663 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 4 (1985) 663-667 ON FIXED POINTS OF SET-VALUED DIRECTIONAL CONTRACTIONS SEHIE PARK Department of Mathematics Seou| National University Seoul 151, KOREA (Received June 4, 1984 and in revised form April 25, 1985) Using equivalent formulations of ABSTRACT. Ekeland’s theorem, we improve fixed point thcorems of Clarke, Sehgal, Sehgal-Smithson, and Kirk-Ray on directional contractions by giving geometric estimations of fixed points. Ki,’Y .: aL ;onary a. AMS SWBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. I.8,v 1. . function, (weak) directional contraction, fixed point, f,oint, Ha.doff p,uedom,:tric. I. WORDS AND PHRASES. 47H10, 54H25. INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARIES In [1 I, [2 l, Sehgal and Smithson proved fixed point theorems for set-valued weak drectional contractions which extend earlier rosults of Clarke [3], Kirk and Ray [4], In the present paper, results in [1], [2] are substantialIy ad Assad and Kirk [51. strengthened by giving geometric estimations of locations of fixed points. The foliowing equivalent formulations [61 of the weil-known central resuit of Ekeland [7 I, [81 n the variational principle for approximate solutions of aintmization problems is used in the proofs of the main resuIts. [ +o 1.s.c. function, point V u Let bounded from beiow. > 0 {x S(X) F(x) -< F(u) V X-ld(u,x)}. e and 0 Then the folIowing equivaient condi- ttons hold: (i) There exists a point (ii) If S(%) T F(y) T v S(X) If x e S(X), then In Theorem 1, V F(x) F(fx) 2 V w) satisfying for v. w is a set-valued map satisfying the condition F(x) _< has a fixed point (iii) for all 2 V fx} S(X) \ T(x) .q y e V x tlen e-Id(v, F(v) F(w) S(X) v such that eX -ld(x, y), S()). satisfies eX-d(x, fx) has a fixed point v e S(X). denotes the power set of a be given, and a . such that F(u) <- inf V F + Let V- R U {+} be a compIete metric space, and (V, d) Let THEOREM 1. V Note that S. PARK 664 S(,,) C {x F(x) -< F(u%, d(u, x) -< l} C V fS(l) C S(I), where and B (u, l) denotes the closed ball. (V, d) Throughout this paper, B(V) denotes a metric space and V class of all nonempty bounded subsets of denotes the H with the Hausdorff pseudometric defined by max{SUPx B) H(A C(V) A|s,, A and E B) A d(x g SUpy B g A)} d(y V denotes the class of all nonempty compact subsets of C(V), we x E V For an put {y e A [x, A] For which is nonempty. [x, yl {z e V (x, y] Ix, y] d(x, A)}, d(x, y) y e V x we denote d(x, z) + d(z, y) d(x, y)}, and Let x e S S {x}, (x, y)= (x, y] \ {y}. \ V be a nonempty subset of A e and direction of a and T C(V) S C(V), the weak directional derivative is defined by y e Ix, T(x)] DT(x, y) 0, DT(x Tz) z) inf(ll(Tx, d(x, y) (x, y] CS}, z e ’, A map k e T [0, I) C(V) S For be a set-valued map. T of at x S * , in the y, if x if (x, y] if (x, y] ( S . is called a weak directional contraction if there exists a such that for each y e [x, T(x)] x e S, there exists a DT(x, y) with k [2]. A map for all 2. S- B(V) T k e [0, I) is called a directional contraction if there exists a such that for each z e Ix, y] x e S and y e T(x), H(T(z), T(x)) -< kd(z, x) S [7]. S be a complete subset of RESULTS. Let THEOREH 2. F(x) tional contraction for which the function f()r any S u s(e) C B(u, e) PROOF. r x satisfying F(u) <- (1 and T C(1/) S a weak direc- d(x, T(x)), x S, is 1.s.c. Then k), T has a fixed point in S. Choose a point x e S(e) \ T(x). [x, T(x)], 0 and V Since * y, with T u e S satisfying F(u) <- infsF + (1 k)e. Suppose is a weak directional contraction, there exists a DT(x, y) k Hence, there exists a z e (x, ha H(T(x), T(z)) k d(x, z). Since d(x, z)+ d(z, T(x)) <_ d(x, y)= d(x, T(x)), we have d(z, T(z)) -< d(z, T(x))+ H(T(x), T(z)) -< d(x, T(x)) d(x, z) + k d(x, z) -< d(x, T(x)) (1 k)d(x, z). yJ ye S such _ FIXED POINTS OF SET-VALUED DIRECTIONAL CONTRACTIONS 665 T has a fixed point ltence, F(z) -< F(x) v Theorem 2 is l’herefore, by Therem l(iii), /.). improved version of Theorem (a) of [2] with much simpler proof. a, values of fact, for suitable ],i k)d(x, (1 S(). the conclusion gives geometric estimations k and E However, for Theorem (b) of [2], such estimation seems of locations of fixed points. t be hard to get. of Clarke Note also that for Theorem we can apply our Theorem 2. []J, The following improves Corollary of [2] and a result of Kirk and Ray [4]. COROLLARY I. k e [0, I) t]ere exists a [x, T(x) such that for each e (0, I) and a x T and Suppose is l.s.c. y(x) y there correspond a S x S satisfying k6[[y- x[ [. x)) -< H(T(x), T(x + 6(y follows. Then the conclusion of Theorem As in the proof in [2 [, PROOF. d(x, T(x)), F(x) a map for which the function C(S) S X be a closed convex subset of a Banach space S Let is a weak directional contraction with the T k cnatant (a) for each (b) g(x) S, x T and satisfies with T(z) S, (x, y) \ S T(x) \ S, there exists a z y T If a a directional contraction with the constant S- B(V) V be a closed subset of a complete metric space S I.et THEOREM 3. lld then, for any d(x, T(x)) e S, u exists a fixed point is l.s.c., 0 e T of v and B a satisfying g(u) (I -B) S(E) fh S. in A Under the hypothesis of Theorem 3, there exists a map LEMMA [4 ]. there B(X) S with the following properties i) iii) z a if A(x) y A(x) x e S, for each ii) then A(x) and T(x) B +a)-]d(x, T(x)), (1 d(x, y) S for some x e S, A(x) z(x, y)e (x,y) fh S such that A(x) y(x) y then there exists a if (2.1) d(x, y) s d(x, T(x)) + (B- a)d(x, z). A(x) A(x) f S y(x) e A(x) y since there exist f(x) satisfying (2.1) by Lemma, let A(x) ( S Ix, f(x)] ( S x S and such that (x, y) S x e S We claim that for any z If the definition of know that for any S x z(x, y) z such that (2.2) T(f(x))) -< a d(x, f(x)). H(T(x) This is clear if and for and x e S for as follows: A(x) fl S be any element of f(x) let S S S Define a map PROOF OF THEOREM 3. T A(x) f S since f(x) T(x) Set F(x) (I implies (2.2). and f(x)g and B)-Ig(x) We f(x) y F(y) < F(x) -d(x, y) holds as in the proof of [I, Theorem I]. and S(e) f S 0 satisfying F(u) This implies that the definition of This contradicts _< inf v A(v) f S v z f(v) Therefore, by Theorem (iii), for any F + e, there exists a fixed point S T(v) for otherwise Thus, Consequently, v f(v) A(v) v S f(v) e (v, y(v)) for some 0 T(v). Since inf S F f of u S in and hence by y(v) u A(v). can be 666 S. PARK <_ e F(u) chosen so that d(u, T(u)) -< (I that is, B)e. This completes our proof. Note that Theorem 3 is a strengthened form of [I, Theorem I]. x, y e X, x A metric space is said to be convex if for each a It is known that if z e ix, y) V space and x S g S y and S there exists y, is a closed subset of a complete convex metric z e [x, y) f 8S then there exists a where is the boundary. I, Corollary 13 Now, we obtain the following improved version of as an immediate consequence of Theorem 3. L,t B(V) T T("fi) C S B, ,,d in be a drectional contraction hich the constant d(x, T(x)) (x) If V be a closed subset of a complete convex metric space S Let COROLLARY 2. is l.s.c, g(u) satisfying B), there exists (I such that a then for any S on u c 0 S a fixed point of v T S(.) f S. Also,, the followin improves [1, Corollary 2] and an earlier result of Assad-Kirk I1. COROLLARY 3. T Suppose thnt for all S Let B(X) S H(T(x), T(y)) -< a d(x, y). If T(6S) C S pint of v then for any f,)c T e F0, 1) such S, x,y d(u, T(u)) -< (1 V be a closed subset of a complete convex metric space is a contraction, that is, there exists an u e either S, 0 and , B a is a fixed point of u T satisfying or there exists a fixed in S(e) f3 S \ B(u, s) where d(u, T(u)) (i + a) -1 s PROOF. Since a contraction is a directional contraction and is continuous, by Corollary not fixed under 2, T has a fixed point Y e B(u, s) Then for any T S v e S(e) f S g(x) d(x, T(x)) Suppose u is we have d(u, T(u)) -< d(u, y)+ d(y, T(u)) s + d(y, T(u)), that is, cz(l + a)-Id(u, d(y, T(u)). T(u)) ttence, d(y, T(u)) Suppose y e T(y) as Then we have HiT(y), T(u)) a contradiction. ad(y, u). ad(y, u), This completes our proof. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The author expresses his gratitude to the referee for his kind comments. 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