Stochastic Simulation of Smart Electric Vehicles in Electric Power Markets Implementing the ALM Market Framework on the Smart Grid in a Room Simulator Jonathan Donadee1, Martin Wagner, Hadi Amini1,2, Marija Ilic1, Orkun Karabasoglu2 1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University 2 SYSU-CMU Joint Institute of Engineering (JIE) 10th CMU Electricity Conference Pre-conference Workshop March 30, 2015 Background Electric Vehicles (EVs) have the potential to be a valuable resource to the electric grid EVs are a large deferrable electric load EV owners don’t care when an EV charges EV owners only concern is sufficient energy for driving Flexibility allows “smart charging” control to achieve many objectives Picture Source: 2 Research Questions How can we integrate EVs into Electric Energy markets Enable demand response to system conditions Compensate the intermittency of renewables Increase power system efficiency How does the system cost or EV driver’s cost depend on EV charging strategy? How does can data analytics improve the smart charging of self interested EVs? 3 Approach Developed algorithms for integrating EVs into the DYMONDS adaptive load management (ALM) framework [1‐4] Implement a stochastic simulation on the “Smart Grid in a Room Simulator” (SGRS) Simulate the process of online learning from data Evaluate costs under different EV charging strategies 4 Adaptive Load Management (ALM) [3,4] Tertiary layer Supply bids Secondary layer Primary layer Demand bids Generators Market Clearing Price/Quantity Load Serving Entities (LSEs) Demand for a range of prices Forecast Prices End‐users 5 Implementation on the SGRS Multi‐layered, interactive DYMONDS architecture Communication Channel Object‐oriented modeling of smart grid agents Price Forecaster Each “module” runs as a separate computing process Inflexible Load Generator ISO Event‐driven, distributed simulation Power System EV LSE Communication by TCP/IP EVi 6 Simulation Sequence of Events 1. 2. Inflexible Load simulates new values of load for each bus New values of load are transmitted Price Forecaster 4 Inflexible Load 1 3 2 Generator ISO 3. 4. Inflexible Load creates load forecast for each bus for the next 24hrs Inflexible Load sends load forecast to Price Forecaster Power System EV LSE EVi 7 Simulation Sequence of Events 5. Price Forecaster creates a price forecast for each bus for the next 24 hrs 6. Price forecasts are sent to Generators and EV LSEs 7. In Parallel A. B. All Generators create supply bid functions All EV LSEs create aggregate demand bid functions Price Forecaster Inflexible Load 5 Generator 6 ISO 7A Power System EV LSE 7B EVi 8 Simulation Sequence of Events 8. 9. Demand and supply bids are submitted to the ISO ISO updates power system object with new data Price Forecaster Inflexible Load Generator 9 ISO 10. Power System object performs DCOPF to clear power market 8 EV LSE Power System 10 EVi 9 Simulation Sequence of Events 11. ISO sends market clearing prices and quantities to market participants A. Market participants advance internal clocks Price Forecaster Inflexible Load 12 A 12 B 12 Generator 12. ISO sends market clearing price and quantity data to the Price Forecaster A. B. Price Forecaster may update price model using new data ISO 11A 11 Power System EV LSE 11A EVi Price Forecaster advances internal clock 10 Simulation Sequence of Events 13. ISO notifies Inflexible Load that market has cleared A. B. Inflexible Load advances internal clock ISO advances internal clock Price Forecaster 13 A Generator 13 ISO 14. Sequence Repeats *Simulation runs on 10 minute timesteps Inflexible Load 13 B Power System EV LSE EVi 11 Inflexible Load Module Inflexible Load Important functions Randomly generates new load values for all buses Forecasts load for all buses Bus loads modeled as cross‐correlated stochastic processes Model fit to DUQ node (Pittsburgh) load data 300 Bus 1 250 Bus 2 Bus 3 Load (MW) 200 Bus 4 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 Timestep 150 12 Inflexible Load Module Inflexible Load Mean + SARMA time series model Lˆ j [t ] s j [t ] x j [t ] ‐ Mean model Accounts for Time of Day, Workday/Weekend seasonality [t ] 0 w I w [t ] 24 24 I [t ] i i i 2 w,i I i [t ]I w [t ] i 2 ‐ Seasonal ARMA model x j [t ] 1 x j [t 1] 24 x j [t 24 1 1 1] ] 24* x j [t 24 t t Cross‐correlated noise L[t ] diag ( s ) [t ] x[t ] N (0, ) 13 Price Forecaster Module Price Forecaster Important functions Stores market results Fits model of prices using stored market data Forecasts prices for next 24 hours, at all buses Mean + AR model of prices for each bus ˆ j [t ] j [t ] x j [t ] Mean model j [t ] j ,0 j , w I w [t ] AR model 144 144 i 2 j ,i I i [t ] ˆ ˆ2 j , w,i I i [t ]I w [t ] j , L ,1 L[t ] j , L ,2 L [t ] i 2 x j [t ] 1 x j [t 1] 14 Generator Module Generator Important functions Create supply function for market Calculate dispatch Pmin and Pmax using current state Generator’s Profit Maximization Problem [1,2] T max P[t ] ˆ[t ]P[t ] C P[t ] t 1 Subject to: | P[t ] P[t 1] | R, t Pmin P[t ] Pmax , t 15 Generator Module Generator Creation of Supply Function [1,2] Solve 3 optimization problems 1.1 ∗ 1 , 2 , … , 0.9 ∗ 1 , 2 , … , 1 Marginal cost function with “dynamics internalized” Dispatch limits given current output ∗ 1 16 EV Driving Simulation Object Important functions Randomly generates transportation behavior Determines energy needs and charging deadline for each EV Generating transportation behavior Generated trip depends on Time of Day, Weekend/Workday Each time an EV plugs‐in: Randomly generate next unplug time Randomly generate following plug‐in time Determine state of charge required to complete the trip 17 EV Modeling Based on Drivers Behavior 18 Questions and Objective Let’s assume that you want to drive from point A to point B on a map: Does vehicle powertrain technology matter for the energy consumption rate? There are many types of vehicle and driving behaviors… How to determine energy consumption for each vehicle type based on the available driving cycle and the technical features of vehicle? 19 EV Drivers Behavior Data Set Source: 20 EV Energy Needs Sample driving cycle for one vehicle Power Consumption Calculation Calculated for many vehicle types and driving cycles 21 Distribution of Energy Consumption/10 minutes 22 EV Object EVi Important functions Requests new driving schedule from Driving Simulation Updates own state of charge and connection status Optimize charging given driving schedule, prices Calculates own dispatch Pmin/Pmax EV’s Charge Optimization Problem T 1 min P[ t ] ˆ[t ]P[t ] t t 1 Subject to: T 1 1) Ereq P[t] E t 0 t 1 2) 0 P[t ] Pmax , t {1, , T 1} 23 EV LSE Module EV LSE EVi Important functions Relays price forecast to EVs Requests demand points from EVs Creates Aggregate EV demand function Calculates aggregate dispatch Pmin and Pmax of EVs Dispatches EVs 24 EV LSE EV LSE Module EVi Creation of aggregate demand function [3] Submits 3 forecasts to each EV 1.1 ∗ 0.9 ∗ 1, 1, 2 ,…, 2 ,…, Estimates aggregate demand function 1 Marginal benefit function with “dynamics internalized” Dispatch limits given current states ∗ 1 25 Independent System Operator (ISO) ISO Power System ISO important functions Updates Power System object with new demand and supply bids Communicates market clearing prices, quantities to other modules Power System important functions Solves DCOPF with flexible generation and demand min Pi , Di C (P ) B (D ) i i i i i i Subject to: 1) P D i i 2) | Fl | Fl i i max l 3) Pi min Pi Pi max 4) Dimin Di Dimax i i 26 Demo Simple 4 bus power system 500 MW mean system load 1 generator 500 EVs ~14% of mean load 27 References 1. 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