Internat. J. Math. & Math. Scl. (1985)75-91 75 Vol 8 No. FINITE PROPAGATION SPEED AND KERNELS OF STRICTLY ELLIPTIC OPERATORS DAVID GURARIE Department of Mathematics Case Western Reserve Lniversity Clee!and, Ohlo 44106 (Received September 20, ABSTRACT. and discuss |984) We establish estimates of the resolvent and other related kernels LP-theory for a class of strictly elliptic operators on in The clas of operators considered in the paper is of the form A0 leading elliptic part LP-type have and a "singular" perturbation and are modeled after Schrdinger B, A0 + B wlth he whose coefficients operators. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Elliptic operator, resol’env, semigro.p, pert,a-5on series, finive propagavion speed. 192 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 47G05; 35S05 I. INqRODUCTION. _ In this paper we shall study the resolven= kernel and other related "functions of AO [ aa (x)D a on n A" , (-A) -I for a class of strictly elliptic op=rators and their perturbations We are =articu!ar]v_. interesEed in p R_(x,y) LP-theory A o 0 + B. elliptic operators, and typical probies :hau arise here are spectral properties ef A, c!esedness, essential se!fadcintness, accre:ivity, semigroup generation, etc. Underlying ali those kernel ;s ehe qu=ion of existence and estimates of the reeivent R_. Typically the estimate ha3 :he form of a convolution-t::pe bound xth an L i-r adial decreasin functlcn H In the uniformly elliptic case kernels of the resolvent R_ semiroup K e -tA (-A) were studied extensively ([!], [2], [3] eta!.). particular, Eidelman [i] derived :he following radial bound of K -i In and D. GURARIE 76 where order m A, m m and I. Gelfand and G. Shilov [2] applied this m-I’ A. estimate to study generalized eigenfunction expansions of In [4], [5] we obtained similar estimates in a different way starting with The latter approach allows us to treat perturbations of the resolvent kernel. and consequently operators with "nonregular" coefficients. LP-spectral results to A, We applied these theory of elliptic operators. In the present paper we extend the results of [4] to a class of strictly elliptic operators with possibly unbounded coefficients, obtained by linear deformations of uniformly elliptic symbols in the -variable, a (X,x()) a(x,) depending smoothly on Here x E x n. x means a matrix function (ij(x)) Natural examples of such deformations are second order elliptic operators aij(x)D2... A Indeed any quadratic form 2 as a deformation of the simplest one: Il a(x,) 6 ()I 2 x aij(x)i with can be viewed " (aij (x))=. x Other examples appear as right (left) invariant operators on nilpotent Lie groups (see [6]). For the sake of presentation we shall restrict ourselves to the simplest case of deformations when x (x)l is scalar ("conformal dilations"). transformations correspond to a multiplication of the leading symbol of (x) a positive function m, m order of A. The dilating factor subject to a certain constraint, called "finite propagation Its precise definition is given in growth of at coefficients of , A 2. (x) Such A with is speed" condition. This condition limits the rate of which can not exceed can not grow faster than O(Ixl) xl m In other words leading for m-th order operators. Let us observe that growth restrictions on the leading coefficients are well known in both ordinary (Sturm-Liouville) theory, A-- d 2 + -a(x).--dx (see for instance [7], Ch. 9) and also for partial differential operators A A I aij (x)D’2"lj + ([8]). A sufficient condition for Weyl’s "limit circle case") is to be well defined (essentially selfadjoint or the divergence of the integral + dx + on (x) dr (r) (a(r) (x)!l) Ixl<r aij sup on n The latter condition was called in [8] "finite propagation speed." a(x)ll Physically, can be interpreted as a "local propagation speed," then integrals (1.2) measure the "amount of time required to get from a finite point to ". It is not clear to what extent(l.2)is necessary to get a well defined operator A. Results of [9], [I0], [ii] indicate that it might be "too restrictive," yet in special cases ([12], [13]) it proved to be necessary in a certain sense. FINITE PROPAGATION SPEED AND KERNELS OF ELLIPTIC OPERATORS 77 The form of "finite propagation speed" used in our paper is close but It is expressed in terms of derivatives of somewhat stronger than (1.2). Also the way we apply it in our setting differs from the rather than integrals. propagators" (cf. [8], [14]). standard method of "hyperbolic wave Under assumptions of 2 we show that m LP-spaces defined in different < (I -th order elliptic operators are well and their kernels (resolvent, ) p "constant coefficient" and "uniformly semigroup, etc.) share many properties of elliptic" kernels (cf. [15], [16], [5], [4]). There is one notable exception the radial bound (I) central for the argument of [5], [4] is no longer however: valid. (x) The Hardv-Littlewood Instead we utilize another Fourier analytic tool maximal function: f f*(x) n sup f(x+y) ldy (1.3) Maximal functions appear in this context when "deformations" of symbols (of resolvent and related operators) are translated into "deformations" of kernels. As a result one gets kernels of the type -nxIKrx-Yl ,(x)J K(x,y) K is where Ll-radial, > (x) is estimated by the usual K(x,y) < bound (I.A). < c is bounded "Ll-dilation (1.4) (x)) In our case (unbounded ,(x) If the dilating factor. 0 K K() (uniformly elliptic case) has no longer a single convolution type K0 But the maximal function (1.3) applies to give (Kf)(x) < KII f*(x) f* f The maximal operator is well known to be LP-operator [17]), which yields a bound for the Lp norm of < (I p K < ) (see for nst. Such bounds are used throughout the paper as a substitute for the radial bound (I.I). Otherwise our argument is similar to [4]. First we construct the "free" resolvent (homogeneous) part of R Here K 0 A, t k (-Ao)-I A 0 is the leading K(l-e )-I is a pseudodifferential operator is computed explicitly 0 via tle "parametrix series" K being the leading svmbol of R A, and L (DO) a @DO with symbol of order a(x,$) -a(x,) -I whose symbol ( 4). The "perturbed" resolvent R (-A) -I is constructed via the perturbation series (1.6) 78 D. GURARIE The coefficients of perturbation b (x)D B Such classes are well know’n in the theory of a LP-ciasses. are taken in Schrdinger + V(x) operators -4 (cf. [18]) and were studied for higher order operators in [15], [16], [5], [4]. b (x) In our case {} can be allowed certain growth at weights A w, that are fractional powers of Also the LP-Sobolev ca be characterized as a weighted LP-spaces, L-domin B LP-classes L p with A0 of and space (Theorem 2). of [5], gives The central result of the paper, Lemma i, analogous to conditions (in terms of (x) depending on Such conditions are naturally formulated in terms of weighted of coefficients) for relative boundedness of BK A and estimates the norm of This result applies in 0 4 to sum series(l.5)and(l.6),and to derive different corollaries. Among them with respect to we ge LP-spectrum; a) LP-closedness b) a priori estimates and essential selfadjointness of c) resolvent summability, i.e., convergence d) existence of a strongly continuous holomorphic semigroup of A + B 0 A and bounds on its Rf(x) A L in f(x) in 2 L p and a.e. -tA} {e Re t > 0" Let us remark that due to the maximal function techniques adopted in the Ll-space paper the kernels Kd(x,y) is excluded from consideration. (x)-nK((x)-l(x-y)) harmonic analysis question. bearing on with At the end of The K E L Ll-theory of integral poses an interesting 4 we give two examples which have Ll-theory. In conclusion let us mention that the basic L2-theory of elliptic operators ([19], [0], [3]) was extended later in a fairly general setting of pseudodifferential calculus ([21], [9], [22], [6]). L p, p # 2. But much less i known about Two recent works that discuss specifically Nagel and Stein [6] and Beals [23]. LP-theory are those by Both methods allow to treat a variety of "nonelliptic problems" (subelliptic Lap!acians, degenerate elliptic operators, etc.), but remain entirely within the pseudodifferential framework in the sense that symbols (coefficients) are assumed sufficiently smooth. Another trend ([15], [16], [5]) was to explore what "amount of nonregularity" of coefficients yields "well defined" The present paper continues the latter trend, but our approach seems to be extendable to various "nonelliptic" situations as well. This extension will be discussed elsewhere. 2. THE CLASS OF OPERATORS. LP-operators. Throughout this paper we shall consider operators of the form A a A a (x)D and a "singular" 0 with the leading elliptic part perturbation B A 0 + B b (x)D The following assumptions will be made on A and B. 0 I. The leading part A is assumed to be homogeneous of degree m and have 0 a real symbol a(x,) obtained by the "deformation" of a uniformly elliptic symbol a(x,$) a(x,) (x,(x)) m(x)(x,) 79 FINITE PROPAGATION SPEED AND KERNELS OF ELLIPTIC OPERATORS Uniform ellipticity as usual means that (x) The dilating factor (x,) and the coefficients of (x). are subject to the following constraints Here and elsewhere ’(g)(x) < const 61-igl; l(fl)(x)l const -131; I u () < Igi < < (2.1) m (2.2) m Du. denote a partial derivative Condition (2.1) is close but somewhat stronger than the "finite propagation speed" condition [8]. -th order operators of the above type requires The latter adjusted for m dr +’ (r) [+ dr ) g(r) (r) (2.3) 6(x) sup whereas (2.1) implies ’ C I-I (x) Both conditions do not allow II. singularities b [ B Perturbation Pa +" to grow faster than b (x)D a O(Ix I) as has coefficients with local For each term Lloc a ngl+ b (x)D of a B x . LP-type we introduce its "fractional order" n__+ la p d and require d m. a The latter is needed in order to have B bounded relative to We also need some control of at {}, b way to express it is in terms of weighted Precisely, we take L b Pa depending on LP-spaces, p {f: LW A 0 A convenient 6 IfwlPdx < } with the weight W -d w (2.5) w Let us notice that the above class of operators is closed under the adjunction (b of A* A P lal, w a a (x) D the provided the coefficients of LP-weighted g Sobolev space of order are sufficiently smooth I’I) Indeed the adjoint is (a)a(a-)D Da(aa ") Remembering that a m . with and g subject to (2.1) estimate the g-order coefficient of the adjoint a (a-g) y ’+y=a- (m) () () () (2.2), we 80 D. GURARIE as b a (-) -II) (w i.e. belong to the above class of 3 Namely, interpolating in (fractional) order and the exponent s LP-class (for p parameters: Sobole b gt w of the weight t of of b Similar argument applies to derivatives of the coefficients perturbations. B. L are coming from the top order coefficients: A* So the lower order terms of one can show that b 6 LPs;t- (Y) b [qs_iyl; t-IYl 6 eq ep + IYI where A + B includes 0 The latter is important both This implies in particular that the class of perturbations A0 all symmetric operators with the leading part for the argument below and in various applications. 3. THE MAIN LEM. In this section we shall prove the main Lemma, which gives condition for b(x)D B relative boundedness of the operator a A with respect to B provides an estimate of the operator norm of the product 0 I, and of "parametrix o (’-A O) This result will enable us to prove the convergence of series (1.5) and (1.6) 4. and to derive all consequences in Let A a(x,D) 0 2 with symbol be an elliptic operator of (2) K(x,z) K (x,z),z K Define a DO a(x,d(x)) a(x,) I a parametrix of (-Ao) -a(x,) -n/2 | (2.1) is (2.5) of LP-bounded, BKII C where (x a(x ) Let ei’z (3.1) 2, then for all I < p -<. p, C < sinS/2 depends on n+l p e b(x) 6 Lw’ 6 range a(x,) (x)) with symbol -a(x, ) d P LEMMA I. y, x and satisfy assumptions +, the operator BK and its norm is estimated as follows r -l+d/m the L re iO -norm of W ,d n___ + d b(x) P < m (3.2) and the leading symbol a(x,) PROOF. The operator multiplication with DO’s BK b(x) consists of a We start with DO DK. DK followed by a By the usual product formula of its symbol is equal (x,) [ ()*-88--a) "x We apply the "iterated chain rule" to partial derivatives of (3.3) 1 (_-) k 8xS(a) C81- ...8 k (-a)-k-l’[’[(83Ja) x ’i (3.4) FINITE PROPAGATION SPEED AND KERNELS OF ELLIPTIC OPERATORS 81 k 8J B summation taken over all partitions {B J} into the sum of multi-indices i CBI with certain combinatorial coefficients represented as o As a result k. "8 is (3.5) i(x)i(x’) where k product of partial derivatives of the k (3.6) a(x, $) coefficients of and vk+l’ .(x,E) k where the multiindex (-a) II km + LP-type In order to treat a possible I I-i singularity of the coefficient E(x we shall use two interpolation inequalities for convolution and multiplication. i K*fll p < llgll q f!l P < llbil i i f (I- i (Young ) + I i (HIder) (3.7) Young’s inequality the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev Lq-weak K 6 (see for instance [17], Ch. 3). The relation including a stronger version of inequality, where between p, p’ and is the same but q p is excluded in the latter case. i Rephrasing (3.7) in the reciprocal scale convolution with and (or Lq-weak) P one can say that a 6 [0,i] shifts the LP-class to the left by the r ) shifts it to the right by while a multiplication with b E L (i q bK*f is bounded if the LP-classes of b The product of two operations f i i I K are "Young-dual": r q in Lemma I, This relation explains the limitation on the scale of amount !. r K 6 L q LP-spaces P p (we do not want a convolution-type K term to "push" the LP-class of f out of the scale [0,i]). It also explains the definition of the "fractional p is "equivalent" by (3.7) to order" (2.3). Indeed, a multiplication with b 6 L s ;s a convolution with the "fractional Laplacian" A (_)s/2 b(x)D=K Now we return to the operator argument accurate. fractional Laplacian and want to make the above heuristic It is convenient to multiply and divide A s, --n s P BKSA -s O, (s [ of o. (_ a) A -s by the (bi)MiA-S a combination of multiplication operators and a fractional Laplacian pa BK Then we get from (3.5) =) (b i DO’s Mi with symbols (3.8) k+l The order of o.1 is II + s m(k+l) which D. GURARIE 82 by (3.6) is equal to d m p -m- [8] < 0 i8 We "pull out" the absolute value of complex re in the denominator of (3.8), and by the homogenuity of a write o. in terms of a "uniformly elliptic" symbol oi --i e -a(x,) r -i/m i(x’) 7 i(x; r I -I + d/m Slim; d t I’vl 6 (x)E) (3.1o) where (bi)MiA-s (x) S j [ol Isl. mk + d s will joint the left (multiplication) factor of Remembering that k ]aaj(J), -t 6 The weight + + d is a product of derivatives #i we get i k i (b/d)(a(.BJ)/m-lSJl) d+km-] B By hypothese (2.1), (2.2), (2.5) of whereas all terms of the product (b i) factor i product iMi A (3.7). t -s 6 LP are r possible. o 1 pa, A -s of the M.l (x,pK) o. in terms of the "uniformly elliptic" kernel of a is nonpositive by (3.9). DO o.l Strictly negative order, A negative order l DO < Z SI, 0 DO M. is with of kernels, i.e. p-n i(x; 0-1z) M.l(x,z) The order Ll_dilation . We shall show that a and estimate its norm. results in the dual which represents L "complete" each other in the sense of interpolation formulas (l<p<) -i/m6 is and the "convolution" (right) factor We first observe that the dilation of symbols O d Thus the "multiplication: (left) L It remains to study the middle term. LP-bounded b/ 2 the first factor .. (3.11) So two cases are O. is well known to have an Ll-radial convolution-type bound [Bi(x,z)[ < cH(lzl) (3.12) 83 FINITE PROPAGATION SPEED AND KERNELS OF ELLIPTIC OPERATORS where c depends on a finite number (N-- n + I) symbol class semlnorms of (see for inst. [5]). A straightforward evaluation of seminorms yields sup x,( llNl(aoi)( )I < C in e/2]N, IBI N whence the constant in estimate (3.2) of Lemma i. From (3.11), (3.12) it follows that the kernel Ll-function so-called p-dilation of the radial "’ .IMi(x,z) < co-n[x)H[io" If Mo 1 Ll-convolution for all < i p < < o(x) were bounded 0 the usual H H (x)z) $ M4(x,z) z p(x) p with x is bounded by the r -i/m 6 (x) Y. H < H LP-boundedness (uniformly elliptic case), then e would immediately imply the result: (cf. [4], [5]). 6(x) In case of unbounded and of the maximal function estimate applies, Hlllf*(x) (Hof)(x) < LP-boundedness This yields - M of in all spaces 1 I < p < and proves Lemma I in the first case. 2 o’l Order c(x)l + 0 + 0 $i We split E a multiple of the 0 SI,0 Oo(X,E) a homogeneous of order zero (in ) over the unit sphere and a negative order i sbol Let us illustrate this splitting for ( _ c(x), H {0} of the kernel Correspondingly kernel c(x)l + M + M_, 0 O, 6 S sbol 1,0 i.e. /(x,g)d c(x) while the second is obviously in 0 sufficiently regular at radial bound k with the zero mean-value (-a)a a /a terms: en m) the first te splits into the sum of o 3 into the sum of "identity" (in the -variable) function" -m SI, 0 and Notice tha which is important for the existence of "global" $ (x,D) (cf. [5]). splits into the sum of three kernels: c(x) a multiplication with "nice" (bounded) function Calderon-Zygmund kernel ! o(X’Z) (homogeneous of degree -n z) in and an L -adially bounded kernel The first two of them are invariant under the 0-dilation (z) -(-z) while the third is dominated by the maximal function as in case i completes the proof. is o This a D. GURARIE 84 &. AND A AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. A 0 After Lemma I we can study the convergence of series (1.5) and (1.6), that 0 0 -1 give resolvent kernels R and R We start with R (-A) RESOLVENT KERNELS OF (-A0)-1 THEOREM i. Series (1.5) converges absolutely in the complement of a parabolic region 1 < p < , .DO’s of its symbol o k i <m k By the product formula I. D(a)8(_)x (a 6 e 8; i e (-A0)K L LP-spaces in all A. of of the type that appear in Lemma i. ioi a(Sjj a <181 e(x,) expands into the sum i(x) - 0 R We recall that the operator PROOF. , about positive real axis in and defines the resolvent L_ m Namely, b(x)) plays the role of and k i(x’) (-a)k+l e; 8 + e 1 II 181 (k+l)m So the whole argument of Lemma I can be repeated for DO’s o.(x,D) have strictly negative order, 1 Hence by Lemma i each term M is estimated as ]ILl1 < with C depending on C < [liMi[l [sin 8/21 L-norms of and i i Lk expansion (1.5), we see that n+l -i. r - X (I p [8[/m i < < p i ) --, m ) (4.1) Returning to series converges absolutely if the right hand side 0 of (4.1) C r Isin 8/21 n+l This condition gives a parabolic region < (4.2) i. (-A0)ROf RO(-A0)f for all f f , about positive real axis in whose complement we have a well defined bounded operator 0 We want to show that R is the resolvent of A 0 p (I) f f 6 e (II) L and consequently the whole operator L of Notice that all L" in the LP-domain R 0 K(I-L) in -I that is of A 0 (-Ao)K L. It The first formula immediately follows from the relation I 0 shows that R is the right resolvent of A To show the existence of the left 0 resolvent (II) we shall use duality between Namely: the adjoint of the right resolvent of operator A* 0 in L p A 0 (+ - in i LP-spaces. L p I) becomes the left resolvent of the adjoint and vice versa. We can not apply the above result directly to the right resolvent, since whose lower order terms A 0 e A 0 to show the existence of is not of homogeneous order. {beD }lel<m But A A + B, 0 0 have coefficients bounded "relative to A 0 FINITE PROPAGATION SPEED AND KERNELS OF ELLIPTIC OPERATORS 85 Therefore the "perturbation" Theorem (Theorem 4 below) applies to prove the existence of the right resolvent for A outside of another parabolic region 0 Once both resolvents, right and left, are shown to exist they must be equal. This completes the proof of Theorem i. ’ LP-domain Next we apply Lemma i to characterize the A0, of Pp(Ao), < p i -th < . For constant coefficient elliptic operators P (A is known to be the m P i v’m" and the same is true for uniformly elliptic O) (I-A)m/2LP Sobolev space [4]). operators (see THEOREM 2. For strictly elliptic operators of the above type we have The with the weight LP-domain 6 w IP’m w is equal to the m 0 I lwf(a) IP {f: (-Ao)fll and the norms A of m in Pp (AO) dx < -th weighted Sobolev spce } !lwDfll.p and in Ip, m are equivalent. w We have to show that the operator w(l-) m/2-0 is bounded and 0 -I invertible in L v But R K(I-L) It suffices to show boundedness and PROOF invertibility of the operator Lemma I. w(l-&)m/2K. T Boundedness follows directly from Indeed w(l- &)m/2K [ wDK. c is the sum of terms that appear in Lemma i. To prove invertibility it is convenient to use > large 0 (l-&) instead of m/2 reverse two terms in the product (-A) in the definition of w(%-A) m/2 ip,m w m/2 for sufficiently norm and also to We observe that g)m/2 w(k where order bounded. B < m Then for sufficiently large Hence the inverse [(l Now we can invert T But (l -I A0w-i 0 + + B]w, and the coefficients i B(;k as A)m/2 [( A) T X A)-m/2[[ m/2 + B] -I w(% [ c w v’/w are all the operator norm < 1/2. exists and is bounded. A)m/2R0 A0)w-I ( b (4.3) [( using (4.3) A) with uniformly elliptic m/2 + B] -I 0 w-iA0 (4.4) and of the same type B. Finally "pulling out" -m/2 A) A)-m/2B [I + ( (\-A) -I m/2 from the right factor in (4.4), the problem reduces to LP-boundedness of the D. GURARIE 86 operator small" , (0 + )(k &)-m/2 S and "relatively Indeed the operator S ,DO’s { (x)D( g)m/2: combination of zero- and negative order former are given by Calderon-Zygmund kernels, hence . [!7], ch. 2). i-<. p 0 for uniformly elliptic which is well known (cf. [4]) Ll-radially The latter have L p bounded kernels, hence II < m}. < 1 for all is a L < p p The (see for all In many applications, including the perturbation series (1.6) one needs to -I and 0 K (I R 0. estimate the operator norm of BR By Theorem I -i is easily shown to converge to I as (I-L) {iarg I > > 0} L) uniformly in any sector The problem is thus reduced to estimating is provided by Lemma I. If COROLLARY i. Lp for all max {d d symbol < i p A B and 0 BROil < < {p rain satisfy assumptions of r !Ib=il) (C The latter 2, then -l+d/m (4.5) Isin /21 k+l E and "fractional order of is the BKII R0 (where B, exists). C constant Here depends on and the p a(x,) From (4.5) immediately follows COROLLARY 2 (cf. [5] [4], [16]). LP-domains A of and p(A) A B The operator Ao-bounded is and the are equal 0 6p,m,w p(A0) -m, w i < < p rain Ip Let us notice that the relative bound in the right hand side of (4.5) can be made as small as one likes, taking sufficiently large "fractional" order < d r, provided the In this case the perturbation series (1.6 converges m. absolutely in the complement of a parabolic region ’ The limit case, LP-type d {: relative bond m, < I} is important, as it gives the "optimal In this case one can claim somewhat less. perturbations. PROPOSITION I. Operator R, with arbitrarily small BR?II : II > < R; and large , i in any regioD lard I > } L and perturbation d < m- i "very small" b" B b"!l P !ib"’l < splits into the sum hence while the second L B’RO!l B"R?I< (4.6) depending on To prove Proposition i we cut each coefficient b’ amount" of singularity of lower order coefficients and also allows "top order" e. B’ + B". b E L p into two parts: Consequently, te whole The first term has order becomes small outside of a parabolic region 1 in some region fR,O" and can be made as small as one likes. From Proposition i easily follows Here .’ depends on This proves the Proposition 87 FINITE PROPAGATION SPEED AND KERNELS OF ELLIPTIC OPERATORS >0 C=C > For any COROLLARY 3 (a priory estimate). there exists 0 s.t. Bf!I p < !IAofll p + cIIfll p Lwp’m f 6 (4.7) Along with Kato-Rellich Theorem a priory estimate (4.7) implies essential 2 Proposition i of a formally symmetric operator A + B. L 0 selfadjointness in LP-type singularity of operators in LP-spaces. Namely, a(x)D of i has leading also yields a large class ("optimal" in the sense of coefficients) of "well defined" elliptic THEOREM 3. m(x) coefficients LP-spaces I p < < p If p Lp,m D p (A) 2) min (2.4), then Al[P,m w closure {A mln is formally symmetric and C selfadjoint on A is "well defined" in all A iC 0} in the sense that and w A ll--m satisfy (2.3) 6 Lw a A If an operator i) min {p=} > 2 A then is essentially O Theorem 3 extends many of earlier known results [8], [9], [24], [41, [ii], LP-theory. [15], [16] on essential selfadjointness and R Now we turn to the resolvent (cf. [5], [4]) THEOREM 4. Let of A A. A0 + B be an operator of Theorem 3. Then (I) I for all < < p rain {pa R (1.6). and is given by an absolutely convergent series (II) (resolvent summability) for all f(x) (Rf)(x) in L (-A) the resolvent f L p (i < p < exists in {p}) rain R, the family uniformly in as p-norm. The first statement is already proved, the second follows from the estimates of eemma i (cf. [4], [5]). After Theorem 2 we can obtain a variety of other "analytic multipliers" {e(A)} e and "summation families" by Cauchy integration of Rr.. (A) Indeed, the formula (A) F defines a nice (bounded) operator (A) with respect to the measure contour provided du sin is the family of functions {re+-i; r > ro}, 0 < < {t() and chosen arbitrarily small due to Thus we get e -t is integrable over the cr-l+d/m /21n+ I d. }t" ieHere contour a circle {roe Ii > }. the shape of QR," F One such example consists of two rays Angle can be 88 D. GURARIE e A An operator THEOREM 5. -tA of Theorem 3 generates a holomorphic semigroup p min p Re t > 0 in all L I < in the right half plane Moreover, the family of functions e -tAf (x) {p} f(x) as 0 t in LP-norm REMARK i. As in [4] ( ), all the above results extend to strictly elliptic Rn operators on certain Riemannian manifolds diffeomorphic to and strictly elliptic systems. REMARK 2. n/E E potentials: V V(xl-x j) [ n) is a subspace of (E on (x m, (see [5]). I = 3 3N 6 B of the perturbation b (x) which are One such class consists of 3. can be allowed in spaces {b More general classes of coefficients defined on quotient p on E, like "N-body" L In this case condition (2.4) i<j of dim E 2 should read: lal + Pe classes is discussed in [15], [16]. Izl L Another extension of It consists of all functions p b (x) whose -s H (z) (Izl i, and s n m + a) (a "local is bounded. This condition is close to so called singularity" of "Rollnik condition" in the theory of Schrdinger operators (see [25]). convolution with Da(-Ao)-I) We shall conclude this section with two examples, which have bearing on Ll-theory This theory poses the following of the above class of operators. given an interesting harmonic analysis problem: dilating factor > (x) O, L function K(x) x-y is I K when the kernel I n(x) K( (x)) Two examples below indicate that the situation in compared to LP-theory > (p "finitely propagating" Ll-radially are no longer sufficient for O(Ixl) be "slower" than Namely, an i) Ll-case . bounded. K and a the growth of and some additional relation between Ixi I becomes more subtle bounded LI: and a L K 6 must appears. and is K(lK(x,y) It is well known (see, for instance, [17], Appendix) homogeneous of degree p y-PK(l-y) dy < =. The latter is obviously that K is L if and only if I. but fails for p true for p > i, as 2vrx on R and write the operator XAMPLE 2. Now we take (x) EXAMPLE I. (x) -I. Take on Then J K6f I (K6f)(x) (x)y) dy. K(y)f(x Then f K(y)I IIKflll We introduce a new variable whole real line R and on the interval line and Rx 13 _y2 0 u (d) 0 < u I (x)y x u but the function into three intervals the Jacobian f(x- 6(x)y)dx dy. I u y(X) (x) The range of u has a critical point x Y I (=d__u_) 0 y 2 "three-fold" (see figure) We divide the (0;2y2]; (2y2;+) On I (-;0]; is 12 is bounded from both sides, c is the c2 < 13 I FINITE PROPAGATION SPEED AND KERNELS OF ELLIPTIC OPERATORS 89 Hence + I d(x)y) dx f(x < 13 1 i fl[ I yIt is only a neighborhood of the critical point x 0 is computed explicitely. The Jacobian to "blow up". that causes () du y I +_ (-fx) y2 [y2,2y2] [0, on /y2+u "+" on Hence I 12 0 0 (x)y) dx f(x f(u) 2 -y -y 2 K be v -u K(y) iff the convolution II) K A similar condition on Ixl and the order of integration yields + ![K(y) * I Ks(f) (x) 0 f(u) du. 2 Then is bounded. s y, y Ll-bounded is I -y /y2+u This shows that + 2 2 Finally, the change of variable 0 v------ du (s < Namely I) llfI[ I. can be derived for other polynomial functions i and must s the convolution of yl/2-s K(yl_ L These results can be used to study 6(x)m A for operators d I L y R properties of the resolvent kernel m + m on Indeed, the kernel R dx iz’ e------d K(z) -Ylzl Y-1/2 -SK(yl-S) , {} are K(z) L i e If l__y L 6(x) L I Ixi and decays exponentially at with s is obviously satisfied. On the other hand if kernels fail to be {0} is bounded near _m 6(x) Ixl < m, Hence the condition K s and consequently has the maximal allowed growth both R D. GURARIE 90 / ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. 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