521 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 3 (1985) 521-536 LOCALLY CONFORMAL SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLDS IZU VAISMAN Department of Mathematics University of Halfa, lsrael (Received April 4, 1984) M2n(n M , . (M2n,fl) where A locally conformal symplectic (l.c.s.) manifold is a pair on 2-form nondegenerate a > i) is a connected differentiable manifold, and k9 U s (U s- open subsets) /U e o U s -IR, d O. such that M ABSTRACT. Equivalently, d ^ .q for some closed 1-form L.c.s. manifolds can be seen as generalized phase spaces of Hamiltonian dynamical systems since the form of the Hamilton equations is, in fact, preserved by homothetlc canonical transformations. The paper discusses first Hamiltonian vector fields, and infinitesimal automorphisms 0, we say (i.a.) on l.c.s, manifolds. If (M,) has an i.a. X such that (X) e de assumes the particular form Such an M is a 2-contact manifold with the structure forms (,e), and it has a vertical 2-dlmensional foliation V. If V is regular, we can give a flbration theorem bundle over a symplectlc manifold. Particularly, which shows that M is a that M ^ is of the first kind and T2-principal 9 is regular for some homogeneous l.c.s, manifolds, and this leads to a general con- struction of compact homogeneous l.c.s, manifolds. Various related geometric results, including reductivity theorems for Lie algebras of i.a. are also given. Most of the proofs are adaptations of corresponding proofs in symplectlc and contact geometry. The paper ends with an Appendix which states an analogous fibratlon theorem in Riemannlan geometry. s-contact manifold, KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Locally conformal symplectic manifold, Boothby-Wang fibration. 58F05. 7980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 53C15, i. INTRODUCTION. A symplectic manifold is a pair (M2n,), where M 2n is an even dimensional dif- and connected) and fl is a ferentiable manifold (all our manifolds are assumed C closed nondegenerate 2-form on M. Such manifolds are very important since they provide a good geometric framework for Hamiltonian mechanics, and for other chapters of theoretical physics. If the 2-form is nondegenerate but not closed, (M2n,fl) is an almost symplectic manifold, and this definition provides a class of geometrically I. VAISMAN 522 In between, the locally conformal symplectlc (l.c.s.) mani2n (n > I) which have an open M interesting manifolds. folds are defined as almost symplectic manifolds {Us} covering Equivalently, o and a system of functions 6 A’ do s glue up to a closed 1-form d O. d Clearly, ) =0. d(e such that (i.i) A Formula (i.i) was established by H.C. Lee [i well defined, and Uand the Lee form; and we call is exact, the manifold is iff it is globally con- formal symplectic (g.c.s.). for the first properties and and [5 We refer the reader to [2 ], [3 ], [4 examples of l.c.s.manifolds,that also provide a geometric motivation for the study of this class of manlfolds. But, let us also point out a physics motivation. Indeed, let us look at a dynamical system with M Us with the local coordinates and the dynamics consists of the Every point of orbits of a well defined vector field X hood Then its phase space can be degrees of freedom. n seen as a 2n-dimensional differentiable manifold (qi(s) Pj"a)) and momenta, and there is a Hamiltonian function (i M has an open neighbour- n) j=l given by positions H(a) (qi(a), P j()) such that the orbits are defined by the Hamilton equations i dq(e) (c) H(s dPi H(s) dt 8q(e) s) dt Pi 6 The well known symplectic interpretation Hamiltonian field of (1.2) i tells us that X with respect to the symplectic form H() is precisely the (e) (=) i=l s) Now the usual continuation of this interpretation consists in asking the local (s) forms and local functions X to glue up to a global symplectic form H(e) and But this is not compulsory since the only global entity is H. a global Hamiltonian and we must only ask that the transition functions i q(B) q(8)(qcs) Ph(e)), Pi (8) k i preserve the form of the Hamilton equations (1.2). implies 8 8 IBsa E8e if we take H(8 (8) k Pi (q(a) p h() (1.3) This happens not only if (1.3) (i.e.,(l.3) are canonical transformations), but also if (1.3) implies const.# 0 (i.e., (1.3) are homothetic canonical transformations) In other words, we get the Hamiltonian dynamics if the 18sH(a) geometric structure of the phase space is defined by an open covering {Us}a a corresponding system of local symplectic forms UUB# has 8 18 18s such that over 6 A and one (1.4) const. In this case, we get easily from (1.4) the cocycle condition B7 B hence we have a basic line bundle L on L we have a Hamiltonian cross-section of (1.5) M, and instead of a Hamiltonian function (a "twisted Hamiltonian"). It is well known that the cocycle condition (1.5) implies l for some functions o Ue+ IR e / (1.6) e defined up to a te f/ue (f:M +), and then (1.4) 523 LOCALLY CONFORMAL SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLDS shows that e (1.7 M 2-form on global non-degenerate is a a Hence (M,) defined up to a global factor. is an l.c.s, manifold. Therefore, the l.c.s, manifolds are natural phase spaces of Hamiltonlan dynamical systems, more general then the symplectic manifolds, and this is the announced motivation. . Finally, we indicate that the l.c.s, manifolds play an important role in the recent works of A. Lichnerowicz ]. In this paper, we do not intend to discuss problems of mechanics or physics, but some problems concerning the differential geometrical structure of the l.c.s, manifolds. . In Bectlon 2, we discuss infinitesimal automorphisms (i.a. of an l.c.s. structure X If there is an i.a. called of the first kind, and manifold [12] such that (X) O, the manifold has a particular form, while (M,) This happens necessarily if M Boothby-Wang We also deduce that a homogeneous l.c.s, manifold 9 8 is is homogeneous nonsymplectlc. In Section 3,we define regular l.c.s, manifolds, and give a corresponding fibration theorem (M,) becomes a 2-contact with an invariant i.a.X such that (X) # 0 is regular. In Section 4, we discuss compact homogeneous i.c.s, manifolds, and show a method for constructing such manl2 folds as T (torus)-bundles over compact homogeneous simply connected Hodge manifolds by applying the results of I0] for contact manifolds. We also apply the method of [I] in order to derive some reductivity results for Lie algebras of i.a. of l.c.s. structures In each section we also give various other related results. Most of the proofs are adaptations of corresponding proofs in symplectic and contact geometry. The paper closes with an Appendix where we give a Riemannlan analogon of the BoothbyWang fibration theorem. This text is a part of a series of lectures on Boothby-Wang fibration theorems given by the author at the Istituto Matematico del Politecnico dl Torino (Italy), under the invitation of the Italian Consigllo Nazlonale delle Rlcerche (C.N.R.). I should like to express here my thanks to the CNR of Italy and to my hosts in Torlno, particularly prof. F. Tricerri. 2. HAMILTONIAN FIELDS. INFINITESIMAL AUTOMORPHISMS. Let (M2n,) , be an l.c.s, manifold with the Lee form such that (i.i) holds Then, we also have the characteristic vector field A defined by (and d 0). i(A) --, and it is easy to get i(A) O, LAW LAn O, C (M) denote the associative one such function. As in Section i, has well defined associated cross e Then, the usual symlectc local fields given by Let 0 (2.1) C-fuctlons on M, and f M-IR be there is a well defined line bundle L on M, and f section of L iven by the local functions f HamItonian formalism [6] provides us with the algebra of fL Xf i(Xf) But (2.2) is equivalent to i(Xf) glue up to a global vector field df df Xf i(Xf) (2.2) f which shows that the local fields Xf defined by df f (2.3) I. VAISMAN 524 will be called the Hamiltonian vector field of f with respect to the 1.c.s. defines the dynamics of the local Hamiltonians fa as de-Clearly, form Xf Xf scribed in Section I. Using these fields, we define now the Poisson bracket {f,g PM)=(C(M), The last expression of (2.4) shows that M) vector fields of H (2.5) is the Lie algebra of the x(M) (where x(M) P(M) is a Lie algebra homomorphism. Xf f given by is a Lie algebra (called (. ,.}) [Xf,Xg] X{f,g} or, equivalently, the mapping (2.4) and that one has (M,)) the Poisson-Lie algebra of ea{f,g} -Xgf+f(Xg)= Xfg-g(Xf) (Xg,Xf) The following fact is rather interesting. Tlen H (M,) be Let PROPOSITION 2.1 (connected’.) a g.c.s. l.c.s, manifold that is .not is a monomorphism. By (2.3), PROOF. 0 Xf 0 df -fm means cannot be f and nowhere zero 0 for M would be g.c.s. Hence, let f(x o) (d/) ( # 0) on some open connected neighbourhood of x o 0 on that neighconst., and f O, whence f gives d(f) since otherwise m would be exact, and Xo 6 M and put 0 df -fm Then bourhood. neighbourhoods and x m/U.1 Un U I, such that n). is exact (i =i, REMARK. 0 Xf Therefore, to x one can build a chain of open connected x 6 M Now, for an arbitrary Xo x 6 U I U n Ui+I i n-l), # (i=l, propagates along this chain from 0 f Then 0. f implies 6 U This result is not true on g.c.s, manifolds. Furthermore, it follows from (2.3) that any Hamiltonian field satisfies Lxf (2.6) (Xf) is not an infinitesimal automorhence, generally and unlike in the symplectic case, by O, and form a defined are latter the phism (i.a.) of (M,). Of course, Xf bracket-Lie algebra of (2.1) and x(M). (2.3), Af We do have Xf 6 x(M) 0. Vector fields X iff m(Xf) such that 0 or, equivalently in view re(X) 0 will be called horizontal fields. Now, let us refer Lx=O then , to an arbitrary X 6 x(M). and, by (i.I), x(M), m(X)=const., m(Y)=const., and dm(X,Y)=O yield m([X,Y])=O. Hence, the application x(M) ]R defined by (X)=m(X) is a Lie algebra homomorphism for the commutative Lie algebra structure of JR. We call the Lee homomorphism of is the Lie algebra of the horizontal elements of X 6 LX=-O Then we have as well. The later condition implies m(X)=const. Particularly, if X,Y 6 x(M) x(M), with (X)#O will be called transversal i.a. the l.c.s, manifold M is of the first kind if it has second kind, and the Lee homomorphism is trivial. x(M). denoted The kernel ker xhr(M). The i.a. (t.i.a.), and we shall say that t.l.a. Otherwise, M is of the If m has vanishing points, M necessarily of the second kind. Hence, if M is of the first kind m is 0 everywhere, and, (M,) is of the has the Lee ), then (M,e if M is compact, M has a vanishing Euler-Poincar characteristic. If first kind, and f:M ->jR is a function such that df /Xo--(x -fn form 0-df with a vanishing point, and it is %... of the second kind. Clearly, if M is 525 LOCALLY CONFORMAL SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLDS sequence of Lie algebras is onto, and we have the following exact c: hor of the first kind 0 -+ IR Xp,(M) (M) X (2 7) O. about the l.c.s..anifolds It turns out tha we c. obtain much more information and call B the B E of the first kind. Indeed, let us fix an element has a unique decomposition basic t.i.a, of (M,f). Then, every Y 0-i(i) = f(M), (M) X Y + (Y)B, X E hor Xf (2 8) (M) (2.9) co A 0 dO fl 0 0 as i(B)dfl 4- di(B)fl LBf 0), and write down -i(B) fl (hence 0(B) for f namely expression This yields a particular Now, put 0 Furthermore, we have -i(B)(f- -i (B) di (B) f 0 =-LBi(B)fl (2. lO) 0 i(B)df) ’hence fin4 But then (2.9) and and rank dO < 2n n-1 (d0) ^0^ (2.11) 0 i(B)dO 0 4 yield (2.12) 0 This yields everywhere. 2n admits an l.c.s, structure of the first kind A manifold M O, rank dO < 2n, and (2.12) holds at iff it admits two l-fvrms ,0 such that d every point of M. PROOF. Above, we obtained ,0 from fi Conversely, if ,0 are given, PROPOSITION 2.2. (2.9) yields an (B) i define a unique vector field LB 0 LB0 Hence 0 Of course, (,0). with Lee form . 0(B) 0 0 B M l.c.s, structure and 0 B on i(B)d0 (2.13) (that also satisfies uniquely, but f -0) i(B) such that .E.D. is a (basic) t.i.a. define Then the equations does not define uniquely Note also that (A) 0(A) 0 I i(A)d0 define the characteristic vector field of it also preserves A. This means M (i(A) [B,A] O, (2.14) 0 ),and since exptB) preserves M and we obtain on the vertical 2 V foliation whose leaves are the orbits of a natural action of span {A,B} In the next Section, we shall use V in order to get more geometric information on M. In connection with the above discussion, we shall also make the following complementary considerations. Formula (2.6) proves that a Hamiltonian field is a conformal infinitesimal transformation(c.i.t.)of (M,). Generally, a vector field X of M is a c.i.t, if [Lf] LX aXf where by X x(M), is a function on M. The c.i.t, form a bracket Lie algebra to be denoted and if besides (2.15) one also has L[x,y] (2.15) Lyf ayfi it follows (Xay- Yax) The Hamiltonian fields form a Lie subalgebra (2.16) XHam(M) of c (M). Now, if X saris- I. VAISMAN 526 fies (2.15) then, by differentiating this condition and since LX n > 1 we get (2.17) dx, whence it follows that (X) + k aX If this (2.18) const. are the local symplectic forms of the l.c.s, structure. where iff it is an infinitesimal homothety of the forms c.i t re(X) (X) ([X,Y]) -k(k of (2.18)). aX -d(X,Y) If X,Y 6 (M), e It such that X is a C x(M) and we have /IR given by (2.16), it follows is also a Lie algebra homomorphism. hence the extended 0, Its kernel consists of fields fields, and we denote ker k X Hence C we can extend the Lee homomorphism to Furthermore, LX we see that (2.15) is equivalent to (2.15) is used in X k i.e., of locally Hamiltonian 0 XHam(M)XHam(M). is precisely the locally Hamil- tonian fields that should be interesting in mechanics. ly P.awiltonian and we shall say e x(M), we have the c c _+ 0 XHam (M) x(M) IR that -M has many c.i.t. field in for every Y -i(C) y Then, if (C) + ^ X y X (i), called a basic field which XHam (M) LC (2 20) i(C)d +di(C)=(C)fl+ ^ y if LX X we get Indeed, if LX X with X Whence we obtain (x) =x-- (x) =x (x) - C (2.21) (x) on (M,) (C) such that I, and -+efl X Hence the existence of many c.l.t, is a conformally invariant property. that there is a vector field i.e., is More precisely, let us note that the of (2.19) is conformally invariant. and aC see that an l.c.s, manifold with many c.i.t, a candidate of a manifold of the first kind. + dq0 dy ^ or equivalently Hence, by comparing with (2.9), we Lee homomorphism -i x(M) + (Y)C, dy we get (2.19) 0 C Y 6 we have 0 dy following exact sequence of Lie algebras C 6 If this happens, let us fix an element gives uniquely i.e., if there is a non-local- is nontrivial If the extended Lee homomorphism then + Xp Now, assume d[ei(C)] is a degenerate 2-form for some function 0 on M. Then Proposition 2.2 shows that is an l.c.s, manifold of the first kind. (M,e) (M,) Let hor (M,B) be an l.c.s, manifold of the first kind, and B a basic t.l.a. Let hor (M) whose automorphisms also preserve B i.e., be the Lie subalgebra of hor X 6 (M,B) iff (X) C(M) the subset of X X 0,Lx X 0,[X,B] O. On the other hand denote by C (M) that consists of functions that are foliate with respect O, and remember the ap0, Bf or, equivalently, satisfy Af plication H(f) Then, we can prove PROPOSITION 2.3. Let M be an l.c.s, manifold of the first kind which is not to the foliation Xf g.c.s. Then C(M) is a Poisson-Lie subalgebra P of P(M), and H sends iso- 527 LOCALLY CONFORMAL SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLDS PV morphically Xf E xr(M). O, Af since f E Let PROOF. hot XR (M,B). CV(M), and onto (2.22) reduces Now of and since B it is injective because of f -8(X) Bf 8(Xf) 0 (2.22) df- f implies (2.23) -f LXf8 C(M) to O, and because (M,B), and hor Xfl (2.23). O, re(X) (M,B) (which implies O), and define LX8 Then i(X) i(X)(d8 X implies Af 0 (X) 8 + 8(X) df f Furthermore, as in the remark following (2.6), Xf dS(B,X) (X) 8 + 8(X) 8)= i(X)d0 ^ d(8(X)) LX8 i.e., -8(Xf) df, which with (2.23) implies [Xf,B] O. Hence H sends hor X Conversely, let + i(Xf)d8 to we also have 0 Lxffl By (2.6) and the remark afterwards, Xf. Then, by (2.3) and (2.9)we get i(Xf)d8 which applied to H(f) O, and we also have (8)(B) X(8(B)) 8([B,X]) B(8(X)) B(8(X)), (Xf) (X) 0. Bf i.e., 0 -8([X,B]) Hence H 8([X,B]) X(8(B)) 0 is also a surjection for the sets of Proposition 2.3. (M,B) X{f,g}=X {f,g} Cv(M ). C (M) f g Finally, let hor and hor Xf Xg Xfl therefore H and, since by Proposition 2.1 (M,B). (M,) _ is homogeneous if it admits a transitive Lie group An PROPOSITION 2.4. of -preservlng Let (M,) be a homogeneous l.c.s, manifold which is not sym- Then it is necessarily a manifold of the first kind. plectic. PROOF. may G l.c.s, mani- (In Section 4, we shall give a rather general construction of such manifolds. # 0 g _O..E.D. diffeomorphisms. G X is inJective, we must have We close this Section by another simple but interesting result. fold [Xf Then be assumed connected as well. M everywhere, and leaves of this foliation, and let M Since is foliated by y E G X (a G. These elements have associated vector fields XlO...oex for some elements for at least one index p to COROLLARY 2.5. q. e Let such that exp p is not symplectic and homogeneous, 0 m y cannot send Then the homogeneity .roup Remember that all our manifolds are connected. since otherwise be points on different p,q y(p) q. k) 1 Then we may write of the Lie algebra X x(M), and we must have (Xa)O O, and acts along the leaves of y of it Q.E.. A semisimple Lie group G cannot act transitively on a nonsym- plectic l.c.s, manifold. PROOF. algebra g’ Indeed, if G is semisimple its Lie algebra g is equal to the derived But we know that any bracket of i.e. is horizontal. Hence g would consist only of horizontal fields, which contradicts Proposition 2.4. 3. REGULAR L.C.S. MANIFOLDS. In Section 2, we saw that an l.c.s, manifold of the first kind has important foliations Inspired by a corresponding theory of contact manifolds define the regular l.c.s, manifolds as l.c.s, manfolds M 8 ], we shall of the first kind for which 528 LOCALLY CONFORMAL SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLDS it is possible to choose a basic t.i.a. B such that the corresponding vertical foli] span t’A,B is simple (regular) and the corresponding space of leaves M/];N is ,] Ilausdorff differentiable manifold. Under these hypotheses, we may expect a fibration theorem, and, in fact, such a tl’orem was given for a more general structure ation [12], [9 Namely, let M 2n+s 1 consists of s 1-forms be a differentiable manifold. An s-contact structure on M s and one 2-form q of rank 2n such that i s A # 0 (everywhere) A n ^ uf dmU (a (3.11 u s), d const." u=l 0 u const, is a consequence of the other relations. n > 1, a If at least one of u the is nonzero, the structure will be called of nonzero type. s-contact If I/ where structure defines a decomposition TN C s given by 0} 0 m 0, and /-- {X/i(X)f C ml over, we have s (the horizontai bundle) is (the vertical bundle). Note- uniquely defined basic vertical vector fields E (u 1,..., s) u given by aUv i(Ev)mU I., 0 (u,v i(Ev) s) (3.2) This relations imply v mu i(Ev)dmU e LEv i([E u i(E )a (3.4) 0 i(Ev)LEut Ev])t LEui(Ev)t i([Eu,E v ]) L (3 3) 0 v E i(E )- i(Ev)LEu v u 0 (3.5) 0 whence [E ,E u v Hence 0 (u,v, M is a foliation of this foliation is simple, and s) 1 by the orbits of a natural action of N M/V is Hausdorff, we say that s-contact manifold, and the following result holds PROPOSITION 3.1. manifold, and p: T s Let M2n+s N2n (3.6) (M2n+s m u , [12], M s is a M. on If r 9 be a compact connected regular s-contact the corresponding submersion. Then p is a principal ’ (torus)-bundle, N is a symplectic manifold with the symplectic form such u p*’ and there are some constants c such that {cUreu} is a connection that p on with the curvature proportional to PROOF. ’ The regularity hypothesis implies the regularity of the foliations by the orbits of E for each u=l u Then, for each is a constant u=l,...,s, Cu # O, ,s, whence these orbits must be embedded circles [8 ]. inf{t/t > O, exp(tEu)(X)=X} Eu(X) theorem [13 applied to the pair the period function in view of Tanno’s (Eu,mU). Now, we see that the bracket con:nuting vector fields yield a free right acu s tion of T on M. Furthermore, let U be a cubical flat regular coordin- (i/cu)E s/ m.s ate neighbourhood for (M,V) with the coordinates a const, on the leaves of such that x Put P -1 where (u’) o bYh((xa), U’ M (t I ts)) is given by exp( o(x a) tl c E1)... I (x a,0). (xa,xu) (a i ,2n; u--i p(U), and define h:U U’ exp( Then ts Es)((xa)), s c h ,s) T s (3.7) is a diffeomorphism which LOCALLY CONFORMAL SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLDS gives a local trivialization for T such that the right action of p TS-component tiplication on the 529 s is right mul- This proves the principal bundle struc- in (3.7). All the other assertions of Proposition 3.1 are clean from (3.2), (3.3), ture of p. (3.4). Q.E.D. The following converse result is also clear. (N Let PROPOSITION 3 2 2n ’) be a symplectic manifold s (u) T -principal bundle endowed with a connection const.) (mu, p*,) Then is a regular such that and p: M u u d s-contact structure on N2n 2n+s a u * M. Now, by Proposition 2.2, an l.c.s, manifold M admits associated 2-contact 2 i O, a i, and conversely. Moreover, if M structures (m,0, dO) such that a is regular the associated 2-contact structure can be assumed regular, and we have M Let PROPOSITION 3 3 2n be a compact regular I c s manifold, and p: M2n-N 2n-2 be the corresponding submersion on the space of the leaves of a regular vertical foliation V fold N M. of connection M then Then p (m,0) T2-principal is a Conversely, if fibre bundle over the symplectic mani- is such a principal bundle, and it is endowed with a p O, d such that and N, projects to the symplectic form of dO is a regular l.c.s, manifold. In Proposition 3.3 provides a construction method for regular l.c.s, manifolds. fact, it is easy to understand that fibrations: first, we can project p M can be obtained as a composition of principal onto the manifold P B of the orbits of project P N onto by the Boothby-Wang fibration Particularly, the symplectic form of circle bundle. 8 cohomology class 8 which is again a principal N Conversely, the construction of P two steps: construct like in 8 and then M and Then this will be a flat principal circle bundle over a regular contact manifold. must represent an integral M will be realized in these as a flat principal circle bundle P over The results above are a straightforward generalization of the Boothby-Wang fibra- 8 tion theorem 7 Moreover, many of the other results of the basic paper can also be generalized straightforwardly to the present situation, and we shall indicate here this generalization PROPOSITION 3.4. of the automorphisms of PROOF. U Let M Let M acts transitively on 8 M. (M,V) be a cubical flat regular coordinate neighbourhood of like in the proof of Proposition 3.1. we see like in Then the group be a regular compact l.c.s, manifold. that G Let G be the automorphism group of acts transitively along the slices of m 0 M. in Then, U But it also acts transitively on slices by the translations of the corresponding parameter. Hence G acts transitively on U, and, because of connectedness, it also acts transitively on M .E.D. In 3 it is shown that, if M is a compact connected l.c.s., and m # 0 everywhere, then the group of its conformal transformations acts transitively on M. Furthermore, an s-contact manifold (M, ) is called homogeneous if M G/K, where G is a Lie group of s-contact automorphisms which acts transitively and effectively on M, and K is a closed subgroup of G Hence, V g E G, g u m u g (the second relation follows from the first in the nonzero type case). Then mu, , 530 I. VAI SMAN one has PROOF. The forms 8 which are ad K-invariant, and we shall look at the closed subgroup G on m H c G (H m K) defined by {h 6 G/(adh) H Then, if X K be a homogeneous s-contact manifold of ) is a regular s-contact manifold. u lift to corresponding left-invariant forms m M Then the nonzero type. mu, G/K, (M Let PROPOSITION 3.5. G, denotes the Lie algebra of (e Te G a generical element of G, ponding left invariant field of {X E h H of } k and G) is the unit of K, if we denote by of and by X the corres- we get: LXu / j (adh) m LX 0 O} Since everything in the above construction is left-invariant, if we use the definition X E h of the Lie derivative, we see that the conditions which define to (dU)e(X,Y)__ [Y_, _Z]) Y, Z are arbitrary elements of g, and where for some index L u, 0 tion is the first condition h e(X--’ O, {X g / e(X,Y) 0} (3.8) 0 we also used u Lx follows from (3.8), which 0 2n 8 0 # 0 a Since fle(X’Y) ], I.e., 0 dim k we get dim h H m K G Furthermore, it is known that for a triple d and the only remaining condi- is equivalent to and since rank are equivalent + s. as above there is a na- tural diagram of locally trivial fibrations G/K G o G/H (3.9) p where, particularly, 0 has the structure group H H/K. Now, if Eu are the basic vertical fields on E left-invariant lifts G/K, there are (non-unique) 0 i(Eu) which satisfy s-dimensional fibre so that E (e) are in u It is easy to deduce from this that the tangent distribution of the leaves of h on u G to and the G/K is precisely the vertical distribution of the fibration applying the Corollary on p. 28 of [14] and its basis is a covering manifold of REMARKS. (G/K)/g i) Just like in G/(H0. K), where is 8 G/H is the connected component of au same argument as for Corollary 2.5 shows that, if u, G V is simple i.e., a Hausdorff manifold. we can see that the space of the leaves H 0 proof of Proposition 3.5 also holds for all index But then, by p it follows that the foliation 0 G if a u 0 e in H. 2) The is semisimple but the holds for at least one cannot be semisimple. COROLLARY 3.6. invariant t.i.a. Let (M,) be a homogeneous l.c.s, manifold which admits an M is a regular l.c.s, manifold. Then The supplementary hypothesis is necessary in order to have a homogeneous associated 2-contact structure, and to apply to it Proposition 3.5. We notice that if (M,) is G/K, where G is a a homogeneous nonsymplectic l.c.s, manifold such that M group), then M must have an inthe proof of Proposition 2.4, there is an element X reductive Lie group (particularly, variant t.i.a. Indeed, as in G is a compact LOCALLY CONFORMAL SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLDS But then (2.7) yields an exact sequence of Lie algebras which generates a t.i.a. hor g 0 hor where __c --+m hor (3.10) 0 M which yield horizontal fields on consists of elements of is reductive since 531 has an ad reductive (compact) we shall say that .E.P. G-invariant complement. M and G If is (compact) type. is of the reductive COMPACT HOMOGENEOUS L.C.S. MANIFOLDS. 4. Like for the regularity property, we may expect to obtain information about corn- pact homogeneous l.c.s, manifolds from a discussion of compact honogeneous s-contact manifolds, and for the latter it is possible to extend in a rather straightforward manner the results established for contact manifolds in [I0 ]. G/K, (M Let mu, ) (here, and always be s-contact manifold of nonzero type. s T -principal bundle is a p ’ N Obviously, G geneity group G since V the vertical foliation _X 3.5, and there (N, ’) over the symplectic manifold with is also compact and symplectic homogeneous with the homo- M preserves the whole structure of (see Section 3 for notation). G ous symplectic manifold with group 6 g is regular by Proposition M Then N M p in the sequel) a compact homogeneous X N induced on PROPOSITION 4. i. The basis the field and, particularly, Now, recall that a homogene- homogeneous strongly symplectic if for every is N is a Hamiltonian field. N of the projection Then we have N M p above is homogeneous strongly symplectic. [I0 ]. PROOF. on N of M that are obviously (i/al)dm I mu (u X E g Consider LXMWl X p,XM N the basic vertical vector fields i Assume, for instance, a # 0, whence u G-invariant fields. (i()) LEuixMo i ml(XM) i([E u ,XM]) p*(iXN’) i X i X M i a I i()d ’ -(i/al)dfx N COROLLARY 4.2. i + - i(XM) i 0 on N. d(I(XM))= and shows that N The basis I ml u fx projects to a function we have which yields M on i,..., s) Then 1,..., s), and 0 X M and the induced fields (u and denote, as usual, by E XN of the projection Furthermore, since p,df x is a Hamiltonian field. p M N (.E.D. described at the beginning of this section is a simply connected compact homogeneous symplectlc mani- fold, and its symplectic form belongs to a Khler metric that is homothetical to a are zero. Hodge metric. The Betti numbers All this is gathered in Theorem I of [|0, p. 341] on the basis of results of b2h+l(N) Borel, Lichnerowicz and Milnor. The above results give us the structure of compact homogeneous s-contact manis folds of the nonzero type as T -principal bundles over special homogeneous symplectic manifolds. Conversely, we have PROPOSITION 4.3. Let p M 2n+s N 2n be a TS-principal bundle, where a compact simply connected homogeneous Hodge manifold with the Khler form Assume p has a connection (mU)(u i,..., s) such that dmU aUp,, N ’ 2n is where not 532 I. VAISMAN all a u 0 (M,m u Then PROOF. (mu That p*’) ) is a is a compact homogeneous s-contact manifold regular s-contact structure is known by Proposition The homogeneity of this structure will be proven like for the contact case in I0 I0 ]. Namely, by results of Montgomery and Lichnerowicz as quoted in we 3.2. G/K with N may assume G V X E g algebra) such that Poisson Y take the Lie algebra d(0(X) ks g x(M) IR g s (4. i) with the zero bracket in ]R S where XN u=l X s XN is the horizontal lift of S E aU E u u= I (O(X) op) N are the constants which appear in Proposition 4.3, I0, p. 347] shows that M. and define A A(x 0) is transitive on y[X Finally, we see again like in (4 2) u’ (mu), (-0(X) I0 that e U are the basic verticl u TxoM, v y im 10 G that if we decompose X(x0) is such that horizontal(v) N, the field P(X0) u u (V))u= L(X U (t u)) follows since the s-structure is of the nonzero type. the s-structure of E and s i G .) This implies the transitivity of v E we can see like in u G U Accordingly, there is a connected Ons u=l t u=l is a Lie algebra homomorphism and, therefore y (M). Lie group G of left transformations of M, and acts transitively M (l.e., V x 0 E M and v=horizontal(v) + E U(v) E and if X g which is possible since E Then, a computation similar to that is a finite dimensional Lie subalgebra of is such that s with respect to the connection vector fields of the s-contact structure of of a by (t u) y(X 0 one has i(XN)’ Now (N, ’) is g- P(N) (the Lie group, and a compact and semisimple Hamiltonian space, i.e., there is a Lie algebra homomorphism 0 0 L(X (tu)) and preserves This means that .E.. M From these results it follows: COROLLARY 4.4. Let (M,) be a compact homogeneous l.c.s, manifold which admits 2n T2-principal 2n-2, N an invariant t.i.a. Then M has a bundle structure p M where N is a simply connected compact homogeneous Hodge manifold. Conversely, every such bundle which is endowed with an adequate connection as in Proposition 43 is a compact homogeneous l.c.s, manifold. If M is as in the present Corollary, its first Betti number is bl(M) Here, only the last i. assertion has to be justified, and it follows by first con- M as a flat circle bundle over a contact manifold P, then fiberinK P over as a principal fibre bundle, and finally by applying twice the Gysin exact sequence theorem and using the fact that 0 sidering N bl(N) Now, let us consider again a homogeneous l.c.s, manifold (M hot be the Lie algebra of G and g the subalgebra of those X Accordingly, we have the exact say that field Xf M is trongly Hamiltonian l.c.s, homoseneous f g that let g m()--O. sequence (3.10). The symplectic case suggests us to hor if for every X X is the Hamiltonian g M 0 (see Section 2). hor if a Lie algebra homomorphism 0 P(M) g of a function G/K, ), of P(M) with Af Similarly, M is exists such that 533 LOCALLY CONFORMAL SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLDS A(im qO) 0 hOT X E g and X M one has a G-invariant t.i.a, then we have the Lie H -I restricted and algebr--a isomorphism hot X E g defined by X M H and it has g.c.s, is not _ of Proposition 2.3, yields a homomorphism showing is a Hamiltonian l.c.s. M that to fields M If Xq0(X G/K,) be a compact strongly homogeneous l.c.s, maniPROPOSITION 4.5. Let (M hoT is fold which is not g.c.s., and assume G is connected. Then the Lie algebra g hot semlsimple) if A 6 s e span {A} (s g, and g semisimple if A II] PROOF. hoT X 6 g Every Proposition 2.1, hoT Accordingly, we may define on g is unique. f i.. X,Y is oriented such that M where ,Y >+ <X, .... an ]M a reductive Lie algebra, and that hot the centre of g M f(X) f (Y) a (4.3) GhOr and g Indeed, a leaf of ghr-invariant, Ad hoT g etc. (4.4) and 0 m is semisimple, and s Ghr = G L 0 m expXlO...exp h’ XI ghor, G,g is such that, for instance, sends the leaf But then exp XI is is c whose Lie algebra of the foliation g(p), g q hot g and we conclude that where c s E g ,then, generally, the situation XI,... X2 ghor, X3 hor f(Y) + M acts transitively on every leaf p,q f L if we have [{f(Z), f (X)} =-In jM Now, let us note that there is a connected subgroup is an inner product n hot g Z and if 0 [Z,YI That is, the inner product (4.3) is hoT and in view of 0 Af Xf(X_) satisfies L L’, to a leaf exp X_2 X_u, X_v, X exp X preserves L" etc., and we also must have some 3 L. to leaf) other whatever L" (or from back us their bring that exponentials such Since any bracket of i.a. is horizontal, if we exchange in g the order of the exponentials such that X come next to X X this adds a factor in G hr 1 2 hr Then, exp XlOexp p X =exD X =exp X preserves L and is also in G There--u -v fore, eventually, we get some y such that y(p) q This clearly .E.D. implies that V p L and T L there is an element X E g hot such that P P sends L’ to L" ,X_v,X_w X2=ex Ghor-W p XM(P} Furthermore, let us look at the previous decomposition ghoT sider X c i.e., [X,Y] 0 for all Y ghot This implies {f (X), f(Y)} hence ment shows that i(XM) i.e., ---(,YM (i(XM))p (p) 0 Vp % M VSp TpM and A. and and con- c X{f(X), This equality together with the 0 %m for some function s 0 f(Y)} p--reviou--s argu- such that ..D. mp(p)=0, Let us note the following Corollary which, as a matter of fact, follows also from the proof of Proposition 4.3. COROLLARY 4.6. Let (M=G/K,) manifold with an invariant t.i.a.B. hoT g / can be also represented as g s @ 2 g g span {A}span {B} By Proposition 4.5 but not M is of the form span {A} follows. Then Consider the Lie algebra the Lie algebra of PROOF. be a compact homogeneous l.c.s, hor we have g and s__ s__ / g.c.s. where is a semisimple Lie algebra. @ span {A}, Clearly, hor g and the result I. VAISMAN 534 Another related result is G/K,) be a compact strongly homogeneous l.c.s, but g.c.s, manifold such that A doesn’t represent an element of g. Then M has COROLLARY 4.7. not (M Let transversal infinitesimal automorphism B PROOF. We know that the Lie algebra g is not semisimple, and, therefore, it hor is a commutative ideal of g must have a nonzero abelian ideal I. Then, I hor hor hor O. Hence g is semisimple, I and since, under the hypothesis, a G-invariant dim I i, and [X,B] is an ideal we have I [X,B] 0 and %B, V X 6 g and since (B) and Since i. [X,B] has to be horizontal, B is the requested i.a. But then g is a central element in B B B where I can be seen as generated by Q... RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS In the present paper, we used the Boothby-Wang fibration technique of 5. 8 in order to clarify the geometric structure of a regular l.c.s, manifold. This is an interesting technique, and we should like to indicate here a different application of it. Let This section is not on l.c.s, manifolds but on Riemannian manifolds. m M be a compact connected Riemannian manifold with the metric g Let us s m assume that there is given an action of the additive group IR on M by isometries of g all of whose orbits are s-dimensional. on M a foliation V Then, the orbits of this action define (called the vertical foliation) whose leaves are s-dimensional submanifolds tangent to some independent commuting vector fields provided by the natural basis of ]R s Clearly, we have u g E u (u 0 i,..., s) If V is a simple foliation whose space of leaves is Hausdorff, we say that the action of M s IR on is regular. A few more simple details about (M,g) and the action above will be needed. C be the horizontal distribution orthogonal to Then, we can define Namely, let the 2-tensor y(X,Y) g(pr C X, pr C Y) and the s 1-forms u u (E) V Since every vector field X /C 0 (u,v =1, s) (5.2) has a unique decomposition s X u V mU(x) X’ + Z E u= I X’ E C U we get S g(X,Y) Furthermore since pr C E u y(X,Y) + preserve Z u,v=l g g(Eu,Ev)mU(x)mV(Y) and (5.4) they also preserve C and commute with Hence eE Conversely, let (Mm,y,mu) y u (u=l v 0 O. (5.5) u s) be a differentiable manifold endowed with a positive semidefinite 2-covariant tensor y of rank m-s u Pfaff forms Then 0 defines a subbundle C of mu defines a subbundle Assume that the structure is and with s independent TM, and {X/i(X)y such that TM C O} and 535 LOCALLY CONFORMAL SYMPLECTIC MANIFOLDS E define vector fields in u V such the following relations hold E=o, u L vu V(E u) that E-- L assume that Furthermore, (5.6) O. u and use (4) in order to get a Riemannian metric Then, we may define we shall have admitting E u as Killing vector fields. Furthermore, 6uv g(Eu,Ev) (LEu mV)(Ew) (L 0 e uy)(Ev,X’ 0 _V([Eu ,Ev]) =-([Eu,Evl, X’) (X’ E ), Hence, if the structure (,, u) satis1,..., s / and (6) it provides M with a Riemannian structure, and an isetric fies s with s-dimensional orbits. action of 1t theore Now, we can formulate the folIowing Boothby-Wang type fibration Let (Mm,g) be a compact connected Riemannian manifold endowed whence [E ,E C ’IN 0 u,v for all PROPOSITION. with a regular isometric action of s with the associated structure Then, the projection above, and with the vertical foliation a TS(torus)-principal bundle endowed with a connection basis B y’ has a Riemannian metric submersion. 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