Ann. Funct. Anal. 4 (2013), no. 2, 171–182 A nnals of F unctional A nalysis ISSN: 2008-8752 (electronic) POSITIVE TOEPLITZ OPERATORS ON THE BERGMAN SPACE NAMITA DAS1 AND MADHUSMITA SAHOO2∗ Communicated by S. Barza Abstract. In this paper we find conditions on the existence of bounded linear operators A on the Bergman space L2a (D) such that A∗ Tφ A ≥ Sψ and A∗ Tφ A ≥ Tφ where Tφ is a positive Toeplitz operator on L2a (D) and Sψ is a self-adjoint little Hankel operator on L2a (D) with symbols φ, ψ ∈ L∞ (D) respectively. Also we show that if Tφ is a non-negative Toeplitz operator then there exists a rank e f1 (z) for some constant α ≥ 0 ≥ α2 R one operator R1 on L2a (D) such that φ(z) f1 (z) is the and for all z ∈ D where φe is the Berezin transform of Tφ and R Berezin transform of R1 . 1. Introduction Let D be the open unit disc in the complex plane C and dA(z) = π1 dxdy be the normalized area measure on D. Let L2 (D, dA) be the space of complex-valued, absolutely integrable, measurable functions on D with respect to the area measure dA and L2a (D) be the Bergman space consisting of all analytic functions that are in L2 (D, dA). Here the norm k · k2 and the inner product are taken in the space L2 (D, dA). It is [4] not difficult to see that L2a (D) is a closed subspace of L2 (D, dA). We denote the orthogonal projection from L2 (D, dA) into L2a (D) by P . Let L∞ (D) be the space of complex-valued, essentially bounded, Lebesgue measurable functions on D and H ∞ (D)√be the space of bounded analytic functions on D. For n ≥ 0, n ∈ Z, let en (z) = n + 1z n . The sequence {en }∞ n=0 forms an or∞ X 1 2 thonormal basis of La (D). Let K(z, w) = Kz (w) = = en (z)en (w). (1 − zw)2 n=0 Date: Received: 12 December 2012; Accepted: 25 February 2013. ∗ Corresponding author. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 47B15 ; Secondary 47B35. Key words and phrases. Bergman space, Positive operators, Berezin transform, Toeplitz operators, Little Hankel operators. 171 172 N.DAS, M.SAHOO The function K(z, w) defined on D × D is called the Bergman kernel of D or K(w, z̄) 1 − |z|2 Kz (w) the reproducing kernel of L2a (D). Let kz (w) = = . = K(z, z̄) (1 − z̄w)2 kKz k2 These functions kz are called the normalized reproducing kernels of L2a (D) for each z ∈ D. It is clear [10] that they are unit vectors in L2a (D). For φ ∈ L∞ (D), we define the Toeplitz operator from L2a (D) into itself by Tφ f = P (φf ) and the Hankel operator Hφ from L2a (D) into (L2a (D))⊥ is defined by Hφ f = (I − P )(φf ). The little Hankel operator Sφ from L2a (D) into itself is defined as Sφ f = P (J(φf )) where J : L2 (D, dA) −→ L2 (D, dA) is defined as Jf (z) = f (z̄). These operators [10] are all bounded. Let L(H) denote the algebra of all bounded linear operators from the Hilbert space H into itself. Let LC(H) denote the ideal of compact operators in L(H). A bounded linear operator A ∈ L(H) is said to be positive if hAx, xi ≥ 0 for all x ∈ H. The notation A ≥ 0 will mean that A is positive. We say A ≥ B when hAx, xi ≥ hBx, xi for all x ∈ H. For arbitrary selfadjoint operators A, B ∈ L(H) we write A ≤ B if and only if B − A ≥ 0. An operator A ∈ L(H) is called hyponormal if A∗ A ≥ AA∗ and the operator A ∈ L(H) is called power bounded if kAn k ≤ K for a fixed K > 0 and n = 1, 2, . . . . Let T be a bounded linear T + T∗ T − T∗ operator on a Hilbert space H. We denote by Re(T ) and by 2 2i 2 Im(T ). Define the Berezin transform for operators T ∈ L(La (D)) by the formula Te(z) = hT kz , kz i, z ∈ D. The function Te is called the Berezin transform of T . If T ∈ L(L2a (D)) then Te ∈ L∞ (D) and kTek∞ ≤ kT k as |Te(z)| = |hT kz , kz i| ≤ kT k for all z ∈ D. We e fφ = φe for φ ∈ L∞ (D). That is, φ(z) fφ (z) for all shall write T = hTφ kz , kz i = T z ∈ D. In the set of bounded Hermitian operators from a Hilbert space H into itself, various types of ordering by means of the cones of non-negative, positive definite and positive invertible operators can be defined. In this paper we investigate whether it is possible to compare the Berezin transform of non-negative Toeplitz and little Hankel operators. In section 2, we prove a few preliminary lemmas. In section 3, we show that if Tφ is a positive Toeplitz operator on the Bergman space and Sψ is a self-adjoint little Hankel operator then there exist bounded linear operators A ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that A∗ Tφ A ≥ Sψ . Similarly, we show that there exists A ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that A∗ Tφ A ≥ Tφ . Further, one can find a w sequence {An } ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that An −→ 0 and A∗n Tφ An ≥ Tφ for all n. In section 4, we prove that if Tφ is a non-negative Toeplitz operator in L(L2a (D)) e f1 (z) then there exists a rank one operator R1 ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that φ(z) ≥ βR for all z ∈ D and for some constant β ≥ 0. 2. Preliminary lemmas In this section we prove a few preliminary lemmas which will be used in proving the main results of the paper. POSITIVE TOEPLITZ OPERATORS 173 For finite rank operators in L(L2a (D)) one can define a trace functional tr by n n X X tr(T ) = hfk , gk i when T = fk ⊗ gk . k=1 k=1 Lemma 2.1. Let S, T ∈ L(L2a (D)). If tr(ASA) = tr(AT A) for every rank one projection A ∈ L(L2a (D)), then S = T . Proof. Let A = f ⊗ f , where f is a unit vector. Then A is a rank one projection and every rank one projection takes this form. By the assumption, we have hSf, f i = tr(Sf ⊗ f ) = tr(ASA) = tr(AT A) = tr(T f ⊗ f ) = hT f, f i . Thus hSf, f i = hT f, f i holds for every unit vector f ∈ L2a (D). Therefore, hSkz , kz i = hT kz , kz i for all z ∈ D. Hence S = T . Lemma 2.2. If Tφ is invertible and hA∗ Tφ−1 Af, gihA∗ Tφ Af, gi = hA∗ Af, gi2 for every f, g ∈ L2a (D) and for some A ∈ L(L2a (D)) whose range is dense in L2a (D) then φ is a constant function. Proof. Since RangeA = L2a (D) we have Tφ−1 f, g hTφ f, gi = hf, gi2 for all f, g ∈ L2a (D). Now fix a nonzero f ∈ L2a (D). Then, for every g ∈ (Sp{f })⊥ ⊂ L2a (D), we have hTφ−1 f, gi = 0 or hTφ f, gi = 0 since Tφ−1 f, g hTφ f, gi = hf, gi2 = 0. Let Mf = g ∈ (Sp{f })⊥ : hTφ f, gi = 0 and Nf = g ∈ (Sp{f })⊥ : hTφ−1 f, gi = 0 . Then Mf ∪ Nf = (Sp{f })⊥ . Because (Sp{f })⊥ , Mf and Nf are all closed linear subspaces, we must have Mf ⊆ Nf = (Sp{f })⊥ or Nf ⊆ Mf = (Sp{f })⊥ . If Nf = (Sp{f })⊥ , then Tφ−1 f ∈ Sp{f }. So there exists a λf ∈ C such that ⊥ Tφ−1 f = λf f 6= 0, that is, Tφ f = λ−1 f f . If Mf = (Sp{f }) , then Tφ f ∈ Sp{f }, that is, Tφ f = λf f for some scalar λf . Since f is arbitrary, we see that for every f ∈ L2a (D), there is a scalar λf such that Tφ f = λf f . This implies that there exists a λ ∈ C such that φ ≡ λ. Corollary 2.3. Suppose that Tφ is invertible and hSψ+ Tφ−1 Sψ f, gihSψ+ Tφ Sψ f, gi = hSψ+ Sψ f, gi2 for every f, g ∈ L2a (D) and ker Sψ = {0}. Then φ ≡ C, a constant function. Proof. We need only to observe that RangeSψ = L2a (D) if and only if ker Sψ = {0}. Lemma 2.4. Let A be a nonnegative operator in L(L2a (D)). Then ker A = ker A1/2 and RangeA = RangeA1/2 . If RangeA is closed then RangeA1/2 is closed and RangeA = RangeA1/2 and A = A1/2 B, for some invertible B ∈ L(L2a (D)). Proof. Since hAf, f i = hA1/2 f, A1/2 f i, f ∈ L2a (D), it follows that ker A ⊆ ker A1/2 . Conversely, if f ∈ ker A1/2 , we obtain Af = A1/2 A1/2 f = 0. Thus ker A = ker A1/2 . Also, observe that RangeA = (ker A)⊥ = (ker A1/2 )⊥ = RangeA1/2 . The lemma follows from [7]. 174 N.DAS, M.SAHOO Lemma 2.5. Let ψ ∈ C(D), the space of continuous functions on D and kψk∞ ≤ 1. Let Tφ be a positive Toeplitz operator on L2a (D) such that Tφ ≤ Sψ+ Tφ Sψ where ψ + (z) = ψ(z̄). Then Tφ = Sψ+ Tφ Sψ . Further RangeTφ reduces Sψ and Sψ |(RangeTφ ) is unitary. 1/2 Proof. Let Tφ Sψ = L. The operator L is compact [10] as ψ ∈ C(D) and Sψ is a 1/2 1/2 contraction as kψk∞ ≤ 1. Further, LL∗ = Tφ Sψ Sψ+ Tφ ≤ Tφ . This is so since 1/2 1/2 Sψ+ Tφ Sψ − Tφ Sψ Sψ+ Tφ = L∗ L − LL∗ . Sψ∗ = Sψ+ . Hence 0 ≤ Sψ+ Tφ Sψ − Tφ ≤ Hence the operator L is hyponormal. Since L is compact, L is normal. The 1/2 1/2 normality of L implies that Tφ = Sψ+ Tφ Sψ = Tφ Sψ Sψ+ Tφ , and hence it follows that Sψ+ is an isometry on RangeTφ and Tφ commutes with Sψ (and so also with Sψ+ ). Consequently, Sψ+ Sψ Tφ = Sψ+ Tφ Sψ = Tφ = Tφ Sψ Sψ+ . Hence RangeTφ reduces Sψ and Sψ |(RangeTφ ) is unitary. 3. Non-negative Toeplitz operators In this section we show that if Tφ is a positive Toeplitz operator in L(L2a (D)) and ψ ∈ L∞ (D) can be expressed as a linear combination of Bergman kernels and some of its derivative then there exist bounded linear operators A ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that A∗ Tφ A ≥ Sψ∗ Sψ . If in addition ψ(z) = ψ(z) then we can find A ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that A∗ Tφ A ≥ Sψ . Further, we find conditions for the existence of A ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that A∗ Tφ A ≥ Tφ . It is also possible to find sequences {An } of operators in w L(L2a (D)) such that An −→ 0 and A∗n Tφ An ≥ Tφ for all n. Theorem 3.1. Let Tφ be a positive Toeplitz operator in L(L2a (D)) with symbol φ ∈ L∞ (D) and Sψ be a little Hankel operator in L(L2a (D)) where ψ(z) = j −1 N m X X j=1 γ=0 ∂γ cjγ γ Kbj (z) ∂bj where b = {bj }N j=1 is a finite set of points in D, cjγ 6= 0 for all j, γ and mj is the number of times bj appears in b. Then there exists an operator A ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that A∗ Tφ A ≥ Sψ∗ Sψ and kA∗ Tφ Ak ≥ kSψ∗ Sψ k. Further, in addition if ψ(z) = ψ(z) then it is also possible to find A ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that A∗ Tφ A ≥ Sψ and ∗ T A)(z) ≥ S fψ (z) where H e denotes the Berezin transform of H ∈ L(L2 (D)), (A^ φ a and kA∗ Tφ Ak ≥ kSψ k. In case A is positive, then there exists an invertible T ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that A1/2 Tφ A1/2 ≥ (T ∗ )−1 Sψ T −1 . Proof. From [5] it follows that Sψ is a finite rank operator on L2a (D) and therefore Sψ∗ Sψ is a finite rank operator and Range Sψ∗ Sψ is closed in L2a (D). Notice also that ! [ E Tφ [λ, ∞)(L2a (D)) = ∞. (3.1) dim Tφ λ>0 2 (0, ∞)(La (D)) = This is so as E RangeT φ and from [9] it follows that RangeTφ ∗ ∗ 2 is infinite dimensional. Let M = Y ∈ L(La (D)) | Y Tφ Y ≥ Sψ Sψ . We first POSITIVE TOEPLITZ OPERATORS 175 claim that 0 is in the WOT-closure of M . To show this suppose 0 is not in the WOT-closure of M . Then there is a WOT-neighborhood V = B ∈ L(L2a (D)) : |hBfi , gi i| ≤ , i = 1, · · · , n of 0 (for some > 0) which does not intersect M where f1 , . . . , fn , g1 , . . . , gn ∈ L2a (D). Let K be the linear span of g1 , g2 , . . . , gn . From (3.1), it follows that there exists λ > 0 such that dim E Tφ [λ, ∞)(L2a (D)) > n + rank(Sψ∗ Sψ ). It thus follows T that dim E Tφ [λ, ∞)(L2a (D)) K ⊥ ≥ rank(Sψ∗ Sψ ). Since Sψ∗ Sψ is a self adjoint operator of finite rank, there exist real numbers {θi }ki=1 and an orthonormal basis k X {δi }ki=1 for RangeSψ∗ Sψ such that Sψ∗ Sψ f = θi hf, δi i δi and |θi | > 0 for all i=1 i = 1, . . . , k. Let B ∈ L(L2a (D)) be such that B|(RangeS ∗ Sψ )⊥ = 0 and Bδi = ui ψ T k Tφ 2 where {ui }i=1 is an orthonormal set in E [λ, ∞)(La (D)) K ⊥ . Now, for each g ∈ RangeSψ∗ Sψ , we have kBgk = kgk and Bg ∈ E Tφ [λ, ∞)(L2a (D)). Thus hB ∗ Tφ Bg, gi = hTφ Bg, Bgi ≥ λkBgk2 = λkgk2 . Let f ∈ L2a (D). Then f = g + h, where g ∈ RangeSψ∗ Sψ and h ∈ (RangeSψ∗ Sψ )⊥ . Hence hSψ∗ Sψ f, f i = k X i=1 θi |hf, δi i|2 ≤ max |θi |kgk2 i and hA∗ Tφ Af, f i = hTφ Af, Af i = hTφ Ag, Agi ≥ λkgk2 ≥ 1 ∗ hS Sψ f, f i, t2 ψ λ 1 = . Thus t2 B ∗ Tφ B ≥ Sψ∗ Sψ and tB ∈ M . Further since 2 t max |θi | i T B(L2a (D)) ⊂ K ⊥ , we have tB ∈ V . Hence V M 6= φ. This is a contradiction. Thus there exists operator A ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that A∗ Tφ A ≥ Sψ∗ Sψ and therefore kA∗ Tφ Ak ≥ kSψ∗ Sψ k. In case ψ(z) = ψ(z), the operator Sψ is self-adjoint. Proceeding similarly as above, one can show that there exists A ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that ∗ T A)(z) ≥ S fψ (z) and kA∗ Tφ Ak ≥ kSψ k. If A is A∗ Tφ A ≥ Sψ and therefore (A^ φ positive then by Lemma 2.4 there exists an invertible operator T ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that A = A1/2 T . Hence A∗ Tφ A ≥ Sψ implies A1/2 Tφ A1/2 ≥ (T ∗ )−1 Sψ T −1 . where If f (z) = ∞ X an z n is holomorphic on D, a simple calculation shows that n=0 ∞ X |an |2 |f (z)| dA(z) = . n + 1 D n=0 Z 2 176 N.DAS, M.SAHOO Consequently, f ∈ L2a (D) if and only if the last expression is finite. The scalar ∞ ∞ X X n product of f (z) = an z and g(z) = bn z n , f, g ∈ L2a (D), is given by n=0 n=0 ∞ X hf, giL2a (D) = n=0 The truncation projections on is defined by L2a (D) an b n . n+1 will be denoted by Pn , 0 ≤ n < ∞, and it Pn f = Pn (a0 , a1 , a2 , · · · , an , an+1 , · · · ) = (a0 , a1 , · · · , an , 0, 0, · · · ). These are, of course, orthogonal projections on L2a (D) which converges strongly to the identity I on L2a (D). Theorem 3.2. Let Tφ be a non-negative nonzero Toeplitz operator on L2a (D) with symbol φ ∈ L∞ (D). Then (i): For each > 0, there exists an operator A ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that kPn APn k ≤ and A∗ Tφ A ≥ Tφ . If tr(BA∗ Tφ AB) = tr(BTφ B) for every rank one projection operator B ∈ L(L2a (D)), then A∗ Tφ A = Tφ . (ii): If Tφ ≤ Re(A∗ Tφ ) for some A ∈ L(L2a (D)) then Tφ ≤ A∗ Tφ A. That ∗ T A(z) for all z ∈ D. Furthermore if T ≤ Re(A∗ T ) and e is, φ(z) ≤ A^ φ φ φ Tφ = A∗ Tφ A for some A ∈ L(L2a (D)) then A∗ Tφ = Tφ . (iii): If K = A∗ Tφ for some A ∈ L(L2a (D)) and Tφ ≤ Re(K) and A∗ is power bounded then K = Tφ . 1/2 (iv): If for some A ∈ L(L2a (D)), kAk ≤ 1, A∗ Tφ A ≥ Tφ then Tφ A is a hyponormal operator. (v): Let Tφ be invertible and E be a nonzero projection and λ ∈ R, λ > 0 such that ETφ E = λE and ETφ−1 E = λ1 E. Then RangeE is a subspace of the eigenspace of Tφ corresponding to the eigenvalue λ. (vi): If Tφ is invertible and hA∗ Tφ−1 Af, gihA∗ Tφ Af, gi = hA∗ Af, gi2 for every f, g ∈ L2a (D) and for some A ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that RangeA = L2a (D) then φ is a constant function. 1/2 (vii): If ψ ∈ C(D), kψk∞ ≤ 1, Sψ∗ Tφ Sψ ≥ Tφ then Tφ = Sψ∗ Tφ Sψ and Tφ Sψ is a hyponormal operator. Proof. We shall assume first that Tφ is one-one. For λ > 0, let Eλ be the spectral measure of the interval [λ, ∞). Since Tφ is one-one and non-negative, hence Eλ −→ I, the identity operator, in the strong operator topology. Thus there exists λ = λ() > 0 such that the orthogonal projection Eλ ∈ L(L2a (D)) satisfies √ Tφ Eλ = Eλ Tφ , k(I − Eλ )Pn k ≤ and dim(RangeEλ ) ≥ 2 dim(RangePn ). Also the spectral measure Eλ satisfies hTφ f, f i ≥ λkf k2 (3.2) for all f ∈ RangeEλ , From [9], it follows that RangeTφ is infinite dimensional. Thus there exists an unitary operator U on RangeEλ such that (RangeU Eλ Pn ) ⊥ (RangeEλ Pn ). POSITIVE TOEPLITZ OPERATORS 177 Define A ∈ L(L2a (D)) as Af = αU Eλ f + (I − Eλ )f , where α > 0 is chosen in such a way that A∗ Tφ A ≥ Tφ . We shall now verify that such α exists. Since Tφ commutes with Eλ we have hA∗ Tφ Af, f i = hTφ Af, Af i = hαTφ U Eλ f + Tφ (I − Eλ )f, αU Eλ f + (I − Eλ )f i = α2 hTφ U Eλ f, U Eλ f i + hTφ (I − Eλ )f, (I − Eλ )f i . On the other hand, hTφ f, f i = hTφ Eλ f, f i + hTφ (I − Eλ )f, f i = hTφ Eλ f, Eλ f i + hTφ Eλ f, (I − Eλ )f i + hTφ (I − Eλ )f, Eλ f i + hTφ (I − Eλ )f, (I − Eλ )f i = hTφ Eλ f, Eλ f i + hTφ (I − Eλ )f, (I − Eλ )f i. Hence the only condition which has to be satisfied by α is α2 hTφ U Eλ f, U Eλ f i ≥ hTφ Eλ f, Eλ f i . The condition is satisfied by sufficiently large α because of (3.2) and because RangeTφ is an infinite dimensional subspace of L2a (D). To show that kPn APn k ≤ , observe that kPn APn k = sup {|hPn APn f, gi| : f, g ∈ L2a (D), kf k = kgk = 1}. Let kf k = kgk = 1. We have |hPn APn f, gi| = |hAPn f, Pn gi| = |hEλ APn f, Eλ Pn gi + h(I − Eλ )APn f, (I − Eλ )Pn gi| = |hαU Eλ Pn f, Eλ Pn gi + h(I − Eλ )Pn f, (I − Eλ )Pn gi| = |0 + h(I − Eλ )Pn f, (I − Eλ )Pn gi| ≤ k(I − Eλ )Pn f kk(I − Eλ )Pn gk ≤ k(I − Eλ )Pn kk(I − Eλ )Pn k ≤ . To prove the general case, let M = ker Tφ . Decompose L2a (D) into an orthogonal direct sum L2a (D) = (ker Tφ )⊥ ⊕ ker Tφ = M ⊥ ⊕ M and let Q be the orthogonal ⊥ projection onto M ⊥ . Let TφM = Tφ |M ⊥ be the restriction of T to M ⊥ . Let N = QPn L2a (D) and let Q1 be the orthogonal projection from M ⊥ onto N . Applying ⊥ the first of the proof to the operator TφM and the projection Q1 we find an ⊥ ⊥ operator A1 ∈ L(M ⊥ ) with kQ1 A1 Q1 k ≤ and A∗1 TφM A1 ≥ TφM . Let 2 kPn k A = A1 ⊕ 0, so A1 = QAQ. Then A∗ Tφ A ≥ Tφ . It remains to show that 178 N.DAS, M.SAHOO kPn APn k ≤ . Since Q and Q1 are self-adjoint we have kPn APn k = |hPn APn f, gi| sup kf k=kgk=1 = |hAPn f, Pn gi| sup kf k=kgk=1 = |hQAQPn f, Pn gi| sup kf k=kgk=1 = |hAQPn f, QPn gi| sup kf k=kgk=1 ≤ |hA1 f, gi| sup kf k≤kPn k kgk≤kPn k ≤ kPn k2 |hA1 Q1 f, Q1 gi| sup kf k=kgk=1 f,g∈M ⊥ ≤ kPn k2 kQ1 AQ1 k ≤ . If further tr(BA∗ Tφ AB) = tr(BTφ B) for every rank one projection B ∈ L(L2a (D)) then from Lemma 2.1 it follows that A∗ Tφ A = Tφ . This proves (i). We shall now prove (ii). By applying Schwarz inequality [1] to the positive semi-definite form hf, gi −→ hTφ f, gi, f, g ∈ L2a (D) we obtain hTφ f, f i ≤ hRe(A∗ Tφ )f, f i = RehA∗ Tφ f, f i ≤ |hA∗ Tφ f, f i| 1 1 ≤ hTφ f, f i 2 hTφ Af, Af i 2 for all f ∈ L2a (D). Hence hTφ f, f i ≤ hA∗ Tφ Af, f i for all f ∈ L2a (D). That is, Tφ ≤ A∗ Tφ A. In addition to Tφ ≤ Re(A∗ Tφ ), if Tφ = A∗ Tφ A is assumed, then we obtain hTφ f, f i = RehA∗ Tφ f, f i = |hA∗ Tφ f, f i| = hA∗ Tφ f, f i for all f ∈ L2a (D) and hence Tφ = A∗ Tφ . Now we shall prove (iii). Since A∗ Tφ A − Tφ ≥ 0, it follows 2 that A∗ (A∗ Tφ A − Tφ )A ≥ 0. That is, A∗ Tφ A2 ≥ A∗ Tφ A. Repeating the process n+1 n n n times, we have A∗ Tφ An+1 ≥ A∗ Tφ An . Thus, {A∗ Tφ An | n = 1, 2, . . .} is an increasing sequence of positive operators. This sequence is bounded, since A∗ is power bounded. Therefore, it converges to a positive operator on L2a (D), say B, in the strong operator topology. Notice that n A∗ BA = A∗ ( lim A∗ Tφ An )A n→∞ n+1 = lim A∗ n→∞ = B. Tφ An+1 POSITIVE TOEPLITZ OPERATORS 179 (A∗ Tφ + Tφ A) , we have 2 n [A∗ (A∗ Tφ + Tφ A)An ] ∗n n A Tφ A ≤ 2 n ∗ ∗n [A (A Tφ An ) + (A∗ Tφ An )A] . = 2 From the operator inequality Tφ ≤ ∗ = Re(A∗ B). Thus B = A∗ B. By letting n tend to ∞, we have B ≤ (A B+BA) 2 Since Tφ ≤ B, it follows that the range of Tφ is contained in the range of B, and hence [6], we have Tφ = A∗ Tφ = K. To prove (iv) suppose kAk ≤ 1 and A∗ Tφ A ≥ Tφ . Now 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 (Tφ A)∗ (Tφ A) − (Tφ A)(Tφ A)∗ = A∗ Tφ A − Tφ AA∗ Tφ = A∗ Tφ A − Tφ AA∗ Tφ 1/2 1/2 ≥ Tφ − Tφ AA∗ Tφ 1/2 1/2 = Tφ (I − AA∗ )Tφ ≥0 1/2 and therefore Tφ A is a hyponormal operator. To prove (v), we can assume without loss of generality that λ = 1. Let h be any unit vector from the range of E. Multiplying the equations ETφ E = E and ETφ−1 E = E by Fh = h ⊗ h from the left and also from the right we obtain (h ⊗ h)T φ (h ⊗ h) = h ⊗ h and (h⊗h)Tφ−1 (h⊗h) = h⊗h. These imply hTφ h, hi = 1 and Tφ−1 h, h = 1. Consider the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for the new inner product (f, g) = Tφ−1 f, g , f, g ∈ L2a (D). Insert f = Tφ h and g = h. As h is a unit vector, we see that there is equality in the corresponding inequality −1 T Tφ h, h 2 ≤ T −1 Tφ h, Tφ h T −1 h, h . φ φ φ This gives us that Tφ h is a nonzero scalar multiple of h. It is clear that this scalar is necessarily 1. So we have Tφ h = h for any unit vector h from the range of E. This proves our claim. The proof of (vi) follows from Lemma 2.2. To prove (vii), observe that Sψ∗ = Sψ+ where ψ + (z) = ψ(z). From Lemma 2.5, it follows that 1/2 Sψ+ Tφ Sψ = Tφ and from (iv) we obtain Tφ Sψ is a hyponormal operator. Theorem 3.3. Let Tφ be a positive Toeplitz operator on the Bergman space L2a (D) with symbol φ ∈ L∞ (D). Then there exists a sequence {An } of operators in L(L2a (D)) such that An −→ 0 in weak operator topology and A∗n Tφ An ≥ Tφ for all ∗ T A (z) ≥ φ(z) e n. Thus A^ for all z ∈ D. n φ n Proof. We take an index set I for the set of all pairs n = (Pn , ) where Pn is the finite dimensional projection on L2a (D), > 0. Set (Pm , 1 ) ≺ (Pr , 2 ) if m ≤ r and 1 > 2 . By Theorem 3.2, for each n there exists An ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that kPn APn k ≤ and A∗n Tφ An ≥ Tφ . Let Un = {A ∈ L(L2a (D)) : kPn APn k < }. It 180 N.DAS, M.SAHOO is not difficult to see that each n ∈ I defines a WOT-neighbourhood Un of 0. It is also clear that in this way we obtain a basis of the weak operator topology neighbourhoods of 0. Furthermore notice that for each n , we have Am ∈ Un for all m > n . Hence An −→ 0 in the weak operator topology. 4. Berezin transform of positive Toeplitz operators In this section we show that if Tφ is a non-negative Toeplitz operator in e ≥ L(L2a (D)) then there exists a rank one operator R1 ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that φ(z) f1 (z) for all z ∈ D and for some constant α ≥ 0. Here φe is the Berezin α2 R f1 is the Berezin transform of R1 . transform of Tφ and R Let H and K be Hilbert spaces and let T ∈ L(H, K). A maximizing vector for T is a non-zero vector x ∈ H such that kT xk = kT kkxk. Thus a maximizing vector for T is one at which T attains its norm. On a Banach space, even rank one operators need not have maximizing vectors [8]. The operator (Hx)(t) = tx(t), 0 < t < 1, is bounded on L2 (0, 1) but has no maximizing vector. However, compact operators on Hilbert spaces do have maximizing vectors [8]. Theorem 4.1. Let Tφ be a non-negative Toeplitz operator in L(L2a (D)) with symbol φ ∈ L∞ (D) and > 0. Then there exists a non-negative operator C ∈ L(L2a (D)) such that kC − Tφ k < , R = C − Tφ = (h ⊗ h) for some h ∈ L2a (D) e f1 (z) for all and the operator C has a maximizing vector. Further, φ(z) ≥ α2 R z ∈ D and for some constant α ≥ 0. Proof. Let Tφ be a non-negative Toeplitz operator in L(L2a (D)) and > 0. Now kTφ k = sup hTφ g, gi = sup{hTφ g, gi : kgk = 1, g ∈ (ker Tφ )⊥ }. g∈L2 a (D) kgk=1 ≤ hTφ h, hi. 2 Define R k = hk, hih = (h ⊗ h)k. Then R is a non-negative operator of rank one and kR k = . Moreover, Hence there exists a unit vector h ∈ (ker Tφ )⊥ such that kTφ k − kTφ + R k = sup h(Tφ + R )f, f i kf k=1 ≥ h(Tφ + R )h, hi ≥ kTφ k + . 2 Now Tφ + R is non-negative, and so kTφ + R k lies in the spectrum of Tφ + R . Since R is compact, Weyl’s theorem implies essential spectrum of Tφ +R is equal to the essential spectrum of Tφ . But the spectrum of Tφ is bounded by kTφ k and hence kTφ + R k must lie in the discrete spectrum of Tφ + R . In other words, there exists a unit vector f ∈ L2a (D) such that (Tφ + R )f = kTφ + R kf . Finally, we can assume without loss of generality that f ∈ (ker Tφ )⊥ . This is so, since L2a (D) = ker Tφ ⊕ (ker Tφ )⊥ and if f = f1 + f2 , f1 ∈ ker Tφ , f2 ∈ (ker Tφ )⊥ then (Tφ + R )f1 = hf1 , hih = 0. POSITIVE TOEPLITZ OPERATORS 181 Thus if we write C = Tφ + R then C is non-negative, kC − Tφ k = kR k = and kCf k = kCkkf k. That is, f is a maximizing vector of C. Now let = 1. Then R1 = (h ⊗ h), khk = 1. Let E = X ∈ L(L2a (D)) : X ≥ 0, |hXf, gi|2 ≤ hTφ f, f i hR1 g, gi for allf, g ∈ L2a (D) . Now suppose X ∈ E. Then for f, g ∈ L2a (D), Tφ X f f , = hTφ f, f i + hXg, f i + hXf, gi + hR1 g, gi X R1 g g = hTφ f, f i + hR1 g, gi + 2Re hXf, gi ≥ 2 hTφ f, f i1/2 hR1 g, gi1/2 + 2Re hXf, gi ≥ 2| hXf, gi | + 2Re hXf, gi ≥ 2|hXf, gi| − 2|hXf, gi| = 0. Tφ X Conversely, if X ≥ 0 and is a positive operator in L(L2a ⊕ L2a ) then X R1 2 Tφ X f 0 Tφ X f f , ≤ , X R1 0 g X R1 0 0 Tφ X 0 0 , X R1 g g for all f, g ∈ L2a (D). A simplification of these inner products yields |hXf, gi|2 ≤ hTφ f, f ihR1 g, gi for all f, g ∈ L2a (D). Hence X ∈ E. Thus E= X∈ L(L2a (D)) : X ≥ 0 and Tφ X X R1 is a positive operator in L(L2a ⊕ L2a ) . We shall now verify that max X = αR1 = α(h ⊗ h) for some constant α ≥ 0. X∈E Suppose Tφ is a positive invertible operator in L(L2a (D)). Then from [2], [3] it 1 1 follows that max X = h⊗h = R1 , a scalar multiple of R1 . If Tφ 1 1 − − X∈E kTφ 2 hk kTφ 2 hk is an arbitrary positive operator then it follows from [2] that max X is again a X∈E scalar multiple of R1 , and Tφ rR1 max X = max rR1 : r ≥ 0, ≥0 . rR1 R1 X∈E Tφ rR1 f f The inequality , ≥ 0 is equivalent to rR1 R1 g g hTφ f, f i + rhR1 g, f i + rhR1 f, gi + hR1 g, gi ≥ 0 for all f, g ∈ L2a (D). This can be rewritten as hTφ f, f i + kR1 (g + rf )k2 − r2 kR1 f k2 ≥ 0 182 N.DAS, M.SAHOO which holds for all f, g ∈ L2a (D) if and only if hTφ f, f i − r2 kR1 f k2 ≥ 0 or equivalently, r2 R1 ≤ Tφ . Thus from [3], it follows that max X = max{rR1 : r ≥ X∈E q 0, r2 R1 ≤ Tφ } = λ(Tφ , R1 )R1 where ( 1 − 12 −2 2 kT hk , if h ∈ Range(T φ φ ), λ(Tφ , R1 ) = 0, otherwise. Tφ αR1 Thus max X = αR1 , for some α ≥ 0. Hence ≥ 0. That is, αR1 R1 X∈E |hαR1 kz , kw i|2 ≤ hTφ kz , kz ihR1 kw , kw i for all z, w ∈ D. 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