Probing triple Higgs couplings at colliders Abdesslam Arhrib (NTU, Tangier-Univ) NTHU–07/05/2009 Collaborators: R.Benbrik, C.W.Chiang, C.H. Chen, R. Guedes, W. Hollik, S. Penaranda and R. Santos 1 Outline • Introduction: Higgs production and decays • Two Higgs Doublets Models (2HDM) and its Decoupling regime • Challenge of the decoupling limit • Triple Higgs coupling from h0 → γγ, h0 → bb̄ • Triple Higgs couplings at LHC, ILC and γγ • Conclusions 2 ALR AlF B Ae,τ AbF B AcF B QF B mW ΓZ Rℓ σh Rb Rc Ab Ac mt ∆α5 (mZ ) αS (mZ ) mH mH (95%) χ2 /dof CL(χ2 ) Experiment 0.1513 (21) 0.01714 (95) 0.1465 (32) 0.0992 (16) 0.0707 (35) 0.23240 (120) 80.398 (25) 2495.2 (23) 20.767 (25) 41.540 (37) 0.21629 (66) 0.1721 (30) 0.923 (20) 0.670 (27) 172.6 (1.4) 0.02758 (35) SM 0.1480 0.01642 0.1480 0.1037 0.0741 0.23140 80.374 2495.9 20.744 41.477 0.21586 0.1722 0.935 0.668 172.3 0.02768 0.1186 85 148 17.3/12 0.14 M.Chanowitz 0904.3570 2-1 Pull 1.6 0.8 -0.5 -2.8 -1.0 -0.8 0.9 0.3 0.9 1.7 0.7 -0.04 -0.6 0.07 0.2 -0.3 < • Best fit analysis: MH = 84+34 −26 GeV which gives MH ∼ 154 GeV at 95% CL. (LEP Higgs Working Group). • New analysis with new fitting program gives MH = 116.4+18.3 −1.3 GeV H.Flacher et al, arXiv:0811.0009 [hep-ph] • LEPII Experiments: MH > 114.4 GeV • Unitarity constraint: MH < ∼ 700 GeV • Requiring the SM to be extended up to ΛGU T = 1016 GeV, one can get 130 < ∼ MH < ∼ 180 GeV. • If the MH > ∼ 200 GeV, then there should be an additional new ingredient that is relevant at the EWSB scale. 3 Higgs decays 1 0.1 bb 1000 WW ZZ tt gg 10 H) BR( 0.01 1 0.1 0.001 (H ) [GeV℄ 100 ss 0.01 Z 0.001 0.0001 100 130 160 200 300 MH [GeV℄ 500 700 100 1000 4 130 160 200 MH [GeV℄ 300 500 700 1000 • At hadron colliders (LHC, Tevatron) the relevant processes are: gg → hSM → γγ gg → hSM → V V ∗ , qq → qqV ∗ V ∗ → qqhSM gg, qq → tt̄hSM , , hSM → γγ, τ + τ − , V V ∗ hSM → bb̄, W W ∗ , W W ∗ qq → hSM Z , qq ′ → hSM W , hSM → bb̄(Tevatron) gg → hSM hSM (doubleHiggsproduction) 5 SM Higgs production 10 5 LHC σ [fb] gg → h 10 4 qq → qqh 10 3 qq → Wh bb → h 10 gg,qq → tth 2 qb → qth TeV4LHC Higgs working group 100 200 qq → Zh 300 400 500 mh [GeV] 6 Signal significance Significance for the experimental detection Low luminosity H → γγ ttH (H → bb) H → ZZ(*) → 4 l H → WW(*) → lνlν ∫ L dt = 30 fb (no K-factors) -1 ATLAS 10 2 qqH → qq WW(*) qqH → qq ττ Total significance 10 1 100 120 140 160 180 200 2 mH (GeV/c ) 7 Signal significance 10 2 H → γ γ + WH, ttH (H → γ γ ) ttH (H → bb) H → ZZ(*) → 4 l H → WW(*) → lνlν H → ZZ → llνν H → WW → lνjj Total significance 10 5σ ATLAS ∫ L dt = 100 fb (no K-factors) 1 10 2 -1 10 3 mH (GeV) 8 8-1 SM Higgs Branching Ratio At linear colliders (LC)Experimental accuracy 1 bb -1 10 + - τ τ gg cc 10 10 -2 -3 + - WW γγ 100 110 120 130 9 140 150 160 M H (GeV) Extended Higgs sector • With Extended Higgs sector: 2HDM Φ1 , Φ2 , CP can be violated either explicitly or spontaneously in Higgs sector T.D.Lee’73 • Some models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking yields the 2HDM as their low-energy effective theory. [H. J. He et al, PRD65, (2002) hep-ph/0108041]. • Models for phase transition require 2 Higgs doublets • Neutrino masses, Dark Matter, BAU Zee’80, Ma’06, Aoki, Kanemura, Seto’08 10 Coupling to fermions • both Φ1 and Φ2 couple to fermions: Mq = Y u v1 + Y d v2 : diagonalisation of Mq does not diagonalise similtanousely Y u,d : FCNC at tree level: 2HDM-III • 2HDM-I One doublet couple to gauge boson and the other one couple to fermion (like in SM). • To avoid FCNC at tree level, We impose Z2 symmetry (Weinberg Theorem): Φ2 → −Φ2 , diR → −diR : 2HDM-II • 2HDM-X or lepton-specific 2HDM (or Leptophilic Higgs): one doublet generates the masses of the charged leptons and the secon one generates the masses of the quarks Barnet, Senjanovic, Wolfenstein and Wyler’84 11 V + + 2 2 = µ21 (Φ+ Φ ) + µ (Φ Φ ) + λ (Φ Φ ) + 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 + + + 2 2 λ2 (Φ+ Φ ) + λ (Φ Φ )(Φ Φ ) + λ |Φ Φ | 1 3 1 2 4 2 1 1 2 1 + 2 +{m212 (Φ+ 1 Φ2 ) + h.c} + [λ5 (Φ1 Φ2 ) + h.c] • One can have: Explicit CP 6 if ℑ(m412 λ∗5 ) 6= 0; • One can have Spontaneous CP 6 if: < Φ2 >= v2 eiθ m212 | λ 5 v1 v2 | < 1; < Φ1 >= v1 , • Five physical scalars (8 d.o.f=5+3): a charged Higgs pair H ± , two CP-evenh0 , H 0 and one CP-odd A0 • 10 parameters (λi )i=1,...,5 , µ21 , µ22 , m212 , v1 , v2 with √ 2 2 v1 + v2 = (2 2GF )−1 and 2 minimization conditions, We are left with 7 parameters. • mA , mh , mH , mH± , α, tan β = v1 /v2 and m212 free parameters. 12 Constraints on 2HDM parameters Experimentals: • Charged Higgs: e+ e− → (γ ∗ , Z ∗ ) → H + H − at LEPII followed by H + → (τ ντ , cs̄); MH ± > 78.7 GeV:. This limit apply to all models in which BR(H ± → τ ντ )+ BR(H ± → cs)=1.[L3: hep-ex/0309056, Delphi: hep-ex/0404012.] • Neutral Higgs bosons: From e+ e− → h0 A0 at LEPII, OPAL collaboration has put a limit on h0 and A0 masses of the 2HDM assuming 100% decays of h0 and A0 into hadrons. 1< ∼ Mh < ∼ 55 GeV and 3 < ∼ MA < ∼ 63 GeV is excluded at 95% CL independent of α and tan β. [Opal Collab hep-ex/0408097] 13 Theoretical constraints: • b → sγ: mH± > 295 GeV, ∀ tan β in 2HDM-II. No such bound in 2HDM-I [P.Gambino et al, ’01,F.Borzumati et al ’98]. In 2HDM-X, light H ± is allowed Aoiki, H.Logan’09 • δρ ≤ 10−3 [(PDG)]: constrain the splitting MA and MH± • Perturbativity on tan β: 0.1 ≤ tan β ≤ 70 [V.D.Barger ’90] • Perturbativity on λi : |λi | ≤ 8π • Potential bounded from bellow: λ1,2 > 0, √ λ1 λ2 ≥ λ3 + λ4 + λ5 • Unitarity constraints: in 2HDM there is 14 constraints coming from different channel:W + W − , ZZ, hh, HH, hH, AA, hA, H + H − , hH + ... [A.Akeroyd, A.A and E.Naimi PLB’2000, A.A ’2000] 14 The decoupling limit of 2HDM 2 M12 → ∞, cos(α − β) → 0 • In this limit, the masses of Φ=H, H ± , A: X 2 2 2 λi v 2 + O(v 4 /M12 ), mΦ = M12 + , i m2h = X λi v 2 i 2 2 • When M12 ≫ λi v 2 , m2H,A,H± are determined by M12 , and are independent of λi . In this case α → β − π/2, The effective theory below M12 is described by one Higgs doublet. In this limit: h0 V V /(hSM V V ) = sin(β − α) → 1 cos α sin α 0 0 → 1 , (h t̄t)/hSM tt̄ = →1 h bb̄/hSM bb̄ = − cos β sin β H 0 V V ∝ cos(β − α) → 0 , (hhh)/(hhh)SM → 1 h0 H + H − , h0 A0 A0 , h0 H 0 H 0 , H ± tb̄... 6= 0 15 Challenge of the decoupling limit In case of extended Higgs sector like MSSM or 2HDM we have 4 physical Higgs: 2 CP even (h0 ,H 0 ), 1 CP odd A0 and a pair charged Higgs H±: σ({pp, e+ e− } → Z + h0 /H 0 ) = sin2 / cos2 (β − α)σSM σ(pp → W + h0 /H 0 ) = sin2 / cos2 (β − α)σSM σ(e+ e− → A0 + h0 /H 0 ) = cos2 / sin2 (β − α)λσSM σ({pp, e+ e− } → ν ν̄ + h0 /H 0 )sin2 / cos2 (β − α)σSM {gg, γγ} → h0 , H 0 , A0 16 tanβ 50 ATLAS -ATLAS 300 fb 40 -1 maximal mixing 30 0 0 + - 0 h H AH 20 0 0 h H 0 h H A 10 9 8 7 6 5 + - 0 0 h only 4 0 3 LEP 2000 0 h H LEP excluded 2 0 0 0 + - 0 h H h H AH 1 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 + - 400 450 500 m A (GeV) 17 A program of precision measurements will begin at LHC and will reach maturity at the ILC : δ(ΓW )/ΓW ≈ 5 − 10% , δ(Γτ )/Γτ = δ(Γγ )/Γγ ≈ 18% at LHC At Linear Collider(ILC), the situation is much better: Relative accuracies (in %) on MH and couplings at ILC R GeV and L = 500 fb−1 [ hep-ph 0106315] MH ∆MH gHW W gHZZ gHtt gHbb gHτ τ 120 ±0.033 ±1.2 ±1.2 ±3.0 ±2.2 ±3.3 √ s = 500 In γγ option of ILC: δΓ(H → γγ)/Γ(H → γγ) ≈ 2% can be achieved (from γγ → H → bb̄). 18 Non decoupling effects in Higgs decays A.A, W.Hollik and S.Penaranda PLB’04 • h0 → γγ is loop-mediated processes since the photon does not couple to neutral particles γ o o h H h + γ H+ γ γ • The only pure 2HDM contribution comes from charged Higgs loops (if α = β − π/2): h0 tt̄ ≈ csαβ ≈ 1... 2 2 g[h0 H + H − ] ≈ − 2MgW {Mh20 + 2(MH ± − M12 )} The decoupling is achieved when M12 → ∞ 19 • h0 → bb̄, already exists at the tree level because of the Higgs–b Yukawa interaction • Pure 2HDM one-loop contributions not present in the SM case: b A,H, H+ h t, b A,H, H− b α → β − π/2 ⇒ only h0 H + H − , h0 H 0 H 0 and h0 A0 A0 don’t vanish or reduce to their SM values g 2 2 {Mh20 + 2(MH ± − M12 )} 2MW g 2 2 g[h0 H 0 H 0 ] ≈ − {Mh20 + 2(MH 0 − M12 )} 2MW g 2 0 0 0 {Mh20 + 2(MA2 0 − M12 )} g[h A A ] ≈ − 2MW g[h0 H + H − ] ≈ − 20 • Γγγ can be measured with 16% accuracy at ILC and Γbb with 2.2%. • We want to distinguish 2HDM from SM in the decoupling regime: (mA0 , mH , mH± ≫ mZ ) • In the numerical evaluation we have parameterized the Higgs sector with: Mh0 = 120 GeV , MH 0 = MA0 = MH ± , α ≈ β − π/2 , M12 21 0 h → γγ: ∆γγ = Γ(h→γγ)2HDM −Γ(h→γγ)SM | Γ(h→γγ)SM | 550 % 10 3− 10− 20% 615 % >20 475 m12 <3% 10 % 390 3− <3% 275 PSfrag replaements 5 MH + 400 600 800 M H + (GeV) 22 1000 h → bb̄: ∆bb = Γ(h→bb)2HDM −Γ(h→bb)SM | Γ(h→bb)SM | 10− 550 3− 20% 10 % 615 % 475 >20 <3% m12 390 <3% 275 PSfrag replaements 5 MH + 400 600 800 M H+ (GeV) 23 1000 hhhef f from S.Kanemura, E.Senaha, Y.Okada, C.P.Yuan PLB’02, In the decoupling limit hhhef f takes the following form ) ( 3 Nct m4t 3Mh2 m4Φ m212 − 2 2 2 , hhhef f = 1+ 2 2 2 1− 2 2 2 v 3π mh v 3π mh v sin β cos βmΦ with mΦ = mH = mA = mH± . 24 300 M=0 (Max. Non−Decoupling Case) 2 mh=100GeV 200 /λhhh 120 2 100 160 ∆λhhh THDM mH+=mH=mA (=mΦ) √q =2mh SM (%) sin (α−β)=1 0 100 200 300 mΦ (GeV) 400 500 f ef f HDM ≡ λef (T HDM ) − λ ∆λThhh hhh hhh (SM ). The results of the full one-loop calculation are shown as solid curves. 25 1. Probing triple Higgs couplings in the 2HDM at e+ e− collider A.A, R.Benbrik and C.W. Chiang’08 • If the Higgs exist, it will be produced either at Tevatron-II or LHC. • In order to establish the Higgs mechanism, we need to measure the Higgs couplings to fermions, to gauge boson as well as the self-interaction of Higgs bosons. • Complementarity of LHC/ILC [G. Weiglein et al, “Physics interplay of the LHC and the ILC,” Phys. Rept’06, hep-ph/0410364 ] • SM scalar potential can be reconstructed by measuring the triple coupling λhhh and quartic coupling λhhhh . • One can access to λhhh at ILC from e+ e− → Zhh 26 e+ e− → Zhh in SM H H e H e Z Z e e H H H Z Z H G0 e e Z Z H H Z e e Z Z H H Z e Z e H e G0 • In SM, σ(e+ e− → Zhh) is rather small, for GeV, σ(e+ e− → Zhh) = 0.2 fb H Z e Z Z √ s, mH = 500, 120 • possible to extract a signal from EW and QCD background e+ e− → Zbbb̄b̄ by simple kinematics cuts: e.g, invariant masses... Much more events are possible if: [D.Miller et al hep-ph/9906395] • Very high luminosity • Excellent b tagging • Beam polarization. 27 e h h0 e Z SM Z SM decouple Z Z h0 SM Z e e 0 decouple Z e Z h Z e G 0 decouple e Z Z h 0 SM h0 Z e h0 0 G0 e Z h0 h0 A e Z h0 A0 e Z h0 Z e e h0 h0 H0 e Z h0 e Z h0 h0 h0 e Z e → h0 h0 h0 0 e e Z SM h0 Z e Z SM In 2HDM we are sensitive to: −3e 3 2 3 2 2 hhh = (c c − s s )s m 0 − cβ−α cβ+α m12 β β 2β α α h mW sW s22β 1 ecβ−α 2 2 2 Hhh = − )s s − (3s − s )m + m (2m 0 0 2α 2β 2α 2β 12 H h 2 mW sW s22β 28 e+ e− → Zhh in the decoupling limit: mΦ = mH = mA = mH± ) ( 3 m4Φ m212 3Mh2 Nct m4t 1+ 2 2 2 1− hhhef f = − 2 2 2 , 2 2 2 v 3π mh v 3π mh v sin β cos βmΦ 10 m12=0 GeV m12=200 m12=300 m12=500 SM σ(e+e- -->hhZ) (fb) σ(e+e- -->hhZ) (fb) 10 1 0.1 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 mΦ (GeV) m12=0 GeV m12=200 m12=300 m12=500 SM 1 0.1 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 mΦ (GeV) √ √ mh = 120 GeV, s = 500 GeV (left) and s = 800 GeV (right). Away from decoupling limit one can reach 100 fb for ZΦi Φj . 29 10 10 Hhh hhh λ2HDM/λSM λ2HDM/λSM Hhh hhh 1 1 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 tanβ 4 4.5 5 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 m12 (GeV) mh , MH , MA , MH± = 120, 300, 350, 300 GeV, sin α = −0.9, 1< ∼ tan β < ∼ 10, m12 ∈ [0, 600] GeV 30 e+ e− → ZΦi Φj m12 = 0, mH± = 250 GeV , tan β = 10 Zhh, mh,H,A = 120, 240, 150 GeV , sin α = 0.8 ZAA, mh,H,A = 120, 200, 100 GeV , sin α = 0.6 ZHH , mh,H,A = 120, 140, 360 GeV , sin α = −0.1 ZhH , mh,H,A = 120, 200, 300 GeV , sin α = −0.7 103 σ(e- e+ → Z Φi Φi)[fb] A0 A0 0 0 102 h h H0 H0 1 10 h0 H0 100 300 400 500 600 700 √s(GeV) 31 800 900 1000 Probing triple Higgs couplings in the 2HDM at γγ collider A.A, R.Benbrik and C.H.Chen and R.Santos’09 • γγ → hh is loop medited, then very sensitive to new physics. • γγ → hh has more phase space than e+ e− → Zhh φ (v1 ) φ (v2 ) φ φ (v3 ) (v4 ) (v5 ) φ (v6 ) (v7 ) (v8 ) (v9 ) φ (v11 ) (v12 ) 32 (v10 ) Just charged Higgs contribution are shown In 2HDM, scalar loops dominate (b1 ) (b2 ) (b3 ) (b4 ) (b5 ) (b6 ) (b7 ) (b8 ) (b9 ) (b10 ) (b11 ) (b12 ) (b13 ) , FormCalc , LoopTools, (T.Hahn) 33 γγ → HH in SM Jikia’92, Belusevic’04 and Takahashi’08 • look for γγ → HH → 4b • Main background from W + W − and from non-resonant four jet final state. • Select 2 jet and reconstruct Higgs mass, M (q q̄ − M H) < 5 GeV • Conclusion: For a center of mass energy of 350 GeV and mH = 120 GeV an integrated luminosity of 450 fb−1 would be needed to exclude a zero Higgs boson self-coupling at the 5 σ level. 34 5 700 σ2HDM > 100 σSM 3 50σSM< σ2HDM < 100 σSM 2 σ2HDM > 100 σSM mH0 (GeV) tanβ 50σSM< σ2HDM < 100 σSM 600 σSM< σ2HDM < 50 σSM 4 σSM< σ2HDM < 50 σSM 500 400 300 200 1 0 100 200 300 m12 (GeV) 0 400 100 200 300 m12 (GeV) 400 mh0 = 115 GeV, mA0 = 270 GeV , mH ± = 350 GeV. Left mH 0 = 2mh0 , Eγγ = 500 GeV, −1 ≤ sin α ≤ 1, 1 < ∼ tan β < ∼ 10 and right tan β = 1, sin α = −0.9, Eγγ = 800 GeV 35 10-1 100 Total γγ→h0h0 -2 -1 mH± = 200 GeV 10 (+ +) 10-3 σ (pb) σ (pb) 10 γγ→h0h0 SM 10-4 (+ -) mH± = 250 GeV 10-2 = 300 GeV 10-3 SM -5 -4 10 10 10-6 10-5 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Eγγ (GeV) 36 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Eγγ (GeV) Decoupling limit, mh = 120 GeV 10 Decoupling Limit (Eγγ = 500 GeV ) 10 Decoupling Limit 1 loop m12 = 0 MΦ = 300 GeV ; m12 = 200 GeV 2 loop m12 = 0 1 2 loop m12 = 200 GeV σ(γγ → h0 h0 ) (f b) σ(γγ → h0 h0 ) (f b) 1 loop m12 = 200 GeV MΦ = 300 GeV ; m12 = 0 MΦ = 400 GeV ; m12 = 0 MΦ = 500 GeV ; m12 = 0 SM 1 SM 0.1 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 MΦ 1600 Eγγ (Left) γγ → hh at LO, (Right) γγ → hh at LO and LO + High order corrections to hhh 37 3. Probing triple Higgs couplings in the 2HDM at LHC (A.A, R.Benbrik, C.H. Chen, R. Guedes and R.Santos’09) g g g um H F F H S F g um H H um dm F H H dm g g T1 C4 N5 g dm dm g H H g um g um g g H dm H g T3 C2 N13 g um g um T4 C1 N17 dm F g H g H um H g um dm H g g um H g um dm g H T4 C2 N18 dm T4 C3 N19 38 H g H H F H g F F F H T4 G1 N16 H dm um T3 C1 N12 dm dm H um g T3 C4 N15 H um um F dm H um H F um um g T3 G1 N11 dm dm um g F H um T2 C2 N8 g H dm dm H g T2 C1 N7 T3 C3 N14 H um dm um um g H T2 C4 N10 um um F dm T2 C3 N9 g um F T1 C3 N4 H um T2 G1 N6 dm dm g H F H H dm T1 C2 N3 g H H dm g T1 C1 N2 g H H um g T1 G1 N1 dm H um g dm g um H dm H g dm g H dm dm T4 C4 N20 dm H • In SM, the cross section is small 1 < ∼ σ(gg → HH) < ∼ 3 fb for 120 < ∼ MH < ∼ 190 GeV. • 150 < ∼ MH < ∼ 200 GeV, from gg → HH → W + W − W + W − → 2l4j or 3l2j, the non vanishing of the triple Higgs coupling of the SM can be established at 95% CL (with 300 fb−1 ). • One need VLHC to measure the triple Higgs coupling of the SM with an accuracy of 8-25% at 95% CL.U. Baur et al ’03 • MH < ∼ 140 GeV, gg → HH → bb̄γγ, look promissing. With 600 fb−1 or more, we could make a rough first measurement for MH = 120 GeV (with 6 signal events). U. Baur et al ’04 39 100 m12 = 200GeV m12 = 300GeV 10 m12 = 350GeV σ(gg → h0 h0 )(pb) SM 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 60 80 100 120 140 mh0 (GeV ) 160 180 200 mH 0 = 200GeV, mA = 200GeV, mH ± = 300GeV, sin α = 0.631 and tan β = 1. (sin(β − α) = 0.1) 40 500 m12 (GeV) 400 300 200 100 0 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 mH0 (GeV) mh = 115, mH± = 300, mA = 100 GeV sin α = −0.9, tan β = 1, 200 < ∼ mH < ∼ 600 GeV, 0 < ∼ m12 < ∼ 400 GeV. σ2HDM < σSM , σ2HDM > 100σSM , σSM < ∼ σ2HDM < 100σSM , 41 Decoupling limit 100 -200 boxes SM (+ -) Decoupling limit (+ +) -400 m12 = 300 GeV 0 -600 200 -800 100 λeff(hhh) σ (pb) 10-1 SM 10-2 0 -1000 200 100 -1200 -1400 -1600 m12 = 300 GeV -1800 10-3 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 mΦ(GeV) -2000 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 mΦ(GeV) 42 Higgs signatures Model I 1 h0 → bb̄ tan β = 1 mh0 = 110 GeV 1 h → γγ Mh = 80GeV 0 + − h →τ τ 0.1 h → W ∗W ∗ 0.1 h0 → cc̄ h0 → gg 0.01 Br h0 → W ∗ W 0.001 h0 → Z ∗ Z 0.001 0.01 h → Z ∗Z ∗ h0 → γγ -1 -0.5 0 0.5 0.0001 −8π 1 sin α 43 −6π −4π −2π 0π λ5 2π 4π 6π 8π Higgs signatures 1 1 h0 → bb̄ h0 → cc̄ 0 Light Higgs Branching Ratios h → gg h0 → τ + τ − h0 → bb̄ tan β = 1 mh0 = 110 GeV h0 → cc̄ h0 → gg 0 + − 0.1 h → τ τ 0.1 h0 → W ∗ W h0 → W ∗ W h0 → Z ∗ Z 0.01 0.01 h0 → γγ 0.001 -1 -0.5 tan β = 1 mh0 = 110 GeV h0 → Z ∗ Z h0 → γγ 0.001 0 0.5 1 h0 → µ+ µ− -1 -0.5 sin α 0 sin α Left: 2HDM-II , Right 2HDM-X (leptophilic Higgs) 44 0.5 1 Conclusions • LHC will be capable to discover the Higgs bosons and measure its coupling to top quark, τ lepton, W and Z with 10–30% accuracy (L = 300f b−1 ). • At LC, the precision of the measurement is about 1–2%, such precision is needed to distinguish between models. • In 2HDM, non decoupling effects could be large to be measured both at LHC and ILC and its γγ option. • If 2HDM Higgs masses are not too heavy, their triple self couplings can be accessible at LHC and ILC 45