Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 8 No. 2 (1985) 247-256 247 FUNCTION THEORY FOR A BELTRAMI ALGEBRA B. A. CASE Department of Mathematics The Florida State University 32306 Tallahassee, Florida (Received July 16, 1984) ABSTRACT. Complex functions are investigated which are solutions of an elliptic system of partial differential equations associated with a real parameter function. associated with a particualr parameter function The functions form a Beltrami algebra denoted by the pair developed in this algebra. a (D,g) algebra. g _-- For (D,g) g on a domain D and a function theory is A strong conformality property holds for all functions in ]z] r (D,r) the algebra is that of the analytic func ions. KEY WORDS and PHRASES: Elliptic system of partial differential equations, Beltrami algebra, dilation. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES: 30G30; 30G20; 30C60. INTRODUCTION. 1. The idea of defining classes of functions which are generalizations of the analytic functions by means of systems of first order partial differential equations goes back at least to a paper of Picard in 1891 [I]. The solutions of that system were of the type later called "pseudo-analytic functions of the second kind" by Bets [2] where for u+iv f u x -Uy where a, b, c and d a vx + b V a b vx y (1.1) Vy are appropriate real-valued functions. The relationship of solutions of the elliptic system u x -Uy where a, b, c and d a v x + b c vx + are real valued and Vy (1.2) aVy bc-a 2 to those of system (l.l) is well developed in papers by Caldwell, [3, 4] Two current research areas related to the early investigations of elliptic us[conforma| mappings nd function theoretic methods in vste.s are the theory of partial differential equations. Works from the latter point of view which have B.A. CASE 248 extensive references are Vekua, [5] and Gilbert and Buchanan, [6]. Ahlfors discusses, in his introduction to [7], analytic theory generalizations and rationale concerning quasiconformal mappings in particular. Examples from the algebras of functions which we consider are found in very different areas of investigation, indicating the possibility of an interesting and useful function (e.g., theory. Concerning quasiconformal mappings see [], p. 71; topological analysis, [9] and [10], p. lqg- elliptic systems of partial differential equations, [5], The ftnctions considered are solutions of a Beltrami differential complex dilar.tion at each point f’ generalized derivative existence of f’ p. 131. eot, ation dependent on a real parameter function z with A g Necessary and .ufficient conditions for is defined include the Beltrami efluation which reduces to the Cauchv-Riemann Both re f and im f satisfy the same second order euations for analytic partial differentia equation with analytic atecedent the Laplace efl,ation. Although the available enerlization of the Laplace eo,ation and its applications are of intresv In the system i nv elliptic system, o the parallel (n,g) For functions in aebr a ime z and two fixed arcs the angle between arcs is the same for all functions in the algebra. gf integral line integral. The eneralized line shares in modified form much of the theory of the ordinary complex Amon applications in the last section is a function continuous some on the finite complex plane, , (D,g) in a bounded sets, and which maps -{(0,0)} algebra on g-quas icon forma onto a fixed open disk. NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS. 2. Complex valued f,nctions of one complex variable f im f.) re generalized conforma]itv holds which is invarint in the algebra, that is, for given the (e.g., is not always so direct. [1] a different generalized system holds for each of and re [m If[ v denoted bv subscriuts. O q ar f and are denoted Standard definitions used are" J Ifzl 2 , The complex plane is denoted later in the paper, +iy Partial derivatives are iO fz e- fr (i/r)fo) f eiO(fr + (i/r)fo) (and, re iO z IfEI 2 and a domain D . (9_.I) is an open connected set is required to be simply connected). The classes C n [C comprise the functions with continuous partial derivatives of n Jail] orders. Usage is enerally consistent with [I] and [lq] as concerns classical analysis; [8], [7] and []4] as concerns ouasiconformal functions- and [15] as concerns functional analysis. The derivative f’ defined here is the limit quotient involving the parameter function o a generalized difference which reduces to the difference quotient for analytic functions. For C’ in a domain, existence of the limit of this Reneral[zed d[fference ouotient is shown in [16] to be necessary and sufficient for our defin[n condition (2.2 below). DEFINITION I. A parameter function valued positive function of is continuous on D zl r for g in the following discussion is a real z e D such that g’ dg/dr exists and on FUNCTION THEORY FOR A BELTRAMI ALGEBRA DEFINTTrON ?. (P,) The ordered pair C2(D) h,meomorphisms reDr,’sents 249 the set of complex valued satisfying, (2.2) fz e (l+(g/r)) For such functions the eneralized derivative is defined f e- (2.) r A function is called g-analytic at a point z when there is a parameter function (2.2) holds on some domain containinR z f’ is called the -derivative. so (2.27 The Beltrami eauation condition. a, b, c c is equivalent to a Reneralized Cauchy-Riemann in rectangular coordinates in the form 2 2 )/mr 3 x r +y xy( -r 2 )/mr 3 b When stated (y2 r2+x 2 2 )/r3 (1.27 the functions 22 2 a are" g For computational convenience we state that condition as a system in polar form (ira (re - f)0 f)0 or f0 I,et rEF1VlTON 3. y dfferenttable arc i (re f)r (ira f)r (7.4) fr be complex valued and continuous on (pieceise) f on which # 0 r A eneralized lne integral deoendent on [s defined by" oarameter function (03/g)(ucosO-vsin0)dr- (vosO+usin0)dO Y Y (ucosO-vsinO)dO exJdr/R ,= where (2.5) if(oo/t,.)(vcosO+usinO)dr + The roperties of the lemma follow from the definitions n a straiRht- forward manner. LEMHA 1. in When h) The constant f constant f f. If e) If f # O) f f’-=O 2 (D,) if either d) fr 12 (/r) J and f’ ---0 c or then the sum, f If h (D,) such that is Also, is identicallv constant (O,) cf uroduct and reciorocals are in and the eneralized derivatives (1/f)g ) ar f is a comolex number, then (fh)’ f) is constant. then el im f re (D,.) and h (D,z) and are the only functions for a constant function f+h) function on (D,tz) functions are in each set (D’I)n(D’2) l c) for (D,) a) (D,) and (1/f are" f’ + h’ (?.6) f’h + h’f -f/(f)P f’ E h’ on D then f-h is a constant D If nonconstant (D,) h e (D,r) then hof (D,) B.A. CASE 250 h) (D,) . For (2.5) (The, multiplicative unit is an algebra over (D,) E r is the set of f,nct ons are, respectively, the usual derivative and line Definition that the function sense oreservine. ,:]a Oth,,r condirion "nnlicntionq. g. or The reouirement larer ouasconformal reversin functions. n the definitions mav be weakened in some e [171, [1 for See and be non-negative and hence that the functions be Thi is c,nsistent wth practice in the s rh,,r, mnV f these reultq hold for sense nlthoh, enref] prop,,rtes of Belrnmi tasic,nf,,rml integral. (2.3) and be posit[w, is equivalent to reeu[rin that the (P,) Jacobians for functions is f D analyt ic on discussion of topological and svqtem. kAPP ( pRooRrq Functi,)ns ,,hich TI, dilatation quotient ,n bounde’l on A point is bounded on every is . preservation (2.P) of the ge]trami eQi,tion regular compact D subset of g-nuasiconforma! are ]ocallv and, if it is mappin for > un ax{Ir, r/} zcD eneraliation ,)f c,,nF,;rmaIitv holds for ,-analvtic f,nctions. nd the parameter f,nction is the arcs then stronq z qolttions are sam,, the (D, whichever in the conformal case. available for the claqs maps Oiven a anle between the im,.es of two fixed the arcs. This reduces to anle It is more soecific than the inequality of o,asiconform.l mal)pin.s in eneral. Theorem 4, which is an enuivalence to nuasi-conforma] itv.) THF, ORFM 1. Arcs Y1 and make anles respectively of the radial direction z ( throuRh 2’ y? intersect at and [ Tf z O (7 and is -analvtic in a domain T with containinl f(y1) and f(Y2) is determined by" ?, s in O c o scc o sB /cos =. ((e/rsin(B-O)[fcos20+(/r + (sinPO+(/r)cos ? O)sinccos6 cosOsinO(1-(,/r)2)(sin(0t+3)] -I then the nle ’ between ((,lr(sin(T_o)l(cosccosx+(/r)P (lonverselv, where . if The " C qetisfies PROOF. at 0 and Definition 1, q,.cond f(z) the point (3.2) (7= c+II-O sin(Tsinx) holds on some domain containinlz is ,-anlvtic at then (’.9) of the forms of first then Follows, since f(yl where they hnue taneonts which z with the rel axis and of T= Let sino’ rcSOr p(dqb/dp) + sin(TqbO rcosp r + sin(p 0 nOVO )u- (rcos(Tu r sin(TVo)V- (rcos(TUr (rcSJVr + si + (rcosclv + + r (7’ with the radial direction throu.b aleebraicallv ith allowable anRles, we hve coso’ z is most convenient to derive. f+II-O. sinOuo)V sinOuO)u z, The be the anzle made f(z). ManiD,latin. 251 FUNCTION THEORY FOR A BELTRAMI ALGEBRA and, using similar expressions for T’ T write sin(T’-O’) cds(’r ’-’) s int’ cos’ (rc oSOVr+Snovo)(rcos Ur/S inxu rcoSOUr+Si nou@ rcosrVr+S inky 0 (rcoSOVr+SinOVo)(rcosl;Vr+Sina;v 0) im(]r f0) (sin(x r 0 (rcosOur+SinOu 0)(rcosa;ur+sinxu 0) + (3.a) cY) (r? fr .qince (D,) f e by hvlothesis, if Conversely, (?.4) substitution usinR (’.2) Rives is a function for which the expressions (3.2) (3.3 are eouivalent for all arcs, then r 2 (e 2 fr m (r f0) )+r (.(r e ( r f0 )) (t a nO+ a n))+((R Ire]2- ? im(fr- 0 and hence we the system 1%12 i( o) re(frf @) which is e0uivalent to the comple form of DEFINITION 4. is (2.4) since J > 0 is sense is -analytic. preservinR, hence then (.4) 0 If (D,g) f R-conformal satisfies f and (3.2) locally for all D z D on (D,R) For all functions in a iven alzebra, the -conformalitv Rives the between the images of intersectin arcs de0endinz on the tanRents to the arcs themselves and the point at which they intersect. In the algebra of analytic (D,r) functions but, reducin the relation is not only also independent of the intersection point to anle with The similarity to the analytic case is less obvious in the case of the effect of the g-analytic function on arc length. are elements of arc in the z dS 2 The modulus of the (y1,y2) preservation, is the same for all airs of arcs the same anle between them. and f(z) Where and ds dS planes, respectively, Ifgl2(dr2+ g2d021 (3.a) eneralized derivative retains position as a mgnif[cation factor, although not in the Euclidean metric. 4. PROPERTIES OF THE FUNCTION THEORY In adaition to some theory of the zeneralized derivative (.) and we Rive im f for a (2.3) and intezral meneralized harmonicity relation which is satisfied bv both re (D,R) in a examples which are the most alRebra. It is helpful to first construct two Reneral functions in a (D,R) alRebra under certain cond it ions. From now on, we assume a domain EAMOLE 1. If at z f(z) where C2(D) c then c 2 is a simply connected. )(r) exp( are real constants, is D D R-analvt ic at z c] and i(clO *c?) 0 (4.]) and nonconstant real valued R Cl)/), %(r) On the other hand, when B.A. CASE 252 (4.1) is a -analytic function of form exn(ClJdr/z fl(r) c! when and a branch of (D,g) h st-tement 0 (irn qince O indenendent of and (re 0 i(Cl0+ c2)) + f?)0 then there exist real constants 13 + i(cl0+c 2) b _= if where 2 is independent of r and f:?O o that there exists real fl f’learly f? ho conositio, of functions such that c form ,f (.1) require the ’ the I-th 2 and 2. Let positive function is nd t,l-nalvtic (4.17 c1%/%’ el for (n, 1) (D,>,) =6 and D z f’e induction that (See Theorem 3b.) f’ is .-analvt ic at z for real only if at least one of the followinR conditions holds" k such that X(r) r+k for this case ( r+k There exists real ,,alued differentiable h(0) (ira such that f)r f)r (re Fither f)o Let PROOF. then f)r re is zero. f cosOu r +sin0v r hold for some real nO 0 sin0 (re or u+ iv (2.) Rec!uir[nR that ’r -cos X(r} r ’r c) osOv r -sin0u f’ r (a.4) o rri (See xample 2, (t.a).) implies the relation of im gives the matrix eouation If the third matrix is the zero matrix then we have 0 Now, in eneral, if we we note that h[her order derivatives. then h) we have By I,emma 1 on It follows bv mathematical There is a real number c) ,/g’ -1 in to be a) h(O)(:-e and f2 di_scusq the existence of e (4.9) is the exponent ial function. h derivative exists under atpropriare conditions. Theory,ms f?O The is (f2). function of form TqEORE.M f?)r (ira functionq of fl nd hence, exp(i((cl-1)O+c2) (4.a) aq (re is .-analvtic if and only if is e-analytic. Also, (c /.)e -i0 is given by which is function of the f2 the -derivtive of where is f? then ,e consider two relationshits between the example (4.’) (a.) such that clJdr/ f2(z) (re h)r and ,)llows (D,) ar. z f2 If 2. EXbgPLE ,c 2 then a) When u r or Otherwise, the renuirement that is zero UrVrr-VrUrr_ r b) THEOREN q. a) If f (O,R) for (r) orders of higher derivatives exist r+k h) cl/),’ If f theo the (1,1 nth r+k in then (D,r+k) fr+k e (D,R) 3rn )exp(i(clO+C 2 where derivative exists for max{d max{d inte.ers f e-in0 3nf is of the form rain{c] If and are defined by integers (d) exists) exists}} c < 0 c > n gl C(D) all FUNCTION THEORY FOR A BELTRAMI ALGEBRA In particular, where (Cl-n+l)X (n-!)/x(n) Un ((f,), ...), (When <" 0 c c) % nd C (D,X) E exist.) hiher derivatives all orders of f nonconstnt then exp(i((cl-n)O+c2)) n el 2 253 (re th first derivative exists nH reduces to case f)o 0 (re or f)r 0 (See the dcusson b) then the follon aple 2.) a) PROOF. If s,cod order partia] n f,) h) and can be proved (D,p) is in an algebra usin mathematical induct ion. then both re f im f and satisfy the am,, differential eoation which is the Laplace eouation for analytic a simply connected domain construction of coniuate -ana]vtic functions ows. THnRM (D h g rr p-h,rmonic. Real col led tes. -c)n FORE 5. )ld r@ ’ + + C11) r 00 v(r,O) and n iS -harmonic in Tf ech sat sfv n (.5) saeisfvin u(r,0) functions im which satisfy th,,n is called (2.&) are has at least one conuate. PROOF. Without loss of enera]ity, let v(r,O) wh,r( z is a fixed point O r(r,@ !r -ue( zo satisfy r,O o )4rl + (A.5) - and conider u (r O)dO 0 roeXP(iOo) It is immediate that vo(r,O and we also compute Vr (r e) -ue(r 0o1/ which ater ubstitutio of (XUr r (r ,8) + (4.5) reduces to v r X’Ur(r O))dO -u0/ (2.4) satisfying for u+iv of the g=itegral as an Riemann path integral Examination of Definition the function ivotvin g shows that the usual operational properties regarding multiples and path components continue to hold. the generalized line integral; and path independence, Weierstrass type. THEOREM 6. D then g[f PROOF. We derive a few useful properties of in particular these are analogues of Cauchy’s Theorem Morera’s Theorem, and some convergence theorems of the Domains are simply connected. If f (D,) and T is a simple closed curve homologous to 0 0 sing the polar for of reens Theorem, re f and i f ech enerlized Cauchy Rienn cndition (2.) The stronger for of Cuchys Theorem, lloing exceptional points in the doin, reduce to ero after substitution of the [16], p. 62-66. f hen (,g) is deeloped in gb eOROLLR7 1. a and b PROOF. in then f is independent of the pth jonin D If to paths fov a to b [n D do not cross or cros a finite number of t[es, the result follows by Theore 6 and the definitions and operational properties of the path intevals. If the paths cross infinitely often a tiit[nR process [s available. (See [13], p. 315). B.A. CASE 254 Let THEOREM 7. Zf W (D,g) F then (D,g) f zo and D be fixed in zo and define and further ((exPrlrdrlg)Ig) Fg’ (4.6) f I Since the generalized integral is path independent we apply properties PROOF. of line integrals in the plane to compute the partial derivatives of the real and the (2.4) System imaginary parts of the integral function F (2.3) as is satisfied, so the derivative function is given by e-J0( which is euivalent to (4.6 o We thus demonstrate for the generalized case the d[fferentiability of the Fg f)r gff 0 Let f D in C and for every simple closed curve (2.5) In PROOF. (4.6) is seen by as necessary (as well as F sufflcient) that TtlEOREM 8. --r g(r) The analytic case integral. I. satisfy Definition g in Y D is g-analytic in f then If O both the real and imaginary parts of the generalized integral [..(P dr + 0 dO) where P and "" we have independence of hypothesis are represented by real line integrals Q are both in C Since by the Or (l/g)(u0cos0 (I/)(vcos0 these integrals, P0 path for or" + v0sin0) u0sin) -VrCOS0 UrSin0 VrSin urcos (2.4) for Al.ebraic manipulations of this system show u+iv f Before showing some Weirstrass-type convergence results, we need a bounding relation o the generalize integral which depends on inequalities for real line integrals. LEMMA 2. When y is rectifiable Ig/fl .r where Kg 4 THEOREM the sequence PROOF. (4.7) dr/)(l+maxll/gl)), M maxlf max((exD_1 zcy zy zcy i 9. If fn is continuous on regular arc y {fn] converges uniformly to Since f THEOREM I0. If for all For z A f y. length of n such that for n and then <-- e ’KgL < > N e T T converges uniformly to N e for each y on (fn- f)] f { by Lemma 2. f is continuous there is an fn PROOF <KML n fn C2 is -analytic on open set on compact subsets of A there is a disk containing then z f A and {fn is -analytic on with its closure in A. A We FUNCTION THEORY FOR A BELTRAMI ALGEBRA (D,g) f show smple A closed curve in a disk contained in then that for n > n by to u and {v n} fn Un converges uniformly to n where v lim(f )’ f’ lim(u We now have PROOF. Let Y be any for each 0 hence Theorem 8 gives R-analyticity in the disk. 0 converes uniformly u+iv A z If to the hypothesis of Theorem I0 is added, for COROLLARY 2. {u n} glfn Then ) g[f- By Theorem 9, Theorem 6. that is g-analytic for on such disks, hence 255 n-+ R )r lim(v )r R n and v hence there r s an N such N vers[o of the argument principle nd available from the theory of Betram[’s o Cauchys ntel ormula or completeness euaton. e sho the atte fo -analtc functions. THEORH 11. D i and [5], See . f is z n (D,) f s nd y a simple cosed curve the nte[o of y [ (g-r) f(z)dz + 1 homoloou to 0 then et2Of()drd 2-25 nd p. 1 for discussion of ore enerl cses. PPLIeTIONS 5. One interesting exapIe of a g-analytic function ith locally quasiconforl ith contnuou extension at the lated boundary and -quasiconoraI on bounded ets, ps the finite pIane onto (0,0) fixed open disc. EPLE 3. For fixed f(z) (20ei@tan-lr)/ (2.2) for 0 < define 0 z=O. 0 The function satisfies z < 0 real and such that 0 (l+r2)tan-lr g and mps the finite plane onto [f(z){ < 0 Concentric annuli may be g-conformally mapped whatever the proportionm of their the open disc radii. EXAMPLE 4. For annuli: A 0 A2=0 < < I1 < 2 r <1"1 <R2< <R let f(z) Then g f:A r + --> A2 e iO (R2(r-rl)-R1 (r-r))/(r2-r 2 homeomorphically and f is g-analytic for ((Rlr2-R2rl)/(R2-R1)) The convergence properties of the g-integral allow a comparison to the general quasiconformal situation. When the generalized functions satisfying the Beltrami equation (2.2) are quasiconformal in a domain (see Section 3), they are of the type called regular quasiconformal. Although the uniform convergence of a sequence of K- 256 B.A. CASE quasiconformal mappings to a homeomorphism implies that the limit mapping is also Kquasiconformal, in the case of a sequence of regular K-quasiconformal mappings the limit mapping need not be regular. 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