Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases A Diagrammatic Approach to the K(π, 1) Conjecture Niket Gowravaram and Uma Roy Mentor: Alisa Knizel Fourth Annual MIT PRIMES Conference May 18, 2014 Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques W HAT IS A C OXETER GROUP ? Oriented Cases Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases W HAT IS A C OXETER GROUP ? Definition A Coxeter group is given by generators g1 , g2 , . . . , gn with relations: I g2i = 1 for all i I (gi gj )mij = 1 for all i, j Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases Conclusion W HAT IS A C OXETER GROUP ? Definition A Coxeter group is given by generators g1 , g2 , . . . , gn with relations: I g2i = 1 for all i I (gi gj )mij = 1 for all i, j Some examples of Coxeter groups include the symmetric group and reflection groups. Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases C OXETER D IAGRAMS Coxeter diagrams can be used to visualize Coxeter groups. I Each vertex represents a generator I Edges show the relations between generators Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases D IAGRAMMATICS We can use Coxeter groups to create certain graphs. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases D IAGRAMMATICS We can use Coxeter groups to create certain graphs. I Each color represents a generator. I The degree of each vertex is determined by the relations between generators. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases Conclusion K(π, 1) C ONJECTURE There is a conjecture known as the K(π, 1) conjecture regarding the second homotopy group of the dual Coxeter complex. I The dual Coxeter complex is a topological space associated to each Coxeter group I Elements of second homotopy group correspond to aforementioned graphs Proving this conjecture is equivalent to proving that all possible graphs for a Coxeter group can be simplfied to the empty graph using a sequence of allowed moves. Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques M OVES ON D IAGRAMS How can we simplify a graph? Oriented Cases Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques M OVES ON D IAGRAMS How can we simplify a graph? 3 allowable moves: Oriented Cases Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques M OVES ON D IAGRAMS How can we simplify a graph? 3 allowable moves: I Circle relation I Bridge relation I Zamolodchikov relations Oriented Cases Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases C IRCLE R ELATION We are allowed to add or remove empty circles of any color. LALALALALALALAL = Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases Conclusion B RIDGE R ELATION If we have two edges of the same color, we can switch around which vertices they connect to, as long as we do not create any new intersections. = Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases Conclusion Z AMOLODCHIKOV R ELATIONS (ZAM R ELATIONS ) Zam relations vary for different coxeter groups. They are found through the reduced expression graph for the longest element. Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases Conclusion Z AMOLODCHIKOV R ELATIONS (ZAM R ELATIONS ) Zam relations vary for different coxeter groups. They are found through the reduced expression graph for the longest element. A3 : = = = Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases O UR P ROJECT In our project, our primary goal was to prove the K(π, 1) conjecture for specific Coxeter groups. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases O UR P ROJECT In our project, our primary goal was to prove the K(π, 1) conjecture for specific Coxeter groups. I I2 (m) I A3 I B3 I G×H I Directed cases I Working on An Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases A DJACENT V ERTICES Theorem We can remove adjacent vertices of the same type. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases A DJACENT V ERTICES Theorem We can remove adjacent vertices of the same type. Proof. → Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases A DJACENT V ERTICES Theorem We can remove adjacent vertices of the same type. Proof. → → Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases A DJACENT V ERTICES Theorem We can remove adjacent vertices of the same type. Proof. → → Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases I2 (m) I2 (m): m Theorem The family of Coxeter groups I2 (m) satisfies the K(π, 1) conjecture. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases I2 (m) I2 (m): m Theorem The family of Coxeter groups I2 (m) satisfies the K(π, 1) conjecture. Proof. I Only 1 type of vertex so necesarily 2 adjacent vertices of same type Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases I2 (m) I2 (m): m Theorem The family of Coxeter groups I2 (m) satisfies the K(π, 1) conjecture. Proof. I Only 1 type of vertex so necesarily 2 adjacent vertices of same type I Use induction on number of vertices Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases A3 A3 : Theorem The Coxeter group A3 satisfies the K(π, 1) conjecture. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases A3 A3 : Theorem The Coxeter group A3 satisfies the K(π, 1) conjecture. Strategy: Look at subgraph of blue color and use Euler characteristic: V + F = E + 2 to find a small face. I Delete the small face. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases A3 A3 : Theorem The Coxeter group A3 satisfies the K(π, 1) conjecture. Strategy: Look at subgraph of blue color and use Euler characteristic: V + F = E + 2 to find a small face. I Delete the small face. Using parity, the only nontrivial case is a blue face with 4 edges. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases A3 Any face with 4 edges can be transformed into ZAM for A3 . I Look at continuation of edges outside of face Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases A3 Any face with 4 edges can be transformed into ZAM for A3 . I Look at continuation of edges outside of face I Use bridge relation to connect edges Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases Conclusion A3 Any face with 4 edges can be transformed into ZAM for A3 . I Look at continuation of edges outside of face I Use bridge relation to connect edges I After using Zam transform, there must be adjacent vertices of the same type. Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases B3 B3 : Theorem The Coxeter group B3 satisfies the K(π, 1) conjecture. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases B3 B3 : Theorem The Coxeter group B3 satisfies the K(π, 1) conjecture. I We examine the subgraph of green color. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases B3 B3 : Theorem The Coxeter group B3 satisfies the K(π, 1) conjecture. I We examine the subgraph of green color. I Use Euler characteristic to find a small green face. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases Conclusion B3 B3 : Theorem The Coxeter group B3 satisfies the K(π, 1) conjecture. I We examine the subgraph of green color. I Use Euler characteristic to find a small green face. I Faces with odd number of edges necesarily have adjacent vertices of the same type that can be removed. Using parity and more complicated arguments, faces with 2 or 4 edges also necesarily have vertices that can be removed. Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases Conclusion B3 B3 : Theorem The Coxeter group B3 satisfies the K(π, 1) conjecture. I We examine the subgraph of green color. I Use Euler characteristic to find a small green face. I Faces with odd number of edges necesarily have adjacent vertices of the same type that can be removed. Using parity and more complicated arguments, faces with 2 or 4 edges also necesarily have vertices that can be removed. I Only nontrivial case is a green face with 6 edges. Vertices of type green-red and green-blue alternate around face. Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases B3 Using idea that no adjacent vertices can be of same type, we can manipulate this face into the B3 ZAM relation. I Examine continuation of edges outside of face. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases B3 Using idea that no adjacent vertices can be of same type, we can manipulate this face into the B3 ZAM relation. I Examine continuation of edges outside of face. I Only 1 vertex of type red-blue inside face. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases B3 Using idea that no adjacent vertices can be of same type, we can manipulate this face into the B3 ZAM relation. I Examine continuation of edges outside of face. I Only 1 vertex of type red-blue inside face. I Use bridge relation inside and outside of face to connect edges. I Use ZAM transformation and get adjacent vertices of the same type. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases G×H Theorem If the K(π, 1) conjecture holds for groups G and H, then it holds for the group G × H. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases G×H Theorem If the K(π, 1) conjecture holds for groups G and H, then it holds for the group G × H. Strategy: Commutative Colors Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases A1 × H Theorem If two generators commute, then we can move the edges corresponding to them independently. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases Conclusion A1 × H Theorem If two generators commute, then we can move the edges corresponding to them independently. Using this idea, we can solve the general case G × H by essentially separating the graph formed by the generators of G from the one formed by the generators of H. Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases O RIENTED G RAPHS We also solved some cases involving oriented graphs. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases O RIENTED A2 Oriented cases are much more difficult because we cannot necessarily remove adjacent vertices of the same type. Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases O RIENTED A2 Oriented cases are much more difficult because we cannot necessarily remove adjacent vertices of the same type. Strategy: Look at the longest cycle Conclusion Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases Conclusion F UTURE D IRECTIONS We can take this project in multiple directions in the future. I We could continue proving the K(π, 1) conjecture for other Coxeter groups. I We could generalize our proofs to classes of Coxeter groups. (For example, we have a nearly-finished proof for An .) I We could also investigate oriented versions of the cases we have already solved. Introduction Diagrammatics Techniques Oriented Cases A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank: I Our mentor Alisa Knizel I PRIMES for providing us with this opportunity I Dr. Khovanova for the presentation practice I Dr. Ben Elias for providing the project I Our parents for their support Conclusion