Internat. J. Math. & Math Sci. Vol. 8 No. 4 (1985) 813-816 813 RESEARCH NOTES THE SPACES Oa AND Oc ARE ULTRABORNOLOGICAL A NEW PROOF JAN KUCERA Department of Mathematics Washington State University Pullman, Washington 99164-2930, USA (Received February 28, 1985 ABSTRACT. [1] Laurent In @ Schwartz introduced the spaces 0 and of multiplication M Then in [2] Alexandre and convolution operators on temperate distributions. 0 Grothendieck used tensor products to prove that both and are bornological. proof of this property is more constructive and based on duality. Our Temperate distribution, multiplication and convolution, inductive and projective limit, bornological, reflexive, and Schwartz spaces. 1980 MATHE.fATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE: Primary 46F10, secondary 46A09. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. We use C, N, R, and Z, resp., for the set of all complex, nonnegative integer, For each q N, the space real, and integer numbers. {f: Rn eq C; 2 llflq x2a IDBf (x) 12 fn l I+I <q R dx < + oo} is Hilbert. We denote by L Here Df stands for the Sobolev generalized derivative. II’II dual of L and by the standard norm on L Then the space S -q q -q decreasing functions, resp. its strong dual S’ is the proj lim L q q ind lim L -q q T k Lm ind lim p+= N q 0 M wkf: f k Z, the image of k, m WLm wPL q Lm under 5’ T k and the space -q =@n is reflexive and The strong dual N. Further, for its strong dual. The space for each p S’ @_q @q, n R of @M equals q’ q N. [7] w-PL equals proj lim q @M N, stands for the q It is proved in proj lim is dense in each L Then We is injective. Ix12) 1/2 x denote by WKL-m’ and provide it with the topology which makes of multiplication operators on PROOF. Z k a topological isomorphism. PROPOSITION wPL q S’ resp. (I + It is convenient to introduce the weight-function W(x) The mapping T the strong -q of rapidly 0 q Finally, the space see ind lim q Hence and $ fortiori its superset that for each [6]. O_q. wP @M’ is dense in are dense in each J. KUCERA 814 Oq wPLq indlim p/ [3, By N. q 4.4], ch. IV, OM’ the dual of equipped with the The Mackey and strong topologies on Mackey topology, equals ind lim q is semireflexive, as a projective limit of reflexive spaces coincide since @_q. q, M [3, see 5.5]. ch. IV, O_q. is the strong dual of ind lim PROPOSITION 2. q By [3 PROOF with the duality < 0M’ @ B( @M’ M > LEMMA I. @M is @ N. q is finer than that c L q and every set bounded in q W-rL q and closed, set in bounded Let B be an absolutely convex WrL -q Then By [3, Ch. IV, II.I, is weakly sequentially compact and every sequence in B contains a subse- 2], B {fk quence is consistent q is the strong dual. W-rL q Then B is weakly compact as a polar of a neighborhood in Cor @ q/ [5, Prop. 4] reflexive and + [1/2 hi, is relatively compact in L PROOF proj lira Hence T is coarser than the strong topology The space Let r @M the topology T of On the other hand, it is proved in )" THEOREM 1. W-rL q 4.5] ch. IV Since the set {wr+qf; B} f is bounded in L2(Rn), n, II LI(R O. We may assume g B. which converges weakly to some g {wqf; the set B} f is {FP; f B}, where Ff is the q, the set N n) and for any Hence on R equicontinuous locally and bounded is uniformly of f, transform Fourier bounded in {fk n. {fk }, contains a subsequence, let it be again n q. N for all n, lal uniformly on R such that {D Ffk(x)} converges inh(ix), iN. and put h(x)dx n > O, there is e Given B. on uniformly of L f as i in the topology h Then f q g for any f B N B. We fix this i. For every N such that i q < n converges uniformly to 0 on R as k q, the sequence + hi(x) Take a non-negative function h @ , i llf-f,hill Is 81 , {WD(Ffk and has an integrable majorant from fk* h for Fhi)} Hence F(f 2. 0 LEMMA 2 W-rL-q Let r + [1/2n q h O, and i N. Then W-rL -q e L fortiori N so that If we choose k 0 both in the topology of L q > k then If k q < 2E for k > k O. O, i , k -q n, Ill k,hiIIq < E and every set bounded in is relatively compact in L PROOF -q Let B be an absolutely convex, bounded, and closed set in the same argument as in Lemma I, every sequence in B has a subsequence converges weakly to some g B. W-rL By which {fk O. We again assume g wrLq. W-rL WrL Let A be the Denote by If" the norm in resp. Ii’ll resp. r,q -r,-q -q B}. f and a B the open unit ball in closed unit ball in L sup{Ilfll 0 r,-q q q Since Lq is dense Choose g > O. By Lemma A is compact in the topology of WrL q in For any I< WrL q there exists a finite set A, there exists i {i" such that F} i c L q ll-illr,q such that A < g ’ fk >I I< -i fk >I + l<i fk>I II-ilr,q Ilfkl-r,-q ga + I<i, fk>l. If we choose k0 N so that l<i, fk>I < e for k > k 0 and the sequence {fk converges in L -q U{@i + and for any k B0; i’ all i i N we have fk < F and F}. 815 ULTRABORNOLOGICAL SPACES By Lemma 2, for every p PROOF. r + [1/2n is compact in @ proj lim w-PL -q -q k Ek+ (1) is a Schwartz space. N the closed unit ball is w-PL By [4 Prop. 9] Ch. 3.15 c 2 N, continuous and E c E where the space be locally convex spaces with identity maps: Assume: Hausdorff. k k+ every set bounded in E is bounded in some Ek, I, k w-r-PL-q is Schwartz. Let E PROPOSITION 4. E N, 0 -q For each q PROPOSITION 3. ind lim E (2) every E k is a Schwartz space. Then E is a Schwartz space. [4, Ch. 3.15] [4]. Proposition 4 is slightly more general than Prop. 8 in proof requires only minor changes of the proof presented in @ THEOREM 2. @ Further, is a Schwartz space. ind lim @ @M We have PROOF. q+ Each space @ -q Fr{chet. is Schwartz and -q is reflexive, hence quasi-complete, which in turn implies fast complete- By [8, Th. 1], the assumption (I) of Prop. 4 is satisfied and hess. and its @M is a Schwartz space. @M THEOREM 3. PROOF. duced in which f is complete. The space [I]. B of C [--wmf equals indlim m see wm m by 4.4]. Ch. 2 m Also, Then the strong dual @C is isomorphic to Hence it suffices to prove that ind lim transformation. Let F be a Cauchy filter on the filter with base C’ was intro- and provide it with the topology for is a topological isomorphism. [2 & functions, whose derivatives vanish at We denote the space @M C of C via Fourier is complete. G a filter of all O-neighborhoods in C’ and H By [4, Ch. 2.12, Lena 3], there exists {A+B; A F, B G}. which is Cauchy in the topology inherited m N such that H induces a filter H on m m converges uniformly On each ball {x R n}, r > 0, the filter from n, @C" pointwise to a function f [4, Oh. 2.9, Prop. PROOF. 1] @M 0 -q and [4, Hence space is ultrabornological. @ is m on the subset m of @C and by the filter F converges to f. By Exercise 9 in The space Hm Then f adheres to H m The spaces THEOREM 4. Ix[ @M are Ch. @M ultrabornological. 3.15], the strong dual of a complete Schwartz is ultrabornological by Theorems ultrabornological as an inductive limit of Frchet I, 2, and 3. spaces q N. THEOREM 5. The spaces @C and its strong dual @C are both complete, reflexive, and ultrabornological spaces. PROOF. The space @M is complete as a strong dual of a bornological space. the Fourier transformations F: OM C and F: M C Since are topological isomorphisms, Theorem 5 follows from Theorems i, 3, and 4. REFERENCES Thorie des Distributions, Hermann, Paris, 1966. i. SCHWARTZ, L. 2. GROTHENDIECK, A. Produits, Tensoriels Topologiques et Espaces Nuclaires, Memoirs of the AMS 16 Providence (1955). ULTRABORNOLOGICAL SPACES 816 Topological Vector Spaces, Grad. Texts in Math., (3), 3rd printing, Springer 1971. 3. SCHAEFER, H. 4. HORVTH, J. opolo$ical Vector Spaces and Distributions, Addison-Wesley, Reading 1966. 5. KUCERA, J. On Multipliers of Temperate Distributions, Czech. Math. J. 21, (96), (1971), 610-618. 6. KUCERA, J., MCKENNON, K. Certain Topologies on the Space of Temperate Distributions and its Multipliers, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 24 (8), (1975), 773-775. 7. KUCERA, J., MCKENNON, K. The Topology on Certain Spaces of Multipliers of Temperate Distributions, Rocky Mountain J. of Math. ! 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