l’iternat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 3 (1985) 469-475 469 CONTRACTIVE MAPPINGS ON A PREMETRIC SPACE C.Y. SHEN and A. SOUND Mathematics and Statistics Department Simon Fraser University Burnaby, B.C. VSA IS6 CANADA (Received April 30, 1984) In this ABSTRACT. ’;ontractive p’per, we study the fixed point property of certain types of mappings defined on a premetric space. The applications of these results to topologic:l vector spaces and to metric spaces are also discussed. Premetric space, sequentially <EY WORDS AND PHRASES. .weometric t-contractive mappings, mean contraction, iteratively t-contractive mapping, topological vector space. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION. 47H10. i. INTRODUCTION. The classical Banach contraction mapping principle can be simply stated as follows (X,d) Let be a complete metric space, and let exists a constant k, 0 d(Tx,) for all x,y e X. T:X X. Suppose there k < I, such that T Then k d(x,y) has a unique fixed point. It is well known that this principle is central to many existence proofs in mathematical analysis. Since its publication, much work has been done to generalize this result by allowing X to be a more general type of space than the metric space or by relaxing the estimate d(Tx,Ty) S k d(x,y). In one of his papers [i], Wong introduced the concept of local iterative contraction. inequality d(Tx,Ty) k His idea was based on the observation that the d(x,y) can be expressed as d(Tx,) @:[0,) [0,) (d(x,y)) @(t) kt. Banach’s result by replacing the function @(t) if one defines by Of course, one can then generalize kt with some more general type of function. On the other h’d, Kasahara [2] proved, in principle for premetric spaces. 1968, the Banach contraction Roughly speaking, a premetric space is different from a metric space by not having the symmetry property and the property that C. Y. SHEN AND A. SOUND 470 d(x,y) > 0 @ y. x if Kasahara demonstrated in his paper that there exists a .lose connection between the premetric spaces and a certain class of subsets of a topological vector space (see next section). As a consequence, he showed that his result implied a fixed point theorem by Dubinsky for topological vector space. @ to In this paper, we take f @k(t) Z eries be a monotone increasing function such that the t > 0 of its iterations converges for all This characterization allows us to prove that certain mappings defined on a premetric space haw @ We introduce, in Section 2, the notion of locally :he fixed point property. teratively <-contractive mappings, and prove that they have fixed points. The .ppli:ation of this result to mappings defined on a topological space is also ,.ontained in that section. In Section 3, we study the sequentially @-contractive This concept has its origin from a paper by Yun [3]. r.appings on a premetric space. manuscript, Yun introduced the notion of geometric mean contraction for a ]n his ’.;equence of mappings defined on a metric space, and stated: any sequential mapping with geometric mean contraction of a complete non-empty metric space M nto M has a unique fixed point in This theorem in its present form, :owever, is incorrect, and we have shown a modified version follows from our ’fneorem 3.1. 2. LOCALLY ITERATIVELY CONTRACTIVE MAPPINGS. X Let D be a non-empty set, let X, and let X be a subset of non-negative real-valued function defined on D. The triple (X,D,d) be a d is called a premetric space if the following two conditions are satisfied: 0. x a X, (x,x) D and d(x,x) (x,y),(y,z) D, then (x,z) g D and d(x,z) for all i. ii. if d(x,y) + d(y,z). A sequence For convenience, we denote the set of all positive integers by I. (Xn X in n c N and (right-convergent) to is r-convergent d(x,x n 0 as g,m s N (x,x n) if g with g (x A sequence (xg,xm) m, g n and D X in r-convergent to some point in X x to n By letting d(x,y) Ix-yl, as X is n for all ((x,x): N and d(Xn,X) X} U ((l,x): 0 x {i- i} n X in n x _<- is 0 as i, and is r-convergent to i but it Thus, in a premetric space, not every r-convergent sequence is a r-Cauchy sequence. d (Xn,X) [0,), D (x for example, a sequence D we see that the sequence is not r-Cauchy. we let X if 0 Similarly, one can define g-convergent X sequences, g-Caehy sequences, etc. g-convergent all is a r-Cauchy d(xg,xm) A premetric space is r-complete if every r-Cauchy sequence in m fo’r D A premetrie space is r-separated if the limit n of every r-convergent sequence is unique. sequence if for all x X Next let X be any non-empty set and let 0, then every sequence in X D X X. If is r-convergent but the limit is not uni q ue. In an early paper by Kasahara [2], the author provided an interesting example of a premetric space which illustrated the close connection between the premetric spaces and the topological vector spaces. We shall describe this example here. B Let be a non-empty, bounded, star-shaped (i.e., XB c B onvex subset of a iisdorff topological vector pace E. E E suc (x,y) a D if and only if (x,y) D, we define d(x,y) that For each pair x-y s inf for all i), 0 Let D bt a subset of XB for some real XB}. { > 0: x-y > 0 Then CONTRACTIVE MAPPINGS ON A PREMETRIC SPACE (E,D,d) is an (E,D,d) 471 It is easy to see r-separated and g-separated premetric space. E To show that is a premetric space. that is r-separated, we follow Kasahara’s argument by first noting that for every neighborhood in E V+V c U. such that y and Take a Let {x Suppose 6 > 0 with n Since sufficiently large c V+V c U. But E is n 6B c V V Ben y-x and n o(t) Ill l) 6B belong to n x for n y. (t) E (X,D,d) Let 0,(0(t) t > converges for all (Tm,z,Tnz) converges for all e D z g X N g m,n for all Ck(t) t, ($k-l(t)). n(z) and {Tnz n E Let @ is continuous at 0 with PROOF. (x,y) c D such that for all (d(x,y)). Tn(z)x,n z )y Note that from part (i) of the above definition, we have LEMMA 2.1. is y) e D, d(Tn(Zlx,Tn(Z)y) x,y E X if {0,1,2,...}, 0 T: X A mapping be a premetric space. C-contractive at there exists a positive integer Tn(Z)x ,Tn( z for all 0 of (x -x) + (-y+x) n x-v x 0 DEFINITION 2.1. ii. x-x U which r-converges to is circle, we have Hausdorff, it follows that said to be iteratively and E for all be a function which maps the non-negative reals into itself such 0,($k(t) i. lV c V is a sequence in is monotone increasing and that t > V (i.e., there exists a circled neighborhood NO}. Next, @k(t) < t t > 0 for all and 0 t > 0 Suppose there exists a monotone increasing, @(t) Then be given as above. @(0) e D we prove t > 0 $(t) = t. Hence, lira k such that k E N. for all @k(t) Since is $k(t) t > 0 X < 0 The second part follows easily from the inequality which contradicts the fact that (0) -< lim (t) _<- lim t t0 + t+0 + Before we state our main theorem for this section, we point out that if 0 (X,D,d), a subset of a premetric space (Y Y) THEOREM 2.1. Let D’ with D be iteratively and -contractive at (Y,D’,d’) is also a premetric space be a r-separated premetric space and let z X If X {x 0 X: (Tnx,z) D T: X for all N is r-complete, then T has a unique fixed point in X and the O 0 successive iterations u are r-convergent to the fixed point. TUk_l, u0 z k n PROOF. Let {vk} shall show that on T for all T S n(z m,n E N O and define recursively Vo X forms a r-Cauchy sequence in v g X 0 k By condition it is clear that for all (ii) on k e N T 0 z, vk (m,k e N O Since d(Vk,Vk_l)+ k-l(d(Vl,V0)) (7(d(Sz,z)) + + SVk_ 1 We From condition (i) {0,1,2,... 0 we have d(Vm+k,Vm)" Cm(d(Vk,V0)), d(Vk,V0) is did d’ (X,D,d) then Y d(Vl,V0) + d(Vl,V0) and (Vm, v) n e D X C.Y. SHEN AND A. SOUND 472 is monotone increasing, we obtain and d(Vm+k,vm) for all m,k 6 N X x 0 X g k N {Vm @ and the fact that is r-convergent to (Tix0,z) Because (T ix0,vk) c D for all {vk} is r-complete, the sequence 0 for all N k Sx g X Since 0 D (Z,Vk) and N i,k O r-convergent to k i,k Y0 Tx0; X0 in (Sko ’sz 0 Sx N g Tx whence, such that x 0 0 Then TY0 Y0 ((o’Z) --< {uk} where for some x z, uk 0 To this end, note that for all 0 m,k e N O u Then is r-convergent to x TUk_ I is n(z), Thus, we have the following inequality- k that x 0 we have 0 0 (x0,z) d(smx0,smk) =< m((Xo,kz)). 0,1,...,n(z)}. d(x0,Tgz) max.{d(x0,z) {Tgz Let for all the sequence x0 r-convergent to the fixed point n(z) + @(d(x0,vk)) @(0) with for all Finally, we will show that the sequence m 0 is r-convergent to some point d(TSkx0,skz) __< @k(d(Tx0,z)) (o’k) Y0 m X r-separated, D as In particular, Now suppose there exists another which implies that is 0 =0 t for all d(Sx0,vk+I) is continuous at d(Tx0,vk) Thus, {vk} is 0. 0 is a r-Cauchy sequence in It follows from the inequality 0 O {Vk} @re(t) Using the fact that O we have shown that Since $m(o(d(Sz,z)) _<- . $m() which snows 0 As an immediate consequence of Theorem 2.1, we have the following fixed point theorem in the setting of a topological vector space: COROLLARY 2.1. Let E be a Hausdorff topological vector space, and let be a bounded star-shaped convex subset of E T: E Let E B be a mapping such that the following two conditions are satisfied: there exists a i. n(z) there exists a positive integer ii. n(z)x-T n(z)y $(I)B where {x E E: Tnx-z nB for some XB for X0 sequentially complete, then T x,y, x-y such that for all XB is given as before. T implies 3. Tmz-Tnz m,n e N such that for all 0. some If z E E n= and for all 0 X has a unique fixed point in N} n is 0. SEQUENTIAL CONTRACTIVE MAPPINGS. Let (X,D,d) {T. be a premetric space and let i N} be a sequence of 1 then we say this N T.T.z for all i,j X into X. If T.T. z j j we define sequence of mappings is commutative. For each positive integer n n 1 n+l or equal than less integer a is i positive If T with T T T 1 1 we mean to n by mappings from Tn+ Tn(i)’ Tn(i) T n We shall adopt the convention that DEFINITION 3.1. if (x,y) e D implies A sequence that T Ti+iTi-i T n [T.} 1 (i) T n 1 if if i > n is said to be sequentially -contractive 473 CONTRACTIVE MAPPINGS ON A PREMETRIC SPACE (Tix,TiY) N, i. for all i e ii. for all n,i e N, d(T n C’.s where (i) x ,T are congtant and THEOREI,I (i) y) {y (TiY,3/) D g for all E i > n C in(d(x,y)) if i _<- n {Tnz} First, we’ll show that n belong to {Tnz} D propert3/ of D Y N n for all (Tn+iz,Tnz) and m-l(t m m-i n Next, N g Moreover, Y Now let which shows D for all 3/0 + + e D mn+l d(y 0 ’(i)z Y, y for all N. i N. n m Y. From Using the transitive n d(Tn+iz,Tnz) n( tn+l {Tnz} __ i with m N, the sequence it r-converges to n is r-convergent to some proof). i. YO {Tn(i)z} is also (It turns out that It is easy to see that {Tn(i)z} We have d(Tm(i)z’Tn(i)z) "-" cim-l(tm + + Ci #n(tn+l) that {Tn(i)z} is a r-Cauch3/ sequence. Since (Tiz,z) mn+l (Tn+iz’(i)z) that N m,n g is commutative, it follows that 1 + we claim that for each fixed Y {T.} with the r-Cauch3/ propert3/ is not needed in our is in TiY0 Thus, the sequence n a r-Cauch3/ sequence in (3/,z) and for all + Y 3/0 z E Y #k(tk+l) 7 which goes to zero as and d(Tmz,Tm-lz) <_ be a If the set is a r-Cauchy sequence in e D m,n we have, for all d(Tmz,Tnz) point {T. is r-complete and if there exists a d(TkZ,Z) (T z,z) the facts and if -contractive mappings. N} -(t PROOF. Cid(x,y) [n(d(x,)) 7. < where t k 1 then there exists a unique 3/0 6 Y such that such that _<- is a function as given in Section 2. @ sequence of commutative, sequentially Y d(Tix,TiY) and X be a r-separated premetric space, and let Let 3.1. n e D D, we see Hence, )n+l d(3/0,Tn+iz) + d(Tn+iz,(i)z =< d(Yo,Tn+iz + ciCn+l(d(T.z,z)) =< 1 which goes to zero as Finall3/, n (YO,Tnz), (TiYo,Y0) e D implies that (TiYo,Tnz) d(Ti3/O,Tnz) d(TiY0,Tn(i)Tiz) -< ci d(0 which goes to zero as for all 3/1 Y n (i)z Since YO X is r-separated, we have such that is unique, we proceed as follows: Ti3/l i (3/1 ’Tnz nd and Ti3/0 3/0 i g N. To show g n T D for all (Tn i Then Tnz e D suppose there exists another (yl,Z) g D which implies that C. Y. SHEN AND A. SOUND 474 d(y I ,Tnz (Tnz} Hence, cn( d(yI ,z __< is r-convergent to ). X and by r-separateness of Yl we see that Y0 Yl One can obtain an immediate corollary of the above theorem if we first define {T i} of self-mappings on a premetric space A sequence DEFINITION 3.2. said to be C-contractive if d(Tix,TiY) =< (d(x,y)) (x,y) e D implies for all i e I (Tix,TiY) that e D X is and as given before. with {T i} be a sequence of commutative -contractive selfIf the set mappings defined on a r-separated premetric space X D for all i e N} is r-complete and if there exists a z e Y {y: (Tiy,y) Y Let COROLLARY 3.1. k-l( k) k,z,z) 7. < d(T where t t k i e Y such that then there exists a unique such that TiY0 Y0 Y0 {T. One only needs to observe that PROOF. (y,z) e D and y e Y for all i e 11 for all is also sequentially i for all i with C. In a manuscript by Yun [3], the author introduced the notion of geometrical of self-mappings defined on a metric space X. mean contraction for a sequence {T. -contractive i After a careful study of his work, we believe his definition and also the statement of Theorem 1 in his paper need to be modified. We shall give here our version. DEFINITION 3.3. self-mappings on (X,d) Let X be a metric space and let We say that mean contraction if for each {T. 1 i g N r. _<- (rl... rn )I/n where 0 -< G < 1 Clearly, if to X @(t) Gt, t X < G Y is a metric space, then the set {T. is a sequential mapping with i is sequentially = N n is a constant. Also, if {T i} then (x,y e X) rid(x,y) is a positive constant, and, for all i -contractive provided we in Theorem 3.1 is equal eometric mean contraction, l-l-} and let C. max. {r i COROLLARY 3.2. X r. z i 0 Let {T. X be a complete metric space and let 1 commutative sequential mapping with geometric mean contraction. x be a sequence of we have d(Tix,TiY) where {T i} is a sequential mapping with geometric such that the set {d(Tix,x): i e N} is bounded then be a If there exists an {T i has a unique common fixed point. PROOF. Let b be an upper bound of {d(Tix,x): i e N). Since is mono- tone increasing we have k-l(tk) k-l(b) Hence, k-l(tk) < __< where t d(TkX,X). k easily from Theorem 3.1. 7. and the corollary now follows We shall remark here the Corollary 3.2 remains valid if we replace the requirement that {T. be commutative by the following less stringent condition: n n for all n e N. T T n+l I (Ti} is said to be weakly commutative if T Tn+ CONTRACTIVE MAPPINGS ON A PREMETRIC SPACE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. 475 This research is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Grant A8511. REFEREN CES Two extensions of the Banach contraction mapping principle, J. i. W0NG, J. 2. !,lath_..Analysi_s_ and Appl., Vol 2.2., No. 2, 1968, p. h38-4h3. KASAHARA, S. A remark on the contraction principle, Proc. Japan Acad., 44, 1968, 3. YUN, Tian-quan. p. of 21-26. Fixed point theorems of sequential mapping with geometric mean contraction and its applications, Preprint.