Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1985) 165-171 165 Vol. 8 No. ON SOME EXTENSIONS OF HARDY’S INEQUALITY CHRISTOPHER O. IMORU Department of Mathematics University of Ife Ile-Ife Nigeria (Received March 24, 1983 and in revised form February 28, 1984) ABSTRACT. to We present in this paper some new integral inequalities which are related Hardy’s inequality, thus bringing into sharp focus some of the earlier results of the author. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. f neua li ties 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 1. YD15 INTRODUCTION. The present note is a sequel to the author’s paper [i] in which the following theorem that generalizes Shum’s result [2] was proved. THEORF, M (x) 0 for I.I. x Let 0 be continuous and non-decreasing on [o,=] with g(O) O, 1 and f(x) be non-negative and =. Let p i, r # g(=) and g(x) Lebesgue-Stieltjes integrable with respect to r 1 or r < i, where a 0 b and or [a, o] according as Suppose 0. f f(t)dg(t) f f(t)dg(t) F(x) [0,b] on (r i) (r 1). (I.i) Then 0 g(x) -r F(x)Pdg(x) + [p/(r-l)]Pg(b)1-r F(b) p (1.2) p (r-l) ]P fb g(x) -r [g(x) 0 f(x)]Pdg(x) (r i) and -r F(x)Pdg(x) + [p/(1-r) ]Pg(a)l-r F(a) p (1.3) [p/("l-r")]Pf with both inequalities reversed in g(x)-r[g(x)f(x)]Pdg(x) 0 (r i), p _< I. Equality holds in either inequality, when either p 1 or f O. The constant p or [p/(i-r)] is the best possible when the left side of (1.2) or (1.3) [p/(r-l) JP is unchanged, respectively. C.O. IMORU 166 The objective of this paper is to obtain a new integral inequality which is an Indeed, we shall show that Theorem I.i in its modified extension of Theorem i.i. form leads us to some extensions, variants and a new generalization of a class of inequalities which are related to Hardy’s integral inequality. Moreover, we shall examine the case when [I]. In fact, a case which was not discussed in I.I, in Theorem 1 r Hardy’s inequality due to Ling-Yau Chan [3], which seemed new, are certain extensions of shown to be immediate consequences of the modified form of Theorem i.I. An immediate corollary of this result shows In Section 2 we state our main result. . that the inequalities (1.2) and (1.3) continue to persist except for an added constant b b b <0 <- a are replaced by when in (1.2) and a’ where a 0 In Section 3, we prove an elementary lemma which is then used to give the proof of In Section 4, our result is applied to give some useful variants and our main result. extensions of Hardy’s inequality. Throughout what follows, unless otherwise stated, we shall assume 0 and g(d) non-negative and non-decreasing on [c,dJ with g(c) . g is continuous, Furthermore, f is assumed to be a non-negative Lebesgue-Stieltjes integrable function with respect to g on Our notations and terminologies are similar to the ones in [2]. [c,d]. real numbers p # 0 # and Q(.,,F) f(t)Pdg(t) g(t) (p-l) (p-l) (6+1) f(t)Pdg(t) g(t) (6 0) (6 0), f(t) dg(t) (6 0) f(t) dg(t) (6 0) 6 and as follows: 8, F 0, the functions 6+1 8(x) f.. Thus, for [c,d] are defined on (1.4) (1.5) F(x) ’__ jx and 2. P d 0 c 0 6 according as 0, where 6 or g(x) 6p-i [g(x)f(x)] p c for every p e 1 b <-d. Suppose for d 6p-i p a dg(x) L((x,d),dg) or f(t) L((c,x),dg) f(t) Let (1.6) Our main result is the following. STATEMENT OF IAIN RESULT. THEOREM 2.1. p g(x) 6p V(x) 161 p-1 8(x) g(x) Q(x,6,F) and F (x) g(x) C dg(x) x (a,b) 0 p -< i. or if then we have a g(x) 6p-i 161- p + whenever p -> 1 or 0. p strict unless either when the term F(x) p dg(x) 1 p 6 6 -i [g(b)Pv(b) P fb a g(x) (2.1) 0 The inequality is reversed if or f 0. g(a) (l-r)/p, r The constant factor p F(a) p] 1 and results. a 6PF(a) P g (a) 6-I g(x) p [g(x)f(x)]Pdg(x) -l[g(b)PF(b)P REMARK 2.2. For _< F(x)Pdg(x) _< - II i. p -p The inequality is is the best possible remains unchanged. p 1 [p/(l-r)]g(b)l-rF(b)P or p 0, we obtain the following g(a)l-rF(a)P] (2.2) + [p/(r-l) pfb g(x) a -r g(x) (x) Pd g(x) (r i) SOME EXTENSIONS OF HARDY’S INEQUALITY 167 and b g(x)-rF(x)Pdg(x) g(a)l-rF(a)P] [p/(1-r)][g(b)l-rF(b)P <- (2.3) + [p/(l-r)] p -_ 1 0 when pfb g(x)-r[g(x)f(x)]Pdg(x) 0 and Suppose the hypotheses g(c) [o’ o where and oog f by (g) REMARK 2.3. g(d)] [g(c) and non-decreasing on (oog)(c) with [I], namely g(d) ]-if, by g i); the inequalities are reversed. These inequalities generalize our earlier results in replacing (r a is Theorem I.i. are relaxed. and (oog)(d) 0 On differentiable, non-negative oo, we obtain from inequality (2.1) the following form b o’(g(x))o(g(x))SP-i 4-110,(g(b)) ?’p 18I-P + where o(g(a))SP F(b) p o’ (g(x)) l-po(g(x) b a F(a) p (2.4) 6P-l[o(g(x))f (x) ]Pdg(x) p > 1 is, however, still defined by (1.5) and F or O. p Inequality (2.4) p -< i. 0 is reversed if 3. f G(x) p dg(x) PROOF OF THEOREM: The proof of our main result will depend essentially on the following lemma. LEMMA: For _> p 1 or O, the p ever 0 p ! I, the function [c,d] according non-decreasing on PROOF: according as # 0 as O, p -> 1 For or 0 <_ O(x) c and 0 p 8 0 O, is positive and O. or O. 0(x) exist uncer the hypotheses O, 8+1) f(t)Pdg(t) g(t) (p-l) g(t) 8p-I [g(t) f(t) ]p dg(t) -< g(x) -< g(x) -S f, c g(t) 8p-1 [g(t)f(t) ]p dg(t) which is obtained from the non-decreasing property of g and the hypothesis of the theorem, For p -> or 0 p 0 e(x) and 8 O, we have by the same token =fx g(t)(P-l)(6+l)f(t)P d dg(t) g(x)-Sfx g(t) p-l[ g(t)f(t) ]p dg(t) d -< g(x) If how- is negative and non-increasing or or We shall show that the integrals defining of the theorem. # Q(.,6,F), 8 function c,d] Q(.,6,F), non-decreasing or non-increasing on -6fd c g(t) 8p-1 [g(t)f(t) ]p dg(t) =. C.O. IMORU 168 For and let O, p [c,d], (t.,t)z tl’t2 t g(tl)-l-pg(t2)-(6$1)dg(t! (d,d) d* and or i p dX(t) where [c,d]. x fX*c, h(t)d(t) I fd* f x: h(t)dX(t) x* g(t2)P(6+l)f(t2)P h(t) let dg(tg). Suppose x* (x,x), -I g(x) -(p+I) Q(x,6,F) (161p) Then, x* dX_t. c* dX(t) jl-P[ I x* h(t) c* jl-P[ f d* Q(x,,F), Hence, the non-negative property of i/Pd% (t) ]P (6 O) h(t)l/Pdx(t)]P (6 O) [c,d], x O, (c,c) c* is a direct consequence of Jensen’s inequality for convex functions. Also from the Jensen-Steffensen inequality for sums, we have for p p " 1 or 0, - (Zi)l where _EI i 2, n CrY* I (3.1), c* -[ (]{p)-i p y, dX(t), q2 fY* c* dX(t) JP and x* d%(t)nl -pfy* [Y, [c* .7 c ]P f:y*, h(t) i/p dX(t) jp f:: dX(t)]l-p[/x* h(t) 1/p dX(t) ]p c* g(x) -(p+l) Q(x,6,F) 0 to the second [Q(x,6,F) x is zero for p h(t) i/Pd X(t) dX(t)] l-p Q(y,,F)] summand, we obtain O. is positive and non-decreasing on c and non-decreasing for x >- c is non-negative and non-decreasing on the assertion of the lemma is valid for or O. qi 1-p(qlZl i/p + q2 z 2 I/p h(t) i/Pd X(t) / (Iglp) -I g(.) -6 (p+l) Q(.,,F) p >- 1 E we have Jensen’s inequality On the application of that for with ify, h(t)_ i/Pd X(t)_ fy,,y, dX(t)_ ]p , + O, satisfies the conditions we get 0 -< whence for 0 i g n i=1 c* dX(t), z2 (161p)-ig(x) -(p+I) )P Making use of the substitutions d. x y z Hence i/p qi zi (qi)l n) u (ql +q2 ql in inequality qi (I qlZl + q2z2 c n (i.IE n qi -< i=u In particular, for Now suppose qi is non-decreasing and n Y. 0 -< l-p (i I i__E1 qizi i -< n 0 g n n Pn(Z’q’P) and 6 p OQ(d.,F) 1 or p 0. [c,d]. and [c,d]. But Q(c,,F) O; Consequently, Similar argument also shows is non-negative and non-decreasing on SOME EXTENSIONS OF HARDY’S INEQUALITY [c,d]. 6 + 0 6 o8 c <_ x <- d We note in passing that Holder’s inequality yields F(x) where s when p >_ i example, for p and This completes the proof of the lemma. 0. REMARK 3.1. for Q(.,6,F) for 0 p <- i [c,d] according as Also, it can be proved in the same manner that is negative and non-increasing or non-decreasing on 0 6 169 =fc x p i or and 6 0 f(t)g(t) s g(t) -s (p + i)(6 + l)/p. 0, 6 < 0,6 p p <- i, 6 0 and 0 Q(x,e,F) -> 0 0. For 0,6 we have I/p dg(t) <- 0(x) x g(t) -6-1 dg(t)] l-(i/p) The result follows after raising both sides to the power and simplifying. The method by which Theorem i.i is obtained in [I] will be used to prove our main Suppose result. or i p negative property of the monotonicity of 0, 6 p P dg (x, I, 6-1[g(b) 60(b) <_ # 0, and b -<. d. a c Using first the non- Q(.,6,F), next an application of integration by parts, and finally Q(.,6,F) (cf. Lemma), we obtain g(a) 6 /’ 16 I-/_ + B(a) -</ab g(x )8-1 0(x) dg (x, g(x) 6p-1 [g(x) f(x) ]Pdg(x) -1 161p-l[g(b)6PF(b)p g(a)6PF(a)P] + j6J g(x) 6p-I [g (x) f (x) ]P dg(x). -lfb a Hence b l,l- /a g(x)6P-l[g(x)f(x)] + This proves the assertion of the theorem when when p <- I 0 is similar; g(a)6PF(a)P] 6-1[g(b)6PF(b)P g(x) 6P-iF(x)Pdg(x) p >- i hence it is omitted. p 0. or p dg(x). The proof of the theorem We also omit the proof of the ex- actness of constant and the condit*ons for equality since the proof is similar to the . one given in [2]. Thus the proof of the theorem is complete. APPLICATIONS. We examine here some of the consequences of Theorem 2.1. The conditions for equality and the exactness of constant as stated in Theorem 2.1 will be The next two results yield the case tacitly assumed in all our results. r I of Theorem I.I. COROLLARY 4.1. f(t) L((c,x)),dg) or r i, where p ->- i Let or g(c) i F(x) or p 0 . L((x,d),dg) f(t) and g(d) and For i. r for every x <- a b : d, according as let r I Suppose fx f(t) dg(t) (r I) = ] f(t) dg(t) (r 1). c c (a,b) (4.1) C.O. IMORU 170 Then we have g(x) -i (log g(x)) -r/p F(x) ]p dg(x) b a g(b))-l-rF(b) p [p/ (l-r) ][ (log /b g(x) p + [p/ii_rl with the inequality reversed if PROOF. -I a 0 g(a))l-rF(a)PJ (log [g(x)(log g(x))l (r/p)f(x)]p (4.2) dg(x); i. p The assertion of the Corollary follows on taking log u, i -< u -< (u) =, (l-r)/p, r and i in inequality (2.4). 0 and r REMARK. For g(x) p we obtain as special cases of the Corollary, x, r Chan’s results [3, Theorem i] and [3, Theorem 3] respectively. COROLLARY 4.3. Let p -> b _< d, let 0 and r # i. For c -< a or p f(t) L((c,x),dg) or f(t) L((x,d),dg) 0 and g(d) i. Suppose F is g(c) fb 0 when -l[ log g(x) Then I(r-2)/PF(x)] p dg(x) _< [p/ (l-r) ][ log g(b) r-I F(b) p + [p/ii_rl]p /b g(x) a -i Take i (4.1). [g(x) Ilog g(x) or r-I flog g(a) i, the inequality is reversed. o(u) flog ul -I 0 u i and p PROOF. g (x) according as r as in 1 r where F(a) p] x e (a,b), (4.3) ll+((r-2/P)f(x)]Pdg(x); (l-r)/p 6 r i in inequality (2.4) and the conclusion of the Corollary follows at once. REMARK 4.4. Corollary 4.3 is a generalization of Chan’s results, [3, Theorems 2 and 4]. i in the Corollary, we obtain 2 and r 2-p, p Indeed, if we take g(x) x, r Theorems 2 and 4 in [I], respectively. Finally, we note that many interesting inequalities may be obtained by specializing 0. For example, f(x) f(x), g(x) and the real number 6 f(x)(g’(x)) -I in inequalities (2.2), (2.3), (4.2) and (4.3). Of interest are inequalities (2.2) and (2.3) which for p > i or p < 0 become any or all of the functions may be replaced by particular a Go(X) F(x) p dx _< [p/(l-r)][o2(b)F(b)P o2(a + [p/il-rl3 here o(X) g(x)-rg’(x), l(X) 02(x) G x [43. e 8(x) e d, we obtain an where 8 a o (x) f (x) Pdx 1 g(x) p-r (g’(x)) I-p o(x) l-I/po l(x)I/p Inequality (4.4) is reversed when g(x) fb 0 < p F(a)P] and g(x)l-r i. For r p, a c is non-negative and non-decreasing with and 8(x) as extension of certain inequalities considered by Kufner and Triebel SOME EXTENSIONS OF HARDY’S INEQUALITY 171 RE FE REN CE S I. IMORI T, C.O., On some integral inequalities related to.Hardy’s, Can. Math. Bull. 20 (3) (1977), 307-312. 2. [% D.T., On integral inequalities related to Hardy’s, Can. Math. Bull. 14 (2)(1971), 295 230. 3. CHAN, LING-YAU, Some extensions of Hardy’s inequality, Can. Math. Bull. 22 (2) (1979), 165-169. KUFNFR, A. and TRIEBEL, H., Ceneralizations of Hardy’s inequality. Confer. Sere. Mat. Univ. Bari No. 156 (1978), 21pp. (1979). 4.