189 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1985) 189-191 Vol. 8 No. TWO LARGE SUBSETS OF A FUNCTIONAL SPACE F.S. CATER Department of athematics Portland State University Portland, Oregon 97207 U.S.A. (Received May 29, 1984) ABSTRACT. Let [0,I] such that the [0,i]. vanishes is dense in Let D D unsigned on every interval, and let with void interior. D O Neither Then D nor I D O and D PI that G6-subsets are dense I f that are consist of those functions in I of is a subset of the other. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Banach space of functions, derivative dense 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLSS9FICATION: 26A24 i. PI consist of those functions in O vanish on dense subsets of measure zero. PI set of points where of f denote the Banach space composed of all bounded derivatives PI everywhere differentiable functions on G-.b.at. INTRODUCTI ON. functions on of all bounded derivatives of everywhere differentiable D The real vector space is a Banach space [i] under the norm [0,i] II f II (At the endpoints Salat 0 and sup If(x) l. 0_<x_<l we require that the one sided derivatives exist.) I Tibor essentially proved [I] that the set D {f O D: D. is a nowhere dense subset of PI {f is unsigned on any interval} f D: f To do this, he observed that 0 on a dense subset of D is a nowhere dense Banach subspace of and D in its own right, it is natural to study DI {f PI: In this note, we prove that D O THEOREM i. D is a dense O THEOREM 2. D is a dense I O DO PI" D G6-set C6-set Since as a subset of f # 0 almost everywhere on and [0,I]} PI PI" is a Banach space Put [0,i]}. are "large" subsets of the Banach space I in in PI with void interior. PI with void interior. PI" F.S. CATER 190 If E {f E Now put - PI’ then \ PI DI" We f PI: is not almost everywhere discontinous}. f 2, a result of Clifford Weil [2]. obtain from Theorem COROLLARY i (C. Weil). D D or O is a subset of the I PI" is a first category subset of E Finally, we show that neither of the Clifford Weil [3] proved most of Theorem i. sets is continuous, and f must vanish at every point where f spaces of nonnegative derivatives. other, and we prove an analogue of Theorem 2 for (I take this opportunity to thank the referee for simplifying many of my arguments.) [3], [a,b] easy to find an interval g [a,b]. Let D has void interior. O f(b) for which f(a) f(x) g(x) Now let but (D g [a,b], x if I 09 DI). PI f DI PI \)n En" PI (f < e. 0 mA k E Thus n n -I Then at each e c and el PI" n-l}. PI" is closed in fk En Let and O} fk(x) Ak, f(x) x A E is nowhere dense. DI g to get a function such that Clearly =Nj3k> 0. But mA n E and e -i so f En. PI" is closed in It remains to prove that [4] [a,b]. Say 0. {x: and En for e x if It is e > 0. Thus every open set in O} > m(x: f(x) PI: We claim that each limk_=ll fk -f I and is essentially and If(x) 0 and g(x) and 0U D En Then PI in f-gll Finally, void interior in D D l, so D 3 I has O Proof of Theorem 2. For each positive integer n, define PI contains functions f G-set is a dense so we leave it. It remains to prove that x DO The proof that Proof of Theorem i. given in n 0 < g < i. such that If(x) m{x: 0 c} < -I n -cg(x)} m{x: f(x) Let f n But there is a number Use O. c > 0 It follows that < n -i Finally, 0} m[x: f(x) + cg(x) and f + cg { En II Moreover n llcgll <- cg)-fll (f + In the proof of Theorem i we saw that -I c e. Thus E DI, D 13 D I, and hence O n is nowhere dense. has void [] interior. It follows from Theorems i and 2 that D O I- DI, the set of all functions in P1 that vanish on dense sets of measure zero and are unsigned in any interval, is a dense C6-subset of PI" Next we show that the sets DO and D I are quite different. Neither is a subset of the other. THEOREM 3. The Sets D O \ D I DI\ and D O are nonvoid. We construct a sequence of intervals -n 0 h(bn) and h(a 2 (a ,bn) with mutually disjoint closures, such that b -a n n n n means where Let for each n and .n(an,hn) is dense n [0 I] PROOF. Let h be a function in D O hn h(an,bn TWO LARGE SUBSETS OF A FUNCTION SPACE for characteristic function: P h n -< x 0 (II hn If) I’ and the sequence m{[0 Thus h(x) hn(X) In 2 -n h DO\ f e D for all 0 (an,bn), f(x) and l]\hJn(a n- bn)}_ It follows that PI" n n (x). (an,bn Put cannot be signed on any subinterval of an f [0,1]\Un(an,bn) hn(X) x I, is bounded f= Now < 191 Z (b -a i n n D f so O. Clearly for O But 0 n I. We use [4] DI\ to obtain a function in D O Now put Then D 2 PROOF. P2" + cg D2 {f e P2: f is nonnegative}, 0 almost everywhere on f D E We conclude by showing that G6-subset D 2 g e D and 2 I of with void interior. P2 as in the proof of Theorem 2. n [0,I]}. P2" is a dense 2 Define It remains to prove that to construct f PI: "large" subset of THEOREM 4. of {f is a complete metric space in its own right. P2 is a P2 D 0 such that (f + cg) f ll P2\hJn (En C P2 2 -< g -< i. II For any cgll -< c. n P2 is dense in f D So E Then 2 P2 and any is a dense is a closed subset P2 c > We use [4J 0, we have G-subset of has void interior follows from the same proof (for Theorem I) that That D 2 has void interior, so we leave this point. Compare Theorem 4 to the work in [5]. form a dense functions on G6-subset e 2. D O There it is shown that the singular functions of the complete metric space of continuous nondecreasing [0,i] under the sup are taken, [5] suggests that D 2 metric. is a When the primitives of the functions in "small" subset of P2" P2 Of course the metric used in [5] was different from the one used here. RE FE REN CE S i. SALAT, TIBOR, On functions that are monotone on no interval, Amer. Math. Monthly 88 (1981) 754-755. 2. WEIL, CLIFFORD, The space of bounded derivative Real Analysis Exchange (1977-8) 38-41. WEIL, CLIFFORD, On nowhere monotone functions, Proc. Amer. Math. Society 56 3. , (1976) 388-398. 4. ZAHORSKI, Z., Sur la premiere derive, Vol 69 (1950), 26, Lemma 11. 5. ZAMFIRESCU, TUDOR, Most 88 (1981) 47-49. Transactions of the Amer. Math. Society, monotone functions are singular, Amer. Math. Monthly