599 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 3 (1985) 599-614 STUDY OF NONLINEAR WAVE PROCESSES IN PLASMAS USING THE FORMALISM OF A SPECIAL LORENTZ TRANSFORMATION FOR A SPACE-INDEPENDENT FRAME S. N. PAUL* and B. CHAKRABORTY Department of Mathematics Jadavpur University Calcutta- 700032, India and L. DEBNATH Department of Idathematics University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida 32816 (Received ’ay 11, 1984 and in revised form December 7, 1984) A study is made of pot;linear waves in plasmas using the formalism of a special Lorentz transformation for a space-independent frame, S’. This special transformation is used to transform the space-time dependent equations in a cold, ABSTRACT. relativistic, magnetized plasma to the S’ frame. Then the transformed equations are employed to derive the expressions for the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian in the S’ frame. The Lagrengian and the llamiltonian for a strong circularly polarized laser beam have also been obtained in the S’ frame. The exact form of the nonlinear dispersion ’elation is derived for circularly polarized waves. Then the results for the frequency and the wave number shifts of these waves in a cold, magnetized relativistic plasma are obtained with some Discussion on the nature of the frequency shifts. Finally, numerical results are presented for the radiation of Nd-glass laser in dense plasmas. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Nonlinear waves in plasmas, relativistic plasma, Lorentz trans format ion 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 76 X 65. INTR0UCTION. Using a special Lorentz transformation (SLT), the space-time dependent variables of at, electromagnetic wave in a plasma in the laboratory frame, S become space independent in a moving frame, S’ when the latter frame moves with a relative V is the group velocity of the wave. Winkles and Eldridge [I] first velocity emplo)ed the SLT to obtain self-consistent solutions of the relativistic Vlasov- 1. c2/V, 600 S. N. PAUL, B. CHAKRABORTY AND L. DEBNATH Maxwell equations, and have shown that a pure transverse wave cannot exist, but the coupled longitudinal field does necessarily appear. They also obtained a nonllnear dispersion relation correct up to the squares of the field amplitude. Thus the Lorentz transformation (LT) is found to be very useful because of the fact tF.at it can transform a system of nonlinear partial differential equations for a plasma into a set of ordilary differential equations. everal eLthors including Clemmow [2-3], Chiap. and Clemmow [4], Kennal and Pellat [5], Shih [6], Decoster [7], Lee and Lerche [8-11], Clemmow and Harding [12] halve used the special Lorentz transformation to study nonlinear problems in plasma dynamics. On the other hand, Akhiezer and Polovin [13], Wong [14], Wong and Lojko [15] have employed sir.ilar transformation relations for the investigation of nonRecently, Paul and Chakraborty linear wave prepagation in relativistic plasmas. L16-17 developed the theory of transformations of nonlinear plasma equations, and xtended it tc yield the nonlinear precessional rotation of an elliptlcally polarized, electromagnetic wave in an unmagnetized, cold, collisiunless plasma in addition to the nonlinear shifts of wave parameters. The main purpose of the present work is to develop the work of Winkles and Eldridge [i] for the transformation of field variables from a laboratory inertial rame, S to the space independent frame, S’. Such a study is very useful for the investigation of several nor, linear effects in plasmas. In particular, the study of self-action effects including self-focusing, self-steepening, self-phase modulation, self-precession is expected to be simpler by using the transformation relations for the S’ frame for several reasons. First, some of the field variables become either constant or zero. For instance, the number density of electrons and the scalar potential become constant, and the oscillation of the magnetic field vanishes. Second, some nonlinedr terms, which appear in the S frame, vanish in the S’ frame. Consequently, tt, nonlinear terms are fewer in number in the S’ frame than in the S frame. Notivated by the above discussions, we shall use the special Lorentz transformation to transform the space-time dependent equations in a cold, relativistic, magnetized plasma to the S’ frame. These transformed equations are then employed to derive the expressions for the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian for a strong circularly polarized laser beam in the S’ frame. The exact expression for the nonlinear dispersion relation is derived for circularly polarized waves. Then the results for the frequency and the wave number shifts of the waves in a cold, magnetized relativistic plasma are obtained. Some attention is given tu the nature of the frequency shift for different intensities of the wave and the static magnetic field. Finally, some numerical results for the radiation of Nd-glass laser in dense plasmas are presented. BASIC EQUATIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS. We make the following assumptions" (i) The plasma is cold, homogeneous and stationary, and is subject to a strong 2 watts/cm resulting in electron velocity radiation with intensity less than 2. 3x1022 NONLINEAR WAVE PROCESSES IN PLASMAS USING LORENTZ TRANSFORMATION 601 becoming relativistic. The icn motion is negligibly small in comparison with the electron motion. (ii) The forces due to other sources including gravitational and ponderomotive forces are also negligible. With these assumptions, the basic equations of plasma in the S-frame are given by e [D + -eE_ _v.(Nv_) (v_.v_)j DN + v_ x !xH_: , 2 moY_V (I y (2.1) (2.2) -D H_ (2.3) 4e(Nv) -D _E- (2.4) E_ 4e v.H D H_) 0 _v.E_ where E (v_ (N-Ni) (2.5) 0 (2.6) _= (2.7abc) c d,d N are the umber densities of ions and electrons, m and N and -e are the rest ,ss and charge of an electron, and other parameters have their usual meanings. 3. SPACE-INDEPENDENT FRAME AND TRANSFORMATION OF GUANTITIES lO IT. The Lorentz transfornmtion from the S-frame to the S’-frame moving with a V relative velocity (t’ + t where y (-B 2 1/2’ o) parallel to the z-axis is given by - VoZ’/C2)o (z’ + z Vot’)Yo, x Vo 6o x’ y y’ (3.1) (3.2ab) We follow Decoster [7] to obtain and find from the relations Bo (3.1) that Yo t’ z z’ o oo sinh Vo z cosh o + -sinh Vo cosh o + ct’ sinh o cosh t tanh (3.3) Vo’ (3.4abc) x ’, y y’ It is obvious that v o is the hyperbolic angle for the S’-system relative to the S-system. The reverse transformation from S’ to S is obtained by changing the sign of V o or Vo’ that is, o h o t’ t co sh z’ z x’ x,y =y cos, z s inh o ct s inh ’o (3.5abc) S.N. PAUL, B. CHAKRABORTY AND L. DEBNATH 602 These relations show that the wave phase ( cosh o o)t -(k cosh /k c2/Vo o (3 6) c sinh o)Z’ where k and are the constant wave number and wave frequency respectively of an electromagnetic wave. Followir, g Winkles and Eldridge [1] we consider the transformation from S to S’ at the velocity V o kc2/ to obtain the phase velocity t-kz kc sinh V (3.7) Then (3.6) reduces to t (1-Bo)2 kz t’ (3.8) This transformation enables us to change the field variables from the spac-time aependent S frame to the space-independe,t S’-frame of primed variables. It is to be noted here that for transverse waves, the phase velocity V( Ik) > c and so V 0 < c Therefore the velocity of S’ relative io S is not unphysical. Feplacing t’ by T we can write T t Vz z kz c2 (1-o)1/2 2 Xo 1/(1- (3.9ab) v ._T_T Yo @t v (1-V-E){ IYo 2 c2 -2) 1/( I- Vo T) c (3.10ab) 2 t c (1--) V" kz 8 at- o T (3.1lab) Yo 8 -F ’ [18] considered a linear transfomtion rule (3.12ab) T t kz, V u/k, for some effect collision to solve the plasma equations (2.1) to (2.6) neglecting c V nonlinear problems. Boyd and Sandersen [19] considered the special value, Akhiezer et l. for some investigations. The transformation of some field variables from the S-frame to the S’-frame is 9iven by z cosh v o + v sinh cosh + v z sinh vx Vx/o(l’ + BoV/C) (cv’)/(Cx Vy Vy/Yo(l+BoV/C) (cv)/(c o o o z’ BoC)/(l+^v/c)u c(V’z cosh o + c sinh o)/(c cosh o + Vz Ex Yo (E’x + BoH)) E’x cosh o + H’y sinh o sinh o [y o ([’y go ’)x [’y cosh o v z Hx H y Hz (v + goEy’) (H’x cosh o E’y snh o Yo(H’y + BoE ) H’y cosh o + E’x sinh o Yo (H’x H’z (3.13abc) sinh o (3 14abc) (3.15abc) NONLINEAR WAVE PROCESSES IN PLASMAS USING LORENTZ TRANSFORMATION 603 The transformation of ,ass is m’Yo(1 + oVz/C) m (3.16) as may be seen from Hughes and Young [20, pi8-19] where m o (but not rest mass. The momentum colr, ponents are transformed into the form Px mVx m’o (I+BoV/C) v’z sinh (c cosh $ o is the P’ m"’ Vx o m) (3.17abc) Pz mVz m Yo(1BoV’z/C) c(v’z cosh (:. Eosh sinh o+ + c sinh Vo o v p, + z Yo m 0 Yo (P + Defining now the momentum like quantities q and q’ as c2 + q q’ c2 + moVoY’) CBoY (m where have V’ p2)1/2, (m p,2)1/2 mc (l-V’2/c 2) ’2 mV moC22 (l-V’2/c 2) q,2 40 (3.18ab) 2 + m’ 2c 2 (3.19) is the velocity of the S’-/rame relative to the rest system Pz P’z cosh o + q’ q sinh o SO So we (3.20) m’YoC(l+BoVz/C) m Yo(C + BoV z) + sinh v yo(q + P’B o z o) q’ cosh o P mc If t, N’, N o are the symbols for the number density in the three systems respectively, then again following Hughes and Young [20] we get N’ No/(l-V’/c) S, S’, S O (3.22) so we can write moN’ moNo/(1-V’C/c)1/2 n,’ N (3.23) o Similarly, we can also write moN I’ N m’ m’c m mc A_ and Yo(Az+o A’z ’ o ’ Vo A’z q’ q is vector potential and form a four vector (_A we can write and potential), / cosh sinh Az sinh cosh + yo(BoA’z + Since (3.24) m NO o’ A_+/- (3.25) is the scalar +/- o (3.26ab) o -o by The reverse transformation is obtained by replacing Equation (3.21) gives (3.27) constant N o N’ sech V’ as and (3.25) cdn be written (3.28) sinh (T’-v)} N O q cosh ’/{q cosh N N’q/q’ Here ? is the hyperbolic angle for the S-system relative to the S O frame and v’ is the same for the S’ system. Therefore, in the S-system, the number density is not cor, stant, and the electron ar.d ion densities are not necessarily equal. (v’-v)-Pz S.N. PAUL, B. CHAKRABORTY AND L. DEBNATH 604 TRANSFORMATION CF FIELD EQUATIONS TO THE SPACE INDEPENDENT FRAME Using the transformation relations of section 3, we obtain from (2.1) for the x-component aP’ v’ aP’x 4. Yo (- v1 Tt- YoV-Vo + (o-)’ (rt)/v(+o’/) -eYo(E+BoH) + (e/c) (V’z+Vo )Yo(H+oE’)/(l+oV’z/C)x -v’H’yz/YoC( l+BoV z’/c) }’ e V’y BYo-l)v l)V’}z eH>,{Vo(Yo-I)+( Bo c E x’ YoV-Vo+(Yo. H’z + B’o oC +oV z"/ C) c c(I+B o v’/C)z v.’/’c This equation can be simplified to the form Px aT Y eE’x _ V o (Y-l) c-YoV-Vo Yo {YoV Vo+(Yo -l)v} eV v’ H’ z ,} YoC{ynV_ -Vo+(y o 1)v z DT x eE + YoV-Vo’) (4.2) P’y becomes Similarly from (2 1) the equation for _Oi (4.1) Vo(Yo_l) Yo {YoV-Vo+(Yo 1)v} eV v’x H’z + (4.3) YoC{YoV_Vo+(Yo_ l)V,z} Now the equation for P’Z obtained from (2 I) is aP mV@Y’ @--+ eV{Ez + Bo(B"E’) + (.B’xH’)z -,} Yo{Yo V Vo + (Yo 1)z where v_’ y’3(B_’--v’2 3/2 (_ )(v_,. aB-T 1/2(1 __) c c p/(p2_ + m2oC2)1/2, d p2 + m2oc2 mc2y2, we obtain )Y’ Since B (4.4) (4.5) ar, aB_ -T aP. P_(_P.aP_/aT) moC, T (4.6) m-3oC2,3 Therefore, P’(P’.aP_’/aT) (P’-aP’/T) aB’ (’" @--)- (moC )4 (moC Y, )2 1 moc2 2y,’4 (P_- ---) (4.7) Hence aP’ V aP’ + Multiplying (4 2) by after simplification moC2Y’ P’x’ (p’ 3-) + (B’xH’) z} Ez + V o("E’) + Yo{Yo Vo (o l)Vz} eV{ (4.8) (4 3) by P’y and (4.8) by P’z and then adding, we get NONLINEAR WAVE PROCESSES IN PLASMAS USING LORENTZ TRANSFORMATION eV(PE + P’E’yY)(Yo(Yo v Vo) + Vz’(Yo2 Yo Yo (v + Vz’l{YoV Vo + (Yo "llVz} eVP’E’ z z V o + (Yo Xo{Yo V eV + 605 1)} )v} 2 + 4 V) + 2(-P’xH- )z ’v’(V Yo VYo3(yoV_ Vo)} YoVo z 3 oc(v+ v’z)(Yov-vo ){Yo v-vo+ (Yo- )V’z} eV(P’xv’_ )zHz Vo + CXo{oV Therefore, the equation for P’z eVE’z aP’z v @T yo{Yo V + (YG (Yo (4.9) 1)Vz} becomes I) 0 V z} + Vz(V(Yo2 + F"E’){V(yVy Vo) YoVo e(P’E’x.Lx Y + V moYoY Vo(’V Vz){YoV eVP’E’ z z 3 moYoY’Vo{YoV V o + Yo + _)v’} +-(Yo o 1) 1) v z’} (Yo )zV2{Vz(V + Vy o6 oYo5 5 e(P_’xH_ + 4 yo(YoVo Vo)2 moYoY ,Vo(V ’)(Yo v Vo){YoV Vo (Yo 1)v} eVVo(P’xv’) H’ moC3Y oY’{Yov Vo (Yo 1)Vz} c Vo )} + + v z (4.zo) The equation of continuity (2.2) assumes the form Yo YoF(E’) c( ,N’y V-- B--y y + o 60B z’’)} (I + 0 It can be written as N’ (I B Yo ] So (4.12) O. (4.13) N o, where N O is a constant. And so, N’ obtained from (2 3) is given by Equation for H’ X 1@ iB V B-T(Ey oHx -T(Hx So E’y) (4.14) It can he written as So So)H’x So, And the equation for H, oV ___) r Hence, The x-component of equation (2.4) H’ Y is (4.16) constant obtained from equation @-rL E,X( (4.15) 0 + H,(B y constant (2.3), is given by V -)] =0 (4.17) (4.18) S. N. PAUL, B. CHAKRABORTY AND L. DEBNATH 606 2 2 YO V’- ) YO B-r(Hy BoEr) + ) 4eN o v’x @E’x Or 4eNov, -T(Ex + BoHy) + cYo(1 + XoB) (4.19) (4.20) yo (I’ + oBz Similarly, the y- and z-components of equation (2.4) become 4eN ov (4.21) ’o (1 + BoB z aT and BE’ vz 4eNo(V’ V o) Yo + ,oz go z) in powers / B-T- (4.22) 0 when Since v z of gz We shall now expand I/(I + -V o + to avoid a physical impossibility, lherefore, -v o, we put v z 6v Yo(l + 2 6Vz 2 yo(-VYo[l .BoBz 46v2_ + yo--/ ... (4 23) So, the veioc! ty components become v2 yo4(T 2 Vyyo[1 Yo2(T + y(T 2;v’ VxYo[l Yo(Tz vx Vy + ...] (4.24) ...] (4.25) 6v, 2 -) + 4 yO(-V yo(--V-) 2 Z Vz YO2-v,[1 ...] (4.26) where v’x and v’y are the first order velocity components in the directions paral6 v’ is the second order velocity component along lel to OX and OY respectively z -OZ in the S’-frame. The continuity equation (2.2) gives N 6N’ and so where No/( Yo6V z2’/V) oYoVz/V N O + 6N’ (4.27) (4.28) v are neglected. Therefore, equations (4.20)-(4.22) for the electric field components become N o is a constant, and higher powers of BEx -T 4e Yo . (No + (I + aT 2 N’ )v x BoB z) 2 Yom op e Yomoe e (4.29) vx (4 30) v’y BE YmP 6 Vz e @r (4Noe2/mo)1/2, (4 31) where being the electron plasma frequency. Again from the transfornwtion relations (3.14abc) and (3.15abc), neglecting the transverse magnetic field components in the S’-frame, we obtain from the transfermation relations =p Ex Hx =p YoE, Ey yo E’y’ E z E’z -YoBoE, Hy -YoBoE, H z (4.32abc) Hz Ho (4.33abc) 607 NONLINEAR WAVE PROCESSES IN PLASMAS USING LORENTZ TRNASFORMATION THE LAC-RANGIAN AND HAMILTONIAN IN THE SPACE-INDEPENDENT FRAME Following Lcndau and Lifshitz [21], the expressions for the Lagrangian and 5. Hamiltonian in plasmas in the laboratory frame are given by -No[moC2(i .,,,1/2 c I: aF, d (A_ v_) eel + NoV-[ moV-2 ’ where th(. ector + e e H. 8 (5.1) (5.2) A_] -) ( scalar potentials A and H curl A E respectively are defined by (5.3) v_ (5.4) -t" (5.5) + c at div. p E2 + A_ The Lorentz gauge condition (5.5), when transformed to the space-independent frame, ives 2 2 YOv sT (A’z YOc aT (’ o ’) + oAz’) + (5.6) $I z cancel from both sides, and since a constant potenti is neglected here, it turns out that Si,ce the ter,ts contai,ing ’ -- - (5.7) O. lherefore, in the c’-frame., the Lagrangitn and the Hamiltonian are found to be 2 4 2 Z + Yo 5v’ + Yo sv’ 2 2 z z :-No[moC2{1- c(V+v-+ :’Vz,2)(1 2 -Y +VYo 5v’z +eYo(1 6v z 2 +eYoSoAz]’ + Yc (I Yo No[moC2{! c--(v+v_ 2 ){ + E ,2 2)(E+ E B0 z Yo oVz’2)(I 2 + where av (i 5v’z 2 2 o)(E+E_) A.. A’x iAy’ E+_ E iE’y, v V’x iV’y. For a circularly polarized laser beam, we put [x a cos e, E’y a sin o, E’z +/- + 2 YoAz5Vz + (5 8) 4 Yo + 2 o - 1(A+v_+ A_v+) 2 2 H’ V 4 2 E z,2 0 + eYoBo A’]z (5 9) (5.10abc) where a is the constant amplitude of the wave and o +’T the subscripts + and signs indicate tle left and right circular polarized components respectively. In ae-+io and the solution of the plasma field equations (3.1abcd)this case, (3.9ab) is exact. For a circularly polarized wave (5.8) and (5.9) reduce to 2 2 2 + (5.11) (I Z’ T 2 4 pmoC p E+ -No[moC2(1 e2a2 e2a +----] mo ya2 c S.N. PAUL, B. CHAKRABORTY AND L. DEBNATH 608 2 a2 2 "1/2 e2a2 No[moC2(1 mpmoC 4 2 ") ] N’ Yo (I ’8 c2 (5.12) V--) lhe results for the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian in the laboratory inertial frame are in (5.11) and (5.12), where to obtained simply by changing 2 2 2 2) +/-/Yo o I(+/- k2+/-c 6. NONLINEAR DISPERSION RELATION For a purely transverse circularly polarized wave, E.+_ a exp(+/-iB) and E z O. Following the method of averaged Lagrangian developed by Whitham [22-25] and exterlded by Dysthe [26], Das and Sihi [27-29] and others, the Lagrangian derived in this section can be used for finding the nonlinear effects including the shifts of wave parameter in the space-independent frame and then in the laboratory frame with the help of the transformation relations in Section 3. (6.1) So, we have Pz’ O, V’z _Vo + 6Vz (6.2) -V From (4.1, (4.3), (2.7abc), (3.13abc), and (3.17abc), we obtain P -eE ieVv+/-H o -+ X3oC(V 2 Yomomp v e E P_ moV_/[1 + c v’x v+ (6.3) V O) (6.4) (v;- v’)] (6.5) c2 iv’y’ and a dot denotes the (eriative P’x iP’y’ E’ E’x + iE’, where P+/Y with respect to time. Using (6.1) in (6.3) to (6.5), the nonlinear dispersion relation for the left and right circular polarization components in the space-independent frame can be obta ned V o =’+/+_,2 +/(6.6) 0 [I o 2p 1/24 e2a22] pmoC Y(V V) 2 2 where Replacing laboratory frame becomes eHo/moC. ’+ by +/yo, the dispersion relation (6.6) in the o. c6.7) 2 m4m p oc In the absence of magnetic field, (6.7) becomes where o is the m2 k2c2 m2(1 + 2)o p dimensionless amplitude parameter ea/momC. (6 8) It is to be mentioned NONLINEAR WAVE PROCESSES IN PLASMAS USING LORENTZ TRANSFORMATION 609 that (6.8) is identical to the results of Paul and Chakraborty [16-17]. Expanding the right-hand side of (6 8) in power of and retaining only +he first two terms 0 of binomial expansion we obtain the results of Arons and Max [30] if their symbols are adopted. 2 FREQUENCY AND WAVE NUMBER SHIFT OF AN ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE Nonlirearity in plasmas produces many interesting results in the medium and on the waves. Electromagnetic wave would have shifts in the wave parameters (wave number and frequency) as a result of nonlinear interactions in plasmas [31-41]. We shall derive here the expressions for the shifts of frequency and wave number of a circularly polarized wave propagating through a cold, magnetized relativistic plasma. (a) Frequency Shifts: For the temporal evolution problem, we can write 7. k+ + o and k (7.1) + 6 are the increments of frequencies of the left and right circular polarTherefore, neglecting higher powers of 6m+, we find that frequency shifts of the two polarization components are where 6m ization components of the wave. o I 2 m- i m11+ P + j (7.2) P where m+_02- k2c 2. (7.3) (b) Wave number shifts: In the spatial evolution problem, we write + m, o + k+ k+ (7.4) 6k+ ak+ are the increments of wave numbers of the left and right circular polarization components of the wave. Therefore, neglecting higher powers of 6k/; the where expressions for the wave number shift of the two polarization components can be derived as 2 m2 k+ + o m m-m2 P a 2 2] o (7.5) P where 2 o2 2 k _* c (7.6) DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS From (7.2) and(7.5) it is observed that the intensity of the wave and static magnetic field have important roles to create the shifts of the wave parameters. It 8. 610 S.N. PAUL, B. CHAKRABORTY AND L. DEBNATH is seen that {i) when kc and m o the LCP components of the wave do have a frequency shift when its intensity a f but the fFequency shifts of the RCP components exist only when a is greater or less than m and (ii) when m > kc and m p the frequency shift of LCP W e components becoane nonzero when buz the RCP components always have f (o frequency shifts for all possible values of The nature of the frequency shifts o RCP and LCF components of the electromagnetic wave can be well understood from Table and Figures I-3. m > v (n2/m2), /(.p/)x (/2- 2)1/2 /)1/2 Frequency shift of the LCP component V.S. Intensity of the wav when > kc and o)" Fig. . component Frequency shift of the V.S. Intensity ef the (when kc Fig. 2 > and RCP Yve o). Frequency shift of the LCP Fig. 3 component V.S. Intensity of the wave (whenm > kc and 9. NUMERICA[ ESTIMATION For the radiations of Nd-glass laser having wave length 1.06 um, frequency 1.78 x c/s, Power watts/cm 2 (which is less than the threshold power generate self-action effects) passing through a dense plasma (N the o frequepcy shift of LCP components 1.01 x c/s and that of RCP components -8.6 x when i.e Ho gauss Under the situation m the frequency shift of the LCP and RCP compoP’ nents become 4.42 x c/s and 4.31 x 10 12 c/s respectively when Ho gauss. For magnetic field gauss, the frequency shift of the LCP and RCP components become 3.48 x c/s and 5.22 x c/s respectively. 1015 1016 1015 I014c/s !020/c.c.), 108 1012 106 1012 105 !012 NONLINEAR WAVE PROCESSES IN PLASMAS USING LORENTZ TRANSFORMATION 611 O 0 3 CLOSING REMARKS Transformation of field variables from the laboratory frame to the spaceindependent frame is applicable only for a single electromagnetic wave because the condition required for this transformation, i.e., V kc/ c is not satiso fied for two or more waves interacting in plasma. To derive the results for the shifts of wave parameters with the help of special Lorentz transfor.ation, field variables should be transformed to the space10. 2IV S.N. PAUL, B. CHAKRABORTY AND L. DEBNATH 612 independent frdme at the beginning, and then one should proceed with the calculatior,. If equations are solved in the laboratory frame before transforming them to the space independent frame and transformations are used only in the subsequent steps, correct results would not appear in the space-independent frame. 11. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work was partil!y supported by the University of Central Florida. REFERENCES I] Winkles, B.B. and Eldridge, 0., Self-ccnsistent electromagnetic wave in elativistic Vlasov plasma, Phys Fluids i__5 (1972) 1790-1800. 2] Clemmow, P.C., Nonlinear waves in a cold plasma of Lorentz transformation, J. Plasma Phys. 12 (1974) 297-317. 3] Clemmow, P.C., Nonlinear superluminous, periodic waves in a plasma with magnetic field, J. Plasma Phys. 17 (1977) 301-316. 4] Chian, A.C.L. and Clemmow, P.C., Nonlinear periodic waves quantitative analysis, J. Plasma Ph,vs 14, (1975) 505-527. in a cold plasma" a 5] Kennal, C.F. and Pellat, R., Relativistic nonlinear plasma waves, in a magnetic field, J. Plasma Phys. 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