Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 4 (1985) 669-675 669 DIAGONALIZATION OF A SELF-ADJOINT OPERATOR ACTING ON A HILBERT MODULE PARFENY P. SAWOROTNOW Department of Mathematics The Catholic University of America Washington, D.C. 20064 (Received January 18, 1984) ABSTRACT. For each bounded self-adjoint operator T on a Hilbert module H over an H*-algebra A there exists a locally compact spaceTand a certain A-valued measure 2 such that H is isomorphic to L ()A and T corresponds to a multiplication with a continuous function. operators. There is a similar result for a commuting family of normal A consequence for this result is a representation theorem for generalized stationary processes. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. H*-algebra, Hilbert module, A-linear operator. MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. PRIMARY: 46H25. 1980 SECONDARY: 46K15, 47BI0, 47A67, 46GI0, 60Gl0. |. INTRODUCTION. The diagonalizatlon theorem states that for each bounded self-adjolnt linear operator T acting on a Hilbert space H there exists a measure space valued measurable function h(s) such that H is isomorphic to responds to the multiplication with h(s). (S, ) and L2(S, a real and T cor- Furthermore, the space (S, ) could be selected in such a way that there is a Hausdorff topology on S with respect to which h(s) is continuous, S is locally compact and which makes a regular Borel measure. In this note we shall give a suitable generalization of this fact. The situation is somewhat more complex in our case. be replaced by the tensor product L 2 ()A, L2(S, The space which is less manageable. needs to This space is properly defined below. 2. PRELIMINARIES. Let A be a proper H*-algebra (Ambrose [I])and let rA xy[x, yA be its trace-class (Saworotnow and Friedell [2]); let X be a locally compact Hausdorff space and let be a positive is defined on the class A-valued Borel measure on X. for some compact set Q, and Members fflwill The last statement means that of all Borel subsets / of X having the property is such that (P()x, x) > be called bounded Borel sets 0 for all "and (a bounded Borel set is a Borel set included in a compact set). Note that the scalar-valued function an ordinary Borel measure on X; m= trt, is I.[ (Definition it coincides with the total variation in 111.1.4 of Dunford and Schwartz [3]) of. that/Q each xA. P.P. SAWOROTNOW 670 Let S(X) and S(X,A) be respectively the classes of all complex-valued and Ei ibAi(x) and (x) Eia (Ai , aiA q)(x) One can define the integrals for members A-valued simple functions of X. [(x) and S(X,A) in the usual way by setting jd ii and and A ’s = are complex numbers) of S(X) (2. ;) ai and then extending it to larger classes using the norms ]=fi i m X (2.2) and Let L(X) and B(X,A) denote respectively the classes of those functions to which the (Note that S(X) is dense in L(X) and integrals are extendable in this fashion. S(X,A) B(X,A)). is dense in Then it is easy to se that hold for ruer all,eL(X) . and (X,A). (For a discussion o tE a ana eithereL(X) f or eB(X,A), then "(x) > 0" holds o,,tide FepFesented in the o 0 or or each o some set =i’]laii or " which aria /a# O. The first assertion is easy to veriy. PROOF. a this type we aeS(X,) 0 that o integrals the reader to Bogdanowicz [4 ). with ArB with Let 8 ill’ fi2’’’" i square -easurabIe coplex-valued unctlons. trflA= O. disjoint tr i) > r(fli) be a simple function such 0" holds. Then (ACB) can be and Then Then there 18 a r-valued nner produc (I’ 2 () such that defined on 2 2 tr[2’ 2i is an ordinary scalar product on L () making L () a Hilbert space. LE 2. Le t l’ n ’2 L2 () trEi,ja PROOF. Let n() * i jdaj > denote the nor on tr tr(aja and let a l,a 2,...,an a () A. Then (2.6) 0 n(O) 2 2d. (,) Let > 0 be daj iOj-ij )du) i ’(ajai)’ Oj-i"j )d") ! and the lst su can be made arbitrarily small by selecting small enough. On the other hand one can see that tr(t,ja jdua 3) (ja33)(tat)*d 0 (2.7) 671 DIAGONALIZATION OF A SELF-ADJOINT OPERATOR ( since ajDj)(Y iaii)* COROLLARY. is positive and Note that the expression (za,a) PROOF. Hence (za,a) > A. al,a 2,...,an tr(a*za) is of the same form as trz. Define the positive form [f,g] (here g jj,bj). = {fK: Let It is not d[fficult to see that ni=liaK If,g] on i with on L (2.8) i,jai ijd)b. If,f] L2()A 0,., ..K’ K’we [s a Hilbert module. define L then T atl 2()A to be Define the operator T h (A by setting Th(ia [) Th(f) glso 1,2,...,n L2() by setting Let h be a bounded continuous real valued function on X. 2 tA. is a 0 for each aA. Now consider the space K of all tensors and tra i daj _> O. poitlve member of Hence simple., Ei,J (a]ri:d:’a’)IJr TJ 3 The expression z T h h Z(@ih)a is a bounded seif-adjo[nt (in the sense that s A-Inear fL2(A, (2.9) [Th(f),g] [f,Th(g)] (additive and A-homogeneous in the sense that Th(fa) hoIds), Th(f) for a *s bounded (in the sense that h some M) can be verified directly, using [0 of Naimark [5]. The fact that T fixed member of K. tr[f,Ty(f)] p(y) on the space n subsection 4 of p(e), 3. tra be a (2.10) daj BC(X) of all bounded continuous (complex) functions on X. from the proposition I g-linear E{iai Let f Consider the positive linear functional 0 in Nalmark It follows [5] that p(h*h) < Thus operator ts of the for T h described above. IN RESULTS. An Definition. if there exists f . (we assume that THEOREM Ho g-iinear operator T on a Hilbert oduIe H is said to be cycIic such that the T(f O If O set{:=0"kTk(fo)ak:ak’A’k complex}s dense n H f ). O For each bounded A-linear self-adjoint operator T on a Hilbert module H there exists a locally compact Hausdorff space X, a tA-valued positive regular measure defined on the class of bounded (dominated by compact sets) Borel subsets of X and a bounded continuous real valued function h on X such that H 2 isometrically isomorphic to L (PA and T corresponds to the operator T h (described 2 above) acting on L ()A. If T is cyclic, then X is homeomorphlc to the compact subset of the real line. PROOF. operator Let B be the commutative B*-algebra generated by T and the identity (note that each member of B is A-linear). ideals of B, let be the standard Gelfand topology Letbe the on, and on Celfand map of B [nto the continuous complex functions set of maximal let S>S(M) be the Note that is homeomorphic to the spectrum of T, which is a compact subset of the real llne. consider 2 cases. We 672 P.P. SAWOROTNOW CASE [. H such that the First assume that there exists n tt i=ISi (fo)ai:siB’ai (3.|) is dense in H (this is equivalent to the statement that T is Let -->P [5]) section 4 of Naimark (17, be a spectral measure on such that S ,[nce it coutes with linear cyclic). ofTL(eachA’is be the class of all Borel subsets compact) and let set =S(M)dPM. bounded Note that each is a rA-valued positive measure onfl, can take X (3.2) o <--> In this case we S(M) (3.4) This correspondence can be extended in the obvious way to the isomorphism between the closure of K and the Hilbert space also preserved by this correspondence: if extend L2(NA L2(N). SI,S2B [fo’SS2f o] [Sfo’S2fol The rA-valued inner product is then g(M)S2(M)d(M) this isomorphism to a correspondence between H (].5) and a dense subset of by setting EkSk(o)a k <--> Sk(Mak (].6) This correspondence also preserves the (vector) inner product: if f g (J 3). (linear) C(). We Sf [fo ]’ o The correspondence Sf is a o denotes the generalized inner product on H). =. Then and for each SeB we have f above, is A-][near [fo ’Pf o o’fS(M)dPM] PM (M)d(M) =S(M)d[fo if’ as P maps f-->fa(a6A) (which commute with all SB). A--> A: (here, since’bi Proposition II [n sub- =Qi fo )hi’ Sk(f o )a k [f’g] Ek,iak[Sk (fo)’Qi(fo)]bt .iak gk(M)Qi(M)db L2(NA. It Is easy to check We extend it to an isomorphism between H and correponds to the operator T h of multiplication with function h(M) k T(E kSk(fo)ak Ts" k (fo)ak case is Note also that in this compact subset of the real line. CASE 11. and then coincides with the set H(f) T(M): (]" a) homeomorphic to the spectrum of T, which is a This implies the last assertion of the theorem. i=iSi(f)ai:SiB,ai Saworotnow [6] that fH(f). that T <--> E kT(M)Sk(M)ak Now let us consider the general case. closure of the set ( For any fH let H(f) be the Then it follows from Lena 2 in Also both H(f) and its orthogonal complement H(f) (which p gH:[g,h] 0 for all hH(f) (Lemma 3 of Saworotnow [6])) are invariant under T. It follows from this fact and Zorn’s Principle that there exists a set #, and each For each H(f) is invariant yFand SB let S exists a compact Hausdorff space under T. be the restriction of S to (, ), H(f), and let B a rA-val,,ed positive Borel measure g and 673 DIAGONLIZATION OF A SELF-ADJOINT OPERATOR 2 on’FE>, such by( a continuous real valued function that H(fy) is isomorphic to (>)A and action of the operator T F (the restriction of T) corresponds to the m,[tiplicat[on with hy on L-(>,). Note also that hy(M) T for each M IJ __< >, Let X be the topology on X defined by the requiremet that a OX is open (O ) if and only if Of]?7>,belongs to r) for Let be the U set and let , each>,. class of all bounded Borel subsets of X. simplified notation here) [,2 Thenis on a ri,g and g is a positive X by setting h(M) by(M) where For eachthere such that /i(Jl 71’’I rA-valued measure yFis such that are indices (we use a We set on. We define the function h M?7y. Then it is easy to see that h has the req,[red properties. To complete tle proof F[t note that each er[fy). Now let f-g that < L2() with > For each i(L-(). e j=l j But each i g s = g [=I can be approximated in L2(j j with 0 one can find be approximated (as close as we please) by i.e., L2()A =yL2(gy)A. L2() L2 (gy) (easy to is now sufficient to show that is included in L-(g) and that fL2(A. ,.xpress[ons of the form ’an [t for some ebers_iln oiai such L() by YI’ Y2’’’’’Yn Thus a menber of Conversely, let fL2(g)A expressions of the type 1.2(g)-- withieS. _n _@a i=li hea can be approxiated by with a.,A and We may conclude that fCL2(gA 01,02 since L "n belonging to some 2(g)L2(g) for each . The reader should be able to give a precise argument here. THEOREM 2. Let Z be a family of bounded A-linear operators on a Hi[bert module H (over an H*-algebra A) such that each member of Z and its adjoint (with respect to the generalized product) commute with any other member of Z. In particular, Z :ould be a commutatve *-algebra of A-linear operators on H. Then there exists a locally compact Hausdorff space X, a rA-valued positive Borel measureon "T > || in,er h T X and a map L2(g)A of Z nto complex valued functions on X such that H is isomorphic to and each T crrespnds t m’itiplicatin with sme functin II PROOF. Mreever hT" The proof is essentially the same as the proof of Theorem llhTl above. <We the *-algebra of operators generated by Z (and the identity operator I) instead of the algebra generated by the operator T (and I). COROLLARY |. A-linear operators Each *-representation of a commutative *-algebra by bounded s of the form with a complex valued function h . x--> Th, h x where T is an operator of multiplication h described before Theorem This corollary could be considered as a generalization of Theorem 65 in Mackey [7] if we disregard the fact that Mackey considers more general (self-adjoint) algebras and we do not specify the space X on which the functions h h x act (also our Hilbert module does not have to be separable (as a Hilbert space)). COROLLARY 2. and let -->U Hi,bert module Let G be a commutative locally compact group with composition + be a *-representation of G by A-linear unitary operators acting on a H. Assume that there exists a vector generated by the vectors of the form compact Hausdorff spaceZ, U%(fo) foH such that the submodule is dense in H. Then there exists a a positive rA-valued Borel measure on’fl, and a map HO, P.P. SAWOROTNOW 674 of G into the continuous functions on such that H is (isometrically) 2 isomorphic to L ()A and each U t corresponds to multiplication members f -->gt L2() gt" t-->gt The map has the following properties (for each tG and all M: (3.10) (here 0 is the identify of G) g0(M) with Igt(M) (3. ll) (3.2) gt(M) gt(M)gs(M) g-t(m) gt+s (M) (3.13) It is appropriate at this point to mention a crtain application of the last be a generalized stationary corollary. Let G, A and H be as above, and let ’G-->H is an H-valued function on G such that pcocess (Saworotnow [8]), i.e., ((t),(s)) ((t+r),(s+r)) t. vectors of the form (t), (H# tG closure of For each tCG consider the operator U ut(E nk= |(t k)ak) Then the map t-->U t iq H on E k=|.(tkn+t)a k members of arrived at a H is isomorphic to L L2 (/) with k=|(tk)ak:tkG and let (.|4) 2 Let C() corresponding to ()A and each U gt(M)f(M). ht(M) on. defined Z’, and F, fO =(1)). corresponds to m. ltiplication In ths fashion we representation of the abstract stationary process co,crete generated by ). f(0). f0 2 are fulfilled. Coro|lary For each tG let gt" -omplex valued continuous f,nction h ((t),(s)) submodule defined by he as in Corol|ary 2 and let f(M) be the member of o be the a representation of G by A-linear unitary operators and t is easy to see that the ,sumptions of Then the space H_ Let for all t,r,sG. by the Note that the scalar product corresponds to the expression t(M)gs(M)f(M)f(M)dg(M) gt_s(M) f(M) 2d,(M) /gt (M)g_s(M)I f(M)12d,(M) d/(M) t(M) f and this expression depends on t-s only and is independent . o (3.|5) a particu|ar choice of and s. CONCLUDING REMARK. To conclude the paper we make the following remark about the operator Th d[scussed above. It [s easy to see that we do not need at all to assume existence of (locally compact) topology on the space X (discussed paper). Let be a positive tA-valued measure defined a X. If h is any tr-measurable at the beginning of this on some o-rlng of subsets of essentially bounded real valued function on X then 2 the corresponding operator T on L h ()A, Th(Eii (R)al) Ei(ih)(R)al (3.16) The fact that T is bounded can be h verified in the same way as above using the algebra B of all essentially bounded is also self-adjoint, A-linear and bounded. tr-measurable complex-valued functions on X. DIAGONALIZATION OF A SELF-ADJOINT OPERATOR 675 REFERENCES I. AMBROSE, W. Structure Theorem for a Special Class of Banach Algebras, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 57 (1945), 364-386. 2. SAWOROTNOW, P.P. and FRIEDELL, J.C. Trace-class for an Arbitrary ll*-algebra, Proc. Amer. Mth. Soc. 26 (1970), 95-100. DUNFORD, N. and SCHWARTZ, .J. Linear Operators, Part I, Intercience, New York, 1958. 4. BOGDANOWICZ, W.M. 5. NAIMARK, M.A. 6. SAWOROTNOW, P.F. 191-197. 7. MACKEY, G.W. 8. SAWOROTNOW, P.P. Abstract Stationary Processes, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 40 (1973), 585-589. HALMOS, P.R. 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