Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 2 (1985) 257-266 257 PSEUDO-RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLDS ENDOWED WITH AN ALMOST PARA f-STRUCTURE VLADISLAV V. GOLDBERG and RADU ROSCA Department of Mathematics New Jersey Institute of Technology 323 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Newark, N.J. 07102 U.S.A. (Received December 27, 1983) (n+l,n). (U,,n,,g) Let ABSTRACT. that a manifold M be a pseudo-Riemannian manifold of signature M One defines on an almost cosymplectic para considers on M vector field V. V , P which are of Otsuki’s type. 2(n-1)-dimensional involuttve distribution a of I/2(n-l)). Further one PJ" It is proved that the maximal integral manifold as the mean curvature vector (up to distribution -Rlcci flat and is follated endowed with such a structure is by minimal hypersurfaces normal to f-structure and proves and a recurrent M of P has If the complimentary orthogonal is also tnvolutive, then the whole manifold Different other properties regarding the vector field M is foliate. are discussed. V KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Pseudo-Riemannian manifold, cosymp lectic manifold, para f-structure, minimal hypersurface. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 53C25. I. INTRODUCTION. f-structures or para f-structures [2]; Yano and Kon [3]; Sinha [4]). Recently, many papers were devoted to (Ishichara and Yano []]; Kiritchenko In this paper we consider a and of inertia index 2n+l with the para-complex suppose that 2 3 . In (1.1) M operator and such that the U component g [5]) of square (,n,) where (Libermann is equipped with a triple is a canonical 2-form of rank 1-form such that +I. of dimension f coincides Furthermore we exchangeable with the para-Hermitian 2n of the metric tensor is a canonical (M,g) (l,l)-tensor field C -pseudo-Riemannian manifold n+l g; (A)nA # 0; is the canonical vector field such that () d V I, i 0, (,Z’) 0, u 0, ( is the covariant differential operator on vector fields on (1.1) ,,Z). M and Z, Z’ are any M. If the above conditions are satisfied, we say that M is endowed with an V. V. GOLDBERG AND R. ROSCA 258 almost cosymplectic para is called an a.c.p, f-structure (abr. a.c.p, f-structure). In this case M f-manifold. {Z e TM,(Z) D The differential distribution 0} M on is involutive and is called horizontal. It is proved that an a.c.p, foliated by minimal hypersurfaces (Otsuki M D tangent to [63). Suppose now that distributions in D D and and Z are two complementary orthogonal differential D u D X e D, + (R) (R) (I.2) A (M), we say that D is contact covariant u,u ,v P be a c.c.d, hyperbolic 2-plane of D If and decomposable (abr. c.c.d.). + X If one has D. is a vector field in VW for all -Ricci flat and that it is which are of Otsuki’s type f-manifold is always Let pairing (Rosca [7]; Morvan and Rosca [8]), we form an exterior recurrent P the dual forms of two null vector fields which define M say that the manifold admits a strict c.c.d, hyperbolic 2-plane. (P,P) With the paring are associated a vector field recurrence vector field) and two vector fields guished vector fields Xn,X2n E p V (called the P E (called the distin- ). In the present paper the following properties are proved: (i) 2(n-l)-distribution The P is always involutive and the mean curvature vector field of its maximal integral manifold factor) equal to the induced vector field of (ii) p of The simple unit form characteristic vector field of (iii) . Xn is that or be a null vector X2n is (up to a constant IYV is a is exterior recurrent and M The necessary and sufficient condition for sufficient condition for M V. to be field and quasi-minimalChen [9]) the necessary and to be minimal is that both Xn and X2n be null vector fields. (iv) P is minimal, then the distribution If integral surfaces of P is also involutive and the are totally geodesic in M which in this case is foliate. (v) 2. Both vector fields Xn are and MOST COSLECTIC P f-IFOLD Let (M,g) inertia index If M be a U-geodesic X2M(U,.,,,g). directions on C -pseudo-Riemannian nlfold of dimension 2n+l and of (I,I) of n+l. is equipped with a non-zero tensor field f of type constant rank and such that f(f2-1) (I is the identity tensor), then f In the following we suppose that U (Libermann (,n,) o [5]). (2.1) 0 is called a f para f-structure (Sinha [4]). coincides with the para-complex operator In addition, we suppose that M is equipped with the triple where: is a canonical 2-form of rank 2n exchangeable with the para-Hermitian 2 3 .. 259 PSEUDO-RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLD WITH PARA f-STRUCTURE gn component of the metric tensor is a canonical (Buchner and Rosca g (Afl)nA l-form such that []0]). # 0 everywhere. is the canonical vector field such that () i, 0; i (2.2) i: interior product. If one has U 2-I -n O, U d (2.3) O, (V,’} (2.4) g{V,,Z) {2.5) Z, Z’ are vector fields (U,D,n,,g) defines on M an almost cosympletic para f-structure (abr. a.c.p, f-structure) and M(U,,n,,g) is called an a.c.p, f-manlfold. V where in M is the covariant differential operator on and M, we say that The differentiable distribution M on { D is called D O} (x) TM, e defined by horizontal. It is worthwhile to note that equations (2.3), (2.4) and (2.5) show that on M (U,,) the triple defines a defines an almost paracontact structure (Slnha (2n)-foliation, and E ; a frames (Vranceanu and Rosca []]]). One has (Libermann [5]): Let W vect {ha,ha,,h0 Uh a and at each point ) e M S p {h ,} and h -ha,, U Uha, a n) S?* h {A} 2n; A a and a g(ha,hA) g(ha,ha,) 0,1, (2.7) B M. h a , n-spaces spanned by {h a are normed, one may write O, g(ha,,hB) I, g(,) O, (2.8) a. be the dual basis of the connection forms on (2.6) 0 P S are two self-orthogonal vector p respectively. A,B be a local field of Witt S and Now let D one has the splitting Since the null vector fields where a+n} l,...,n, a (D where [4]), is a gradient. W A e and B Then the line element d A C YBC m of M (Ce (dp C (M)) be is a canonical vectorial 1-form) and the connection equations are expressed by d a@ h a + a @ ha ,+@ (2.9) and % Vh where finds V %B A e A (R) h B is the covariant differentiation operator on M. By (2.8) and (2.10) one V. V. GOLDBERG AND R. ROSCA 260 O, a Oa, O, ao a* + eb 0 6 e a, a* a e + b* o + b a a O, a ,+ a b* a O, e oa 0 %a (2.11) O, eb, and the structure equations (E. Cartan) may be written in the following symbolic form: -A d (2.12) and + -eAe de (2.13) A are the curvature 2-forms. where Further taking into account (2.4), we may set B o a - a* o Ca, a (2.14) Now by means of (2.10), (2.11) and (2.14) one gets a* V h a a h a ,. (2.15) In addition it follows from (2.15) that, V is a which proves that . geodes{c direction. From (2.9) and (2.8) one gets gn where 2 g a a* of the metric tensor The 2-form (2.16) 0 <d,d> a(R) 2 , + n (2.17) a is the pca-Hert{c (Buchner and Rosca []0]) component g. which is exchangeable with I g is then expressed by (2.18/ A a gstng fo (2.15) we can ind the following expression of the quadratic <V,V> -g, (2.19) Denote by m A...A 2n i the simple unit form corresponding to M (2.20) One may write the volume element D o of as A n. o If Lz means the Lie derivative in the direction (2.21) Z, then by a simple argument one can find LE Using (2.12) and (2.13), one gets d d (div ). (2.22) O, and this yields div O. But on a Riemannian or pseudo-Riemannian manifold the following (2.23) Yano integral 261 PSEUDO-RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLD WITH PARA f-STRUCTURE [12]): formula holds (Yano and Kon div(VZ) dlv(div Z)Z (2.24) Ric(Z) + A,B In (2.24) Z, Ric and M {e g(VeAZ,eB)g(eA,VeB Z) M, the Riccl tensor of are arbitrary vector fields on A} (div Z) and a vectorial basis respectively. Continuing the consideration, one finds (2.24) and (2.15) by means of (2.5). 2n. Taking into account (2.8), a short computation gives Ric() Hence M is Ricci constant in the direction of the structure vector (or -Ricci constant). is coclosed, On the other hand, by means of (2.19) and (2.4) one sees that if we Then harmonic. is O, it follows that 0. Hence since d i.e. it follows from the theorem of Tachibana []3] that the leaf of D denote by M is minimal. M This property can also be verified by a direct computation. IM Since the induced value almost symplectic, the submanifold of the almost sympletic form M having an almost symplectic structure . is an example of a minimal submanifold (Buchner and Rosca is endowed with a para co-Kaehlerlan structure M If is also []0]), is a symplectic form. then Denote now by III the induced value on given by (2 19) Since is normal to M, Mthen,of the quadratic differential form as is known, III represents the third fundamental form of M Taking into Thus according to (2 19) III is conformal to the metric of M and (2.15), it is easy to see that account of the para-Hermitian form of M g possesses principal curvatures equal to +1 and principal curvatures equal to -1. Therefore referring to Otsuki [6], we may say that M is a minimal hypersurface of Otsuki’s type. THEOREM i. a.c.p, hypersurfaces field 3. Let f-structure. M(U,,,,g) be a pseudo-Riemannian manifold endowed with an Such a manifold is -Ricci constant and is foliated by minimal of Otsuki’s type which are orthogonal to the structure vector M $. CONTACT COVARIANT DECOMPOSABLE DISTRIBUTIONS ON Referring to the definition given by Rosca DEFINITION. M Let M(U,,g). [7], we give now the following C -Riemannian (resp. C -pseudo- be an odd-dimensional Riemannian) manifold equipped with an almost contact (resp. almost para contact) $. Let O, a differentiable m be and the covariant differentiation operator on M. Let D structure defined by a structure l-form D D and V distribution of and a structure vector field be the horizontal distribution defined by D the complementary orthogonal distribution of of D. and in D + v(R) W be a vector field Then if one has VW where D n X e D, e D and u(R) X+ u (R) X- (3.1) E z u,u ,v e A (M), we say that the distribution contact covariant decomposable (abr. c.c.d.). As is known, the null vectorial basis {h a ha,} of D N D is admits the orthogonal V.V. GOLDBERG AND R. ROSCA 262 decomposition Pa where (h a,ha,) is a Dn PI ’’’ Pa ’" " Pn hyperbolic 2-plane. We say that the a.c.p, (3.2) M(U,,n,,g) defined in Section 2, carries a strict contact covariant decomposable hyperbolic plane P (abr. s.c.c.d, hyperf-manifold bolic plane) if: the distribution P is contact convariant decomposable; recurrent pairing (in the sense of Without loss of hn, P the dual forms of the null vectors which define 2 P one may suppose that generalit exteor form an [7]). Rosca is defined by h n and h2n. In the first place, using (2.10) and (3.1), one finds Xn Wn X2n 2n n where , 2n n e A (M); e C (M) (3.3) {i,i* 1,. Denote by the complementary orthogonal distribution of P {h } and we set Obviously one has P a n px Xn’X2n and e e X2n X2nh Secondly, according to Rosca corresponding to P [7]; (hn,h2n) i* in D i-I’}. (3.4) [8], the dual forms n 2n m ,m define an exterior recurrent pairing if one has dn n 2n n 2n y ,y ,v ,v e A ,n; P Morvan and Rosca dn where i n 2n A 2n ] =y n A + n =v An+ 2n A n (3.5) (). As a consequence of (3.5), using (2.12), (2.11), (2.14), and (3.3), we find: ?n(Z n %(It 2n where n’2n e C’() M. vanish nowhere on dn d2n Xnm 2n=( X2na 3 % (3.6) Therefore (3.5) become of the form %n A m 2n =-m %(]t + A 2 A+An (3 7) where we have set n= Y 2n 2n n (3.8) Denote now by n A 2n the simple unit form which corresponds to P. d Since dim(Ker ) # 0, we may also say that (3.9) It follows from (3.7) that 0. is a (3. I0) presympZectic form (Souriau []4]). PSEUDO-RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLD WITH PARA f-STRUCTURE 263 Further taking the exterior derivative of equations (3.7) and referring to (2.4), one gets by an easy argument that dy y dy (d/)A ’ ’’; It follows from (3.11) that P. (3.12) d/ is a w annihilates as the reorence l-form. P} the ideal in A() of belongs to this ideal and by means of (3.10) Obviously I(P) we may say that A() { (P) Denote now by the distribution (3.11) y is exterior recurrent and has the exact form i.e. C=({). E: differentiable (dI(P) ideal P It follows as is known, that the distribution l(P)). is involutive (this can be also checked by a direct computation with the help of (3.3) and (3.6)). Let us now denote + I A...A uo n- I* A A...A n*-i the simple unit form corresponding to the distribution (3.13) P. Then by means of (2.12), (2.11), (2.14), (3.3), (3.4) and (3.6), a straightforward calculation gives d@ Hence the 2(n-I) (f n g(Xn,Xn) + form (3.14) is eteior rCaunt and has the form n fng(Xn,Xn) + f2ng(X2n,X2n)m a as a f2ng(X2n,X2n)O (3.15) form (Datta []]). In the following we will call the vector field meu_Penoe fng(Xn,Xn)h2n + f2ng(X2n,X2n)hn eor ie on M ((V) g(V,V)) and Xn,X2n V the memmmeme ueoms (abr. d.v.) of the distribution (3.16) the iiniBhe P. By means of (2.6) one has UV f2ng(X2n X2n)hn ng(Xn,Xn)h2n (3.17) and according to (2.8) this implies =(UV) Since and the above equations proved that is an UV (3. 19) 0 X e P corresponding to (3.12): P is any vector field of is @nn -W2n)2n’’ ( A =&nn . is a olzraotestio veotor e, infinitesimal conformal transformation Moreover, if and (3.18) UV e P, we have from (3.13), (3.14), and (3.18) id X 0. one gets instantly of fieZd of (X), t2-form i.e. Next the Rioci and it can be found by means of (2.14), (3.3) + + g(Xn’X2n 2n A n. (3.20) 264 V. V. GOLDBERG AND R. ROSCA Hence equations (3.12) and (3.10) show that the necessary and sufficient condition for to be closed is that the vector fields X and are orthogonal X2n n Using now (3.11) and (3.9),one gets (n 2n (n X2n) <XnAX2n, nA2n Xn Therefore, if and + i (n,X2n) vanishes. P and let G defined by (2n-3)-fo of M Then is n-IAl* A...A n*-I hi, (-I) i*-ll A...A n-IAl* A...A I* A...A n*-l(R) hi (-l)i-l i (3.21) the maximal connected integral manifold of be the mean curvature = . are orthogonal, then X2n M Denote now by > A A i A A (R) (3.22) , (the roofs indicate the missing terms and we denote the induced elements on M supressing ). Since is the volume element of M one has (see Chen [9]) dV H where 0 is the mean aurvature vector 2(n-l) H field (3.23) IM (Poor M, of +/-, and d V is the exterior covariant differentiation with respect to V (2.12) and taking into account by VIM+/- [18]). Using (2.10), (2.14), (3.3), (3.6), and (3.16), one finds after some calculations 2(n-l) V; H VIM V Hence the mean curvature vector is, up to the factor (3.24) . . V value of the recurrence vector field M. in 2(n-l)’ equal to the induced Using the definition given by Rosca [16], [i?], we obtain the following results: 2 M The necessary and sufficient condition for i.e., H bution to be quasi-minimaZ be a null vector field, is that one of the d.v. of the distri- P be a null vector. M The necessary and sufficient condition for both d.v. of P to be minimal is that be null vectors. We shall now make the following consideration. (3.13) the volume element of the hypersurface M According to (2.21), (3.9) and defined by 0 may be written as: # A o (3.25) and @ are the restrictions of In (3.25) and @ on M It follows from (3.10) that if one has g(Xn,Xn) g(X2n,X2n) 0, one may d= + =d is the harmonic operator. Therefore we are write A 0 where A in the situation of Tashibana’s theorem (Tashibana two families of minimal submanifolds, M Equations (2.6) shows that d.v. Xn and X2n variant submanifolds tangent to foliate. a a2n n’ that II UP P are null vectors, then P and and and M []3]) and M, tangent to UP P. M is covered by and P respectively. Hence we may say that if both is foliated by two families of in- P, and therefore the whole manifold Moreover, if we consider the immersion of M in M then the is 1-forms given by (3.3) define the normal vector quadratic form II (it is known is independent of the normal connection). But by means of (3.6) we can see PSEUDO-RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLD WITH PARA f-STRUCTURE that II vanishes M is totally geodesic in M and therefore 265 We shall give now the following endowed be an invariant submanifold of a manifold of M. Then form quadratic vector normal the with a para f-structure and II be an called is 0 any tangent vector field X of M such that II(X,fX) DEFINITION. M Let f-geodesic direction M. on 2n M. x: Let us consider now the immersion - Denote by <dp,Vhn > n and <dp’Vh2n > the second quadratic forms associated with x. By means of (2.9), (2.10), (3.3), and (3.6) one finds after some calculation n n n 2n f n 2n Therefore the normal vector quadratic form II e II(Xn,UXn) M Therefore the d.v. fields on THEOREM 2. Let Xn,X2n E P P 2 (3.26) (TT*) (R) (TM) is given by (3.27) 2n II(X2n,UX2n) 0 U-geodesic. are both be an a.c.p, f-manifold admitting a strict contact covariant decomposable hyperbolic plane component of a (2.26) and (2.27) O, M(U,,,,g) } Xn 2) 2n n gets by means of Referring now to (2.4),one (I f2n( X2n 2n f_---2n n in the horizontal distribution P and D P be the orthogonal V e P Further let and be the recurrence vector field and the distinguished vector fields (P,P). associated with the pairing Then the following properties hold: (i) P The distribution is always involutive and the mean curvature vector field of the maximal integral manifold (ii) The simple unit form of P characteristic vector field of (iii) (iv) M M to be quasi-minimal is be null vectors. If M is minimal, then the distribution P is also involutive and the are totally geodesic in M is foliate. 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