693 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 4 (1985) 693-696 A VARIANT OF A FIXED POINT THEOREM OF BROWDER-FAN AND REICH V. M. SEHGAL Department of Iathematics University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming 82071 U.S.A. (Received January 8, 1985) Let ABSTRACT. be a convex, weakly compact subset of a locally convex Hausdorff S p(A, B) A be a continuous seminorm on (E, ) and for subsets p let be a continuous multifunction from its weak topology E space (E, ) and f: S y): x inf:p(x B} A, y veloped for the existence of an m to let In this paper, sufficient conditions are deS x of E B satisfying p(x, fx) p(fx, S) The result is then used to prove several fixed point theorems. KEY WORDS AND I. Multifunction,, convex topology, fixed point,:. 47H10, 60H25. PII.q’AL’/’,’,. AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. lqO INTRODUCTION (E, z) Let and logy of be a locally convex Hausdorff topological vector space with topology E* (E, )* E Let be its topological dual. P the topologies m(E, m E*) be the weak topo- denote the family of continuous semi-norms generating For sets respectively. m y): x inf{p(x let p(A, B) Q and and Let B} A, y A B and of E P, p and a In this paper, we prove the following result. THEOREM Io (E, r) each x Let S be a nonempty co,vex, m-compact subset of be a continuous multifunction such that S Then f,r each P p there exists a p(x, fx) p(x, fx) F.ther if 0 then a(S, ) It may be remarked the since f.nction from each q Q (S .... (E. ,,) S x E and is convex and f: f (S, m) -compact for satisfying p(fx. S) a(S, ,) x f(x) (1.1) where in Theorem denotes the boundary. is also a continuous multi- Consequently it follows by Reich (Lemma 1.6 [1]) that satisfies (1.1) for some [1] is not applicable for arbitrary S x p P However, since In fact, Theorem Q p the lemma in contains the above 1emma [1] (see Corollary 2) and it provides a generalization of a well-known result of Ky Fan [2] for single valued mappings. 2. PRELIMINARY RESULTS. X Recall that if (fx * for each x) Y are topological spaces then a multifunction f: X is upper (lower) semicontinuous iff for each closed Y (open) sub- V.M. SEHGAL 694 A set ,x f-1 (A) y of X: f(x) x and X in U fz then for each then fx ya with fX values then xa X in x and Further, Ya in Y is u.s.c, with compact f is compact and X of Y of is called mu]tifunction which is both u.s,c, and 1.s,c. A is compact. X (ii) if fx; v V in some neighborhood z U for some open set It X (open) subset of is a closed is u.s.c, and a net it is well-known (i) that if Y } A 0 is 1.s.c. iff fx n U follows by definition that cntinuous. Let A, B LEIA 1. p(x y) for some PROOF. ,-compact sets of be {Xn sequences Cho,.e We may assume that x {yn _c _c A, weakly for some x P E and p B such that A x and p(x y) -< p(u) for each p(x y) LEtA 2. Let p(x, B) x*(x p(A, B) x* E* x B. y x*(x with Consequently, since S each P p (x U y) Yn n fx n U S) -< p(fx, S) <- P(Ya’ U Then For such eventually. x let c (E, ) (S, m) be a l.s.c. then for S weakly in x eventually. y fx y n U. fx p(fx, S) with fx n U. y -open and is p(A, B) -< p(x, B) Yn n f: and If a net that there is a e} y) E: p(x im p(x S) -< p(fx, S) + p(fx It follows by Lemma PROOF. Let -< E -compact subset of be O, and yn)l lim[x*(x n y) multifunction with weakly compact values. p(y, S) Ilence by l.s.c., Then eventually, y) + P(Y’ S) -< p(fx, S)+ e. P(Ya- MAIN RESULTS. 3. PROOF OF THEOREM I. Let P. p Then by Lemma 1, g(x) z Let x We may that (E, m) that 0 z E* weakly for some za fxa weakly for some x*(y such that Choose quently, for by -closed and is m-compact subset of g(x) n C with being u.s.c., it follows that z x* that is y Ycz S), there exists p(fxa, S aO 0 p(y, fx) A _ S We show be a weakly closed (hence weakly compact) aubset of C g-I (C), We show that asgu..e (S, m) (S, m) <- p(y- z). p(z, fx) fx) -closed convex and hence a is g is u.s.c. that Further, since and is clearly convex. IP(Y, g(x) It follows g: p(fx, S)}. S: p(y, fx) g(x), the triangular inequality implies y, z fr any Define a multifunction {y g(x) a E u yn n weakly, y x x*(u) and p(x, B) weakly for some y Yn By Hahn Banach Theorem (see [3], Cot. 2, p. 29) there exists a l(x p(A, B) Then B A, y x be E a nonempty subset of S as stated in the beginning and E Throughout, let We prove two lemmas that simplify the proof of Theorem 1. x*(y fS fx. Thus z) p(y z) z)[ p(y- z) C. y p(ya z such that Choose for each p(fxa, -< p(fx limlx*(y Also za) since p(fXc S) S Ya gxa P(Ya’ fx) C a Further f: (S, is weakly compact and hence we may assume ya and z y [x*(u) z weakly. -< p(u) S) -< p(fx, S) + e for S) p(fx z) S) + Choose as before for each E. -> a O. Conse- a and hence <- p(fx, S) + c. Let 695 FIXED POINT THEOREM OF BROWDER-FAN AND REICH Since g(x) n C. y is g(x) with x p(fx, S) p(fx, S) -< p(y, fx), we have p(y, fx) Hence by Glicksberg [4] there exists a x is u.s.c. Thus g Now, if p(x (x, y) o S z y a fx int(S, t), then since 0 p(fx, S) -< int(S, m) or x p(fx, S), a contradiction. y) I, Choose by Lemma fx n S Then being weakly closed and convex, there is a z) S p(fx, S). p(x, fx) This implies 0 Now, suppose p(x, fx) y) p(x, fx). satisfying p(x p(y that is arbitrary and 0 e S with This proves the result. As a consequence of Theorem I, we have COROLLARY I. (E, ) Let S has a fixed point or there exists a f E be a convex and weakly compact set in P p and f: (S, m) and u-compact values. be a continuous multifunction with convex and p(x, fx) satisfying 0 S x Then either p(x, s) For each PROOF. each A P p P p(x, fx) satisfying (I). S P {x 0} S: p(x, fx) P 0 {x*(x x (S,m) for is continuous, it Consequently, there exists S x with fx is t-closed and E* such that P p Now, if fx, then since x x Ix*I. y): y 0 fx, there exists (see [3], Cot. I, p. 30) a x* fx}. Let p P and p(x, fx) Then p for each 0 (S,m) f: p(Xp, fXp) If is nonempty, weakly compact and the family has finite intersection property. convex and 0 x P, then using the implication that p follows that {A P, let p 0 a contra- diction. The following corollaries result from Theorem 1. COROLLARY 2. (E, ) (S, ) either f: (S, ) (Waters [5]). (E, ) P p and S x satisfying f: Then 0 Ten E Let S (E, t) be a compact and convex subset of be a continuous multifunction with convex and weakly compact P p f: (S, m) follows that set in and there exists a satisfying (I.I). S x It suffices to show that the hypotheses in Corollary 2 and Corollary 3 imply that E (E, t) be a compact and convex in be a continuous mutifunction with convex and compact values. Then for each PROOF. n S p(fx, S). COROLLARY 3. and Let has a fixed point or there exists a f p(x, fx) values. (Reich [I]). f-I (A) f-I (A) then (E, T) is is a continuous multifunction. T-compact subset of is weakly closed. f-I(E\A) S\f-I (A) is S. S Since is u.s.c. Thus m-closed and hence Let A r-closed be is weakly closed, it Similarly if f-I (A) A is t-open is u-open. Thus is l.s.c. In the setting of semi-reflexive locally convex spaces, we have COROLLARY 4. Let locally convex space S E. be a closed, bounded and convex subset of a semi-reflexive If f: (S, 0) (E, ) closed, bounded and convex values then for each is continuous multifunction with p P there exists x S satis- fying (I.I). *Theorem |983), of this paper was presented at the summer meeting of the Amer. Math. Society, Albany, New York. V.M. SEHGAL 696 REFERENCES i. REICH, S. Fixed point theorems in locally convex spaces, Math. Z. 125 (1972), pp. 17-31. 2. KY FAN 3. (1969), pp. 234-240. ROBERTSON, A. P., and W. J. (1966). 4. GLICKSBERG, I. L. 5. WATERS, C. Extensions of two fixed point theorems of F. E. Browder, Math. Z. 112 Topological Vector Spaces, Cambridge, University Press A further generalization of Kakutani’s fixed point theorem with application to Nash equilibrium points, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 3 (1952), pp. 170-174. Ph.D. Thesis (1984), University of Wyoming.