I nternat. J. Math. & Math. Si. Vol. 5 No. 4 (1982) 745-762 745 EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF FUNCTIONS ON FINITE SETS CHONG-YUN CHAO Department of Mathematics University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 CAROLINE I. DEISHER Department of Mathematics Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana, PA iReceived ABSTRACT. By using 15705 June 31, 1981 and in revised form June 7, 1982) Plya’s theorem of enumeration and de Bruijn’s generalization of Plya’s theorem, we obtain the numbers of various weak equivalence classes of funcD D tions in R relative to permu.tation groups G and H where R is the set of all functions from a finite set D to a finite set R, G acts on D and H acts on R. We present an algorithm for obtaining the equivalence classes of functions counted in de theorem, i.e., to determine which functions belong to the same BruiJn’s equivalence class. also use our algorithm to construct the family of non-isomorphic fm-graphs We relative to a given group. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. algorithm, Enumerations, equivalence classes of functions on finite sets, fm-graphs. 980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. I Primary. 05A15 Secondary. 05C30 INTRODUCTION Motivated by Carlitz’s work in [i] on the invariantive properties over a finite field K, Cavior ([2],[3]) and Mullen ([4],[5],[6],[7]) studied several families of C.Y. CHAO AND C.I. DEISHER 746 These equivalence relations can be equivalence relations of functions from K into K. Let described in more general forms as follows: R D on D be the set of all functions from D (I) Let H, and H and be a permutation group acting on f,g c R D. (a) When g(d) H for every G, When G (c) When i.e., H, G H f,g g i.e., u-lfu and g equivalent to and a H T G relative to T-Ifo such that g, f is said to be right equivalent to f is said to be left equivalent to g g. fu is the identity group, relative to R. There are three subfamilies: D. d is the identity group, relative to (b) o c G be a permutation group acting G is said to be weakly f if and only if there exist a T-if(d) i.e., R, into n}, {l,2,...,m}, R- {1,2 D-- T-If g g. g is said to be similar to f g, relative to G. (II) and H, Let R D f is said to be strongly equivalent to if and only if there exist a G o and T E H relative to g such that fu g G and f--g. Clearly, all of these relations above are equivalence relations. One of Cavior’s and Mullen’s main results was to obtain the number of equivalence classes of functions over Plya’s K relative to symmetric groups, and to cyclic groups. theorem of enumeration and de BruiJn’s generalization of Here by using Plya’s theorem, we shall point out that the numbers of various weak equivalence classes of functions in R D relative to G and H can be obtained. We shall present an algorithm for ob- taining the equivalence classes of functions counted in de Bruijn’s theorem, i.e., to determine which functions belong to the same equivalence class. associate each function with its incidence matrix. Our method is to Various weak equivalence re- lations correspond to products of matrices, and from the entries of the incidence matrices, equivalent functions can be obtained. cycle indices of the permutation groups. family of non-lsomorphic fro-graphs Our algorithm does not use the We use our algorithm to construct the relative to a given group. equivalence classes do not appear to be obtainable from theorems. Cavior, in Plya’s The numbers of strong and de BruiJn’s [2], obtained the number of strong equivalence classes relative EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF FUNCTIONS ON FINITE SETS We apply our algorithm to strongly equivalent functions. to the symmetric groups. With the help of Plya’s 747 and de BrulJn’s theorems, our algorithm enables us to deter- strong equivalence classes relative to some subgroups of the sym- mine the numbers of metric groups. 2. THEOREMS OF POLYA AND DE BRUIJN. Let {1,2 D be a permutation group acting on a set G ,m}. Since every permutation can be uniquely written as a product of disjoint cycles, the cycle index of G field of rational numbers and xlxj for xjx i b I I<I G +/-s the order of and b u for disjoint cycle decomposition of THEOREM i. finite set D into a finite set a function from R g Q, [ PG( rR wCr), rcR he defined on with g(d) f(d) D R Consequently, F where each is in the w be is a commutative ring with an identity con- G W(F), i D, be a permutation group acting on G (This relation is an equivalence relation. total patterns, denoted by x m m be the set of all functions from a and a relation {F}, b I x 2 2 D R Let if and only if there exists a disjoint equivalence classes m: 1,2,...,m. i R’ where R’ into raining the rational numbers f R, is the Q is the number of cycles of length i (Plya [8],[9],[i0]). b where x m 1,2 i,j PG (’2’ "’’’) "7 G x I where Q[Xl,X2 is defined as the following polynomial in D R such that for every d D. is partitioned into is called a pattern.) Then the F WCF) F where PG (w(r))2,..., [ (wCr))k,...) is the cycle index relative to (1) reR G. If w(r) I for every r e R, then the number of total patterns is IXF W(F)l P(IP,.I,IP-I,...,IRI,...) where IRI is the cardlnallty of THEOREM 2. (2) R. (de BrulJn [11],[12]). Let D R be the set of all functions from a C.Y. CHAO AND C.I. DEISHER 748 D finite set f and a relation R a permutation group acting on o e G if and only if there exist a g every be defined on e H and a Consequently, {F}, where each F tltloned into disjoint equivalence classes be such that rg(d) f(od) with (This relation is an equivalence relation. D. d D R H D, be a permutation group action on G R, into a finite set R D is called a for is par- pattern.) Then the number of total patterns is z-- [pG( evaluated at H If z z I cardlnallty is Let D be defined on tion D "D D valence relation. Consequently, F be a permutation group acting on G such that for every o e G where each with is called a o -I f(od) D D of o for for every f d e D. D, g whose and a relaif and only (This is an equi- Then the number of total patterns is m i=l J cj j i The number of equivalence classes in of) fo and the number of c.l (4) in the disjoint cycle decomposition i is i=lH (j i D c j D f e D m of fo 3. g e D and D D theorem. 1,2,...,m. i such that (3) is partitioned into disjoint equivalence classes is the number of cycles of lenght c. f g(d) pattern.) I oeG where )] Plya’s be the set of all functions from a finite set if there exists a {F}, 3(z3+z6+...) then (3) is (2) in R, group acting on into itself, m e 0. 2 is the identity THEOREM 3. Zl+Z2 +’’’, e 2(z2+z4+’’’) PH(e z3 cj) i is D I (number of functions f such that For details, see [7]. AN ALGORITHM. Let G and H be permutation groups acting on {l,2,...,n} respectively. tion in D R said to be relative to D {l,2,...,m} and R For convenience, we shall call the weak equivalence relaD are f and g in R G and H the G-H-relation, i.e G-H-related if and only if there exists a o e G and a T e H such that EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF FUNCTIONS ON FINITE SETS T -i g(d) f(od) d e D. for every Clearly, it is an equivalence relation, and D R Let G* is partitioned into disjoint classes each of which is called a be the n permutation group corresponding to n all (O,l)-matrices A n m G, permutation group corresponding to m m (aij) H, related if and only if there exist a P e G* A H, be the set of G*-H*- are said to be Q e H* and a be the consists of exactly one B and H* I and A where each row of G-H-class. G*-- G, i.e., H*__ i.e., Two matrices i and all other entires are zero. 749 -I PAQ such that B. I Clearly, this relation is an equivalence relation called a G*-H*-relation, and G*-H*- is partitioned into disjoint equivalence classes each of which is called a class. [13], Similar to Lemma 1 in THEROEM 4. for i ai,f(i) is a bijective map, and (2) preserves the for (i) Clearly, bi,g(i bi,g(i i for for i IRDI III m n Let and a T ai,f(i) Then b i, P m, and f e H 1 -if(i) Let and i (Pij) respectively. i Hence, belong to the same g such that bi,g(i for and B If B, A then ai,f(i)-- Since is injective. I (f) g, for i A 1,2 (aij) - (qij) n(g) and B (bij) and all other entries 0. ,m 1,2,...,m and all other entries i Q-- T-Ifo G-H-class, i.e., there exist a 0. be the permutation matrices corresponding to By using the properties of permutation matrices, we have (PAQ-I) ij for all (g) is bijective. (2) with and 1,2, g. i.e., f I. (aij) with ai,f(1)-(bij) with A 1,2,...,m and all other entries 0. i with G*-H*-relation in (f) and 0, (aij) Then and the Let is well defined. and all. other entries 1,2,...,m i D R G-H-relation in A A where and all other entries 0. 1,2,...,m, i (f) be defined by (i) PROOF. i D R * I : Let we have It s 1,2,...,m and j Pisastqjt Piuauvqjv 1,2,...,n with i auv u (5) aoi,;J and Tj v. But since all C.Y. CHAO AND C.I. DEISHER 750 --0 aoi,T j T-if(ol) Hence, except (PAQ -I) and PAQ -I B, G* n say -IA and A and B 0, except n and f - A Q e H* and a ai, f(i) (PAQ-I)ij for for (B)ij 1,2,...,m, i PAQ (bij) and g, f (aij) I in with I ai, f(i) i -li, m-lf(i) B in I. Let and to for P-- (plj) respectively. From Theorem 4, for each and g are G-H-related. (Qij) Q and Then B e I PAQ -I) iJ are T-If(oi). g(i)’ G-H-class. and all other entries 0 n(f) (A 0 z e H, and every G o 1,2,...,m and all other entries i exists, there exists a unique i- 1,2,...,m Now for every f). is called the incidence matrix of a for f T-if(ol) belong to the same g RD exist a for i- 1,2,...,m. 1,2,...,n, and J or 1 bl,g(i J and f(i) ] -i all (PAQ ai,rJ’ except m n is biJective, i.e., 0, are n (PAQ-I)ij From our Theorem 4, we know that for each A G*-H*-class, then there Since (5) 1,2 i T-ifo i.e., B. 1,2,...,m, i for 0. 1,2,...,m and all other entries i -i Since by g. J i.e., belong to the same G*-H*-class. B such that I for i fCol), TJ 1,2,...,m, i-- belong to the same Also, all the entries of B Since for i,m-lf(oi) and Conversely, if P i aGi,f(ol) determine a matrix be the permutation matrices corresponding -I B and A and there exists a unique B are n-l(B) g G*-H*-related. in R D and f Consequently, we have the following algorithm for obtaining all equivalence classes, i.e., for determining which functions are in the same equivalence class: Step i. Select any D f e R and write Ste_. For every a e G and every _ii, T -If (l) m, f(m) z e H, compute a-Im, -if (m) a-I 2,-If(2) Each computation determines a function in f a a2,f(2) al,f(1) D, R and the equivalence class containing consists of these distinct functions. Step 3. Select a function in obtained in Step 2. D R which is not a member of the equivalence class Repeat Steps i and 2. Continue the process until every function 751 EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF FUNCTIONS ON FINITE SETS in D R appears in an equivalence class. EXAMPLE i. {TI (i), T2 Let {c G (12)} (i), I {1,2%. R act on (23)} u2-- D act on {1,2,3} and H Then the cycle indices of G and H are, respectively, i Pc(Xl,X2,X3) (x3 + I XlX2) and 1(2 Yl + Y2 )" PH(YI’Y2 D Therefore, by using (3), the number of weak equivalence classes in R 8 functions in D R is 3. If the are given as fl f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 i i i 2 I 2 2 2 i i 2 I 2 I 2 2 I 2 i I 2 2 i 2 then the algorithm can be used to determine the 3 classes so that RD {fl,f.8} k {f2’ f3’ f6’ f7 } U {f4,f5}. 4. Let APPLICATIONS. We consider the weak equivalence classes in RD D f}. and C(f) f R {(u,T) e G H; T-Ifu of the product group THEOREM 5. D R G H. Clearly, C(f) The cardinality of the weak equivalence class Hence, G and H. is a subgroup G x H. relative to the groups group relative to the groups II G H and is equal to the index of containing C(f) f in in the product divides The proof is not difficult and hence is omitted. COROLLARY 5.1. in D R The cardinallty of the right equivalence class relative to the group G is equal to the index of the subgroup containing C(f) f C.Y. CHAO AND C.I. DEISHER 752 The cardinality of the left equivalence class COROLLARY 5.2. D R in m-if {me H; f} H. in COROLLARY 5.3. in f containing D R in o-lfo {o e G; C(f) GI. The cycle indices for many families of groups are known, e.g., see p. 36 in A. [9]. divides C(f) INf. divides is equal to the index of the subgroup 15] f containing equal to the index of the subgroup II Hence, G Hence, G. is The cardinallty of the similar class relative to the group f} H relative to the group f In particular, the cycle index of the cyclic group C q of order on q p points is q PCq (Xl’X2’’"’Xq) #(i) where is the EXAMPLE 2. q+k acting on Euler’s phi-function. Let <(123...q)> G be the cyclic group generated by G be the permutation R of the right equivalence classes in z-- [PG(-I ( Xq+k) group acting be the identity group acting on N (123...q) Then points. PG(Xl,X2,... xq,Xq+I, Let i q on D {l,2,...,q,q+l,...,q+k {l,2,...,n}. Then, by D R relative to (e --) m (6) Xl). G m} and H using (3), the number is: n(zl+z2+...+zn+...) )]Zl=Z2=...=0 q I (#(i)n i nk). (7) qiqT In particular, if tity group acting on D D relative to G 1 G <(1234)> 1 R D, is 825. acts on D {1,2,3,4,5} and H is the iden- then by (.7) the number of right equivalence classes in We show the following: (a) There are 25 right equivalence classes each of cardinality 1. algorithm, the function corresponding to By using our 753 EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF FUNCTIONS ON FINITE SETS ali is not changed for (b) any a3i a2i GI, o m 1,2,...,5 i i a5j a4i and 1,2,...,5. j There are 50 right equivalence classes each of cardinality 2. (1234), o 2 all for i # J, 3 (13)(24), a2j 5 1,2, i,j (1432) and a3i-- a4j and 4 o to i a5k 5, 1,2, k (i) Applying we have a4i alj a2i a3j a5k I, (8) a3i a4j all a2j a5k i, (9) a2i a3j a4i alj a5k i, all a2j a3i a4j a5k I. (i0) and (Ii) Since (8) and (9) are the same as (i0) and (ii) respectively, there are () 5 (c) 50 right equivalence classes each of cardinality 2. Since by Corollary 5.1 there is no right equivalence class of cardinality 3, the number of right equivalence classes of cardinality 4 is 825-25-50 Our results in this example with in <(1234)> I coincide with the results on p. 113 [12]. EXAMPLE 3. acting on q+k Let <(123...q)> be the cyclic group generated by H points. Then the cycle index of R {l,2,...,q,q+l, left equivalence classes in H {l,2,...,m} and H D the identity group acting on ing on G 750. n}. q+k is the same as be the group (6). relative to N lq [n + iq @(i)km]. H Let G <(12...q)> Then, by using (3), the number D R (123...q) N be act- of the is given by m (12) i>l In particular, let be the group <(1234)> G be the identity group acting on acting on R D. D {1,2,...,5} and H I Then the number of left equivalence classes 754 C.Y. CHAO AND C.I. DEISHER D D in H relative to is 782 by using I By using our algorithm, the function corresponding to We show the following: a15 where Then with a l,z a -i a 2,z -I 3) -lj 1 a 3) -lj 2 a 3, (z 2) -lj 3 a 4, (.z 2) -lj 4 a 3, (z 3) a 4, (z 3) -lj 4 a 4 a3, J3 a2’J2 ai’Jl a 3, 2, (z 2) -lj 2 2, (z z- I-]3 a a i, (z 5 I ’J5 1,2,...,5. k J2 I, (_T2) -lj i a a (.1234), we have T Jl I 5 Now consider a3’J3 a4’J4 a2, J2 are not all 5 for Jk as. a45- a35 a25 is in an equivalence class by itself al’Jl (12), or hy using (3) and (7). _lj3 a 4, -iJ4 a 5, (.z2) -lj 5 i, a 5, (z3) -lj 5 i, a ’J4 i, 5, -i J5 5 ’J5 All of the functions corresponding to the above matrices are different and therefore, Hence, there the cardinality of the equivalence class is 4. equivalence is only one class of cardinality i and all the others are of cardinality 4, that is, there are 782 i 781 equivalence classes of cardinality 4. Our results in this example thus coincide with the results on p. 353 in [4]. Thus, the incidence matrix of an out-degree at every vertex is i. to the set of m x m que fm-graph. Let X and I that f -graph if the m A labeled directed graph with m vertices is said to be an B o X 2 matrices G I. Conversely, every matrix in be a permutation group acting on m fro-graph I determines a uni- Two points are said to be G-isomorphic if and only if there exists a maps the vertices of directed edges, i.e., a directed edge in X I. [oa, ob] XI onto the vertices of is a directed edge in A G-isomorphism of X I X2, X 2 and belongs o fm-graphs o G such preserves the if and only if [a,b] onto itself is said to be an auto- is 755 EQUIVALENCE CIASSES OF FUNCTIONS ON FINITE SETS AI Let A2 morphlsm of X I. spectively. Then it is well known that and P there exists a permutation matrix XI and G, c of e for 1,2 i EXAMPLE 4. classes of to J i -I (13) i in the disjoint cycle decomposition .... ,m. Let f3-graphs <(123)> G act on O relative to is, {1,2,3}. Then the number of nonisomorphic by using (13), I [(1.3) 3 By using our algorithm, we have the following nonisomorphic ii. PAIP i is the number of cycles of lenght i such that i.e., the number of nonlsomorphlc m eG i=l c u e G is I where 2 we may use (4) to count the number of non- isomorphic classes of fm-graphs relative to G re- points into itself is in one to one cor- m fro-graphs, classes of f -graphs relative to m and are G-isomorphlc if and only if X corresponding to a Since the set of all functions from respondence with the set of all XI be the incidence matrices of + (3.1) i + (3-1) i] f3-graphs relative G: i I 1 3 2 (ii) (i) 2 by using (iii) (iv) (viii) 3 (v) (vl) (vii) (ix) (x) (xi) EXAMPLE 5. {1,2,3}. 3 2 Replace G <(123)> in Example 4 Then the number of nonisomorphic classes of (13), 1 [(1"3) 3 by the symmetric group S relative to S f3-graphs + 3((1.1) (1"1+2"1) l) + 2(3-1) i] 1 7, 3 3 on is, and the nonlsomorphic C.Y. CHAO AND C.I. DEISHER 756 (relative to f3-graphs S 3) (i), (ii), (iv), (v), (vi), (viii) and (x), i.e., are: (ii) is isomorphic to (iii) by (23), (.vi) is isomorphic to (vii) by (12), (viii) is isomorphic to (ix) by (13), and (x) is isomorphic to (xi) by (23). By applying (4), de BruiJn in [12] obtained the number Nm valence classes relative to the symmetric group k m J m S (e) i--1 k k which satisfy i are given by N I, I N I + 2k2 + N 3, 2 (k +mk n 7, 3 ikl) -I i where the first summation is over all m-tuples tegers as m kj) (ki! j +/- N I k2 (14) of non-negative in- k m N The first few values of m. 47, N5 19, 4 of similar equi- N 130. 6 m Formula (14) [2, p. 128] concerning the number gives the answer to the problem posed by Cavior in of similarity classes relative to the symmetric group. C. in D D group on [2], On p. 129 in relative D. to’ S m Cavior obtained the number of strong equivalence classes S and where m {l,2,...,m} D S and is the symmetric m Here, with the help from the theorems of P61ya and de Bruijn, we apply our algorithm to obtain the following theorems. THEOREM 6. Let ,m} {l,2, D where D be any permutation group actin 8 on and D R m H <(12)> be the group and H one function, i.e., the number of strong equivalence classes is 2 Then every strong equivalence class in Let PROOF. f f be any function in R G relative to and R is an odd integer, (aij) Af {1,2}, acting on G R. consists of only m. be the incidence matrix with a2,12 al,i I and all other entries 0 where i m,im is either i or 2 for k 1 a a3,i 3 using our algorithm, the right equivalence class relative to sists of the functions corresponding to the set of matrices a _i 0 a I ,i I _12 ,i 2 a-I 0 3,i left equivalence class relative to G containing [Af; s e G, Then, by f con- and and all other entries 0}. i a-i 3 1,2,...,m. k The m H containing f consists of the set of matrices 757 EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF FUNCTIONS ON FINITE SETS {ATf; H T e and a i, entries 0}. (12). Since m a i _i13 {-lil ,T -I i2 3, T odd, the set is a a _ii2 2, I -i m, T -I m} # {i I i2,...,im i and the right equivalence class relative to H IRI IDI 2 from a finite set H D, is and H con- {f}. is m. In [8], Theorem 5.3 states: the domain G for G to f containing Consequently, the number of strong equivalence classes relative to IRDI and all other i i m Hence, the intersection of the left equivalence class relative f taining -i Let {l,2,...,n} D S be the set of all one-to-one functions n onto itself, G be a permutation group acting on be a permutation group acting on the range relation relative to if there exist a G H and e G and a S in T n e H D be defined as follows: -If (ad) such that and an equivalence f g(d) if and only g for every D d Then the number of patterns (equivalence classes) is [PG(I evaluated at z z I z 2 z2 __._ z 3 ,...) PH(Zl,2Z2,3z3,...)] 0. 3 (15) is also equal to PG(Zl,2Z2,3z 3 evaluated at Let (12 p p) z z I z 2 be a prime, D acting on (15) )] (16) 0. 3 be the cyclic group G {l,2,...,p}, H and C P of order generated by p D. be the identity group acting on By using (15) and Corollary 5.1 restated for one-to-one functions, it can be shown that there are order C P p. is (p-l)! right equivalence classes in S (p-l)! C relative to P Similarly, the number of left equivalence classes in S and the cardlnallty of each equivalence class is P each of relative to P H These results p. are in agreement with those concerning permutation polynomials over finite fields ob- talned by Mullen in [6]. THEOREM 7. q Let D {1,2 is an integer greater than (12...p) acting on D, (12...q) acting on R. and i, C q p} and C be the cyclic group of order P R {1,2, q} where be the cyclic group of order q is a prime and p p generated by generated by C.Y. CHAO AND C.I. DEISHER 758 (a) If q is not a multiple of C relative to C and If q (i.e., p D classes in PROOF. C and P C q (a) D D R qiqT Iwl p-i P C P q and + P qP. is, q ), then the number of strong equivalace C is P pP (p-l) I P pq, 2. (qp-l-l) T does not involve C q weak equivalence and there is one weak equivalence class having ip (x + (p-l)Xp) q(zl+z2+’’’) (P + (p-l)--) l(e q i PCq (Xl’X2,...,xq) IWI is and z. and + T) z P has no fixed points and ]ZlfZ2ffi (17) .=0 The reason is that every non- and p q are relatively prime. equal to IW[ = I qp + (p-l)q) Applying our algorithm to the function apl C and P i)and that there are PCP (Xl,X2,...,Xp) identity permutation in a31 C relative to by (3), the number of weak equivalence classes where the function is C relative to Since (i)xqi li, Hence, (17) C and classes each having cardinality =--I u R We claim that the number of weak equivalence classes relative to I is _-- cardlnal+/-ty q. D R consists of only one function, i.e., the number of q P strong equivalence classes in (b) then every strong equivalence class in p, i, I fl (qp-I D e R + P (18) I). corresponding to we have the weak equivalence class fl all- a21 consisting of the q functions corresponding to all a21 a31 apl a12 a22 a32 ap2 a13 a23 a33 ap3 alq a2q a3q apq (19) 1. Not counting the weak equivalence class above, we still have EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF FUNCTIONS ON FINITE SETS P (qp-I + P qP I) 1 -1 (qp-i P i) Z59 Since there are weak equivalence classes functions and since each weak equivalence class can have its cardinallty at 1 the cardlnallty of each of these pq, most P (qp-1 1) weak equlvalence classes pq. is Now we show that every strong equivalence class in R i’ C relative to C and P q Clearly, applying our algorlthm to each function in only One function. consists of D we have that each function belongs to a strong equivalence class" consisting of Let only itself. u i.e., there exist a f (.z-1)-lfe I where e z and a P and e C q fu e2-1fo But C C and P q D First, we consider the set claim that if S P C belongs to normalizer of f D R The cardinalfty of any right equivalence class in S u e C e2-1fu i.e., C C and P relative to in the group P f a pq, q C is i, to such that fu P is a normalizer of C g. Since f S f P Sp, C and D C exists. C is P C in S P P belongs to for every u C Let z fuf Since C P in f S P fu relative then C and P Let i. is in C P f f and such that g fu fo P in S and f is not normalizer of C P P P then the cardinality of the strong equivalence class containing f relative to C We claim that if p. is P p. Then there exists P Let is a normalizer of f We C and P C relative to P D. (fuf-1)f. We note that if p. is P P is also a normalizer of and q then the cardi- relative to be any two right equivalent functions relative to g C C and p Then Tf C T and since u e C P P P Consequently, the cardinality of the strong equivalence class containing f q f Since of all one-to-one functions in nality of the strong equivalence class containing and respectlvely. C and P qP. (b) f e2-1fu C relative to relative to i e., the number of the strong equivalence classes in RDI R i’ Assume g. Tf That is a contradiction, and the cardi- nallty of every strong equlvalence class in R is D has cardlnallty f (z-1)-lfe 1. g and g and not in could be the identity, and we would have z the weak equlvalence class containing (T-1)-lfel such that are the identities of 2 D R be strongly equivalent functions in in the same weak equivalence class in and I g C Then none of g. and and f S P be strongly equivalent functions, i.e., there exist g and f g. Assume that f g. Then neither C.Y. CHAO AND C.I. DEISHER 760 c nor fulf-i (ff-l) (ff-l) ...(fuf-l) ff and Tf fc is the identity, rl -I T. for is not the identity, Since 1,2,...,p, i f is a norm- i.e., g, and the cardinality That is a contradiction. Hence, f P and C is i. of the strong equivalence class containing f relative to C P P D then the cardlnality of the strong equiS and f We claim that if f e D alizer of C S in P p’ and C P P in classes of weak equivalence f valence class containing IWI sider the number relative to C I. is D D First, we shall con- relative to C C and P P By using (3), we have p(z +...) z P pp-2 Let ..lpl p P + (p-l)e P ]Zl--Z2=...=0 (2O) + p i. be the number of weak equivalence classes in Sp Cp relative to Cp. and By (15), we have I ((p_l)! + P can only Since a one-to-one function (21) (p-l)2). be weakly equivalent to a one-to-one function and since a non-one-to-one function can only be weakly equivalent to a non-one-to-one function lative to II the number C C and P II P [WI of weak equivalence non-one-to-one functions in apl I, tlons corresponding to D re- is [g P (.pp-2 + P Applying our algorithm to the function a31 D I) f2 1 e D ((p-l)! + (p-l) 2) D corresponding to we have the weak equivalence class f2 (22) a all consisting of p 2i func- EQUIVALENCE CLASSES OF FUNCTIONS ON FINITE SETS all a21 a31 apl a12 a22 a32 ap2 761 i, (23) a alp a a3p 2p i. pp II Not counting the weak equivalence class above, we still have equivalence classes of non-one-to-one functions in pP p! weak DDI Since there are Sp non-one-to-one functions and since each weak equivalence class can have p2, its cardinallty at most valence classes is P + D. D i p2[l_l p 2 II the cardlnality of each of these I weak equl- because p2[(pp-2 P + + P i) Similar to the proof in (a) with q i p, (.(p-l)! + (p-l) 2] p pp 2 p!. we may conclude that every strong C equivalence class of non-one-to-one functions relative to C and P consists of P only one function. [DDI We know that C in S is pP, p(p-l) P P strong equivalence class Sp[ p! and the cardinallty of the normallzer of (see 2.3 on p. 12 in [14]). Since the cardlnallty of the containing the normallzer is also a normallzer of and since every function in strong equivalence classes each of which has cardinallty C of f C P p. in P S in P S P is there are p p-i Since every other strong equivalence class has cardlnallty i, the number of strong equivalence classes in D D relative to (pP C P and C P p!) + (p! is p(p-l)) + (p-l) pP (p-l) 2. 762 C.Y. CBAO AND C.I. DEISHER REFACES i. Carlitz, L., Invarlatlve theory of equations in a finite field, 1953, 405-427. .Math. S0c. 7__5, 2. 3. T_ran. Ame r. 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