Lab 6: Bipolar Transistors (BJTs) Lab Assignment

2 class days
Lab 6: Bipolar Transistors (BJTs)
Lab Assignment
1. Current Mirror
HH 5.3. Answer all questions. Note that the pinout for 2N3906 is different from
2N3904. In the Wilson mirror, at what collector resistance value does the current
start to drop? What is the compliance?
2. Biasing
HH 5.5. Answer all questions. You are required to use a polarizing cap in this
3. Push-Pull
HH 5.6. Answer all questions. Ignore the DC offset portion of the lab. Change
your frequency and watch the progression of the distortion. At higher frequency
you will see less distortion. Explain why.
4. Bootstrap
HH. 6.2. Answer all questions. Note that there is no direct connection between
the 10k resistor and the 0.1 µF capacitor in the circuit. Note the polarizing cap
symbol. You do not need to do the challenge.