Internat. J. Math. & Math. Scl. Vol. 8 No. 2 (1985) 403-406 403 ON THE ORDER OF EXPONENTIAL GROWTH OF THE SOLUTION OF THE LINEAR DIFFERENCE EQUATION WITH PERIODIC COEFFICIENT IN BANACH SPACE H. ATTIA HUSSEIN Department of Mthematics Faculty of Science Alexandria University Alexandria, Egypt (Received May 11, 1984) An equation of the form ABSTRACT. Ay w(t)., J(t+) A(t)y y f(t) is considered, where and the necessary and sufficient criteria for the exponential growth of the solution of this equation is obtained. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Difference equations, solution of exponential growth. Ig80 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. I. INTRODUCTION. Let E II II A(t) t >-o} E into itself. We assume that A(t) linear bounded operators from Let Denote by be a complex Banach space. strongly continuous in $9AI0. a family of is periodic and [o, ). t E. be the norm in Denote by E the set of all elements f(t) E such that II f(t)ll sup 2. RESULTS. Let Ay exp (-t) ’(t+6)- y(t) Ay > A(t) y f(t) 0 o 0 < (R). y(t) t > be a solution of the difference equation a (2.1) such that y(t) where c) is the zero of Let us assume that f t < (2.2) E. E The solution of equation (2.1) can be written in the H. A. HUSSEIN 404 form t-6 t-6 y(t) A(i) y(i) + S 6 s f(i) 6 =o [n6], [a] t where (2.3) =o and a denotes the greatest positive integer is a 6 positive integer. Without loss of generality we suppose that I, 2 t Putting (2.3), one obtains in j n-1 z j=l y(t) n (I + A(i)) f(j-l) II Let w be the period of A(t). s y(t) r=l I B(j), j< n B(n-l) B(n-2) II B(i) i=n-i Substituting s (2.4) f(t-l) + i=n-1 is the unit operator. where I. 6 t o [S w] into equation (2.4), we obtain 11 [I + a(k)] [ k=w-I s-r w-1 f (r-l)w+j-l) + f((r-l)w + 11 J j=l w-I)} ] (2.5) where A(1) f(w) a(2) f({w+l) a(w-l) A(w-2) A(w-l) A(w-2) (w) (w+l) fl f2 k=w- t t-rw w- B w y(t) s f. r=l ((r-1)w + j-l) + f((r-l)w+w-1)}. j=l The last equation can be written in the fore y(t) 2i where Y " t y z y r=l t-rw (B-I) -I w . fj((r-1)w+j-l) w-1 (2.6) + f((r-l) w + w-l)} j=1 [1]. is a contour which circumscribes all the specter of the operator B, It can be seen that if f E (B- then I) -1 f E for every y. From equation (2.6) we obtain a necessary and sufficient criterion for the exponential growth of the solution with an index o Set o then the solution y operator B. Assume that The following theorem holds- THEOREM. that If f Era, OB Let B. = I In o B denote the specter of the IoI. of equation (2.1) belongs to E B such 405 DIFFERENCE EQUATION WITH PERIODIC COEFFICIENT IN BANACH SPACE B n, when B > n, when B n > n o when o’ o no. n < To prove the sufficiency, we consider the following three, cases: PROOF. (1) If (2) If n n > 1 > lnlI then y(t) Inl then from defined by (2.6) belongs to (2.6) we E. obtain t II Yll -< D z exp (1 In II r=l (t-rw)) w-1 r j=l + D 1 exp < D’ exp(nt).t f((r-1)w + w-l) II} (t).(w-2) t t (nt). + D2exp < II (where D, D I, D 2 and D’ are constants). E B where B > n. This means that y 1 In < (3) If II and llfll c exp (t), then from (2.6) we have IlYll Clexp (< I Inll). E1 and y 1 We now prove the necessity" If X Bx 0 is an eigenvector for the operator B such that XoX 0 xo where is llXoll an element of Banach space such that I, by taking exp (n t).x o equation (2.6) with f(t) (B x is an eigenvalue and o x Xl,-1 x o becomes o t y(t) exp I r=l (& In llol (t-rw)) w-1 I j=l Multiplying the last equation by exp (- y(t) exp (-n o t) where o exp( iot fj((r-l)w+j-l) ot), t w where o + f((r-l)w + w-I) }. w In lol, }1 j=l fj((r-l)w+j-l) + f(r-l)w + w-I)} t o t) exp + exp we have w-1 exp (- owr) r=l arg y(t) exp (- (2.7) w iet + T w(1 iet t w T r-I n)-l) exp ((n r-1 no)Wr).x 0 w-1 z exp j-I (-oWr) fj((r-l)w+ j-I) H. A. HUSSEIN 406 iot + ( exp T exp [’ oI o t w + exp T [ exp (s- If : r=l j=1 (-oWr). fj((r-l)w+ exp Eso but y This means that y 2) then from (2.8) y(t) exp (- (2.8) cases" (-Sot) lim y(t) exp t s j-l) then by using formula (2.8) we get > s If t- 1] x 0 w-1 I: Now for the last relation we have the following I) So) o exp (w(1 Got) + exp )-I + iBt T t w w-1 z 11 r=1 j=1 t iot) w" 1) x 0 (-oWr) fj((r-l)w+ exp j-l). Using the last equation we get lim y(t) exp (-Sot) E This means that y 3) then from (2.8) we have y If s s o s but Y E but y E This completes the proof. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author would like to express his sincerest thanks to Professor Dr. Mahmoud M. EI-Borai for his advice during the preparation of this paper. REFERENCES I. HUSSEIN, H. A. On the Bounded Solution of Certain Linear Equations in Partial Differences Equations, J. Natur. Sci. Math. 2. 2__1, (1981) 165-169. HUSSEIN, H. A. Estimation of the Exponential Growth of the Solution of Certain Linear Partial Differential Equations with a Highest Order Term, Differencial’nye Uravnenija 12 (1976) 2279-2280. (Russian)