537 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Scl. Vol. 8 No. 3 (1985) 537-543 ON AN ASYMPTOTIC FORMULA FOR THE NIVEN NUMBERS CURTIS N. COOPER and ROBERT E. KENNEDY Depar%zent of .ath,:atics and Computer Science Central Missour State University Warrensburg, Missouri 64093 U.S.A. (Received May 20, 1985) s a positive integer which is d.visible by its digital of an asymptotic formula for N(x) is given. possibiS.ity um. A A partial result numbers less than x of Niven Here, N(x) denotes the nmber which will be preented. This result wll be an asymptotic formula for denotes the number of Niven numbers less than x with digital sum k ABSTRACT. A Niven number d.sc.,ss.on of the Nk(X) WOPDS AND PHRASES. Digital sums, asymptotic formula, Niven number. 0A30 0H25 9S0 ATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. },Y I. I[FROD[!CT!ON. [] the concept of a Niven number was introduced as any One of the positive integer n which is divisible by its digital sum s(n) of Niven numbers which was investigated was the first questions about the set, N In Kennedy et al status of x - L N(x) x (.) (In what follows, denotes the number of Niven numbers less than x A(x) will be then of set integers, a is we will use the convention that if A the number of members of A less than x .) This limit, if it exists, is called where N(x) the "natural density" of the set N (the natural densit? Even %hough this was answered in Kenned and Cooper [2] of N is zero), other questions demanded attention. In particular, "Can an asymptotic formula for N(x) be determined?" That is, does there exist a function f(x) such that Lira x-- If such an ? lx) (.2) exists, then the uual notation to indicate this is, f(x) N(x)- (x) The following notation will be used to arrive at a partial, answer to this qe’t,",n. I.et k s positive ’nteger. Then aS k may be written in the form .) 538 C. N. COOPER AND R. E. KENNEDY (t, 0) where We define: s(x)= Sk-- k} and o= .(k) o uo t. of (.s) Nk(X In what. follows, we will develop an asymptotic formula for c A, ASY,:PTCIC FORMULA WHEN k ?. 2asb Nk(X S,h a fo,u!a for or 0 c when 2 emma. I..E:Y: I. Tet can easily found for This Is given in Theorem 2.1 k of the fo 2a503c with the help of the fo! owing +ege. be n Then e, He, the %he pare,’nse ,enot, PRO’?, Nk(10 n) atest brackets denote the --i,are (2.!.) integer function and ;ote that an intec,r of the fom., bnom.a7 coeff$.e-ien%. f + ie(k) i=O where e i {0, I] c 0 ’/ C + 02 + + Cf k and (2.) is a Niven number with digita] sum But the sequence k f (2.) can be rearranged exactly (2.) ways, and each of these will determine a Niven mmber with digital sum k T.h,:refore, we have that Tt" 2. "* t:. (2,1) hods. _. wh.?", .;..() ,-,, PROOF. Let , c ,, or (o)!: ":e the positive integer such that 10 n x < I0 n+l Then 539 ASYITOTIC FORILA FOP. THE NIVEN NUNBERS Sk(10n)’In mlNnk/k!k k we have By Lemma not dependent on n (k) Sk(iOn Nk(lOn and so, Nk(lOn) since each side of (2.10) is asymptotic Nk(lO n) nk/k: to nk/k! (2.) From Nk(lOn+1) Nk(X) (2.2) and (n,+l)k/k! , Nk(i.On+l Nk(10n).# nk/k: it readily follows that () ,,, . .o,=e (o )/: [ogx] o- n A LOW 0 0 ,() not. he that Lemma I can be used to de%eine a lower !t should In fact, the seah for such a lower dl to the meth bound for N(x) To deteine is lower that will give us an asptotic foula for m for some positive integer m m and (k) e(k) Then bound, let k 2 " Nk(X and we have by Lemma i that N2m(lon) 2m Thus, N(IOn) eventually. N2m(lOn) That is, there exists an integer N(IOn) for all n n K K such that n 2m-I Note that the rightmost inequality of n of degree establish that eventually is a polynomial in 2m_l 2 N(x) m (3.2) follows since As in the proof of Theorem 2 > (og .) 2m- we can then C. N. COOPER AND R. E. KENNEDY 540 Therefore, for any integer t m for any integer t eventual ly. AT ,3"MTCTC FO:0iI,A FOR N In what follows, for positive integers a. k(x) [0, x decimal represer.tation of no.-oegatve negers less than iO iO n n and k we will denote the n [0, where .I_0 n) is the: set of as n-i i xi10 i=O Note that initial zeros will be allowed so that x will have n digits. For e(k)- we also define the finite sequences B(x,j) and 2, each j 0, _, T(x) x (4.2) i i--O and f B(x,j) x (k)+ j + ie(k 0 i whre f (4.2) Using x = y and (.3), we T(x) if and only if [n- (k)e(k) 13 (4.4) = nowdeflne the relation on 0n) by: T(y) and B(x,j) is a reamngement of the trms of B(y,j) for each j It is clear that is an equivalence latlon on memr of [0, = 0n) . let The fo].owlng ].ea wil I.E’W. POOP. j=o x,. y let Z!:,oe i=o x = y <x denote the us to help count the 0 n) we hav tha% Then [0 I0 n) For x a ulvalence cass contalni x x T(x) j=o nr = of Nien v .:e:3.... T(y) and i=o nm that ) s(r, "s a with ., (v reae- ASYMPTOTIC FORMULA FOR THE NIVEN NUMBERS 541 (.8) m (.9) of digits, let for t set. O, I, 2, Hee, the # symbol denotes the oadinality of the is the number of tems of the sequenoe then d 9 For example, if t 3 Therefore, the number of finite sequences whleh cn be formed by rearranging the terms of (4.9) is given by the multinomial coefficient equal to 3 0’ dl’ ""’ d9 We will. use this fact to develop an asymptotic formula for N [0, los) Nk 5. Let x to or equal less than of degree I,EMNA Then .#<x> k(x) for any integer is a polynomial in f where k e(Ik PROOF. B(x,j) Note that each for various dt(J) j’s <x> y Let #{0 i f may be found by rearranging the terms of X(k) t} + j + le(k) (4.13) By the previous discussion, the number of such y’s which can be formed by these rearrangements ,s given by _e(k)-l_ jl= I / o(j), d1(j), ..., d9(Jd f .+ ’ (4.1h.) 542 C. N. COOPER AND R. E. KENNEDY But each factor of this product is a pol3momial in of degree d() i=I is a polynomial in f j=O of degree i=l Tess than or equal to k THEOEEM 6. Let n, k be positive integers. which is Nk(lOn for a constant PROOF. c cn Then k which depends upon Since X#<x> Nk(10n) where the sum is +.aken over the collection of equivalence classes induced on EO, !0n) N k not exceeding Nk(10n we have that is a polynomial in f (4.’q) by : of degree k by Lemma 5 Thus, all we need to do in ozder to show that has degree k is to constmct a Niven number, x, with digital sum k Such an x is is a polynomlal in f of degree k such that Nk(!On x> k- I 10(k) + ie(k) (4.19) i=O Here, (a..2o) which is a polynomlal in f of degree exactly k Th us, Nk(iOn) clfk which is dependent on for some k Since (422) we have that f n/e() and therefore, Nk(lOn) cn k wher c k-cl/(e(k)) Finally, us.ng a.n argument similiar to that in the proof of Theorem 2 have the followng corollary COROLLARY 7. Let k, x be positive integers. Then Nk(x where c depends on k c(log x) k we (.23) 543 ASYMPTOTIC FORMULA FOR THE NIVEN NUMBERS 5. CONCLUSION. Thus, a partial answer concerning an asymptotic formula for N(x) has been presented. As was shown by Theorem 2 exact values of the constant c can be it is indeed In fact, given a partic,]ar k found for caln integers k would involve an This will c that be. form exact the oossible to determine _nvetigatin. of the partitions of k with summands less than or equal to 9 and the number o solutions to certain d.ophantlne congruences. We feel that +.his is a subject for future stu4y. Tb. determination of an asymptotic formula or ..,,T(x) . . however, wi]. be ]e/ an an open problem. ,,, . 7-OCD,’.,.T, T.A. BST, C,H. Mathematical Discovery and Nven [..,NNEDY, (I 980), 2-25 T.h,,be, The MATYC Jou:ra ,’.NEDv R. N O the atu Density oY the Niven Numbs, .OOPE TG, S.. o An Improvement ad Generalza%[on of Bellman-Shaper’s Thom n dw Nu Th,o, ez. ah. l (963), Po]. 9-2o. roc. s..