413 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Scl. Vol. 8 No. 2 (1985) 413-415 A NOTE ON PERIODIC SOLUTIONS OF FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS S. H. CHANG Department of Mathematics Cleveland State University Cleveland, Ohio 44115 (Received September 15, 1983) ABSTRACT. The existence of periodic solution for a certain functional differential equation with quasibounded nonlinearity is established. Quasibounded nonlinearity, periodic solution. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 34K15. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. I. INTRODUCTION. Let C denote the Banach space of continuous with the supremum norm, i.e. n R given continuous 0 _< t 0 b, let x t C for each -valued x function C be the function in r’ R n valued II + II defined on max -r <0 -<0 [-r,b) defined by r x functions on l(O)l with Also for a 0 b x(t+0) t(0) [-r,O] and for for all [-r,O]. Consider the following functional differential equation x’(t) L where and f and f(t+T,) linear in L(t,x t) + are continuous mappings from f(t,) for all for fixed t, and [0,) C r into R n, L(t+T,) L(t,) and for some T > O, L(t,) is r maps closed and bounded sets into bounded sets. [0,) (t,) f (1.1) f(t,xt) C Assume that the equation x’(t) has no nontrivial T-periodic solutions. (1.2) L(t,x t) Also, without loss of generality we assume T>_r. Fennell equation [2] (I. I) has established the existence of T-periodic solution for the by assuming lim uniformly in t. f(t,)l 0 (I.3) It is the purpose of this note to generalize Fennell’s result by We shall see that the limit in (1.3) can be allowed to relaxing this requirement. be positive. Using the mapping f in (1.1), we give the following definition. The function S.H. CHANG 414 f if the number is said to be quasibounded with respect to fl lf(ll)l ),! (max rain (1.4) OtT Ill In recent years, equations with quasibounded nonlinearities have been studied extensively. We shall show that if is finite; in this case, f is called the quasinorm of f. is quasibounded and has a quasinorm smaller than a certain positive number then Eq. (1.1) Our proof uses a technique general- has at least one T-periodic solution. izing that used in [2]. 2. THE RESULTS. (1.2), the functional differential equation Under the assumption for x’(t) L where (i.I) is the same as in C with initial value XT(,O). U U Then (2.1) Rn is continuous and T-periodic, Rn denote the solution of h: [0,) x(@,h): F-r,m) and Let has a unique T-periodic solution. (2.1) e(t,x t) + h(t), U: C Let r C r be the operator defined by r (2.1) is completely continuous and the T-periodic solution of (I-U) is determined by the initial function -lxT (O,h). Let (t) be the norm of L(t,), the operator 9,(s)ds), exp( E O and TE K THEOREM. 211 (I-U) -III (2.2), then (I.I) Let @ X +o <II +II lh(s) Ids}exp( is given by K where J(s)ds), (2.3) t ->0, 0 (2.1) and Cronwall’s lemma, will be needed. be the Banach space of continuous T-periodic functions from with the supremum norm. For each X, let [O, ) -Rn is continuous and T-periodic. Let r l/K, is The following inequality which follows from C fl and has a quasinorm f has at least one T-periodic solution. II xt(,h) ll n R (2.2) If, in addition to the given assumptions for the equation (I.i), quasibounded with respect to PROOF. + TE. Now, define a mapping P P: X +X by L(t,x t) + f(t,t). ()(t) f(t,t). [-r,) (I-U)-IxT(O,()).- @ x(,()), i.e., P Then is the unique T-periodic solution of x’(t) Then P is a continuous mapping. Since Ifl I/K, there exists e such that 0 definition of quasiboundedness (1.4) there exists whenever II II -> . Ifl O(e) () and O -< + 0 e < I/K. such that <- T. into Then Then by the PERIODIC SOLUTIONS OF FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 415 Let max{KN, O(e) M Then let We claim that (i) P(D) { (2.3), II PII D II sJl p(e) and then II II e X: and (ii) D Using the inequality t-<-T}. 0(e), O is relatively compact. we obtain that max IP(t) K max O<s<T -< T, if s M}. P(D) O_<t<T O < and D Now for Cr, II II max{If(t,)l: N Klf(S,s) < II sll JJsJi -< < If(S,s) I. Klf(S,s) iJ PJJ O(e) then <- M. Thus IIJJ <- KN -< M and if whenever By Schauder’s fixed point theorem ([3], or see [I, p. 131]) there exists such that P , D which completes the proof of the theorem. COROLLARY (FENNELL [2]). (i.I), f D. # (ii) can be established by using an argument similar to that used in This proves (i). [2]. If, in addition to the given assumptions for the equation (1.3), then (I.i) has at least one T-periodic satisfies the condition solution. PROOF. The condition (1.3) implies that If O. REFERENCES i. CRONIN, J., "Fixed points and topological degree in nonlinear analysis", Mathe- 2. FENNELL, R.E., Periodic solutions of functional differential equations, J. Math. Anal. App !. 39 (1972), 198-201. SCHAUDER, J., Der Fixpunktsatz in Funktionalraumen, Studia Math. 2 (1930), 171-180. matical Surveys, 3. N !i, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 1964L.