Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Voi. 8 No. 2 (1985) 283-302 283 EXTENSIONS OF SOME FORMULAE OF A. SELBERG CLAUDIA A. SPIRO Department of Mathematics, State University of New York Buffalo, New York 14214 U.S.A. (Received March 3, 1984) ABSTRACT. This paper is concerned with estimating the number of positive integers up to some bound (which tends to infinity), such that they have a fixed number of prime We obtain estimates which are divisors, and lie in a given arithmetic progression. uniform in the number of prime divisors, and at the same time, in the modulus of the These estimates take the form of a fixed but arbitrary number arithmetic progression. of main terms, followed by an error term. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. prime divisors. Extensions of some formulae, 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. i. formulae of A. C_’b’$ 10L20, 10H20. INTRODUCTION. Let x > 3, choose B > 0, and let j B log logx be a positive integer. In 1954, A. Selberg (cf. [i], Theorem 3) showed, for example, that the number of positive integers not exceeding x which have exactly i (j-l) !logx uniformly in j, where kdzJ-I (z) (z) (log x) z distinct prime divisors is j )I z=O + 0B is a certain entire function. (i I) (logx)2 We replace (z)(logx) z by an expression of the form M Z (log x) and replace the error te by z- (1.2) z 0N(X(loglogx)J(logx)-M/jl) Moreover, we obtain results of this strength for, e.g., the number of positive integers not ceeding ich lie in an arithmetic progression (say, have precisely unlfo in k j distinct pre not exceeding a fed power of log x, obtained comparable results for fed for M ere (h,k) eorem i, below). k. I) h modk, divisors (see and in H. Delange [2] j G.J. Rieger [3] obtained related results account of the history of the problem, see Section 4 of Norton, For a greater [5]. Let In Splro [6], we apply our results to prove the following result: denote the number of positive integers dividing the positive integer be any positive integer. Then there are computable constants R I, R > 0, such that 1 M d(n) divides n+l] =x =i and ich Our results are 1, ich we will discuss in greater detail in Section 7. #In&x: x R(logx) - + ,, n, 0s(X(logx)-M-%) d(n) and let with M (1.3) C.A. SPIRO 284 2. THE PLAN OF THE PROOF. NOTATION. Throughout this paper integers, and and s p denotes a prime, k, n, and N represent positive We will let stand for complex numbers. z denote the real g(x) and f(x) O(g(x)) will have their usual f(x) and we write will also f(x) < g(x) to mean that f(x) O(g(x)) meanings, By 0 either f(x) or f(x) < we will signify that (g(x)) ...g(x) a,b a,b where the implied constant possibly depends on a,b f(x) O(g(x)) Similarly, part of The expressions s [a,b we will write ]-sufficiently large will possibly depend upon to indicate that how large is sufficient When only one variable is inside the curly a,b A product or sum brackets, we will omit them, and write, e.g., a-sufficiently large. of the form H or P P example, pn(l. + I/p) dividing n function of n, write function by [x] we put F(z) p x, (n) i + i/p, taken over all primes nx (n) for the Euler phi-function of denote the Riemann zeta-function by designate the Dirichlet L-function of s and log log x and log log x L3x Finally, denote the n, (s) Co,Cl,... use n(x) for and the gamma- L(s,x) by for the greatest integer not exceeding the real number L2x p is assumed to extend over all As is standard, we let x not exceeding n the number of primes write denotes the product of Similarly, a sum of the form positive integers Mbius respectively denotes a product or sum over primes; thus, for and For simplicity, x denote positive absolute constants. A > 0 Let be a nonnegatlve integer-valued additive be constant, and let function such that (n) Alogn for all n, (2.1) (p) I for all p. (2.2) where (n) (n) and (n) (n) is the number of primes Examples of functions satisfying (2.1) and (2.2) are is the number of distinct primes dividing n, dividing by let wll and n, counted with the multiplicities with which they occur. the arithmetic function which takes the value (n)l(n)l denote an arithmetic function which is either character , and for complex numbers and s z or II Also, designate at n. set E X(pm) z(pm) p -ms f(x,z,x;) We will For any Dirlchlet (2.3) p m=0 E(s,z,x;I) g(s,z,x;) + X(p)zp-S) 11 (I P <p g(s,z,x;ll) x(pm) m=O H(I + (2.4) z(pm)p-mS)(l_x(p)p-S)Z X(p)zp-S)(l-x(p)p-S) z (2.5) (2.6) P wherever these products converge. cause no confusion. (i X(P)P --S Z Since II is not additive this notation should By the complete multiplicativity of X, we can expand the factor by the Binomial Theorem and formally write f(s z,x;) 7 n=l a Z (n;)x(n)n -s (2.7) 285 EXTENSIONS OF SOME FORMULAE OF A. SELBERG 7. g(s,z,x;) b (n;)x(n)n z n=l a where the coefficients z(n;) and b z(n,) s (2.8) are independent of X first, we will The plan of the proof will be to argue in the following manner: show that the derivation of Hilfsatz 5 of Rieger [3] can be used to estimate the sum Z nx Az(x,x;) (2.9) az(n;)x(n) We will establish Lemmas 3 and 4 of the next section for this purpose. [4]. c O X is X0 The estimate made in Rieger [5] in this case principal, more effort will be required. relies on Hilfsatz 13 of Rieger If This Hilfsatz implies that there is a constant > 0 such that i- p elk Is-i[ for log(2k) c -s i l-p O([s- l[L2(4k)) + In our Lemma 2, we replace the right side by an asymptotic o and this expansion leads to an asymptotic expansion expansion in powers of (s-i) -i descending by powers of log x (see Lemma 7, below). After we for x A estimate z(X’X0;) Az(X,X; we argue in a manner similar to that of the proof of Theorem 3 of Selberg [6], to obtain our main result. We remark that we can obtain comparable estimates to the estimates which we A z (x,x;) (see Lemma 7 below) for a wider class of arithmetic functions a z(n;) than the class given by (2.7), (2.3), (2.4), and our restrictions obtain for the sum We restrict ourselves to these examples here for simplicity of exposition. on 3. PRELIMINARY RESULTS. LEMMA i: 7. i) p -i (logp) n n p[k 7. ii) p -i (i- plk REMARK. (2.13)). (k) < L 2(3k) (3 3) The lemma is trivial if n(x) I n is done in Rieger [4] (see equation 1 Otherwise, let primes dividing k, q denote the so that q (k) th is at Therefore, it follows from the Chebyschev bounds prime. that q -i k (log k)/log 2] (log k)/log 2] most the p (3.1) i. (3.2) The special case of i) when There are at most th prime. Since n if The estimates ii) and iii) are well known. PROOF. for k p-l)-i n + CI L3(8k) [k ili) (e2(3k)) < (logk) L2(3K (log p )n is a decreasing function of p (3.4) if p is sufficiently large, we can conclude that 7. pl k p -i (log p) n 7. n pq p -i (log p) n 286 C.A. SPIRO Hence, it follows from (3.4) and the Chebyschev estimate for . p -i plk (logp) n (logq) n n n that (L2(3k))n If we repeat the argument with This inequality gives i). u(x) (3.5) 0, n and replace our second application of the Chebyschev estimate by the estimate + 0(I) Exponentiatlng ii) yields ill). // [s-l[log p < i for every prime we obtain il). LEMMA 2. that L 2(3q) P Pq Assume that [s-l[e2(3k) C, N-I l_p-S Plk 1-p i -1 + are real-valued, depend only on n C. and Then (s-llnPn(k) + 0N, C (([s-l[L2(3k)) N) Y. n=l P (k) where the coefficients k, dividing for some fixed but arbitrary positive constant N > i, we have for every fixed integer H p k and (3.6) n, and satisfy P (k) 0 n PROOF. n From the Taylor expansion for ((L2(3k))n) u (3.7) about e 0, and our first hypothesis, u we can deduce that l-p l-p -s -I+ i -i e (l-s)log p p-i j=l + E(s,p,N) J! (3.8) where 0(([s-I logp)N p-l) E(S,p,N) (3.9) and where 1 -I NI (log p) J (1- s) j j! + E(s,p,N)[ 7 (3.10) IT By (3.9) and (3.10), we can take the logarithm of the right side of (3.8), and obtain log 1-p -sN-I l_p-1 7. (s-i )m (logp) m=l em pk l-p -s -I exp T p k m=l where term in Qm(U) (3.12) log p Z:= I emu-I is 7. l_p + ON <([s-l[lo p)N 8 (3.11) P -s -I (3.12) (l!PI) Qm((P_l)-l) + ON ([s-lllogp) P N P It now follows from Lemma i, part i) that the error 0N((Is-IL2(Bk))N) clude from this Lema that em( p_ i)- Accordingly, l-p (s-l) m exp m =i for appropriate constants l-p m Since Qm is a polynomial, we can also con- EXTENSIONS OF SOME FORMULAE OF A. SELBERG _(logp)m__ y. m ((p i)-I p-i plk 287 (e3(3k) (3.13) If we combine this result with our second hypothesis, we find that the expression in (3.12) in curly brackets is of eu about follows. 0 u ON,C(1) Consequently, we can apply the Taylor expansion to the right side of (3.12), and the first equation of our lemma To obtain the estimate for the coefficients in R (k) coefficient of m and that the coefficient Rml(k)Rm2(k)...Rm.(k) LEMMA 3. . Ibz(n; m (3.12) in Pn(k) + i l >5 Pn(k) we observe that the is the quantity we estimated in (3 13) is a finite linear combination of terms of the form with 1 > If (s-i) + m.j // n is fixed, then there is a real number B= B(Ol, ) > I such that the following statements hold: i) )x(n)n -s (3.14) n=l converges uniformly in ii) for every s, z, o 2 and with X o > Izl and i B > I, " laz (n; )x(n)n -s (3.15) n=l converges uniformly in , s, z, and with X o > , If l take any B < REMARK. B, then these results are valid for 1 B It follows from (2.1) and (2.2) with n exp(o I Consequently, we have Izl and 2’ these results hold regardless of the choice of < and B. B 2Ol II If or does not depend on II For we can )/A] exp[(c I Cl -1/2 2 1 -)/A] 2 p that (2)Alog 2 i so that the result for f is superior to the result for an arbitrary choice of PROOF. II" First, assume that Formally, it follows from the Binomial Theorem and (2.2) that (pm) p -ms (l- p -s)z Y- z m=O I- --+Zzs + =2 p for every prime b (n;) z p - (3.16) (-I)(Z) (_i)( z p-S + z (pm) p -ms m=2 Hence, from (3.16) and the definition of the coefficients we can conclude that j=O Ib z (pJ-)p-S i + z 2 I()I 0 Denote the sum on the left of (3.17) by Let 7. :0 B be strictly between we deduce from I (2.1) and (3.17) that and + i + 2 + p (3.17) m:2 E(p,z,s;) exp{(o I i -)/A} For zl B and o I C.A. SPIRO 288 E(p,z,s;) + i + B2p -2i (! I(z )IP 0 zl No. for E(p,z,s;) term in o =2 )i " P m=2 + (3.18) m(AlgB-Cl) ([B] + i) - + (1 + Bp & Now I -AlogB o 0B(P -203) (3.20) is jr I)LB ( + (3.19) i=l (3.18) and (3.19) yield 3 -O1 z I()IP i) in (3.18) is uniformly bounded in Hence, the last sum on o -o - B, l(z )i where + (l + Bp OB(’BP- 1)+OB( P-2 -o1) z, so that TM E =2 >i 3 and p (3.20) m=2 B, so that the final error by our choice of Moreover, Bp -2 I =2 -20 p i ( + 2) B 2 7. -o 1 (3.21) =0 It follows from (3.20) and this last inequality that 1 + E(p,z,s;) OB( p -201 -2o + 0B( p o In view of our notation, (3.22), and the fact that o and I - 2 i both exceed 3 conclude that the product 7. p j=O converges uniformly in and s, z, Ibz(p j ;)x(pJ)p-Sl For fixed B, there is a number o 4 E o with X, series in (3.14) is uniformly bounded in i (5, l) Izl and ol, s, z, and X, with B. o > o B < such that I with o > 0 4 z and n>x B o But if Ib z (n;)x(n)n-Sl Y- < n>x and I 4-1 - n=l uniformly in x x, z, verges uniformly in i (3.23) Izi and B. i exp[(o4- )/A] s, z, and then we have Ib z (n’)In-04x@4-01 x Consequently, as x we Accordingly, the what we have just proved, the quantity in (3.14) is uniformly bounded in X, (3.22) (3.24) __[bz(n;)ln-04 tends to infinity, the sum on the left of (3.24) tends to zero, and s, z, X with and o X, o I and Izl as asserted. B. So, the sum in (3.14) con- To obtain the uniform convergences of (3.15), in view of the derivation of (2.7) it is enough to show that y:. [Xcpm)z(pm)p-ms[ p m=O is uniformly convergent. By (2.1) and (2.2), we have (3.25) By EXTENSIONS OF SOME FORMULAE OF A. SELBERG . Ix(pm)z(pm)p-mS < i + p-O + 7. o o 3 A log B > I , i A log B) (3.26) m=2 m=O By hypothesis, p-m(o 289 and consequently IX(pm) z(pTM) p-mS < I + p-O -20 + P -n 3 2 3 m= 0 m= 0 + i p-O (3.27) -2o + 0B,Ol( p 3 Accordingly, the quantity in (3.25) is uniformly convergent, as desired, and the lemma is proved in this case. , In the event that be derived from (3.17). the uniform convergence of the quantity in (3.14) can In this case, the uniform convergence of the quantity in (pm) (3.25), and hence, of the quantity in (3.15), follows from the fact that whenever 1 m i These derivations are similar to the argument that we have just made, and will therefore be left to the reader. into (3.17), the last sum in (3.17) is the geometric series If we put =21 zlmp,p in If we fix z, n for s, and o B 6 (1,2 o > o with I zl & B -201 OB( p then this series is and , 1 z - II Finally, suppose that (3.16), for every prime given above, As in the deri- we have p + z uniformly The rest of the proof of the result is similar to the proof of the result for the case and will be left to the reader. vation of I) i z + + z z (2,)(-i) 2 p -s p (3.28) -ml (3.29) Hence, in view of our notation, we find that j=O ]b z (pJ;ll)p-Sl 1+ lzl2p -2I -l =2 Again, the remainder of the proof in this case is similar to the proof for the case I[ in which // and we omit the details. For the remainder of this paper, we will assume that that B B(Ol,) we will take o > to be fixed. I only inasmuch as it depends on the dependence upon LEMMA 4: depending on uniformly in PROOF: For o I i) satisfies conclusions i o i I >5 of Lemma 3. ii) is given, and Furthermore, If a constant implied in an error term depends on B, we will indicate the dependence on B, o 1 but not I x i < y and for B such that E x<n<y az(n;)x(n) and and I > o z[ < B, 0B,o I ((y there is an x) (log y B > O, possibly + y i- (3.30) z Since f(s,z,x;) g(s,z,x;)((s)) z (3.31) 290 C.A. SPIRO [3] that it follows from (2.7), (2.8), and equation (i) of Rieger a z n. )’ (n’{)= 7. d z ()b z (’ - where (3.32) n n=l dz(n)n ((s)) (3.33) Idz(n) We can conclude from equation (2) of Rieger [3] that n and z with z B, , d[B]+l (n) for all so that (3.32)yields laz(n;{) d n [B]+I (n) lbz(n;g)] (3.34) We claim that it suffices to show that . n d[B]+l(n)Ibz(n;)l= . [B] 7. nx (oI,B) for a constant in z with j=l Izl > O, and j,B,z constants x(logx)J+OB ’i (x I- (3.35) which are uniformly bounded j,B,z Indeed, from (3.34) and (3.35), we will be able to deduce B. that a z (n"(n)I’ )X & ’, 7. (n) b z (n; ) d n B +I [B] j=07. J’B’z[Y(lg y)J y< n& x (3.36) x(logx) j]+OB,Ol(yl- The Mean Value Theorem implies that y(logy)J x(logx) j 0j (y x) (log x) j-I for j i, (3.37) According to (3.34), the and combining this fact with (3.36) verifies the claim. left side of (3.35) is Z= 7. nx [bz(n;)l x/n dz () ZI +7.11+7.111 (3.38) where 7.1 (n; x lbz )[ 7. n 7. 7.11 x< n& x/2 7.111 Z x/2<n&x d & x/n (3.39) z z & x/n IbzCn;) (3.40) (3.41) By equation (12.1.4) on p. 263 of Titchmarsh [7], we have [B] 7. x d[B]+ for certain constants I() Z k x(logx) j + j,B j=0 kj, B Substituting (3.42) into (3.41) yields i OB(X i [B]+I (log x) B) (3.42) EXTENSIONS OF SOME FORMULAE OF A. SELBERG EII (log x) [B] x x< n&x/2 Ibz(n; g)I E B 291 (n; ) ,- Xn (log x) x< n.& x/2 bz B]( )i l (3.43) Hence, we can deduce from Lemma 3, part i) that 0 Eli B(x (i +c;i)/2 (logx) [B] (3.44) Part i) of Lemma 3 also implies that EIII 7" x/2<nx X;)( < c I x (3.45) B Finally, combining (3.42) with (3.39) gives 7"l= 7" n Ib Z (n;) x n [B] E j j=O j x(logX B + To bound the error term, we note that if OB nx bz (n ) [( 1 7. 1 B--$]zo I, X 1 B+2 (3.46) then part i) of Lemma 3 yields 7" nNx B+2 ]b z (n; )I( X 0B (3.47) Otherwise, we can apply Lemma 3, part i) to obtain 7. ) n [bz(n; [( x i i 1 I B+2 ()Cl-l+B+-- x 7. n [bz(n;) [( 0 (3.48) 12B--+ x B /. It remains to estimate the main term in (3.44). x j (log x) j (log) If we write (i io$ o I/ n j (3.49) and apply the Binomial Theorem, we find that [B] 7" k j=O j B [B] j x(log x 7. j,B j=O If we make the change of variable [B] u x(logx) m, j j (3.50) we can rewrite this expression as [B] 7. x(log x )u 7. k (-I) j-u j,B u=O j=u j u (log n) j-u (3.51) Hence, the main term of (3.46) is [B] 7. x(log x) u=O u We want to write the sum on [B] 7. j=u n kj,B (-log j u n)J-U[b z(n, ) (3.52) n as the sum from n i to , plus an error term. 292 C.A. SPIRO It follows from part i) of Lemma 3 that this remainder term is E nz 0 ’bz(n;) x l n ) n u (log n) j- /n since the factor J-u (llOg_ ln) l-Ul < OB, J’Ul (logx) j-ux is a decreasing function of (l-l)/2) (3.53) Hence, we can n. combine whichever one of (3.47) or (3.48) applies to the error term in (3.46) with (3.38), (3.44), (3.45), (3.52), and (3.53), to obtain [B] 7 7. x(log x) [B] u k 51. u=0 j=u for some constant the sum on E The claim now follows with (3 54) equal to j ,B,z in (3.54), since part i) of Lemma 3 implies that j (log n)J-Ulbz(n; ) is uniformly bounded in z zl for (3.55) n n=l 4. +OB,; I (xl_ n n=l > O. (uI,B) g n)J-Ulbz(n;) (-log j u j,B < // B THE ESTIMATE FOR A z(x,X;) Let c be the constant 2 < 6 < 0 assume that c from Rieger [3], put 6 C(Ul)(log(Sk))-i Then, we will define the contour the negative real axis. the following three paths: min[c2,l-Ul] c(o I) 0 Cut the complex plane from S(k,) the straight line segment from i to be the union of C(Ol)(log(Sk)) along the negative real axis below the cut; the circle of radius i i, traversed once counterclockwise, beginning and ending at the point not including this point); the straight line segment from and along to I to -I to and center (but i l-C(Ol)(log(Sk) along the negative real axis above the cut. LEMMA 5. Let k < e lgx results are uniform in z and and let k with X be a character modulo k Izl -c 3 If X is nonreal, then ii) If X is real but nonprincipal, then we have -c where 0B(xe Az(X,X;) i) Az(X,X;) 3/log x + log x (4.1) xB(k OB ((k)--(lg 2k) c4 B (4.2) max[o:L(o,k =0] 8(k) iii) OB(Xe The following B: If X X0 is principal, then we have -c Az(X,X;) Lz(X,k) + OB(Xe / 3 log x (4.3) where L (x,k) z PROOF. i s f(x,Z,Xo; S(k,6) x__ as s As we indicated at the end of Section 2, we replace (4 4) (L(s,x)) z by -i EXTENSIONS OF SOME FORMULAE OF A. SELBERG g(s,z,X;)(L(s,X)) z f(s,z,X;) in the proof of Hilfsatz 5 of Rieger g(s,z,X;) 293 [3]. To insure that Lemma 3 is applicable to on the paths of integration occurring in the proof of Hilfsatz 5, we replace the constant c in the equation following (6) of Rieger [3] by our constant 6 Now part i) of Lemma 3 implies that g(s,z,x;) is uniformly bounded in and B, so that g(s,z,x;)=OB(1) on each of these paths of I) c(o o o Izl I Hence (4.4) integration. yields If(s’z’x;)l B i(e(s’x) Izl (4.6) Furthermore in place of the estimate d (n)X(n) OB((y- x) Z x<ny (log y)B uniformly for Izl have Lemma 4. We leave the details to the reader. n Q(k) Set B I and for x < y (see + Y I B+2 (4 7) line 19 on p. 185 of Rieger [3]), we // p. Plk LEMMA 6. let Choose > 0, assume that k < exp]logx and that Q(k) u be a nonprincipal character modulo X and suppose that k z B (logx)U Then -c ] log x A (x,X;) z uniformly in PROOF. and k 0 Bu (xe 3 (4 8) z is nonreal, the result follows from Lemma 5, part i), afortiori. If X real then we can conclude from Hilfsatz i of Walfisz [8] that X is also a character modulo Q, for at least one element Q of [Q(k),2Q(k),4Q(K)] According to a theorem of C. L. Siegel (cf. Estermann [2], Theorem 48), if e > 0 is (n/4) given and n is e-sufficiently large then 8(n) is less than I If X is - Consequently if Q(k) is -sufficiently large we can deduce from Lemma 5, part ii), that k replaced by Q with than i, Select and suppose that N u zl > 0, assume that k < exp iogx B Let (4.9) Now there are only X0 N (X,Xo;) x 7. =i k, N, and Q(k) (log x) k, u, and Then we have z(k) (log x)Z+ uniformly in and that denote the principal character modulo be a fixed but arbitrary positive integer. Az -u (log x) C4B for which Q(k) and (4Q(k)) are all less (2Q(k)) In each such case (Q(k)) so that our lemma also follows from part il) of Lemma 5. // LEMMA 7. let l-(log x) fails to be C-sufficiently large for k finitely many values of i/(3u) x to obtain the desired result. i/(3u) Thus, we can take -c3 log x + 0B(xe Az(X,X;) z 0B,N,u(X(logx)Re z-N-I(L2(3k))N k) )Re z) where (4.10) 294 C. A. SPIRO %z(k) (-i) !r(z-+l) (4.11) ks----i s--i Furthermore, IE(zuniformly in k + l)z(k)l ,B (L2 (3k)) (4.12) z and First, we rewrite (4.4) as PROOF. X L z (x,k) 2 S(k,6) x S-i (s-l) { (s-l)zf(s’z’xO;)! -Z s (4.13) ds By (4.5), (s-1)Zf(s,z,)O;) (4.14) where h(s,z k;) s -I Z g(s,z,x0;g) ((s (4.15) 1) (s)) We can conclude from (3.8), (3.10), and Lemma 2 that l-p plk l-p N- i -s i= -I n I (s-l)nPn(k) + 0N((Is- llL2(3k)) N) 7/10, where has magnitude less than Pn(k) depends only on k and (4.16) n On((L 2(3k))n) (4.17) Hence, the Binomial Theorem implies that Z plk l-p -I j J 0 E n;1 (s-l)nPn(k) + 0n ((Is-llL2 + N-I =I+ j=l uniformly in z and k Rjz(k) Now (s-l)(s) j 0B,N(IS- IIN(L2(3k)) N) R. (Q)(s-1) j + 3z where the coefficients (3k))N+l)) (4.18) 0B,N((Is-llL2(3k)) N) Rjz(k of (s- i) j satisfy OB,j((L2(3k))J) is analytic and bounded away from zero on (4.19) Is: Is-11 =1/2]. Further- more, part i) of Lemma 3 implies that z with that Izl Izl B B and o Hence, it g(s,z,X;) OB(1) uniformly in k, s, and and that g(s,z,X;) is analytic in > l l provided follows from (4.15) and Cauchy’s inequality for the coefficients of a power series that h(s,z,k;) 7. j=O T z,j (k) (s-l) j (4.20) EXTENSIONS OF SOME FORMULAE OF A. SELBERG T with coefficients z,j (k) 295 which satisfy IT z,j (k) <B ,o I pl k Thus, j=N B’I z, j uniformly in s any point j=N zl with z and k, s, I-O1 ) B and along the path of integration B’OI Is- i S(k,$) (i-o I) Is-ll satisfies so that N-I (k)) j=O rz,j(k)(s-l,J + OB,Ol (s-- ii N+Ik---- h(s,z,k;) along this path. i Is- iI N (4.22) By construction, i 5(1-Ol) Re z (4.23) So, we can conclude from (4.14), (4.18), (4.19), (4.21), and (4.23) that (s-l)Zf (s, Z,Xo; ) N-I s . (4.24) j=0 where the coefficients 3z (k) satisfy (4.25) Since power series representations are unique, we must have (4.26) We can conclude from (4.4) and (4.24) that . N-I L (x k) z a. (k)xl(x,z-j k) + 3z j=O + OB,o I,N (x (L (3Q)) 2 (---)Re z N #(k) S(k,6) [(s- I)N-z[ O-l[dsl) (4.27) where i -i S(k,6) (s- l)-WxS-lds l(x,w,k) Let C(b) denote the contour which goes from axis below the cut, traverses real axis, above the cut. w and k lwl C(Ol) and then returns to along the negative real along the negative /logx, k < SC(b (s-l)-WxS-lds + 0B,OI,N l(x,w,k) uniformly in S(k,) Since to (4.28) B + N (4.29) -(s-l)logx= u, and recall the Hankel integral representation for the gamma-functlon (cf. the last equation on p. 245 of Whittacker and Watson [i0]), we find that with If we let C. A. SPIRO 296 (logx)W-l+ OB,o le I’N l(x,w,k) To bound the remainder term in (4.27), we separate K(6) 6 and the union H(k,) -i Then (logx) (4.30) S(k,6) into the circular part of the two horizontal strips of 7k(6) }(s- l)N-Z[xO- llds[ < (logx) Now, it certainly suffices to prove this lemma when N S(k,6) Choose Re z-N-i > B (4.31) In that case, we have (4.32) Upon making the change of variable ,[ (sH(6) (i-o) log x, we arrive at Re z-N-I Re z) (log x) t l)N-ZxO-ldsl B,NII(N B,N(IOg x) Re z-N-i (4.33) Thus, the error term in (4.27) is OB,oI,N ((L 2(3Q)) N (k) Q--) Re z x(log x) Re z-N-i (4.34) Furthermore, by (4.15), the main term in (4.27) is N-IE F(z-j)l jz(k)x(lgx)Z-J + 0B,oI,N (xe-c5lgx (4.35) j=O The lemma now follows from (4.26), (4.27), and part ill) of Lemma 5. // 5. THE STATEMENT AND PROOF OF THE MAIN RESULT Let h, j, and k j z O, k m i, be integers with #In .(x,k,h;) x:(n) THEOREM i. Let Q(k) Choose be integers h, j, k (log x) u u x (k) (j-) + uniformly in PROOF. h, j, and - x(n) x,(n) i Set (5.1) (5.2) j > 0, and let N be a fixed but arbitrary positive integer. i and i k < exp]lgx with i j < BL2x, (h,k) Then we have ,. (,u,.) n& (h,k) h(modk)] J, n j(x,x;) and with / N \zj- 0B,N,u i (k) ( z z-z()(og x)Z- ) x(L2x)j j! z=0 (5.3) (logx) k, where the coefficients -N-I (e 2(3Q(k)))N z(k) ) are given by (4.11). In view of our notation, the orthogonality relations for characters yield 1 w’3(x’k’h’)’ () xmod7 kX(h) wj(x,x;) (5.3) EXTENSIONS OF SOME FORMULAE OF A. SELBERG i(n) (2.7) is completely multiplicative, modulo k Since any character is additive when restricted to squarefree A (x,x;) z and our definition of 297 (n) is additive, and (2.3), (2.4), it follows from n, that Az(X,X; u.(x,x;)z j 7. (5.4) J j=O If C with is any circle of radius less than B O, traversed once counterclockwise, then Cauchy’s Residue Theorem implies that This sum is actually finite. center 1 j(x’x;) 2- 7C Az (x’x;)z-j-ld z Now after the proof of Lemma 3, we declared that of this paper. So, for nonprincipal B would exceed i for the remainder C have radius we can let X (5 5) i and apply Lemma 6 to obtain u(X -c3i0g ) x OB, Uj(x,x;) If x is principal, then XO Hence, we can estimate we can view that ez(Q(k)) N Tj(X,Xo ;) x i 7. =i 2-- Thus, if we put fC z -i .6z(k)(lgx) OB,N, u(x(lgx)-N-I (e2 (3Q))N + By (4.12), by Lemma 7, with z -i k replaced by as either the principal character modulo 0 e%z(k) (5.6) is also the principal character modulo 0 Az(x,x;) e z(k) is analytic at Q(k) Q z- z- k or modulo In (4.11), Q(k) so we have + dz , x)Re 7clZ-J-ll\--(0) z= O, Q(k) Q(k) log (5.7) z Idzl and consequently Cauchy’s Residue Theorem yields 2i 7C z z(k) (logx) z-3dz + (j-l) bz z(k) (logx) z j -i (5.8) z=O If we substitute (5.8) into (5.7), and then substitute (5.6) and (5.7) into (5.3), we find that it suffices to prove that the remainder term in (5.7) is Since j < BL2x, C we can let the circle in (5.7) have radius J/L2x Thus, the integral in the error term is I Since Q k 2 U .j 3 < exp/log x exp[ (j cos8 0 0) (e2x) -I (e 2 Q) (-log x)]d0 (5.10) we can conclude from part iii) of Lemma 1 that 0 Hence, since cos \0 for < 0 & L2(Q(-Q) log x) s L2x & /2 and cosS 0 (5.ii) for u/2 & 8 , we can 298 C.A. SPIRO bound the integrand by Thus, I /2 for It is well known that /2eJ 0 cos d I0(j) where I cos ej , (e2x)Jj-J(7/2 0 I 0 < ej and by j cos e d O(eJj -I/2) d cos 0 for /2. + i) (5.12) (in fact, we have is the Oth Bessel function of purely imaginary 0 If we combine this result with (5.12), and apply Stirling’s formula for argument). we find that j! (L2x)Je j(j!)-I I I Since (5.13) (5.7), that error is (5.9), and the is the integral in the error term in theorem follows. // Upon performing the differentiation indicated in our theorem, we find REMARK. that we can replace the main term of our estimate for . N (log x) =i Where gj,,k(U) and m i provided that requirement that 6. by -j ,,k(L2x) of degree u (5.14) I j From Lemma 3, we can deduce that Theorem i is valid for the functions REMARK. mu is a polynomial in j(x,k,h;) for any value of < B< 2 B B > i, and that Theorem I holds for Furthermore, in view of the statement of Theorem i, the can be replaced by the assumption that exceed i B be positive. AN ANALOG OF THE SATHE-SELBERG FORMULAE THEOREM 2. integers with Fix i B’ 0 with B’L2x, j < B’ < B Select i, I (h,k) k > 0, and let h, u exp logx < and Q(k) j, k be (logx) u Then we have x (k) logx .(x,k,h’) 3 uniformly in REMARK. F(I (j-l)! h, j, and k where with 0 B’ 0 (j-I /LzX) + OB,B’,u According to Lemma 3, we can take < B’ 2 if 1 /A] exp[(ol -) m L2x (6.1) ((L2x)’2 3(16k))2)] J B (L for any selection of or mi provided that k. to be large enough so that our B’ > 0 if and for any choice of fl + denotes the principal character modulo XO theorem is valid for any choice of B’ X0;) 2x (L2x) Here B’ satisfying A is the constant mentioned in (1). PROOF. We can conclude from (44) and Theorem 1 with _z;_l + 0 (k) (log x)Z-i [ i k) N 1, that + z=O x(L2x)J j! (6.2) log x) -2L 2 (3Q(k)) EXTENSIONS OF SOME FORMULAE OF A. SELBERG 299 where Fz)(--k))Zg(l’z’Xo;) lz (k) (6.3) By the functional equation for the gamma-function, we have iz (k) For I, j the theorem follows from (6.2) and (6.4). (z) iz(k) g(l,z,Xo;) is z B’ < B, and since k, in k and z > I, j set Iz[ with (6.5) bounded uniformly in we can deduce from g’(l,zo,Xo;) the derivative of an analytic function that bounded uniformly in If k(z,k;) Since part i) of Lemma 3 implies that < B, and (6.4) g(l’z’Xo;) F(z+l) N B’ z with Cauchy’s inequality for g"(l,z,Xo;) and i/F(z + i) Furthermore, entire, so that its first two derivatives are uniformly bounded in z with are is [z[ N B’ Hence, it follows from (6.5), (6.4), and part iii) of Lemma i that [i"(z)[ <B,B k uniformly in (log (3k/(k))) \ and z Izl with 2 <B,B’ J (L 3(16k))2 (6.6) From (6.2), (6.5), and Cauchy’s Residue B’ Theorem, we can conclude that n.(x,k h;) 3 1 1 x (k) logx 2hi fC (z)(logx)Zdz + C denotes the where Put X(r) -iIf rz fC (log (j < (6.7) i x(L2x)J (k) j! l)/L2x L2(3Q (K))) (log x) 2 traversed once counterclockwise. Then the integral in (6.7) is l)/L2x (j r [z contour OB’u + 1 x}Zz-Jdz + 7C [k(z} k(r) denotes the straight line segment from k(r)(zr to r}] z, z (log x} z -j dz then we have __(z-w)h"(w)dw (z)-7(r)- (z- r)’(r) (6.8) (6.9) rz for Iz[ B’ So, it follows from (6.6) and the Triangle Inequality that lk(z)-(r)-(z-r)’(r) again uniformly in and k second integral in (6.8). z with <B,B,(L3(16k))2(k(-k--) ) [z < B’ Re z lr-zl 2 (6.10) We now apply this estimate to the At the same time, we evaluate the first integral in (6.8) by Cauchy’s Residue Theorem. Since the quantity in (6.8) is the integral in (6.7), we obtain (e2x)J-i (r) 7c (z) (logx)Zdz (j-l) + OB,B, + L3(16K))27 r Iz-Jldz ,) z ir- z -----log x (6.11) C.A. SPIRO 300 C By our choice of we can rewrite the integral in (6.11) as 4r f0 (i- cos 0)e(J-l)cos 0(k__c.)-r cosd [0,i/i-] the integrand most (sin)/sin(i/I/ ). On the interval integrand is at O(L integrand is 3-j 2(8k))r) + i/I-N/2, For the Finally by part ill) of Lemma i, the [/2, ]. on the interval 4r3-Jo(eJj -3/2) O(j-le j) is (6.12) the integral in (6.11) is Thus O(exp[(j-l)(L2(8k))/e2x]) (6.13) We will show that the second error in (6.13) can be absorbed into the first one. Indeed, if since k (L2x)/L3x 1 j then exp[(j-I)L2(8k))/L2 x] e eJ-lj -3/2 Furthermore, if j-1 > (L2x)/L3x, then x. k since (log x) u 1 (L2x) x (k) logx j-I (r) + (j-l) By applying Stirling’s formula for Q(k) (logx) u eJ-lj-3/2 Therefore, if we substitute (6.11) into (6.7) 0B u- (L2x) J x 1 (k) +OB,B’,u N U (6 15) In either case, we have shown that the integral in (6.11) is 0B,u(r3-JeJj-3/2) j (x,k,h;) u (L2x)B B exp[BL2(8k)] exp[(j-l)L2(8k))/L2x (6.14) ( L (3Q (k)) 2 2 (log x) j’ x (k) hogx r + (6.16) 3-jeJj-3/2 (L 3(16k)) to the second error j! we find that term using the fact that (6.4), (6.5) and the to estimate the first error term, and recalling r definition of we can now deduce the asserted result. H AN APPLICATION TO THE STRENGTHENING OF SOME RESULTS OF G. J. RIEGER 7. By using Lemmas 6 and 7, we can improve Stze 2 through 7 of Rieger [3] by replacing each estimate by log x THEOREM 3. k x times an asymptotic expansion descending by powers of We illustrate the idea with an example: (cf. Satz 2 of Rieger [3]): Select - < explog x and that Q(k) (log x) integer relatively prime to k, Then we have E x a (n;) z nNx n (mod k) =- uniformly in k, , and satisfy (4.12). N, u N + and OB,N,u-r-r’’k@m) z, > O, suppose that and assume that and let "i z(k) (log x) u N [z[ B Let be any be a fixed but arbitrary positive integer. z- + (7.1) (logx) Re z-N-i where the coefficients z(k) are given by (4.11) EXTENSIONS OF SOME FORMULAE OF A. SELBERG PROOF. 301 According to the orthogonality relations for characters, we have . i (k) xmod k X(2’) (n;) a n-x A (x,x;) z (7 2) 2’ (rood k) n // f(s,z,x,) by (L(s,x)) z we can argue as in Lemma 5 d (n)x(n) of the same form as the expression on the Z This theorem is now an immediate consequence of Lemmas 6 and 7. Furthermore, if we replace to obtain an estimate for YriSE right side of (4.10). Then, we can reason as in the proof of Theorem 3, but using Hilfsatz 5 of Rieger [3] in place of Lemma 6, to arrive at the following result: (cf. Satz i of Rieger [3]): THEOREM 4. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 3, we have . nx n = N X d (n) z ’(k) 2’ i 2’ (mod k) 2’z(k) (log x) k, 2’, N, Y2,z (k) + (7.3) + uniformly in .--2’ and OB,N,u x (log x) Re z-N-I(L2(3k))N( z, where the coefficients (2,-1)!F(z-2’+l) k-0--l 2’z(k) ] are given by (7.4) s=l Furthermore, Iz2’z (k) <,B (L2(3k))2’’ uniformly in k and (7.5) z ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. The author would like to thank G. J. Rieger for enquiring about what improvements could be made in Rieger [3] by using the results of this paper Finally, we gratefully acknowledge the help of a referee, who made a number of helpful comments in regard to our work. REFERENCES I. SELBERG, A. Note on a paper by L. G. Sathe, J. Indian Math. Soc. (N.S.) 18 (1954), 83- 87. 2. DELANGE, H.L. 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