Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1985) 145-149 145 Vol 8 No. ON CENTER-LIKE ELEMENTS IN RINGS JOE W. FISHER and MOHAMED H. FAHMY University of Cincinnati 45221 Cincinnati, Ohio U.S.A. 4, 1982 and (Received June I, 1982) in revised form Septmber In a paper with a similar title Herstein has considered the structure of 0 or is in the prime rings which contain an element a which satisfies either [a x in ABSTRACT. R center of for each x We consider the structure of rings which contain an R. in The two types which element a which satisfies powers of certain higher commutators. we consider are .,x m Xl,X 2 R. in [[a,xl],X2] .,Xm ]n 0 [a,[xl,[X2, ..,[Xm_ I (i) R in R or is in the center of and (2) x ]]]n m 0 We obtain results similar to those obtained by Herstein; for all x for all Xl,X 2 however, in some m cases we must strengthen the hypotheses Also we consider a third type (3) (ax n m x a) k for all 0 x in R and extend results of Herstein and Giambruno. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Prime and semiprime rings, primitive and semiprimitive rings, rings with involution, commutativity theorems. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 16A12, 16A20, 16A28, 16A70 INTRODUCTION. i. The definition of the center several papers. R is central if (I) if a e Z. identity R has recently been generalized in R of a ring an element a of a prime ring e U U is a nonzero two where We generalize this result in two directions. R. sided ideal in Z [i, Theorem 2] showed that 0 for all u and only if [a,u in Herstein [[a,ul],U 2] is prime and .,Um ]n 0 First, we show that for all U, g then Ul,U2,...,u m From (i) it follows easily that a semiprime ring satisfying the Lie nilpotent [...[Xl,X2],... 0 x m for all x I x2,...,xm in R is commutative p. 230]. We also conclude from (i) two commutivity theorems which generalize two well-known theorems due to Kaplansky 2, p. 219] and Herstein [3]. 2, I R u u 2 m is prime with Herstein all in x U, then Z a g Z infinite and if either n R is semisimple and R 0 U for all is essential, or fixed. [i, Theorem 4] proves that if R, then [Um-l’Um]’’’]]]n [a’[ul’[Ul’[U2 Second, we prove that if u R is prime, a Z, and [a,x ]n is an order in a 4-dimensional simple algebra g Z for We show that the J. W. FISHER AND M. H. FAHMY 146 ,Xm in Z for all Xl,X 2 In another attempt to generalize the structure of the center [...[[a,xl],X 2] same result holds if ,Xm Z R. e R of a ring without nonzero nil ideas Herstein [4] proved that the subring Z. This theorem was generalized for all x e R} {a e R: axn(a’x) x T n(a’X)a {a e R: by Giambruno [5], x e R} Z. In an attempt to generalize these {a R: (axm(a G a) k xn(a’X)a m(a’x) results, we show that Z if R for all x in R} 0 R. 0 rx Moreover, [a,x] is an associative ring with 1 and R Throughout this paper 2. x) xn(a x) ax for all is semiprimitive 2R # 0. and of G who showed that the set denotes the center {r e R: (X) R, then is a subset of X and if xa ax Z x e X}. for all We begin this section with a lemma which will be useful in the sequel. 0 Let R be a ring, U an ideal of R, and a e R. If 2 0 for all u e U. then [a,u] e U, MAIN RESULTS. [[a,ul],U 2] LEMMA i. for all ul,u 2 PROOF. Let U. u e However the first term is zero. Let THEOREM i. Hence Ul,U2,...,um PROOF a[[a,u],u]+ [a,u [a,u] 2 0. U # 0 be a prime ring and R that for fixed positive integers e is an ideal we obtain =[a[a,u],u] [[a,au],u] 0 U Since n, [.. [[a,u I ]u 2 and m R. If ],...,urn ]n 0 an ideal of a e R is such for all a e Z. U, then The proof goes by induction on m. The result is true for m i by Herstein’s theorem [i, Theorem 2]. Assume the result is true for for all e U. Ul’U2’’’’’Um Set k m U. u2,u3,...,Um Lemma i we obtain that [a,u] b e Z Hence 2 0 By applying by the induction hypothesis. for all 0 0 Then by assumption .,Um ]n [[b,u 2],u 3], for all [[a’ul]"12]’’’’’Um in and suppose that [a,u ]. b u e U. Therefore a e Z by Herstein’s aforementioned theorem. As a consequence of Theorem i, we get the following two corollaries which generalize for prime rings two well-known theorems due to Kaplansky [2 p. 219] and Herstein [3]. COROLLARY i. a R Let R [.. [[a k(a) u where Ul,U2,...,Um(a) PROOF. R I] u2],. R Um(a) ]n(a) 0 is commutative. Evident. COROLLARY 2. a U, then e U # 0 an ideal of R. If for every k(a), m(a), and n(a) such that be a prime ring and there exists three natural numbers Let R be a prime ring and there exists two natural numbers U # 0 re(a), n(a) and and ideal of R. a polynomial Pa () coefficients such that [...[[(a where Ul,U2,...,Um(a) a 2 Pa(a),ul] u 2] U, then R Um(a) ]n(a) is commutative. 0 If for every with integer CENTER-LIKE ELEMENTS IN RINGS PROOF. 147 Evident. 2, p. 230]. Also as a corollary we obtain a result from COROLLARY 3. R If [...[x l,x 2],...,x n] is a semiprime ring satisfying the Lie nilpotent identity R 0, then is commutative. Ev iden t. PROOF. [i, Theorem 3]. Z and let a e R, The next theorem generalizes a theorem of Herstein R Let THEOREM 2. be a prime ring with center Um ]n [...[[a,ul],U 2] such that R e Z for all R. Then PROOF. If [...[a,ul],U2],...,Um_ I] Z e Z Hence there exists by Theorem 2. for all [b,um in e Z Vm_lJ for all u m e urn_ I Ul,U 2 U Vl,V2,...,Vm_ I [...[[a,vl],V 2] b However by hypothesis Ul,U 2,...,urn Z # U where be 0 is is an order in a 4-dimensional simple algebra. an ideal of a e U a U, e then such that Z. U. Ergo, R is an order in a 4-dimensional simple algebra by Herstein [i, Theorem 3]. We now generalize Herstein’s Theorem 2 in [i] in another direction. R, a be an ideal of R, m e [a,[ul,[U 2 for all Ul’U2’’’’’Um +. Z fixed in U # 0 Let If [Um_ I u ]]in m 0 e U (Condition A) then we shall prove a e Z that in the following two cases: (i) R is semiprimitive and (ii) R is prime, U is an U (U) is an ideal such that Z ideal, is infinite, and n 0 (Theorem 3), or is fixed. (Theorem 4). First we prove a lemma: LEMMA 2. Let R fying condition (A). (a) PROOF. for all x I x2,.., (b) be a primitive ring, Then R If m If U # 0 R an ideal of Hence Z a [al[Xl,[X2,... [Xm_ I V R a satis- x .J]] m 0 by a result of Smiley [6 is primitive, then it has a faithful irreducible R-module which is also faithful and irreductible as a U-module. densely on R, and Z. is a division ring, then R. x a e as a vector space over a division ring and the result follows from (a). So let dimDV V By the Density theorem U acts D. If dimDV i, then R D i. Suppose that there exists a nonzero victor v e V such that v and va are linearly independent over D. Since U acts densely on V there exists Ul,U 2 e U such that vu (va)u vu and (va)u v, v, Thus 0, va. I I 2 2 and so v[a,[ul,[Ul,[Ul,...,[Ul,U2]...]]] v[a,[ul,[Ul,. .,[Ul,U 2] ]]]n v. But, by the the left is zero, which gives that v e V, va %(v)v, where does not depend on and (va)x =’(%v)x faithfully on V we have ax xa hypothesis, the expression on 0, contrary to our assumption. v %(v) e D. v, hence va %(vx). Hence v Thus for every It follows easily from this that, in fact, %v for all v(xa 0 ax) for all v e V. 0 So, if for all v e V. x e R, and so (v) x e R, then (vx)a Since a e 7. R acts %vx J. W. FISHER AND M. H. FAHMY 148 THEOREM 3. a eR and shown that product of R/P R/P. R Z U. P where a Let R UC. If # a Z then A, and R [7 ]. Z C Then RC S and because and its ideal carries over to the prime ring R satisfies a nontrivial generalized polynomial identity we have that I: R, on ideal of A 0 primitive by Martindale’s theorem. Question is the subdirect a e Z. A, then [a’[ulx’[u2x’’’’’rUm-lX’UmX]’’’]]]n condition it can easily be is in the center of a U # 0 infinite, be the extended centroid of C is infinite condition V Z be prime with which satisfies condition Let Lemma 2 that It follows from O, Z. Z. Therefore PROOF. a e 0, U is an essential ideal of R. Hence U} O. Hence R P primitive ideal such that P THEOREM 4. a A, then with (U) R an ideal of 0 E(U) Since n{P: U is a semiprimitive ring, which satisfies condition PROOF. each R If Z(S) a e for Um Ul,U 2 V Since UC by Lemma 2. R. e S is which satisfies a e Z. Hence In Theorem 4 is the hypothesis that RC S Hence is an ideal of be infinite necessary? Z Note that in Theorem 1 it was not necessary. We finish our paper with a partial generalization of the results in [5] and [4]. Let a be an element of the ring such that for all R u e U, R, a nonzero ideal of we have n(u) (aum(U) k(u) (Condition B) 0 xn(X)a)k(x) {a e R: (axm(x) and let a) 0 for all x R}. in It is clear that -G mT =Z. THEOREM 5. (i) Then R If is a ring satisfying condition E(U) (B) with 2R # O, then either R is semiprimitive with (2) R is prime with infinite center with fixed integers m, a e Z. 0 or n, and k. By using the same technique of proof as that in Theorems 3 and 4, it is PROOF. enough to prove the result in the primitive case. Let V be as in the proof of Lemma 2. D and division ring, we get that for all Giambruno [8] a e Z. Thus let x e dimDV R, I. m(x) ax If 0 If xn(X)a v e I, i.e., R dimDV O. is a Hence by a result of V, then the vectors {v,va,va 2 are linearly dependent. Indeed, if they were linearly independent, then by the density such that vu O. v, (va)u v, and (va2)u m(u) n (u) k (u) Thus we get v(au v if k(u) a va if u is even and equals v m(u) is odd. But (au 0 so we get a contradiction in both cases. u e U theorem, there is K(u) un(U)a)k(u) {v,va} Assume that %, and e D. % If (va)w However, (va)y m(y) v(ay @ 0, So 0. and if yn Contradiction. % 0, i.e., va # D, 0 a) Therefore v e 2 y(va) {v,va} the proof of Lemma 2 shows that RE,LARKS: i) va then by the density theorem there is w n(w) k(w) s m(w) v(aw +% v where s a) -w where (Y) k (Y) av are linearly independent, then va, then there is (because a 0 where 0 2R B are linearly dependent. a Z. y 2 + va where %v U such that s(k). U such that 0 implies B(k) D and vw v Contradiction. D # y vy 2y(k) v ). Thus e D. The same argument as used in This completes the proof. It is of interest to study all the above theorems for rings with CENTER-LIKE ELEMENTS IN RINGS "*" involution by applying the same conditions on the set of symmetric elements For example, it is natural to ask: and Z, then what about a [Sl,S2,.. 2) s n in 149 e Z, R? thn dimzR If [a,sl,...,sn in e Z for all Sl,S2,...,s n [8], that It was shown by Fahmy [9] and Giambruno <_ S if 16. A second direction in which one may try to extend the above theorems is to generalize the cohypercenter introduced by Chacron in 0], i.e., to study the set 2 {a is a polynomial with R: [a,x x p(x) 0 for all x in R} where p(x) in(x) integral coefficients. REFERENCES I. HERSTEIN, I. N. Center like elements in prime rings, J. Algebra 60, (1979), 567-574. 2. JACOBSON, N. Structure of rings, Amer. Math. Colloquim Publications, V 37 (1964). 3. HERSTEIN, I. N. 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