Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 3 (1985) 417-424 417 HOLOMORPHIC EXTENSION OF GENERALIZATIONS OF H’ FUNCTIONS RICHARD D. CARMICHAEL Department of Mathematical Sciences New Mexico State University Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003, U.S.A. (Received March 31, 1985) In recent analysis we have defined and studied holomorphic functions in ABSTRACT. n tubes in which generalize the Hardy H consider functions f(z), z p where C is the finite union of open convex cones TO(C) Rn values in C, + iO(C), ’ n + iC, C i, j ,m, and which satisfy We prove a holomorphic extension theorem in the norm growth of our new functions. which f(z), z e T In this paper we C functions in tubes. x+iy, which are holomorphic in the tube T is shown to be extendable to a function which is holomorphlc in where O(C) is the convex hull of C, if the distributional boundary TCJ of f(z) from each connected component of T C are equal. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Generalization of Functions in be Domains, Holomorphic Cxtension, Fourier-Laplace Transform, Edge of the Wedge Theorem. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 32A07, 32A10, 32A25, 32A35, 32A40, 46F20. i. INTRODUCTION. The purpoue of this paper is to prove a holomorphic extension theorem (edge of n and which the wedge theorem) for functions which are holomorphic in a tube in satisfy a norm growth condition that generalizes the norm growth for H p functions in tubes. The basis for the analysis presented here is the analysis in our papers I-2 ]. Carmichael We begin by stating some needed definitions. (0,0 vertex at the origin scalars A. n) O) in A regular cone ls an open convex cone C such that entire straight llne. 0 for all y C}; C* The dual cone C* is always closed and convex (Vladlmirov and is denoted pr(C). T n+ C for all positive does not contain any n C* {t [3, p. 218]). n: <t,y> > The is called the projection of C The function Uc(t is the indicatrix of is a cone (with Ay of a cone C is defined as intersection of the cone C with the unit sphere in C Rn A set C if y e C implies .the iC is a tube In sup ygpr(C) (-<t,y>) cone C, and we note that n. C* {t t Rn Uc(t) _< 0}. The set The convex hull (convex envelope) of a cone C will be denoted by O(C), and O(C) is also a cone. OC Put C, sup Uo(c) (t) tC, Uc(t) Rnc * the number 418 R. D. CARHICHAEL . characterizes the nonconvextty of the cone C (Vladimirov [3, [.. Following Vladtmtrov [4, p. 930] we say that a cone C :; 1(n with interior points has an admissible set of vectors if there are vectors e C, 1, k 1,2 ,n, which form k a basis for Rn; equivalently we say that such a set of n vectors in C is admissible for the cone C. Let B denote a proper open subset of Let 0 < p < and A > O. Let d(y) lekl Rn. n. B) denote the distance from y c B to the complement of B in I The space sP(T (Carmtchael [1, pp. 80-81]), TB 1(n + tB, is the set of all functions f(z), z x+ ty T which are holomorphtc in TB and whlch satisfy B, If(x+iy) lP l[f(x+iy)[ILp _< M (l+ dx _< (I.1) (d(y))-r) exp(2Alyl), y B, _> 0 which can depend on f, p, and A but not on y B M(f,p,A,r,s) which can depend on f, p, A, r, and s but not for some constants r _> 0 and s and for some constant M sP(T We defined and studied the functions B) in Carmichael [1-2]. The ) were defined to generalize the H p functions in tubes (Stein and Weiss [5, Chapter III]) and to contain the previous generalizations of the H p functions of on y E B. spaces S(T Vladimirov [6] and Carmichael and Hayashi [7]. We proved in Carmichael [I, Theorem 4.1, p. 92] that if B is a proper open B) 1 < p <_ 2, A >_ O, has then any element f(z) E B Fourier-Laplace integral representation for z E T in terms of a function g(t) which connected subset of n sP(T satisfies certain norm growth properties. In addition we proved in Carmlchael [i, Corollary 4.1, p. 93] that if B C, an open convex cone in Rn, then f(x+ly) has a unique boundary value as y/, y E C, in the strong topology of ’, the space of tempered distributions. In this paper we prove a holomorphic extension theorem (edge of the wedge theore for holomorphic functions in T C which satisfy (i.I) for y E C where C is a finite union of open convex cones in n; the extended function is holomorphic in T O(C) where To obtain our extension theor we use the information O(C) is the convex hull of C. from Carmlchael [1] which is contained in the preceding paragraph. We proceed to the result of this paper after making the following definition; the subspace of I <_ p < is defined to be the set of all measurable , P n, functions g(t), t -b ((1 such that there exists a real number b 0 for which e p (Carmlchael [i, p. 83]). g(t)) All subsequent notation and terminology in thls paper are that of Carmlchael [1-2]. + ItlP) HOLOMORPHIC EXTENSION. Let C be an open cone in 2. open convex cones C tubular cone T y g Cj, j n n and m n+ m is a positive integer. I, J ,m, are Let f(z) be holomorphic in the iC and satisfy (i.i) for y E C and for i < p 2. For ay m, the distance from y to the boundary of C is larger than or equal I, to the distance from y to the boundary of 1 < p <--2, j _ n such that C jl cj where the Cj, i measurable functions m. gj(t) Cj from which it follows that f(z) S(TCJ),- Thus by Carmchael [I, Corollary 4.1, p. 93] there exist E q, (l/p)+ (l/q) i, with supp(gj) t: Ucj(t) _< A} HOLOMORPHIC EXTENSION OF GENERALIZATIONS OF H P FUNCTIONS 419 almost everywhere such that n f(z) z e T exp(2i<z,t>) dt, gj(t) cj (2.1) m, i j pointwise and ’ Jim y+ [gj] e [gj] being the f(x+iy) yeC. with in the strong topology of J 1 (2.2) m, Fourier transform of We now state and prove the main result of this paper. TttEOREM. Rn Let C be an open cone in open convex cones, C which is the union of a finite number of .= Cj ,.’ corresponding to each connected component (O(C))* such that contains interior points and has an x+iy, be holomorphtc in the tubular cone admissible set of vectors. Let f(z), z T C and satisfy (i.i) for y e C and i < p _< 2. Let the boundary values of f(x+iy) in the strong topology of of C O(C) m, Then there is a function F(z) which is holomor- given in (2.2) be equal in phic in T l, Cj, f(z), z e T C, where F(z) is of the form P(z) H(z), z e T O(C) and which satisfies V(z) F(z) S, (TO(C)), (TO(C) (l/p) + P(z) being a polynomial in z and H(z) e $2A 0c PC I. (l/q) PROOF. By hypothesis the boundary values in (2.2) above are equal in with Since the Fourier transform is a topological isomorphism of . the elements (l/p) + (l/q) gj(t) I q first paragraph of this section satisfy in We have We call this common value g(t) and have g(t) Uc(t) Uo(c)(t), tlon of 0 we have c j=l C*, t e U0(c) (t) <_ 0C (Vladimirov [3, p. 220]) here we have _< 0 C From (2.3) and the fact that we have that g e let t {t: t e Uc.(t), m eIn. q’ (l/p) + (l/q) i. Now (2.4) Uo(c)(t) max j=l supp(gj) t e Uc.(t) m {t: < 0 C C*. Uc(t) Ucj(t) t e n. From (2.4) we now 1n (2 5) _< A} almost everywhere, j =l m, m qC Uo(c)(t) (2.3) (Vladimirov [3, p. 219, (54)]); and from the defniSince i ! 0 < Uc(t), t e C, Rn C obtain Uo(c) (t) _ max Uc(t) m, obtained in the gm(t) g2(t) gl(t) we have that onto I vanishes on > A 0 C }; A O < C jlo= {t: Ucj(t)> A} as a distribution. for such a point t we have by (2.5) that Uo(c) (t) S_ O max C j=l and hence max j=l m u > A. C (t) m Ucj (t) Now R. D. CARMICHAEL 420 Thus if t e {t: Uo(c)(t) > A OC then Since {t: Uo(c)(t) <_ A0C vanishes. ’ and {t: N(;A with C) 0 < A O C Uo(c)(t) {t: j--i > A} and on this latter set g Ucj(t) is a closed set in {t: supp(g) in t U0(c)(t) n we thus have (2.6) < A 0 C (O(C))* + N(;A0C) being the closure of the open ball in (Vladimirov [4, Lemma i, p. 936]) n centered at and with radius (O(C))* is closed and convex and by Recall from section 1 that the dual cone A 0 C hypothesis in this Theorem (0(C))* contains interior points and has an admissible set has order 0 then by Vladimlrov [4, Theorem i, p. 930] of vectors. Since g q= n g(t) k=l where {ek}= I n which e {t: supp(G) q _ 2 ]G(t) (2.7) G(t) is an admissible set of vectors for the cone tinuous function of t of g e gradient> <ek, is unique corresponding to (O(C))*, n {ek}k= 1 and the order 0 U0(c)(t) _< AOC}= (O(C))* + N(O;AO C) Itl), < K (i + t G(t) is a con- and n (2.8) n. (In Vladlmlrov [4, Theorem i, p. 930] ((O(C))*) * O(C) (Vladlmlrov the term [3, p. 218]) should have non-empty interior (Vladlmlrov [4, p. 930]) which is certainly the case in this Theorem.) Since G(t) is continuous on n, then supp(G) _< A0 {t: as a function (Schwartz [8, Chapter i, sections 1 and 3]). (This C fact is also obtained in the proof of Vladlmlrov [4, Theorem I], and the containment < A {t: supp(G) PC which is stated preceding to (2.8) gives the support such that for t e C of G(t) as a function.) We now choose a function A(t) is a constant of nonnegatlve integers ID%(t) <_ M, t e n, where any n-tuple where the constant K is independent of t "acute" in our present situation means that U0(c)(t) Uo(c)(t) _ n, M > 0, %(t) 1 for t on an which depends only on ; and for _< A {t: 0 for t e and %(t) but not on a 2 {t: Uo(c)(t) u0(c)(t) PC _< A 0 C as a function of t F(z) fn n (Carmlchael [i, p. 94]). n for z e T0(C) From (2.7) and supp(C,) (3.1), p. 931]) {t: Uo(c)(t) F(z) kl where H(z) I {t:U0(c) We have that (%(t) exp(2i<z,t>)) Recalling (2.6) we now put (n g(t) (t) exp(2l<z,t>) g(t) exp(2i<z,t>) dt neighborhood of neighborhood of <_ A O c dt, z E T O(C) (2.9) as a function we have (Vladlmirov [4, <e k, -2iz> 2 H(z), z e C(t) exp(2i<z,t>) dr, z (2.10) T O(C) (2.11) c} (t)<_ 0 From the continuity of G(t) and (2.8) we easily have G(t) for all p, i <_ p < P this combined with the support of G(t) as a function and Carmichael [I, Theorem 6.], p. 98] yield (exp(-2y,t>) G(t)) and L p, y e O(C), (2.12) HOLOMORPHIC EXTENSION OF GENERALIZATIONS OF H P FUNCTIONS iexp(-2w<Y, t>) (d(y))-r) M (i + s exp(2A0C IYl), Y 421 (2.]3) O(C) . s(G,p,A) _> 0, and M M(G,p,A,r,s) > 0, which are r(G,p,A) _> 0, s Then (2.12), (2.13), and independent of y e 0(C), and for all p, 1 <_ p < (T0(C)), (l/p) + (l/q) i, Carmlchael [I, Theorem 5.1, p. 97] prove H(z) e S for constants r 0C for all p, 1 < p _< 2, and in particular H(z) E defined in (2.9) is holomorphlc In T O(C), S2 A 0C (TO(C)). Then by (2.10), F(z) and of course (2.10) is the desired repre- sentation of F(z) in the statement of the Theorem where the polynomial n P(z) k=l and H(z) e S 2 A0C S 0C (T0(C)), (TO(C)) <ek, -2Iz> P(z) is 2 (l/p) + (l/q) i, is given in (2.11). By (2.3), (2.6), and the definition of %(t) preceding (2.9), we see that (2.1) can be rewritten as n f(z) g(t) %(t) exp(2i<z,t>) dt n g(t) exp(2wi<z t>) dt J z E T 1 ,m. These identities and (2.9) show that F(z) is the desired holomorphlc extension of f(z) to The proof of the Theorem is complete. T 0(C) and F(z) f(z), z T We emphasize that cones C exist for which the hypotheses of the Theorem are C. (0(C))*, satisfied corresponding to C and and examples are easily constructed. If 0(C) in the Theorem is regular (i.e. if 0(C) does not contain an entire straight llne in this case since O(C) is open and convex) then the interior of (O(C))* is not empty; (O(C))* has an admissible set of vectors. In the Theorem we have desired to obtain a result in which the holomorphlc the Theorem applies in this case if (T0(C)) extension function could be represented in terms of an S happens under the assumptions on (0(C))* in the Theorem. space; this Under these assumptions we were able to conclude that the continuous function G(t) in the representation (2.7) had pointwlse support in {t: _< A0 }. From this fact we were able to use C Carmlchael [i, Theorem 6.1] and then Carmlchael [I, Theorem 5.1] to obtain that H(z) in (2.11) belongs to S (TO(C)), (i/p) + (l/q) I, for all p, 1 < p < 2; and hence _ Uo(c)(t) the desired representation of the holomorphlc extension function F(z) was obtained in (2.10). From the proof of the Theorem the common value g(t) e {t: i < p < 2, in (2.3) has supp(g) _< A0 in supp(g) Uo(c)(t) C ’ I, q, (l/p) + (l/q) (recall (2.6)). If is contained in this set almost everywhere as a function as well then the restrictions on (0(C))* in the Theorem can be deleted in obtaining a holomorphic extension result as we show in the following corollary. COROLLARY i. Let C be an open cone in Rn which is the union of a finite number m of open convex cones, C C j=l J Let f(z) z x+ iy be holomorphic in the tubular C cone T and satisfy (i.i) for y e C and i < p < 2. Let the boundary values of f(x+iy) in the strong topology of corresponding to each connected component Cj ’ R. D. CARMICHAEL 422 _ and let this comon value g(t) m, of C given in (2.2) be equal in 1 j support in {t: _< A0 C Uo(c)(t) ’). almost everywhere (as well as in Then there i F(z) which is holomorphic in TO(C) and which satisfies F(z) 2 (TO(C)). S 2, F(z) a function and if p A0C hay, f(z), z E TC; Proceeding as in the proof of the Theorem we obtain the common value < A0 in I from (2.3) and supp(g)C {t: (l/p) + (l/q) g(t) g C { t: By our assumption supp(g) <_ A 0C almost everywhere; thus by Carmichael [I, Theorem 6.1, p. 98], g(t) satisfies PROOF. __’ ’. Uo(c)(t) Uo(c)(t) (exp(-2<y,t>) g(t)) c L q, y (2.14) O(C), and lexp(-2<Y, t>) g(t) llLq n (d(y))-r) s + exp(2nA0C s(g,q,A) >_ 0, and M r(g,q,A) >_ O, s for constants r independent of y E O(C). F(z) < M (i IYl) O(C) Y (2.15) M(g,q,A,r,s) > 0 which are Then by Carmichael [I, Theorem 3.1, pp. 84-85] the function g(t) X(t) exp(2i<z t>) dt g(t) exp(2i<z t>) dt (2.16) z T O(C) where %(t) g C is the function defined in the proof of the As in the proof of the Theorem F(z) is the desired holomorphic extension of 2 then q 2; in this case (2.14), (2.15), and Carmichael [I, f(z) to T O(C) If p is holomorphic in Theorem. Theorem 5.1, p. 97] yield that F(z) E S A 0C (TO(C)). The proof is complete. We have a more general holomorphic extension theore Here 0(C) is as general as possible and we make no assumption on the Corollary i. constructed g(t) in (2.3). S 0c than either the Theorem or We lose the explicit information on F(z) being in an (T 0(C)) space however. COROLLARY 2. Let the open cone C and the function f(z) be as in the hypothesis of Corollary i with I < p Let the boundary values of f(x+ ly) in the strong 2. corresponding to each connected component topology of given in (2.2) be equal in ’. such that F(z) T PROOF. f(z), z ] i, m, of C Then there is a holomorphic function F(z) in TO(C) C. Define F(z), z E TO(C), i, is the common value in (2.3) in as in (2.16) where g and C supp(g)_ {t :Uo(c) (t) <_ AO C (l/p) + (l/q)= in ’ from the proof of the Theorem. Then F(z) is holomorphic in T O(C) by the necessity of Vladlmlrov [3, Theorem 2, p. 239] and is the desired holomorphlc extension of f(z) to T O(C) because of (2.3) and (2.1). (Recall the proof of the Theorem.) The proof is complete. [3, Theorem 2, p. 239] that F(z) in Corollary 2 does satisfy a polntwise growth estimate; but we cannot conclude that F(z) is in an (T O(C) space for any p in Corollary 2. Notice from Vladimlrov S Oc . In the Theorem and Corollaries i and 2 the holomorphic extension function F(z), z E T0(C), is defined by (2.9) (i.e. (2.16)) where g(t) (l/p) + (l/q)= i, {t: <_ A 0 and supp(g) in Since O(C) is an open convex cone then in Uo(c)(t) C : P HOLOMORPHIC EXTENSION OF GENERALIZATIONS OF H FUNCTIONS 423 each of the results we can also conclude that Rim y- [g] F(x+iy) (2.17) E y0(c) in the strong topology of ’[g] 4.1, p. 93]" here cone, A ’ by the boundary value proof in Carmtehael [1, Corollary Fourier transform. is the Further, if 0(C) is a regular 2, in Coroilary 1 then we can conclude in Corollary 1 that 0, and p <’[g], F(z) <’[g], K(z-t)> t), z a Q(z 0(C), (2.I8) by CarchaeI [1, Corollarv 4.2, p. 91 here [g] is the boundary vaiue in (2.17) and K(z- t) and Q(z; t) are the Cauchy and Poisson kerneis (eartchael [1, (Recali fro the sentence p. 83]), respectively, corresponding to the tube T O(c) in 2 preceding the statement of Caichael [i, Corollary 4.2, p. 94] that L2 [g] If the cone C is (0,) or (-o, 0) or (-,0) IYl, d(y) C, in (i.i). Y (-,0) for C implies ( (0,). (O,m) in i dimension then of course We have the following interesting result in 1 dimension Note that (0(C))* {0} here which does not have interior points; so the following result is like Corollary 2. Let f(z) be holomorphic in COROLLARY 3. (1.1) for 1 < p R1 + iC, C (-m,O) (O,m), and satisfy Let the boundary values of f(x+iy) in the strong topology of 2. ’. l+ from the upper and lower half planes given in (2.2) be equal in entire holomorphic function F(z) such that (-,). First note that O(C) < p ! 2, as in Corollary 2 and define PROOF. l, F(z) as in exp(2i<z t>) dt I (t) (2.16). Here (O(C))* i F(z) f(z), z Obtain g(t) iC. (l/p) + (i/) q g(t) l(t) exp(2i<z t>) dt {0} and supp(g)_ {t: Uo(c)(t) ! ’ Then there is an AOC}= z e (2.19) (O(C))* + has compact support here, and hence [-A Oc,A OC]. Thus g N(O;A 0C) q F(z) in (2.19) is the Fourier-Laplace transform of a distribution of compact support (HSrmander [9, Theorem 1.7.5, p. 20]). and hence is an entire holomorphlc function in F(z) + iC, as before. f(z), z i i 3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. The author expresses his sincere appreciation to the Department of Mathematical Sciences of New Mexico State University for the opportunity of serving as Visiting Professor during 1984-1985. The author’s permanent address is Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27109, U.S.A. This material is based upon work supported hy the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMS-8418435. REFERENCES I. 2. p CAP,MICHAEL, Richard D. Ceneralization of H Functions in Tubes.l, Variables Theory Appl. 2 (1983), 79-101. p CARMIcHAEL, Richard D. Generalization of H Functions Variables Theory Appl. 2 (1984), 243-259. in Tubes. II, Complex Complex R. D. CARMICHAEL 424 3. 4. 5. 6. VLADIMIROV, V. S. 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