Girls Shoot Way To Championship

GirlsShootWay To Championship
by Norm Benn
While going: about in their quiet and unassuming- manner,
the Drexel women’s rifle team turned in another sparkling sea­
son by capturing its fifth national team championship in the
last eight years.
During the campaign, the Annie Oakleys participated in
nineteen matches, all but one of these being postal. For those
of you who are unfamiliar with the sport, a postal match is
one in which the results are sent through the mail. This
enables team s from all over the country to compete with one
another without the burden of travelling. The girls engaged in
eighteen of these matches, winning thirteen and losing five.
In addition they shot a shoulder to shoulder match with
George W ashington University only to lose 494-486.
.............................. The match th a t enables the
girls to take the bunting was one
of four conducted by the National
lUfle Association of America in
W ashington . The contest was a
tliree position team match in which
tlve members from each competing
squad tired ten rounds each in
th r e e positions, prone, kneeling,
Beta Alpha c h a p te r of E ta K appa
and sitting.
Drexel’s w inning
Xu, national electrical engineering
scorc was 121^(5 points out of a
iionor soi-iety at Drexel, was pre­ possible IfiOO. Second place went
sented the N e w Y o r k A 1 u m n i to the University of Denver, last
Achievement Award fur 1952-5S on y e a r ’s winner, with a score of
March 11. This is the second con­
1LM).'> points.
secutive year tiiat Drexel’s chapter
Individual scoring for the vic­
has been tiie recipient of this honor.
tors was as follows:
Tlie following is a summary of J.AXK Mc<’(M)li
the events that occurred on tiie .lO.AN SNVI)I:R
evening of tlie presentation. Be­ . l , \ \ ('.AMrillOLL
fore the award l)anquet, Bela Alpiia J.AN HKXDRIXSON
formally initiated Mr. Henry Dever,
president of Brown Instrument
To the victors go the spoils, in
Division of Minneapolis-Honeywell,
this case the National W om en’s
into Eta Kappa Nu.
I ntercollegiate Team Champion­
(Juests who attended the l>anquet ship T rophy and six silver medals.
In the o th e r matches sponsored
included Dr. Eric T. B. Gross, Na­
l)y the N.U.A. the Blue and Gold
tional President of E ta Kappa Nu;
tu r n e d in very commendable perDean E m eritus Robert C. Disque;
In the team prone
Dr. Allen T. Bonnell, Vice-President
of Drexel: and Professor E. O. match, composed of five women
Lange, Head of the Electrical En­ sliooting 4 0 rounds each, Drexel
finished fifth in the country with
gineering Department of Drexel.
1911 points. The w inner in this
Following the l)anquet. Dr. Travis cate gory was Monmouth College,
spoke on the reasons for the pres­ Illinois, with a winning total of
ent shortage of engineers and metii- 19 5 4 points.
ods i)y which this shortage can l>e
T he n atio nal individual th ree
position m atch found five i>r<‘\c l
g irls flnlsliinK' in the top ten. J a n e t
H endrixson placed th ird In <lte
c o u n try w ith M ct’ool, fourtli;
('am pbell, sixth; Sny<l<*r, seventh;
and AVaf>'iier, eighth.
In th e individual prone match
o u r (op p erfo rm er was R uth
Jian, th e ta le n te d Doctor, and Dh k Itrow n, who placed seventh. Tlie
w in n er of th is event was Miss
Spalir, as th e well-know n Dick
Mary T e e te r of (Jeorge AVashlngSpahr.
ton witli a i)ei-fe<*t score of 4(M).
The Second Act shows a dimly
Pacing the team throu ghou t the
lit C a b aret in Gay Paree. It is
here th a t you meet the real talent season were the co-captains, Ja n e
McCool and Ja n Campbell. Both
of the show. Ray Craig and Carl
girls provided inspirational lead­
F u g m a n n harm onize in typical
Drexel style. The next act will ership th r o u g h o u t the season, thu s
giving added lu stre to their third
be J o h n Madill, t h a t crazy “ man
with the b a n j o ,” and George Mc- and final season on the team.
A n other senior completing her
G orm an and Tom Shannon add a
long te n u re on the squad is Ruth
tun eful chorus or two to the show.
Brown, also a th ree-year veteran.
The next act to step into the spot­
F o u r Ju niors re tu rn next year
light will be the “ Terrible T rio ,”
alias F u g m a n n , McCJorman, and
Tem pleton.
W imp Poe, Russ t ’haney, l{ay m erly Anne MacDonald. Th<‘ en ­
Cralft', an d C’a rl F ugnuinn comhim* tire quart«*t saw action this year
th e ir voices to pres<‘n t sev<*ral an d sh o uld form th e nucleus of
tu n e fu l ren d itio n s of W orld AVar 1 a n o th e r cham pionship team next
melodies. A combo, nam ely Jolin .season.
RIFLE TEAM on Page 7
Munsel, Rob Dudrt^ar, and Jim
G<mvls will ad d several .ja/-/ n u m ­
bers to th e p ro g ram .
E ta K a p p a N u
W in s H o n o rs
Members of the Championship Rifle Team pictured above are, first row—Janet Hendrixson, Dee Blakesley, Jan Campbell, Jane McCool, and Joan Snyder. Second row—Marty Mundt, Capt. Dingman, Ann Wag­
ner, Sergeant Roberts, Miss Gladys Darrah, Betty Loomer and Joan MoAbee. ____________________
APRIL 23, 1954
F a ilu re s N e e d
N o t Set Y ou
B ack a Y ear
D ean E m e ritu s R o b e rt C. Disque
h a s in tro d u c ed to Drexel a plan
w h ich will enable s tu d e n ts who
fail a course to m a k e it up w itho ut
losing th e time involved in w aiting
u n til the course is aga in offered.
W i th th e c u rricu lu m a r r a n g e d
a s it is now, a stu d e n t who fails
a course in the fall te rm may not
be able to ta k e it again u ntil the
n e x t fall.
Because of th e re ­
q u ir e m e n t of needing the course
he failed as a p rereq u is ite to ta ke
a n o t h e r course, the s tu d e n t will
h a v e to go into in d u stry and pos­
sibly postpone his g r a d u a tio n for
a year. Until a b o u t six y ea rs ago.
It w as possible for a s tu d e n t who
failed a course to ta k e a re-exam
w ith in a certain period of tim e and
receive credit for the course by
passing th e re-exam.
This a r ­
r a n g e m e n t was abolished because
it did not w ork well.
F o r some tim e now, Dean Disque
h a s been concerned w ith the a b ­
sence of any plan which would
en a b le a stu d e n t to m a k e up a
co u rse w ith o u t losing time.
now offers the following plan.
1. To be oHsible, a s tu d e n t can
fa ll only ono sub.|ect. T he
m u s t be above 55.
2. An In d u stry stu d e n t nuiy
com e to stu d y u n d e r th e supi*rvlsion of Dean Disque each S a tu r ­
d ay m o rn in g fo r one te rm . S tu ­
d e n ts In school m ay stu dy u n d e r
D ean D isque’s su pervisio n d u rin g
t h e W e d n esd ay afte rn o o n activity
p erio d.
8. A t th e end of tlu» te rm , th e
s tu d e n t will ta k e an ex am in atio n .
FAILURES on Page 3
"Bus Ads" To
Get Their Day
.The B u s i n e s s Administration
College recently announced th at the
first of what is hoped will be an
a n n u a l “ Bus Ad D ay” will be held
early next month. The event will
parallel somewhat the program of
E ngineer’s Day.
A dinner meeting a t Professor
Harold Budd’s home was the scene
of the preliminary planning.
addition to Mr. Budd, Dean Matheson and Dr. Bonnell were also pres­
ent, representing the faculty.
Student members of the commit­
tee are as follows: George Rosenkoff, Dan Prcmislo, Je rry Krassenstein, Charlie Bell, John Gerlach,
Harvey Weisenfeld, Ed Neumann,
Joe Travaglini, Ann S e r a p h i n ,
Vilnia Lushkoff, and Ken Peters.
h a t D a y
Is I t?
Just to prove that nothing at
Drexel is impossible, even the days
have been changed. This can be
very confusing, even for engineers.
It all started when the R.O.T.C.
departm ent announced th a t federal
inspection of the corps would be
held on Monday instead of the reg­
ularly scheduled drill day, T h u rs­
So, the powers that be decided
the time had come to rearrang e the
week. You must admit th a t it was
getting boring having Thursday
come two days after Monday all of
the time. As a result, this coming
week will have Thursday following
Sunday and Monday f o l l o w i n g
To prevent further confusion, all
you have to remember is that
T h u rsd ay ’s classes will all be held
on Monday and Monday’s classes
will all be held cn Thursday. This
ta k e s place this coming week.
W orld W a r I In Paris Is Theme
O f Rollicking Varsity Production
V arsity
worked hard to p rep a re a bang-up
evening of e n t e r ta in m e n t for all
those who a tte n d its f o u rth annual
show to n ig h t an d to m orrow night.
The show will s t a r t a t 8:15 in the
A u ditorium : S a tu r d a y n ig h t’s per­
form ance will be followed by a
dance in the (Jreat Court.
T he boys in th e V arsity Club
ta k e you w ith th e m to th e days of
Woi'ld W a r I a n d w artim e l*arls.
The first act in tro d u c e s you to th e
main ch a ra c te rs— a ^ ro u p of sp ir­
ited d raftees.
You will m eet
“ Satch Mo,” as play<Hl by Kd Neu­
m a n n ; L em uel S tudd, c h a ra c te r­
ized by Dick Youn){; R u ss ( ’haney
as H e^^is Van W ilson, th e Jlrd.
itud W ilkinson p o rtra y s th e fab u ­
lous “ H alf-Dlind I d io t,” a n d CJene
Hufs is L iberace, a Q ueer. O ther
ch a ra c te rs a re F re d H aid , as
“ Moose” ( ’reese; R ay D aikeler as
th e s tric t S erg e a n t; HaiTy Sara-
Regional ICG Elects
Travaglini A s Leader
Players in the Annual Varsity Club Show are left to right: Bud
Wilkinson, Ed Neuman, Dick Young, Russ Chaney, and Ray Daikeler.
Joseph Travaglini, a junior in
the College of Business Administra­
tion, has been elected regional di­
rector of the Southeastern Region
of I.C.G. for the coming year.
Elected April 10, at the convention
in Harrisburg, Joe is currently
chairman of the Drexel chapter of
His election climaxed tiie threeday convention which was attended
by 10 delegates from Drexel. Key­
note speakers at the convention
were Democratic Con'^ressman Mc­
Carthy from Minnes ;ta and G.O.P.
Congressman Carig of Pennsyl­
vania. Both men presented respec­
tive party reports for the past two
Page 2
Can You Top This?
A v a ila b le fo r
We noticed In the P r e s id e n t’s
speech the other day t h a t he was
for simplification of governm ent
organization. We w ondered ju st
how bad things really were until
we came across the following bit.
W hat with initials replacing the
proper noun these days, o u r tol­
erances of the situation was
stretched by the following enig­
matic set of letters:
Drexel students wlio are graduatiiiK tills June are urged to make
application for a scJiolarsiiip which
will enable them to receive aid for
gradtiate study in Ireland.
scholarship has been established by
the Society of the F'rlendly Sons of
Saint I^atrick of Philadelphia as an
additional means of promoting good
will between the people of the
United States and those of Ireland.
The award for graduate study
provides an amount of $1,200 per
year for a maximum of three years
of study. This study may he taken
at either the National University or
at Trinity College.
The scholarship is available to all
male students, preferably of Irish
de.scent, in the Philadelphia area.
It will be granted on the basis of
high scholastic standing, participa­
tion In extra-curricular activities,
and desirable personality traits. A
candidate must have attained the
age of 20 years and not be over 28
years at the time the scholarship Is
to take effect. The deadline for
llling applications for the scholar­
ship Is May 1, 19,54.
Tilt* S.C.C.S.I.A.M.R.N.A.S.N.P.W.
JM M M ’. r . P .
(Continued from Page 3)
lems, was, and still is, better
conditions In the cafeteria. Have
you noticed the cards on the tables
asking you to remove dishes to
the proper containers w'hen you
finish lunch? Maureen McGarry
and Barb Richwlne made posters
and cards for this purpose. They
also sent le tters to heads of all
organizations asking for help and
The S tu d en t Rulldins: Conimittco has announced t h a t th e re a re
funds available to rodocorate th e
Wonion's L ounge in th e S tu d en t
This was a special com mittee
set up by the house of Represen­
tatives, and Its Initials sta n d for
Select Com mittee to Conduct a
Study and Investigation of all
Matters Relating to the Need for
Adequate Supplies of Newsprint,
P rintin g and W rapping P ap er, P a ­
per Products, P ap er Pulp and
Strictly SNAFU.
April 23. 1954
W . s . 1 i. A .
S c h o la r s h ip s
J u n e G r a d u a te s
EV 6-6015
BuildinR. P h y llis
M ellon
h as
w orked on a p lan fo r th is to be
done by th e I n te r io r PesiRn Mn.jors
this siunnier. Tlie ffirls w ill de­
rive p ractical experience a n d th e
loun«e will h av e th e p ro fessio n al
d ec o rato r’s touch.
S tudent G overnm ent also con­
tacted m embers of w o m e n ’s class­
es to canvass for d o natio ns for
Crippled C hildren’s Association.
If you have any sugg estions th a t
you would like to s u b m it to
WSGA, please addre ss them to
P a t McEnanem.
A Lp B
E■ ■ R
EV 6-3945
T h e
Wc’ll Lend You a Flash Camera
of Your
24 Hour Dry Cleaning
3600 Lancaster Avenue
EV 6-0952
T H E R E !
Photo Service
Lexington Hand Laundry
S t u d e n t B ld g .
W Ln?
1 0
Photo Finishing Done in Our Modern Lab.
T o
W itn e s s
Y o u
T h e
W ill
B e
S o m e
O f
O f
T h e
JA Z Z ,
P O P U L A R ,
a n d
R a d io
E le c tric
S e r v ic e
P h ila .
T IM E .
C o .
a n d
A m e r ic a n
o f
th e
I n s t,
o f
E le c tric a l
E n g in e e r s
c o m b in e d
C a se o f th e
d ry
Not at all unusual, you say? B ut this well was pur­
posely drilled th a t way! In fact, precautions were
taken to see that the well wouldn’t contact oil-bear­
ing sands. It was to be a vital part of an elaborate
waste-disposal system built into one of Du F on t’s
new plants near Victoria, Texas. I t is an example of
the unusual engineering problems which Du Pont
technical men encounter.
The ' ’well” itself is abnost a mile deep—4900 feet,
to be exact. Waste fluids from the plant are forced
down this well, to be absorbed by non-oil-bearing
sands—far below the level of any surface water.
Piping near ground level is in the form of concentric
shells, and fresh water is delivered to the annular
opening around the waste pipe. Furthermore, the
water pressure is higher than th a t of the fluids in the
" o il" w e ll
B r in g
o n
D re x e l
F id e lity
S e rv ic e
Co. o f P h i l a .
fid e l it y
N o w a v a i l a b l e for student ASME chapters and other
college groi^B, a 16-mm. sound color movie—“Mechanical Engineer­
ing a t Du Pont.” For further information, send post card to E I
Nemours Bldg..Wilmington
t o
E x h ib itio n .
h ig h
98 ^eTawlr^®“ ‘' “” ^
F o rc e s
E x t r a v a g a n t
H ig h
waste section. In this way, any leakage in the pipe
system causes fresh w ater to enter the surroimding
sands (or the inside waste system) and prevents
objectionable materials from reaching the sands a t
surface levels.
O ^ e r interesting procedures are used throughout
Du P ont’s many plants to guard against river pol­
lution. For example, scientists were asked to make a
complete marine-life census on one river before a
plant was built nearby. The company wanted to be
certain th a t no waste would be discharged which
w o ^d challenge the natural pattern of marine life.
Throughout the D u P ont Company, wherever there
IS a need for the services of technical men, there are
varied and interesting problems th a t present a chal­
lenge to engineering skill and imagination.
h a v e
709 ARCH ST.
th in g s
liv in g
Watch^< Cavalcade of America*^ on Television
LO 3-7390
Apnl 23, 1954
Girls Elect
New Officers
T he W o m e n ’s Sttident Govern­
m e n t Association held elections of
officers for the coming school year
y esterday.
N ominations,
w hich
w ere held on April 15, listed the
follow ing as no m inees for p resi­
d e n t: J o a n T u rnesa, Lee M arshall,
and J a n e t H endrixson.
C an di­
d ates for vice-president w ere P a t
M cE nan em , Mercia Grassi, and
M arilyn M urray.
Corny Scott, Peggy Wilson, and
Nancy Nielson were n o m in a te d for
s ecretary , and M aureen McGarry,
B etty Hill, a n d Chris Carew ra n
for tr e a s u r e r .
F iv e b o ard nieiiibers w ere chospn fro m th e th ir te e n ca n d id a tes.
T h o se n o u iin nted w ere as follow s:
J a n e t A hn an , N ancy E c k e rt, J e a n
F o seid , Gen-y F re d erick s, B a rb
H anini, J o a n n e K a sh n e r, G lnny
licn d o rn ian , J o a n McAbee, M a rty
M u n d t, Susie Rife, I ’eggy R n h l,
G abe Sisca, a n d W e sa Wilcox.
You have pro bab ly been w o n ­
d e rin g j u s t w h a t WSGA h a s been
doing recently. T he s tu d e n t gov­
e r n m e n ts, both M en’s a n d W o m ­
e n ’s, have u n d e r ta k e n m a n y p ro ­
jects a n d carried them th r o u g h
successfully. One of t h e ir prob-
W.S.G.A. on Page 2
4 noBucT Of Abbotts Dairits, Iik., r w u u i n i A
-------------- ------
Frank Brown
Elected Editor
OF Tech Journal
Elections were recently held for
the “Tech J o u rn al’s’’ new staff.
F ra n k Brown, a junior, has been
selected as the new Editor-in-Chief.
and will work with the Engineering
Department to improve and expand
the publication. Frank, who was
Managing Editor of the magazine
last year, is a member of Pi Kappa
Phi fraternity, and participates ac­
tively in the Federation of E ngi­
neering Society. He is also a mem­
ber of ASM.
The Managing Editor for the
1954-’55 school year will be Bill
Young, a pre-junior majoring in
mechanical engineering.
He has
had much experience on the “Tech
Jo u rn al” staff and is well qualified
for this position.
The third position on the staff,
that of Business Manager, has been
filled by Jack Kahn, a C and E pre­
junior. Jack, who was advertising
manager of the “Jo urnal” for the
past year, is a member of Sigma
Alpha Mu fraternity, and acts as its
The “Tech Journal,” which is
published four times a year, is
available to all students in the Col­
lege of Engineering. It features
articles on current happenings in
the field of science, and gives the
student a real insight on new scien­
tific discoveries.
The incoming
staff is going to present a more
varied field of topics so that the
magazine will reach a greater n u m ­
ber of students.
107 No. 33rd St. (33rd fl£ Arch)
S tu d e n t D iscount Cards Available
R ouge an d
R o b e W ill P re s e n t
C a v a lc a d e o f th e T h e a te r
Pictured above from Rouge and Robe play are, left to right; Carol
Roddy, Dave Reed, and Marilyn Bennett.
C iv il E n g in e e r s
W ill A t t e n d S e m i n a r
Senior Seminar Day, a day when
the Civil Engineers come into their
own, will take place Monday, April
26, at Swarthmore College. This is
presented in collaboration with
ASCE and is an annual convention.
Professor Rumpf, who is in
charge of the delegation from
Drexel, has made arrang em ents to
have all those attending this con­
ference to be excused from classes.
Registration begins a t 9 a.m. and
is followed by lectures and discus­
sions of seminars.
F riendly
R estaurants
iVhen you pause...make it count...have a Coke
Page 3
I. F. Council
Schedules Kano
Friday, M ay 7
Kano, presented by the Inter-Fra­
ternity Council of Drexel, is in
preparation for its seventh annual
contest on May 7. “K ano” is a
Greek word meaning “song” and it
has traditionally been established
as the title of this songfest. F^ach
fraternity on campus is eligible to
participate but must abide by the
rules set up by the In terfraternity
Two songs are presented by each
fraternity and are judged on the
basis of tone quality, balance, and
At the conclusion of the perform ­
ance, Cathy Black, I.F. Sweetheart,
will present the winning fraternity
with a trophy. Last year Sigma Pi
copped the honors an d in 1952
the Tekes w ere n am ed th e grand
Judges for this yea r’s contest will
be Mr. Clark Maynard, Mr. Nitche,
and F ath e r McDermitt.
“ Shifting Stages,” a cavalcade
of the th eater, is a show consisting
of cuts from eight fam ous plays,
from the first Greek dram a to the
(Mirrent Broadw ay hit. It will be
presented hy the Rouge and Robe
on April 30 an d May 1 a t 8:15
in th e
a u d ito riu m . All
money from th e tickets sold will
go directly in to the Campus Chest
fund, since th e Rouge and Robe
is paying all of the production
costs. Tickets will go on sale next
week in the G re a t Court and can
also be purchased from any mem­
ber of Alpha Phi Omega or the
Rouge and Robe.
Admission is
fifty cents per person.
T he prog ram , p ro duced by i^Ir.
E arl T. Cooker, a n d directed by
Jo a n Albancsc, will f e a tu re th e
following; plays a n d p layers: A nti­
gone, w ith Ijynn R ussell, H erb
Rrow n, C aroline Berp, a n d P a t
R u dd ; Noah, w ith Collier M iller
and V irginia Cupini.
The third cut. Dr. F au stu s , will
be enacted by Bill Selden an d
Donna Wetzel.
Shirley LeGasse
and Tom S hanno n s ta r in the
fo u rth presentatio n, the everpo pular “ T am ing of th e Shrew.”
Next will be “A Doll’s H ouse,”
with P a t Budd and Jim Dettre.
The sixth production, “ The Riv­
als,” fea tu re s Lynn Russell, Jim
Strawbridge, and Barb Daebler.
George Lodge, Carol Roddy, Dave
Heed, Marilyn Bennett, and Dave
Enke play th e main cha rac ters in
“ Under the G asligh t.” The last
cut is from ‘‘A Street-C ar Named
Desire,” with A1 Anderson and
Betty Brown.
Costumes will be done by
David Reed: Make-up, Jo a n Albanese and J e a n F oseid: and Stag­
ing, Floyd Mayo and Allen Hein.
(Continued from Page 1)
If th e oxani is passed, th e s tu d e n t
will receive c r e d it fo r th e course.
At the p r e se n t time. Dean
Disque is supervising abou t 14
s tu d e n ts m a k in g up various cour­
ses such as Math 4, 6, 15: CE 7:
German 103: EE 201, 40; and
Physics 41. One can readily see
th a t this plan is very w orthw hile
and fills a need long felt here.
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Three styles—large and regular for men; and a miniature for
Prices range from $27.00 to $35.50.
Order now through Blue Key or your Student Supply Store.
C O C A -C O L A
• C o k e " i» o , . 9 i » t . r . d f r a d . mork.
Pago 4
L e tte rs T o T h e E d ito r
Smoke Gets In Their Eyes
'■i •
A ivcoiil ti iiv o ti v c I r o in t h e oflicc
o f M r . W i l l i a m M a r t i n , S i i p o r iiU c t u l'
iMit <»l h i i i k l i n ^ s a iu l ( ir o i iiK is , h a s p u t
,111 cikI t o a t i o t i u 'r H r c x c l c u s t o m .
T h e r u le aj^aiiist sm o k in g ' in t h e c o u r t
o r o n t h e c o u r t s t e p s is t o b e e i i f o r c e d .
T h e r e a r e m .u iy r e a s o n s w h y t h e
a c t i o n w a s t a k e n . Si)ine ol t h e m a r e
p r a c tic .il , o t h e r s e s t h e t i c .
W h e th e r
these reasons are im p o rta n t e n o u g h
t o e n l o r c e t h e r u le is J e h a t . i b l e a n d
sh o u ld he J e c iJ e J hy S tu d e n t Q n in c il.
If you a i r one of th e m any stuilriils w lio fiijoy thi* pleasure of a
sm oke >\liile conversing o r lounging
in the co u rt, you are likely to resent
heing told to nu>\ e hy a g u ard . Flie
g uards, ho\ve>er, are only c a rr\ ing
o u t tlie orders ot M r. M a rtin . Inchided in these orders is one w h ich
gi\ es th em th e p o w e r to take a stu d e n t
to th e D ean of M en if he refuses to
ohe\ th e rule. T o d ate this p o w e r has
n o t been used, a lth o u g h in several
cases it co u ld h ave been.
Tiie guards do not w ant to enforcc
it unless absolutely ncccssary. So,
the next time you lose your head and
you're caught, try to remember that
the guard is only doing his duty. You
C.M1 make his job a lot easier and pep
haps save yourself scMiie embarrass'
ment by cooperating.
If you th in k en o u g h of sm oking in
th e c o u rt to sp en d a little tim e an d
send a le tte r to S tu d e n t C ouncil, some
action m ay be tak en. Y o u r sugges­
tions o r criticism s will be app recia te d
hy th em an d m ay h elp th e m to arrive
at a decision.
In the meatitime the only areas
open to smoking arc the M en's StU'
dent Liuingc, Student Building, C atc'
teria, and a tew other miscellaneous
spots. T he latter group can be tound
in the “ D ” book.
C^oiu't ^edter
B t'V r \
jm J I R h ' S h ' , o u r s n j i k
April 23. 1954
b ji
Hy i r y »«>
i»> «/«>».
IKt'St' Ji' <»iv< jnJ on thf s«».
H'rV tjlhft hn\
Ji'jc* thjtn i»v I’rvjwi.
I I rilV S rO H N K K
rot\m'nl\Uattons to tlu' nowly
o m t'K ( HlUSTli: to old m a d . HAKIUK 1UM>KU
t;KNK I'KKKY and .l.\X >U'-.\nKK
u n . l . M.IKTIN and >l.\KY SOAKS
And thoro aro thoso who still boHovo in siottinsi pinnod: IJINXY l.F.XPKHMAX
to \>AJ.T tJHKKN: >UT/.l MoOAl.l. and UU.UKHT Sl'OTT. l>. A. UUOWN i? s p o tt­
ing an S.A.K. pin as is l’AVl..\ STKINKU. T hat's quite a pin. too. As of now.
K \M>Y I'AI.MKU is oarviuj; uotohos in tho badly used pin of his. W h a t’s your
soorot oharnv. UANUY?
Dear Kditor:
Tills year's gradu atio n is rapidly approaohinf!: and I am anticip ating it with
great concern, for I am due to get out this
.June. I am concerned ])ecanse I witnessed
tlie graduation ceremonies last Ju n e when
my l)rother received his degree. I cannot
say that I saw my b roth er m arch across
tlie stage l)ecause I was unable to pick him
out at a distance from th e h u n d red s of
otliers that marched across the platform
of (’onvention Hall for about th ree q u a r ­
ters of an h our in one of the most u n im ­
pressive ceremonies I have ever seen. I
doul)t that
of the people in this ex­
pansive au ditorium could do any better.
The balconies a re too far away to see faces
on tlie stage without the aid of field glasses
and the view of the people sittin g on the
main floor was blocked by the people in
front of them. The only ones who could
see were those privileged guests in the
tirst few rows of the main floor and most
of these were not looking for any one in
particula r anyhow. The numl)er of g r a d ­
uates at this combined day and night school
ceremony was so great that it was very
diflicult to avoid boredom.
The crt)\viiin^ touch, however. Mas acl(h'd by the Military Department when they
took one lialf lumr to present a b o u t seventyfive commissions to stude n ts who h ad d e ­
voted only one-tenth of the total credits
to this achievement, lly my m a th em atics,
it ttH>k tw o-thirds as lonsi to h o n o r five
per cent of those beinj; h onored when they
had spent only ten per cent of th e ir tim e
earning: tliis distinction.
hat makes m a tte rs seem even worse
to me is that the stu d e n ts who had really
earned a special place for them selves did
not receive any mention at g rad u a tio n . All
of the aw ards for o u tsta n d in g achievem ent
are given out on I n stitu te Day which is
a tten d e d by almost no s tu d e n ts and fewer
pare nts because it takes place d u r in g o r ­
dinary w orking hours. I realize th a t the
T h a + ’5
f h a i
+ h c
la s t
h e
q c + s
I n s tit u te Day ce rem on ies are not part of
g r a d u a tio n an d a re no t held d uring grariuation a t o th e r schools h u t I feel that soiiio
change sh ou ld be m a d e to encourase
g r e a te r a t t e n d a n c e a t th is event.
The chiuiKCs t h a t I w ould like to s»(.
m ade .should bo obvlou.s a t this point. |
th in k t h a t th o K'’n<1uation should
bo hold in a Nuiallor a u d i to r iu m for th(>
bonoflt of b o th viowor.s a n d th e Kraduatos
This w ould n e c e s sita te soparatinK the duy
school a n d th o n ig h t school Rraduation
w hich w ou ld bo a n iuiprovenient under any
I would su g g e st t h a t a t this ceremonv
the n am e of each g r a d u a t e be read off as
he is p r e se n te d w ith his degree, as has
been done in t h e past, or, if this is not
feasible, th e p r o g ra m a n d seating be ar­
ran ged so t h a t it is possible to anticipate
the a r r iv a l of each s e p a r a te graduate on
the p la tfo rm . Lastly. I w'ould like to see
the I n s t i t u t e Day ce rem onies held the same
day as g r a d u a t i o n p re f e r a b ly prior to grad­
uation so t h a t all in te r e s te d persons could
atten d .
I do n o t th i n k t h a t this would
m ake th in g s too long fo r a t many schools
g r a d u a tio n t a k e s the b e t te r p a r t of a day.
I roalizo t h a t m a n y people will feel that
tlioso ch a n g e s a r e u n i m p o r t a n t and that
they sim ply w a n t to got t h e i r degi’ee and
go lionio, bu t I th i n k t h a t th e graduation
will be accepted as c h a r a c te r is tic of the
school. Droxol is not so big t h a t it must
present its d eg re es in as.senibly line fashion
with g r e a t e r e m p h a s is on h asto than on
doing a th o r o u g h job. I do not know wiiy
the g r a d u a tio n of th e d ay a n d nig h t schools
must be com bined noces.sitating the of
an a u d i to r iu m t h e size of Convention Hall
but I suspect t h a t it h a s s o m e th in g to do
w ith>ediency o r publicity neither of
which is in th e best i n t e r e s t of the grad­
uate o r his guo.sts.
Sincerely you rs,
Carl J. Link
iim e
I ’l l
s a y
c h i l d i s h '/ '
t'O rU T lN tJ CA PK H S
VM> and MISS I’AT t'lJVIKO in tho court ha\Mng a fairly siood time.
.Must be the ea\o-man teohnique that wins the fair lady’s heart. ANX JKXSV'.X goes
to tho Naval Hospital every Sunday to entertain the patients Is that why Tom oame
bcU'K trom Conneetieut? Kl.l.KX H.VUKX apv'earevi at the St. J o e ’s game in a pair of
shorts The rest of the orowd was wrapped in blankets. We hear HAHVKY HKSVKKM.VX has been looking at M.lKll.YX .MrUK.VY thro u g h his r ea r viewer. (.'HKT
KATASKl will go bivke if he keeps up his hourly “ coffee w atc h ” with a different
I'revel gal every hour. Coffv'o is up to
cents now.
l.irV l.K I'llX'HKKS H,\VK lUt» KAliS and 0, J. is no different. W ord reached
me that >1 VKY l'AK»U>ia, is leaving school this weekend, lousiness or Ple asure .*
Also Kl l.Y
is foot loose and fancy free us the old sayiuir coes. J A l'K and
JM I went up the hill while iJVXUUJK is in P uerto Kico.
We would like to compliment the Orexel coeds They did the impoi^sible as they
wHiked by a couple of stom'-faced prv'fessoi-s. all eyes followed W h v t K nitted suits
of com-^e
And speaking v'f clothes JAYXK S.VVll.KK had on quite an outfit the
other day
We know it's vv-vrm. but . . .
. We und ersta nd the Oxmen wen? o u ’
picking up the wash at the I'sn He! Mouse this wtvk
Has anvoue st'en a
b a n v lle d sUug shot*
Spring fever v'r IxaseK-ill must have IHH' KHi> Vnv:s in its crip. Never b e V ’^e
h»s it
kr.ow« fv^r him to forget to vH>me to clasps .\lAvbo he < h ir iu '- ’he abse-'»
miudexl pu'fessor stagv
' ‘‘
KK V \K I K\>NAKl> w.^s overheard dtscus^siug the iV'ssiMlities of
i s~ov«.er^
unique w*x Or.\v trv'uMe was the seat hi: him on the hesd
He w ^ r
at S I K N opiiuon
OVM l'U n iA s,vr. iv.u'hir.i furr.itnr^ v >> s
ThetA Oh\ jvtrty.
‘ ‘“
f ^ s o d d e d G b B e 6 i c i d P»”ei5
of Technology. 32 d
college ye r P i.
tL-^ Ac: c.rM irch 5’ 1S-«J A
»n Philadelphi .
-r fsi ii:
c o n i m u n i c j ' i n n - l u r n i s l i c x i ujxm request. A
E iicr.
B50RIPT10.N §1
PKK yT\ ' r
correH>onder. .
: C'v-e^-ijiri’v ji
i .
’‘H'mions expressed in signed cohnr •
tI..^,* 0 1 the Institute
or of Ttii: T kiw cii:.
> * .• 1 .^ 5
'■>" »
J I O V WKKKK S<vv^ :hAt f j i M :» rA brJo as Mer.
to ugh ?tme
^.er s;'rutg scvUl c*Iet;d*r NOKM BKXN is :rv - - -o . v - T e the ,cvr.tiUv
svrvtvj: M*tivvs in the ,Afe;er.A
Vhv S*Kr.v.u>s
The D r e x e l T r i a n g l e
ivivire>cs is 4>th M irk e,,
I: .
C iestr -':
‘ P h ra J e nhil
V AK>IV\ V \K lK V U :s io - gh:
st*r^ uv tfc^
....................... pr.j.„ki
, .........................
e J
«w< vy jitt jr-f*
MUMV tftimt
chi™ vtonsiiy
N.'--ra Brr.rt
Hotter^ to the g
.......... ..
,• •tun. no. { i
.x-vf-x. >_.r
.1.u»o l\Mrx.
' ............................ Walt Ktfiche
v:>‘ ,.h«An. l>i\W rheMSiuo-
le e GoIJsboroup’
..................W. X. McMulla-
April 23, 1954
Page 5
John Reiss did a terrific job organizinpr the “S tring Party.” Each
couple had one hand tied to his
p a rtn e r’s. The object was to wrap
the string around a peg while fol­
lowing It from the s ta rtin g point
to see which couple could success­
fully find the other end of their
particular string first.
R. DIetterich received a basket
full of goodies from Jeannie Cotton­
Don’t forget the V arsity Varieties
tonight and the House P arty which
More congratulations to: Joe
Michalak and Chris Borkowski;
George Sides and Shirley Parthemore; Jack Buckwalter and Luanne
Pellnitz, all of whom are recently
pinned. Slow down, men, I can ’t
hand out congratulations this fast.
It seems th a t some gremlin
pledges (or Kubit) are working
overtime; several brothers are w ak­
ing up in the m orning with bright
red fingernails.
Beware Pan-Hellers: Lou Forconi is trying to reorganize the
water brigade.
See you all a t the 1954 Varsity
Congratulations to Pat Patterson
on her recent pinning by Ron
Henry. We understand Ron cele­
brated the event by ta k in g out
someone else. I t w asn’t Brunhilde.
Seriously, our best wishes to you
Also in order are congratulations
to alumnus Clint Robertson and
Barbara Van Sciver, who became
Mr. & Mrs. last Saturday.
Our thanks to Ju dy Vogt and
Shirley Bunting, who helped to dec­
orate for the Lodge p arty under
their dates’ supervision.
Don’t be a frumpf — join the
crowd for the biggest and best
Spring Weekend ever.
Let Bill
Franck know by this Satur(hiy.
Late, but sincere best wishes go
to Phyllis Jones and Donna Wetzel
on their engagement, and to Cathy
Black, Ginny Lenderm an, and Lu­
anne Pellnitz on th e ir pinnings to
Jim Clift. Walt Greene, and Jack
We all want to welcome our new
members: N. Adams, J. Aimen, R.
Baldadian, C. Boland, H. Callas, L.
Crawford, N. Crow, A. De Vito, M.
Eshelman, E. Haden, B. Hill, R.
Kramer, G. Lenderm an, C. Scott,
and W. Wilcox. Congratulations.
Don’t forget next Monday night
is election and installation of of­
ficers at the Pan-Hel House.
For two weeks now, we’ve been
a chapter instead of just a colony.
At the installation Banquet the
alumnae presented us with a silver
tea service which we hope to use
soon. After dinner at the Lodge,
we danced to the music of Bud Tem­
pleton’s orchestra. That same eve­
ning, Pat Patterson and Ren Henry
were pinned.
Many th anks to Sigma Pi and
Lambda Chi Alpha for their con­
Monday night the following were
elected: B. Robinson, Pres.; J. Turnesa, Vice-Pres.; J. Kulp, Secy.; B.
Kraftschik, Treas.; S. Kroener,
Pledge Director; S. Payne, Regis­
tr a r ; B. Parsons, Reporter; L. Mar-
C A V A N A U G H ' S
3128-30-32 Market St.
loe, Historian; X. Wetty, Monihorship and Rush Chairman.
Congratulations to Doris Krau.ser
upon her recent engagement to the
“man from Lehigh.”
We are all sorry to hear that
Ellie Comer is ill. Here's hoping
for her speedy recovery.
Say, have you seen that cute pho­
tograph cf Dee that is floating
aro u n d ’.' Why not pin it on tlio
bulletin l)oard so everyone can see
Tonight is the party at the Signui
Pi House.
See you all around
eight; and don’t forget to wear
While waiting for Dudrear to go
after Teddie . . .
Glad to see A1 Henderson safely
back from his unexpected journey
amongst the Pineys—a good exam­
ple brothers of what not to do.
Spring must be here—Gene Ferry
and Ja n McAbee engaged, and Russ
Chaney pinned to Carol Ginther—
even Henry had a date.
The “Trees” is sure to bloom this
season, with Jim Boten’s “home” in
Detroit, records and all.
Thank you Theta Chi—and don’t
forget the Varsity Varieties.
C. I . P r e s s e r C o .
3524 Market St.
Complete Line of
Hardware 8C Electrical
Call EV 2-3115
West Philadelphia's Most Famou.
B a se b a ll S a s a
by George M cG o rm an
The setting itself was placid;
now and then an exciting breeze
rippled thro u g h the flag. It con­
tin u ed down to blow across t h e
jerseys of the athletes -this is the
real pro look. If you could see past
the photographers, broadcasters,
well-wishers and various o th e r
su p p o rtin g “ all-in-a-day’s w o rk ”
crew, you might see a nwin
stretched out on the bench as only
a pro can be. He gave or tried to
give, the outward appearance of
relaxation, nonchalance. His eyes
gave him away. They shifted at
first aro u n d the little cave t h a t
housed him. then, almost as an
a fte rth o u g h t, or more, it gave the
impression that someone had called
his name.
He looked woiuU'riiiKly across
flie longest diagonal of his b ark
.vanl to fho base of th e
H<*re lie IhiKored only m o m en ta r­
Slowly, carefully, liis view
ascended, as if t<» notice every
inch, every sc ar idonj; tin* way.
I’erh a p s h e w ent all the way to th e
S tars and Stripes, b u t he did not
j*ive th a t feeling;. His naze seemed
to sto p Just sh o rt of Old (Jlory at
a b a re section of pipe, indeed
wher<‘ yours does so often.
w istful smile eanie to his lips as
if he eould picture th e buntinf>even now. No m a tte r how h a rd
yt»u tried you could not shan* his
dream .
T he force is his mind,
since pow er an d experience were*
n o t o u t of the (|uestion, m u st have
been sp irit. Spirit— th e ri« h t comb in atio n of h o ller an d ^iits.
The th ird m a n ag e r of the White
E lep h an ts bro u g h t his glance back
to the realm of reality. In front
of the dugout the “ exciting” a t h ­
letes were playing catch.
He called them in for a few
words and sent them out, running,
mind you, to their positions. This
is the secret of hu rtle running.
And th e boys could run.
They were still run n in g when
they went on offense.
U n fo rtu ­
nately, the hoys from Bean-borough were throwing and a guy
nam ed Spook was out by fortyeight feet. But you can see through
this to the chief claiuj for fame
not w hether you’re out or safe,
hut wiiether you hustle or not.
Critical observers w ere p ro m p t­
ed to w onder w h eth er a couple
of lads nam ed Henna an d itollw eg
h ad been inform ed t h a t they were
no longer Yankees, fo r even in
<lift’eren t clothes they h it and
llelded like the p arent club.
The game itself was exciting
and pleasant, save for a moment
of m u tu al sympathy for the sore
wing of the meal ticket. He w’as
ushered out quickly an d replaced
by someone who could be mis­
taken for J. Van Gleason IlL
A few anxious m om ents,
b u t you could tell th a t th e Sox
w ere being *‘out-hustled.'* A ctu­
ally th e outcom e was never in
<loubt, especially to one “ Ozark
Ik»«” who found him self a fte r th e
Kame only llfty-nine .short of some
reco n l. He too, co n trib u ted th e
“ play of th e day.” Most observ<*rs ajjreed th a t th e ball h i t by
IMersall would have been a single
in any league, b u t slick fielding
by (lus held Jim to a triple. Holieve me, fans, th ere is never a
“ ro u tin e o u t” to left in Philly.
The shadows were covering half
of the infield when the oldest nian
in baseball, if not in captivity,
came down with a screaming line
drive for the twenty-seventh out
and before you could cheer th e A ’s
were still ever hustling out of the
park. If you watched closely you
saw Joost sneak a deflant look at
the flagpole.
W h a t m o re c o u ld a g u y ask f o r ?
C o l l e g i a n s
'A r r o w
B o w l e d
G a b a n a ro
O v e r —
F its
S a y
P e r fe c tly
T he S w e e th e a r t o f P i K appa P h i a n d
fo r
Sports Shirts F eature Exact
Collar Sizes and Sleeve Lengths
According to college mei?., A rrow “ G abanaro” is
the best-fitting sports sh irt on this and every cam­
p u s — w ith built-in com fort . . . neater, sm arter
lines. “G abanaro” features a wide range of colors
in washable rayon gabardine.
R IC E a n d H O LM A N
' m ----------------------------------------TRADE (TOMARK
Merchantville 8-2200
Vic Melada, Sales Representative
Page 6
Fruterniiff How
of iL Week
by Joan Osman
May I introduce to you Miss
Nancy Sherer, a Hophomore in the
five year business adrninlHtration
course, whose beatity and likeable
personality last year won her the
title of Sweetheart of Pi Kappa
Phi. It is quite understandable
why this attractive co-ed with her
dark brown eyes and contagious
smile was born and raised in Hol­
lywood—-th at’s in AbinRton Town­
ship, I’a.
\ a n r y has Just pa.sNod h er
biHhcIay and stands at
a pretty flv<! foot, six Inrhos. H<*r
lovrly r<*d h air rcvoals th at she* is
of Scotrli-lrish dcscrn l.
Hi)>ina Kpsilon rlaini.s Nancy as an
activo nicnibcr, and slic is also a
nicnibor of llic hiisint'ss start’ of (ho
(Continued from Page 5)
A round of applause for A1 Plncu.s’ mother, who just had a baby
boy. in.s fatlier also deserves con­
Was glad to see so many pledges
at the I.F. baii(|uet. Hope you en­
joyed it.
.Toe and Pace are after a date for
Spring Weekend.
May the best
“Ann” win.
Let’s all get out for Kano prac­
tice. We’re in the home stretch.
r.asi Tuesday, Alpha Delta Chap­
ter celebrated its ,56th birthday here
at Drexel. We marked the occa­
sion by having a Founders’ Day
banrjuet on Thursday night in the
Ryder Club. Our alumnae and hon­
ored guests joined with us for a
lovely evening.
Congratulations are in order for
Mary Soars who became engaged to
Pill Martin, and ,Ian McAbee who
became engaged to Gene Ferry.
We are looking forward to a great
party with the Tekes toniglit and
a terrific show by the Varsity Club
tomorrow night. See you there.
Bouquets to the
Council for
Apr*! 23, 1954
a dandy banquet and a very good
speaker. W'edding bells in the off­
ing for Brothers Faunce, Petley,
and Musgraver. (Does this estab­
lish a trend?) Wish to report that
Glen Doan has recovered afte r drop­
ping a shot on his toe.
Joe Willard was caught stud ying
- he’ll be more careful next time.
Yardstick and Alpha Pi Lambda
tie season is now in full swing. The
pledges seem to have stiff necks as
they walk away from the house.
Why do they keep looking around?
Congratulations to Irv Beidleman
and Edna Whittle, who are en­
gaged. Best of luck.
L et’s back the softball tea,,,
We wish to extend our h t
congratulations to our neuHass. I never saw
thu siastic about p a i n tin g ' f
be the Pan-Hel H ouse’ '
" '
Paul Hasenstab, our new i
m anager, deserves a lot of
He is doing a swell job
Willie and his commiUoo
social calendar off to a fin" 1,
last week. D ont’ forget thn ,
this F rid a y for the A l p h a t u
Bobbie, do you still havo V).',,. E.G. pin?
T o d a y 's
is t h e B e s t C i g a r e t t e
E ver M ade!
After much prodding she ad­
mitted that last year she was on
the d ean’s list because of her high
marks. After graduation Nancy
hopes to do personnel work for
the American Stores Company.
\a n c y likc*s to spend lier free
tlMH* playing pinjr-ponK, altlioiigh
she is also an onthiisiastic football
fan; dram atics, ^witinji for th e
school publications and playin;; th e
piano are also in ip o ila n t pastfinies in this busy g al’s life.
Nancy has expressed many pref­
erences and favorites in both ta n ­
gible and intangible objects. In
her classmates and friends she
seeks prim arily the tr a i t of sin­
cerity; on campus she is especially
fond of crew cuts and at lunch
she likes shaggy-dog jokes. Her
preferences in music range from
“ pop” to senii-classical, and she
especially likes program s like
“ Dance P a r ty ,” a S aturday night
variety disc jockey show.
favorite pop-singers are Mario
Lanza and group singers like the
Ames Brothers, F o ur Lads, and
the Gaylords, while her favorite
record is “ The Happy W a n d e r e r,”
Pizza pie and its popular compan­
ion beverage ra te high in Nancy’s
food favorites, alth ough she likes
most Italian foods and Is crazy
about subm arine sandwiches.
The movies she liked best were
“ From H ere To E te r n it y ” and
“ Roman Holiday” and the stars
she likes most a re Gregory Peck
and Audrey Hepburn. The topic
of MEN brings a very enthusiastic
light to Nancy’s eyes; she prefers
tall men who trea t a lady like a
lady; she sincerely believes that
“ Little things mean a lot." Nancy
also looks for qualities like hav­
ing a good sense of h u m o r and
being able to dance.
Nancy feels she cam e to Drexcl
especially fo r th e benefit of th e
cooperative prog ram a n d enjoys,
as do m ost Drexel stud en ts, th e
inform ality of th e course in “ Ad­
vanced P asttim e« ” h eld daily in
Drexel’s court. Nancy claim s she
h as m any p et peeves b u t h e r great*
est are ag a in st those who talk
w hile a television set is on, who
ta lk too loud an d too much, and
w ho are la te fo r appointed m e et­
ings. Nancy also m en tio n s a n ex­
trem e distaste for tu rn ips, tea, and
a d m in istra tio n
So now th a t I have introduced
Nancy Shere to you, why do n’t
you Introduce yourself to her,
she’ll be waiting for you in the
s t e
r f i e
l d
f o
e !
Univ. of
Idaho '5 4
The cigarette tested a n d ap p ro v ed
years of scientific tobacco research.
" C h e ste rfie ld s fo r
b y 30
e ! "
Tiie cigarette witli a proven good record
with smokers. Here is the record. Bi-monthly
examinations of a group of smokers show no
adverse effects to nose, throat and sinuses
from smoking Chesterfield.
C h e s te rfie ld s fo r
u s e. 56
Tile c ig a re tte t h a t g iv e s yoo proo f of
^ a l ‘ty -lo w nicotine. For the taste
w ant—smoke America’s
a ^ R
o puLar 2 -w a v
o i g a r ^
Cop7ri«l>( 1954, Loom ft M m i TomccO Ca
April 23, 1954
Page 7
R e b e ls B e a t C o b ra s
T o G a in
T ie fo r L e a d
Dan P ro m islo ’s Rebels upset
Vic Q u a tt r i n i’s Cobras, 48-40, to
th ro w th e league lead ership into
a tw o-way tie betw een the teams.
The G u nners of Bill H arley copped
th e ir first vic tory a t th e expense
of J o h n L o o m is’ Bearcats, 69-47.
The le ague s ta n d in g s to date
show th e Rebels an d Cobras with
identical logs of tw o w ins an d one
loss, w ith th e G u n n ers an d B e ar­
cats brin ging up th e r e a r a t 1 win
a n d 2 losses.
Rebels-C obras tilt was
For a
closely contested th ro u g h o u t, with
the victors h olding a slim 24-22
halftim e edge. A scoring duel be­
tween Promislo, 20, and Bob Ranonis, 18, proved an interesting
sidelight. Danny had able assis­
tance from F r a n k R apprich and
H a rry S arajian, both 10 point con­
tribu tors, while Jo e Scafaria threw
in 12 tallies for th e losers.
In the second affair, both teams
showed exceptional skill from the
field d u rin g th e opening half. The
second portion told a different
story, however, as the B earcats
offense slowed to a halt.
w inners produced 4 double-figure
men in Campbell, high m a n w ith
20, H arle y, 16; W hite, 16; and
H u n ter, 11. The losers w ere paced
by Seher w ith 20 and Zabaga, 10.
it's th e
m%im (iniLLE
Cor. oi Race and Spangler St.
We deliver.
Cindermen Beaten
In Initial Contest
Call EV 2 2064
Save 10% ^— Buy M eal
Tickets Now
S unday 9 A.M. to 8 P.M.
Open Daily—7 A.M. to Midnite
$400.00 EASY
WE NEED a campus agent to sell na­
tionally advertised Drawing Sets and
Slide Rules to entering engineering
freshmen this fall. Tremendous prof­
its. Free posters and brochures.
CO.. P.O. Box 114
Canal St. Station. N.Y.C. 13, N. Y.
^ x t r e m e i^ f^ o iite l ^ u s i c
C h e l t e n h a m 2 7 9 7 -W
Co-Captains Jan Campbell and Joan McCool set sights which helped
win Championship.
iwiriH Hifte Team
(Continued from Page 1)
Tho roiiiaiiiinfr inoinborH of tlie
sq u a d a re J o a n McAbec, M arty
Miiiidt, a n d B e tty Loomor, th e
first tw o sophom ores, a n d th e h it­
t e r a fre sh m a n a n d th e only nativ e
I’h ih idelp hian .
The coaches for the team were
C a pta in D ingm an and S ergeant
Roberts, p u tt in g in th e ir second
an d th ird years of coaching r e ­
Both men a r e very
likeable an d easy to get along with.
Needless to say, these qualities
aided im m ensely to the success of
th e squad.
D ingm an was on th e pistol team
a t th e U.S. Military Academy,
while R oberts, in his eleventh year
in th e service, is an expert w ith
the rifle a n d carbine.
To h elp illu s tr a te th e h a r d w ork
of th e g irls It m ig h t be w ell to
n o te th a t u n til la st year, ch a m ­
p io n sh ip firing h a d been done only
in th e p ro n e position. I n th e space
of tw o y ea rs th e B lue a n d Gold
h av e h a d to becom e ex p erts in
firing fro m tw o new positions.
P ra c tic e fo r th e te a m w as h eld
a n y tim e d u r in g th e day or eve-
BATH TOWEL .................................... 1.00
Regular $5.00, now
See our complete line of jewelry, fountain
pens and pencils, and Drexel clothing.
T h e ta Chi dominated play in the
I.F. Softball league d uring th e past
weeks by topping D elta K ap p a
Rho 7-0 last week and following
w ith a 10-8 win over th e Tekes.
T he Tekes, previous to this loss
had rolled over the Samm ies by
th e score of 15-1.
Apple Pi, meanwhile, topped
Sigma Pi 21-4 while L am bda Chi
took the m easure of Delta K appa
Rho 14-7.
T he gam e of the week saw T h eta
Chi’s Auggie Campiglia sm ash a
ho m e r w ith a te a m m a te on base
to b rea k a 7-7 tie with the Tekes,
and pave the way to victory.
Campiglia led his team a t th e bat
by h ittin g two singles besides his
ho m e r u n in four trips. Dick
O k ad a w as high for the Tekes with
a single, double and triple in four
In our comfortable home-like sur­
roundings you will hear your favor­
ite selections played for you on
“High Fidelity” systems such as the
Stromberg-Carlson “ C u s t o m 4 0 0 ”
which was selected by the great
Leopold Stokowski for his own use.
S ee T hem N o w
T h e ta C h i W in s
T w o , C lim b s in
S o ftb a ll L e a g u e
and be introduced to “High Fidel­
ity”—the new, different electronic
medium which reproduces in your
home, music truly faithful to the
original recording.
ning, for irre g u h ir ro s te rs a n d
o th e r activities h am p ered a com ­
p le te te am g e t-to g eth e r fo r p ra c ­
tice sessions.
As illu strated by the above data,
it was tru ly a wonderful season
for the girls. High expectations
reign for next season, b u t th e re
are still vacancies for any girl
choosing to give the rifle team a
try. P ractice and try o u ts a re held
a t the in d iv id u al’s convenience.
mfl Ofl zi nes
After an absense of one season,
the Drexel cindermen m ade an in­
auspicious re tu r n to the big time
by absorbing a h o rre ndou s 107-17
defeat a t the hands of LaSalle, one
of the best team s in the East. J o h n
Mentzeli led th e D ragons in scor­
ing by ta k in g second place in both
the 100 a n d 220 yard dashes,
while Dick Heffelflnger tied for
first place in the pole vault. Coach
Dick L yster is hoping for b etter
results in the sq u a d ’s next meet
a t P.M.C. next Wednesday. L e t’s
all rem e m be r th a t track needs
m ore sup port th a n any o the r
spring sport.
i^ a e r o H H v
(Continued from Page 8)
size, and e ith e r scored or passed
off for a score.
The first half
ended with the score 6-5, Drexel.
The third q u a r te r was a see-saw
affair in the scoring d ep a r tm e n t
which saw nine goals ripple the
nets but n either team could m a rc h
out front to a com m anding lead.
As th e whistle sounded ending this
q u a r te r the scorebook read 10-10.
T hen cam e th e final i>eriod,
w hich saw little sco ring as com­
p are d w ith th e first th re e b u t
w hich co n tain ed an ovei*whelmhig
a m o u n t of body contact.
W ith
a|ipi'o\inuitely fo u r m in u tes r e ­
m a in in g in th e gam e th e Kpnu>n
missed ih e ir biggest op p ortu n ity
of th e day as two P en n players
fouled a n d w ere p u t In th e penalty
box. T h ey failed to score a t th is
p o in t on tw o shots an d P e n n sy l­
vania gain ed possession of th e ball
a n d h eld It u n til th e tw'o p layers
re e n te re d th e gam e. T h en w ith tw o m in u tes a n d 4."J seconds
rem a in in g P e n n ’s G ibson faked
his defensive m an a n d scored to
clinch th e gam e.
Ed N eum an and P e n n ’s George
T ra u tm a n ended th e day with five
goals each, while Carl F u g m a n n
scored three.
The S w a rth m o re gam e might be
sum m ed up in two w ords: rain and
W right.
The game played in a
heavy rain t h a t m ade r u n n in g a l­
Sw arthm ore. All A m erican Orville
W rig h t figured in 11 of 13 goals
as he scored six and assisted for
five more.
Swai'thm ore h ad tho gam e Its
own w ay in th e first h a lf an d w e n t
off th e field a t th is tim e leadin g
7-0. H ut th e Epm eii w eren ’t fin­
ished. Tiiey cam e on th e field a n d
scored 5 tim es w h ile giving
S w a rth m o re only tw o goals. E d
N eum an w as th e s p a rk o f th e rally
as h e scored twice a n d assisted
twice. S w arth m o re, how ever, u n ­
leash ed W rig h t ag a in a n d h e d u ­
plicated N eu m an ’s fe a t w ith 2
goals an d 2 assists w hich proved
to bo too m uch fo r th e B lue a n d
Gold te am to overcome.
You will be entranced by the
almost unbelievable “concert hail
WALNUT 2-5153
5:30 P.M.: SATURDAY—9 A.M. TO 2 P.M.
Lvon & flRmoR
147-51 North 10th Street
over to the Hot Shoppe
tonight after the show
for jiffy-quick Curb Service.
Heavenly food, dow/n-to-earth
prices. Open 'til 1:30 a.m.,
Sunday thru Thursday, and
'til 3, Friday and Saturday.
Used and New
Ho t S h o p p e s
"F o o d fo r th e W hole F am ily"
3427 W oodland Av«.
28th and H U N T IN G PARK AVB.
Garnets^ Penn and Balto,
Win Over Lacrossemen
by George Taylor
APRIL 23. 1954
The lacrosse team for the past week a n d a half completed tlie
biggest h urdle in th e ir season as th e y lost decisions to the Universitv
of Baltimore, S w a rth m o re and th e U niversity of P en n sy lv a n ia by 9-7
13-6 and 12-11 scores. The S w a rth m o re g a m e w as a thorough rout
while the E pm en fo ugh t Baltim ore an d P e n n on even te rm s for three
qu arte rs only to tire in the final stanza.
H ampered by the lack of reserves th e E p m e n c o u ld n ’t withstand
the onslaught of the University of B a ltim o re a n d en ded on the short end
of a 9-7 score. Led by the steady an d h u s tl in g play of Captain Carl
F'ugmann the Drexel squad led for a lm o st th e e n t ir e first th r e e periods
The Dragons s ta rte d fast as F u g m a n n scored j u s t 10 seconds after tlie
opening whistle and two m in utes la te r Ed Moore scored on a pass from
Fugm ann.
T he lack of reserves
show ed up a t th e end of every
q u a r t e r as th e Baltim ore team
cam e back each tim e and tied the
E n te r in g th e la s t 15 niintos of
action , th e score w as tied at ((
go als each , a n d th e fact that the
U niv ersity of B a ltim o re had two
conipI(>te te a m s w h ich could be
used xvithout an y w orry, began to
sliow v ery rea d ily . Two quick
goals by th e v isito rs J im Korniici
a n d Bill A llen .seemed to clincli
th e g a m e b u t th e E p m en battled
back a n d sc o re d a g a in as Ed Xcu.
m an whip]>ed a sh o t the Bal­
tim o re g o a lie to b r in g th e score
to 8-7.
Hoxvever, th e y couldn’t
o v e rta k e th e v isito rs as the game
en ded l>-7.
The b r ig h te s t light from the
Drexel s ta n d p o in t w'as the play of
F u g m a n n , w ho h a d th r e e goals and
Two games at one time, a typical Spring Scene a t 46th & H averford.
two assists.
AVednesday a t th e University of
P e n n s y l v a n i a ’s R iver Field, the
la crosse m en
d ro p p ed
tou gh decision by losing to the
Q u a k e r te a m by a 12-11 score.
The D rexel te a m s t a r t e d out like
they w e re go in g to m a k e a runa­
R unning tru e to pre-season prediction DrexePs golf team is off to
way ou t of th e gam e against the
P e n n te a m , w hich is said to be one
a flying start. U nder the grinding eye of Professor McMains the team
of th e best th e y have ever had. At
has rolled to consecutive victories over LaSalle and W est Chester. The
th e end of th e first q u a r te r they
shining light for Drexel th u s far has been Mike DiVenanzio who is led by a 5-2 score. During this
undefeated in the two m atches shooting a 72 and 69. Also u n defeated
period, E d N e u m a n consistently
are Captain F ra n k Gryn and George Schneider.
w ent by th e defensive men. al­
Playing LaSalle in the opening ________ ______ _______
th o u g h th e y w ere a lm o s t twice his
LACROSSE on Page 7
match Mike DiVenanzio got Drexel
off to a fast start by touring the D r e x e l B e a t e n
course on 7 2. defeating his man
T e n n is b y S t r o n g
5-4. F ra n k Gryn playing No. 2
also was victorious. George Sch­
F o r d s a n ft S t . J o e ’s
neider playing No. 3 d efeated his
While going winless in th e ir
man 4-3. Len Sheppard playing first two matches, the Drexel netIn th e se p ta g o n a l college sail­
No. 4 coasted home to the tu n e of men showed som e promise of ing m eet held at Cooper River
an o th e r good season, possibly
t^-4. Charlie Seemiller playing his
tw o w eek s ago th e Dragon sailors
equaling last y e a r ’s 6 and 3 log.
took first place h o n o rs in club and
first competitive m atch was de­
Though being soun dly tro unced
also in d iv id u al crexv honors. Boh
feated 1 up. George M urray play­ by H averford. S- 1 . th e team lost
L u n d s te a d t a n d R ho a dy Green
ing sixth was upset in a n o th er to one of the best ag gre g atio n s in
ca p ta in e d Drexels A a n d B crews
close match. 1 up. This made the the East, as well as th e nation, to
th a t sailed th e Firefly class boats
w'hom they lost last yea r by a 9-0
final score Drexel 6 LaSalle 3.
to 75 po in ts in six two heat races.
count. The St. J o e ’s defeat was
L u n d s te a d t a n d h is crew Bob
The match with West Chester
by a closer, but still too great
T o in a sse tti en d e d w ith one
proved to be a little tougher. score of 5 U -S .
th r e e seconds, one t h i r d a n d a di.^iDrexel winning 5 to 4 . Again
In the H av e rfo rd m atch. Marv
qu alificatio n . T h e B division ski])DiVenanzio played brilliant golf
l>er. G reen , h a d f o u r firsts, a
to tu rn in a one u nd er par 69. in Shectman. Blue and Gold first
man. defeate d Ru dy W inston in
th ir d a n d on e f o u r th to end up as
defeating a top collegiate golfer,
first in o v er-all p o in ts.
Henry McQuiston of West Chester. th ree sets to clim ax a sp arkling
M arty Cherry. Ed
It w a s n ’t alw ays Drexel how­
Captain F ra n k Gryn d efeated his perform ance.
Berman. Bill Piercy. W e r n e r Ull- ever for th e y had to fight an up­
man in a close match 2-1. Best
hill b a ttle to come from behind to
ball went to Drexel which gave us
their single’s m a tch e s r a th e r de­
o v e r ta k e H a v e rf o r d . and St. Joe’s,
3 points. Len Sheppard playing cisively.
and th e n L ehigh by the end of the
third was defeated in a tough
In doubles com petition, the
fifth race. F ro m th e n on Lund­
match 2 - 1 .
George Schneider
ste a d t and G reen sewed it up hy
playing No. 4 had little trouble te am s of S hectm an an d Berm an.
Piercy and Bruce Yelland. and Bill
ta k in g a second a n d first respec­
in winning 5-4. Best ball went
to West Chester. George Murray Taht and H erb Brown w ere also
T ra ilin g th e D rag o n s in the final
was mopped up 6-4. and Charles spellbound by th e H ave rfo rd power
and won nary a match.
to ta ls w ert‘ I^'h ig h , 6 4; HaverSeemiller triu m ph ed in th e final
^ The team fared b e tte r against
match for his first victory.
ford, « 0 ; St. Jo es., 55 ; Lafayette,
^aint Josep h's as th ey were led
4 4 ; P e n n , ,‘17: a n d Sxvarthmorc,
once again by Marv Shectman. who
o n e m ish ap m arrtni the
A p p l e P ie s W in T w o tu rn ed in a n eat 6-0. 6-0 victory co uOnly
d u r in g
th e
in the first m atch.
Cherry and
S w arthm ort»’s A te a m of Sandy
In P i n g - P o n g L e a g u e U lr ic h , who won their first T ra u b a n d J a n e Mt>ody capsi/etl
in th e fifth r a t v w h en they witc
I-ast we^k saw limited action matches of the year, were the onlv
ca u g h t n a p p in g as a g u sty wind
in the Inter-Fraternity Ping-Pons oth e r singles victors. Tagged with
oauglu th e m a n d o v ertu rn ed ihc
league. Alpha Pi I ^ m M a took two th e losses were Piercy. Berm an,
matches, winning with identical 3-1 and Yelland.
Last week th e D ragons were
scores over Phi Omega and Sigma
In the doubles, the Dragons
to a tte n d a t r ia n g le r meet
Don Schneider and Frank
D r^ c h le r carriexi the major part of picked up half a point a fte r su f­
Sheepshead Bay Long Island b’H
tiue to th e inclem ent w eather ’he
the Kad for last year's champions. fering two defeats, as the last
The Theta Ch' s played and lost match was h alte d by d ark n e ss with
Coast G uard insisted th a t the ra e
two matches; dropping a 3-1 dehe called off.
Drexel leading.
cision to D^!ia Kappa Rho. and
On the I a n d 2 of May the Drexel
The squad plays th e ir next
pushing Pi Kappa Phi 10 the fifth
sa ilors will trav e l to Annapolis^.
game befotv leasing 3-2. Dick Lunn- match at M uhlenberg this Friday
Maryland to be th e guests of
blad came up with iw wins 1for and expects to win in a close con­
Mid’s frotn th e Naval Academy
the Oxmen 10 remain undefeateil
and to race in th e ir a n n u a l Spring
I n v ita tio n a l re g a tta .
D ra g o n s M a s te r F o u r o n D ia m o n d ;
T eam
U n d e fe a te d
by Don Margolis
Dfcxt’Ts hanl-hillinK l)aHol)nll Hquad Hleiiiiirollorpd to four straig ht
IrtiimpliH (luring I1m> past two weeks to stretch tlieir 1!»54 iuniiif; streak
to six in a row. St. .losepii. Ihimers of South Jersey, llaverfo rd. and
I'eniisylvania .Military (’oilef-e all bowed to the powerful HraKons. who
hoast a team hattiiiR average of .:!0 t.
Cell*' IIUK blasted a single, a double, three triples, and a home run
against St, .loe's. Rutgers and llaverford. while (leorge Meyers hom ered
Mike I’ulscak had :U strikeouts in 1 i) 2/8 innings of
pitching plus a singh'. two doubles and a triple in six times at bat in
the four games.
Kd IMetrzak was .Hnimy llr«>\virs choice to start on S aliirday, April
10. aKainst llic lla u k s from ('Ity liiiie, and a f te r a shaky sta rt, th e bin
ri^lit liander lield (he visitt>rs in
clieck tlirouKli the sixth inning.
Mike I’ulscak came on In (he seven(h and really slammed tlie dttor
shut as he fanned sU of (he nine
nuMi he faccil in his three Inning
si int.
.Meanwhile the Dragons pumThere is a new face out at the
meleil two Hawk pitchers for nine
ticld house this spring. It he’oir:s
runs In the second, third, and
to .lim Mrown. the likeable baseball
fiiurth Innings to settle all doubt.
ccacb. .lim is from rhilatlelph’a.
’I'ht'y picked up two in the sixth
where he attended South I’hiladeland two in the eighth to win going phia High and Temple IMiiversity.
ilug led the attack with
.lim has had quite a co'.orful
two triples and a double while sports career. While at Temple he
nietterich chipped in with three
played both baseball and basketba'l.
In his senior year. ISKUJ. lie led the
iMt Wednesday, April 14, the
Kastern Intercollegiate Conference
Hlue and I5i>ld routed Uutgers in scoring and wai> named to the
(,'ollege of South .lersey 7-1. be­ all-star team. He later played with
hind the four hit pitching i>f Pul- the Hostou Celtics and the Detroit
scak and l.ou llerwig.
Kagles when they won the "World's
batted in four runs on two doubles
Pro Title" in liUl.
and a single to lead the Uragons.
Cur i\ew coach has also had
llaverford threw a scare into plenty of baseball background. He
the Dragons last Monday as they has been in the Yankee and Detroit
held a 1-1 lead for tlve innings systems where he played with such
before the locals roared back to te ams as Toledo and Binghamton.
capture their tlfth straight victory,
During the war. ,lim played at Nor­
I’ulscak came on in the bottom of folk Naval Training Station. Among
the seventh with two on. one out.
his teammates were Bob Feller and
atid the score lied at ti-t? to retire
Sant Chapman.
the side attd thou became the bene­
Ueceutly, Mr. Brown has coached
factor of a six run eighth inning
in the Philadelphia school system
to bo the winning pitcher.
and otlU'iated Uwil baseball and bas­
The I'ords plcktnl up (wt» in th e ketball games. This past seas mi he
(list an d twt) in the second olT refereed in the Kastern Basketball
startlu}! pitcher r io tr /a k , w hile
Huj: >i\>t t*ne iMick with a trt>niendoiis
foot honu' run th a t
clejirt'ti th e fence in tleop left ivnte r lU'ltl. H avorfonl Uh! u n til the
sixth w hen Herwijj IvittiMl in two
ru n s w ith a siu);le and D tan d lo r
stHirt'tl D ietterich frt>n» th in l on a
>>it»untler that ti»Hl the si'ort' at
»-l. T h e Konls look th e lead at
The diamond Dragons will put
.VI in th e ir half, but the lUuo
their undefeated record on the line
t;**Ul lH>unetHl Iwu'k in the sexenth
next wtH'k against an old and a new
on H oarint's thirtl tH>usecutive
rival; traditional enemy Delaware
single to left tt> S't ahead
and the Plying Dutchmen of Leb­
.\>:ain th e hom e team ti»nl the anon Valley.
stH*rt\ but in th e ei)chth th e l>ra*
The Blue and Cold have been
)(ims tallitHl six tintes on four hits,
playing a brand of Iviseball to date,
thrtH' om »rs and thrtH' w alks to that is, to suiy the least, top notch.
settle th e issue.
Hujs ha»l two Mike Pxilsoak has provided stronsK ill's on a 4tH> fiH>t triple to dead arm pitching and Gene Hug. with
tv n te r tleUl. The game was oallod a homer, three triples and a double
at th»' end of eijjht with Drt'xel in the last two games, has been
ah e ad l2-t» Invause of darkness. providing the extra base hits th a t
On Wednesday the Dragons count.
In contrast to Utst year, the team
travele d to Chester to rev'ord win
has exhibiteil a tight defense fea­
n um ber six over T.M.O. The Blue turing several sivtrkling plays.
Uold scored four runs in the top
Civich Jimmy Brv*wn and his team
will travel to Newark tomorrow to
of the first and were never headed
.“is they won 7-1.
I'ulscak won meet the Blue Hens on their home
grounds. The Dragons will be the
his fifth of the season while he uttdenlogs due to Delawares fine
fanned IS. IVniMes by Chandler r^HH^rd and their 1-0 defeat of the
and Vrbau and a homer by Meyers I uiversity of Michigan, last s
featured the four run oulbuntt. v.vllegiate champions.
fine pitching and clutch hitting
Cilbert singled home Dietterioh in
will prvwe a tough nut for the
the fo u rth with run numbor five. Dragons to crack. l.,asi year’s 16-5
Jv'dy Ambrosino led off the P.M.C. deficit by Drexel will give the Blue
Hens addevi incentive ami points to
half with a home run to right
hammer and tongs v-ontest.
center field for the Cadet's only
The Plying Dutchmen will visit
score of the day, Tulscak ao- 4^th and Haverford for their sevx>nd
oounted for the final two tallies game of the ^t^aso^^ with the B’.ue
in the eigh th when he unloadeti a and Gold. The Dragvnis won the
trip le over the center fielders previous g»nu' 4-S at l^K^non Val­
ley on the four-hit pitching ,'f Mike
intlscak ar.d five time’.y bincles
N ew Coach
Is'O ld Pro'
Delaware is Big
Threat to Stop
D.I.T.Win Streak
S ix
G am es
Linksmen Take Two Matches;
Win Over LaSalle and Rams
Dragons Scuttle
Visiting Sailors