267 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Scl. Vol. 8 No. 2 (1985) 267-273 A HELLY NUMBER FOR UNIONS OF TWO BOXES IN R2 MARILYN BREEN Department of Mathematics University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma 73019 U.S.A. (Received February 13, 1985) Let ABSTRACT. A into sets be a polygonal region in the plane with edges parallel to the S 5 If every coordinate axes. B and S or fewer boundary points of so that AU cony 5 The number convex sets, each a rectangle. B c S, conv can be partitioned S then is a union of two is best possible. S, Without suitable hypothesis on edges of Moreover, an the theorem fails. example reveals that there is no finite Helly number which characterizes arbitrary unions of two convex sets, even for polygonal regions in the plane. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Helly type theorems, un of convex ss. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 52.A35, 52.A0, 52.AI0. i. INTRODUCTION. We begin with some preliminary definitions, x point S in N is some neighborhood of q S (x is visible from S. lies in if for I Points i < j y via x l,...,xn n, x S, in For points S. i S in 3 set of all such points in p S S. If then q is called a point of local noncon- and y in S, and ker S x and y, Inc S R(x,y) y sees is the xj Finally, p S Set S. via S, S S at least one of the corres- S sees each point of via S. The Conv S, bdry S. will be the set of inc points of will represent the ray from [9] if and only is called star-shaped if and only if (convex) kernel of The reader is referred to Valentine via Ix,y] is said to be will denote the convex hull, boundary, and kernel of set respectively, while points fails to be x we say The following terminology will be used throughout the paper: S, S is convex. points in such that A if and only if there are visually independent via does not see pondlng llne segments lies in p S S) if and only if the corresponding segment 3-convex if and only if for every there is some point x d. R be a subset of N S such that x locally convex at some point vexity (inc point) of S let point of local convexity of is called a and to Imy S. S, For distinct x emanating through [5] y. for a discussion of these concepts. An interesting theorem by Lawrence, Hare, and Kenelly following characterization for unions of convex sets: For [4] S provides the a subset of a linear M. BREEN 268 is a union of S topological space, convex sets if and only if each finite k F.I --c k. A i S, I with conv k such characterize to number Helly of finite a existence the related problem concerns be unions, and it is natural to ask when ’finite subset’ in the hypothesis may S of F subset FI,...,F has a k-partition replaced by ’j-member subset’ for an appropriate j. (See [3] for similar results.) Unfortunately, the Lawrence, Hare, Kenelly Theorem cannot be improved for However, (See Example 3.) is a compact subset of the plane. S even when 2, k the problem of obtaining a finite Helly number to characterize certain unions of Recent results suggest sets for which such a theorem convex sets remains open. Grnbaum [2], In work by Danzer and might hold. a kind of Helly number (called a [i] Moreover, in piercing number) is found for certain families of boxes. another kind of Helly number (a Krasnosel’skii number for unions of starshaped sets) is established for certain polygonal regions whose edges are parallel to the coordinate This is Therefore, it seems reasonable to examine such polygonal regions. axes. the situation studied here, and the following result is obtained: be a polygonal region in the plane with edges parallel to the coordi- S Let A sets B and or fewer boundary points of 5 If every nate axes. so that A U cony cony The number sets, each a rectangle. restrictions on the edges of 5 B c S, then S can be partitioned into S is a union of two convex Without suitable is best possible. the result fails and in fact no finite Helly S, number exists. 2. THE RESULTS. The following lemma will be useful. LEMMA 1 k 3. A and If every B or fewer boundary points of k such that A U conv B c S, conv PROOF. S Clearly S is closed. S If is not S k inc S # S locally convex set is 3-convex. connected, then it is easy to Hence without loss of assert that for every in bdry S, z there would be a convex neighborhood inc S c ker S. S. via points x,y Inc S, q Since N in S bdry S N [q,z] S, Ix,y] with S, and S q a q and ker S, < [q,w] b < w. c S: q Let [6]. inc S # q . S is closed, N N S seeing Otherwise, since with no point of We z i bdry S, S. However, then points would x,y,z We contradicting our hypothesis. and the assertion is established. Now it is easy to show that [q,w] of is connected. is not convex, and standard arguments produce be visually independent points in conclude that [q,z] N S for otherwise the closed, connected, will be convex by a theorem of Tietze We begin the proof by showing that S or fewer points of generality we may restrict our attention to the case in which Furthermore, we may assume that be a fixed integer, can be partitioned into sets has exactly two components, each convex. , k and let S then every Moreover, can be partitioned in this way as well. show that d R be a bounded subset of S Let S q ker S: If not, then for some would contain an open interval However, the desired result. [q,b] c S. (a,b) w with in a,b S, bdry Again we have a contradiction, and 269 HELLY NUMBER FOR UNIONS OF TWO BOXES . x Finally, to establish the lemma, let S # R(q,x i) meet bdry S at q with Yi inc S, q Since A ,xk} {xj+I conv Similarly S. ! and {Yl ({q}UA) ! S and conv > k inc and let ray Yj}’ conv {x Since k}, i q and select k, i i By our hypothesis, the points B such that conv A U conv B ! S. }" B {Yj+I Yi" A Relabeling if necessary, assume that i {x i q < xi can be partitioned into sets yl,...,y k S, i Without loss of generality, assume Yk ({q} U A)! S. xj} ! conv I it is easy to see that 3, S is 3-convex, and the lemma is proved. Without the requirement that set i be bounded, Lemma S fails, as Example i illustrates. EXAMPLE I. A and 2 which lle either in the first (See Figure i.) quadrant or on one of the coordinate axes. partitioned into sets R be the set of points in S let The set bdry S satisfying the hypothesis of the lemma. B the conclusion of the lemma fails for every k > may be However, 3. We are ready to establish the following Helly-type theorem for unions of rectangles in the plane. THEOREM i. let the coordinate axes. S be a polygonal region in the plane with edges parallel to If every 5 S or fewer boundary points of into sets A and B so that conv A U convex sets, each a rectangle. The number conv B c S, 5 S then can be partitioned is a union of two is best posole. Figure i. We begin with some preliminary observations. PROOF. Moreover, using [8, Theorem i] Now in case S has O, i, or 2 inc points, 3-convex. S that S By Lemma i, set S is is starshaped and inc S c ker S. [8, Theorem 3] we may use to conclude is a union of two or fewer closed convex sets, the desired result. fore, throughout the argument it suffices to assume that S has at least There- 3 inc points. As in [7] and [i], it is helpful to order This in turn induces a natural order on the edges of edge as from ’right’, bdry S. ql,q2,...,qn, n 3 ’left’, ’up’, or ’down’ bdry S S, in a clockwise direction. and we may classify each according to the order it inherits For convenience of notation, we label the inc points of again according to the clockwise order on by a previous assumption. concerning these inc points. bdry S. S by Recall that The proof of the theorem will require some results 270 M. BREEN It is easy to see that for each inc point of ’up’ edge and followed by an ’down’ by an ’right’ edge and followed by a edge and followed by a ’right’ edge, or preceded ’left’ edge and followed by a S, cation together with the 3-convexlty of ql exactly one of the following ’left’ edge, preceded by a ’down’ edge, preceded by a ’up’ S, The Inc point Is either preceded by a must occur relative to our order: Moreover, using this classifi- edge. it is not hard to show that no three ql q2 q2 Case I. Case 2. Case 3. ql q2 Case 4. Case 6. Case 5. ql ql Case 7. Case 8. Case 9. Figure 2. consecutive Inc points of is a (in our order) S S, appropriate orientation of ’down’ edge and whose successor is an S, independent points of can be colllnear: ’right’ this would yield a ’up’ Otherwise, for an edge whose predecessor edge, producing three visually impossible. Furthermore, we assert that every two consecutive inc points of a segment parallel to one of the coordinate axes: condition fails for ql oriented in the plane so and q2" that ql possible classifications for ql ql ’down’ cannot be classified as ’right-up’. determine Suppose on the contrary that the Without loss of generality, assume that is to the left of and q2" edge. q2 and above Using the fact that our clockwise order, it is not hard to see that edge and followed by a S ql q2 q2" S is We examine follows cannot be preceded by a ql For convenience of terminology, we say that ’left-down’. Similarly, q2 in ’left’ cannot be classified as 271 HELLY NUMBER FOR UNIONS OF TWO BOXES Examine the remaining 9 possibilities. (See Figure 2, Cases 1-9, for corres- ponding illustrations.) i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ’left-down’ ’down-rlght’ is ’up-left’ ’right-up’ ’down-rlght’ and q2 is ’left-down’ ’down-right’ and q2 is ’down-right’ ’down-rlght’ and q2 is ’up-left’ ’up-left’ and q2 is ’left-down’ ’up-left’ and q2 is ’down-right’ ’up-left’ and q2 is ’up-left’ ’right-up’ is ql ql is ql ql is is is ql ql ql ql ql is is is is and is and is q2 q2 and q2 ’right-up’ It is not hard to prove that each of Cases 2 through 9 above violates the condition that so none of these can occur. ker S, ql,q 2 Thus Case 1 is the only possibility. Moreover, by a similar argument involving the classification of Inc point q3 must be wise order. that ql ’up-left’: Classifications ker S and ker S, respectively. q2 However, this forces S to have 5 ql’ P2 above ql (See Figure 3, Cases 1-2.) boundary points there is no partition satisfying our hypothesis: preceding and right of q2’ Select P3 Pi’ near Pl near 1 q2 i ql Case I. Case 2. Figure 3. q2 P3 Figure 4. 5, Figure 5. for which on the edge on the edge q2 P4 q3’ ’down-right’ is impossible in our clockl)’right-up’ and 2)’left-down’ violate the facts Classification 272 M. BREEN following q2’ near P4 edge following on the edge preceding q3 (see Figure 4.) q3" S false, and every two consecutive inc points of to one of the coordinate axes. 4 has at most inc points. [8, Theorem 3], S S are collinear, it is not hard to 3, n 3 cannot have exactly Hence 4. n [8, Theorem 3], it is easy to may be expressed as a union of two rectangles, and the proof of S i Theorem S we conclude that is a union of two closed convex sets. Finally, using decomposition techniques from show that on the q3 must determine a segment parallel Similarly, inc points, and since we are assuming that by near Using the assertion above together with the fact that no three consecutive inc points of S P5 Thus the assertion is established. The rest of the argument is easy. show that and q3’ We have a contradiction, our supposition is is complete. 5 To see that the number in Theorem is best possible, consider the i following example. EXAMPLE 2. Let S be the set in Figure 5. partitioned into sets A and B Every 4 conv A U conv B such that S points of ! S. may be S However, is not a union of fewer than three convex sets. In conclusion, it is interesting to observe that the result in Theorem 1 fails without the restriction on edges of S. In fact, there is no finite Helly number which characterizes unions of two convex sets, even for polygonal regions in the plane, and the Lawrence, Hare, Kenelly Theorem is best possible in this case. This is illustrated in Example 3. a a 2 b 5 e b! 3 a 2 e a EXAMPLE 3. b For n 4 > e 2, let P(n) modulo e i 2n + i, such that for s i i meets i < si_ 2 2n +I, at a5 be a regular i and s [al,b i] i s i 2 meets b3 (2n + l)-gon el,e2,...,e2n+l. Let a b 3 Fgure 6. are labeled in a clockwise direction by 4 s whose edges Adjusting our subscripts be a segment containing i+2 at b i" Finally let HELLY NUMBER FOR UNIONS OF TWO BOXES 273 (The U{s i < i < 2n +l}. be the simply connected region determined by i be may S(n) of points 2n 2 is illustrated in Figure 6.) Every case for n + i 2n the partitioned into sets A and B so that conv A U cony B c__ S. However, have no such partition, and S(n) is not a union of i < 2n + 1 i a points S(n) < i fewer than three cot:vex sets. REFERENCES i. BREEN, M. A Krasnosel’skii-type theorem for unions of two starshaped (to appear). sets in the plane, Pacific J. Math. Intersection properties of boxes in Rd and GR0"NBAUM, B Combinatorica 2 (3) (1982), 237-246. 2 DANZER, L 3. DANZER, L. GRUNBAUM, B. and KLEE, V. Helly’s theorem and its relatives, Proc. Symposia in Pure Math., Vol. VII (Convexity) (1963), 101-180. 4. LAWRENCE, J. F., HARE, W. R. Jr. and KENELLY, J. W. Finite unions of convex sets, Proc. 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