209 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 2 (1985) 209-230 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SOLUTIONS FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS IN COMPOSITE ELASTIC AND VISCOUS MEDIA D. L. JAIN Department of Mathematics University of Delhi Delhi 110007, India R. P. KANWAL Department of Mathematics Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802 (Received April 5, 1985) ABSTRACT. We present the solutions for the boundary value problems of elasticity when a homogeneous and istropic solid of an arbitrary shape is embedded in an infinite homogeneous isotropic medium of different properties. The solutions are obtained inside both the guest and host media by an integral equation technique. The boundaries considered are an oblong, a triaxial ellipsoid and an elliptic cyclinder of a finite height and their limiting configurations in two and three dimensions. The exact interior and exterior solutions for an ellipsoidal inclusion and its limiting configurations are presented when the infinite host medium is subjected to a uniform strain. In the case of an oblong or an elliptic cylinder of finite height the solutions are approximate. Next, we present the formula for the energy stored in the infinite host medium due to the presence of an arbitrary symmetrical void in it. This formula is evaluated for the special case of a spherical void. Finally, we analyse the change of shape of a viscous incompressible ellipsoidal region embedded in a slowly deforming fluid of a different viscosity. Two interesting limiting cases are discussed in detail. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Isotropic solid, composite media, strain energy, viscous inhomogeneity, triaxial ellipsoid. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE, i. 73C40. INTRODUCTION. Composite media problems arise in various fields of mechanics and geophysics. In this paper we first present the solutions for boundary value problems of elastostatics when a homogeneous and isotropic solid of an arbitrary shape is embedded in an infinite homogeneous isotropic medium of different properties. solutions are obtained inside both the guest and the host media. The The boundaries considered are an oblong, an ellipsoid with three unequal axes, and elliptic 210 D.L. JAIN AND R. P. KANWAL cylinder of finite height and their limiting configurations in two and three The exact interior and exterior solutions for an ellipsoidal inclusion dimensions. and its limiting configurations are presented when the infinite host media is For other configurations the solution presented are subjected to a uniform strain. Next we present the formula for the energy stored in the infinite approximate ones. host medium due to the presence of an arbitrary symmetrical void in it. formula is evaluated for the special case of a spherical void. This Finally, we analyse the change of shape of a viscous incompressible ellipsoidal region embedded in a slowly deforming fluid of a different viscosity. Two interesting limiting cases are discussed in detail. The analysis is based on a computational scheme in which we first convert the boundary value problems to integral equations. Thereafter, we convert these integral equations to infinite set of algebraic equations. scheme then helps us in achieving our results. A judicial truncation Interesting feature of this computational technique is that the very first truncation of the algebraic system yields the exact solution for a triaxial ellipsoid and very good approximations for other configurations. The main analysis of this article is devoted to three-dimensional problems of elasticity and viscous fluids. The limiting results for various two-dimensional problems can be deduced by taking appropriate limits. 2. MATHEMATICAL PRELIMINARIES (x,y,z) Let be Cartesian coordinate system. solid of arbitrary shape of elastic constants k2 A homogeneous three-dimensional and is embedded in an infinite homogeneous isotropic medium of X1 and i" R the centroid of 1,2 R R 1 Let 2. + S S + R 2. 0 of elastic constants 1 of the coordinate system is situated at be the boundary of the region The stiffness tensors Cijkg(), R 2 so that the entire (x,y,z) R, are constants and are defined as XSij6k + a(6ikj + i6jk), Cijk where R 2 The elastic solid is assumed to be symmetrical with respect to the three coordinate axes and the origin region is R occupying region 2 6’s are Kronecker deltas. (2.1) The latin indices have the range 1,2,3. The integral equation which embodies this boundary value problem is derived in precisely the same fashion as the one in reference [i]. field u.j(x)~ () 0 u.j(x)~ Indeed, the displacement satisfies the integral equation + ACigkm /R Gjm,k(X’X~~’)ug,i,(x’)dR,~ 2 x~ R, (2.2) u0(x) where subscript comma stands for is the displacement field differentiation, in the infinite host medium occupying the whole region R due to the prescribed 2 1 stressed at infinity, while Green’s function ACigkm the differential equation Cigkm Cikm, Gkm satisfies INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SOLUTIONS FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS c.1ljkgGkm,gj (x,x) 6 (x-x’) and 6ira 6(x-x’) x,5" (2.3) R Explicitly, is the Dirac delta function. Gij (x,x’) 211 Gji(x,x’) 8 Ix- kl*Z I ij x" I. (2.4) For the sake of completeness and for future reference we write down briefly scheme for solving the integral equation (2.2). the basic steps of the truncation To obtain the interior solution of the integral equation (2.2) when differentiate equation (2.2) uj, Pl---Pn (x) u 0 j, n we times to get (-l)n+l ACikm Pl---Pn x R2, I G R2 k,p{___pn(X,X j m )u i" (x’)dR 2 (2.5) R2 p’s have the values 1,2,3. where 0 Taylor series about the origin u x" R ug,i,(x’) in Thus, 2. ...x" z ,i ql---qs(5) }x where q’s 5 in both sides we obtain u 0 ’Pl---Pn (0) (2.6) l---Xqs’ Substituting these values in (2.5) and setting have the values 1,2,3. uj ’Pl---Pn (0) u where i s= 0 , Now we expand the quantities (-i) n+l ACigkm Tjm’kPl---Pn’ql---qs s=O (2.7) 6, iql---qs (Q), where / Tjm’kPl---Pn’ ql---qs R Gjm kp 2 As in reference [i], taking u), uj (0) l---Pn n (x,O)x ---x ql 0,i, s qs dR 2, (2.8) 0, in equation (2.5) we get and 0 Uj,p ) Uj,p) ACigkmTjm,kpUg,i (0), (2.9) respectively, where f Tjm,kp {I 16 jmtkp while M 1 k I + 21 and tjmkp R2 + tjmkp 1 8 y G jm,kp (x,0)dR 2 (M i_ I t j mkp} (2.10) are the shape factors 4 0 r R2 Oxj 8XmOXkOX P dR 2, r (2.11) D.L. JAIN AND R. P. KANWAL 212 2 Now we substitute the value u. 3,P (0) uiJ ,P (0) + and from (2.1) in (2.9) and get AkTjk,kpU,(O) A(Tjm,kpUm,k(O)~ + Tjm,kpUk,m(0)). u.3,p(O) When we decompose i ACjmkp C-’mkp3 Cjmkp (2.12) into the symmetric and antisymmetric parts Ujp ) respectively, as we did in reference [I] and define ajp(O) i TIjm,kp --(Tj 2 m,kp- Tpm kj we find that relation (2.9) yields the following two relations ujpCO) u ajp(O) 0 ajp (0) AC i gkmTjm,kpU i(O)" P AC (0) + i gkmTjm,kpUgi (0), (2.13) (2.14) Equation (2.13) gives rise to the relation Ukk(O) [I + 2A[ Ak Ull (0), u22(0), u33(0) The values of 0 u33 (0) and u --0 (2.16) u are Ull (o) u22 (0) Ull u22 o u33 (o).I --0 u LU33(0) while the elements (i-2 bij, 1,2,3 i,j of the matrix i tiikk)6iJ i tiikk- 2A(I- i and the suffices i # j, i,j i 1,2,3 and j are not summed. B (2.17) are given as (2.18) tiijj’ Furthermore, the values of are given in terms of the known constants relation [l-A{ll(tjjkk+tiikk + 4(M; I 0 ui4J (0), uij (0) 0 aij(0) A +l (tjjkk-tiikk)Uij(0)’ is defined by i # j, i,j aij(O), 1,2,3, (2.20) (2.19). Finally, substituting the above values of expans ions ulj (0), J by the (2.19) Similarly, equation (2.14) yields the values of non-zero components of in the form aij(0) i # 0 ll)tiijj}] -Iuij(0). i # j where 0 UlOl(0), u22(0), are given by the matrix equation where the column vectors uij(0) (2.15) in terms of the known constants Bu bij 0 Ukk (0). -i -I tllkkUll (O)+t22kkU22 (O)+t33kkU33 (0) uij (0) and aij (0) in the 213 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SOLUTIONS FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS u() + (Uik() + aik())xk, ui() E R 2, yield the required approximate inner solution where (2.21) Relation Xl--X, x2=Y, x3=z. (2.21) gives the exact solution for an ellipsoidal inclusion and its limiting configurations when the infinite host medium is subjected to a uniform prescribed stress. In the case of elastic inclusions which are symmetrical with respect to the three coordinate axes and have only one characteristic length as in the case of a sphere a cube etc., there are only two distinct non-zero shape factors, namely, Indeed since relation (2.9) yields tllll ti122. I = / V 2 (V 2 r )dR 2 R 2 tkkmm 8-- it follows that in this case t2222 tllll t3333; ti122 t2233 / R [-86()]dR2 (2.22) -i, 2 t3311; tllkk t33kk t22kk . i (2.23) When we substitute these relations in (2.15) and (2.16), we get the simplified results, Ukk(O) [i + AK -i i 0 Ukk (0); K k g 2 + p, gK Ak + 2 A, (2.24) (2.25) 5 d where c 2A-I+c-I A I+2AG3 (MI- l)(tllll-tl122)}, -I -A + C-I d I AK C= I+-M I Similarly, in this case, results (2.19) and (2.20) yield uij(O) [I+2A{13I 2(MI- I )tiijj }]-l uijO (0), i # j, i,j (2.26) 1,2,3, and 0 aij (0). aij() The above values of uij(0) and (2.27) aij(O) when substituted in the expansions (2.21) give rise to the required inner solution in this case. In order to complete the analysis of this section we need the values of the shape factors of various inclusion. 3. They are presented in the next section. VALUES OF THE SHAPE FACTORS FOR VARIOUS SOLIDS (i) Oblong. so that the region Let the faces of the oblong be given by R2 is Ixl a, IYl b, Iz < c. x +/-a, y In this case, +/-b, z +/-c D.L. JAIN AND R. P. KANWAL 214 2 tllll tan -i bc i ti122 A where + a2+d 2 a2A2+b2 i abc A abc t (a2+b2)A (a2+b2+c2) 1/2 C 2 i abc and t )’a2+c2"A 1 133 tan -i bc (3.1) All the other shape factors can be is summed. k 2 1 Ikk obtained by permutations. For a cube of edge 2a, the above values reduce to tllll t2222 t3333 ti122 t2233 t3311 tllkk t22kk t33kk When we take the limit i i +-- I (3.2) 2V i in relations (3.1), we obtain the following c . values of the non-zero shape factors for an infinite rectangular cylinder occupying R2: Ixl the region 2 tllll tan 2 tan 2222 b Setting < a, IYl -i b < b, < z < ab ab --a + (-a2+b2) t1122 t2211 i a (a2+b 2 (3.3) ab + (a2+b 2) in the above formulas we obtain the values of the corresponding a shape factors for an infinite square cylinder occupying the region R xl 2 < a, i tllll Yl < a, +1 =. < z < These values are I t2211 ti122 i t2222 2--- I + 2--- (3.4) The limiting results (3.3) and (3.4) agree with the ones obtained in reference [i]. (ii) Triaxial Ellipsoid. Let the equation of the surface of the ellipsoidal elastic solid be x a a, b where In this case and R 2 2 2 c + 2 + i, are the lengths of the semi-principal axes of the ellipsoid. x is the region 2 non-vanlshlng shape factors are R where and u j c > O, b a c tiiii 3abc / 4 0 tiijj ab__c f 4 0 2/a 2 + y2/b 2 udu udu 2 ,i < 1, and the values of the (3.5a) 1 2 3 J, i,j 1,2,3, (3.5b) (u+ai) (u+a.)R u j [(u+a2)(u+b2)(u+c2)] I/2 are not sued. i (u+a)2Ru 2 + z 2 /c 2 a I a, a 2 b, a 3 c and the suffices For a prolate spheroid with the semi-principal axes i 215 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SOLUTIONS FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS a,b,b, a >_ b, the foregoing shape factors reduce to 3ab2 tllll 0 (u+a - 3ab t3333 t2222 ti122 ab ti133 t2233- ab 2 4 f where 2) (l-k LI In the limit when L I 1/5 0 (u+b 2) 3 (u+a (u+b i b 2) l+k. (Z) i ’ i 15’ i (3.6c) k 2 k 2 2 b__ I (3.7) 2 O, in relations (3.6) and (3.7) we find that k i # j, and the suffices (3-k2)Ll (3.6d) a a, i.e. (3.6b) t2 222’ 3 i 6 (l-k2) + 6 (3+k2)Ll (l-k2) i 3 + 2) 1/’2 2)2(u+a 2)3/2 udu log 3 udu. udu f0 tiijj 1,2,3 i,j,k f (3 6a) and the shape factors for a sphere of radius I tiiii 2 2 k k 2 2) 5/2 (u+b 2) (u+a 2) 1/2 (u+b 0 (l-k2) (3LI-I)’ i udu f 4 I tiikk (3.8) 3 and i are a are not summed. j Similarly, the shape factors for the oblate spheroid with seml-principal axes a,a,b, a >_ b derived from relations (3.5) are 3a2b t2222 tllll 3a2b t3333 (u+b) 0 a t2233 ti133 0 (u+a udu 2 5/2 f 0 4 3 2) 3(u+b 2) 1/2 i 2 (u+a 1 (u+a2)(u+b2)3/2 i- i + 6 (I+<2) + 6 (3-<2)L2 (3L2-i) udu udu 0 (-1+<2) (u+a) 2b= 4 __a2b ti122 udu f 4 (1+<2) (3.9b) 1 (3+<2)L2 (3.9c) (3.9d) tllll’ 2) 3 (u+b 2) I/2 (3.9a) where L2 When "i+<I<4 ),< tan( i i + i <2 <- ), <2 2 (a 2 i). (3.10) b b a, we again recover the corresponding results for a spherical inclusion. In the limit < in relations (3.9) and (3.10), L O, 1/3, 2 we find that the values of the non-vanishing shape factors for an extremely <2(3L2-I) thin oblate spheroid are tllll 1/8, t2222 Similarly, when - ti133 1/6, t2233 in results a 1/24. ti122 (3.5), we deduce the shape factors for the y2/b2 + z 2 /c 2 < i, < x R 2 infinite elliptic cylinder occupying the region Then the non-zero values of the shape factors are t2222 3bc udu f 0 (u+b 2) 5/2 (u+c)2 1/2 -c(b+2c) 2 2(b+c) I e 2 0 sinh O(2-e Ocosh gO ), . D. L. JAIN AND R. P. KANWAL 216 3abc 4 t3333 bc b/c / (u+b 0 udu 2 3/2 I -b (c+2b) 2 udu (u+b2)I/2(u+c2) 5/2 t3322 t2233 and / 0 i -bc (u+c 2 3/2 2 (b+c) e 2 0’ which agree with the known results coth 0cosh 0(2-e e 2 2(b+c) -20 sinh [i]. When c 0 s inh0) 2 0, (3.11) b, we recover 0 the shape factors for a circular cylindrical inclusion while in the limit 0 we htain the corresponding values for an infinite strip. Let the elliptic cylinder of height Elliptic Cylinder of Finite Height. (iii) 2h occupy the region 2 }a R2 where a and 2 + Izl i, h, In this case the are the lengths of its semi principal axes. b values of shape factors are tllll t2222 t3333 ti122 ti133 /2 3hab / 2 /2 3hab J" [-sin29+ (L) 2 I 0 hab hab /2 / 2s in 2q (h2+a2cos2) [-cos2l + 3b2sin2qcos2 2 [-sin2 h + h /2 [-sin / 0 2 .2 oa h 2 h 3 2 in2qcs 2 + 3b s {i- /2 [_cos2q (h2+b2sin2) 0 where 2 L2+h (L2+h 2 (h2+a 2 cos 2 (3.12c) L2+h 2 dq }] (L) 2 2 (3.12d) /L 2+h 2 dq L2+h2 (3.12e) (h2+a 2cos 2) L2+h 2 a2cos2 3 (3.12b) 2 dq 2 b2sin 3( L2+h2 q I] 3 (L2+h 2) {i- (3.12a) dq 2 (e) b sin {I I- (L)2 }] 3 (L2+h2) qcos 2 +(h2+a2cos2q) dq }] 2 2 sin 2 (L2+h 2) 3 (L) 0 ! il- 4 i {i (L)2 0 3hab 4 a cos q 0 hab 2233 [_cos2q+ (3.12f) d (L2+h 2) (h2+b 2s in2q) L2+h 2 L2 (a2cos2+b2sin2). In order to get the corresponding shape factors of a circular cylinder of a in the above formulas and obtain radius a and height 2h, we let b t iiii ti133 t 2222 16 1 4 t2233 (+ - t3333 3 )’ h/ - a2+h 2. These results, in turn, yield the shape factors of a circular disc of radius small thickness 2h. They are tllll t1122 t2222 __3 16 (a + h 3 2__ tllll’tl133 t2233 t -i 3333 4 a 2a + I 3 (3h 3 5 h 2 3 a (3.13) a and 217 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SOLUTIONS FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS EXACT INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SOLUTIONS FOR AN ELLIPSOIDAL ENCLOSURE OCCUPYING 2 2 2 REGION R + < i. 2 a c 4. b-2 + When the infinite host (homogeneous and isotropic) elastic medium occupying the R whole region is subjected to a prescribed uniform stress of z-axls, the components of the vectors u Tl E1 0 I (x) o’s where x, u Tl 0 2(x) E-- have to be defined. 0 0 0 aij (0) 0 (x) 0 i UB(X) y’ and o z, 22 (x) T (x) along the direction are given as 0 x T R, (4.1) Accordingly, in this case ToI Ul[ (0)= u22 (0) u 0 T 0 u33(0) El (4.2) 1 2 3. i # j, When this infinite host medium has an isotropic elastic ellipsoidal inclusion of Lame’s constants k2’ occupying the region 2 x 2 + 2 + a R2: 2 <i, c then the exact inner solution is given by u Ull(O), u22(0) where the constants (2.17). (u33(0))z, x (u22(O))y, u 3(x) (Ull(0))x, u 2(x) I() and u33(0) ( (4.3) R2, are given by the matrix equation Thus Bu =u b.. of the matrix B The solution of equation (4.4), after where the components (glh2=g2hl ), u22() Ull(O) (4.4) E1 or are defined in (2.18). me simplifications, is given as (hlf2-h2fl ), u33() (flg2-f2gl), (4.5) where fl I ’) i gl + 2 Ak 2kk 2& i 2 (4.6a) (4.6b) i A hi f2 2A_ _ _I tllkk- Mq (tllkk-2kk) 2A(l -i)(i tllll t1122 A___ (tllkk_t22kk) (I l)(tl i 122-t2222 I t2 i (tllkk-t22kk) 2Ak(l _i)i (tl133-t2233)’ A _i) i tllkk M (tllkk+it33kk) 2A(I i lll+itl13 3) A (t I (4.6c) (4.6d) 218 D. L. JAIN AND R. P. KANWAL M (tllkk+it33kk) 2A(I Ak g2 h A I(I-2 i t33kk) (I-2Ol)T o 2 (glh2-g2hl)(l+ + t’s where (4.6e) (tllkk+t33kk)-2AG(l- l)(tl i133+ t3333) i (4.6f) I (4.6g) Ak 2AG MI M (flg2-f2gl)(l i) (tl122+t2233) i t I AA + llkk 2 (hlf2-h2f)(i i Ak 2AI, + M I M t22kk I (4.6h) A t33kk)’ +i- i are the shape factors of the ellipsoid as given by (3.5), when we set al=a a2=b, a3=c. uii(), When we substitute the values of i 1,2,3, from (4.5) in (4.3), we get the exact inner solution. Limiting Cases To check these results we take the limits x region reduces to the spherical region b 2+y2+z2 a, so that the ellipsoidal a, c a 2 Now for the sphere there are only two distinct non-zero shape factors, namely, t3333 r2222 tllll ;i and consequently tllkk t22kk t33kk ti122 . t 2233 t311j I I- i Thus, for this limiting case we have fl -gl 1 + 2A’(I +5 (I I)}’ (4.7a) (4.7b) (4.7c) (4.7d) 2Ak. i(i+ 3TI) h2 + Ak 2Az (1 TI(I+<I) +MI i])(1+3oi (4.7e) (4.7f) MI (i+ where ,K) 11 [gl(2h2-f2-g2) ]’ K Ak + (2A)/3. (4.7g) Also, Tl u33 (0) where i 2Tl (1 )1 i 2 + T T 2 i TI (X + )’ i i ), (4.8a) (4.8b) 219 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SOLUTIONS FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS i (7-5I)+2 (8-101) 3I I (1-2c1) [2 A< (i+ .-7-) C (4.9) 15 I (1-I M I (1-2c2)+ 2 (a (1+ 2 (4.10) 3 I (i-oI) (i-22) Substituting the values of from (4.8) to (4.10) in (4.3), we obtain uii() the exact inner solution for the spherical inclusion. ui() in spherical polar coordinates r Ur(X)~ {[u II () + u33 ()] + [u33() r [u33 (Q) u0(x (r,8,@) Expressing the components r < a, we have for Ull()]cos 2}, (4.11a) (4.11b) 28 Ull ()]sin The corresponding non-vanishing stress components are rr(X) + k2 [2ull(0) u + 33(0) + 2 {[u II(0) u 33(0)~ + [u33(0) Ull(0)]cos 20, (4.12a) k212Ull(0) T06(x) r0(x) -2[u33(0) (x) k [2u (0) 2 Ii + u33(0)] + G2{[Ull(0) u 33 (0)] + u33(Q)] u33(0)-u ll(0)]cs 2t, (4.12b) (4.12c) 28, Ull(0)]sin + + (4.12d) 22Uli(0) As far as the authors are aware [3,4] even these exact interior solutions for a sphere are new. Interior solutions for a prolate-spheroidal enclosure of semi-principal axes a,b,b, a b are obtained by appealing to the corresponding shape factors. values of the shape factors and t t-. i # j, i llll llJJ are not summed), are given by relations (3.6) while, tllkk t22kk 1 2 (l-k2)(3Ll-l) + (3-k2)Ll t33kk i I k 2 3(I+-) + i k 2 1 (l-k2) j 1,2,3 (i The and k2Ll e I. The values of the shape factors and relations (4.3), (4.5) and (4.6) lead to the required exact solutions. Similarly, using the shape factors of oblate spheroid as given by relations (3.9) we obtain from equations (4.3), (4.5) and (4.6) the exact solution for this limiting case. Formulas for various other configurations such as an elliptic disk can now also be derived. In precisely the same manner we use the shape factors of the oblong as given by (3.1) and that of elliptic cylinder of finite height as given by (3.12) and derive the first approximation to the interior solutions of these cases from equations (4.3), (4.5) and (4.6). These results yield, in the limit, the corresponding formulas for the configurations such as a cube and a circular cylinder of finite height. Let us now discuss the exact outer solution for an ellipsoidal enclosure 2 2 2 i. We have found that the exact x /a + y + z 2 /c occupying the region R2: 2/b2 inner solution in this case is given by relation (4.3) where the values of the D. L. JAIN AND R. P. KANWAL 220 Ull(0), constants 1,2,3 i are given explicitly by equations (4.5) and (4.6) in terms of the known shape factors of the ellipsoid. Substituting this inner solution in the governing integral equation (2.2) and setting (x=x,y,z), we have u) + uj(x) Xl=X, yl--y, Zl=Z, + 2 + + AXUll(0) u22(0) / AUll(0) R R2 jl ,i 2 + u 22 (0) / (x,x’)dR_ R2 Gj2,2(x,x’)dR2 (4.13) R I, 2 Green’s where the components of G Gjk,k(X,x’)dR2 / R Gj3,3 (x,x’)dR, x / u33(0) u33(0)} + function - are given by (2.4). Gij(x,x’) Various integrals in this relation can be evaluated in the following way. Gjl,l(X,X )dR$ / R 2 8 + i i where {2 8 dR 2 ox J R2/ (x I ( ) Ml i I) (i 8 -(x) aR { 8ij o s lx-x’l 8Xl R2 i 8 2 --(x. (x) x dR 2 R2/ x-x’ (4.14) j (x)), is the Newtonian potential due to the solid ellipsoid of unit density occupying region 2 R2 x2/a + y2/b2+z2/c 2 <1, at the point x.. R 1 the Newtonian potential due to a solid ellipsoid of variable density R I, that is the region R 2 at the point 2 3 x k du V @(x)~ V= and ala2a3 abe, 2 a.x Ru 3 S RI (u+ak2) k=l R2 V x. j(x) is occupying x dR xdR -x" and Z {i- 2 x k du x R I, j (4 15) 1,2,3, (4.16) (u+a21) (u+a22)(u+a)}112, is the positive root of x 2 a2+ 2 2 + +-b2+ c2+{ i, x 6 R I(>0). (4.13) can be Similarly, other integrals occuring in the right hand side of equation obtain evaluated. Substituting these values of the integrals in (4.13) we INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SOLUTIONS FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROLBEMS A Q0) + 2 0 )} (0) + 221 0 +A{-I ujj (0) xj ((x)) __i) (Ull(O) 02 (i- i + where O--l 1,2,3 j + x and E R u22(0) and I 0 2 02 + u33() 0 2 is not summed. j All the terms on the right Indeed, the first term is given by (4.1), the functions side are known. are known from (4.15) and (4.16) while the quantities j(x) are expressed in relations (4.5) and (4.6). (4.17) o3)(xj(x)-j(x))}, uii(O), i (x) and 1,2,3 Let us check this formula by considering the limiting case of a spherical inclusion. Let a, c b - (x) a j (x) du / 2 2 (u+a xj / (i r -a =r u+a 2 Ix r > a (4.18) 5 2 r (u+a)2) 2 2 r -a 3 a 2 r (I- 2 3/2 5 ax. du (u+a where we have used the fact that values of (4.17) so that in relations (4.14) to a 3 a 2 + r 2 Ix r 2)5/2 15r3 (4.19) > a Substituting these values and the from (4.8) (for the sphere) in (4.17) we get the required uii(O) exterior solution for the spherical enclosure, namely Ak (I + ---i) (Ull i 02 (0))(x12 + 02 ---) Ox + a 3 02 Ox3 Ixl Ixl [r + -]r + [(i-’2i) [2 __C 2 s ue() r 6B +--]sin r r 3 --]COSr 2e, 8 (0) a r > a, j 3 (r) 5 15r r > a, and writing coordinates we obtain u$(x) 2 + u33(0) _-] [xj (a___ 3r 2 u(x) + u. (x), uj (x) Setting 8 + 3 )]} 1,2,3. u. (x) (4.20) in spherical polar (4.21a) (4.21b) 2, where A 3 a 5T 24 1 ( I- 2) (5-401 (7-5) l+(8-10Ol)G 1 (1+o B 5 a 2 2 l (1-2o2)- 2 (l+c l) (1-2o 1) T 2g (1+o 2) 6I I (i-2o2)+ 2 (i-2) T 8I (7-5oi) i+(8-10 I) 2 (4.22a) (4.22b) - 222 a 5 T C (l-2Ol) (l - D. L. JAIN AND R. P. KANWAL 2 (4.22c) 8---I (7-5oi)Gi+(8-i0oi) 2 The corresponding stress components are Srr(X)~ XlA {[-r +---r (l+l)C 3 (i-2oi)r [- i s 09 (x)=klA + 5- 12- 4 rsS (x)~ - 2 + 2I + 48 36 (4.23a) (4.23b) }sin 26, 1+41 3 -3 - 21B’r 2C 9B r r Icos 28}, (4.23c) cos 28 (4.23d) r 5B C +- +-] + 3[ (l-2J )r r 28}, r 2l{-[r--3 + -]r + [(122’i s (x)=XIA + 2I{- 4oi [-2(i-219 +---r ]cos + 3 r 1 where A k When Spherical Void. -(--)[1+3 r and 2 cos in the above relations we obtain the 0 G2 28]. corresponding interior and exterior solutions for a spherical void of radius a. For example, the components of the stress tensor at the outer surface of the void are T s rr(a’8"4) (l+cos T s 8 (a,8,) {5(1-2oI 2(7-5Ol) T sin 28, 2} (8+5oi)cos 3T s (a,6,) =- s r(a’e’) 2e) 28}. 2(7_5Ol) [l+5OlCOS Relations (4.23) agree with the known results and serve as a check on our formulas. Finally, we present the outer solutions for the limiting case of the prolate - - spheroid where semi-axes are x a,b,b, a >_ b, i.e., 2 + a Y2+Z2 2 < i, b 2 a 2 (l-e2). b In this case relation (4.15) reduces to (x) 2 =--- u+a ab du 2 2 2x 3 3 a e ann y2+z2 ae a3e where x (u+b u+a 2) .-I +b RI, 2 i.e., 2 u+b V;+ VK+a 3 Y2+Z2} 2 2 x {1- tann > O. 2 2 /a-b ]’ A/.------’ +a ab2 /a2_b [e tanh-i (V+a 2 2 223 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SOLUTIONS FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS Similarly, relation (4.16) becomes el(X) x[--3 {tanh 4 _" -/ +a" +a 2 V a e tann a5e5 +a 2- $+2 2(y2+z 2) {-i ae+a2 + a2b 2 2 5+a (+b 2) a5e 5 ab Cj (x) [a--e {ae +a ae+a + { 4 xj 2 2x 5 5 3 (+b +b 55 a e tanh -I 2 I a e i 2 { 2 22 +a tanh-i -:a2} +j(x) and j x "/’ ’2’ V +a1,2,3 R I(>0) j=2,3 in equations (4.17) from the inner solution for this limiting uii(O) and using the limiting values of - +a tanh (+b) (x) Substituting these values of 2 2 2 8 (+b) a2-b22 3 .-i tann -/ 2 a2-b 3 2 V -+a2J 3 configuration, we readily derive the exact exterior solution for the prolate spheroid. All the other limiting configurations can be handled in the same way. 5. ARBITRARY SYMMETRICAL CAVITY AND STRAIN ENERGY By a symmetrical cavity we mean a cavity which is symmetrical with respect to three coordinate axes. Observe that this is also true for a symmetrical inclusion for which the method of finding the interior solution is given in Section 2. Interior solutions in the case of an arbitrary symmetrical cavity embedded in an infinite elastic medium are obtained in terms of the shape factors of the 2 inclusion by setting O, O, in the analysis of Section 2. 2 This interior solution yields the values of the displacement field at the outer surface of the inclusion. Indeed, due to the continuity of the displacement field across S we have u 0 (x s) s +~u (Xs) + u ~(x s )I + -" Thus ui(s) l+ where the superscript s s cavity, the stress field vanishes inside tractions across ni(SS)l+ so that O, or, -’ implies the perturbed field. S Since the inclusion is a and due to the continuity of the S, we have 0 ni(S + Sni -,(xs)l + :sni (Xs) + 0 _:oni (Xs)" (5.2) D. L. JAIN AND R. P. KANWAL 224 Thus from the interior solution derived by us, we can find the components of the displacement field u(S) l+ by using formula (5.1). Formula (5.2) gives the values of the perturbation in the tractions across the outer surface i(S cavity in terms of the known values of S of the due to the prescribed stresses to which the host medium is subjected. E The elastic energy stored in the host medium due to the presence of the symmetrical cavity is given by the formula E i s ui(S)’+ sni (Xs) I+dS f S (5.3) Note that in the above formula we have dropped the second integral taken over the sphere of infinite radius because it vanishes when we appeal to the far-field behavior. u.(x) l 0 ij r ) O( as r r of the displacement and the traction fields. Let us illustrate fromula (5.3) for the spherical cavity embedded in the R is r < a. For this purpose we assume 2 that the prescribed stress field is such that we have the uniform tension T in the infinite host medium so that the region directions of x,y,z axes before the creation of the cavity. In this case the components of the displacement field are 0 T 1-21 1 0 (5.4a) or u 0 r (x) 1-2o T 0 u() (-I+oi)r, Us) O, x The corresponding non-vanishing components of the stress tensor 0 Xll (x)= 022 (x) 0 x33 (x)= T (5.4b) R. 0ij (x) are x E R (5.5a) x (5.5b) or 0rr 3TOl, 0 0 T tee i+o I R Accordingly, in this case 0 Ull (0): 0 uij(0) u20 2 (0)= 0 aij 0, 0 T u33 (Q)= i 1-21 i+i)’ (5.6) i # j. Substituting these values in relations (2.16), we get Ull(O) u22(0) u33(0) 3T "l-l")’ ii uij (0) aij (0) 0 i # (5.7) INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SOLUTIONS FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS 225 which yield the required exact interior solution u i-i 3T i(E) l (ll)xi’ 0, ij(x) r where we have used the fact that the region r < a, (5.8a) a, (5.8b) R is void so that 2 k2 2 O. Hence, from relations (5.1), (5.2), (5.4a) and (5.5a) it follows that s T ISI (S)I+ i S’ sni(S) l+ _TOniS E where point n.l S (5.9a) a, 0 -ijS )nj are the components of the unit normal of S. -Tnis )’ ISI B(Xs) directed (5.9b) a, outwards at the Finally, we substitute the above values in formula (5.3) and get the required value of the stored energy T E E as T S(xs).+ (Xs)dS j. r=a f Tan s) r=a 3 s)dS T2a 2 i i ANALYSIS OF VISCOUS INHOMOGENEITY 6. The analysis of the displacement fields in elastic composite media can be applied to solve the problem of the slow deformation of an incompressible homogeneous viscous fluid ellipsoidal inhomogeneity embedded in an infinite homogeneous viscous fluid of different viscosity which is subjected to a devitorial constant pure strain rate whose principal axes are parallel to those of the ellipsoidal This problem is of interest in the theory of the deformation of rocks inclusion. and in the theory of mixing and homogenization of viscous fluids Let an infinite region of viscosity R i 0 U where 0 I() U, u Then at time t viscosity 0 > b , , 0(), 0 0 0 e33 (x)=- e22 (x) (6 la) R, x is positive constant so that the corresponding velocity components are Ux, a be filled with an incompressible homogeneous fluid and be subjected to devitorial uniform pure strain rate with non-zero components: el() u R [5]. > c 2 O u 0 2() y, u u 0 3() z, div (0) () O, (6.1b) R. 0, let an ellipsoidal homogeneous viscous incompressible fluid of 2 2 2 2 x /a + /b + z /c 0 < i, 0 which occupies the region y2 R0: be embedded in the infinite host medium which is subjected to the 0() devitorial uniform pure strain rate principal axis of 0() as described in (6.1) so that the are parallel to those of the ellipsoidal inclusion. Due to this uniform pure strain rate the ellipsoidal inclusion gets deformed to an ellipsoid at each subsequent instant. Let, at time t, the inclusion occupy the 2 < l, a > b > c, where a,b,c are functions of region + /b 2 + z time. R2: x2/a y2 Thus, (4,/3)a0b0c 0 The inner solution 2/c2 (4,/3)abc, i.e., abc E(E), R 2 at instant a0b0c 0. t is linear in x,y,z and is D. L. JAIN AND R. P. KANWAL 226 readily obtained from the analysis of the corresponding elastostatic problem of composite media by taking appropriate limits. The quantity (), which is displacement vector in the previous analysis, now represents velocity field in R region and I R In both these regions we have to satisfy the equation of 2. continuity div u(x) x 0, E R 2 I. (i/2)(ui,j()+uj,i()) eij() Secondly, while the tensor R or denotes the pure strain rate in the present case. is the strain tensor, it With these changes in the notation understood, we derive our results in the present case when the guest medium is 2 deformed to the ellipsoid occupying + y 2 /b 2 + z 2 /c 2 < i at time t R2: x2/a by taking the appropriate limits in the analysis of Section 2: and -\i div uCx), x -k div u(x), x 0 div uij(0) (6.2b) 2 u0(x) 0, 0. i # j, , u33 (0) 0 for all u 0 0 Ull (0)= u, u22(0) so that RI, u 0 Also 0 aij (0) - R2, In view of relations (6.1) we have is finite. (6.2a) 2 p(x): such that the hydrostatic pressure p(x) R (6.3a) (6.3b) i,j. Let us note from our elastostatic analysis that, since the inner solution 3 E R R is linear in x,y,z, we have div u(x) 2. 2 k=l xE u(), Ukk(0), Now, we take the limits as explained in (6.2) above in the relations (2.13) and (2.14) of elastostatics and get {i-2A(tlx122+tllB3 )}Ull(0 i 2A 2A Pl --i tl122u22 (0) + --i tllB3U33(0) 2A 2A( t2233+t2211)u22(0) --I +--i t2233u33() 2A 2A 3311Uli (0) + -i t3322u22(O) + {i -I (tBBll+t3322) }u33(0) t2211Ull(0) t + 2A + {i- Also uij(0) aij(0) 0, i # j, i,j 1,2,3, (6.4a) U, U ’ U (6.4b) (6.4c) (6.4d) where we have used relation (6.3b) and the quantities tiijj, i # j, are the shape factors of the ellipsoid occupying the region R and their values are given by 2 (3.5b), namely - INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SOLUTIONS FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS abc tiijj where a a, 1 a udu f b, 2 a (6.4b) and (6.4c) we find that Ull(O) u(x) div n + u22(0 x 0, + (6.5) 1,2,3, i,j {(u+a 2)(u+b 2)(u+c R and c 3 J, i # (u+a)(u+a)R 0 u33(0 227 2)}1/2 Adding (6.4a), 0, i.e. E R2, so that the equation of continuity is satisfied -- - Solving equations (6.4) simultaneously, we obtain - A U {I- Ull(0) U {1- u22(0) u33(0) where (tl122+tl13 3+4t 2 233) (6.6a) 2A___ (2t l133-tl122+2t2233) (6.6b) i 1 {1- {1- 2AG (t D 4(A) A }’ -1 (3tl122-tl133+4t2233) 223 }{1- 2Al 3+2t2 211 The innner solution at time where Ull(O)x, l(x) Ull(0) u t and (6.6d) is u22(O)y, 2(x) u22(0) and 2t3311+t3322 )} (t2233-t2211) (t3322-t3311), 2 u (6.6c) u33(0) Two Important Limiting Cases. u 3(x) E R 2, u33(O)z, are given by (6.6). Case I. Let bo ao Co i.e., at time t so that the guest medium consists of a spherical viscous incompressible fluid of viscosity Zx 2 occupying the spherical region 2 < a which is embedded in the infinite host medium of viscous incompressible fluid of viscosity host medium is subjected to devitorial constant pure strain rate i" eli(X) This host whose non-zero components are 0 0 ell (x) -2e22(x) 0 -2e33(x) U > 0. In this particular case, the spherical inclusion gets deformed to prolate spheroid and at time t occupies the region 2 2 x__ + L + 2 2 a b R2: 2 zz- w < i, b a > b, ab 2 3 aj (6.7) Accordingly, we can derive the values of the distinct non-zero shape factors from (6.5) by selling c b, and they are given by (3.6), substituting these values in (6.6) we have, in this case, 0, D. L. JAIN AND R. P. KANWAL 228 Ull(0) -2u22(0) -2u33(0) 6A____ i- 6[2 (l-k 2) {i- (A)/I where i i ti122 (6.8) (3-k2)Ll (2-i)/I Finally, to obtain the values of and a b, which are functions of time t; we appeal to the partial differential equation DE Dt 0, (6.9) satisfied by the moving surface 2 -= F(x,y,z,t) + b2+z 2 b a t, where at time ab a. 2 O, Thus 0 i da Ull () T{ where the constant I 2 0 Ull () (6 i0) is given by equation (6 8) which when substituted in (6.10) yields the following differential equation for w, defined as w2 U 2 dw 3w dt {l-aa[ i i 12w 2 i/w (2+i/w2) (i- i/w where we have used the values of equation is readily -i w cosh w i = w2_l where (w2_i)3/2 A I i 2 2 and k 2 n (w+) 4w2+i.) 2 3w as given by (3.7). 3 (6.11) This differential by the method of separation of variables and we have solved 2 + log is the constant of initial condition that as L 2 3 a /a 0, integration. 0, w t (6.12) U++A, w I. To find this constant, we use the Thus i A=--a (6.13) and (6.12) becomes [ where t S i + w cosh-lw i w2-1 (w2_i)3/2 log(a/ao), SH (6.14) S, is the natural strain of the inhomogeneity and Ut, is the natural strain applied at infinity. known result [5] and gives w (a/ao)3/r 0 SH el I Relation (6.14) agrees with the in term of time t and expresses the required value of a in terms of t. Substituting this value of 3 2 a O, we obtain the value of b in terms of t. relation ab a in the INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SOLUTIONS FOR BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS Let us now consider a two-dimenslonal limit. Case II. b c i.e. at time y2+z 2 < bo2 a (R), 0 O, the guest medium consists of an infinite circular t O, o cylinder of an viscous incompressible fluid of viscosity region Letting 229 Ixl occupying the 2 embedded in the infinite host medium of viscous < incompressible fluid of viscosity i which is subjected to devltorlal uniform 0 (x). Its non-zero components pure strain rate eij~ 0 -e33 (x)= u 0 e22 (x) U where In this case, the right circular cylindrical is a positive constant. inclusion gets deformed to an infinite elliptic cylinder and at time the region b Ixl<-, 2 nb nbc c b bc or 2 The non-zero distinct shape factors in this case O. are derived from (6.5) by letting c (b+2c) t2222 2 (b+c) b (c+2b) t3333 2 and the values are a 2 (b+c) where u33(0)z, u2(x) u22(O)y, u3() u22(0) and u33(0 satisfy 0, bc t2233 2 In this case, the exact inner solution at time Ul(X) occupies 2 2 where t R 2, 2 (b+c) t R2, 2 (6.15) is (6.16) equations (6.4b) and (6.4c) which, in view of (6.15), become {i Abc + ’i (b+c) 1 (b+c) 2 2" i u22(0 u22(0) bc (b+c) Abc + {i + I (b+c) u33 (0) 2 2} u33 (0) U, (6.17a) =-U. (6 17b) These equations yield u22(0) U -u33(0) {I + (6.18) 2Abc l(b+) 2} Substituting these values in (6.16), we obtain the required inner solution at time t. To find the values of differential equation b DF/Dt and c in terms of 2 F(x,y,z) t, we appeal to the partial O, where 2 b-2 +- 1 0, c and get i db u22(0) U {1+ 2cbc 2 (b+c) (6.19) D. L. JAIN AND R. P. KANWAL 230 (A)/ I where (2-i)/I. 2 6c --b 0, the above relation becomes Since U i db b dt 1+ 2b2b20 (b2+b02) 2 Its solution is Sn b B where 2 b2+bo is the constant Ut - of integration. (6.20) that B-- log b 0 so that log + B, b+ (b/bo) 2-i (b/b0 2+1 (6.20) Since, when t 0, b b 0, we find Ut, or S S where S 0 H e22 t + tanh S log b/b 0 is the natural strain of elliptical inhomogeneity and Ut is the natural strain applied at infinity. Relation (6.21) agrees with the known result [5]. It gives b in terms of 2 b we can determine c in terms of t. bc 0 i. (6.21) SH, t and using the relation REFERENCES JAIN, D.L. and KANWAL, R.P., Interior and exterior solutions for boundary value problems in composite media:-two-dimensional problems, J. Math. Phys. 23 (1982) 1433-1443. 2. 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