173 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Scl. (1985) 173-177 Vol. 8 No. ON THE HADAMARD PRODUCTS OF SCHLICHT FUNCTIONS AND APPLICATIONS H.S. AL-AMIRI Department of Mathematics Bowling Creen State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 (Received April. 25, 1984) We show that each of the schlicht classes of starlike, convex, close-to- ABSTRACT. convex and strongly starlike with respect to symmetric points is invariant under the Hadamard product with the class of convex functions. The influence of certain operators over these classes is also investigated. KEY WORDS AND PIIRASES. Hadamard products, schlicht functions, and starlike, cone.n, close-to convex and stron@ly starlike with respect to symmetric points. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. i. INTRODUCTION. Let By Primary 30C45 S A we denote those functions in f’(O) Let O. 1 C, S* and A S I}. z which are univalent and normalized by be the usual subclasses of K {z: U be the class of analytic functions on the unit disk f(O) which are consisting of the convex, starlike and close-to-convex functions, respectively. zn Z a The Hadamard product (convolution) of two power series f(z) 0 n n b z n. Polya and Z b z Z a nn zs defined as the power series (f’g) (z) 0 0 n Schoenberg [9] have conjectured that f * g is in C whenever both f and g are in C. This conjecture was finally shown to be true by Ruscheweyh and Shell-Small [12]. g(z) THEOREM A (Ruscheweyh and Shell-Small): h * f then C, S* is in or Let be in h C. If f is in C,S* K or K respectively. The proof of Theorem A requires a key lemma that turned out to be beautiful in its simplicity and powerful in its applicability to various problems. We state this key lemma of Ruscheweyh and Shell-Small in the form stated and proved by Barnard and Kellogg in [I]. LEflA A. Let and ’(0)g’(0) # 0. g Izl be analytic in Suppose that for each a(la i with i) and 0 and g(O) have I) we 4(0) o(Io + aoz) g](z) 4 0 [4*( i’--az 1 on 0 zl r "’. i. Then for each F in A the image of (I.I) zl r under H. S. AL-AMIRI 174 ( * Fg)/( * g) REMARK i. C is in A function U, it was shown that condition [i] is satisfied for all [12], In whenever denoted F(U). is a subset of the convex hull of and A f z U in S*. is in is said to be starlike with respect to symmetric points in S *, f g if and only if s zf’ (z) f(z) f(-z) Re for all 0, z (1.2) U. in This class was introduced by Sakaguchi [13]. C-S *cK. REMARK 2. Sakaguchi has shown that (f(z) f(-z))/2 We say that U, denoted points in * s then %, with respect is strongly starlike of order f S f Further, if s S*. is in S f *(), s - to symmetric if and only if [arg{f(z)z f’(z)f(-z) }[ 0 (1.3) U z i This class was introduced by Padmanabhan and Thangamant [8]. Das and Singh [4] respect to symmetric points in U, denoted C f and those which are close-to- s convex with respect to symmetric points, denoted which are convex with f introduced the classes of function K f as follows: s C f s if and only if z(zf’(z))’ zf’(z) + zf’(-z) Re and K f [4], In furthermore, it was shown that both C f S zf’ (z) K(z) K(-z) Re REMARK 3. K if and only if there exists s O, zf’ if and only if s * 0, C such that (1.5) U. z and s (1.4) U, z K s s The purpose of this note is to investigate these subclasses of U symmetric with respect to points in S are subsets of s and S *. S which are In section 2, we via the Hadamard products. state our main theorem which shows that these classes are invariant under the Hadamard product with convex functions. In section 3, we use the results of section 2 and an observation made in [i] to obtain results concerning the radii of these classes under the influence of certain well known operators. 2. MAIN RESULTS The elegant technique and results of Ruscheweyh and Shell-Small allow us to produce a theorem similar to Theorem A for the classes THEOREM i. is in S * S S PROOF. S Let * S C. h K C or S If f S *(%) S is in S *, C S S K S S or S K s *(), S S and function <_ 0 S *(X), g Let S s* and h then h * f C. Then g(z) f(z) f(-z) 2 In order to and the starlike for the different cases. f I, respectively. The proof of the four cases requires an application of Lemma A. apply this lemma, we need to identify the convex function Case i. C I. 0 , S by Remark 2. Thus HADAMARD PRODUCTS OF SCHLICHT FUNCTIONS 175 condition(l.l)is satisfied according to Remark i, i.e., for all z U. in + (i [h * Applying Lemma A with * * (h g) 0 Now let z f’ (z) v(z) h oz) g](z) @ F as given in(2.1)we obtain (f(z) h(z) * 2 2-f(-z)) z(h * f)’(z) (h * f)(-z) (h * f)(z) h(z) * z f’(z) (h * f)(-z) (h * f)(z) F which is contained in the convex hull of in U. Z(] * f)’(Z) Re (h (h * f)(-z) * f)(z) or h * f CASE 2. S Let s * according f C f K s h and h This implies O, U, Z (1.2). to and f(-z)) (f(z) z f’(z) h(z) * f(-z)) (f(z) (z) (1.6) f(-z) f(z) This case follows immediately from Remark 3 and C. Case 1 above. CASE 3. Let s h satisfied for and g K(z) be the associated function appearing in K(z) K(-z) S*. Thus condition (|.I) is Let C. E 2- g(z) (1.5). Then according to Remark 2 Applying Lemma A with of this case. z f’ (z) F(z) K(z) K(-z) we easily get after some simplification as in Case 1 that z(h * f)’(z) (h * K)(z) (h * K)(-z) is contained in the convex hull of F. That is z(h * f)’(z) Re (h (h * K)(-z) * K)(z) Thus h * f K s Let f S *() S * s for all 0 s _ h * K provided CASE 4. S *(i), 0 s S *. s I <- i, and i. Let g 0, U. z However, the latter is true as seen by Case I. h C. It is clear from (1.3) and (1.2) that and F as defined in Case i, then, as in the proof of Case i, z(h * f)’(z) (h * f)(-z) (h * f)(z) F. lies in the convex hull of [arg Thus 3. h * f S *(I) s (h * This means z(h * f)’(z) (h * f)(-z) f)3 X/2, 0 X by (1.3). This completes the proof of Theorem i. APPLICATIONS For X A, let r (X) c denote the largest positive number so that every X H. S. AL-AMIRI 176 is convex in for h zl Consequently, the conclusion of Theorem I remains valid r (X). c in the disk zl * f r (X) to unify and X h l _+n z y + i n= I H(z) X n=l P(z) X Y y (I Rey Ixl 0, I, # I x I + i + y z n -i + + i +n x n=l z n z 1 n i z i + afztY-if(t)dt Y B3f(z) jz f(xt) f(t) t 0 xt For example, the operator Libera [5] when y (H 0 z I B K s s this section. or B while B., S *() up to r (h), r (H) c y c y s However, i, Rey -> 0 i I l+y 1,2,3, r (P) or # I y i, B 2 z [Ii], and r (h). c y Thus z h "(z) i+- 2 +z z i ’ h ’(z) Y i i + i Ic]r Izl cz This implies z h "(z) Re(l + _____Z h ’(z) This shows that r (h) c y 2 r I + r i is the smallest positive number Iclr 2 or r (h) c y 2(1 + Icl)r + i 0 [2], preserve the classes l+cz (i-z) z) (i is due to see also as mentioned at the start of We need only to calculate i + ly [I0], c was shown by Ruscheweyh rc(Hy) hy ’(z) c x i was first used by Pommerenke in r (P) i was shown by Pommerenke [i0]. c definition of h we get Y where Rey > 0 is due to Livingston [7] when I 1,2,3, O, Ix[ (P * f)(z) dt B., The operators Let * f)(z) T 3 73], [6], [ii]. Consequently, the operators C U. in y B2f(z.. z) 2 I (h * f)(z), Rey l+y z (I i -xz z log x and for all f(z) + z f’(z) y Blf,z,, * s Let and n x)n y defined below have been studied by many authors. S in the given four f and every reduce the amount of work usually associated with such problems. h (z) y where for each c This observation was first used effectively by Barnard and Kellogg in [i] classes. r r satisfying From the HADAMARD PRODUCTS OF SCHLICHT FUNCTIONS 177 Finally, we have the following theorem. THEOREM 2 If f is in S S i) Bof is in S * C ii) Blf is in S * S C Izl s * s s i/(1 + r (h) c y C K K s s K S or S *() s S *(%), ,’ % _<_ I, then + 2,3, and respectively for S + 0 *(>,), respectively for each or S Icl S or S Ic[ + Icl), = l+y’ P,y -> O. l’heorem 2 part (i) was shown in [8] for the class REMARK 4. with and y x -i was shown in [4] for the classes S *(I) only. Part (i) S S *, C S S and K S RE FERENCES I. BARNARD, R. W., KELLOGG, C., Applications 2. 5. BARNARDI, S. 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