Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 2 (1985) 325-344 325 ANALYTIC REPRESENTATION OF THE DISTRIBUTIONAL FINITE HANKEL TRANSFORM O. P. SINGH Uepa r tmen t of Ma thema t cs Banaras Hindu University Vararasi 221005, India and RAM S. PATHAK Department of Mathemat Faculty of Science King Saud University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (Received April 30, 1983) ABSIRACT. Var!ous representations of finite Hankel transforFs of generalized functions :re obtainec. One of the represe,tations is shown to be the limit of a certain fami|y of regular generalized functions and ths limit is interpreted as a process of truncation for the generalized functions (distributions). An inversion thcurem for the: 5ereralized finite Hankel transform is established (in the Oistributional se,se) which gives a Fourier-Bessel set ies Fepresentat ion of generalized functions. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Hankel tranc’ons spaaes, Fnite ila,kel t.ransform. o’ 9e,.eraized functions, 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. Tec’t ’unctiw,, 46F12, 44A20, 44A15. INTRODUCTION. Zemanan [1] extended Hankel transformations to the distribution space H’. H’ is the dual of the space of testing functions H defined as follows" for each real I. number u, H y ,.u (@) -m,...._ let { sup (0,-) Ixm ( m is smooth on (x -I D) k [x --} (x)] (0,-) and < for each m k satisfies 0 2 (1.1) (I 1) o<x<o= consists of certain distrbutions of slow growth. Then later [2] he obtained a more general result by removing the restriction on the slow growth of the distributions. He defined the Hankel transformation of a distribution of rapid growth in the space is the dual of the strict inductive limit of the testing Hu B’.p B’ B, O. P. SINGH AND R. S. PATHAK 326 Bp, b tends to infinity through a function spaces b (defined in section 2) as of numbers. positive monotonically increasing sequence are identically zero after We take advantage of the fact that functions in b b, to define the finite Hankel transformation for the generalized functions in its We find that for dual B’,b This is done by generalizing Parseval’s equation > B’u,b isomorphically onto the the finite Hankel transform / p maps The aim of the present (defined in section 3) generalized function space Y’ Bp, - p=per is to obtain various representations of the generalized functions in Y’u,b and to find an invesion formula for the generalized finite Hanke] transform which also gives another representation of the members of B’h,b as a Fourier-Bessel series. We follow the notation and terminology of Schwartz [3] and Zemanidn [4,5]. Here deotes the open interval (0,). The letters x,y,t and w are used as real th derivative of an ordinary or generalized function f(x) is variab1s on I. The k k D (though the symbol D Xk f(x) is also used) f(x) usually denoted by denotes the space of smooth functions that have compact support on I. The topolog9 of D(!) is that which makes its dual the space D’(1) of Schwartz’s distributiu,s [3, vol. I, p.65]. TESTING FUNCTION SPACZS g ,b AND Y ,b" 2. Let b > 0 be a fixed arbitrary real number. Then for u c R, where R is he nez of re] numbers, we define B z(x) is smooth (x) : 0 for x { !(x -I D) k Ix -u-; q(x)]l sup o<x<. , for each k b and 0,1,2 satisfies ( I)} (2.1) B ,b is a linear space to hich we assign the topology generated by the countable set is a sequentially complete countably multi-normed space [2]. of seminorms Yk" O, the finite Harkel transform of a testing function Classically, for u + in b is defined as [u,b B, @(:L n o I b (x) vn x J ( n x)dx n=1,2,3 (2 2a) J der.otes the Bes3el function of the first kind of order h and n (bz)= 0 (arranged in ascending order of are positive roots of can be extended to the analytic function of the complex However @, where as usual (n 1,2,3 magnitude). variable z J yiw by .. (z) f (x) j (xzdx. (2.2) (z) is ar analytic function on the finite z-plane except for a branch at z 0 [4, p. 145 Henceforth, the finite Hankel transform of a testing function in shall be defined as the na]ytic function @(z) given in (2.2) and denoted by / For a given real number b 0 Y is the space of functions (z) which satisfy: is an even entire function of z and for each non-negative integer k, the quantity Note that point B,b z--(z) DISTRIBUTIONAL FINITE HANKEL TRANSFORM u b,k () e-blwl z 2k-(+1/2) sup z 327 (z)l (2.3) ),k Y u,b is the one generated by using the The topology of is a sequentially complete countably normed as seminorms. Y 0,1,2, space. For further properties el these spaces one can look into Zemanian [4, 2]. For a given testing function @ in Y u,b’ consider the function finite. is k Then for -, t, - f (y),’ Zemdnian >- d Ip h, [@]. (xy)dy (2.4) [2, Theorem I] has proved" onto Y ,b" is an isomorphism from B },b shall Here isomorphism means topological isomorphism. Henceforth, the symbol b used to denote a testing function in Y u,b whose pre-image is a testig function For Theerem 2 in B, ,b" , h i, Y the classical inverse of the finite Hdnkel transform For a given (2.2a’ is a Fourier-Besse] series of the form, [6,7] 2 n=1 b Since ’ J(x)n (x/x n) j2 t +1 (bAn) . ,(x n" (2.5) satisfies (2.3), we have 0,1,2 k ],2,3 n 2k-(+1/2) n 2 is smooth and bounded on is cc.nstant. Also where 0 Consequently, the Fourier-Bessel series (2.5) converges for nx O. Let us write absolutely ano uniformly in x for all x Ak , (x/n)} [Ju(XAn)/Jh+1(bAn)] -. Y(x) 2 Ju(x>. n (x/) n j2 (b,kn) +1 Z n= (,) n then l(x ib)k x --I /(x)l =2 E n =I (>n J+k(XXn 2k+p(xX)--k n n +l(bn) xn (X n (2.6) (XXn)--kJ s smooth and +k x it follows that the right-hand side of (2.6) for bounded on (0,=) 0,1,2 Hence converges absolutely and uniformly fcr all x 0 and for every k 0,1,2 the left-hand side is continuous and bounded on 0 for each x Since is of rapid descent as _> -, and Xn Hence P(T) Moreover, (x ID)k(x -1/2(x)) x h k 1/2Lake X 0 2 + akl D.. X 2k-i k + + a kk D --], X d where the aki denote constants dr, C D d" So we see that the Fourier-Bessel series defines an infinitely differentiable function (x) satisfying for 0 each k 2 But b may not be zero for x may not be in B u,b as (’) But (x) lira t-,o+ (x)(x) c B ,b’ O. P. SINGH AND R. S. PATHAK 328 (x) where 0 for e is defined as" b/4, E(x/2), 0 I, 2 x (x): I-E (x-b+2 ), 2c b O, x x < _ 2 2 b-2 x < b, (2.7) b, .>_ and u o I exp(i/x(x-1))dx E(u) (2.8) oI1exp(I/x(x-1))dx Note that x (x) is a multiplier in we have @ s B u ) yk( e Now pick X such that 0 sup x < k (nk) Yn z n=o X < 2. _< B ,b I(x-ID) m A (xl -ZDJ n, c (x)l 0 for each (@)sup l(x -1 D) kO<x<b < < b/4 since for any n;e(X) Then (R), X<x<b and sup l(x o<x<X where A is a constant. So we see that ( ) It is easy to see that y< im+ 0 <- A sup o<x<X Also E (x)(x) 42 )]I l(x-1D)m-l[x- lexP(x(2_x , (x) is smooth on (x) for any (0,). in Hence }, B ,b" B ,b" GENERALIZED FUNCTION SPACES B’ AND YI,b" ,b The spaces B’,b and Y’,b are the dual spaces of B ,b and Y ,b respectively. We shall use only the weak topology of B’,b’ that is the topology assigned to it by the seminorms p B’u,b" l<f,> b, f 3. B, (f) B ,b is a sequentially complete countably normed space, B’ is also ,b sequentially complete [4, Theorem 1.83]. Similarly, we equip with the weak topology generated by the seminorms (F) Y’,b" b’ F Y’,b is a sequentially complete space We now construct a generalized function in B’,b which is not in D’(1) Let {T a be monotone sequence of increasing numbers b+l with positive limit For n e B every the formula ,b’ Since I<F >I f, n=l +( n is easily seen to define a generalized function is an arbitrary testing function in Y D(1), f Y’,b (3 1) in B’ then Zn On the other hand, if (Tn) iS in general an DISTRIBUTIONAL FINITE HANKEL TRANSFORM 329 infinite sum and it need not be convergent. Note that (i) B’,b contains every regular distribution that corresponds to a function which is Lebesgue integrable on 0 x < b. In this case we have > B ,b" f o f(x) (x) dx f is a tempered distribution whose support is contained in [X, ) for (i i) If some X 0 then f B’,b (iii) Similarly, every regular distribution F, which can be defined by a locally integrable function F(y) through the equation fb < F, > f" F(y)(y) dy belo,gs to Y’,b" Note that F(y) need not be ntegrable though typically it would be of slow growth, i.e., for some integer O, F(y) 0 as y FINITE HANKEL TRANSFORMATION OF B’ for every over 0 y N 4 in , Y ,b’ . y-N e Henceforth, we assume that we define the fnte Hankel transform -. For f Bu ,b and B’,b’ h f F by < f, >. Hankel transform F, (x-k) Example i. equation (4.1)" < (x-k), (x) < (x-k), I oI , >, for 0 k (kz) Y ,b’ From Theorem is given by the b, J (xy)dy (y) / J (ky)dy This defines a regular distribution F(z) (kz) J (kz), for 0 k b. h (x-k) Example 2. The finite Ha[kel transform of 6(x-k) h-iF. f onto Y’,b" The fnite Hankel transfo of the delta function (z) u (4.1) The above equation also defines the nverse 2.1 one readily obtains: Theorem 4.1 is an isomorphsm from B’ ,b h a(x-k), =,z >, (using (2.4)) < in (kz)1/2J Y’,b" Consequently for k b is the "Zero" 0 for all generalized function in Y’ since <6(x-k) (x)> in (k) b. u,b 3. The finite Hankel transform of the generalized function in B’ defined Example ,b by (3.1) is the generalized function defined by the series Bu, F s n=l since, for @ Y yVTn J (y) n ,b’ < F,@ =n:r1 I (y) vny Ju(ny)dy z n--1 (n f, > Suppose f is a regulaF generalized function, corresponding to a Lebesgue Than the ordinary finite Hankel transform integrable function over (O,b), in B’ ,b" of f is given by Example 4. o ’b f(x) /Xn x J ( n x)dx; n 1,2 3 330 O. P. SINGH AND R. S. PATHAK (O,b), Since f is integrable over the analytic function olbf(x) J-f J F(z) We show that F (f). Since f / f, < Since the integrand 0 x b, 0 y , its finite Hankel transform may be extended to is a regular generalized function, f,@> > o fb f(x) q(x)dx o Ib f(x) (xy);J f(x)+(y) the order o (zx)dx. (xy) (o/ @(y) (us ing (2.4)). is absolutely integrable over the domain integration may be changed, and we obtain of dy (y) olbdx f(x) /f’@ ’z- Ju(xy)dy)dx (xy) 1/2 Jp(xy) F,>. I b f(x) Note that F( n o Hece, for any + in converges. numbers Y h,b’ (nX) J (nX)dx equation Furthermore, if a sequence { F( )nl(>, )} n n also converges gives that IF(; n )I is bounded (2.3) ensures that the series { m converges in Hence, the sum 2 Y ,b z F(An)@(;n n=1 then the sequence of F(n)( n defines a continuous linear functional on Y’ ,b" Next we investigate a representation for the finite Hankel transform of a generalized function in B’ ,b" Let D(O b) be the space of infinitely differentiable functions on (O,b) with compact support contained in (O,b). The topolog. of D(O,b) is that which makes its dual D’(O,b) of Schwartz’s distribution. Then h D(O,b)C maps D(O b) into a subspace of Y b and u,b" Let W be the subspace of onto which D(O,b) is mapped. Then we have Theorem 4.2. For any generalized function f in b, there exists a continuous function F(y) of slow growth such that the finite Hankel transform ; f of f B, Y,b B, restricted to W is equivalent, in the functional sense, to the regular generalized function F in Y’ ,b" Proof. For a given generalized function f, there exists an integer r 0 and a continuous function h(x) [5, Theorem 3.4.2] such that < f, > Drh, >, for every @ in D(O,b). We take h 0 outside (O,b). Then using (2.4), we have, for D(O,b), f, ; F,@ (-I) r h(x), f, Dr@(x) Drh,@ > DISTRIBUTIONAL FINITE HANKEL TRANSFORM (-I) r o I b dx h(x) (-l)r o Ib (-I) r r Z l Dr(x) dx h(x) I o b dx h(x) o I (-1)i+ra (,) i=o 331 dy )r (y)@-( x/y d(xy)) (4.2) r [(-l)iai(,)yixi-r x/’y a,+i(xy)] b (4 3) i dx xi-rh(x)[ol=dy ,y,yif x a +i (xy)] dy (y) 11 i=o , xi-rh(x), for each i. If gi-r (x) where ai() is a constant depending on 0 outside (O,b). Since (y) then gi_r(X) is continuous on (0,) and gi_r(X) the order of 0 < xy (R), on bounded is and descent of rapid is integration in (4.3)may be interchanged. Therefore, (4.3)becomes r 11 I dy (y)y F, (xy)1/2 Ju+i(xY) i=o Denote /+i[gi_r(X)] by (-l)i+rai() +i Gi_r(y), r F. < S i=o hu+i[gi_r(X)]. W, then for i+U(y) (-1)i+rai(p)yiGi_r (4 4) (y)> Clearly, the continuous function i+ (y) Gi-r olb g i-r (x)(xy)1/2j u+l (xy)dX may be extended to an analytic function. r z W h f Equation (4.4) gives i+(y) (-1)i+rai()yiGi_r i+u Finally since, Gi_ r (y) <, it is obvious that we know that / a(x-k) From Example Example 5 On the other hand, if we define for x > k, h(x) F(y) F(y) (kz)1/2J is of slow growth. (kz) for 0 < k :0, x-k, for x > k, we obtain from Theorem 4.2 h 6(x-k) It is easily seen that ao( ao()GU_2(y) al(u)y F(y) p 2 , al() Also GP2(y) klb (- k/x2)(xy) J(xy)dx. 1/2 1/2 k (xy)dx, G_l(y) klb(l- )(xy)du+l and G O+2 (y) b 1/2 k I (x-k)(xy) Hence (4.4) gives Ju+2 (xy)dx 2(+I), and G l(y) + a2(u/y a2() I. 4o (y). b. O. P. SINGH AND R. S. PATHAK 332 (yk)1/2j F(y) (yk) 1/2(1 + )(yb) 1/2 J --)y(yb)1/2j’(yb). (yb) + (I This is another representation of / 6(x-k). It can be shown that this representation is equivalent to the one given in example 1, since - Note. (1 + u-)(yb)1/2J (b) p u) ol(R)(y) (yb)1/2j u (yb)dy, -}(1 + ) (b) O. Y -(I + (yb) follows from the continuity property. 0 Thus (I From (2.4) we have k B) <y(yb) 1/2 J’p (yb) (yb)1/2j(yb)dy. (xy)1/2d (xy)dy + o ,r y (y)(xy)1/2d (xy)(dy). (b))1/2j(by)dy + of y (y)(by)1/2j (by)(dy). 2 of(R) (y) ’(x) Therefore, ’(b) o k ) o I" f(R) (y) ((1 y (y) So we have Hence < F, > < (yk) 1/2 J (yk), (y) >. Thus we get the same result as derived in Example 1. 0 for k b. This also Example 6. We have shown in Example 2 that h a(x-k) 0 for x < k and 2 and define h(x) follows from Theorem 4.2. Take r O, (y) G h(x) x-k for x > k. It is easily seen that O. hence F(y) Corollary 4.3. For any generalized function f in B’u,b with r h(x) and F(y) defined as in the proof of Theorem 4.2, we have + 0 (4.5) F(y) < D r h(x), X (x) (xy) 1/2 J (xy) > as Proof. Theorem 4.2 gives l(y) GU2(y)_ r Iz V F(y) flw i=o _ (-l)i+rai(u)yiGi_i+(y) r for r (-l)rofb dx o (-l)iai(p)x r( xy) (-l)rof b }1 B’- b u f (xy) 1/2J v+ (xy) r )x r (-1)rof b (x) (-l)r< Go h(x), x/ dv(xy)] - h(x) dx r xr xr x/ [x9 dv(xy)] (x)] h(x) dx as 0 + .s > + as 0 (and h(x) 0 outside (O,b)), order of differentiation may be interchanged in the preceding equation to give F(y) (-1) r < h(x), as 0 E>.(x)(xy) But since >,(x) on (O,b) Drx < Dxr h(x), e(x) (xy)1/2dv(xy) +, J(xy)] >, as the e 0 +, differentiation). (from the definition of distributional 333 DISTRIBUTIONAL FINITE HANKEL TRANSFORM b Example 7. While calculating the finite Hankel transform of a(x-k), 0 < k (Example 5) using the method of Theorem 4.2, it was necessary to evaluate certain integrals to find F(y). This may be avoided by using the above Corollary. From the definition of h(x), we see that D h(x)= and D 2 h(x) I 0:1 0 x x > k, < k, 6(x-k). Hence, (4.7) gives F(y) im+ < (xy)1/2j 6(x-k) (x) (k)(ky)1/2j (ky) (xy)> 0 im+ (ky)1/2j (ky) (k) since as 0 + SOME STRUCTURE THEOREMS In this section we shall obtain representations for members of B p,b’ B’ and ,b Y’p,b under suitable conditions. Note that the structure formula given by Theorem 4 2 is valid only when F Y’p,b is restricted to W, a subspace of Y Here we will obtain a more general result, viz., a structure formula shall be established for FY’p b restricted to a larger subspace than W of Y This section is very similar to section 3.4 of Zemanian [5, p. 86-93], consequently the corresponding results will be stated without proof or, perhaps, with only an indication of the proof. To begi with, we define certain spaces associated with B B(1) by Definition 5.1. We define the spaces b’ b and 5. Bp Cp B op,b C Ou,b g(x) o(x p+1/2) as x B p,b (0,=) g o(x p+1/2) as x g 0 + 0 + (5.1) (0,(R)), g is continuous on 0 for x > b (5.2) }, and "I’( B ,b p+3/2)- as x o(x ’ B p,b Bo 0 +} (5.3) carries the natural topology induced on it by Note that + 0 as x o(x b p+1/2) Bp, This is true because Bp, b. P Yo -p-1/2 Ix O<x<b (0): sup (x)I < We prove an interesting property of functions in B p,b Then B Lemma 5 2 Let q Proof B Let (t oxP+5/2j as x Now Dt)[t-u-O(t) t-.-I , [_ 0 in + (. + ) (5.4) t2]. (5.5) 334 Write n(t) n(t) O, Hence, Hence ’ for ( + 1/2) t b. Bu, b. n(t) - O. P. S INGH AND R. S. PATHAK Clearly Also, (r,) Yk y is a smooth function on +i() < , o(tU+1/2), n(t) Therefore, n(t) d u-1/2 d- (t- (t)) O(t) as 0 t as t 0 as t 0 Interating (5.6), we obtain t-u-1/2(t) O(t2), proving Lenna 5.2. We assign a norm to the space ljll o CO +. + (5.6) +, (5.7) by Ix-U-1/2g(x)l, sup 0,1,2 k for each (0, (R)) and Cu, b. g for each x(O,b) (5.8) We need the following lemma which is Thus C Ou,b becomes a topological vector space stated without proof since the proof is identical to the proof of [5, Lemma I, p. 88]. o o Lemma 5.3. b is a dense subset of bThe followip.g proposition gives an integral representation for the functions in Bo Bu, Cu, Proposition 5 4 B Let Then (x) o fb satisifies the integral equation 2 t-u-1/2 u(x,t) (t- Dt)( (t))dt, (5.9) xU-1/2u*(x,t), (5.o) where u(x,t) and x3 2t3 u*(x,t) t(t2-b2)’ for x(x2-b2), for 0 0 < x -< t -< b, t <- x <- b, (5.11) elsewhere, 0 for 0 < x (R), 0 < t < -. Proof. Trivial. are distributional derivatives Next we prove that generalized functions in B’ of certain continuous functions. We start with the following boundedness property of f B’ r and a positive constant For each f b, there exists a non-negative integer A such that for all (5 12) <f,>l -< A max YkP () pr () (say) Bu, Bu’b’ o<k_<r Suppose f e B’ is such that (5.12) is satisfied with r O. l<f,,>l <-A sup x--1/2 (x)l. Then (5.13) o<x<b f, satisfying the inequality (5.13), continuously and uniquely onto C Ou,b" Let g in C Ou,b be arbitrary. Then by Lemma 5 3 there exists a converges to g in {n of testing functions in B u,b such that We now extend the space sequence Cn DISTRIBUTIONAL FINITE HANKEL TRANSFORM C o,b" 335 We define <f,g> by <f,g> lim n+ C O,b on linear functional This defines a continuous (5 14) <f’n > satisfying the inequality (5.13). C O,b’ Clearly u(x t) satisfying (5.13). For Definition 5 5 hence the following definition makes sense for sotisfying the inequality (5.13), define f e B’ w,b h(t) Note: h(t) (i) (ii) 0 t for h()l lh(t) < f(x), u(x,t) < 3AbZlt-l, 0 < (5.15) >. for t e b -< b. t b, 0 as u(x,t) b, 0 B, b, ( D t) 2[t-- }(t)j is uniformly B 2it-P-1/2 (t)] n(t) ( Lemma 5.6. For Proof. Let B’u,b f (5.16) continuous on (O,b]. 0(I) as t 0 + and In (t)l < (R), proving the Lemma 5.6. For f B’,b satisfying the condition n(t) Then Theorem 5 7 x-u-1/2 (x)I A sup < B ,b’ V O<x<b we have Go,b" for every (5.15). If <f,> Here h(t) Dt[t-IDt(t-lh(t))] Ib h(t)(t-lDt)2[t-u-1/2(t)]dt (5.17) is the continuous function defined by equation is Lebesgue integrable over (O,b), (5.17) can be written as < f,g> <t -u-} D t (t-lDt(t-lh (t))) (t)> (5 18) o B p,b" for every Proof. The proof of (5.17) is very similar to the proof of [5, equation (9), p. 90-91] and (5.18) follows easily from (5.17). We now generalize Theorem 5.7 for the case when l<f’>l < PrP(), r > 0 For this we need the following" Definition 5.8. B b’ and H" B(n) ,b H(n) u,b where B’ H (n) For each non-negative integer n, we define the spaces B(n.) u,b’ ,b’ by { lJ ’(x) {n(X) :(u+)X (n)(x) Dn(x) b b ,b B p,b for (n) (x) n # 0 h,b {n(x) and )I o(x+)) kJ(x (p+1/2)x- x as x (5 19) 0+} B(n. u,b x and H o( xU+312 (5.2o) (O)(x) as x @(x), O+ for each k 0 2 },(5 21) 336 O.P. SlNGH AND R. S. PATHAK Note that H (1) C B () B u,b" B u,b and o Let Bo o Ib t-u+1/2o(t)dt be such that I. (5.23) In the subsequent development we shall need the following lend, a, whose proof is omitted since it is similar to that of [5, Lemma I, p.68]. be a fixed testing function in B LeFmma 5.9. Let u,b satisfying (5.23). Then any B be function in may decomposed uniquely according to testing u,b o where H (I) and the constant K u,b is in n K Suppose f function (O,b]. o Ko (5.24) + n is given by Ib t-u+1/2(t)dt. (5.25) is a regular generalized function in B’ f such that f is Lebesgue integrable over Then for n H (I) we have u,b <f,,> o Ib + f(x) n (x)dx [x-U-}@(x)]dx xU-1/2f(x) o Ib b (x-]f(x)) since (b) Therefore 0 and generated by a differentiable (O,b) and f’ is bounded on o(x u+3/2 x as B (I)) (x)dx, 0+. x <x -U-1/2DxU-; <f,n> (for some f(x),-(x)>. (5.26) But x uu+1/2 n Dx-U- (x), therefore, <f(x), x u-1/2 Dx--}(x) > Let L and T Then for any -u-1/2 Dx u-1/2 f(x), -(x)>. x u-1/2 Dx -u- (5.27) (5 28) -u-1/2 Dx-1/2 (5.29) B’ I) L and <x -1 D)(x -u’ (x)) x u+1/2 (x y (L) We write the above as The operation Lenna 5 I0 o B For an arbitrary f n B’,b and any B Yk+l () into in B(, set 337 DISTRIBUTIONAL FINITE HANKEL TRANSFORM T f, < > From (5.30) we see that T f x -u-1/2 DxU-1/2 f, f, > ’I’I B h,b" is a linear functional on x-U-1/2 DxU-! (5.30) -Lu >. Write g. f We then have formally, xU+1/2 Dx u-} f g. Now define, x -u+ With this notation (5.26) suggests that g] (-1) [xU+1/2 x-U+1/2 [xU+1/2 f](-l), n c Bo "Ihis can be etended to all of Assign x-U+1/2 [xU+1/2 f](-l), Then for any (5.32) f,- >. > u+ (1) Equation (5 32) defines a linear functional on H B u,b by using Lenmla 5 9 (5.3i) f. o Ko > (arbitrary). (5.33) we have from Lemma 5.9, + n. = Ko Hence the operator x-U+1/2 [xU+1/2 Proposition 5.11. Suppose f f,@ for all @ in B f](-l) B’ >I is defined for all of B satisfies -< A sup o_<k_<r y (), (5.34) r > Then I< x -u+ [x +1/2] f(x)](-l) (x)> <-A sup osk<r-1 y (), (5.35) (I) H ,b" Now use Lemma Bo for all Proof. Using (5.32) the proof follows trivially for members of 5.9 to complete the proof. Proposition 5.12 For f B’u,b satisfying f, >I < A sup ok<l y (), B V we have f,@ > oI b h(t) (t-lDt)3(t-u-] (t))dt in B ’1’I and where h is a continuous function for each u,b O. For Proof. We know that the theorem is true for r < f, -(u+1/2) < x -+1/2 [x }+ 1/2 f](1) n n (u 1 B p,b’ (5 32)) H I) ,b (equation (5.36) 338 O. P. SINGH AND R. S. PATHAK -(+1/2) oIb h(t)(t-lDt)2(t--1/2n(t))dt, by Theorem (5.7), since < x-+1/2[x + f](-l) n < > and A You (n), (see Proposition (5 11)) o(x"+1/2), n(x) as x 0/. Therefore, f’ > -(/]) o" b -o Ib If we replace both h(t)(t-iDt)3(t--}(t))dt. Bu,b and B(1)u,b by Bu,b and H ( 5.10 and Propositions 5.11, 5.12 are still true. For f B’ Theorem 5 13 satisfying >I f, _ for some non-negative integer f d t +1/2 --1/2 (t))] dt u+1/2 t dt (t h(t)(t-IDt)2[t-u-1/2 > < r, A o-<k<rSUp y by H ,b, Lemmas 5.9, Hence by induction on r, we get (), (V e B O.,b we have (_l)r 0 ib h(t)(t-IGt)r+2[t-,-1/2(t)]dt (5.37) for each @ e B ,b where h is a continuous function. The above structure theorem helps us to say more about the finite Hankel transform of elements in B’ ,b" e B Let B’,b and ,b and F, be the finite Hankel transforms of f respectively. Then < F, > < f, > (_l)r-2oIb h(X)ol’(y) 1/2 (y)( __) r x-J,(xy))dydx - (5.38) (using equations (2.4) and (5.37). Since (.1)r(1 then F, Now let Since gr(X) r (x Ju(xY)) yrx-u-rJ u+ r (xy), o Ib h(x) o I" (y)1/2(y)yrx-u-rJ+r(xy)dydx olyr (y) oIb rh(X) +r(xy)dxdy. Xxa _h.(x) (5.40) x+1/2+r" x J+r(XY) x+1/2+r (xy)U+r+1/2 x+1/2+r asx/ O+ DISTRIBUTIONAL FINITE HANKEL TRANSFORM 339 so that ,b Ghr+r(Y) o is well defined gr(X) (xy) J+r (xy)dx Thus (5.40) becomes < F, > o f(R) yr(y) G +r r (y)dy =<Y Consequently, yr G+r(y) r F -’IG+r(y)l r is of slow growth since (= Y’,b’ For any F Theorem 5 14 r ’-rG+r(y)) < . Furthermore, 6. Y b /, (y) > We list the above as there exists a continuous function F,@ where r^+r(y) (in the functional sense) of slow growth such that Y,b’ for r FIy ,b < G(y) G(y) is equivalent to i.e. G(y),(y) >, [B ,b G(y) may be extended to an analytic function FURTHER PROPERTIES OF THE FINITE HANKEL TRANSFORM A Notation Let us write f for any F members of Y Also write Y’,b" A fl B,b for any f and likewise B’,b, to denote the members of B ",b FIy b F and ^ for the For any f, we have for some integer r -> 2, < ^A f,@ > (-I) r o f b where h(x) is a continuous function. Definition 6.1. We define a new space H(1) { Hu (k)(x) h(x)( d)r (x --1/2 H(1) (x))dx, by o(x u+3/2) as x 0 +, for k (6.1) 0,1,2,...}, (0,-). where to be the periodic extension of period b of h(x) on + R Then for any x hb(X) h(x-nb) for some positive integer n (R)’such 0 x-nb b. Associated with hb(X) is the regular distribution in H (1) that having the value Now define hb(X) (0 b] < for any h b (x), (x) fb > (6.2) h(x) (x+nb)dx, n=o H (I) The right-hand siae of (6.2) converges, since by on define a functional fb Hu(1) is of rapid descent as x . Now O.P. SINGH AND R. S. PATHAK 340 fb’ < of(R) hb(X)( Dx) r (x --1/2 (x))dx (-l)r[ofh(x-nb)( D x )r (x--1/2,(x))dx] (-l)r > z n=o z (-I) r p=o nbf( n+l)b h(x-nb)( D x )r(x-U-lo(x))dx This defines a linear continuous functional on H (1). Also for have r > D r (x))dx (since ^ 0 fb, (-I) orb h(x)( x) x--1/2 in for x (6 3) Bu, b, we b) =<f,>. So we see that (b s a periodic extension of f. be extended to a periodic linear functional, Theorem 6.2. Every f in b may which is continuous in the topology of with period b, on H and each f in B’,b’ the function in (0 b/4) For every Theorem 6 3 Bu, Hu. u(1) (6.4) J(xy)> (x) (xy) f(x) F(y) (x) is defined by (2.7) is a smooth function of slow growth and defines a where E regular generalized function in Y’,b" Proof. The proof of the above theorem is similar to the proof of [1, Lemma 12] given by Zemanian. Theorem 6.4. The finite Hankel transform, huf, of a generalized function f in 0 of the family F (z) of regular generalized functions B’,b is the limit as defined in Theorem 6.3. it is sufficient to show that Proof. Since F(z) is a regular functional in Y’,b, < for each Bb in For each O. as Y,b’ in F, > /pf, As given by Equation (2 4) > in O+ (x) Y,b there exists a unique on (O,b) Now we have < F , > (x)(xy)J f(x), << f < (x)(xy)J f(x), < f(x) < f(x), , (x) <f(x),(x) (xy) Of (x) (x) >, as >, (xy) (y)(xy)1/2j > 0+. (y) > > (y)dy (xy)dy (by [8 Corollary 5 3 2b p. 121]) 341 DISTRIBUTIONAL FINITE HANKEL TRANSFORM Consequently, < F , f(x), (x) < > f, / < as >, 0+, for each Y ,b" (x)(xy)1/2j Since (xy) b)(X)(xy)1/2j x( 0 (xz), as 0+, (where X(o b) is the characteristic function of the interval (O,b)) and the latter is not a testing O, it is not true, in general, that the limit of F (z), as function in B p,b’ exists as an ordinary function. Where the limit does exist as an ordinary function, it will be denoted by F Corollary 6.5. If f is a regular generalized function in B’p,b’ then the limiting exists and is equivalent to the finite Hankel transform of f. function in (0, b/4), Proof. If f is regular, then for each o(z)- Fo(Z) ofbf(x)(x)(xy) J(xz)dx. F(z) As 0 +, we obtain Fo(Z) of b f(x)(xy)1/2j u (xz)dx, Fo(Z) is X(O,b)(X), (6.5) and from Example 4, we see that Using the function Fo(Z) equivalent to / f. can be written as X(O,b)(x)f(x), < (6.5) x(x) (xz)]J (xz)>, where >.(x) is a testing function in D(R) such that x(x) on (O,b]. In this case, to calculate the finite Hankel transform we merely truncate the regular b, as would be expected. In a similar way one might distribution in B’ u,b at x O+ of the family of the functions F (z) as a process of interpret the limit as truncation for distributions in general, for one is replacing f(x) by the distributional limit (x) f(x) as c 0+. Corollar,v 6.6. If the generalized function f B’p,b has support in (0 b] the function exists and is equivalent to the finite Hankel transform of Proof. Let (x) be a testing function in D(1) such that (x) neighborhood of the support of f. Then Fo(Z such that, lim /0+ since (x) F (z) < F(z): F o (z): f(x), on the support of f x(x) f(x) >,(x)(xz)1/2jl (xz) ;(x)(xz)1/2J O+ as (xz)> But Zemanian [i proved that f for every functional ir, Example 8. H f(x) < (x)(xz)1/2J (xz) > having compact support. For the distribution (x-k), F(z) (x-k), < g then f. on a from (6.4) we obtain (x)(xz)}J(xz) (k)(kz)1/2ju(kz) > Theorem 2] has O. P. SINGH AND R. S. PATHAK 342 But for 0 k < b, : (k) O+ as And for k b, ; (k) > 0 Therefore, kV- Fo(Z jp(kz), for 0 k b < for k z b, O, / < [6(x-k)]. THE FOURIER-BESSEL SERIES 7. Classically the FourieroBessel series finite inverse 2__ transform J(x; n (xlX)3 n j2 u+l(bXn nZ b2 Hankel is considered to be the (; n (7 I) dx (7.2) where Ib(x)(xX n )1/2j(xX n) (x n . o [7] of some function is the finite Hankel transform In section 2, we showed that for any B ,b 1/2 J(xX +1(bXn and (x n given by (7 2) we have z @(x) X(x) n=l We obtain an inversion transforms of members in x J B’,b" Theorem 7.1 (inversion). Let where -1/2. Let F z (f) convergence in B’,b’ we have be an arbitrary generalized function in B’ ,b’ be the finite Hankel transform Then in the sense of f ,,x,: ’ [J,(x;n Z: Let >.(x) - < D 2 =IN(n)| j2p+l(bXn N hi::1 (nn)1/2 n Z n -(x)1/2 Jh(x; n Since < 2 (bXn)]F(>.n)" )/J +I n be an arbitrary testing function in B ,b" N+" Proof. (7.1) for generalized finite Harkel theorem similar to F(;n), (x) > is locally integrable over J(xX )n j2p+l (b’ , (x) F(X n > n fb2_2 o b N z 2 N z n=1 - < (7.4) We wish to prove that f(x), (x) >, ds N (0 b) F(, n Jp+1(bXn F(X n n:1 O2 n p+l (bn 1/2 (-n) jp (xX n (x)dx (from (2 2)) (R). DISTRIBUTIONAL FINITE HANKEL TRANSFORM N r. 2 2 n=l b < (>’ )n , nj2+I (b)n im < /0+ f(x) x c (x)(x s 1/2 343 n )> (from Theorem 6.4) N (R). as (x)>, f(x), We verify this inversion Theorem by means of a numerical example. Example 9. For 0 < k < b, a(x-k) c E’(1)C CB’u,b. The finite Hankel transform of a (k-x) H’u (kz)1/2j(kz) is, Iz (x-k) F(z). Hence, F( n )= (kX)1/2 J(k n n n 1,2 3 Now N b n=1 J(x n -- j2p+l(bAn 2 b _2 b =i J(kkn )’ Jp (k}.)n N nZ (kn)2 (L)1/2 n J+l(b n (x)> (k)1/2 o/ b (x;,)n Ju(x; n )(x )dx J(k N n (k) 1/2 (x n ns--1 () j2’ n ,+l(bn (k) < This also yields 6(x-k) 6(x-k), 2 , bim (x) N z ,/E- J n in the sense of convergence in (kn)Jp (x)n j’2u+l(b>,n B’,b" ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This work was supported by Grant No. 1402/28 from Science Center, Saud King University, Saudi Arabia. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Zemanian, A. H.. A distributional Hankel transform, Siam J. App. Math., vol. 14, No. 3, 1966, pp. 561-576. Zemanian, A. H.. The Hankel transformation of certain distributions of rapid growth, Siam J. Appl. Math., vol. 14, No. 4, 1966. Schwartz, L.. Theorie des distributions, Herman, Paris, 1978. Zemanian, A. H.. Generalized inteqral transformations, Interscience Publishers, New York, 1968. Zemanian, A. H.. Distribution theory and transform analysi.s, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965. Sneddon, I. N.. 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