Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 3 (1985) 449-454 449 LAPLACE TRANSFORM PAIRS OF N-DIMENSIONS R. S. DAHIYA Department of Mathematics lowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011 (Received February 22, 1982) ABSTRACT. In this paper I prove a theorem to obtain new n-dimensional Laplace transform pairs. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Laplace transforms, multiple transforms. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CI.ASSIFICATION CODE. 44A30 INTRODUCTION. The generalization of the well-known Laplace transform L{f(t) s} (1.1) exp(-st)f(t)dt o to n-dimensional Laplace transform is represented as follows: L {f(t ,t n 2’’’ .t n -s I’ s 2’’’’’ s n} o f o f o exp(- . k--I Skt k) f Ln{f} dtldt2...dtn. (1.2) In this paper I consider a method of computing Laplace transform pairs of ndimensions from known one-dimenslonal Laplace transforms. The multi-dlmenslonal Laplace transform pairs are useful in the solution of partial differential equations (see [11, [3] and [4]). 2. THEOREM. (i) Let ut{f(t);s} (s) (ii) L|{/t {( )’s} (iii) Ll{t3f(t );s} Ll{t4f(t/*);s} (iv) 4 F(s) O(s) U(s) R. S. DAHIYA 450 and let f(t), (0,(R)). Then n 1( |"’’ n F. ICtl’’’tn) I/2 2107 n+l 2 G( +...+ /n (Sl...Sn) n be continuous and absolutely integrable in 3 + t L t3f(t4), t4f(t 4) (), +’’’+ + I/2 297 J_2 n) ];sl ..... Sn n+l 2 4n +..+ ( I/2 H(s +...+ /s (2.1) 2,3,4... provided the integral on the left exists as an absolutely convergent in each of the variables. PROOF: From (i), we have b(-) -- f e-t/sf(t)dt ] o O(t1-) f e-U/tf(u)du. (0,). (2.2) o Let us multipIy both sides of (2.2) by e the limits e-U/Sf(u)du, o -st, Re(s) > O, and Integrate between Then on changing the order of integrations on the resulting right hand integral (permissible by Fubini’s theorem, on account of absolute convergence), we obtain - S:-St4- (tl--) o dt= S f(u) o So /- e-St-U/t dtldu. We then evaluate the inner integral on the right (see [5], page 22) and use (il) on the left to get the following result: F(s) f (1 + 2s)s-3/2e-2uSf(u)du, o s 3/2 F (s) f (1 + 2us)e 2uSf(u)du (2.3) o Next let us write (2.3) in the form 256/- f f(u)du + 64- e o 2 4 L024- S o e i 3f(u4)du+256 +...+ f (I tl o )e n u (_...L + t .+ )e n 2 u (u4)d . LAPLACE TRANSFORM PAIRS OF N-DIMENSIONS ( We multiply both sides by to t (0,) between the limits i 451 siti) integrate with respect and then change the order of integrations in the resulting integral on the right, permissible by Fublni’s theorem, on account of absolute convergence. This gives (_i+ t f o ep(-, siti) o u3f(u 4) I024/ + 256- u n F[ I/2 (tl...t n) u exp(-s t I o ...+)3 I )dt Ct n 4 5f (u) + - tl3/2t 2 ...t n o exp(-sftf Ct t 2 n exp(-Sntn- 2t’ 3 ...t n l)d t I’’" dt u 2 ,l. _k +’’’+ u 4t 2) dt +...+ du tf ]dtl’" .dt n t du 3r t ...tn_ In (2.4) Evaluating the inner integrals on the right by (see [5], page 22, results 6 and 7) we get (--i +...+ i2-) 3 n (t - tn 1/2 64 (2.5) LI n n+ 1024 (Sl...s n) n+l + 512 (/-I + (s 1" -1/2 ’Fn) "’+ Sn) fo 11/2-- exp(-u I o i)u3f(u4) du exp(- u . ’-i)u4 f (u 4)du. on the right hand side of The proof is complete if we use (iii) and ((iv) (2.5). 3. u-dimensional Laplace transform pairs. APPLICATIONS: Let f(t) t v so that LI{/- ((-),s} Ll{r(v+l)t Ll{tV -s} v+3/2 ;s} I" (v+l) s v+l (s). I’(v+l)I’(v+5/2) x v+5/2 Then F(s) 452 R.S. DAHIYA Ll{t3f(t4);s} Ll{t Ll{t4f(t4);s} Ll{t L {(t n I" 4v+3 r (4v+4) ;s} s 4v+4 G(s), 4v+4 r(4v+t) 4v+5 ;s} Hence from (2.1), we get H(s). s +’’’+ n) 2v-2 ,s ;s n} n+l 2 F(4v+4) 82v-7r(v+l)r(v+5/2) n+l 2 r(4v+5) 82v-6F(v+l)r(v+5/2) f Similarly if we take (Sl’’’Sn)-l/2(l +’’’+ 4--)-4V-4n (sl’’’Sn>-I/2(’/’l +’’’+ /n)-4v-4 (3.) to be the following tc-I oF3(a,b,c;kt) t v exp(- f(t) j2v (,rF t p q [(b) t in the theorem, then we obtain the following n-dimenslonal Laplace transform pairs: (t n 27 (_J.l +...+ t n+l 2 1"(4c) (s 1 (4c+1) (s 82Cr(c)r(c+3/2) ..s / n n )4c 4F3 1-1/2 +...+ 64k_ t l’’’Sn)-l/2 82Cr(c)r(c+3/2)( +...+ n+l 2 + 3/2; )2c IF2 /nn)4C 4F3 n 2c,2c+1/2 2c+],2c+2; 2c+1/2,2c+1,2c+3/2,2c+2 256k (/s-’ +...+ /--)4n a,b,c; Re(c) 2__5 6_k_ > 0. (3.2) 453 LAPLACE TRANSFORM PAIRS OF N-DIMENSIONS L n12 2 r(4v+4)( "’Sn) -112 exp./ s +...+ /n) 2v-4r(2v-5) n12 exp(’(I’I +’’’+ In) 2)D-ov-.""(-=if ,n (I’..=d +’’’+ I-)) 2v-5/2r(2v+3) (s .., I/2 q >- Re(v) L n (tl’’" a)-1/2(_1_tl +...+ _if (_,I 64 t +’’’+ 2+ 1)-1 I __)3 n v (l-I +’’’+ In)2 + " .03[ (I L (_.J_l +’’’+ t v _y.v 8I’ +...+ p+2Fq 2a+2 2+ l);s I’ In)2 4’ 2 + 2 +’" "+ "in n 2 sin(v+3/2)(/l v-73/Ssin( v-I/2)(Sl...Sn G50 n Sn I/2 n_+ 2 s (3.3) )v/2 2 -9in(v_i/2)(s i...Sn) G50 -- 2 Qv-I/2 (’-;-( b t +...+ sin(v+3/2)( I. 9 4 v+3 2 ’-n I/2 v 3 4 v 4’ 4’ 4 (a) ,a+l,a+512; (b); ,2 64 (1__._ t +’’’+ v v 9 4} (3.4) ._ n+! a 2 I,(4a+4) (s 1... s )-1/2 4(8)2a+lr(a+l)r(a+5/2)(/ +...+ ,/’n) 4a+4 p+4 Fq [(a),2a+2,2a+5/2,2a+3,2a+7/2; 256 (b); (/s n+l 2 r(4a+5)(Sl...Sn)_ Fq /n) 4 -1/2 82a+2F(a+l)F(a+5/2)(I +...+ p+4 +...+ (a) ,2a+3,2a+7/2,2a+4,2a+9/2; (b) Re(a) I=-) 4a+4 256 (I > +...+ Is 1. )4 (3.5) R. S. DAHIYA 454 REFERENCES [i] Ditkin, V.A., and Prudnikov, A. 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