra ons are taken on a first come, first served basis. Students must make sure they meet the required prerequisits prior to registra on. Professional Accoun ng Management Marke ng Quan ta ve Methods List of courses available for exchange students: Available as of May 15, 2015 for both terms pre-arrival_guide/course_registration/index.html#Business Courses Course outlines and prerequisites information available on the Course Portal: h ps:// Supporting course registration procedure: h p:// onal_student/interna onal_exchange/ pre‐arrival_guide/course_registra on/index.html 5 Business French Summer School Summer School Language and Culture Par cipate in a total immersion experience to acquire or refine your wri ng and speaking skills in Business French, thereby increasing your opportuni es in the interna onal job market! From Monday, July 20 to Friday, August 4, 2015 Company Visits 2015: ydro u bec, adio Canada Broadcasting Corporation, Cirque loi e, Moment Factory multimedia studios, a Cit du Cin ma Fly me to HEC Montreal Video Fly Me to HEC Montreal: international_student/ international_exchange/index.html Other videos: h p:// experience/videos/index.html Photo Library h p:// hecmontreal/ sets/72157600282106156/ Grading system Additional information English version: h p:// programs_training/files/ pdf/ guidelines_regula ons.pdf Registra on deadline: June 1 , 201 Open for everybody, this immersion program features: Business French language course, 3 credits, beginner to advanced levels Workshops, seminars, conferences and company visits Socio‐cultural and sports ac vi es Rate for all par cipants : $ 1 980 CDN Includes health insurance Special rate for exchange students : $ 875 CDN May be credited towards the Fall semester upon approval of your home university. No extra health insurance fees required as they are paid with the Fall semester’s plan. Op onal housing : $ 46 CDN/night For addi onal informa on and to register : http://francaisa aires Exams & Grading System Exams and Resits No special arrangements or resits possible for mid‐term and final exams. Transcripts Sent to partner ins tu on approximately 6 weeks a er end of term. Grading System BBA Mark/ Numerical value 4.3 A+ 4.0 A 3.7 A‐ 3.3 B+ 3.0 B 2.7 B‐ 2.3 C+ 2.0 C Evalua on 1.7 C‐ 1.3 D+ 4.3 A+ Excellent 4.0 A Very good 3.7 A‐ Good 3.3 B+ 3.0 B 2.7 B‐ Fair 2.3 C+ 2.0 C Fail 0 E 1.0 D 0 E MSC Mark/ Numerical value Excep onal French version: h p:// programmes_forma ons/ documents/pdf/ endos_bulle n.pdf egister b pa ing o tuition ees be ore a or a chance to win a a sung a a tab et 6 Accommodation HEC Montreal has no on-campus accommodation Information about accommodation can be found on our website: Exclusive offer for exchange students A limited amount of rooms are reserved for exchange students through a partnership with the company Get your Place Reservations are made on a first come, first served basis. Shared accommodation Having a room or roommates is commonplace in Montreal, par cularly for students. This kind of arrangement has many benefits, and sharing expenses is only one of them! Housing support Personalized assistance will be available during the orienta on week. Adds are regularly posted on Facebook: Housing for exchange students For housing assistance, contact: Temporary housing We suggest students to book temporary housing for their first few days in Montreal. Orientation Specially designed, HEC Montreal’s mandatory orienta on program will walk you through the administra ve procedures, learn about Quebec culture and provide some benchmarks for your first steps in the ''Belle Province'' and at HEC Montréal. It is also a great opportunity to meet some incredible people! Mandatory orientation dates Estimated Cost of Living Es mated expenses per semester/term: $ 6 000 CAD—$ 7 000 CAD Accommoda on: $ 2 800 per term (approximately) Food/meals: $ 2 000 per term (5 months) Local transporta on: $ 225 per term Personal expenses: $ 1 000 per term Insurance: See insurance sec on for costs Term 1 (Fall) August 26—29, 2015 Term 2 (Winter) January 3, 2016 Orientation calendar and more information: h p:// onal_student/interna onal_exchange/pre‐ arrival_guide/orienta on_day/index.html HEChange student committee HEChange student commi ee organizes social ac vi es. Their ac vi es are included in the orienta on calendar. Student par cipa on is highly recommended ! For more informa on about the HEChange student commi ee: EChange 7