Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 3 (1985) 549-554 549 A NOTE ON EXPONENTIALLY BOUNDED STOPPING TIMES OF CERTAIN ONE-SAMPLE SEQUENTIAL RANK ORDER TESTS Z. GOVINDARAJULU Department of Statistics University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506 (Received May 20, 1985) ABSTRACT. A simple proof of the exponential boundedness of the stopping time of the one-sample sequential probability ratio tests (SPRT’s) is obtained. KEY WORDS AND PHASES. Nonparametric; finite sure termination; test for symmetry. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 60G40, 62G10, 62L10. i. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY. Stein [i] gave a very mild condition under which the stopping time of a SPRT based on a sequence of i.i.d, random variables is exponentially bounded. It is well known that exponential boundedness of the stopping time implies finite sure termination and the finiteness of the moment-generating function of the stopping time. Weed, Bradley and Govindarajulu [2] propose one-sample sequential probability ratio tests (SPRTs) based on Lehmann alternatives and also study their finite sure terminaExtending the work of Sethuraman [3], Govindarajulu [4] has obtained a very tion. mild Stein-type of condition (namely, that a certain random variable U(Z) is not identially zero) for the exponential boundedness of the stopping time of the one- sample SPRT’s. Here, using a general result of Wijsman [5] a much simpler proof of the same assertion is obtained. 2. NOTATION Let ZI,Z2,... be a sequence of i.i.d, random variables having a continuous dis- tribution function (d.f.) F(x). a time. Assume that we observe the Z’s sequentially one at We wish to test F(z) + F(-z) HO: (2.1) for all z. i Let P(IZI < zlZ < O) P(Z<zlZ_>O) {F(z) H(z) and G and H are zero for z< 0. H0: G(z) F(-z)}/F(O), {F(O) G(z) F(O)}/{I-F(O)}, a for all Alternatively, we write H(z) for all z and F(0) and take the alternative hypothesis to be H and G(z) # H(z) for some z. 1/2 z_>O, Z. GOVINDARAJULU 550 Consider a subalternative hypothesis given by HA: GA(z) H(z) for all z, A> O, %0’ %0 A is specified F(O) A# i, specified. Let t denote the number of stages to which the experiment has proceeded. is ZI,Z2,...,Z t Z’s among absolute values [values] of those Let denote the Also note that m is binomially distributed with parameters t and % Let V i IY l IZil Yn ]. i i .-’,t. Let G m (l et Further [Hn] where i or 0 according as V i corresponds to a negative or positive Z respectively where ordered V1,-’’,V t. F(O), O< %< i. denote the empirical d.f. based on X "’’’t (That XI,...,Xm [YI,--.,Yn] ZI,---,Z t that are negative [positive]. stages.) will be observed in t _< Vlt _< Vtt I ’’-,X m it denote the Also, let Pt(A=61A)/Pt (A=61A=I) 2tPt(A=IA)" Ut(A’6) (2.2) From Weed, Bradley and Govindarajulu [2] or Govindarajulu [4, (2.6)] we have Lt(A,6 2 t t! t m %0(I-%0 )n.= IHI{ %tGm(Vi) A(l-%t)Hn(Vi)} + -1 (2.3) where k k %t m/t, I if where l(c,d) Gk(Z) l(Xi;z)/k 1 c < d and zero elsewhere. [I(Z;0) + W0(Z;z) (z) and j--1 (2.4) l(Yj;z)/k, Let AI(0;z)]I(IZl;z) I(X;z) + AI(Y;z) and (Note that EWo(Z;z) + %tGm(Z) Wt(z) A(l-%t)Hn(Z). %G(z) + A(I-%)H(z).) W(z) With the above notation one can write t L t(A,) 2tt!t-t(l-o)nAn/ i--iWt(Vi)- (2.5) Hence t (A’) nLt (A’) + n t n n n (i-%0) 2 + t! + t n n n t + m n %0 t A I n Wt(Vi). i--i Then the rank order SPRT (ROSPRT) for testing H 0 against HA is given by: if < b[ t >_ a] and take one more observation of Accept H0 [reject H constants. The stopping time is: fixed <a are some <a where b< 0 b O] <t T r if b < <a for t l,’’’,r-i and (r)<b or We will be interested in the termination properties of T. T* r if I_t < d max(-b,a) for t Then one can easily see that T >r -->T* >r. to show the exponential boundedness of T 3. , >a (r=l,2,’’’). (2.6) Also define l,’’-,r-I and tr Hence P(T >r) < P(T*> r). >-d" (2.7) So it suffices which will be done in the sequel. CERTAIN RESULTS PERTAINING TO EXPONENTIALLY BOUNDED STOPPING TIMES. [5] has obtained some general theorems which assert that the stopping Wijsman EXPONENTIALLY BOUNDED STOPING TIMES OF RANK ORDER TESTS 551 time of a sequential procedure is exponentially bounded unless a certain function of In the following we the underlying random variable is zero with probability one. will state only the results that are relevant to our needs here. (Wijsman [5, (Corollary 2.2)]). LEMA 3.]. Let Z,ZI,Z2,’’- be i.i.d, random Let L* variables taking values in i and having common distribution F. t L*t(Zt),Z t be a sequence of real valued statistics and let T* be defined by (2.7). (ZI,---,Z t) Assume, further, that there is a measurable function f: i+R, a measurable subset S of with P(ZeS)I0 and f(z) # 0 whenever zeS, and a set SO S such that for every positive integer r the function K is measurable. n sup{iL t+r (Z If K 0 t ’Y r r et Ii f(Yj)l: Yl,’’" ,YrESo then T* is exponentially bounded n exp (See Wijsman [5, p.298]). PROOF. In the following we will state a useful lemma which is more germane to nonparametric needs. LEMMA 3.2. (Wijsman[5]). Let Z,ZI,Z2,--- variables taking values in a measurable space Further, let be a sequence of i.i.d, random ([,A) and having the common d.f. F(z). be a real interval (perhaps infinite) and let f be a bounded, real valued function on [, such that f(x,-) is A-measurable for every xel and is non-decreasing for every ze[ or non-increasing for every I1 Jn(X) J(x) f(x,Zi)/n, zel. f(.,z) Also let ff(x,z)F(dz) and R n sup{lJ n (x) J(x) l: xel} Then R O. n exp PROOF. (See Wijsman [5, p. 308]). 4. CERTAIN USEFUL LEMMAS. In this section we give some results as lemmas which will be used in the sequel. LEMMA 4.1. (i) For (Sethuraman [3, p. 1326]). < x < n(l+x) 2 x/(l+ and for 0 < Ix Let -i < 8 < O<a. we have a(a-8)/[(l+cO(l+] (4.1) J (4.2) <i n(l+x) DEFINITION 4.1. x. The stopping time T of a sequential procedure is said to be exponentially bounded if for any P(T > t) there is c < and 0 < 0< 1 such that _< co t, t 1,2,-.- (4.3) Notice that T* is exponentially bounded implies that T is exponentially bounded. DEFINITION 4.2. A sequential procedure is said to have property Q if it terminates finitely and the stopping time possesses a finite moment-generating function (m- g f under P; that is P(T<) 1 and E(exp(NT)) < for some N >0 (here E denotes expectation under P). LEMMA 4.2. A sequential procedure has property Q if T is exponentially bounded. PROOF. Easy to construct. Z. GOVINDARAJULU 552 LEMMA 4.3. For every g >0, and sufficiently large t, and 0 < %< i, there exists 0 < O(g,%) < i such that P[%t n n Xt 1-% p[n{ (l_%t) PROOF. 5. ! pt(,%) X > c] t/(l_)l-}> ] < pt (,). See Lemma 4.3 in Govindarajulu [4]. MAIN RESULTS. In this section we prove the main result pertaining to the exponential bounded- ness of T*. THEOREM 5.1. Define n2 + U(Z) n {A(1-%O)} n{A(1-%O)/%O}I(Z;O n W(IZI) f{Wo(Z;v)/W(v)}(dv (5.1) where kG(v) + (l-%)H(v). F(v) (5.2) Then T is exponentially bounded under F unless PF(U(Z) PROOF. I. O) Because of Lemma 5.1 it suffices to show that r t+r t j=l 0 as t-o. U(Zj)-exp Towards this we can write t+r t n2 r + BI + B2 + B3 (5.3) where B B nt! n(t+r)! 1 (t+r)n(t+r) + t n t t+r fn{A(1-%O)} n{A(1-%o)l%0 r 2 [ i=t+l I(Z i;O) and t+r B t n Wt+r (Vj)- [ n{Wt+r(Vi)/Wt (Vi)} i=l j=t+l 3 B 4 + B 5 (say). After using Stirlings approximation to factorials, we have B Denoting Zt+ i by B B since W t(-)- exp 4 as t/ (5.4) oo. r r [ I(Yi;O) n{A(1-O)/% O} j=l r fn{A(1-%0)} r =-lj ln Wt+ (lYjl) r exp " j=l n W(lyj[) Next consider B 5. W(’) uniformly in (-). W (v) t we can write -r we have Yi’ 2 1 t -i i=l Wo(Z i;v) Since, for fixed v (5.5) (5.6) 553 EXPONENTIALLY BOUNDED STOPPING TIMES OF RANK ORDER TESTS t+r i__[lWo (z -fn{(t+r)/t} + Zn fn{Wt+r(V)/Wt(v )} ;v) t iIWO (Z ;v) i (5.7) i=[1Wo (Yi ;v) n -fn{ (t+r)/t} + i tW (v) t Now, t y gn{ (t+r)/t} +-r (5.8) as t +. i=l Consider Zn{l + i Wo(Yj;Vi) (Vi) tW I i=l t Define suplW t(v) {(0: A(t,g) < W(v) c}, v Note that A(t,e) is exponentially bounded. where m denotes an outcome. On A(t,r_) r n{l + i=1 ,Vi) ZI Wo(Yj t _< ;Vi) i Wo(YJ (Q-?) t I i=l 1 n{l + ;Vi) iI Wo(Yj .-) (5.9) t (W(Vi)-E) 0<8.< i. Wo(v) r I [ < tW(Vi) i=l 1 il l+ei E (w(vi)-e) Now L.H.S. - t Wo(Y j ;Vi) W(V.)- i=l t I 1 i W(Vi) r (l+A) i=l t e r(l+A) + 2 t [ i=l t [_ (5.10) r(l+A) r(l+A) + (W(Vi)-e) g 1 L w (w (v)-E) (vi) i--1 i (W(Vi)-E) 2 F(dv) f0 W(v) [W(v)-e) r(l+A)F(d(v)) 2 (W(v)-) Since e is arbitrary, R.H.S. tends to zero as t+oo. By taking Wt(v W(v) + , one can bound the difference from the other side. Also note that r i--i [ W0(Yj;Vi) w(vi) j=l r /o j=l W 0 (yj ;v)m(dv) W(v) Q.E.D. Z. GOVINDARAJULU 554 6. GENERALIZED RANK ORDER SPRTs. L*t(A,) L (A,). Considering *(t) m/t and obtain by A t and using Lemma 4.3, we can establish that for large t Suppose we estimate %0 n r +r I U*(Zj) exp O, where U*(Z) is obtained by replacing j=l by % in U(Z) given by (5.1). %0 Then, one can readily establish: THEOREM 6.1. on 7. 0) # I, then the generalized rank order SPRT based If P(U*(Z) has property Q. CONCLUDING REMARKS. (i) Inversion of model H A via the transformation Z (z) Lehmann’s class of alternatives given by i associated with the random variable Z, A I/A and (ii) {i %0 -IZ (z) A} , produces the other where F(O) =A/(I+A) if %0 are d.f.s I/(I+A). Although for simplicity, continuity of the distribution of Z is assumed, it is not necessary for the validity of the results. If F has a denumerable number of jumps, then F can be made continuous by the continuization process described in Govindarajulu [6, Remark 3.14.7]. Alternatively we can take F(z) z[p(X!z)+p(X<z) as suggested by Wijsman [5, Equation (4.2)] and all the results will be valid. I thank Professor Robert Wijsman for suggesting that the use of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. the general result in his 1977 paper will provide a simpler proof of the main assertion of this paper. *This author’s research is supported by a grant from the Office of Naval Research, Grant No. NOOOI4-84-K-DI84. Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted for the purpose of the U.S. Government. REFERENCES A note on cumulative sums, Ann. Math. Statist. 17 (1946), 498-499. i. STEIN, C. 2. WEED, H.D., Jr., BRADLEY, R.A. and GOVINDARAJULU, Z. Stopping times of some one-sample sequential rank tests, Ann. Statist. 2 (1974), 1314-1322. 3. SETHURAMAN, J. Stopping time of a rank order sequential probability ratio test based on Lehmann alternatives, II, Ann. Math. Statist. 41 (1970), 1322-1333. 4. GOVINDARAJULU, Z. Stopping times of one-sample rank order sequential probabil(1984), 305-320. ity ratio tests, J. Statist. Planning and Inference 5. WIJSMAN, R.A. 6. GOVINDARAJULU, Z. 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