Baryonium、 Baryonium 、Hybrid and Glueball in Charmonium Energy Region ---hadronic --h d hadronic i spectroscopy Cong Congg-Feng gQ Qiao Graduate University Chinese Academy of Sciences CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 1 Contents z Introduction I t d ti z Charmonium Charmonium--like states-states--the the experimental realities z Charmed Ch d Baryonium B Baryonium、 i 、Hybrid H b id and d Glueball Gl b ll z Summary CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 2 I Introduction I. z After Aft the th discovery di off J/ψ J/ in i 1974, 1974 the th potential model was proposed, which can d describe ib charmonium h i very well, ll like lik the th Cornell potential z The success of potential model makes people believe its legitimacy in describing meson mass spectrum, especially in heavy sector CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 3 Ch Charmonium i spectroscopy: t experimental i t l measurements vs theoretical p predictions. CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 4 z Many resonant states predicted by potential model were confirmed by experiments in the past decades z Nevertheless, the QCD does not rule out the existence of soso-called “exotic exotic”” states, that is hadronic states other than regular meson and baryon, like glueball, hybrid, multiquark lti k state, t t etc. t CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 5 z B- and Charm Charm--factories p provide large g dataset for studying the charm and beauty hadrons, which enables even the study of exotic states feasible z Exotic o states s a s sstudy udy may ay sshed d light g on o the nature of nonnon-perturbative interaction and enrich our knowledge of hadron physics CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 6 II. Experiment Realities Puzzles: we bump into the exotic state era z The discovery of X(3872) in 2003 exhibit unusual properties which can’ can’t be explained as conventional charmonium h i state t t z There were many models being proposed for the interpretation of X, the most popular ones include CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 7 Soon after S ft X(3872) X(3872), a series i off new hadronic h d i structures, t t like Ys, were observed by different experiment groups CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 8 According to the production mechanism, the newly found charmoniumcharmonium-like states X X, Y, Z can be categorized in four groups: CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 9 These are unexpected states z These states’ states’ quantum number, mass, and decay patterns make them unlike the conventional charmonium states z Via ISR method, many 1 − − states were discovered, by this method the final state has the same quantum number with photon CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 10 z Y(4260), Y(4360), Y(4660), their mass are much higher than open charm threshold, while decay patterns are not as same as usual states z Z(4433) has electric charge, which is obviously exotic states with hidden charm z How to understand these unusual structures b becomes a hot h t topic t i currently tl CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 11 III.Charmed Baryonium、 Baryonium、Hybrid and Glueball Baryonium Λ c − Σc z In I b baryonium i scheme h can be b taken k as basis vector, one can make up four baryonbaryonantibaryon tib configuration fi ti z Due to the spin structure of Fermions, many fine structures exist naturally, y, then it mayy explain why there exist so many 1 − − states CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 12 zY(4260) ( ) is treated as loosely y bound state of Lamda_c and anti Lamda_c zImitate the isospin for proton and neutron,, introducing g CC-spin p QCF, QCF ,PLB2006 PLB2006, ,JPG2008 CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 13 Heavy hadrons properties: ¾ Heavy flavor hadron contains both heavy y and light g q quark,, so it has heavy quark symmetry and chiral y y symmetry ¾ In order to deal with baryon anti anti-- baryon bound state, we employ the Heavy flavor chiral perturbation theory Yan Cheng, Yan, Cheng Cheung Cheung, Lin Lin, Lin and Yu Yu, PRD PRD, 1992 1992, 1993 CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 14 ¾ Heavy flavor chiral perturbative theory collecting both heavy and light properties of quarks in the hadrons, which extend chiral perturbation theory to heavy sector ¾ In terms of Heavy flavor chiral perturbation theory theory, we make use of the method of treating NN potential to extract potential CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 15 L Lagrangian i z In dealing with the light meson system CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 16 z Lagrangian g g containing g heavy yq quarks hc Yan,, Cheng, g, Cheung, g, Lin,, Lin and Yu,, PRD,, 1992,, 1993 CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 17 z Expand the above Lagrangian we obtain what is relevant to our problem: − g 4 − ++ L4 = Σ ∂ μ π + Λ + + H .c 2 fπ z We may get the two body scattering amplitude, and then doing the nonnon-relativistic expansion and spinor reduction CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 18 In terms of heavy quark chrial perturbative theory, following steps are necessary 1) Compute the scattering amplitude, defined in terms of the S matrix element 2) Perform the non-relativistic limit and including form factor 3) Obtain the potential V(r) via the Fourier transform 4) Solving Schrodinger Equation CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 19 C t ib ti to Contribution t potential t ti l z Due to isospin conservation in strong interaction,, the potential p is generated g at loop level z In principle all terms at the fourth order should be included z The basic diagrams are: CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 20 CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 21 After a lengthy calculation, one finally obtain the potential Chen and QCF, Arxiv: 1102.3487 CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 22 The potential beheaves like CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 23 With the obtained potential, by solving Schrodinger equation one can readily dil gett baryonium b i eigenvalue i l off CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 24 The binding energies for and systems go like In all: the heavy baryonium may really exist! CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 25 Charmonium Hybrid zIn the framework of Q QCD Sum Rules,, the twotwo-point correlation function reads Here, the interpolating current J goes like QCF, Tang, Hao and Li, arXiv:1012.2614 CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 26 The typical diagrams concerned about are CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 27 CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 28 CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 29 z After taking the standard QCD Sum Rule p procedures,, we obtain: CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 30 In I the th end d we obtain bt i the th masses off 1-1-charmonium hybrid and bottomium hybrid, as: zThe Th above b theoretical h i l predictions di i may confront to the experimental data now or later l CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 31 Glueball zIn recent years, years BESII and III observe hadronic structures around proton proton-proton threshold threshold, like X(1835), X(1835) X(1859), X(1859) X(2120) and X(2370) zPossibly, the X(1859) is a proton proton--proton bound state state, or a glueball, glueball or a mixture of exotic state with other regular states Hao QCF and Zhang, Hao, Zhang Phys.Lett.B642:53,2006 Phys Lett B642:53 2006 CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 32 zWe calculate the mass of 0^0^-+ tripletriple- gluon state in the framework of Sum g Rules zThe mass lying between 1.9 to 2.7 GeV, which is in the energy gy region g of BES newly found structures zOur calculation favors the baryoniumbaryonium- glueball mixing g gp picture for BES observation CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 33 zIn the framework of QCD Sum Rules, the twotwo-point correlation function reads Here, the interpolating current J goes like CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 34 The typical diagrams concerned about are CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 35 zAfter taking the standard QCD Sum Rule procedures, we obtain the mass of triple gluon glueball is about 2 GeV CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 36 IV Summary IV. S z Our calculation in heavy baryon chiral theory favors the existence of heavy baryonium z The potential sensitivity on coupling constants and energy cutoff in our calculation looks unnatural and asks for further investigations z One should also investigate the potential while two b baryonbaryon -like lik triquark ti k clusters l t carrry colors l z The tough and confusing annihilation channel effect on the heavy baryonium potential should be clarified CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 37 z We recalculate the 1^-1^-- charmonium hybrid in the framework of QCD Sum Rules z The trigluon condensate contribution is taken into account, and we find it is necessary to attain a stable h b id mass hybrid z The correct interpolate current is employed in our calculation z The predicted hybrid mass lying in 4.52GeV, hence neither of the Y(4260), Y(4360) and Y(4660) states could be a p pure hybrid y sate CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 38 z We calculated the triple gluon glueball mass, and found it lies in the region of BES recently observed structures z The relation between glueball, hybrid and d baryonium b i with ith the th exotic ti structures observed in experiment d deserves more investigations i i i CS2011, NTHU, TAIWAIN CONG--FENG QIAO CONG 39 Thank for your attention! 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